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Essex Strategy for Young Carers 2009/2011

Supporting young carers in Essex

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Many of today’s young carers

will be the adult carers of tomorrow.

Doing something now to promote

their equality of opportunity, health

and information needs is as much

a preventative strategy and a sound

investment as it is a matter of social

justice and a mark of a decent society.

”Professor Saul Becker, Loughborough University, 2004

index Section A – The Strategy

• Why Essex needs a strategy for young carers

• The current support network in Essex

• Who are young carers?

• What does a young carer do?

• Caring for the carer

• The Essex Strategy for Young Carers

• Links to other strategies

Section B – The Action Plan

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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

Why Essex needs a strategy for young carers

There are approximately 175,000 young

carers in the UK. National research indicates

that there are between 4,500

and 6,000 young carers in Essex.

Of these only 500 are registered

with support groups, although

research indicates that there are

many more young carers who

remain unidentifi ed, or ‘hidden’

from offi cial statistics.

In order to provide better

outcomes for young carers we need to

develop a strategic plan to ensure that:

a) they receive the same opportunities

as their peers and

b) their inequalities are consistently

managed across Essex

This document will highlight the

challenges facing young people with

caring responsibilities, and the need

for their role(s) to be appropriately

recognised and supported. It sets out

why Essex needs a strategy for young

carers, the key issues to be addressed

and how these fi t with the Every Child

Matters outcomes.

• Prioritise future investment

and activity

• Establish a working protocol for professionals to use in supporting young carers

• Provide guidance on how professionals can work together to effectively identify and support young carers in Essex

• Raise awareness of the diverse needs of young carers

• Provide equitable and accessible information, support and services to all the county’s young carers

The current support network in Essex

Until April 2005 Young Carers provision

in Essex comprised 5 projects, delivered

by colleagues in Adult Social Care. Since

moving services to the Schools, Children

and Families Directorate there has been

unprecedented growth in the number

of projects and services available to

young carers.

There are currently 14 Young

Carers Projects across the

County, working closely and

in partnership with schools,

health partners, the voluntary

sector, Integrated Youth

Services (IYS) and Social Care to provide

good quality personal development and

respite opportunities. However the

projects are district based, and until

recently lacked countywide strategic

direction. This is being addressed by

regular conferences, network groups

and training.

The current network of services has

developed following a local needs-led

model; as a result, services look very

different in each area. While it is

acceptable that there is a variety of

delivery models, we must ensure that

each young carer has access to a

minimum standard of support, designed

to meet their particular needs.

With the network now nearing capacity,

there is a danger that some young carers

may not be able to access the support

they need.

We urgently need to explore new ways of

supporting young carers, that are not

necessarily or entirely dependant on their

attendance at a young carers group.

While the past two years has

seen considerable improvement

in the support available to

young carers in Essex, we must

ensure that this support

continues to refl ect this group’s

changing and complex needs.

It is essential therefore, that we set out the

responsibilities and expectations of all our

support partners, and defi ne their

respective roles within a locally delivered,

coherent strategy.

“Carers save the public purse about

£57 billion per year(roughly calculated at £1.6 billion in

Essex alone)

A strategic plan will enable all those

working with young carers in Essex -

the police, social, learning and health

professionals, support agencies, voluntary

and community groups - to

clarify their current roles and

responsibilities within

the wider support network.

An action plan (section B)

outlines the current situation

for young carers, where

support is needed, how it

will be delivered and those

responsible for managing and monitoring

the various initiatives proposed.

“One in ten Young Carers is caring for more than one person”

Section A - The Strategy

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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

being excluded from school

and family breakdown, the

more likely it is that they will

experience further negative

outcomes . Outcomes also

vary by race and gender.”

(2003, TSO)

Caring for another person can be a

positive, satisfying experience, if the

carer is appropriately supported.

They may accept that their caring role is

‘the norm’, and do not see themselves

as a carer in the conventional sense.

Who are young carers?

The term ‘young carer’ applies to anyone

under the age of 18 whose life is in some

way restricted because of the

need to take responsibility for

the care of a person on a

regular basis. They may be the

main carer, or provide partial

care for an adult or sibling. (In

Essex, Young Carers Support

Groups have worked with children as

young as fi ve years old.) The person being

cared for may have a long-term illness

(including HIV and AIDS),

a physical or sensory

impairment, or learning

diffi culties. Alternatively they

may be experiencing mental

distress, domestic violence,

poverty, or be affected by

alcohol/substance misuse.

