  • 7/28/2019 Estimation of Thermal Useful Life of MVLV Cables in Presence of Harmonics and Moisture Migration


    Estimation of Thermal Useful Life of MV/LV Cables

    in Presence of Harmonics and Moisture Migration

    P. Caramia G. Carpinelli A. Russo P. Verde

    Abstract: The problem of the evaluation of the buried cable thermal

    useful life in presence of harmonic distortion and taking into

    account the moisture migration is analysed. The evaluation is

    effected in non-deterministic scenario with a probabilistic

    approach. Numerical applications referred to medium voltage

    cables are presented and discussed in order to show the influence of

    the harmonics and moisture migration on the cable useful life.

    Keywords:Cables, Useful life, Harmonics, Moisture migration


    The cable thermal useful life is usually evaluated with

    reference to deterministic scenarios, in which both the time

    varying nature of cable current and the random changes of the

    thermal conditions that occur during the cable service are


    Indeed, the heat transfer is certainly random in nature [1]

    so that the most adequate way to evaluate the cable thermal

    useful life is to introduce random variables and apply

    probabilistic approaches.In a preceding paper [2], the effects of randomly varying

    temperature on cable useful life in MV/LV distribution systems

    have been examined, employing both Monte Carlo procedure

    and closed form solutions. One of the key finding of this study is

    that the soil thermal resistivity, the ambient temperature and the

    cable loading are crucial factors in estimating the cable thermal

    useful life; however, the moisture migration phenomenon was

    not taken explicitly into account.

    In [3] the approach developed in [2] is extended to the case

    in which the moisture migration is explicitly taken into account;

    in such a way the proposed approach allows a more realistic and

    accurate representation of the buried cable thermal ambient

    conditions.In both papers [2] and [3] the presence of harmonics is

    neglected and only sinusoidal currents flowing in the cables are


    However, the presence of harmonics in distribution

    systems is well known; the harmonics are mainly due to the

    presence of static converters and can damage the electric system

    components. In the case of cables, the harmonics can cause so

    relevant additional losses that not acceptable cable life reduction

    arises, if they are neglected in the cable thermal sizing.

    In this paper, the presence of moisture migration and

    harmonic distortion are considered together, taking into account

    the time varying nature of both the cable loading (fundamental

    plus harmonics) and the thermal conditions that occur during the

    cable service. A probabilistic approach is employed and applied

    to the case of medium voltage cables.



    Electrical and thermal stresses are, in general, the most

    significant for insulation in MV/LV cables so that the most

    adequate cable life modelings take into account both of them.

    Neglecting moisture migration, while the cables seem able to

    withstand even large current harmonic distortions, they suffer of

    very large loss of life in presence of even limited supply voltage

    distortions [4]. Taking into account moisture migration, the

    thermal stress can assumes a significant role [3]. In the

    following, the influence of current harmonics on MV/LV buried

    cables is analysed taking into account the moisture migration

    phenomenon; since the moisture migration influences only the

    cable heat transfer, without loss of generality and for sake of

    clarity, we constraint our interest to the cable thermal life model.

    The extension to the case of the electrothermal life model is very


    The heat transfer is a non-deterministic phenomenon so

    that the cable temperature and hence the cable thermal life is

    a random quantity, whose randomness is linked to the

    probabilistic behaviour of the involved quantities in the heat

    transfer process. So, in the frame of the cumulative damage

    theory, reference can be done to the expected value of the

    thermal loss of cable life proposed in [5]:

    [ ]( )


    c dfTRE (1)

    being f the probability density function (pdf) of the cable

    temperature in Tc and () the reaction rate equation ofArrhenius. The successive estimation of the cable useful life can

    be effected summing the expected values of the thermal losses of

    life, which come in succession until reaching the unity.

    The application of (1) requires the knowledge of the cable

    temperature pdf; to do this the relation between the cable

    temperature and the variables it depends on has to be known.

