Page 1: -Esther- Lessons for Every Day Life · THE CHARACTERS IN OUR STORY 1) Queen Esther An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the

-Esther- Lessons for Every

Day Life

Page 2: -Esther- Lessons for Every Day Life · THE CHARACTERS IN OUR STORY 1) Queen Esther An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the


The story of ESTHER has won the hearts and minds of millions of people.

On one hand it’s the “lady” version of David and Goliath story.

On the other hand, the spiritual messages, namely that of having the “right” to approach the king has been expanded in a New Testament version, to indicate that we should have the courage to approach the King of Kings.

Some of these more romantic versions are pleasant stories to read and seem to have the queen absolutely in control.

However, anyone that recognizes the deep levels of internal stress that Esther would have lived under, would know that, while she was trying to maintain the Biblical value system that was her foundation, she would at the same time be living in a different lifestyle under a strange/foreign cultural setting – this would result in the reality that she probably had several sleepless nights where she questioned her relationship with God.

Below is an image of what is believed to be the tomb of Esther and Mordecai-found deep in Iran still today.



Page 3: -Esther- Lessons for Every Day Life · THE CHARACTERS IN OUR STORY 1) Queen Esther An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the

The story of Esther, it seems to me, is really put there to highlight the fact that your leadership qualities will be tested in very difficult circumstances, and that your success will be determined by the depth and breadth of your foundation.

The fathering-role of mentoring and living the Biblical principles becomes highlighted even more when you are no longer in control, when your child must make all of the decisions on their own and you are only able to provide limited support, to a child that now must follow the examples and have faith in the God of Israel.

How well a parent has done their job of role-modeling Godly attributes and principles will clearly be revealed in the actions taken by the child under trials.


1) Queen Esther

An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the queen to a foreign king in a faraway land. When a plot is hatched to kill all of the Jewish people she takes action to prevent this.

2) Mordecai

He is a man who is a devout follower of the God of Israel, who can be described as a true son of Abraham. He works in the palace, is removed from a position of authority for a while, but continues to speak into the life of the girl that he raised with Godly values. He challenges Esther to exercise her right to freedom of choice - to think not as a slave, but as a free-(wo)man.

3) Haman

Described as an Agagite - implying that he is a descendent of king Agag, the Amalekite (1 Samuel 15.8), and is therefore part of a nation that has persecuted the children of Israel ever since they came out of Egypt.



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4) King Aharsuerus

He is a man who publicly disgraces his queen, Vasti, then chooses Esther as Queen, but lets Haman have the power to do what he wants in exchange for a ransom.

He is seemingly a tyrant, but as the story unfolds, it appears that he is easily influenced by people who have strong opinions.



There is not doubt that God steps in to deliver His people. The answer to the threat is an absolute miracle.

But there are questions that need to be raised to paint a clearer picture of the circumstances and portray the spiritual status of the Israelites for what it really was.

The Israelites had strayed away from God’s path. Despite repeated warning, they continue to exercise their free will to do what they like. As a result they are taken into exile.

After a number of years, the doorway is opened for them to return. In other words, they have been released from exile, are free to go home, and the opportunity is presented for them to return fully to the pattern and purpose laid out for them in the land of Canaan.

Sadly, very few take this opportunity. The rest (who stay behind) enjoy serving a foreign king, in a foreign land and at foreign temple, and as it seems, they start to assimilate into that society.

The question one must ask is this …


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Are some of the trials and tribulations that you are suffering an attack from the enemy, or have you exposed your household to tribulations because you are outside of God’s Will?

In these times, many will be claiming to walk in His victory - but refuse to walk in His ways, or keep His Commandments.

Is this not really the same as being a son\daughter of Abraham WHILE living within another culture/system?



Clearly this Purim feast/fast is a man-made decision to honor God and recognize His Hand in our deliverance.

You and I can probably recognize that God has done miracles for us as well, and equally we’ll say that we also want to celebrate this feast and give praise.

There can be little doubt that without too much thinking we would be able to document an example of God’s Hand of deliverance in our own lives as well as our families’ lives over the past year. And so we should be willing to praise His Name at a time such as this!!

