
PowerPoint Presentation

Espaol 2 y 317 de septiembre de 2014

La CampanaEscribe 4 oraciones usando el vocabulario del capitulo uno.Da tu cuaderno a tu compaero/a para que l/ella escrbelas en ingls.

Participacin 1 Dibuja un cuadrado.Folk talesWhat are folk tales?Why were they created?What are some you are familiar with?Why are each cultures different?

Video Tales from the Latin American IndiansWatch each storyWrite the answers to the questions in your diario sectionBe prepared to discuss each one

On your own write a folk taleSelect something from the Spanish culture. (a food, a traditional clothing item, a musical instrument, a location)Create a short folk tale to explain its existence.Use people, animals, gods/goddesses, or nature itself as characters.Finishing it is homework that is due on Friday!

Participacin #5 Dibuja tu cracter de tu cuento

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