    Among these variables, in case of buried cables, the thermal

    resistivity of the environment surrounding the cable assumes a

    fundamental role; in fact, results reported in literature [6] show


    P. Caramia, A. Russo and P. Verde are with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria

    Industriale - Universit degli Studi di Cassino, Via G. Di Biasio, 43 Cassino

    (FR), Italy G. Carpinelli is with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica

    Universit degli Studi di Napoli, Via Claudio 21 Napoli, Italy

    0-7803-7967-5/03/$17.00 2003 IEEE

    Paper accepted for presentation at 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference, June 23th-26th, Bologna, Italy

  • 7/28/2019 Estimation of Thermal Useful Life of MVLV Cables in Presence of Harmonics and Moisture Migration


    that the sensitivity of cable temperature to variations in thermal

    conductivity of the surrounding medium is at least one order of

    magnitude greater than sensitivity to variations in other

    parameters affecting the heat transfer.

    The thermal resistivity of the soil surrounding the cable is

    strongly dependent on its moisture content so that an accurateevaluation of the cable temperature can not be effected without

    taking into account the moisture migration phenomenon [1,7].

    Moreover, in presence of static converters the additional

    losses due to harmonics have to be considered too.

    In the following, the problem of the cable temperature pdf

    evaluation in presence of moisture migration and harmonics is

    analysed, in order to estimate via (1) the expected value of the

    thermal loss of life.



    The soil thermal resistivity is related to physical andhydrological characteristics of the soil, its density, porosity and

    moisture content; the last parameter is one of the most important

    and complex to be taken into account. In fact, moisture

    migration results in a zone with thermal resistivity higher than

    the original one with consequent non-negligible cable

    temperature variations; moreover, the heat transfer itself can

    contribute significantly to considerable changes of moisture

    content in the soil around the cable.

    In this paper, assuming the cable subject to successive steady

    state operating conditions so long to neglect the transients

    between subsequent conditions, the cable temperature is

    evaluated by a simplified procedure, which is based on the

    method proposed by Donazzi et al. [7]. Although it can only

    approximate real situations, the proposed simplified procedure

    appears the most useful for the probabilistic approaches being

    quick and easy to be applied.

    In [7], under appropriate hypotheses, three different

    hydrological states are considered: state 1 (Fig. 1a), in which

    the soil will be dried out; state 2 (Fig. 1b), in which the soil

    is resulting in two-zone, one dry and one moist, and state 3

    (Fig. 1c), in which the soil is resulting moist.

    Dry soilMoist soil

    (a) (b)

    Dry soil

    Ground surface Ground surface

    Moist soil

    Ground surface


    Fig. 1: Hydrological states: (a) state 1; (b) state 2; (c) state 3

    The natural soil conditions that define the existence of each

    state are the following:

    the state 1 is characterised by a saturation degree h lowerthan a critical value crh ;

    the state 2 is characterised by a saturation degree h greaterthan the critical value crh but lower than limit values (i.e. the

    values defining a limit curve);

    the state 3 is characterised by a saturation degree h greaterthan the aforementioned limit values.

    The critical value of the saturation degree crh depends on

    both soil chemical characteristics and granulometry, and in

    practice it does not depend on temperature. This quantity can be,

    then, evaluated "a priori" on the basis of laboratory

    measurements; its value is already known for the most common

    classes of available soils.

    The prediction of the existence of state 2 or 3 is not so easy;

    in fact, the critical conditions are dependent not only on thevalues of the saturation degree but also on temperature gradient.