Nevertheless, there are a number of very important spiritual lessons that we can learn. And just maybe, the reason that you choose to celebrate the feast of Purim this year, and to study the principles of the victory, is because you yourself could be facing a real battle in the next few months.


I have suggested that the principles of leadership are a vital lesson to be learnt from this story. Unfortunately, this topic also raises some difficulty for people.

The most dominant leadership model available, used widely in the business world, taught in hospitals, schools, and churches, and even by parents, is the military command structure.

Within this model we have one general / leader - the one who gives all of the commands - every other junior officer will repeat these commands until they reach the lowest level rank individual, who then must do whatever they are told, even if common sense would dictate differently.

**NUGGET!** Fact is that the God-given leadership model requires a servant-heart, a shepherd’s compassion, a courageous defender of the group and someone whose lifestyle reflects the actions and love of Y’shua (Jesus).


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The question could be asked: How do we transition to this leadership style?

A) How to be Servant-leaders.

As a summary, the concept of servant-leaders should include the following characteristics/virtues.

Someone Who Reveals Demonstrable Brotherly Love

One of the attributes that sets a leader apart from others is the inherent regard and compassion for his followers. This attribute is demonstrated in some of the military units who make it an absolute requirement that no-one will ever be left behind after a battle.

In the Body of Messiah it manifests when each and every person is recognized as equal, and each person is placed in his or her rightful position.

Esther 4:10-16 Then Ester spoke to Hatakh and gave him this message for Mordekhai: 11 “All the king’s officials, as well as the people in the royal provinces, know that if anyone, man or woman, approaches the king in the inner courtyard without being summoned, there is just one law — he must be put to death — unless the king holds out the gold scepter for him to remain alive; and I haven’t been summoned to the king for the past thirty days.”

Esther 4:12 Upon being told what Ester had said, Mordekhai 13 asked them to give Ester this answer: “Don’t suppose that merely because you happen to be in the royal palace you will escape any more than the other Jews. For if you fail to speak up now, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from a different direction; but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows whether you didn’t come into your royal position precisely for such a time as this.”



Page 7: -Esther- Lessons for Every Day Life · THE CHARACTERS IN OUR STORY 1) Queen Esther An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the

Esther 4:15 Ester had them return this answer to Mordekhai: “Go, assemble all the Jews to be found in Shushan, and have them fast for me, neither eating nor drinking for three days, night and day; also I and the girls attending me will fast the same way. Then I will go in to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.”

Someone Who Acts With Humility

People, who have been blessed with huge amounts of raw talent, know that they can rise up to any occasion. Those full of pride will advertise this ability.

Those with a humble heart will use their ability and present that talent/ gift in a way that blesses others and does not make them feel inadequate.

Esther 2:15 When the turn came for Ester the daughter of Avichayil, whose nephew Mordekhai had adopted her as his own daughter, to appear before the king, she didn’t ask for anything other than what Hegai the king’s officer in charge of the harem advised. Yet Ester was admired by all who saw her.

Esther 5:1 On the third day, Ester put on her royal robes and stood in the inner courtyard of the king’s palace, opposite the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the king’s hall, across from the entrance to the hall.

Someone Who Is A Visionary

A leader will be able to look beyond the immediate problems and needs. Visionaries are people who see the end-time strategy, and are able to take what appears to be steps to the side, and steps backwards at times, in order to be able to advance when the gap opens up. At times, diplomacy is preferred to warfare, at times we need to bandage wounds before we can advance.



Page 8: -Esther- Lessons for Every Day Life · THE CHARACTERS IN OUR STORY 1) Queen Esther An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the

Esther 4:16 Go, assemble all the Jews to be found in Shushan, and have them fast for me, neither eating nor drinking for three days, night and day; also I and the girls attending me will fast the same way. Then I will go in to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.”

Someone who Empowers Followers

Esther would be the one to appear before the king … she would command the fast and the call to battle. Yet she knew all of the time that her success was based on the support from her uncle and his insights into the court politics.

When the time came, she made sure that he was reinstated and promoted in the king’s house… (she did not want to have the role of leadership for herself)

Esther 8:1That same day King Achashverosh gave the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Ester the queen. Also Mordekhai appeared before the king, for Ester had revealed his relationship to her.

