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ERIC NEWSspring 2015/16

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EuCo MILAN 2016 agenda


08.00 – 20.00 ArrivalCheck-in and registration at the Hotel

21.00 – 04.00 Welcome “Hawaian party” (con-bo package)Pelledoca, Viale Enrico Forlanini(coach from 19.00 for Combo package)


08.00 – 9.00 Breakfast Enjoy your meal at the hotel restaurant

09.00 – 13.00 ERIC Plenary SessionKeynote Speaker Holger Knaack, RI Director 2013-2015, Chairman of the RI New Generation Committee

Visconti hall floor -1 , Crown Plaza

14.00 – 16.00 Rotaract Business Workshop: Intel-lectual Property and Entrepreneurship – how to deal with it

Brera room, floor -1 , Crown Plaza

14.30 Free guided tourDuomo, City center, Castle

19.45 – 00.55 EuCo Opening Ceremony!coach from 19.00 to go and from 23:55 to come back

Old Fashion, Viale Emilio Alemagna,6


08.00 Breakfast Enjoy your meal at the hotel restaurant

09.00 – 13.00 ERIC MeetingVisconti hall floor -1 , Crown Plaza

14.00 – 16.00 Workshop - Leading the Organic Organisations of Tomorrow - with Patric Palm

Visconti room, floor -1 , Crown Plaza

14.00 – 16.00 Rotaract Creatives Network (RCN) EUCO 2016 Photography Workshop

Parini room, floor -1 , Crown Plaza

14.00 – 16.00 Rotaract Public Speaking Work-shop

Brera room, floor -1 , Crown Plaza

19.45 – 00:55Seven deadly sins party! (conbo package)coach from 19.00 to go and from 23:55 to come backTocqueville, Via Alessio di Tocqueville, 13

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EuCo MILAN 2016 agenda


08.00 – 9:00 BreakfastEnjoy your meal at the hotel restaurant

09.00 D2042 tours! “Como”, “Bellagio and Varenna”, “Bergamo” de-parture at 9.00 from Hotel

09.30 EUCO CUPFootball tournament 5vs5“Sporting Corvetto”, Via Fabio Massimo 15/4

10.00 Free guided tourDuomo, City center, Castle

12.00 Service: San Vincenzo food collectionIstituto Gonzaga, close to Milano Central


19.30 - 3.00 Gala Dinner and party3 course dinner, wine open bar, coffee


07.00 – 10.00 BreakfastEnjoy your meal at the hotel restaurant

11.00 Check outWe know you would love to stay longer but that is the time to say goodbye.

Check-out is not permitted after 11.00 extra changes may apply

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1) How did you decide to host euco in milan?

The idea of EuCo Mi-lan was borned in June 2013 when a skilled In-coming RDR of MDIO 2041-2042, Francesco Ascioti, decided that Milan and Northern Lombardy had to be as ambitious as possible

and try to do the best possible for our Districts. He chosed to be in charge of this as I was the only Rotaractor crazy enough to believe in this project.

We lost our first bid at the 2nd voting round with the fellows of Bucharest and the year after we ap-plied again with almost every available vote from CRs.

2) What has been your biggest challenge while or-ganizinig this event ?We faced many challenges.. the two biggest were: (i) managing the budget with increasing and un-planned costs and fixed price tickets; (ii) coordina-te a team without being exactly sure of what peo-ple should do perform the activities (some of them quite complex or not clear)... and doing everything with a positive attitude :)

3) What is the stangest question you received from a participant ?I would like to know if Mister X is coming.. I would not like to be alone at the party (YES, luckly you will be able to skip merting the other 550 participants)

4) What are you the most proud of?Hosting a one thousand people event with a group of pe-ople that has also to work and care about their families... it was not easy at all! This will last in the memories of many rotaractors, and in particular of many rotaractors from my club and my district

5) What is your best souvenir and why? Gathering together people from 50 countries and almost 350-400 clubs it’s something that is more unique than rare

6) Give us 3 atjectives to de-scribe this eventGlobal, exciting, unique

7) What would you suggest to the next organizer ?Create a good team with motivated and positive fellows, do all of your best... and hope it will be enough :)It will be for sure one of the most exciting activities done in your life so far


Create a good team with motivated and posi-tive fellows, do all of your best... and hope it will be enough :)

European Conference 2016

Welcome to...

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I had the opportunity to take part in the organisation of EUCO and I do believe this is a great story, worth being told.

A few people know that last Saturday night, in Milan, one thousand people co-ming from every corner of Europe were having dinner altogether. Yes. You have got it right, one thousand. Mainly young people aged 18 to 30, representatives of fifty nationalities.

EUCO is the Rotaract European Conven-tion, and Rotaract is the young branch of Rotary, that – in turn – is the association, philanthropy foundation and the most important service of the world.

Well: EUCO this year took place in Mi-lan, and the strings vibrating among the round tables of Crowne Plaza in San Donato were vibrating as never before. It was a week full of emotions, started on Wednesday 20th and finished Sunday 24th.That was a visionaries’ work: visionaries such as a professional named Edoardo Guida, President of HOC the organising committee. A Leader like Francesco Ascioti, District Repre-sentative of the year when Milan gained the appointment of hosting EUCO. Great women as Veronica Bradaschia, Italian and President of ERIC, that is the European Ro-taract. All of these people are less than 30: and these records show you a meaningful figure of their value in being able to achieve all that. And – since I know them personally – I can give witness.

Because, you know, those one thousand young people are representing a clear and really concrete snapshot of a generation standing off across the reality we are experien-cing. The young people having taken part into the organi-sation, such as those landed in Milan for the “five days”,

did it because they love Rotaract. They were absolutely not obligated by job reasons, or anything formal: but they

move around, spend, invest and live following values in which they believe and they identify as their own.

Those one thousand people aged 18 to 30, for five days, have discussed how we can be a gift to the world. They di-scussed how to serve the others. To serve poorest people, to serve those who need help in the furthest countries, to serve weak children, to spread education, to spread treatments, to encourage leaderships, to use technologies in favour of the values. One thousand people aged 18 to 30 ask themselves these questions, which are – actually- the Rotary and Rotaract questions. They do that during conventions and conversations, and then, of course they dance, have fun, and of course go round Milan, go for a trip to Lago Di Como, to Bergamo Alta, to Navigli area.

The EuCo generation is building the future and the real Europe

Dear European rotaractors: we have been published! Here you go , we decided to share the article that you can anyway find in this link . Special thanks to the the Edi-tor, Salvatore Todaro, and to all of you for making it possible!

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I have seen the EUCO generation, and this sight instilled great hope. You know how this daily is questioning away about the decaying aspects of our society. You know how this daily day after day looks for so-lutions to the truths we have to cope with, problems, abuse of power, lack of aware-ness: well, I can see in this EUCO gene-ration the real and actual possibility to change things.

They’re people who will get married, who will have childrens, who are starting to enter companies, who are professionals, who run start up companies, who overcome obstacles, who travel from Sweden, from Turkey, from Russia, from France or Belgium pursuing a dream. Fifty nationalities were represented made of young people from 18 to 30 years old who do be-lieve in they own realisation, who help the others, who share both in the media and early meaning of the verb “to share”.

These are people who believe in Europe. Certainly not in a Europe made of rules, of powers, of slow eco-nomic recovery and of debt or taxes laws. But in the Europe of Erasmus, the Europe of Schengen, the Europe of the single currency, one English language to communicate among us, and many

lingua franca mixing together. They are young peo-ple born this way, without having known the old politics , without having known the old communication, without

having known bureaucracy: and who – running into the ancient legacy – want to change it.

And meanwhile take the best of it.And these young people make mistakes

as well. They have one too many as well. And they are human beings as well. But I realised – during these

days of EUCO – that my genera-tion care for itself. That my genera-

tion can get it. That we spoke a common language.

That we looked after existential and social pro-blems. That we were listening to each other even speaking different languages. I got moved, and I realised that we can make it. From Italy, from Milan, from everywhere in Italy, from everywhere in Europe.

I realised the existence of a generation that is building the future, of a generation without borders.

Salvatore Todaro

Italia Post’ s Editor – (translation by M. Cristina Constan-tin)

not in a Europe made of rules, of

powers, of slow economic recovery and of debt or taxes laws. But in the Europe of Era-

smus, the Europe of Schengen, the Europe of the single currency, one English language to communi-cate among us, and many

lingua franca mixing together.

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EIn this number...


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Milan, at last.While this Rotaract year is ending it’s about the right moment to start remembe-ring what we’ve gone throu-gh.Our world, our society, is facing a hard time, we are getting used to hear on the news horrible moments whe-re violence and absence of tolerance are the landscape of our daily lifes. And in this humanitarian tragedy, we still maintain the Rotarian spirit of love, help, support & sustain.Three numbers with your exceptional stories of solida-rity, friendshipand intercultu-ral understanding.Does this world we are living in, needs anything different than this?

Please keep sharing with us writing to [email protected]!