    A simple but approximate criterion to make this prediction is

    based on the introduction of the critical temperature rise above

    ambient x [8]. The critical temperature rise above ambient

    x is defined as the value of the temperature rise of the cablesurface above which a dry zone will form around it, the outer

    boundary of this zone being on an isotherm related to that

    particular temperature rise; within the dry zone, the soil has a

    uniformly high value of thermal resistivity while outside the dry

    zone the soil has a uniform thermal resistivity corresponding to

    the site moisture. The essential advantage of the introduction of

    this quantity is that the value of the critical temperature riseabove ambient is dependent on the type of soil, compaction and

    ambient moisture content, but not dependent on the ambient

    temperature or the heat flux from the cable. The critical

    temperature rise x is related to two experimentallydetermined quantities:

    the critical degree of saturation hcr a migration parameterand to the degree of saturation h of the soil controlled by

    ambient moisture at the site; it is given by the following formula:

    ( )

    ( ) ( )( )crcr2cr2












    An experimental method of deriving the values of crh and

    is described in [7].

    Once known the critical temperature rise x , theapproximate criterion to make the prediction of the existence of

    either state 2 or state 3 can be based on the comparison between

    the temperature rise of the cable surface evaluated assumingthe soil uniformly moist and x : if x> , the state 2arises, otherwise the state 3 arises.

  • 7/28/2019 Estimation of Thermal Useful Life of MVLV Cables in Presence of Harmonics and Moisture Migration


    When the cable feeds static converters, the evaluation of the

    temperature rise of the cable surface has to be effectedconsidering the presence of harmonics.

    The following formula (3) for state 1, (4) for state 2 and (5)

    for state 3 can lead the evaluation of the cable temperature:

    ( )[ ]d43212 1,Ba TTCBTATI ++++= (3)

    ( )[ ] ( ) xm43212 1,Ba 1TTCBTATI +++++= (4)

    ( )[ ]m43212 1,Ba TTCBTATI ++++= (5)where:




    1iiRA =


    ( ) 2imaxH

    1iii,1 R1NB +=


    ( ) 2imaxH

    1iii,2i,1 R1NC ++=





    I= .

    In the above relations it is:

    Hmax = maximum harmonic order;

    IB,i = current harmonic of orderi flowing in the cable;

    N = number of conductors;

    Ri = alternating current conductor resistance at the

    frequency corresponding to the ith

    harmonic order and

    at the temperature ;T1 = thermal resistance between conductor and sheath orscreen;

    T2 = thermal resistance between sheath or screen and


    T3 = thermal resistance of the external serving;mT4 ,

    dT4 =thermal resistance of the moist and dry soil;

    a = ambient temperature; = cable operating temperature;1,i, 2,i = ratio of the losses in the metal sheath or

    screen and in the armour at the

    frequency corresponding to the ith harmonic order to the

    total losses in all conductors; = 2/, ratio of the thermal resistivity of the dry zone tothe moist one.

    In relations (3), (4) and (5) the dielectric losses are neglected

    since this paper is referred to buried cables in MV/LV energy

    systems whose dielectric materials and voltage levels do not

    require their consideration. The evaluation of cable resistances

    as a function of frequency is reported in Appendix.

    It should be noted that the thermal resistancesm

    4T ,d

    4T of the

    soil in moist and dry conditions depend, via well known

    relationships, on the thermal resistivities of the moist and dry

    surrounding medium, these last valuable by the following

    relation given in [7]:

    ( ) ( ) Gh108.3exp7.1 2G10G = (6)

    where 0 is the thermal resistivity of the bulk material and G theporosity factor.

    The analysis of the relations from (2) to (6) shows that the

    cable temperature depends on many parameters showing randomvariations.

    The expected value of the thermal loss of life (1) can be

    evaluated applying classical probabilistic techniques of analysis

    as the Monte Carlo procedure. This procedure allows the

    evaluation of temperature probability density function starting

    from the knowledge of the probability density functions of all the

    variables on which the cable temperature depends and taking

    into account relations from (2) to (5).

    In this paper the ambient temperature, the degree of

    saturation, the fundamental and harmonic currents flowing in the

    cable are considered as random input variables.


    The probabilistic technique described in Section III is

    applied to evaluate the thermal useful life of distribution system


    Several tests have been performed, considering different

    cables. The results obtained with and without the harmonic

    presence are compared.