Esther 9:4 For Mordekhai had become a powerful person in the king’s palace, and his fame had spread through all the provinces; Mordekhai continued to grow increasingly powerful.

Someone Who Serves Others

Leaders serve others. Leaders who demand that others must serve them are on the road to dictatorship.

While it’s Godly to honour parents/leaders, this aspect is being abused in the Body today.

We find leadership that is being treated as “idols”, are raised as “kings” are being put on a pedestal beyond which no one can question - this is NOT RIGHT!!

We must remember who delivered us—the God of Israel! We must remember who brought us into the Land of Promise –the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!

We must remember to “wear” the sign of a son of Abraham. Y’shua (Jesus) tells us that if we are to be seen as the sons of Abraham, we should do the works of Abraham.

We must remember to worship and serve in His Land, at His Altar, in the manner that He prescribes.


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Esther 9:27-29 The Jews resolved and took upon themselves, their descendants and all who might join them that without fail they would observe these two days in accordance with what was written in [this letter] and at the appointed time, every year; and that these days would be remembered and observed throughout every generation, every family, every province and every city; and that these days of Purim would never cease among the Jews or their memory be lost by their descendants.

Esther 9:29 Then Ester the queen, the daughter of Avichayil, and Mordekhai the Jew, gave full written authority to confirm a second letter about Purim.

Someone Who Is Trustworthy

When we become grafted into the Vine, and feed off of the sap Who is Messiah, and we produce the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, we will reflect His Glory without blemish. God trusts you to be a “light to the nations”!!

Esther 8:4-5 The king extended the gold scepter toward Ester. So Ester got up and stood in front of the king. She said, “If it pleases the king, if I have won his favor, if the matter seem right to the king and if I have his approval, then let an order be written rescinding the letters devised by Haman the son of Hamdata the Agagi, which he wrote to destroy the Jews in all the royal provinces.

Esther 9:23-25 So the Jews took it upon themselves to continue what they had already begun to do, and as Mordekhai had written to them; because Haman the son of Hamdata the Agagi, the enemy of the Jews, had plotted against the Jews to destroy them and had thrown pur (that is, “cast lots”) to crush and destroy them; but when Ester came before the king, he ordered by letters that [Haman’s] wicked scheme, which he had plotted against the Jews, should recoil on his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.


The question for us is simply: how much of the characteristics of a servant leader do you have? Which of these are missing in your character? Which of the wrong leadership elements do you make use of regularly? What is your action plans to rectify your leadership model?

What action steps do you plan to take to repent where you have given wrong leadership, where your actions have caused damage, and where people no longer trust God because of what you did to them?


Having shown that Esther reflects the elements that make up the concept of servant-leader, let’s now try to define the steps that one has to consider in order to build this leadership model into your DNA.


Page 10: -Esther- Lessons for Every Day Life · THE CHARACTERS IN OUR STORY 1) Queen Esther An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the

1) Leaders accept the counsel of Godly Elders.

Mordecai had accepted responsibility for this orphan girl. He had been diligent in his task to look after her, but also to instill a Biblical value system.

Clearly, his deeds matched the words that he spoke - he had built up a level of credibility with her.

The fact that she could transition from the house of a “common” man to the king’s palace, teaches us that a part of her training was an exposure to a wider range of matters - politics/economy/small talk with people of another culture.

She realized that he had provided her with a solid foundation in values and in court protocol. As a result, Esther could listen to Mordecai - the wise words and the Godly teaching of the past had been good for her, this new thinking would therefore also be sound.

2) Leaders need to Stand and take Courage.

Every battle seems a bigger task than what you have in the form of resource and talent. Look at the example of Caleb - all of the other tribesmen could only see the size of the giants, the strength of the fortified cities, and then felt themselves as small as grasshoppers.

Look at the example of Joshua - he had all of the land to conquer. Yet was only able to go in after the Angel of God had appeared to him and empowered him with the prophetic action of removing his shoes.

In Esther’s case, this battle seems even bigger. She is informed of this all out attack on her people by the man called Haman. She is all alone - she must develop a strategy that would work in a foreign culture - she will not even have the direct support of Mordecai (she can only work through messengers.)

