

www.resurrect ion.weconnect .com

Parish Administration Contact Information: Parish Office:(210)675-1470

Fax:(210)675-8203 Office Hours: Monday-Friday

9:00am12:00pm 1:00pm to 5:00pm; Saturday & Sunday Closed

Parish Secretary: Erika Cabrera Ex: 0 E-mail: [email protected] CCD Director: Mickie Ruiz Ex: 5 E-mail: [email protected] Parish Helpers and Receptionist: Anita Gallardo, Dora Villarreal and Noemi Cavazos Plant Manager: Jorge Saucedo Facilities Coord./Hall/Pav/BBQ Pit Rental: Frank Alvarado (210) 673-3706 Email: [email protected] Coordinator Of Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers: Mickie Ruiz E-Mail: [email protected] Coordinator Of Sacristan: Janie Villarreal (210) 723-8045 Ministry of Lectors Coordinators: Frank Alvarado (English) Julio Gonzalez (Spanish) Ministry of Ushers and Greeters: Mr. Santos Sandoval (210) 674-4604 Corrdinator of Ministry of Music: Gary Fernandez E-Mail: [email protected] Special Mass Coordinator: Miros Flach (210) 422-8969 Altar Server’s Coordinator: Jorge Ramirez E-mail: Finance Council President: E-mail: Festival Leaders: Carlos Leos; Sheila Kiolbassa; Deacon George Salazar and Richard Sanchez.

Parish and Non-Parish Organizations Knight of Columbus: Carlos Leos Sr. (210) 473-4337 E-mail: [email protected] Marians: Diana Alvarado (210) 673-3706 Ultreya: Jaime & Ma. Elena Meza (210)748-5817 E-mail:[email protected] Grupo de Oración: Daniel Ruiz (210) 501-5373 & Angélica Villa de Ruiz (210) 749-2787 miércoles 7:00pm a 9:00pm en el salón Divina Misericordia: Anayeli Hernandez (210) 607-3360 CYO: E-Mail: Homebound/Bereavement Ministry Coordinator: Name: Angie Ramirez (210) 859-7671 Email:[email protected]

Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Juan David & Adriana Montoya (210) 330-2223 E-mail: [email protected] ACTS: Sylvia Ortiz (210) 392-1459 E-mail: Misioneros: Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Ramos (210) 673-7289 Teen Acts/ Youth Ministry: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sanchez Email: Teen Acts Email: [email protected] Guadalupanos: Ana Velasco (210) 355-1871 St. Vincent de Paul: Sheila Kiolbassa (210) 673-4038 E-mail: [email protected] President of Pastoral Council: Gary Fernandez E-Mail: [email protected] Building Committee President: Frank Alvarado E-mail: [email protected]

7990 West Mil i tary Drive San Antonio, Texas 78227-1850

Eucharist Liturgy (Mass) Misas

Saturday 8:00am 5:30pm

Sunday 8:00am

Domingo 10:00am

Sunday 12:00p

Thursday 8:30am

Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 7:00am 6:00pm

Domingo 5:00p

Parish Clergy:

Pastor: Fr. Tomy Thomas, HGN Ex: 6

Email: [email protected]

Parochial Vicar:

Fr. Roji Peter, HGN Ex: 6

Email: [email protected]

Deacon George Salazar

(210) 831-5451 Ex: 7 Email:[email protected]

Deacon Jose Angel Martinez (210) 606-4404 Ex: 7

Email:[email protected]

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday from 8:30am -9:00pm Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento: Jueves de 8:30 a.m.– 9:00 p.m Bible Study: English Monday’s 7:00pm to 8:30pm in St. Peter & Paul Room Spanish Tuesday’s 7:00pm to 8:30pm in St. Peter & Paul Room

Chapel Hours for Prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am — 7:00 pm;

Saturday: 7:00 am— 7:00pm

Velas disponibles en la oficina por una mínima donación. Candles available for purchase in the office. BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, QUINCEAÑERAS, DEBUT & FUNERALS: Please contact the of-fice. RECONCILIATION: Thursday 9:30am to 11:00am or 20 minutes before and after all weekday and weekend masses. BAUTISMOS, MATRIMONIOS, QUINCEAÑERAS Y FUNERALES: Favor de llamar a la oficina. RECONCILIACIÓN: 20 minutos antes y después de cada Misa durante la semana y el fin de semana.