    As an example, in the following the results obtained

    considering the 95 mm2

    20 kV EPR cable described in Table II

    of [9] are shown1. The cable feeds both linear loads and six pulse

    static converters.

    The cable is buried in sandy soils, then, the critical saturation

    degree hcris 0.3 [7]; it is also assumed that:

    the migration parameter is equal to 110-4 K-1; the thermal resistivity 0 of the bulk material is equal to 0.25


    the porosity factor G is equal to 0.42.

    In Tab. I the expected values of thermal useful life,

    neglecting the harmonic presence (sinusoidal conditions) and

    with the harmonic presence (non sinusoidal conditions) are

    reported. It is assumed that:

    the linear load current is Gaussian distributed with the meanvalue and standard deviation equal to 149 A (about 45% of

    the cable ampacity in sinusoidal conditions) and 5%,


    the ambient temperature is Gaussian distributed with themean value and standard deviation equal to 20 C and 5%,


    Moreover, the cable is assumed to feed a 5.15 MVA six-

    pulse rectifier with the firing angle uniformly distributedwithin the range [10, 30]. The harmonic pdfs are derived

    applying the well known relations proposed in [10].

    Finally, the saturation degree has been considered Gaussian

    distributed too with two different mean values (0.46 and 0.48)

    and with the same standard deviation value (2.5%).

    The expected value of useful life obtained neglecting the

    moisture migration phenomenon in sinusoidal (non sinusoidal)

    1 It should be noted that the cable ampacity in sinusoidal and deterministiccondition is equal to 319 A while the rated useful life is equal to 30 years.

  • 7/28/2019 Estimation of Thermal Useful Life of MVLV Cables in Presence of Harmonics and Moisture Migration


    conditions is equal to 113 (77) years. These values have been

    evaluated assuming the thermal resistivity of the soil constant

    and equal to 1 Km/W, that is an usual value assumed in

    determistic conditions.




    Expected Value of

    Useful life







    0.46 2.5 sinusoidal

    non sinusoidal



    0.48 2.5 sinusoidal

    non sinusoidal110


    The results in Tab. I confirm that the influence of the

    saturation degree on the useful life is significant. When the

    saturation degree assumes the value of the first row in Tab. I, itis very likely that the state 2 arises (soil results in two zone: one

    dry and one moist) while in the other case it is more frequent the

    occurrence of the state 3 (soil results moist); so, in this last case,

    lower soil thermal resistivities, lower cable temperature and then

    higher useful life arise.

    Moreover, the influence of harmonics is significant, also due

    to a great contribution to the harmonic losses due to the sheath.

    It should be noted that the same incremental harmonic losses

    cause different increment of cable temperature in dependence of

    the soil state; in particular, when the state 2 arises the influence

    on cable temperature of the harmonic losses is more significant

    than when state 3 arises, because of the greater soil thermal

    resistivity. However, in spite of this, when the state 2 arises, theexpected useful life in non sinusoidal conditions can be

    characterized by a lower variation in comparison with the one in

    sinusoidal conditions; in fact, even if the state 2 is characterized

    by a greater cable operating temperature (due to a greater

    thermal resistivity), there is a lower sensitivity of the reaction

    rate equation of Arrhenius () to the cable temperature (due tothe higher operating temperature).

    Finally, in Fig. 2 the expected value of the cable useful life is

    reported as a function of the ratio between the fundamental of

    the static converter current and the total fundamental current; the

    mean value and standard deviation of the saturation degree are

    the ones of the first row of Tab. I.

    The analysis of Fig. 2 confirms the significant influence of

    harmonics, also with not particular high percentage of static



    In this paper the influence of the soil moisture migration and

    of the harmonics caused by static converters upon the cable

    useful life has been considered.

    The numerical results on medium voltage cables have

    shown that in presence of the moisture migration phenomenon

    the harmonic content can significantly affects the cable

    temperature and, consequently, the cable useful life.

