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1British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; 2University of British Columbia; 3Providence Health Care, Vancouver, British Columbia;4University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta; 5Fraser Health Authority, Surrey, British Columbia

Correspondence and reprints: Dr Timothy Christie, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, St Paul’s Hospital, #613–1081 Burrard Street,Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 1Y6. Telephone 604-806-9263, fax 604-806-8464, e-mail [email protected]

Received and accepted for publication November 10, 2005

T Christie, B Jiwani, G Asrat, V Montessori, R Mathias,

J Montaner. Ethical and scientific issues surrounding solid

organ transplantation in HIV-positive patients: Absence of

evidence is not evidence of absence. Can J Infect Dis Med

Microbiol 2006;17(1):15-18.

End-stage liver disease is emerging as a leading cause of death amongHIV-positive patients. Historically, an HIV diagnosis was a con-traindication for a liver transplant; however, because of the efficacyof highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), HIV-positivepatients have one-year, two-year, and three-year post-transplantationsurvival rates similar to that of HIV-negative patients. Based on thisevidence, HIV-positive patients are now considered eligible for trans-plantation. However, newly emerging guidelines include the stipula-tion that HIV-positive patients must be on HAART to be placed ona waiting list for transplantation. The purpose of the present paperis to evaluate the scientific and ethical probity of requiring HIV-positive patients to be on HAART as a condition for being on a livertransplant waiting list. It is argued that the emphasis should beplaced on the probability of post-transplantation HAART tolerance,and that concerns about pretransplantation HAART tolerance are ofsecondary importance.

Key Words: Ethical decision-making; Ethics; Evidence-based

medicine; Health policy; HIV-positive; Liver transplantation

Les enjeux éthiques et scientifiques entourantla transplantation d’organe chez les personnesséropositives au VIH : L’absence de donnéesprobantes ne signifie pas des donnéesprobantes d’absence

L’insuffisance hépatique terminale est l’une des principales causes dedécès chez les personnes séropositives au VIH. Par le passé, un diagnosticde VIH constituait une contre-indication à la transplantation hépatique,mais en raison de l’efficacité des antirétroviraux hautement actifs(ARHA), ces personnes présentent des taux de survie d’un an, de deuxans et de trois ans après la transplantation, semblables à ceux despersonnes séronégatives au VIH. Étant donné ce constat, les personnesséropositives au VIH sont désormais considérées comme admissibles à latransplantation. Toutefois, d’après des lignes directrices émergentes, ellesdoivent prendre des ARHA pour pouvoir être inscrites sur la listed’attente de transplantation. Le présent article vise à évaluer la probitéscientifique et éthique d’exiger qu’une personne séropositive au VIHprenne des ARHA pour être inscrite sur une telle liste d’attente. On faitvaloir qu’il faudrait s’intéresser à la tolérance aux ARHA après latransplantation et placer au deuxième plan la tolérance aux ARHA avantla transplantation.

The purpose of the present paper is to evaluate the scientificand ethical probity of the British Columbia Transplant

Society (BCTS) guidelines for liver transplantation in HIV-positive patients. As a result of highly active antiretroviraltherapy (HAART), HIV-positive patients are now consideredeligible for liver transplantation. However, newly emergingguidelines, such as those by the BCTS, include the stipulationthat HIV-positive patients must be on HAART and have anundetectable viral load in order to be waitlisted for transplan-tation. We will argue two main points: first, that these require-ments are not substantiated in the literature; and second, thatin situations where research has not been done on a specificgroup, values should guide judgment rather than evidence. In

this instance, the value should be to grant access to treatmentuntil there is evidence to the contrary.

BACKGROUNDSince the introduction of HAART in 1996, rates of morbidityand death have fallen significantly among people infected withHIV (1). Patients are no longer dying from AIDS-relatedopportunistic infections. As a result, end-stage liver disease isnow emerging as one of the leading causes of death amongHIV-positive patients, which means that a liver transplant isthe only treatment option for many patients (2-6).

Before the introduction of HAART, an HIV diagnosis wasa contraindication to liver transplantation. Typically, in the

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Ethical and scientific issues surrounding solid organtransplantation in HIV-positive patients: Absence of

evidence is not evidence of absence

Timothy Christie PhD1,2,3, Bashir Jiwani MA4,5, Getnet Asrat MD1,2,3, Valentina Montessori MD FRCPC1,2,3,

Richard Mathias MD FRCPC2, Julio Montaner MD FRCPC1,2,3

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pre-HAART era, HIV-positive organ recipients died of infec-tion soon after transplantation, and the survival outcomes forthis population were lower than for the HIV-negative popula-tion (7). In addition, there were concerns about usingimmunosuppressive medications because they could precipi-tate opportunistic infections, accelerate progression to AIDSand decrease survival (8).