Yours in RotaractVeronica BradaschiaERIC president 2015/16

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Rotaract Club: Rotaract Bucharest TriumphDistrict: 2241Country: RomaniaNumber of club members: 24Contact person: Ilie Pana, [email protected] Title: The Bucharest Duck RaceStart date: June 1, 2015End date: September 19, 2015Project Goal: We dreamed of changing the lives of children with severe hearing loss by provi-ding them with top quality hearing aids, which could help them hear al-

most like a normal child.By hearing well enough, a child with hearing loss could learn how to spe-ak, he or she could go to a normal school and have a normal life.We thought to gather the necessary money by organizing a fun event, with huge awareness for the cause and Rotaract in general.Therefore, we organised “The Bucha-rest Duck Race” …and it was a hit.Location: Bucharest, RomaniaTarget group: Poor children with se-vere hearing lossBudget: 9924euro

Rotaract Club: GOZTEPE ROTARACT CLUBDistrict: 2440Country: TURKEYNumber of club members: 23Contact person: YAGİZ BURAK GOKCE [email protected] Title: OPERATION HOPEStart date: April 1, 2015End date: November 30, 2015Project Goal: We have built healthcare center and class for disable students in our town. In Ramadan we have provided food provided good supply and made a dinner. We made courses of gain pro-

fession which were swimming pool operator and traditional carpenter. In village we have aimed that combined 6 main subject of rotary with sustai-nable projects. We did not give money to our villagers for help them. we te-ached and educated them for to gain profession that will bring money to them. We have a dream that a village can create and provide their needs. With this project we tried to bring this dream to life. 1st


“OPERATION HOPE” - Goztepe Rotaract Club (Turkey)

“The Bucharest Duck Race” - Rotaract Bucharest Triumph (Romania)

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After the communication our board had with the Greek Ministry of Health and the Greek CDC we were informed about the needs of The Open Hospitali-ty Centers -OHC mainly the lack of any dental healthcare. They explained us the vital need for a dental clinic in the OHC of Eleonas because there were a lot of dental cases that needed care ( a lot of which were serious). Most of them were children that have traveled in very harsh conditions in bad hygienic before rea-ching Greece. Our project had 3 parts.The first part was to provide as many medicines and healthcare equipment as needed in the OHC of Eleonas in Athens( total cost of 2.500 euros ).Secondly, we responded to the need for clean water by providing 2,5 tons of wa-ter to both OHC’s of Athens and Mitilini.Thirdly our main goal was to build from the scratch a fully equipped dental clinic in the OHC of Eleonas.The dental clinic is settled in a brand new spacious container that our club instal-led in OHC of Eleonas next to the already

existing surgery.The dental clinic that our club offe-red consists of a full dental unit that consists of a dental chair, cuspidor, air compressor delivery system, handpie-ces, a dental light. Also we bought a sterile machine, an operatory cabine-try and a dental stool.An important notice is that our did not just bought the dental clinic but also offers a continuous healthcare to re-fugees by providing the dental expen-dables and a maintenance to the den-tal clinic.Also, through our clubs resour-ces we managed a deal with Athens Den-tal Association so every day a dentist will be at OHC of Eleonas.

Rotaract Club: Rotaract Club of Athens

District: 2470 DistrictCountry: Greece

Number of club members: 28Contact person: KATOPODIS CHRIS, [email protected] Title: Dental Care to RefugeesStart date:End date: November 1, 2016Project Goal: To offer first grade healthca-re to Syrian refugees and their children to the Open Hospitality Center of Elaionas. We also provided access to fresh clean water and medicineLocation: AthensTarget group: Syrian refugees, Syrian Child refugeesBudget: 41.560


“Dental Care to Refugees” - Rotaract Club of Athens (Greece)

“The Bucharest Duck Race” - Rotaract Bucharest Triumph (Romania)

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Twin Club 1 Name: Rotaract Club AnsbachTwin Club 1 District: 1950Twin Club 1 Country: GermanyTwin Club 1 Contact Person: Anna AbrellTwin Club 1 Email: [email protected] Club 2 Name: Rotaract Club Kyiv-CentreTwin Club 2 District: 2230Twin Club 2 Country: UkraineTwin Club 2 Contact Person: Ana-stasiya BunTwin Club 2 Email: [email protected] Date: May 24, 2015How did you find each other?: A member of Rotaract Club Ansba-ch (Germany) participated in the Ukrainian Trip in 2013, where he met the Rotaractors from Kyiv-Centre (Ukraine), who hosted the group du-ring their stay in Kiev. He was fascinated by the hearti-ness and the hospitality of the Ukrainians and we made friends.Tell the story of your twinning...: After the Ukrainian Trip, members of both our clubs met at several European Rotaract Events and we intensified our friendship. At the same time, the Rotaract Club An-sbach was looking for an international project, which

could be supported. As the Germans were impressed by the overwhelming cordiality of Ukrainian inhabitants, who despite of having lower living standards compared

to western European countries, still see the hospitality as a very high good, the Rotaractors from Ansbach decided to give something back to the Ukrainian so-ciety and support the commitment of Ro-taract Kyiv-Centre. Since then, two inter-national exchanges were realized, where German Rotaractors visited the friends in Kiev. Together we could provide two ambulatories in economically weak re-gions with new and modern medical equipment and renovated and equipped a kindergarten with toys and learning material. During the second trip in 2015 the twinning agreement was signed, in order to strengthen our partnership.

What were your goals of twinning with each other?: Our main goal was to build international bridges of friendship among young Europeans through joint com-munity service, in times where intercultural exchange of habits, experiences and opinions are essential for the future. We aimed to create a strong partnership, com-bining the financial strengths of western c ountries and the knowledge of the needs of economically weak local villages in Eastern Europe.

Twin Club 1 Name: Maslak RotaractTwin Club 1 District: 2420Twin Club 1 Country: TurkeyTwin Club 1 Contact Person: Kagan BoyacıogluTwin Club 1 Email: [email protected] Club 2 Name: Krasnodar RotaractTwin Club 2 District: 2220Twin Club 2 Country: RussiaTwin Club 2 Contact Person: Alinka NikiforovaTwin Club 2 Email: [email protected] Date: October 10, 2015How did you find each other?: In 2012 REM our president Kagan Boyacıoglu got a chan-ce to meet with DRR of D2220 Alinka Nikiforova. Du-ring REM and after, we have realized that our clubs have a potential to be twin clubs. Alinka visited Istanbul for REM Istanbul. Our friendship between clubs got better

by time. After a while the pro-cedures completed, we became twin clubs.Tell the story of your twinning...: After two clubs got to know each other in REM Kiev and REM Istanbul, two clubs signed the twin club agreement in REM Poz-nan. We have started the project rapidly. Some of the projects we did include the Foodbook and Ro-

taract Means for Me.What were your goals of twinning with each other?: Showing the political relations between countries should not affect nations cultural exchange. Rotary’s aim is to have peace and fellowship through service, and we ai-med to emphasize that.Project Title: Just Like You With An (+1) Extra




: Rotaract Club Ansbach (Germany) & Rotaract Club Kyiv-Centre (Ukraine)

Maslak Rotaract (Turkey) & Krasnodar Rotaract (Russian Federation)

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Twin Club 1 Name: Istanbul – Dolmabahçe Rotaract ClubTwin Club 1 District: 2420Twin Club 1 Country: TurkeyTwin Club 1 Contact Person: Aydan AkyıldızTwin Club 1 Email: [email protected] Club 2 Name: Budapest-Duna Rotaract ClubTwin Club 2 District: 1911Twin Club 2 Country: HungaryTwin Club 2 Contact Person: Annamaria BlazicsTwin Club 2 Email: [email protected] Date: December 8, 2013How did you find each other?: Past presidents of the Rotaract Club of Budapest-Du-na Marianna Toth, and The Rotaract Club of Istanbul – Dolmabahce, Zülal Akarsu, met each other in the Ro-tary Youth Exchange camp in Istanbul in 2008. After that period they kept in touch and in the summer Au-gust 2013 Marianna visited Istanbul once more with her brother. The two clubs decided to twin when Zülal and Marianna met up again during Marianna's trip.Tell the story of your twinning...: We initially twinned in November 2013 when Duna RAC visited us in Istanbul. We engaged in various cul-tural exchanges and completed a joint service project for which we received 2nd place at 2013-14 TCA.This time, we wanted to visit Duna in Budapest and share a similar experience with them in their home country. 5 of our members went to Budapest. In the first day of our visit, we had a barbeque together so we could rest after our flight and also get to know all the members of Duna. At the dinner, we taught each other Turkish and Hungarian words and phrases so that we could communicate a little bit in each other's languages. To have some fun, we also researched words that are the same in Hungarian and Turkish. Since modern day Hungary used to be ruled by the Ottomans before the Austrians, we found out that we have a lot of common words and that we share a lot of similar cultural traits.On our second day, first we had breakfast all together. Next we completed preparations for our service project which we would complete the following day. For our project, we decided that we wanted to help the patien-ts of a hospital. We wanted to touch the lives of patien-ts who had a very serious illness so that we could make them at least just slightly happier. Before our trip, we got into contact with Gottsegen György Orszagos Car-

diac Hospital of Budapest. They are a public ho-spital and they told us that they get a lot of homeless pa-tients without families or pa-tients whose families are going through financial part-nership. So we received spon-sorship from Tesco Supermarkets who provided us with medical supplies, foodstuffs and small gifts. On the second day, we got together in the house of one of Duna's mem-bers. There, we packed all the supplies together in a fun activity. At night, we first had dinner together. Then, Duna members gave us a tour of some of the trendy and lively parts of Budapest where we had some drinks and desserts.On our final day, we first had a traditional Hungarian breakfast together in a park. We then took the subway to the Cardiac Hospital with our supplies. We delive-red them to the patient ward. We had also planned to meet the patients and to play them some Turkish songs on instruments. However, a few days before our trip the hospital denied our request because of health concerns. Due to health concerns we were not allowed to meet the patients but we did meet Dr. Németh Józs-ef who thanked us for our kindness. He told us about the hard times his hospital was going through due to lack of government funding. We took his contact in-formation to see if we can help them again in the fu-ture. After completing our project, we went on a tour of the city and visited some of the historical sights in Budapest such as Buda Castle, the Duna River, Central Market Hall, Heroes' Square and the Parliament. Then we had dinner at a very traditional Hungarian restau-rant where we enjoyed great Hungarian food. During dinner, our president presented gifts that we had got-ten for Duna members from Turkey. Finally, at night we went to a famous nightclub in Budapest and had fun dancing.


Istanbul – Dolmabahçe Rotaract Club (Turkey) & Budapest-Duna Rotaract Club(Hungary)

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CYPRUS“Rotaract is serving the community while having fun”. That’s one of my favourite quotes about Rotaract and that’s what the clubs of Cyprus have been doing this year.

