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TIWC Clarity Session


EPIC: Empower your Perfect Customer to Invest in Your Coaching

Your Big Payoff:#1 Fastest path to cash! Start selling your packages immediately, without a website!

Bigger Impact and transformation for your clients by selling high ticket!

More FUN: You have way more fun as you uplevel and support your clients to have even more results and deeper transformation! Win/Win!

Skyrocket your income Create committed fans even if they say no Discover marketing GOLD so that you can read their mind and create raving fans

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• Clarity is a huge gift in this conversation and they will feel/know/express it whether WKH\�VD\�\HV�WR�\RXU�RHU�RU�QRW����'R�127�XQGHUHVWLPDWH�WKLV�FRQWULEXWLRQ�

• Psychologically it is a proven researched fact we as humans do not move or change unless we are in pain. (need the tension)

• This is an inquiry: your job is to listen with an open heart/mind and ask questions. 80% listen 20% talking....

• This is NOT a free coaching/healing/working session (but it can be a healing experience when they are listened to in this deep way). You are moving from Help and Hope to Results and Commitment.

• You want a yes or no, you want them clear.

• You are interviewing them too!

• This conversation happens at a scheduled time, 99% of the time on the phone/Skype NOT at a networking event.

• Aim for an hour for the total session. In the beginning they will be 11/2 to 2 but if you are always on the phone that long you are now coaching. When you coach, they feel complete. It is a false sense of completion and they are cheated the long term transformation of working with you over time. They will get it from the next person who asks them to invest instead of you.

• You are the container of possibility, hope and safety. You have empathy and compassion for their struggle but you hold the hope and possibility right down to paying for your services to get their transformation!!


• If you want bigger transformations in your clients, they must invest in you for their highest and best

• You make more money, you ask for more investment, your clients invest more, they get a deeper transformation! Win/Win!

• Without sales, you do not make money, period.


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(This verbiage can be on your website/business card/said at networking events or on vid-eos)

“ Get really clear on your goals both short term and long term

I will diagnose the biggest obstacles that are stopping you

Tell you exactly what you should focus on to move forward

My best recommendation for strategy and the next steps you should take

My honest evaluation on what is possible for you and how far you can go based on your skills and goal

This amazing session will be recorded so that you have the ah ha moments, FODULW\�DQG�VWUDWHJ\�ULJKW�WKHUH�DW�\RXU�ȴQJHUWLSV��Ζ�JXDUDQWHH�\RX�ZLOO�ZDQW�WR�listen again. This session is worth $150/$200 (whatever your session is worth)

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Step 1: Open the conversation/enrollment sessionInitial greeting:

“Thank you so much for taking this time to meet with me on the phone, is this still a good time for you?” (add anything else that helps you and them feel connected. Keep this light)

Say this: “I am excited to get to know you more and my intention in this session is to see where you are right now. I will ask you a ton of questions so we can be clear about where you want to be. If I think there is a match for your needs we will explore how we can work together. Then I will make a recommendation based on our conversation. You will be able to ask me as many questions as you like. I promise that you will leave this call with immense clarity which helps you to take more strategic action, How does that sound?”


1) They need to see clearly where they are now and where they want to be and through your amazing questions you will help them to see it. This is the gift of clarity!

2) You want both anecdotal (feelings, story) and exactly where they are right now (results, numbers, concrete language).

3) It is your job to direct the conversation... you want them to talk about where they are stuck and the cost of staying there.

4) Most of your time is spent here, expect 30-40 min (This is your before picture, before they have had any of your transformation).

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5) ****Always ask CHALLENGE questions. These are the questions that reveal very quickly their deepest pain and problems. These are also the questions that help them get to immense clarity!

6) Challenge questions need compassion and acknowledgement from you that they DUH�GLɝFXOW�WR�DQVZHU�DQG�DGPLW���7KLV�LV�WKH�XWPRVW�JLIW�RI�FODULW\��

���<RX�GRQȇW�KDYH�WR�DVN�DOO�WKH�FKDOOHQJH�TXHVWLRQV��EXW�\RX�PXVW�DVN�WKH�ȴUVW�RQH�about cost. Play with them and see what kind of responses you get.

8) Acknowledge their pain/feelings! For example say: “Wow that must have been painful/frustrating/hard/scary”.

9) Take notes during the session!


Warm up questions:

Say this: “Great ok let’s get started. First I want to ask you what got you to sign up for this Clarity session today? Why now?”