• The adult does not have the appropriate level of care and/or equipment,

and relies on the young person to help ‘bridge the gap’ (although they may

not approve of a younger family member being burdened with this

additional responsibility)

• The family is wary of seeking/receiving external help, as it may suggest

(to others) an inability to cope themselves. They may view this ‘outside

intervention’ as a potential risk to family stability

• The child/young person willingly accepts a caring role within the family unit

and is only expected to do tasks that are age appropriate and does not want

their caring responsibilities taken away

Young carers may have taken on their role because:

“56% of Young Craers

are living in lone parent families”

What does a young carer do? A young carer’s role will vary according

to the nature of the illness or disability of

the person they care for and the situation

they live in. The majority of young carers

provide support for parents or siblings,

with a smaller number caring for

grandparents or other family members.

In some cases the young carer is looking

after more than one person.

The caring role ranges from general

nursing type care and domestic chores,

to providing intimate personal care,

emotional support including childcare


Evidence shows young carers experience

the same levels of privilege and

disadvantage as other young people;

however disadvantage is often

compounded by their caring role.

27% of all young carers of secondary

school-age are experiencing problems

of some kind, while 40% of children

caring for someone

who misuses drugs

or alcohol have

educational diffi culties.

Every Child Matters

states that “the more

risk factors a child

experiences, such as

However a growing number of young carers are concerned about:

• The burden of responsibility

• not being able to cope (of letting a vulnerable person down)

• having a relative/loved one taken into care (or being taken into care themselves)

due to a lack of appropriate supportt

“20% of Young Craers and their families recieve no support, except for their contact with a specialist young carer’s project”

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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

Who they helpWho they help



Brother or Sister







Perform Domestic Tasks

Administer general care

Offer Emotional Support

Give intimate Personal care

Provide child care for non-

disabled brothers or sisters

Provide other types of care





Physical Health Problems

Mental Ill Health

Learning Disability

Sensory Impairment

Other Illness/Disability



4% 3%

Why they care

How they care

Caring for the carers Most young carers manage to maintain a

relatively ‘normal’ life; attending school

regularly, achieving good

results and displaying no

obvious signs of being unable

to cope. Some young people

will be experienced carers,

who see their role as a way

of developing self-esteem

and a lasting friendship with

the care receiver.

Evidence shows that young carers are

more likely to face disadvantage and

isolation while not achieving

as well as their peers, as a

direct result of their caring

role. While they can be

extremely diffi cult to identify,

or may not consider their role

in any way unusual, young

carers are entitled to the same educational,

social and leisure opportunities as their peers.

In particular we need to address how to:

• Identify and assess young carers effi ciently

• deliver a range of need-based services, from respite through to intensive social care interventions (via our internal and external partners)

• enable young carers to carry out their role by providing appropriate support i.e. fi rst aid, health & safety, emergency planning

• celebrate and recognise their achievements

• involve them in the design and deliveryof services

• offer them valid choices

• listen to their concerns – give them a ‘voice’

• tackle the inequalities they face i.e. personal development, education, social

• understand the emotional and physical impact of caring for a loved one, particularly if care is

needed on a long-term basis

“It is vital that we support as many

young carers as possible”

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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

Being Healthy

To encourage young carers to enjoy good

physical, mental and emotional health,

we intend to:

Staying Safe

When each young carer is identifi ed we

expect to:

Enjoying and Achieving

We will improve the educational, leisure

and play opportunities of all young carers

accessing our service by:

Making a Positive Contribution

All identifi ed young carers should be

given greater opportunities to choose

and control the services they access.

We expect this to happen by:

• issue every young carer with a

free leisure pass to use at a

designated centre (for swimming,

other activities)

• offer 1:1 support and counselling

as required

• provide access to respite and

other mainstream services

• carry out a timely assessment of

their individual needs, following

the common assessment

process (CAF)

• provide access to a local support

group if required

• enable them to develop their own

individual emergency plan, to cope

with day to day emergencies in

the home

• offering accredited activities

through young carers’ groups

• regularly celebrating the

achievements of young people

• distributing information via schools,

youth centres and other education

providers, to raise awareness of the

needs of young carers – and to help

them develop strategies to meet

these needs

• agreeing a transition protocol for

young carers moving to adulthood,

with colleagues from adult

social care

Achieving Economic Wellbeing

To help young carers to overcome eco-

nomic disadvantage, and support them

in achieving their full potential, The Direct

Support Fund will allow professionals and

young people to access money, to provide

immediate fi nancial support. This will

help young carers to:

Asking the questions

It is imperative that all professionals in

Essex have an understanding of young

carers and the questions they need to ask

when supporting a family. Without a clear

understanding of a young carer’s specifi c

circumstances i.e. the frequency of the

care given, who is being cared for, how

care is given, any support provided could

be ill timed, inadequate or inappropriate.