“HIV + ME” HIV Awareness event – Rotaract Club of NicosiaRotaract Club of Nicosia and the AIDS Solidarity Movement organised an HIV awareness event with the support of Positive Voice, the Associa-tion of People Living with HIV in Greece, and Checkpoint HIV preventions centres. The net pro-ceeds from a 70s/80s Nostalgia Fundraising Party that took place in February 2016 were specifically dedicated to bring important speakers and me-dical facilities for free HIV testing. The HIV issue raises a lot of questions. What does HIV mean and how is it different to AIDS? What’s the latest worldwide news on HIV? How does it feel to be HIV positive and what is Antiretroviral Therapy? To give answers to all these questions, the Club invited Andonis Papazoglou, who has been living with the virus, to participate in a speech and open discussion, together with Sophocles Chanos, who is the Head of the Checkpoints HIV Prevention Centres in Athens and Thessaloniki. The open

discussion entitled “HIV+me” took place at the Powerhouse Restaurant in Nicosia. All event attendees were able to get tested for HIV in a safe and anonymous environment.

First park for children with disabilities in Cyprus – Rotaract Club of Larnaca KitionRotaract Club of Larnaca Kition is continuing their projects to raise funds for the first park for chil-dren with disabilities in Cyprus. The club is sup-ported by its mother club, Rotary Club of Larnaca Kition. The Interact Club of the American Academy in Larnaca is also taking part in this big project. It is anticipated that the cost of the park will reach €40.000 and the architecture plans will be ready by the end of April 2016. Rotaract Larnaca Kition organized a Charity Theatre called “The musicians”, with performances by the Youth Stage of the Youth Foundation Larnaca to raise funds. More projects are coming up to raise more funds for the park.

Cultural Exchange – Rotaract Club of Nicosia Le-dra with Rotaract Club of Beirut-Centre, Lebanon

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Rotaract Club of Nicosia Ledra participated in a cultural exchange project with Rotaract Club of Beirut-Centre. The Cypriot club hosted a Lebanese night, while the Lebanese club hosted a Greek Cypriot night on the 22nd of Fe-b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 . The aim of the p r o j e c t was to learn more about each other’s culture throu-gh interactive activities. The clubs exchanged recipes of tradi-tional dishes and desserts. Lebane-se dishes included loubye, kofta bi tahi-ni and fattoush and Cypriot dishes included galaktomboureko, bul-gur with tomato and lamb souvla. On the night of the event the Ledrans had a tra-ditional Lebanese dinner and homemade Lebanese desserts which tur-ned out to be delicious! Everyone’s favourite was of course kneffe.

The clubs also exchanged traditional songs. RAC Nicosia Ledra sent Greek pop, laiko (folkloric) and rock songs, while RAC Beirut-Centre sent videos of dabke and Lebanese pop and rock. RAC Nicosia Ledra sent them a video tutorial on how to dance Cypriot zeimbekiko! They also played two games. The first game involved a list of photos of traditional things, accompanied by a list in mixed order of the words of the photos in each club’s own language with the pronunciation written in English, and the other club had to figure out which word matched each photo. The second game was the days of the

week written in Greek or Arabic in mixed o r d e r , with the pronunciation

written in English, and the other club had to figure out which word matched each day of the week.

On the night they had a Skype call and they talked about their experiences on tasting each other’s traditio-nal dishes and learning each other’s tradi-tional dance moves.

Cu l tu ra l Exchan-ge – R o t a -r a c t C l u b

of Nicosia with Rotaract Club Ethiraj, India

The Club organized, in collaboration with RAC Ethi-raj, India, a Digital Photography project whose aim was the heightened cultural awareness and know-ledge on both cultures. This photography project was executed and promoted online and was me-morized into a booklet which the clubs exchanged with each other. The photography images show that beneath the physical differences in cultures, at the end of the day we are far closer to each other than we think!

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Limassol Carnival Parade – Rotaract Club of Nicosia Ledra

Rotaract Club of Nicosia Ledra organized a team of more than 100 people to take part in the big-

gest annual carnival parade in Cyprus, which takes place in Limassol. The Limassol carnival is an 11 day carnival that starts 50 days before Easter and it peaks the Sunday before the start of lent.

Rotaractors from RAC Larnaca Kition and RAC Ni-cosia joined the Ledrans in this parade. VDRR Anti-goni Karakoulli also joined the Cypriot Rotaractors. RAC Nicosia Ledra raised 1.800 euros that were donated to Panos Evripidou Foundation that sup-ports prematurely born children by paying, amon-gst others, for their medication and physiotherapy sessions.

Nicosia Carnival Parade – Rotaract Club of Nicosia AspeliaRotaract Club of Nicosia Aspelia with the support of their mother club, Rotary Club of Nicosia Aspelia celebrated this year’s World Rotaract day by parti-cipating in the annual carnival parade organized by Aglandjia Municipality in Nicosia. This way, they raised awareness about Rotaract and Rotary Inter-national while having fun. During the parade they were wearing the Rotaract t-shirts. DRR of 2452 Emil Moawad joined the Aspelians in this fun day.

Vegan Cooking Workshop – Rotaract Club of Nicosia

Sweet, Succulent, Juicy, Delicious, Yummy, Mouth Watering - all the words to describe Rotaract

Club of Nicosia’s date with veganism. The Club or-ganized in January 2016 an open vegan cooking workshop in collaboration with Utopia Collecti-va, a shop selling health and natural products as well as offering education opportunities on diffe-rent ways of eating. The public and other Rotaract Clubs were invited to join a “hands-on” cooking workshop where in a 2-3hr session they formed different teams and executed through teamwor-king a three-course vegetarian and raw food meal buffet.

If you are inspired by the projects of Rota-ract clubs of Cyprus, would like more in-formation, or are interested in a cultural exchange or joint fundraising project, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected] and I will put you into contact with our clubs!

Katerina MenelaouERIC Country Representative for Cyprus 2015-2016

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17th Wine Roads of Slavonia and Baranja by Rotaract Club Osijek

Rotaract Club Agram was establi-shed this Rotaract year. As a new

club we are full of hopes and am-bition to become better, bigger and have as much projects as we can. March 19th was the day we celebra-ted our Charter in a beautiful venue called “Muzej za umjetnost i obrt” in the centre of Zagreb. During that night we realized how many people are in Rotaract and share the same interests as us. We would also like to extend a big thank you to our Rotary Club Zagreb Agram in helping with

the Charter, giving is useful advice and coming to celebrate it with us. We truly hope that everyone who came had fun and we are looking forward to possible future projects with our fellow Rotaract friends. One of the goals of our Charter was to raise money for a medical project from Umag “Hitna je bitna”. The goal of the humanitarian project was to raise money to fund medical machines for citizens of Bujština..



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Rotaract club of Split is proud to announce now traditional sports

weekend! This years Rotaract Water Sports Weekend will take place at Split and Bol, May 25th – 29th, 2016. Come to Split to say hi and enjoy a ton of activities that we have organized just for you. Starting off with a Diocletian Sentinel, walking tours through the cen-ter of Split, Pub crawls, Game of Thrones filming locations tour including the city of Trogir and Klis Fortress! After that, we go to the island of Brac and stay at Bol

– most famous for its beautiful beach Zlatni rat, shaped like a tongue. The highlight of the week is scuba diving, followed up with lessons about diving and underwater photography. Look up our Facebook page “Rotaract klub Split” to find all the details you might need and feel free to contact us. Make sure to come to Split so we could all go to Bol and get our scuba diving certificates!



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With disasters of this amplitu-de, little details of spontaneous care are even more important than other kind of help. And we, Rotaract Club Leuven, were part of a few of those little things.


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March 22 2016. The day I was deeply proud of being a Rotaractor.

No words needed to tell you what happened on March the 22nd at Brussels Airport and at the subway station Maalbeek in Brussels…

What you probably don’t know, is what happened in the shadows. Rotaract Club Leuven was part of these shadows on that dark day for Bel-gium.That morning, I read on Twitter that trains filled with stranded passengers from Brussels Airport would arrive in Leuven.

My first thoughts were to go to the railway station and offer my help. When I arrived, I encountered dozens of people. The police was present and the authorities had provided bottles of water. People were grateful for the water, but they were hungry as well. It was passed noon, but the police made clear that they couldn’t provide any food. How was this possible? So, I contacted the board of the Rotaract Club and asked if we could do something. The response was truly heartwarming. We donated money and bought food for the stranded passengers, Rotaract members contacted me during the afternoon asking me if they could come and offer any help. Subsequently, we went to the shelter and helped the “Red Cross”. For example, we’ve set up more than a thousand of camping beds, distributed blankets and hygiene kits, helped unloading entire trucks filled with supplies… The repercussion of the attacks went far beyond of what you’ve seen on the news and on social media... With disasters of this amplitude, little details of spontaneous care are even more important than other kind of help. And we, Rotaract Club Leuven, were part of a few of those little things. Little, because we didn’t save any lives, but nevertheless very useful and merciful. What we’ve done, was greatly valued by the people of the different servi-ces in charge, and especially - and even more important - by the stranded passengers.

We are Belgium, we are Rotaract!For Rotaract Club Leuven,

Wendy Compagnon

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22painting - Quaglio, Domenico: Braunschweig, Ruhfäutchenplatz von Süden

Roataract Backpack Project Every year we have an annual federa-tion social project in Germany which are supported by many different Ro-taract Clubs. This year we decided to take part in The Backpack Project from Mary’s Meals and made it our annual Rotaract Social Project 2015/2016. What does that means? Many children in Africa don’t have ba-sic learning tools such as pencils and notepads. So we can support them to get the most out of their lessons by donating a backpack full of things they need. These backpacks are for children aged between 4-15 years and they should have second-hand items which are fine and in good conditions.The backpacks have to be filled with exactly the same things from a speci-fic list. These things are 2-3 notepads, 2 pens, 2-3 pencils, crayons, 1 eraser, 1 ruler, 1 sharpener, 1 pencil case, 1

towel, 1 set of clothes (shorts or skirt + t-shirt or dress), 1 pair of flip-flops or sandals, 1 soap, 1 toothbrush, 1 to-othpaste, a small ball and a spoon.Please don’t include any liquids (inclu-ding liquid soap) and don’t be temp-ted to add any other gifts such as toys or sweets, as these can cause pro-blems with Customs during delivery. The delivery will organize Mary’s Me-als. After you have filled the backpack please label it to indicate whether it is suitable for a boy or girl, and suggest what age depending on clothing size and shoe size. The backpacks will be collected until end of July 2016 and have to be delivered to one of the col-lection points in Germany.Our goal is to collect more then 3800 backpacks with the help of all Europe-an rotaractors.For more information go to

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GER- the backpacks will be collected un-

til end of July 2016 and have to be delivered to one of the collection points in Germany.