Say this: “Ok so tell me more about your situation (income, savings etc). What is not working? What obstacles do you regularly come up against?”


• “How long have you lived with this?” • “How long has it been for you?”• “What has that been like for you?”• “Tell me more about that...”• “Why is this so important to you?”

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Challenge Questions:


“Ok, so I am going to ask you a challenging question. As your coach I promised you clari-ty. To help you get there I have to ask you challenging questions but they will help you to get super clear and I am committed to that for you...”

“What has the cost been for you around this? Emotionally? Physically? Financially? How PXFK�ZRXOG�\RX�VD\�VSHFLȴFDOO\�LQ�WKH�ODVW�\HDU"��ΖI�\RX�KDG�WR�JXHVV�KRZ�PXFK�ZRXOG�you say? In your relationships?” ��:KHQ�\RX�DVN�DERXW�ȴQDQFLDO�JHW�D�VSHFLȴF�QXPEHU��if they say they don’t know ask their best guess, it is probably accurate. Challenge them to give you a number)

“How committed are you to making this change from 1-10?” (an 8-10 means they are committed and are a potential buyer)

“Are you willing to push out of your comfort zone? Because I promised to give you my best recommendations to move forward and some of them will require you to stretch and grow”

“How much longer are you willing to live your life in this way?”

Clarity around what do they need or want.


Say this: “What have you done to solve this problem?” (you are looking for other coaching programs, what worked what didn’t work, what DUH�WKHLU�VSHFLȴF�SUHIHUHQFHV�RU�QHHGV��/RRN�IRU�VLJQV�WKH\�GRQȇW�FRPSOHWH�SUR-grams and this will need to be addressed by you as their coach when they ask about your testimonials or your success)

“What more would you need to be successful?”

Never assume you know what they mean when they talk about their needs.

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1) Help them see where they want to go, possibility. Help them see the solution they want (the after picture).




• “Where do you want to be?”• “What is your goal in the next 6 months for (your business, your income, your savings,

relationships, weight loss, etc. Fill in with your area of expertise)?”• “What is your goal for the next year?”• Ȋ:KDW�LV�\RXU�LQFRPH�ȴQDQFLDO�JRDO"ȋ�

����LI�WKH\�GRQȇW�KDYH�D�ȴQDQFLDO�QXPEHU��WKHUH�LV�D�UHG�ȵDJ�IRU�\RX��&KDOOHQJH�WKHP�on that...why not? You will see blocks and fears)


• “How do you want to feel?”• “Why is this important for you?” • “How would this (the outcome/result they want!) transform your life, family, income,

business?”• “What does success (or whatever they are after) look like for you, describe it to me...

paint me the picture”• “What do you want instead?” (if they give you another challenge or block) • “How would your life change if you had that?”


• “What has to happen in the next 12 months to be happy with your progress?”

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Step 4: Your Recommendation, Make an Offer, a Solution to Their Problem *XLGHOLQHV�IRU�<RXU�2HU��DVNLQJ�IRU�PRQH\�

1) You have helped them see the gap: where they are and where they want to be.

���7KH\�PD\�DVN�\RX�VSHFLȴF�EX\LQJ�TXHVWLRQV�DW�WKLV�SRLQW�OLNH���How much does it cost for coaching? What is your process? What does a session look like? How long will it take? What does it include? When will retreats be? What kind of results have you had? How do I get beyond all of this?

You can proceed with your recommendation. �ΖI�WKH\�KDYH�QRW�DVNHG�D�EX\LQJ�TXHVWLRQ�WKHQ�DVN� “How do you think I can help you?” or “Do you have any questions?” then proceed with


���)ROORZLQJ�WKH�VFULSW��ZKHQ�\RX�GHVFULEH�\RXU�RHU��JLYH�EHQHȴW laden description RI�ZKDW�\RX�DUH�RHULQJ���$GG�WHVWLPRQLDOV�RU�DK�KD�PRPHQWV�IURP�\RXU�FOLHQWV��GR�not only say my session is 90 minutes, we will do tapping....etc)

4) Summarize their challenge where they are now and where they want to go, let them know you LISTENED!

5) Remind them of their ah ha moments (both painful ones and the happy ones. ALL provide immense gift of clarity!

