  • OUTLINE ON THE ESOTERIC NATURE OF OUR LIVING WATER To start with, lets explain what unique services areoffered to members of Our Living Water Depots. The basic everyday function of our agents is to keep the equipment working well, and service our members, as well as, offer nice containers glassware books and gadgets.

    We start with taking straight from the tap Vancouver bulk water and pass it thru a basic carbon filter; we actually don't want to take out the minerals from the fresh mountain water that comes from 10-miles away [in our case]. As we see it, our tap water is good enough when all our gadgets are for making better water.

    Our basic outlets use the Grander units as a backbone to ourrevitalizing water hardware. We also apply all kinds of devices that Viktor Schauberger created, and applying the subtle technics of Dr. Masaru Emoto & exposing the water to a 50 to100 MHz human/vibrational resonance, in order to offer a truly better Living water.

    We then take this water to make specialty Living Water that's been exposed to fresh rose petals and the rose's frequency of 320 MHz [for example] and in this way offer a foundation for a unique service

    NOW: Let's look further into the Esoteric Nature of our Living Water

    Every major religion in the world holds a beliefin the fundamental Sacred nature of water. This water really is far closer to nature's balance then anything from the finest wells

    This water has been energized [pre-disposed]to be receptive to esoteric effects of prayer. TODAY it's now called: water with memory

    As we see it: There really isn't a good excuse for any Church, or Mosque, or Temple of any Faith or denomination to not get theirown community Living Water Depot, for their congregation.

    To put it in perspective A Church that sings Gregorian Chants to heap blessings onto their water can claim that their water really benefits their parishioners AND never be proven wrong - Do they need our water? - No [but simply put] it doesn't hurt

    EQUALLY SO: any Temple could make the same claim that the Spiritual nature of what they do with their water is best for their devotees, and never be wrong. To put in another perspective: Anyone who says this esoteric belief stuff is nonsense will get nothing from not blessing this water before drinking it [for example]All Faiths could laugh together and say their water is better, and be right.


    In the case of a greenhouse or farm: One good reason for a reservoir is that you can prime your water to what you're growing [as in] if you're growing tomatoes, float some tomato leaves on the reservoir's water, and crank the vibration for the MHz resonance frequency for tomatoes on this water [very easy to do] & POOF You're guaranteed to get bigger better juicier and tastier tomatoes.

    On a home application: It's easy to set up an almost silent variable MHz resonance frequency device that structures the water for the 55-gallon barrel we install. You can get very creative, and structure your water to Bach, Beethoven, Tibetan Chants, your children laughing, whatever

    AND frankly if you don't believe it works, it probably won't [that's how water works] Experts agree: the deeper you look into especially Living Water, the more you realize that we really know very little about why structured water is so wonderful. 'Anal'itical science can't explain itand it breaks their rules, so it's dismissed as unacredited BUT just because they can't explain why it works, does not hold water anymore...

    Bogus rules set decades ago as cast in stone by UN zealots [like: in this case of Agenda 21] can be fixed by accepting that our Peaceful right to fixthis wrong by innovation of new ways and meanswill go a long way in giving Peace a chance. As we see it: left to the UN's own demise, the reason they are warning us of wars over water is because the UN is fuelling the problem.

    People ask: why must you be so political? Look over our offer to fix this mess thru these perfectly legal socio-economical meansAND ASK: Isn't this not how our civilly structured society is supposed to bring a good notion forward? [ON THIS: think outside the box] They correctly believe that if they give an inch on disturbing nothing in their house of smoke an mirrors that the domino effect will be avoided.

    THEY ARE CORRECT: We've been pressing the courts with more than one brick in the wall lately. This one might work to Peacefully fixing this local water issue [in this case] of suppressing technology in order to help fix errors in their game plan... If anyone cares to notice: There's an election this year, so any EDA [Electoral District Association]

    of concerned voters holds a Peaceful way, and effective means to this totally offensive Harper regime, by making a difference one neighbourhood at a time.

    Check out our Facebook page on: Our Living Water Co-op Vancouver.This is a start up venture that requires a grassroots movement to work.

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