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OX2016 marks the third edition of the now traditional Ostsee-Expediton on the Baltic sea.

Participants of varying skill and experience levels – even total newbies – compete in a week of spectacular sailing. We start Friday evening in Flensburg, Germany and head out among the Danish isles.

We have one race each day but teams can also score points on team challenges held in the stopover ports. We spend our evenings barbecuing andenjoying the beautiful bays and little harbours around this cruisers paradise. A central aspect of OX is our fundraising for ShelterBox.

Long before the fun begins the teams of 6 -8 sailors head out to find a sponsor who will donate at least 750 € to ShelterBox.

As a thank you for their charity the team represents the sponsors name in their team name, flags and on their boat. The participants of the OX2015 raised 6750 € for ShelterBox this way. So if you like sailing or think you might like sailing, and you‘re free 26.08. to 02.09. check us out on Facebook at and see more photos of the event at http://ostsee-expedition.And if you are nostalgic for the good old days of GM in Eckernförde, there‘s so-mething special for you: One of the team challenges is a MiniGM consisting of one course.

OSTSEE - EXPEDITION Sailing, Racing and Raising Money for ShelterBox

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Rotaract & WINE

Rotaract&Wine some people might have heard of those “underground “ wine events at REM and EUCO. It started at Za-

gREM with a coincidence. 5 Rotaractors talking about wine and one proposed to

do a winetasting (but a good one) It was so good, we decided to continue

the day after. (and brought 20 more people) A tradition and Rotaract&Wine was born. Since then there was a

winery visit at Le Bellet and La-Certa at EUCO in Nice and Bucha-rest. There were winetastings with a

famous Sommelier Markus Del Monego in Bremen, tastings in and Istanbul. What are our goals: learn about wine, support

charity and have fun. It is not important if you ‘re a winesnob or not, every Rotaractor or Rotarian who has genuine interest in the winemaker and his wine is welcome.

Every event about wine in Europe involved in the Rotary network can be promoted. The next occasion to join is at EUCO Milano.

There are 5! wineries in Franciacorta and Oltrepe Pavese that we will visit. Have a look onRotaract&Wine in Facebook to learn more and join. I have more or less 3 passions in live. Nr. 1 is wine, Nr. 2 is Rotaract (nowadays Rotary) Nr. 3 is travelling on a small bu-dget. Our tastings with Rotaract&Wine give me the possibili-ty to share my passions and support charity. Most input has come from me sofar, but I hope I ll get more support from others in future. Rotary has fellowships to share passions, maybe we can establish those in Rotaract as well. Rota-ract Germany once had a BuSoWein: a wine made by Rotaractors and sold in benefit for the national charity called BundesSozialprojekt. It would be great if we could initiate more projects like this in Europe.

Jasper Vethaak Rotary eclub Click4Action

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LITHUANIAAbout Rotaract Vilnius ClubOur club is the second oldest club in Lithuania. A little bit more than 18 years ago Rotaract Vilnius was established, and since then many good cause actions has been fulfilled.

Our main projects are “Rotary academy”, “100 smiles more” and “Future in my hands”.

Rotary academyThe desire to improve personal skills by learning from successful, positive and professional people is what leads young, passionate, curious person to participate in “Rotary Academy”. Project goal is to grow up leaders by mento-ring them. The main objective of the project is to encourage young people to become successful in various fields and re-sponsible citizen in society. “Rotary Academy” is organized

9 years and it has spread to 5 main Lithuanian cities.

More than 100 of pe-ople has successful-

ly graduated this program, some of

them even be-came Rotaract members.

Future in my hands

We are proud to have a project, which already

lasts a decade. The purpose of this project is to work and support young talented children, who are persuading their dreams, but can not afford it fi-nancially.

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Journey to important games match, music instruments, fur-ther learning and financial support - are the main things, which encourages pupils to go further in reaching their dre-ams. So far, the majority of the project’s funds are being collected in a colorful family-friendly fund raising event cal-led Duck Race. The event is well-known in Lithuania and has been spread into huge event, which attracts more than 1000 participants each year. During the project which lasts for 12 years and more than 70 000 euros were donated for

talented children.

We are so happy to have such a wonderful team. Every member try to make a difference and help for those who need it the most. More than 18 years, huge social projects, lots of happy young talented children’s and beloved seniors are the motive to keep going.

100 smiles moreWe could say that “100 smiles more” is one of the most beautiful and sensitive project. It supports one of the most sensitive social groups - seniors from Vilnius who are lonely and live in poverty. Throu-ghout the eight years of the project, we have ful-filled more than 1,500 dreams. Various items and basic commodities were given as a charity which reaches more than 45 000 €. Into each seniors dre-am package goes basic commodities: honey, vita-mins, a little bit of sweets and Christmas gift, which is usually very modest, though very important and not affordable for our seniors. These fulfilled dre-ams shed a light in seniors hearts. We are proud to announce that each year, more and more kind peo-ple contribute to this project. The purpose is to give enormous amount of SMILES, which elder people are not able to receive from their loved ones.

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“Inspire me!” is the newest project of the Club Rotaract Warszawa Śródmi-eŚcie, dedicated to children from the orphanages and educational care faci-lities in Poland.

The main objective of the project is to inspire the children and to help them to create their business pa-ths. We believe that through didactic, team and creative work we can help them to develop their inborn talen-ts or interests and visualise the possibilities of develop-ment on specific cases to help them developing their own plans for the future. The first institution we co-ope-rate with is the Educational Care Facility in Gołotczyzna (Placówka OpiekuŚczo – Wychowawcza w GołodczyŚnie), which is located around 120km from Warsaw.

WHY?The project does not require extremely big amount of effort. Most of

the Rotaractors study or develop them-selves on the business paths, so we de-cided to share with the knowledge and experience we already have with the children, which because of financial or family based difficulties did not have an opportunity of taking part in after scho-

ol classes. Unfortunately it is hard to find a person in their surrounding who could perform a duty of a mentor or at least inspire them.

Club Rotaract Warszawa ŚródmieŚcie co-operates with the Educational Care Facility in Gołotczyzna for more than 15 years. Having a chance to visit the children once in ca. one month and a half, we had opportunity to get to know them pretty well. Our research has shown that some of them distingui-sh with extensively ambitious working plans and hidden art, dancing or sport

skills, which apparently were not discovered till now because of lack of interest in the topic, in the children. Because of that, children do not treat their ide-as as something what could be implemented on daily basis and they tend to do not believe in their capabilities. Our mission is to change that.

HOW?We want to motivate them to study and work, giving them the

appropriate tools or people to achieve that. Telling them about various number of professions and inviting IT people, people from art industry, hair dressers, cookers, people from in ex.

“Zainspiruj mnie!” or “Inspire me!” The new great initiative by the Club Rotaract Warszawa Śródmieście.

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Concert in the darkness in PoznanSecond edition of “Concert in the Darkness” in PoznanWe perceive the world mostly through our sight, so being deprived of it is one of the most sorrowful disabilities. This is why members of Rotaract Club Poznan organised “Concert in the Darkness” for the second time! Our first goal was to attract Rotarians’, Rotaractors’ and whole society’s attention to the situation of sightless people and ones that struggle with vision disorders. Secondly, we wanted to make a remarkable change in their life by providing tools needed for future career development as well as financial possibilities for medical treatments. Additional goal was to introduce the most important idea of Rotaract and Rotary to the public - service above self.Last year’s edition happened to be a not only just a pleasant evening, but enabled us to purchase spe-cialist software and hardware for beneficiary of the concert - Angelika, blind girl who wants to become a typhlo-IT specialist (a person who adjusts IT to the needs of sightless people). As the outcome was great and we got many heartwarming comments, this year on 4th of March second Concert in the Darkness took place. This time together with a group of young musicians (who will pay tribute to a famous Polish artist who sang a lot about how important it is to see not only with your eyes, but also heart - Marek Greuchuta) we were raising money for an eye surgery of little Marcelina. As it is supposed to save her ability to see, instead of diming the stage and audience as it was previously, this time we were coming from darkness to light. Our project was Rotary’s&Rotaract’s social ideas presented in new, creative way. Not only did it increase awareness of sightless people’s struggles, but also engaged many in improving their situation. We made a remarkable change in life’s of people, who while being disabled can still be a huge gift to the world!Hanna PrzezwickaPresident Elect 2015/2016 Rotaract Club Poznan, District 2230, Poland

we inspire them and help them to choose and make dreams come true, so in the future they can be financially independent.

The first effects of our work are already available. So far we conducted two meetings with the guest speakers on “How to make a computer game” and “How the sugar is produces and how to apply for a job in sugar industry” topics. Talking about next meetings

with children we already scheduled workshops with the representatives of different jobs and industries, who over-come different life obstacles to reach their dreams and to show the children that lots of things are possible.

WHAT NEXT?Sharing with our own life stories and with stories of our guest speakers we want to help the children in self-de-velopment process and realization of

their life plans. We believe that thanks to that effort we will be able to change their life perspectives and make a world a better place.

Author: Edyta Niezgoda, Past Prezydent RAC Warszawa Środm-ieścieTranslation: Damian Aaron Ols-zewski, RAC Warszawa Środm-ieście

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On Saturday, March 12, 2016, at the Romanian National Library in Bu-

charest the “Apolodor from Labrador” Toy Library has been officially opened. The project to redevelop the library was launched on the 31st of Octo-ber, 2015 by Rotaract Romania and Republic of Moldova in partnership with the Romanian National Library.