But her past battles will stand her in good stead. Remember, she was an innocent girl when she had been taken before the king. In those weeks of preparation, she had been alone as well when she had to draw up her plan of action.

As part of this preparation, she had bathed in the oil of Myrrh. The root Hebrew word “maror” means bitterness (a very good description of this product), but a derivative of this word - “Mowr” becomes the word used for Myrrh. This word’s meaning is – “distilled”

In the agony of this preparation for a life with a king of a foreign nation/culture, she had to spend six months in a distillation process. She had allowed the thoughts, suffering and sacrifice to be poured out of her exactly like the “tears” that the Myrrh forms when it is harvested.

As a result of her foundation of values and the times of preparation, we see a subtle but significant difference between Esther and the “other” women who had been selected for the evaluation as possible Queen.


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The other women - “went” to the king.

The Hebrew word for “went” is Strong’s H0935 — “bo”

The meaning covers concepts such as:

• To enter, to come to pass, to be brought in, to be introduced

There is a sense of a willingness to go with, an interest in the outcome.


Esther - is “taken” to the king. The Hebrew word for “taken” is Strong’s H 3947— “Laqach”.

As we look at the meaning here we will see a different connotation:

Look at these meanings:

• To carry away• To capture/seize• To take with vengeance• To be captured• To be stolen from• To take passion of/to occupy

It would seem that Esther did not GIVE herself away, but retained her soul and her spirit.

This current threat, against her people, needs to be clarified, after-all she is in the king’s palace but would not always be getting all the news… And so some messages are sent back and forth. As soon as she understands the consequences, she once again stands and takes courage.

Esther 4:10-14 Then Ester spoke to Hatakh and gave him this message for Mordekhai: “All the king’s officials, as well as the people in the royal provinces, know that if anyone, man or woman, approaches the king in the inner courtyard without being summoned, there is just one law — he must be put to death — unless the king holds out the gold scepter for him to remain alive; and I haven’t been summoned to the king for the past thirty days.”


Page 12: -Esther- Lessons for Every Day Life · THE CHARACTERS IN OUR STORY 1) Queen Esther An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the

Esther 4:12 Upon being told what Ester had said, Mordekhai asked them to give Ester this answer: “Don’t suppose that merely because you happen to be in the royal palace you will escape any more than the other Jews. For if you fail to speak up now, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from a different direction; but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows whether you didn’t come into your royal position precisely for such a time as this.”

3) Leaders need to develop a battle-strategy.

In exactly that same way the Joshua, planned each of his battles in a unique way so too must Esther consider a plan.

[a] She prepares the ground with fasting and prayer.

Esther 4:15-17 Ester had them return this answer to Mordekhai: “Go, assemble all the Jews to be found in Shushan, and have them fast for me, neither eating nor drinking for three days, night and day; also I and the girls attending me will fast the same way. Then I will go in to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.” Then Mordekhai went his way and did everything Ester had ordered him to do.

She focuses on the end-goal (in many ways the story reads like a commentary of a chess game).

[b] She sets up a scene – a supper with the king.

Esther 5:4-5 “If it is all right with the king,” answered Ester, “let the king and Haman come today to the banquet I have prepared for him.” The king said, “Bring Haman quickly, so that what Ester has asked for can be done.” So the king and Haman came to the banquet Ester had prepared.

[c] She creates an opportunity for Haman to overplay his hand.

Esther 7:8 Haman had just fallen on the couch where Ester was, when the king returned from the palace garden to the wine banquet. He shouted, “Is he even going to rape the queen here in the palace, before my very eyes?” The moment these words left the king’s mouth, they covered Haman’s face.

The Jews take up arms and every single one of the children of Israel responds to the call to war. Esther’s actions have brought unity and focus.

Esther 9:5 The Jews put all their enemies to the sword; there was great slaughter and destruction, as they did whatever they wanted to those who hated them

B) How to conduct Spiritual Warfare

Paul tells us that as the Body, we are called to do spiritual warfare.