Mass intentions

Intenciones de la Misa Saturday, September 30th 8:00 am Pro Populo 5:30 pm Miguel Morales Elba Jimenez (90th Birthday) Gaboda Family Virgin of Guadalupe Sunday, October 1st 8:00 am John Callahan & Rosalina Slicocka 10:00 am Monico, Paul, Nazario Huerta Julio Ramos & Dora Elia Davalos Antony Cisneros Maria del Socorro Longoria Damnificados de los Huracanes Elba Jimenez (90th Birthday) 12:00 pm Jimmy & Jaime Castoreno Ruben Escamilla 5:00pm Gloria Lozano Ruiz Monday, October 2nd 7:00am — 6:00 pm — Tuesday, October 3rd 7:00am — 6:00 pm — Wednesday, October 4th 7:00am — 6:00 pm — Thursday, October 5th 8:30 am Ruth Samiere Friday, October 6th 7:00am — 6:00 pm —

† Decease Special Inten on Wedding (Anniversary) Birthday Thanksgiving

Celebrations for this Saturday: September 30, 2017

12:00pm — 1:30pm — 3:00pm Baptism Tonita Torres Gutierrez

September 23rd & 24th 2017

Offertory $7,056.94

CCD $654.44

Second Collection

• Certificate Ready for pick up. • Rosary Vigil • ROL Festival Finale • Women’s ACTS Retreat • Raffle Ticket pick up

For more details see pages 3, 4 & 5.


October 8 Hope for the Future

GOD’S WAYS In the stream of readings during this portion of Ordinary Time one week’s texts can often appear to pick up exactly where the previous week’s con-cluded. The sentiments expressed in today’s first reading seem to be a direct reaction to the Gospel passage we heard last week. In that Gospel, the landowner pays the same wages to his workers whether they worked for a full day or for only a few minutes. Today Ezekiel gives us the lament, “The L ’s way is not fair!”(Ezekiel 18:25). These Sundays in Ordinary Time offer us a glimpse into the ways of the Lord. We see how God’s way has the tendency to turn the accepted conventions of the day upside down. Those who always expected that their way to heaven was guar-anteed are disappointed. Those who thought they never had a chance are given that chance. Today offers us another opportunity to discover the abun-dance of God’s mercy and love. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — When the wicked turn away from their wickedness they have committed and do what is right, they shall surely live (Ezekiel 18:25-28). Psalm — Remember your mercies, O Lord (Psalm 25). Second Reading — Consider others as better than yourselves; look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others (Philippians 2:1-11 [1-5]). Gospel — Tax collectors and prostitutes are enter-ing the kingdom of God ahead of you (Matthew 21:28-32). ANGELIC The reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly. —G.K. Chesterton

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 1, 2017 Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus. — Philippians 2:5


TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Eucharistic Prayer IV is, like Eucharistic Prayer III, a fresh composition from the 1960s, based on a prayer from the tradition of the ancient church of Alexandria. It has an interesting struc-tural feature. The new prayers all nod toward the East with the epiclesis, or calling down of the Spirit, over the gifts. In this prayer the Spirit is asked to come down again, after the consecration, to make holy the communicants who “partake of this one Bread and one Chalice that, gathered into one body by the Holy Spirit, they may truly be-come a living sacrifice in Christ to the praise of your glory.” This beautiful phrase is well worth meditating on. What is the goal of your reception of Holy Communion today? The preface for this Eucharistic Prayer is firm-ly attached to the prayer, and the directives for using the prayer anchor it to Ordinary Time. It is not intended to be an option if the Mass has a proper preface of its own, like a funeral, a Lenten weekday, or a great feast. It is not often used these days, in part because of these limitations. At first, it was suggested that this prayer was better suited to small groups of people who were well educated in scripture. This was kind of an odd stipulation, especially since its images are so beautiful and worthy of attention. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Holy communion Certificates

ready for pick up. Children who received their First Holy Communion June 2017, certificates are

ready for pick at the office.