When assessments are carried out on

adults with disabilities and serious

medical conditions, there is evidence to

show that the question of ‘do you have

any dependent children?’ is rarely being

asked, despite the fact these are often

the young carers we wish to target.

This information would be crucial if, for

example, an adult is in the process of

being discharged from hospital, into the

care of a 10 year old. The focus of an

assessment is, rightly, on the person with

the care needs, but consideration must

also be given to the young carer. Current

evidence suggests that young carers

often feel ‘overlooked’, and in some

cases ‘ignored’.

• allowing young carers to decide

where and when they meet,

and who supports them cont...

• asking for their input -

expectations, observations,

ideas, recommendations

• encouraging them to become actively involved in Youth Councils throughout the County

• overcome and redress any economic and social disadvantages

they face

• access respite and/or personal development opportunities

• have some infl uence over how this dedicated funding is allocated

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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

The main objectives of the Essex Strategy for Young Carers are to:

The Essex Strategy for Young Carers is

supported by a carer-led action plan that

aims to deliver appropriate, timely and

equitable support to all young carers

across Essex.

Its themes are based on the fi ve key

outcomes for children and young

people in Every Child Matters (TSO 2003),

with two additional themes . By working in

partnership with other statutory organisations

and by liaising directly with the young carers

themselves professionals will be able to

deliver more coherent, targeted and effective

The Essex Strategy for Young Carers Links to Other Strategies

The Children & Young People’s Plan has

several objectives relating to the Essex

Strategy for Young Carers, namely to:

Adult Carers’ Strategy

The primary aim of the Adult Carers’

Strategy is:

To establish a carers’ strategy that is

carer-led and works towards ensuring that

the right services are available to carers,

and that those services are appropriate,

easy to access, equitable and timely in

their delivery. This will be achieved by

working in partnership, by recognising,

respecting and supporting both adults

and young carers in their own right and

by training and supporting staff.

Its objectives are to:

• acknowledge the contribution that

young carers make as a carer

• ensure young carers do not have to

take on inappropriate types and

levels of caring, which can affect

their school attendance, emotional

and physical wellbeing, or future

life opportunities

• work with partners to identify any

young carers who are not accessing

support, and ensure partners

understand their responsibilities

in delivering this support

• provide high quality respite and

personal development opportunities

for all young carers

• support the families of young carers

and recognise the strength of the

family unit

• promote educational achievement

and attainment

• provide opportunities for young

people to form and maintain

appropriate peer group

support networks

• engage young carers in the

development and evaluation of

care services, allowing them

choice and controlt

• maintain the health and well-being

of young carers

• help young carers to overcome

socio-economic disadvantage to

achieve their full potential

• support young carers in their

transition to becoming adult carers

• monitor and evaluate support

services effectively and appropriately

• increase the number of young

carers identifi ed in Essex to 800

• provide regular respite

opportunities to 500 young

carers, linked to their personal


• produce at least 130 individual

home emergency plans, delivered

as required

• recognise the contribution of young

carers to Essex

• Offer at least 50 individual young

carers one respite or personal

development opportunity, via

access to the Direct Support Fund

• Provide training and awareness

raising sessions to 150

professionals working with young

carers across Essex

• provide a range of information,

support and help to carers who

provide substantial care on a

regular basis

• help to maintain carers’ health

and wellbeing

• enable carers to sustain their caring

role as long as they chose

to continue

• ensure all services and service

development are carer-led, and

where possible, in line with carers’

wants and needs

• provide equitable and accessible

services for all carers

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Action Plan

The Essex Young Carers

Section B - The Action PlanThe Essex Young Carers Action Plan

This plan is for all professionals working in public, voluntary and community

settings. As already expressed, the strategic themes are based on the fi ve

key outcomes for children and young people in Every Child Matters.

1. Being Healthy We will provide all young carers with opportunities

to have a fulfi lling and enjoyable childhood.

2. Staying Safe We will ensure that all Young carers and their families

feel safe and secure where they play, live, go to

school and work.

3. Enjoying We will ensure that our schools and colleges enable

and Achieving all young carers to aspire, learn, achieve highly and

achieve their full potential and enjoy life.

4. Making a Positive Children and young people with caring responsibilities

Contribution are allowed greater choice and control over the services

they access.

