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Embracing Technology as a Nonprofit:

5 Easy Steps

Cate Shaffer

Account Executive, eTapestry Division of Blackbaud

October 5, 2009

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What is our history?What is our history?

• Founded by former execs of MSC

• First “Software as a Service” solution for nonprofits in 1999

• 6,000+ Nonprofit clients worldwide

• Became part of Blackbaud-August 2007

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1. Optimizing your Website

2. Attracting Donors/Support through Social Media

3. Collecting Information on the Web

4. Making your Database Work for You

5. Communicating with New/Existing Donors

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How is the Economy Affecting Giving?How is the Economy Affecting Giving?

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How is the Economy Affecting Giving?How is the Economy Affecting Giving?

• 52.3% of donors are still planning to give the same amount or more in donations for 2009—only 17% are planning to give LESS

• Donors plan to give less through direct mail, telemarketing, door-to-door canvassing and MORE through online giving and in kind gifts instead of cash

• *Overall Online Gifts have increased 26% in 2008 • THE MORE PEOPLE DO WITH YOUR ORGANIZATION, THE


Source: Philanthropy In A Turbulent Economy: Penelope BurkMarch 2009

* Source: NTEN Benchmark Study 2009

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The Rules The Rules Still ApplyStill Apply

(It’s all about relationships…not technology)

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Web Site OptimizationWeb Site Optimization

75% of donors will check your website before making a gift whether it is Online/Offline

If Relationships are Built on Communications . . . Set yourself up for success!

A Few Key Changes can Make a Huge Difference

Your website = tool for engagement

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Web Site Optimization:Before, After, and After!Web Site Optimization:

Before, After, and After!

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1. Learn from your content(Start with Google Analytics to see how many unique visitors you have, how they found you,what they viewed, where they stayed the longest, and what content produced actions.)

2. Make your content easy to consume(Always offer RSS feeds in addition to various subscribe options. Make sure they are easy to find and use.)

3. Make your content ever changing (Be brave enough to blog, show responses, share viewpoints, and utilize forums. New information needs to be added daily or

weekly by you and your community. Why do you think millions go to Facebook or Twitter by the minute.)

4. Make your site easy to find(Every NPO and those serving NPO’s should have a social web presence. Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and

Flickr are your outposts linking back to the web site hub!)

Keys to Building a Successful Web SiteKeys to Building a Successful Web Site

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Top Ten Traffic Sources

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Keep it simple & Make Integration a Focus

Constituent Website

Gather Information

Use Email


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What is Social Media?What is Social Media?Social media is online content created by people using

highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. Social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content; it's a fusion of sociology and technology, transforming people from content readers into publishers.

Social media has become extremely popular because it allows people to connect in the online world to form relationships for personal, political and business use.

Source: Wikipedia, 2009.

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Which of the following types of social media does your charity currently use?



26% 25%




















Video Blogging


Blogging Podcasting Message/BulletinBoards

Wikis Do Not UseAny



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Food for Thought….Food for Thought…. Top 5 Most Visited

Websites in the United States:

– Facebook is #3 – YouTube is #4– MySpace is #5– (Twitter is #14)


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YouTube!YouTube!• Allows you to attract more traffic to your website• Videos can easily be posted on website or as a link

within an eBlast or eNewsletter• FREE service to increase your visibility• Growing in popularity and becoming more accepted

in the NP world as a method for reaching constituents

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April 2009 Data comScore Video April 2009 Data comScore Video Metrix ServiceMetrix Service

• Video now bigger than Search: 12 Billion Videos per month vs. 10.5 Billion searches conducted

• 78.6% of total U.S. Internet audience viewed online video. • Average video viewer watched 385 minutes of video, or 6.4 hours • 107.1 million viewers watched 6.8 billion videos on

(63.5 videos per viewer) • The duration of the average online video was 3.5 minutes

Source: BrightRoll

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Video is a Video is a Magnet forMagnet for

Your Your Web Site!Web Site!

“Most viral videoof all time!”

Could her storybe told in any other manneras strongly?

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Real Life Example….Real Life Example….Dec 11:Subject line: Urgent Appeal: Your gift to

CRS is vitally important!

Straight Appeal Static donation formRaised $112k

Source: Laura Durington: CRS Social Media Presentation-

AFP Maryland

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Dec 29:Subject line: Only 48 hours left to make a tax-

deductible gift!

Added “hotspot” text

Added video message from our president (that plays right on the donation form)

Added a strong pull-quoteRaised $112k

Source: Laura Durington: CRS Social Media Presentation-AFP Maryland

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Dec 31:Subject line: Final Deadline: Last chance to

make a tax-deductible gift

New “hotspot” textKept video message from our

presidentNew pull quoteRaised $119k

Source: Laura Durington: CRS Social Media Presentation-AFP Maryland

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• Was CRS’s most successful online fundraising campaign to date (non-emergency).