EL PROCEDER DE DIOS En la corriente de lecturas durante esta porción del Tiempo Ordinario a menudo parece que los tex-tos de una semana se retoman donde concluyeron los de la semana anterior. Los sentimientos expre-sados en la primera lectura de hoy parecen ser reacción directa ante el pasaje del Evangelio que escuchamos la semana pasada. En ese Evangelio, el dueño de la viña paga el mismo salario a sus tra-bajadores, sea que hayan trabajado todo el día o sólo en los últimos minutos de la jornada. Hoy Ezequiel ofrece este lamento, “No es justo el pro-ceder del Señor” (Ezequiel 18:25). Estos domingos del Tiempo Ordinario nos ofrecen una ojeada del proceder del Señor. Vemos cómo ese proceder tie-ne la tendencia de poner patas arriba las convencio-nes aceptadas. Los que siempre esperaron que su camino al cielo estaba garantizado quedaron de-silusionados. A los que pensaron que nunca ten-drían la oportunidad, se les da la oportunidad. Hoy se nos ofrece la oportunidad de descubrir la abun-dancia de la misericordia y el amor de Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Apártate del pecado para que vivas (Ezequiel 18:25-28). Salmo — Recuerda tus bondades, oh Señor (Salmo 25 [24]). Segunda lectura — Guarda en ti la misma actitud que está también en Cristo Jesús (Filipenses 2:1-11 [1-5]). Evangelio — El que obedece al Señor aunque sea con resistencia, es el que hace la voluntad del Pa-dre (Mateo 21:28-32). LO ANGÉLICO Los ángeles pueden volar porque se toman a sí mismos a la ligera. —G.K. Chesterton

Vigésimo Séptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 8 de octubre de 2017 No se inquieten por nada; más bien presenten en toda ocasión sus peticiones a Dios en la oración y la súplica, llenos de gratitud. — Filipenses 4:6


TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE La práctica de usar nudos en una cuerda para contar oraciones tiene una larga trayectoria en la fe cristiana. Originalmente un cordón con 150 nudos o piedritas se usaba para contar la recitación de los 150 salmos encontrados en la Sagrada Escritura. Con el tiempo, visto que mucha gente no podía leer o recitar de memoria los salmos, se sustituye-ron por el uso de 150 Padrenuestros. A finales de la Edad Media muchos sustituyeron los Padrenues-tros con el saludo del ángel Gabriel a María. En el siglo XVI se formuló lo que hoy reconocemos co-mo el Avemaría, y en el año 1569, el Papa Pío V estableció el Rosario en su forma y uso actual. En 1592 un fraile dominico mandó hacer una imagen de la Virgen del Rosario para su convento en Guatemala. Según la leyenda, María viajaba por América con su Hijito y éste se quedó dormido en Guatemala, por lo cual se quedaron allí. En 1821 los independistas guatemaltecos tomaron a la Vir-gen del Rosario como protectora y en 1833 fue nombrada patrona oficial de Guatemala. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Las boletas de primera comunión están listas para recoger.

Niños que recibieron su Primera Comunión Junio 2017 pueden pasar a

recoger sus boletas de primera comunión (certificados) en la oficina.

Raffle Ticket Collection

The Marians will

be collecting raffle ticket money and selling

Sept 2 through

October 15.

Please help us make our church

raffle a big success.

Se recolectara el dinero de la rifa

Las Marianas esta-rán recolectando

el dinero de la rifa y estarán vendiendo

boletos en las siguientes fechas

2 de sept al 15 de octubre.

Necesitamos tu

apoyo para que sea todo un éxito nuestra rifa.

“So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is

love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

The ACTS Community of Resurrection of the Lord invites and welcomes all women to a

weekend to spend in the midst of our Lord to help find a better life and relationship with Christ. The retreat, being held at the Cordi-Marian Retreat Center here in San Antonio, begins with a sendoff celebration on Thursday October 5th at 6pm in the church family center and ends Sunday October 8th when we return for a Eucharistic Celebration at the 12 noon mass. The cost of the retreat is $170.00. A $25 non refundable deposit must accompany this registration form in order to hold your place on the retreat. The remaining balance of the retreat fee must be paid in full by September 24, 2017.

CELEBRATION OF THE FEAST OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY Rosary Vigil With the Holy Eucharist Exposed When Oct. 6 & 7, 2017 9:30pm - 7:30am 7:30am Procession with Blessed Mother followed by bilingual mass Where Resurrection of the Lord Parish THERE WILL BE A SIGN IN SCHEDULE . FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, AND OR ORGANIZATIONS CAN SIGN IN.

Celebración de Nuestra Sra. Del Rosario Vigilia del Rosario Con la Santa Eucaristía Expuesta Cuando 6 y 7 de octubre de 2017 9:30pm - 7:30am 7:30am Procesión con La Santísima Madre Posteriormente misa bilingüe Donde Parroquia de la Resurrección del Señor Habrá una lista donde podrán apuntarse familiares, individuos, grupos y organizaciones.

Resurrection of the Lord Festival Finale October 15, 2017

3:00pm to 9:00pm

Food Booth DJ Silent Auction Children’s Show by CCD Classes Raffle at 8:00pm

And lots more fun

Come let us celebrate!

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