Internationally, outcomes have been reported for 51 HIV-positive patients who have received liver transplants since1996 (3,8-16). The consensus is that HIV-positive liver trans-plant recipients currently have one-year, two-year and three-year survival rates that are comparable with those ofHIV-negative transplant recipients (17). Furthermore, post-transplantation survival rates in HIV-positive recipients coin-fected with the hepatitis C virus appear to be comparable tothose of HIV-negative transplant recipients infected with hep-atitis C virus (3,9).

According to the Canadian Association of Transplantation,there are nine centres in Canada that perform liver trans-plants. Although no reports of transplantation in HIV-positivepatients exist in the published literature, we have receivedanecdotal reports that one Canadian centre performed a livertransplant on an HIV-positive patient three years ago; however,this patient has since died. There are no published detailsabout this specific patient, and it is unclear from these othercentres in Canada whether they have guidelines for trans-planting HIV-positive patients. Furthermore, most transplantsof HIV-positive patients currently conducted in NorthAmerica are being registered under research protocols asopposed to being provided within the treatment context. Inreality, the details pertaining to the antiretroviral regimensused before and following transplantation, as well as adherenceto and durability of these regimens, are not well described inthe current literature. As a result, we have chosen to analyzethe BCTS guidelines because they explicitly apply to livertransplantation in the treatment context (as opposed to therealm of research) and because they are the most clearly artic-ulated treatment guidelines in Canada. We expect that otherprovinces will look to the BCTS for leadership on this issue.

It is important to delineate the distinction between treat-ment and research. Research is protocol driven, which meansthat the interventions that specific research subjects receiveare determined by a strict research protocol (eg, inclusion cri-teria, exclusion criteria, duration of treatment). The treatmentcontext is guided by the best interest principle, where collabo-ration between the patient and care provider(s) determines theinterventions a particular patient receives. The BCTS guide-lines apply to liver transplantation as a form of treatment (notas research). The ethical principles guiding treatment are,therefore, different from the principles guiding research. TheBCTS guidelines read as follows:

• HIV-positive patients must fulfill all required criteria forliver transplant candidacy that non-HIV infectedindividuals must fulfill.

• HIV-positive patients must have an absolute CD4+count of at least 200 cells/µL; however, in certaincircumstances, provisions could be made toaccommodate a lower CD4+ count.

• HIV-positive patients must be on HAART while theyare on the waiting list (no minimum duration, HAART

medications may be changed by HIV specialist at anytime [ie, no specific duration or ‘stable dose’ required]).

• HIV-positive patients must have an undetectable HIVviral load at the time of transplantation.

The fact that the BCTS guidelines do not exclude a prioripatients because of an HIV-diagnosis is highly appropriatebecause there appears to be no reason for excluding thispatient population from the benefits of transplantation. Inaddition, despite restriction of a CD4+ cell count of at least200 cells/µL, the allowance to accommodate patients withlower CD4+ cell counts on a case-by-case basis is also welcomefor the same reason. However, the third and fourth guidelineconditions, which require that the patient be on pretransplan-tation HAART and have an undetectable viral load, have theconsequence of precluding many HIV-positive patients frombeing placed on the transplant waiting list and, hence, fromreceiving a liver transplant.

The problem is that many patients are unable to continueHAART because of liver toxicity and patients are often askedto consider liver transplantation in this setting so that they canresume HAART. Furthermore, patients who cannot tolerateHAART before receiving a liver transplant may not be able toachieve the undetectable viral load requirement. Similarly,such patients will most likely have a low CD4+ cell count, fur-ther jeopardizing their eligibility under the second guidelinecondition.

The BCTS guidelines correctly offer liver transplantation inHIV-positive patients as a form of treatment, rather than withinthe research context. However, because most of the researchsubjects that participated in these studies were on pretransplan-tation HAART, the guidelines incorrectly assume that pre-transplantation HAART is part of the standard of care for thispatient population. They further assume that because long-termoutcomes are unknown in pretransplantation HAART-intolerant patients (because the issue has not been adequatelyinvestigated), these patients should not be eligible for transplan-tation. It is these specific assumptions that we wish to challenge.