• Three e-mail messages in this campaign (based on a direct mail piece)

• Posts on social networking sites advertising campaign

• Coordination with Google AdWords

This campaign raised $594k online. Source: Laura Durington: CRS Social Media Presentation-AFP Maryland

The Results…The Results…

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YouTube Takeaways…YouTube Takeaways…

• “SHOP” Others• Identify a few constituents who would like to

share their story with others & record a few different testimonials each year

• Integrate with your website and eNewsletter blasts

• Get Creative!!

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FACEBOOKFACEBOOK• What is Facebook??

– A FREE, online social networking site that connects people through online communities• Facebook started out as a service for university students but now almost one

third of its global audience is aged 35-49 years of age and almost one quarter is over 50 years old.

• Non profits can use Facebook to: – Connect– Brand– Share your story – Fundraise

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FACEBOOK PagesFACEBOOK Pages• Personal Page= Your Organization’s Official Page on FB


Invite colleagues, board members, and friends to become fans

UPDATE often

Start Conversations

Brand your page

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FACEBOOK Pages Cont…FACEBOOK Pages Cont…• Facebook Cause Page=Online Donation Tool (application) on FB• Also a Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Page since anyone can start/create

a cause


Brand & Link to your Page

Provide Clear FR Goals

Give Supporters Updates on your Progress

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FACEBOOK Pages Cont…FACEBOOK Pages Cont…• Group/Fan Pages=Tool for gathering people w/ like interests


Ask supporters to start groups related to your Charity

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FACEBOOK Takeaways…FACEBOOK Takeaways…• Real Life Application

– The Nature Conservency’s “Lil Green Patch” Case Study• Built a cause page on FB to attract users to support the Adopt an Acre

program to conserve rainforests in Costa Rica & fight global warming• 20K new cause members and $33K in support since Feb 2008

• These results will most likely NOT be the case for your organization…– HOWEVER, creating an online, Facebook presence will not hurt – Creating a group of fans/people that advocate for your cause WILL increase

your giving and support• POST YOUR ONLINE GIVING PAGE LINK ANYWHERE YOU CAN ON FACEBOOK• Have an intern or student volunteer create these pages for you—they typically

have the most knowledge and insight into what will sell to their generation of internet users!

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Flickr, Podcasts, Message Boards, Flickr, Podcasts, Message Boards, BlogsBlogs

• Flickr—Photo Sharing Application• Podcasts—Short recordings about a variety of different topics that

can be purchased, downloaded for free, or posted on a web page• Message Boards—A segment of a website that hosts an open

discussion amongst users• Blogs—A portion of a website (or a separate entity altogether like

Twitter) in which an author posts discussion topics or information to be shared with followers– Personal Blogs=Online ‘Diary’– Organizational blogs=Information sharing/News Updates

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The Power of Twitter

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Social Networks: Hints for SuccessSocial Networks: Hints for Success

• It is not FREE, resources are required • Being present is not enough, engage• Be authentic, otherwise you will be exposed fast• Endorsements matter, think forwarded emails!• Measure • Have something to say, must be regular or it dies fast

Stephanie Miller, Email Insider, 2009

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Collecting information on your website

Ecommerce / Online Giving

Personal Fundraising

Shopping Cart

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Ecommerce & Online Giving

Important Functions of your Online Donation Page:

• Integrates directly into donor database• Requires no additional manual entry• Customizable

• Are your website and database integrated?

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Ecommerce & Online Giving


•After selecting eTapestry in 2008, One Brick was able to

increase its annual giving goal by $10,000. The goal was

attained and then passed by $6,000.

•The eTapestry solution has enabled staff to send emails from the CRM solution and increase the organization's


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Ecommerce & Online Giving

• Volunteers?• Events?• Sponsors?

Can we take it to the next level?

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Ecommerce & Online Giving

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Online Giving with Recurring Gifts

•Process recurring gifts directly from your ecommerce webpage. •Integrate into reporting and thank you letter processes seamlessly

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Online Giving with Recurring Gifts

Recurring Gifts

• Donors become investors

• Steady stream of incoming funds

• Larger amounts in total

• Amounts are more manageable by the donors

• Key ingredient to sustaining long term donors and constituent loyalty

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Matching Gifts

•Does your organization have a Matching Gift Campaign?

•Do you know which companies in your area having a Matching Gift policy?

•How do you track which donors work for a Matching Gift corporation?

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Personal Fundraising

•Give your volunteers and members the opportunity to JOIN you in fundraising for the mission. •Capture the information of everyone who donates for future solicitation. •Does not have to be “event” related.

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Personal Fundraising• Volunteers send an average of 40 emails. • Almost all volunteers meet their fundraising goals. • The average online donation through personal fundraising is $57.