At the event were present those who supported the development of this con-cept and the refurbishment of the spa-ce itself - Marian Popa- CEO Deutsche Bank Global Technologies and the archi-tecture association “De-a Arhitectura”. In addition, alongside Claudia Serbanu-ta - manager of the Romanian National Library was present also a representati-ve of the Romanian Ministry of Culture.

During the event, the report on the first six months of the project was presented, together with the assessment of the im-pact the Toy Library had on the target audience (children between the ages of 0 to 8 years and their parents), during this time frame. Moreover, the members of the architecture association “De-a Arhitectura” made a donation consi-sting in architecture books for children, books that will enrich the collection.Located on the mezzanine of the Ro-manian National Library, the “Apolo-dor from Labrador” Toy Library provi-

des a rich collection of picture books and toys and can be used also for the purpose of organizing workshops, per-formances, reading sessions, etc. dedi-cated to children aged 3 to 10 years. Access is free. The space may be re-served, subject to availability, for car-rying out private activities and projects.Between the 29th of April and the 3rd of May 2015, the Rotaract Clubs from Bucharest (Atheneum, Bucharest, Ci-smigiu, Continental, OCTO and Trium-ph) worked together and organized for the first time in Bucharest, Romania the European Convention of Rotaract Clubs - EUCO 2015. On that occasion, over 900 Rotaract members and Ro-tary notable personalities from over 50 countries were invited to donate pi-cture books under the umbrella of the project “Colors of the Future” as a first step in redefining the “Apolodor from Labrador” Toy Library, opened at mezza-nine of the Romanian National Library.

The Toy Library was thus redesi-gned as an interactive, educational,

cultural and enjoyable reading area, for all children aged 3 to 10 years.

Apolodor from Labrador” Toy Library: a space for playing but also reading

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22th November 2015 – 30th March 2016 Contacts: Alessandro Peri, Reggio Emilia

The service called #STOPPALO (aka block-it or stop-it), is a fundraising service organized and promoted by the Rotaract Club of Reggio Emilia in collaboration with basketball association Palla-canestro Reggiana. During the basketball matches displayed on the 22nd of November and on the 6th of December 2015, more than 800 t-shirts, designed from scratch for the occasion by the club members, were sold to the team fans, allowing for a dona-tion of more than 6000€ to the Oncology ward of the local hospital.The t-shirts were created in a double version using the team’s colors white and red , with the brand #Stoppalo on the front and the motto “We want this victory” on the back, to go along with a striped ribbon which has been from a long time the symbol of the fight against cancer.

However #stoppalo was more than just fundrai-sing. It was also the occasion for an awareness campaign on cancer. The players themselves wore the t-shirts during warmups and the end of the games which were held in national television broadcast. Moreover a massive campaign and publicity followed on the social media to attract the attention on this important cause.Links:



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Dear friends,

First of all, the French Rotaract Organi-zation would like to says a huge “thanks you” to all rotaractors or Rotaract clubs that send us some messages or emails to support us after the different attacks we faced. Thank you for just showing us that goo-dness is so much stronger than fear and terror.

We are standing up !!

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Presidential conference in Cannes Presidential conference in Cannes.

During three days, 19 to 21 February, more than 1200 members of the Rotarian family came for all over Europe and Africa. The main subject of all the different conferences was Rotary mobilization to fight for health.

Two different actions that French Rotarians and Rotaractors make each year were pre-sented to the participants and to our president Sir Ravindran.One of those is “Espoir en Tête” which could be translate by “Hope in mind”, this action has for goal to help brain research. How ? Well proposing the same day, in 450 movies theater in preview showing a Disney movie. This week end will happen the 11 year we all are mobilizing and the movie is “The jungle book”. In 10 years this action brings 9 millions euros to the Federation of brain research, hoping that it would help them to make a change.The second French action that has for purpose to improve the health is called “My blood for others”. 1 million of people are neat each year thanks to blood donation, our goal is to increase the number of donors. So in more than 100 cities of France Rotarians and Rotaractors make some animations and shows to encourage people to gave a bit of their blood, if they can. In 2016 they were 288.000 people that gave blood to help other persons during our manifestations.

If you want more informations about this actions do not hesitate to contact us at : [email protected].

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Implications of some of the de-cisions of the Council on Legi-

slation for RotaractorsFor Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors, there are some basic guidelines which

we are required to follow. This consitution, the bylaws and the “Standard Club Constitution” can be amended and changed every three years during the Council on Legislation (CoL).

Rotary International is structured in a very de-mocratic way so that every district has one vote

during the council and can therefore influence and shape the future of our organization. The CoL has just been held from April 11th to 14th, 2016 in Chicago. Here are some of the changes which have implications on us Rotaractors:

Dual Membership is possible

There used to be a strong separation between Ro-taractors and Rotarians and it was formally exclu-ded that we could belong to both organizations at the same time. This restriction has been dropped and it is now possible for everyone to be both an active member of a Rotaract and of a Rotary Club. This is supposed to make transition between Rota-ract and Rotary much easier! Now, you will be able to join a Rotary club for example when they got to know you from your active involvment in a project and still be a Rotaractor for some time.

There is no special procedure for this. If both clubs - the RAC and the RC - are fine with you being a member of another club, then it’s ok.

This does not have any implication on your rights or the dues you will have to pay. This means that if you’re a member of both clubs, you will have to pay the contribution in both clubs. On the other hand, you’re a full member of both clubs, therefore you can also vote and take an active role in moving your RC and RAC forward.Rotary clubs become more flexible

Some of the other changes that were adopted are strongly increasing the flexibility of Rotary clubs. The two enactments looking at membership as well as club meetings and attendance were accep-ted and give every Rotary club the right to choose the members on a completely flexible basis (for example not looking at classification schemes any more) as long as it is not discriminating against any group. Any club can now experiment with membership models and develop ways that may work in its region.

What concerns the organization of the club meetings and attendance, an enactment has

been adopted which gives clubs more flexibility to define when and how they meet - as long as they meet twice per month.

Following this idea, the differentiation between traditional clubs and e-clubs has been eliminated and therefore, now there are simply Rotary clubs - no matter how they mainly meet.Rotaract related side aspects

There were some other Rotaract-topics, which have largely been put aside. The ones about the wording in the Object of Rotary have been rejected or wi-thdrawn, so there is no change. The two opposing requests to consider the age limit of Rotaract have been rejected: this means, the board of directors is not asked to consider lowering the age limit to 25 or raising it to 35. Finally, the request to establish a Rotaract e-club has been withdrawn - Rotaractors have always been flexible to meet however they wanted.Let’s cherish this great development within Rotary inviting us to help shape the future of the family and make it easier for us, to keep doing Service Above Self.

Florian Wackermann

Co-Chair of Rotaract and Interact Commit-tee of Rotary International 2015-16

YOU can be BOTH!

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Rotaract Club of Bugolobi (District 9211, Uganda ) for “’1000 smiles’ Kanabulemu Edition”

The residents of Rakai district, an area greatly af-fected by HIV/AIDS, were all smiles when the Rota-ractors

arrived. Working alongside local doctors, schools, and the Uganda Health Marketing Group (UHMG) they

provided everything from school supplies to com-prehensive medical screenings, dental exams, and HIV

screenings and prevention education. Since access

to safe clean drinking water is the primary reason children miss

school, the club also dug a borehole to bring clean water to the village. Aiming to “cover as many of Rotary’s areas

of focus as possible” these enterprising Rotaractors were supported by other Rotaract clubs in the region as well as

their sponsor, The Rotary Club of Bugolobi.



Rotaract Clubs of Districts 2420, 2420, 2430, 2440 (Tur-key); Alanya, Antalya Kaleici, Atakum, Çekirge, Eskisehir, Istanbul -

Galatasary, Istanbul-Maslak, Karadeniz Eregli, Sa-franbolu, and District 2220 (Russia); Rotaract Club of Krasnodar for “Just Like

You With An (+1) Extra!”

In collaboration with the Down Syndrome Association, 12 different clubs from four districts across two coun-tries

joined together to organize trainings for children and adults with Down syndrome. Participants learned how to

apply effective communication and cooperation stra-tegies to improve their daily lives and hone job-related skills.

After successfully completing the one year training pro-gram, participants received job placement assistance

through partner organizations to put their new skills to work. Club members are also working to educate local

citizens about common misconceptions related to living with Down syndrome by hosting outreach events at local

farmers markets and other community events.


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Rotaract Club of Istanbul-Dol-mabahçe (District 2420, Turkey) for “Still Child!”