We have the example of Joshua of old, how they run for miles, climb up mountains in the dark so that they have the element of surprise at sunrise, how they lure the enemy out of their strongholds, and how they persevere until the job is done.


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Importantly, Paul tells us exactly what the enemy’s structure looks like, and then goes on to describe the weapons at our disposal.

Ephesians 6:10-20 Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength! Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist, put on righteousness for a breastplate, and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom. Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. And take the helmet of deliverance; along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God; as you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.

Ephesians 6:19 And pray for me, too, that whenever I open my mouth, the words will be given to me to be bold in making known the secret of the Good News, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may speak boldly, the way I should.



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An important lesson from the days of Joshua, is that men of war, from EVERY tribe must be part of the army. Moses instructs Joshua on the express Command of God, the warfare is an all inclusive community action. Every single tribe must take part, and every tribe must eventually take possession of their own land.

There is no place for “passengers” - for people who only want to inherit, but who fail to go to war. Interestingly, the tribes who failed to fully take their land are also those who were not able to hold onto the land. It seems that the spiritual message is clear…those who do not engage in spiritual warfare will ultimately not be victorious.

Today, the Body of Messiah seems to think that spiritual warfare is the domain only of the intercessors / prayer warriors - and consequently prefer only to focus on the “love” part.

If we follow the analogy that each person is given unique gifts, and has a unique place in the Body, how can we possibly think that a few soldiers can carry all of the weapons that are needed for every different situation?

Let’s also consider the description of the Body in that analogy of the human body.


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If some are legs, then surely those who are legs must “put on” cleaves - how can you fit a helmet onto a leg? If some people are the head, then surely you will not try to “put on” the shield of faith?

Let’s try to define some elements of Godly spiritual warfare:

1) Wait for a WORD from God

In the case of Esther, she understands that an earthly king is (even though this one is a pagan) a representative of the Heavenly domain.

We are told to pray for our government. We are not to disobey the ordinary laws of the land, which do not contravene the Biblical principles that we believe in.

In our case, we have the King of kings to give us guidance for any warfare strategy.

We need clear word from those who are seasoned and trained to hear God’s Voice. As human beings we desire to hear from God. Many people profess to be prophets, and give word. It is vital that these “words” be tested. And for that reason we would recommend that NO action be taken unless you have confirmation from multiple sources.

Critically, know that God has a plan for your life - and at times like these you cannot remain silent.

2) Prepare for the warfare by sacrificing the “old man” and the flesh in a process of fasting.

In the case of Esther, we see that she immediately calls for a national day of prayer, and for a national time of fasting.

Esther 4:16 “Go, assemble all the Jews to be found in Shushan, and have them fast for me, neither eating nor drinking for three days, night and day; also I and the girls attending me will fast the same way. Then I will go in to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.”


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Esther 8:3 Again Ester spoke to the king; she fell at his feet and begged him with tears to put an end to the mischief Haman the Agagi had caused by the scheme he had worked out against the Jews.

Many times the imagination of man and the flow of the prophetic are not tested before people go into action. Wise leaders ensure that a multitude of prophetic ‘word’ is collated and evaluated before embarking on any battle-ground action. It is essential that people who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit are given space to hear the Small Still Voice of God.

Once we have those “words”, it is important that the content is tested against, not only the actual principles in the WORD, but also against calling and authority mandates.

The Book of Revelation speak to us about the state of the end-time churches, and goes on to detail seven types of the Body. In all of these cases we can see that obedience to the Commandments and a lifestyle of holiness have been lost a long time ago.

The Body of Messiah cannot conduct warfare, if that is the spiritual state of the group…


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3) Put on the Garments of Praise

In the case of Esther, we note that they put on the royal robes/the garments of praise.

They know that they are children of Abraham, and are taking back their status in the Covenant.

Esther 5:1-2 On the third day, Ester put on her royal robes and stood in the inner courtyard of the king’s palace, opposite the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the king’s hall, across from the entrance to the hall. When the king saw Ester the queen standing in the courtyard, she won his favor; so the king extended the gold scepter in his hand toward Ester. Ester approached and touched the tip of the scepter.

Esther 7:1-2 So the king and Haman went to Queen Ester’s banquet; and the king again said to Ester at the wine banquet, “Whatever your request, Queen Ester, you will be granted it; whatever you want, up to half the kingdom, it will be done.”