Source: Kintera

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Shopping Cart



• Registration Fulfillment


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Where does the information go? • How do you track all of the information

you know about a donor? • Can you store their interests, historical

conversations, and all contact points in one location?

• Is your institutional memory protected?

• What are the benefits to combining all this information into one location?

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Relationships•How would tracking relationships increase your fundraising success?

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•How does your organization identify Lapsed Donors?

•Can you run a report to tell you who the Top 10 donors are in your database?

•LYBUNT•Last Year but Not This Year

•SYBUNT•Some Year but Not This Year

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ReportingHow do this year’s donors compare to last year’s?

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Database = Fundraising Tool

• Only works if used daily by all

• Must be consistent/accurate

• Powerful Memory Supplement

• Technology makes it easy

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On the Road

•Does your organization have multiple offices? •Can you access your organizational data from anywhere? •How do you track notes from major gift visits or events?

What needs do your organization have for accessing your development database?

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• People are connected 24/7

• How can we be expected to communicate with so many people?

• How can we personalize our message?

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Why Has Email Become So Important?

• People are busy…they want to communicate/interact on their own time

• Email is inexpensive…• Email provides virtually instant access

to friends and supporters• Email is a great equalizer• Email is measurable

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• Reads email before snail mail

• More comfortable online

• Busy, satisfies interests on own schedule

• Expects information to be personalized

• Expects immediate feedback

• Demands information on progress/stewardship

• Wants a way to share experiences with others online

Today’s Supporter

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No Email List? No Problem…

• Whether you have some contacts or are starting from scratch, anyone can grow a strong email list

• The three most important factors in effective email list-building are:– Where and how you acquire the addresses– How you welcome each new subscriber – How you manage the relationship after the opt-in

– Source: EmailLabs

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Grow Your List Online• Direct staff and other close

supporters (board, volunteers, etc.) to include subscription links in email signatures

• Use Search Engine Optimization/Marketing to increase traffic and subscriptions

• Investigate alliances or partnerships with similar or complementary organizations to reach common supporters

• Advertise your newsletter/services/cause through a 3rd party list

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Grow Your List Offline

• Ask for email addresses at every touch point

• Instruct staff to capture email addresses over phone when appropriate

• Include your website address on all printed materials

• Offer an incentive to register (contest, raffle) to collect emails

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Now that I have permission…• Hook them early, and keep them

engaged over time

• Optimize the welcome message

• Send follow up message within a week (or less)

• After a few months of active email, survey lists to see if you are meeting expectations

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Why Segmentation is Important• Segmentation breaks your

audience into manageable parts

• If the goal is building relationships, it helps to know who you are talking to

• Segmenting your list will lead to more targeted messages

• If you don’t segment, you are treating every one of your recipients like they are the exact same type of person

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How to be a Good Sender• In your messages, always include:

– The purpose; why you are sending it to the reader

– A clear way to unsubscribe. – Consider offering alternative ways to receive

emails, such as:• Receiving newsletters monthly vs. weekly• Change of address (home vs. business email)• Sign up via RSS

– Link to your homepage– Privacy policy– Physical/street address of your organization

• Don’t get caught in spamtraps

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Designing for Mobile Devices

• Mobile readers are more likely to scan your email rather than reading

• Include compelling call to action in the first 15-25 characters of your subject line

• Avoid “top heavy” images in the design• Use “alt-tags” on images• In addition to testing email browsers, test

messages in handheld devices

email (html)

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A Few Email Design & Usage Tips

1. Keep truly important items above the fold2. Ask subscribers to add your from address to their address

book3. Host images on your web site rather than embedding them 4. Links to resources and to special landing pages on your web

site are powerful (Especially “tell a friend” functions)5. Develop your own writing style that readers will learn

to love (people adore stories, so tell many . . . )

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What Now?

1. Take a look in the mirror

How do you stack up?

- Website- Database- E-mail/Communications- Social Media Presence

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What Now?

2. Plan

Make it a priority

- Set Aside Time for Review- Add to Board Agenda- Seek Professional Assistance (Most companies will help you do this at


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What Now?

3. Continuous Evaluation

Must be Measurable

- Website Hits- Fundraising- Donor Retention- Communications

- Cost vs. Results- Social Media “Friends”

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What Now?

4. Have Fun!!!

- Try New Things- Get Creative- Share your passion for your


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What Now?

1. How do we stack up?

2. Written Plan

3. Continuous Evaluation of Tools/Technology

4. Have FUN

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Resources• Getting Started with Facebook• Beth Kanter Blog – How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media• Jay Love Blog – CEO eTapestry --- Jay Love Twitter Page• Blackbaud – Raising Money During Challenging Times• Getting Started with Google Analytics• LotusJump – Website Marketing Made Easy

• eTapestry Home Page• Contact eTapestry for Guidance

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Cate [email protected]

(317) 336-3967

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