Taking a stand against the destructive consequences of underage marriage on young women and girls, Rotaractors

organized conferences in rural areas where the practice is still common. Local experts, psychologists, and doctors

educated local residents how girls in underage marriages are statistically undereducated and


Rotaract Club of Lagune de Cotonou (District 9102, Benin) for “Notre Bibliotheque”

Rotaractors and Rotarians worked side-by-side to convert an abandoned building into a library for local

neighborhood kids and the nearly 400 children attending Zogbadjè Primary Public School. Not only did

Rotaractors design, fundraise, and implement construction plans, they stocked the new library with tables,


Rotaract Club of Nova Geração Itabaiana (District 4390, Brazil) for “Projeto Sergipe”

To break the cycle of poverty among Itabaina’s young people, Rotaractors enrolled 100 students in literacy and

professional development courses over a period of eight months in partnership with public literacy programs. The

club developed a network of com-munity partners and volunteers that donated meeting space for classes and

lectures, developed curriculum and trainings based on volunteer’s professional expertise, distributed educational

materials and resources to stu-dents, and promoted the program through local radio stations, scho-ols, and public

spaces. Receiving both local and national recognition for their suc-cess, the club uses donations and grant money

to provide scholarships to partici-pants to help cover the cost of the program.Click to see more Photos


Rotaract Club of Birmingham (District 6860, United States) for “Ready 2 Succeed”

Currently in its second year of a two-year pilot program, “Ready 2 Succeed” matches high school juniors and

seniors with Rotaract mentors to better prepare students for col-lege. Over 75% of the program’s participants,

many first-generation college stu-dents, have successfully enrolled in college programs. Beyond the program

students continue to build rela-tionships with their Rotaract men-tors, reinforcing the importance of education and

inspiring them to become future leaders. Through a partnership with national scholarship databa-se company,

Cappex, Rotaractors have already expanded the project to more communities by launching,

giving students state-wide access to scholarships and financial aid.Click to see the Photos


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Rotaract Club of Metro Cebu-CIT Chapter (District 3860, Philippines) for “Project WASHEd-UP (Water Adequacy, Sanitation and

Hygiene Education to Uplift the People)”

Project WASHEd-UP transformed the lives of kids at Tagatay Elemen-tary School in a remote area in the

Philippines in need of clean wa-ter and sanitation. In a three-part process the Rotaractors constructed a PET bottle

water tank to safely store rain water, taught the importance of hygiene and sanitation to prevent

disease, and

treated students with skin infections or intestinal parasites to improve overall health. Using recyclable materials

was an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional steel and concrete tanks, and reduced the overall cost

of the project by more than 75%. Teachers, students, and key sta-keholders were involved in the development,

installation, and training to pro-mote a strong sense of community ownership.Check out the Video


Rotaract Club of The Caduceus (District 3140, India) for “The Jana Swasthya Project”

As doctors and medical students, these Rotaractors were inspired after volunteering in 2013 at one of the world’s

largest religious gatherings, the Kumbh Mela, to establish a digital disease surveillance system to study

epidemiological disease trends. Harnessing the power of mobile internet technology they replaced a redundant

paper system of data tracking allowing government officials and experts to access live data in a few simple clicks.

An incredible 35,000 individual pa-tient visits were recorded, marking a landmark shift in the process of health

surveillance. The government is inte-rested in implementing this groun-dbreaking model in local health clinics,

bringing “Jana Swasthya,” meaning public health and welfare in Hindi, to communities across the country. Click to see more Photos

prone to medical and

psychological issues presented by early childbirth and dome-stic violence. Traditionally a taboo subject, they are

working alongside local gover-nments, community organiza-tions, and the media to break the silence and end the

violence. And harnessing the power of social media to tell their story, they’ve recruiting celebrities and

Rotaractors around the region to show their support for “Still Child!” through videos, pho-tos, and stories. Check out the Video

benches, and more than 500 books to give the kids a fun and inviting space to grow and learn. The first of it’s kind

in the area, most of the chil-dren do not have ready access to books and school supplies. Rotaractors, Rotarians,

and teachers hope the new library will continue to grow as more books and school supplies are donated to help

kids of all ages reach their full potential. Click to see more Photos


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Dear Rotaract member,

First off, we would love to thank everyone for their help and support with our voting campaign! A while ago we subscribed for a local competition, initiated by the ING Bank (an internationally oriented Dutch banking corporation). The ING selected local ini-tiatives, like charities, clubs and funds, and made a shortlist of five groups. In this contest we needed to collect votes and the most favoured initiative would receive five thousand Euro’s. Every year we organise a hockey tournament especially for men-tally disabled children with our Rotaract Club Haarlemmermeer. We have done this for some time now and this year we will cele-brate our anniversary edition. Children from all over the country come to our tournament and hockey together, we needed support in order to make this a true unforgettable day.The other competitors went for it, and the competition was tough. We needed help, a lot of help. We decided that we could not do this alone and called Rotaract clubs for help. It immediately went on like a wildfire, we even got support from a kid living in Mexico (see the picture). It’s great to experience help from all over the world, it feels like we are all connected and have the same goal. The Rotary and Rotaract help made a huge difference, especially with fighting polio. This is why we are going to donate € 500,- to this cause and help eradicate this horrible disease. We are so close to ending polio! :)We could not have done this without you, thank you!! :) You are all welcome on the 22nd of October in the Netherlands!

Love you guys, you are great!Rotaract Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands

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International Rotaract YESTERDAY, International Rotaract TODAYTwo story about how we can feel Rotaract… yesterday and today =)

Summer of 1983 ...It seems the beginning of a novel, but it's the beginning of my little experience in the international exchange program for young people promoted by the Rotary International. I was a 18 year-old Rotaractor, a former Interact member. At that time in my home-town, Rovigo - District 2060 lived the well-known "Prof. Naldini ", Rotary District Representative for Rotary Youth Exchange. He invited me to "live " 15 days in Belgium, guest of different Rotary families. A pretty girl from Reggio Calabria and myself were invited that year to represent Italy. 1983 was also the year when I had my high-school final exams and, in order to be able to go, I asked my high-school principal to anticipate the date of my oral examination. He granted it and I finally left - by plane for the first time, but I could not be afraid as I didn’t want to look foolish in the Calabrian girl’s eyes. At that time there was no mobile nor internet, so I learnt only upon my return my final examination marks. Once in Belgium I experiences a "natural hospitality", where the rhythms of the families - I changed 5 because every family wanted to host an Italian - continued even though I was present in their ho-mes. In Italy, things were different, as when there was a guest people seemed to stop everything else they were doing! It was a great experience and I remember many facts. I experienced for the first time what it meant to share and respect someone’s else faith. I was hosted in a house where I shared the room with an Egyptian boy. In the evening, in our bedroom, he knelt on the carpet toward Mecca, and I recited my Hail Mary, in a very natural mood, and then we would talk about the day and tell each other our lives "at home".On another occasion, at an Italian restaurant, I was asked to explain how you could eat spaghetti wi-thout a spoon: it seems easy, but for many non-Italian persons this is not like that! Especially with one family I established a very good relationship, so good that they invited me to their son's wedding and the mother used to come and visit me and my family for many years when she came to Abano Terme (near my home-town) for the spa treatments.The following year, excited about the previous experience, I applied for France and I stayed 15 days in the Lyon and Beaujolais regions (The Côte Beaujolais is one of the largest wine regions of France), with new people, new friends and this time with another beautiful girl from Rovigo, who you know, life is strange - a few years later became an associate of my wife’s translation company. Among the many memories I have of the French experience, I remember the guided tours we were given in the early morning at the Beaujolais wine cellars starting in the morning, you may imagine the effects at the end of the day ...Friendships, faces, smells, emotions that I recall while writing these words; experiences that, I think, have changed my way of getting in touch with foreign people, the way to host, to organize moments of confrontation, then collaborating with the Rotary Club of Rovigo for the welcoming of American students who participated to the annual exchange programs. I remember, among other moments, a Canadian guy who wore shoes size 17. I had him got his first custom-made shoes; he choose a pair of moccasins in a "mouse-gray" colored leather ... He was 6 feet 9 inches tall, I myself am 6 feet 3 inches tall … now you can imagine what the effect was when we got out of my old small car, called "Bianchina", where the sledges of seats were elongated in order to accommodate us!My conclusion: if you can, please “take advantage” of Rotary, ask your Rotary Delegate to take action and apply for exchanges abroad, even for short ones. Nowadays there are so many ways to go abroad, but I reckon that living this experience with the Rotary and within the Rotary family will be one of a kind one. Good Rotaract to everyone!

Jorick Bernardi, former Rotaractor, now member of Rotary Club Faenza 2072 – Italy

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The first time our RRD Alessandro mentioned us the project of a twinning between the two RotaractDistricts in Milano and Paris, we all silently thought; “Gosh, another big project to follow”.July has just started and I was already closer to the summer-holidays mood than to the organize&plan one.Many day-to- day things were to be sorted out to make the 21 clubs and 400 Rotaractors of our districtseamlessly work together and that was classified as top-priority; Paris was like a distant dream.Still, once we met François from D1660 during one of our District meetings in September, we immediatelyunderstood that great plans were underway. Milano and Paris are the only two metropolitan districts inEurope (London being so large that it comprises multi-ple districts), they share a common calling for fashion,world-recognised lifestyle and services focus. Beyond general prerequisites, thanks to Carlotta dedicationto the project and François frequent travels between our two cities, things were taking shape.Our joint international service was in place with the support of the Karibuni Onlus. Active in Kenya since2004 and working to provide education and healthcare for the youngsters. This organization fosters thehuman and economic development of the people living

in five different farms scattered throughout thecountry. To start this international project, local ateliers provided us a few hundreds of bracelets, whichwere later sold by Milano and Paris Rotaractors contri-buting to the cause.The remaining part of the twinning is easy to find on-li-ne (don’t forget to like our Facebook pages!): signingthe scrolls In our cities at two paramount events such as the Week-End de Coordination Nationale andEUCO was one great emotion; finding ourselves sur-rounded by friends on both sides of the Alps has beensimply too much to describe.

And now? What’s next? I have many friends both Rota-ractors and not, who frequently travel between ourtwo cities both for study or business purposes without mentioning leisure trips. Some of them are alreadyprofiting of the bridge we built to finalise their arrange-ments during their travels. The Karibuni project justcompleted is only a first step in our trip together: as many have said, the journey matters more than thedestination and we are all curious to see what the futu-re District teams will be able to realise together!

A bientôt Paris, a presto Milano!


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Rotaract Club St. Petersburg „White nights“

Project “Cultural exchange” Who? All the Rotaract members around the world, who is interested in bridging clubs from different countries together Why? This project helps us to improve our inter-cultural communication, international dialogue between different Rotaract clubs. That way we can not only learn lots of cultural things from each other, but also share ideas, thoughts about future plans. Moreover this kind of project could provide some projects in collaboration, which would be also an interesting perspective for Rotaract members. When? The deadline is not so important. The main thing is having enough countries and clubs in general to organize our exchange. What? Cultural exchange is the ‘sending’ action, in which every county have to prepare one

of the parcel telling another Rotaract about sending country. It might be CD with traditional music, some food, postcards etc. The last but not least is including Rotaract and Rotary symbols in order to present them. …To summarize: Cultural exchange is one of the ways to build bridges between countries. The best opportunity to know more about each other is to build up relations inside and outsi-de countries by developing cultural and social connections. Starting the contacts between Rotaracts encourage the development of new international friendships.