4) Write a Petition and Proclaim this Word

In the case of Esther, we see that she commands the people to write a decree.

Esther 8:8-9 You should issue a decree in the king’s name for whatever you want concerning the Jews, and seal it with the king’s signet ring; because a decree written in the king’s name and sealed with the king’s ring can’t be rescinded by anyone.”

Esther 8:9 The king’s secretaries were summoned at that time, on the twenty-third day of the third month, the month of Sivan; and a decree was written according to everything Mordekhai ordered concerning the Jews, to the army commanders, governors and officials of the provinces from India to Ethiopia, 127 provinces, to each province in its script and to each people in their language, also to the Jews in their script and language.

Once this is done she makes sure that they go out and proclaim the content.



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Esther 8:10-14 They wrote in the name of King Achashverosh and sealed it with the king’s signet ring; they sent the letters by couriers on horseback riding fast horses used in the king’s service and bred from the royal stock. The letters said that the king had granted the Jews in every city the right “to assemble and defend their lives by destroying, killing and exterminating any forces of any people or province that would attack them, their little ones or their women or would try to seize their goods as plunder on the designated day in any of the provinces of King Achashverosh, namely, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar.” A copy of the edict was to be issued as a decree in every province and proclaimed to all the peoples, and the Jews were to be ready on that day to take vengeance against their enemies. Couriers riding fast horses used in the king’s service left quickly, pressed by the king’s order; and the decree was issued in Shushan the capital.

Words on paper define the petition of the heart - words spoken reverberate through space for eternity. Words spoken can be heard by the people, and will create hope in the heart, and will bring resolve to the nerves.

5) Those who know that God is faithful will celebrate beforehand.

In the case of Esther, they celebrate the victory. After-all, this sort of thing has happened before. Every time that we keep Passover, we remember how we were delivered from the hand of Pharaoh. And because we start to trust in God and have confidence in our own actions, many of the officials in the land will work with us.

Esther 9:3 All the officials of the provinces, the army commanders, the governors and those occupied with the king’s affairs helped the Jews; because they were afraid of Mordekhai.

Our celebrations also have another expectation. As was the case in Egypt, God appointed a man from the children of Israel to govern. We can therefore expect to see the same. Mordecai, with a track record of integrity, honestly, loyalty and so forth, will be appointed to govern.

Esther 8:2 The king removed his signet ring, which he had taken back from Haman, and gave it to Mordekhai. Then Ester put Mordekhai in charge of Haman’s house.


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6) The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

The words recorded by Matthew, speak of the focus, concentration, dedication that we must exercise when we go to war...

Matthew 11:12 From the time of Yochanan the Immerser until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been suffering violence; yes, violent ones are trying to snatch it away.

And it’s with that same degree of expectation that the Jews of Shushan go to fight the battle.

Esther 9:1, 5 The time approached for the king’s order and decree to be carried out, the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to overpower them. But, as it turned out, the opposite took place — the Jews overpowered those who hated them. Thus, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, The Jews put all their enemies to the sword; there was great slaughter and destruction, as they did whatever they wanted to those who hated them.


All you have to do is stand by at that moment when a new baby is born, or to stand next to a grave where you say goodbye to a soul that still had so many years to live - to know that miracles occur daily.

Do you have the spiritual eyes to “see” these, to recognize the Hand of God in your life?


Page 20: -Esther- Lessons for Every Day Life · THE CHARACTERS IN OUR STORY 1) Queen Esther An orphan girl from one of the tribes of Israel that had been taken into bondage/exile becomes the

It seems to me that we are living in the times of Shushan - where people go out of their way to murder people. The following examples are happening in Israel today:

• A car that swerves into the pavement - and kills innocent pedestrians,• A bullet shot at a passing car along different highways,• A person asks for direction and suddenly a knife is pulled out and the

helping stranger gets stabbed.


Does this mean that we are in the wrong temple at the wrong feast? Is it time to call for a fast? Should we draft a petition?

Must we return to our first Love? Must we come before the KING Of KINGS and plead for mercy again?




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