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1) Say this: “based on our discussion today your challenge is this (list some of the pains/challenges that you took notes on here) and you want to go here (their goal and use the feeling statements and concrete language that they used when you asked) and this is the strategy I recommend to get you there (give them some strategy points here from your process which you also discovered from discussion). To give you the greatest support to get you to (remind them of their goal again) I recommend my (name program or process or package) I can take you through it step by step, (pick one: so you don’t have to do it alone, or so you can get their faster, or so you GRQȇW�KDYH�WR�UHLQYHQW�WKH�ZKHHO��WR�VDYH�\RX�WRQV�RI�WLPH�DQG�HRUW����Here is what it includes �OLVW�\RXU�EHQHȴWV�ZLWK�WHVWLPRQLDOV�RU�DK�KD�PRPHQWV�IURP�FOLHQWV����If you want (state their goal) this is the proven process to get you there.


Based on our discussion, we discovered your challenge is you want more income, more savings and you want to feel safe around your money. This is the strategy I recommend to get you there: as you saw in your ah ha moment, you must work through your earliest money paradigm and clear the money programming of your parents and family. In order to see an increase in your income and to save more money, we will have to set clear income goals, and work on releasing the blocks to that income goal. As you UHYHDOHG�WR�PH�WRGD\��WKH�ȴQDQFLDO�WUDXPD�PXVW�DOVR�EH�FOHDUHG���$V�D�7Ζ:&��P\�VWHS�E\�step process will take you through each of these processes so that you can get to your goals faster. You already described to me how you have felt scared and frustrated for 10 years! If you want to reach your goals, this is the proven process to get you there.


Based on our discussion, we discovered your challenge is you want more clients and 10 would be awesome. This is the strategy I recommend to get you there: you need to master the skill of selling, get out from behind the computer, meet people at networking events, give them powerful description of what you do, get appointments for strategy sessions, start speaking to get more clients, and create a video mini series to collect names and emails to build your list. In my EPIC sales process I can show you step by step with scripts exactly how to do that so you can get there faster. If you want 10 more clients and even more than that, this is the proven process to get you there. (Or this is where you provide another resource)

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2) Do you have any questions? (they should be asking about investment at this point)

3) Say for all of this your investment is $___________ �JLYH�WKH�WRWDO��UHWDLO��LQYHVWPHQW�ȴUVW� 4) Pause for a moment

���1RZ�RHU�\RXU�VSHFLDO�VFKRODUVKLS�GLVFRXQW�IDVW�DFWLRQ�ERQXV���)RU�H[DPSOH��Since \RX�ZHUH�UHIHUUHG�E\�VR�DQG�VR��DP�RHULQJ�D�ERQXV�SULFH��VLQFH�LW�LV�P\�ELUWKGD\��want to gift you with, since I know folks who take decisive action are my best clients I am RHULQJ�D�GLVFRXQW�IRU�WKRVH�SHRSOH��(or whatever reason you may give a discount based on your service/product)


***Leave the tension and awkward silence. Say nothing until they talk again....(tension is internal from them and pressure is external from you...pressure means you are pushing too hard)

7) Let them ask the next question and go from there.

Follow up with next steps and close:

8) If you decided to say yes here is the next step (describe the next steps for them, YHULI\�WKHLU�LQIR��WDNH�FUHGLW�FDUG��\RX�ZLOO�ERRN�WKHLU�ȴUVW�VHVVLRQ�WR�JHW�WKHP�VWDUWHG�on their (remind them of their goal)

ΖI�WKH\�DUH�QRW�\RXU�SHUIHFW�FXVWRPHU�RU�WKH\�DUH�QRW�UHDG\�IRU�\RXU�FRDFKLQJ� RHU�DQRWKHU�UHVRXUFH���FRXOG�EH�\RXU�YLGHRV��\RXU�YLGHR�VHULHV��\RXU�IUHH�HERRN���If they haven’t implemented have them read the books on their shelves and work through it, work through the program they already have, or your resource is a person other than you.

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Step 5: Dealing with Concerns��EDVLF�LVVXHV�FRQFHUQV�SHRSOH�KDYH��

1) not enough money2) not enough time3) need to think about it


Ask: If it were not for the investment, would this be the program for you 1-10? See if they are interested and see the value. Ask them what would make it a 10? Begin to bring back the costs/commitment that they articulated in your discussion.