RAC St.Petersburg - Nursing home When in 2014 Rotaract Saint-Petersburg was first ap-proached with the offer to take on one the local nur-sing homes we did the usual, said yes first, and then started wondering about how exactly we were going to make it work. That was a challenge to say the least.While we had launched all kinds of projects involving fo-ster houses, hospitals, schools, working with people two generations apart from us was an entirely different thing. We figured that what the residents of such a facility would lack most was communication, someone simply to talk to other than personnel members. And, maybe, a little bit of performance. We assembled our all-purpose multifunctional band of sin-gers, dancers, hosts, instrumentalist and drama players and prepared little New Year concert for the residents, and off we went to dazzle our 80-something-year-old audience.Before we arrived we had been warned by the facility ma-nagement that many of the residents had already lost the

grasp of reality, had difficulties keeping track of events or anything going on around them. That did not stop us, howe-ver, but all the more motivated us to the best we could to lighten up the NY Eve for those grannies. It was a success!Unsure at first, we set everything rolling and the perfor-mance went smooth and nice. We were singing songs from 60s and older, which they used to sing when they were our age, they sang along, we danced, and so did they (those who were able to), and we saw happy tears in their eyes when the performance came to an end. That was the best reward and a sign that should come back. And come back we did. Today, year and a half later we have alrea-dy visited the place 8 times. We traditionally start the pro-gram with songs, reading poems, dancing and finish off with a simple board game our older friends grew to like. It is fascinating to see the eagerness and expectation in their eyes, like those of little kids waiting for something special, and we do our best to keep delivering nothing less.


RAC St.Petersburg Nursing home

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“Lots of speech” is an interesting networking project started by RAC Ekaterinburg some time ago. It is an informative field, where people can meet, talk, learn and in general network. This year our club decided to set up this project in Veliky Novgorod, because we felt it was a true training of presentation and networking skills for people in our region.The main feature of this project is that all speakers’ speeches are made on different topics that make each meeting interesting for all kinds of people. On the last meeting we have discussed how to find your inner self, how to set up project without money and so on. Another interesting feature - anyone who has something to say can be a speaker! There are students, businesspeople, admi-nistrators… Guests of our meetings are also very different, but they all have the same aim – to elevate their mind.Today we have successfully organized three meetings. And we plan to do it on a regular basis – next time we meet in mid-May!

On Saturday, February 27th 2016, Rotaract club Krasnodar and children’s sport school KEMPO have organized a performance competition of young athletes!Preparation of brave fighters was at the highest level! Different kinds of disciplines were demonstrated by kids, i.e. attacks, defense units, somersaults, throws etc. - and each type of discipline was very well prepared by the participants!!!Each team demonstrated a great team spirit and colaboration! Here, one for all and all for one. And you realize this fact only, if you are participating in this event! It does not matter from which team are they and how old are they: they are united!Meanwhile, the support group, active participants of which were, of course, parents, coach Alena Danilovna, and Rotaract club Krasnodar worried and were happy at the same time; were proud and inspired!These atmosphere and inner feelings are difficult to describe - two hours of children’s sports art. After all, regardless of the age (4-16 years), they are already leaders who are obsessed with victory! Purposeful and growing personalities with good sport preparation and healthy lifestyle! They are friends who are willing to help in crucial situations.We were very pleased to meet all children and KAMPO-participants! And moreover, we are ready for further friendship with brave boys and girls of this sport school!


Lots of speech, RAC Veliky Novgorod

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SPAINDear Rotaractors,Among the clubs Rotaracts share universal values, that enrich our community: friendship, hope, solidarity, te-amwork, respect, humility, leadership ... This is part of our essence, being the cause and effect of all events and projects organized.Perhaps our contribution can be seen in quantitative ter-ms as “modest”, but our desire to improve the dramatic reality around us what keeps us going, not decay and be convinced, despite having few resources that we do can get small great achievements improve what does not work through our little bit, always giving the best we have: our effort, will and enthusiasm.

For the 2202 Rotaract District it has been a year full of exciting activities and interesting projects that have hel-ped us to become a mentor of positive changes in our local communities and in an international level also. We have organized from ludic activities where the main objectives where solidarities to an Assembly and a Distri-ct Conference, where all the rotaracts that are part of the district have had the opportunity to know what Rotaract

is, to form ourselves to be prepared for the charge that we had to take in our Rotaract Club, we have created new projects and above all, we have strengthened and created new bonds of friendship.

We have celebrated our traditional Christmas Dinner. One more year, a large representation of Rotaracts has travelled to Gambasse (Guinea Bissau) to make our main project keep running and getting better the life of chil-dren and families that live in the hamlets there. This year we have done something great, that is the con-struction of a new school and new wells. Last March, we carry out the Kilo Project, that consists in the collection of food all day long in different locations of our district. It was a success, as we collected 5672kg of food, which were destined and given to different entities and soup kitchens.

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In the 2203 district, have been made variety of projects and activities. School supplies collection project, approved at the district conference Murcia and deve-loped by all Rotaracts clubs of district 2203, becoming a real success for the support obtai-ned by shops, hospitals, universities, and the creation of #AlColeVamosTodos, may deliver the collected material to different schools, institutions and children most in need.

Bracelets for helping people with “TEA” (autism spectrum, neurodevelopmental disorder that appears in childhood). Buying bracelet, profits were donated directly to research the disease. Getting the coopera-tion of Roma Est Rotaract club to also sell bracelets in Rome.Christmas project, carried gathered at different points and also through the generous donation of anonymous people, for subsequent delivery of toys to children at risk of social exclusion. Organizing a later snack with them and spending the afternoon with the children in the company of their families and educa-tors.Wine tasting beneficial for fibromyalgia. To be levied money through the sale of tickets for tasting different types of wine with tapas. The money raised was do-nated entirely to the Fibromyalgia Association, which benefited from a therapeutic treatment carried out at the municipal pool.

Fundraising for research into the disease, “Von Hip-pel Lindau” and together with the help of Rotarians, is getting wider dissemination of its existence and trying to get a protocol of action against it is made.In the district conference, to welcome attendees we celebrate a “white party” was held in favor of the Balearic Multiple Sclerosis Association.Few words from the Country Rep from Spain (2014-16):

After two years in charge as country rep, I want to thank you for the great opportunnity of living this great experience.

The past

year, I also had the chance of being marketing as-sistance (thank you Èlia Estraguès), and this was a very nice experience, and allowed me to know better what is ERIC and how board works and improve my communication habilities. I recommend strongly to participate in board!

One of the moments I enjoyed most was to participate as jury in BESP and TCA (thank you Joana Pires)Also I wanto to say that in this two years news Rotaract clubs have been found, and many others are in formation. As country representive I’ve meet better to all rotaractors of Spain and give a boost to #rota-ractspain in social media. And had the opportunity to assist conference in the three districts.

See you all in Rotary Tridistrital –Toledo!!

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As we edge closer to the end of a fantastic Rotaract year, we have several achievements

to be really proud of. We have also unearthed significant opportuni-ties to take advantage of and grow the presence and impact of Rotaract in Great Britain and Ire-land. This is the right time to reflect on key successes during the 2015/16 year.Last year, RGBI passed a re-structuring of the Executive. Subsequently, this year the team are working to establish a strong Multi District Information Organisation which caters for Rotaractors needs across the countries. Our goals for this year and onwards are:

* To provide support, resources and regional training opportunities to all Rotaractors.

* To promote and strengthen the relationship between Rotaract Clubs.

* To strengthen existing Rotaract clubs and pro-vide support to growing new clubs.

* To hold a national conference joint with RIBI. * To build an accurate database of contact de-tails for Rotaract in GB&I and to make this avai-lable to Rotaract Clubs.

* To create and implement a 3 year strategic plan to make Rotaract GB&I a secure and fully

functioning MDIO.

In 2015, I started a full engagement campaign with the DRRs and DGs in an effort to re-register their districts back into E.R.I.C. i

n light of the changes to the governing bylaws. This exercise led me and the RGBI board to rea-lize the gaps we had in our MDIO. We now have a much better knowledge of Ro-tary districts without any Rotaract clubs, active and less active Rotaract districts and clubs. This information is a significant step in our effort to grow relationships with the district represen-tatives across our MDIO. At the time of writing, we have 7 con-firmed districts signed up to E.R.I.C. with several more coming soon.

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“One item more” for the organization “Tischlein Deck Dich” (Table set yourself)

“Tischlein Deck Dich” is an organization that hands out food products to people living in poverty inSwitzerland. Rotaract Solothurn has decided to do a “one item more” social project for this cause. So inDecember they put up their stands and signs in front of Coop in Biberist and motivated shop-pers tobuy one item more that they would donate at the exit to “Tischlein Deck Dich”. Rotaract Solothurn wasalso supported by the youth exchange student from Oregon (USA) Mikayla, who is the inbound in theirsponsoring Rotary Club Grenchen.

After a morning’s hard work and thanks to a lot of generous donators, the club was able to send a

van’s cargo full with groceries to the distribution center of “Tischlein Deck Dich” and help support the less fortunate.

Marco Sansoni, Rotaract Club Solothurn


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About 35 Rotaract members of district 2000 met each other at the end of Fe-bruary 2016 in theSwiss mountains in Bergün.

After a small Apéro, the Rotaractors had the chance to demonstratetheir knowledge in Rotaract and also in ge-neral at the game olypmics.

Before they went on to gosledging at night, the group had a traditional Fon-due at the restaurant “Weisses Kreuz”. Eventhough the sledging conditions were not amazing as the snow was a bit too wet, everybody made it down

safely and enjoyed the rest of the eve-ning in each other’s company at the Youth house Plazi. On the next day we had a fantastic brunch before we packed our bags, cleaned the house and headed home.

