Page 1: Erratum: Theoretical models for the angular distribution of massive muon pairs produced in hadronic collisions

P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W D V O L U R l E 1 7 . N U M B E R 9 1 M A Y 1 9 7 8


Erratum: Weak radiative decays of baryons in SU(4) [Phys. Rev. D - 16, 3284 (197'7)j

K. T. Mahanthappa and David G. Unger

Equation (25b) should read M ( Z 'So) = (1/fi) cotOM(Z ' T o ) . In the f i r s t sentence after equation (30), instead of " A C = - 1" read "AC= A S = - 1." In equations (31a), (31b), and (31c) delete cot8 on the right-hand side. In equation (34e), on the right-hand side instead of M read M'.

Erratum: Theoretical models for the angular distribution of massive muon pairs produced in hadronic collisions

[Phys. Rev. D 16, 146 (197711

Kashyap V. Vasavada

The sentence preceding Eq. (27) should be r e - placed by the sentence: "From dimensional argu- ments, we use the following form:." The sentence following Eq. (27) should be replaced by the sen- tence: "One could of course consider many other forms." Also, a footnote referr ing to Eq. (27) was inadvertently left out. It should read "The dis- tribution functions were provided by M. Duong-Van [phys. Lett. 60B, 287 (1076) and private commu- nication]. c he author wishes to express his thanks

to M. Duong-Van for his help." There is also a typographical e r r o r in the rela-

tion (12). The second t e rm containing F,2 should be multiplied by Q '. T wish to thank Dr. J. Ruther- ford for pointing this out. The distribution func- tion (13) is correc t a s it i s and there i s no change in the results.

Reference 2 of the paper i s now published a s Phys. Rev. D 16, 1389 (1977). -

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