5. Achieving Economic We will seek to reduce the impact of poverty and the

Wellbeing economic downturn on the lives of all young carers

and their families seeking to improve their life chances.

Theme What The Theme Means for Young Carers

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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

What happens now?

Although there has been some localised awareness raising about children and young

people with caring responsibilities in schools and other settings, there is no joined up

approach to training teachers, schools governors health professionals and others in

supporting young carers.

What we want to happen

We will provide all young carers with opportunities to have a fulfi lling and

enjoyable childhood.

see table opposite

1. Being Healthy















































































































































































































































































































































































































































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CWD Children with Disabilities – CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service County Lead(s) and CWD Service Managers

SHA School Health Advisors EYPDAS Essex Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service

ASC Adult Social Care EYCDO Essex Young Carers Development Offi cer

PCT’s / Primary Care Trusts DAAT Drug and Alcohol Action TeamSEPT South Essex Partnership Trust

EWS Education Welfare Service FC Family CentresYOS Youth Offending Service YCP Young Carers Projects CYPSP Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnerships - County Lead and Individual Chairs – Locality Level

ECC Essex County Council TASCC’s Teams around the School, Child and Community

IYS Integrated Youth Services ECVYS Essex County Voluntary Youth ServiceMHP Mental Health Partnership LC Leisure Centres Agencies and Trusts

FE Post 16 Education B/D Local Borough and District Councils Councils

Key to partners named in Action Plan

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What happens now?

The 13 Essex Young Carers Support Projects receive their referrals from a variety of sourc-

es and are the main support for young carers in Essex. Social Care Children’s Assessment

Teams thresholds are set at a level that mean limited numbers of the County’s young

carers would meet the criteria for an assessment under the 1989 Children’s Act. There is

no protocol between adult and children based services about children and young people

with caring responsibilities, and activity is therefore dependent on the understanding

of individual professionals. Overall, there is limited public awareness about the needs

of children and young people with caring responsibilities and the support available for

them in the County.

What we want to happen

We will ensure that all Young carers and their families feel safe and secure where they

play, live, go to school and work.

see table opposite and on the next page

2. Staying Safe





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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

What happens now?

All Young Carers Support Groups recognise the importance of working collaboratively with

the County’s schools. However a named young carer’s lead is not available in any school

- all groups must have workers who are happy to work together with schools as part of

their generic role. It is currently unclear what information, advice and support is available

to children and young people with caring responsibilities in the school environment, and

to what extent teaching and support staff are aware of any young carers in their school.

Young Carers Support Workers & EWS suggest a number of children and young people

with caring responsibilities experience bullying in school. There is no clear picture of the

number of young carers who are non-school attendees because of their caring role; as a

result, we are unable to include them in this strategic plan. We therefore need a major

piece of research around non-attendance as a matter of urgency.

What we want to happen

We will ensure that our schools and colleges enable all young carers to aspire, learn,

achieve highly and achieve their full potential and enjoy life.

see table opposite

3. Enjoying and achieving



























































































































































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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

What happens now?

Informal consultation and feedback is gained by the Young Carers Support Workers con-

cerning how children and young people with caring responsibilities feel about their lives

and the services that are offered to them and their family.

There is no formal process for young carers to have a voice in the design and delivery

of services available to them.

What we want to happen

Children and young people with caring responsibilities are allowed greater choice and

control over the services they access.

see table opposite

4. Making A Positive Contribution
































































































































































































































































































































































































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�What happens now?

Social inclusion is part of the Healthy Schools Project for Essex. Essex Integrated Youth

Services are working on a variety of projects with different groups of young people to ad-

dress issues around social inclusion. There is no targeted work addressing the specifi c

needs of young people with caring responsibilities who are in transition to adulthood.

What we want to happen

We will seek to reduce the impact of poverty and the economic downturn on the lives

of all young carers and their families seeking to improve their life chances.

see table opposite

5. Achieving Economic Wellbeing

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Young Carers Strategy 2009/2011

What happens now?

Each Support Group bids yearly to the County Council for the Young Carers Funding, pro-

viding data as to how they spend the monies. The majority of funding for the Young Carers

Projects comes from applying for charitable donations of short term funding and the Car-

ers Special Grant.

What we want to happen

see table opposite and continuing on following page

6. Implementing the Strategy































































































































































































































































































































































































































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This information is issued by

Essex County Council Schools children and Families

By post;

Schools Children and Families

PO Box 47

County Hall

Market Road



Tel: 01245 437314

email: [email protected]


The Information contained in this document can be translated

and/or made available in alternative formats on request.

Published June 2009


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