This was a weekend with wonderful conversations and possibilities to get to know new people or to deepen the relationships that have already been formed. Furthermore, new ideas for upcoming projects were created and the foundation for a yearly event has been laid.

District Representative Cyrill Mathis wants to thank all the volunteers, especially the HOC for their organiza-tion. He is already looking forward to the next district 2000 event.

Cyrill Mathis, RAC Glarus

Rotaract District 2000 Event in Bergün GR

it was a weekend with wonderful confer-

sations and possibilities to know new people or deepen

relationships that had already been formed.


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with food package to our villagers. and in the center of the village we established huge table for dinner which called in Ramadan –iftar-For the third stage our village didn’t have a school for disable students for our disable students we have changed a store to 3 classroom those have all materials for disabled studen-ts to educate themFor the last stage we educated our villagers with the coope-rate of ministry of health, our schooling subject was swim-ming pool operator Finally with this operation we gave our villagers a hope; A hope that the villagers wont concern about their health in their life because we built a health care centerA hope that they won’t concern about their special children because we have built 3 classroom for them A hope that they won’t be unemployed because they learn how to be an operator for swimming pools.

We have built healthcare center and class for disable students in our town. In Ramadan we have provided food provided good supply and made a dinner. We made courses of gain profession which were swimming pool operator and traditional carpenter.First of all our village’s health care center was wretched and unusable. For maternal and child health we have renewed the health care center from nothing. and now this health care center can usable for our village’s citizens.We have built our health care center for doctors. Doctors can stay in center at the same time they can examine the patients.On opening day we thought our villagers whose were mothers and children how to keep clean and healthful our mouth in our schooling. Also Our members whose are dentists checked the villagers teeth health up.For the second stage in the mouth of Ramadan we have helped


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In Turkey and in Bursa, Ataev-ler Kindergarten Cloud, Earth, Rainbow, Stars and Sun class to noon, and the morning group was given “Hygiene” training, the topic is one of the Ro-tary’s focus six areas, on 21.01.2015 by Pinar Aydin Ulu-day Univercity Lecturer. The aim of this seminar is that cle-an water and sanitation as part of 4-6 years kindergarden children. Children from tiny invaders and their protection methods with proper hand washing method was taught. The importance of brushing teeth, food hygiene with chil-dren hand washing activity booklet and brushing teeth gi-

ven activity report cards will be checked by the teacher in return vacation, report cards with hand washing and tooth brushing ha-

bits was made a small contribution to the gain. At the same day, in another six areas of focus in maternal and child health days for parents of our club members Die-tician GÖZDE ALP “Nutrition in preschool” was how the emphasis on the education of children with proper nutri-tion needed. Dietitians questions of the parents replied by GÖZDE ALP. Our project took place in the local press.

“Hygiene & Nutrition in Preschool” training by Osmangazi Rotaract Club

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Osmangazi Rotaract Club was orga-nizing the 7th of this year our Tradi-tional Christmas Party on December 25,2015. Rotaract clubs in Bursa always had fun together overnight. The surprise was the raffle with gifts continued until the first light of mor-ning to night.

The aim of the project is that the large amounts that have received in-come from the party is about six ares of focusing social services provision and prevention of conflict, peace is a matter we will realize the project. Nowadays as everyone knows Turkey is near the striving becaouse of the jeopolitical position and had lots of martyrdom. “Türkiye Harp Malülü Śehitler – Gazi, Dul ve Yetimleri Der-neŚi” the translation of English: Tur-key Malulü Veterans, Martyrs Widows and Orphans Association will be used

as a contribution to the education of students in Bursa Branch. Osmangazi Rotaract Club got $2.000,00 from the party and used for Veterans and Martys 6 child univercity education fee. Turkey Malulü Veterans at night, Mar-tyrs Widows and Orphans speeches President of the Association, for their cooperation and for 2 years to help thanking Osmangazi Rotaract Club members. Our traditional party took place newspaper and internet press.Although we are performing a se-venth traditional Christmas party this year there was a lot of innovation. This year we made a donation to the same association, but was used in the field of education. 6 Martyrs’ children of university fees were paid. Association members joined our first night and were satisfied. The first time it had obtained a higher income.

“ Traditional Christmas Party “ Osmangazi Rotaract Club

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ROTARACT ACADEMIA Rotaract Academia as a project is found in 2010 by Ro-taract chair of district 2440. This organization works w/ leadership of Rotaract Academia Coordinator and his/her team and as being the team, We have contributed per-sonel development opportunities for Rotaractors and all of the youth.

Our trainings comprise three main topics and these are; Rotaract internal training,skill courses and personal deve-lopment training.

From 2010 to now, 213 events are organized by Rotaract Academia and over 4000 participants have attended to this events as well. In only 2015-2016 Rotary Term, We have made 41 different seminars and number of partici-pation was only 1023 persons.

First goal of our Project is ‘making workshops,trainings,-seminars and package courses and raising the quality of education for the people in order to provide their perso-nal development’ Generally, we have planned and provi-ded trainings for ; Social Media Expertise training, diction training, body language training, techniques of effective communication via phones, protocol and etiquette trai-ning, breathing techniques, wine and whiskey taste trai-ning, first aid training, speed reading training.

Second goal of our project is “ making skill courses for unemployed young persons in Turkey” This kind of trai-nings are oriented as academically and to focuse increase success for business life of participants.Generally we have planned and provided trainings for; entrepreneurship training, Project management training, leadership and effective administration training,time ma-nagement training, interview techniques training, brand management and branding training, memory reinforce-ment training, anger management training, stress trai-ning, trainers of trainer training.

Third goal of our project is “Rotaract trainings for distri-ct chairs,presidents, secretaries,treasurer, member of the boards and member” Generally we have planned and provided trainings for; District Chair training, Rotaract Training seminar, presidents training,secretaries trainin-

g,treasurer training,vice presidents training, commitee presidents training.

Our target group is Rotaractors who are member of Di-strit 2440 clubs and Rotaract candidates. Secondly, out of the Rotaract, there are lots of people that need more education,trainings,courses or seminars for their career. (Age range: 18-30) These are including; College/Universi-ty students, new graduates, young professionals or other people which need Rotaract Academia.

Rotaract Academia is proped up / promoted by the Rota-rians of District 2440. Therefore we are using Rotarians’ district office and there is no fee for this service. Other locations are conference rooms of universities or Associations which are cooperated w/ Rotaract Acade-mia.

Rotaract Academia’s most impotant feature is being edu-cation establishment as District 2440 Project. Its’ Reason for being is to straddle all of the Rotaractors and Non-Ro-taractors w/ trainings,seminars,courses and workshops and to prepare them for their future. We have a Rotaract Academia Coordinator and his/her main mission is being like bridge between the Rotaractors and District Rotaract Chair. He/she focuses only Rotaract Academia. Every year, We have received over the 50 applicants for working as volunteer for Rotaract Academia. District Rotaract Chair have reviewed their CV and appications form blow by blow and 6 Rotaract Academia volunteers are selected and they report to Rotaract Academia Coordinator di-rectly. Our trainings,seminars,courses or workshops are related about six areas of Rotary ‘disease prevention and treatment’ ,’basic education and literacy’ and ‘water and sanitation’. and ‘Peace and Conflict Prevention and Re-solution’, ‘maternal and Child health’ and we make this events in the weighty matters w/ field of community and vocational services.When the trainings are achieved, Rotaractors who attend to this events chalk up / take the points. If Rotaractors pass the lower limit, they can get a chance for being “Ro-taract Academia Trainer” (to take “trainer training” from professionals must).


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//Save the date:UPCOMING EVENTS//Save the date:

UPCOMING EVENTSOctober 6th - 8th 2016

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//Save the date:UPCOMING EVENTS

January 12th - 15th 2017

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At Peter’s Trip 2016For those who likes to travel with Rotaract! We invite you to spend 7 days in the most beautiful city of Rus-sia –  #14 Top Destination World by Trip Adviser  – gorgeous Saint-Petersburg.During the trip you will have the opportunity to enjoy the white nights, watch the bridges being draw and see the marvellous art collection of the Hermitage museum. You will get to enjoy the beauty of the numerous grand palaces and cathedrals, take a boat trip across multiple canals and rivers that bonded the city and visit the world famous fountains of the Petergoff.

All details are in our Facebook group At Piter’s trip 2016

• Dates: 21-27.06.2016• We have spots for  30 people  with the accommodation in a  brand new ho-stel  right in the city center.•  Applications dea-dline April, 30th • Participation fee is 299 euro•  The fee includes: a c commodat ion , meals and entry ti-ckets to all museums/boats/etc in the program.Apply here: see you in marvelous St.Petersburg! =)

Name: Russian language courses in KaliningradAim: Studying Russian in the most western region of Russia is a great opportunity to immerse into the language environment, enjoy Russian culture, discover its fascinating history and tradi-tions and meet people who live on the isle surrounded by two European countries.Certification: You will receive a course completion confirmation at the end of the course.Host Country/Club: Rotaract Club Kaliningrad supported by Rotary Club KaliningradWhen: 1.08.2016 – 14.08.2016Accommodation: Kaliningrad (in a host-family or in a private apartment).Participants: About 20 participants.Group of up to 7 people.Age: 18 – 30 years oldWorking language: RussianVisa: Visas are obligatory for participants from EU countries.Full visa support is provided by the organizers.Package price:from 400,00 € for 14 days.Participation fees paid until:- May 1st, 2016 – 400 EUR- May 31th, 2016 – 420 EUR

Application Deadline: May 31th 2016After June 1st the reservation cannot be accepted!Please book your travel as soon as your participation is confir-med.

Russian language courses in Kaliningrad

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Montenegro tripJuly 13th - August 7th

Mexico Language tripJune 13th - 24th

Cycling 4 CharityJune 18th

WIL - Weekend Intenational LuxembourgJuly 1st - 3rd

Serbia tripJune 25th - July 3rd

Pacific Canadian ExperienceAugust 25th - September


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