    Fig. 2 Expected useful life versus percentage of static converters

    The influence is particularly significant in presence of high

    sheath harmonic losses. The influence of the harmonic losses on

    the useful life depends on the soil thermal resitivity and on the

    sensitivity of the reaction rate equation of Arrhenius to the cable


    Studies are in progress to compare the influence of the

    thermal stress and of the multistress (thermal and electrical) in

    order to outline the most adequate life model.


    The cable ac resistance at the ith

    harmonic, Ri, is affected by

    the skin effect, xs(i), and proximity effect to other conductors,


    It can be evaluated starting from the knowledge of the dc

    resistance,Rdc, by the following relation:

    )i(x)i(x1RR spsdci ++= . (A.1)

    The contributions to the ac resistance due to skin and

    proximity effects are given by [11]:
















































    a conductor radius; conductor permittivity;

    30 40 50 60 7002468


    percentage of non linear load [%]





  • 7/28/2019 Estimation of Thermal Useful Life of MVLV Cables in Presence of Harmonics and Moisture Migration


    conductor conductivity;Dc conductor diameter;

    kp,ks empirical factor from Table 2 of reference [11];

    s conductor separation distance;

    Mo(x),M1(x),0(x),1(x) are Bessel functions from Table 1 of

    reference [11].The ratio of the losses in the metal sheath or screen at the

    frequency corresponding to the ith

    harmonic order to the total

    losses in all conductors, 1,i , are given by the following relations[8]:

    ( )( )


































    ( )( )







    22 i,s


    22 i,s














    respectively for the leading, the middle and the lagging phase


    Rs,i and Ri are the resistances of the sheath and of the conductor

    at the ith harmonic; the P and Q coefficients are auxiliary

    quantitites defined by :








    Xm is the mutual reactance between the sheath of the outer cable

    and the conductors of the outher two given by:

    Xm =4 f10-7 ln(2) (A.6)X is the sheath reactance given by:





    s2ln10f4X (A.7)

    with Ds equal to the sheath diameter.


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    [9] P. Caramia, G. Carpinelli, A. La Vitola, P. Verde,: On the EconomicSelection of Medium Voltage Cable Sizes in Nonsinusoidal Conditions,

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    Pierluigi Caramia was born in Naples, Italy, in 1963. He received his

    degree in electrical engineering from the Universit degli Studi di Cassino in

    1991. Currently, he is Associate Professor of Electrical Power Systems at

    Universit degli Studi di Cassino. His research interest concerns mainly

    power electronics in power systems.

    Guido Carpinelli was born in Naples, Italy, in 1953. He received his

    degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universit degli Studi di Napoli in

    1978. He became Professor in Industrial Energy Systems in 1990 at

    Universit degli Studi di Cassino, Italy; currently, he is Professor at

    Universit degli Studi di Napoli, Italy. His research interest concerns

    electrical power systems. Guido Carpinelli is a member of IEEE, component

    of the IEEE Task Force on Probabilistic Aspects of Power System Harmonics

    and member of CIGRE WG 36.07.

    Angela Russo was born in Cassino, Italy, in 1972. She received her

    master degree in Electrical Engineering and her Ph.D. degree in Industrial

    Engineering from the Universit degli Studi di Cassino in 1996 and in 1999,

    respectively. She is Assistant Professor of Electrical Power Systems at

    Universit degli Studi di Cassino, since 1999. She is a member of IEEE.

    Paola Verde (M92) was born in Benevento, Italy, in 1964. She received

    the degree in Electrical Engineering Universit degli Studi di Napoli, Naples,

    Italy, 1988. Currently, she is Full Professor of Electrical Power Systems atUniversit degli Studi di Cassino. Her research interest concerns mainly

    power electronics in power systems. Prof. Verde i s a member of the IEEE,

    component of the Working Group on Power System Harmonics

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