“During our conversation you told me it was costing you this and this, you told me you are committed at a 9 or 10, This sounds like something you really want and I want to support \RX�LQ�JHWWLQJ�WKHUH��'R�\RX�PLQG�LI�Ζ�EUDLQVWRUP�ZD\V�ZLWK�\RX�ZKHUH�\RX�FDQ�ȴQG�WKH�money to get what you really want. “

“Ok, so I am going to ask you a hard question. You said you want to change (articulate what they want from discussion) As your coach I promised you clarity. These kinds of questions help you get there....Are you willing to go another year living your life in this way?” This is a question \RX�QHHG�WR�KDYH�DQVZHUHG�IRU�\RXUVHOI��LQ�WKLV�TXHVWLRQ�LI�WKH\�JDYH�\RX�WKHLU�VSHFLȴF�issues then say it back to them...Ex: are you willing to go another year feeling like you have to drag yourself around because you have no energy?)

“How has not making the time to do this (whatever the solution is) costing you?” Make them give exact numbers/results.

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If not now when?

If not with me (or with this program) then with who (or which program)? I am committed to KHOSLQJ�\RX�ȴQG�D�VWUDWHJ\���

“Give yourself permission to say no” (then stay silent. Sometimes they need to know it is ok to say no, then they can get clear and may decide that your coaching is really want they want)

Need to think about it or I have to ask my spouse/Important follow up:

+RQRU�WKHLU�FRPPLWPHQW�WR�PDNLQJ�ȴQDQFLDO�GHFLVLRQV�ZLWK�WKHLU�SDUWQHU�RU�QHHGLQJ�WLPH��HOWEVER: 1) Ask: What do you think your spouse will say? (now you can help them with language to talk to their spouse)

2) Ask: “How long will you need to talk to spouse” or “how long will you need to think about it and are their any other questions I can answer for you?“

Remind them:

3) “I don’t want your brain clogged with yet one more decision for you to make. We are already so busy. So this is why I want a date from you so that you can choose yes or no and move on. Either way you will be clear.”

4) Set a clear date for follow up and put it in the calendar.

5) Give them homework: ȊΖI�ȴQDQFHV�DUH�DQ�LVVXH�EUDLQVWRUP����ZD\V�\RX�FDQ�JHW�FDVK�RU�WDS�on getting cash, watch my video on, visualize this, ask 2 people for sales, meditate on this etc.” 6) Send an email with follow up details plus include their ah ha moments and how that connects to your solution.

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So great connecting with you today! Here is the link to the Unleash Your Inner Rock Star Program so that you can take your time and see all that is included.

(what did they promise and by when) You said you would ask your 2 friends to see if they are willing to work through the program with you. Please let me know by Monday as we discussed who your partner will be and we will get you both signed up (making the suggestion that everything will go smoothly and she will indeed say yes and so will her friend) When you are ready and have found someone to partner with, please let me know.

***(Congratulate them for showing up for the call, it takes courage! Then remind them of what their challenges are, their vision and why your program helps them with that) You have come so far it is amazing and I so appreciate your willingness to be open and share all of that with me!! Now you can use this comprehensive Unleash program to work through that value piece so that you can charge what you are worth, stand FRQȴGHQWO\�DQG�FRXUDJHRXVO\�DV�D�K\SQRWKHUDSLVW�DQG�JHW�RXW�WKHUH�DQG�FUHDWH�WKH�ȵH[LEOH�NLQG�RI�EXVLQHVV�\RX�ZDQW���<DKRR�IRU�WKDW��

Let me know if there is anything else I can do or any questions you have.

Can’t wait to hear how this all unfolds!

Sample E-mail:

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1) Create an application for when you have a prospect so that you can learn more about them before the call! Also weed out potential people that you would not want to work iwth/are not your perfect client.


By retail price (from the script) I mean the largest amount you would LOVE to be paid. This is your stretch goal. For example: you want to earn $4000 for your 12 week package. But you are not quite there yet energetically and can’t start there. So this is your retail. You RHU�LV�WRWDOO\�:257+���N�EXW�\RX�DUH�QRW�WKHUH�\HW���:KHQ�\RX�JLYH�D�IDVW�DFWLRQ�ERQXV�RI�������R��������LV�D�ELW�RI�D�VWUHWFK�IRU�\RX�EXW�\RX�IHHO�PRUH�FRPIRUWDEOH�DVNLQJ�IRU�WKDW�amount. This becomes your bonus package price. This is only available on this call right now (or by the time of the follow up phone call).

I have an entire talk about this but it is beyond the scope of this call...all you need to know for now is that you need some kind of bonus, or scholarship in order to help them make a decision. Psychologically we love it. AND it helps you with your stretch goals. You create your packages with the max investment you would love to get paid and then you can create a discount that keeps it at a wonderful rate as well.

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