Argument 1We contend that simply because most research protocols spec-ify pre- and post-transplantation HAART requirements, itdoes not logically follow that pretransplantation HAART is anecessary condition for a successful transplantation outcome.In fact, it is more likely that these protocols have pre- andpost-transplantation HAART requirements so that somewhathomogeneous populations can be enrolled and compared.Most of the published studies were conducted as a ‘proof ofprinciple’; these studies found that solid organ transplantationcould be performed safely and effectively in HIV-positivepatients in the HAART era (18). The hypothesis tested wasnot whether pretransplantation HAART was a necessary con-dition for successful transplantation, but whether post-trans-plantation HAART could help improve transplantationoutcomes in HIV-positive patients. The objectives were toshow the contribution of post-transplantation HAART toimproved outcomes in this setting.

The following quotation, from the inclusion criteria of twoseparate experimental protocols, clearly illustrates this issue. Infact, nearly identical language is used in these two distinct pro-tocols (one in the United States at the University of California[18] and the other in Canada at McGill University); thus, only

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the McGill protocol will be quoted below. Specifically, the pro-tocol requires that the research subject be on stable HAARTfor a minimum of 24 weeks before transplantation with thefollowing caveat:

“Exceptions to this criterion may be allowed at the dis-cretion of the local team (eg, an excellent transplantcandidate in whom antiretroviral drugs cannot currentlybe tolerated because of liver disease) only if the HIV cli-nician on the team is confident that they can predictHIV suppression post-transplantation. This assessmentshould be made based on a thorough review of thepatient’s antiretroviral history, HIV-1 RNA levels whileon medication, adherence and any resistance tests that areavailable. If there is any significant doubt about the abilityto suppress viral replication post-transplantation, then thepatient should not be enrolled under this criterion.”

The essence of the above quotation is that post-transplan-tation HAART is far more important than the ability to toler-ate HAART pretransplantation. This consideration was alsoimplemented in a study by Roland and Stock (19). In thisstudy, all transplant recipients were on pretransplantationHAART; however, the eligibility criteria specifically allowedsubjects who were intolerant to pretransplantation HAART aslong as they were expected to tolerate HAART after transplan-tation (19). Likewise, a recent paper reporting the Spanish expe-rience (20) emphasized that the probability of complete viralsuppression and immune reconstitution post-transplantationwas more important than meeting the CD4+ cell count andviral load eligibility criteria.

More specifically, a small study by Ragni et al (10) explicitlyconsidered the importance of pretransplantation HAART andviral load levels in terms of successful transplantation out-comes. They found that:

Survival was significantly poorer among transplantrecipients with post-orthotopic liver transplantation(OLTX) antiretroviral intolerance (P=0.044) thanamong transplant recipients with pre-OLTX antiretrovi-ral intolerance (P=0.239). In contrast, a pre-OLTXCD4+ cell count of less than 200 cells/µL (comparedwith a cell count of at least 200 cells/µL [P=0.602]) anda pre-OLTX HIV load of more than 400 copies/mL(compared with a pre-OLTX HIV load of 400 copies/mLor less [P=0.494]) were not significantly associated withsurvival.

Therefore, we suggest that the BCTS guidelines may be basedon a partial misinterpretation of the available evidence. The fal-lacy is in the conclusion, which states that pretransplantationHAART is required as part of the standard of care for this patientpopulation because most of the research subjects in the relevantstudies were on pretransplantation HAART. In the relevant lit-erature, it has been unanimously found that post-transplantationHAART was necessary for a successful transplantation outcome.However, pretransplantation HAART was not considered a nec-essary condition for a successful outcome.

Argument 2Arising from the above argument, it has further been arguedthat the absence of data pertaining to transplantation in

patients who are intolerant to pretransplantation HAART is asufficient reason to exclude them from receiving a liver trans-plant. The argument that a group should be denied access totreatment because research has not been done on them is rootedin faulty logic. A paucity of evidence does not automatically jus-tify, from an ethical perspective, denying treatment.

Our allegiance to evidence-based treatment should not beused as an excuse to justify excluding groups of patients fromaccessing treatment simply because research has not been doneon them. A common mistake when assessing evidence is toassume that ‘no evidence of effect’ is equal to ‘evidence of noeffect.’ However, as Hartung et al (21) argued in 1983, the“absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”. In theabsence of evidence, a value judgment has to be made aboutwhether to grant or deny access to treatment. Simply put,when decisions cannot be based on evidence, they must bebased on values. We argue that in such situations, recognizingthe important difference between treatment and research, thevalue should be to grant access to treatment until there is evi-dence to the contrary.

Although there is a paucity of evidence, there also appearsto be a relative consensus among programs both within andoutside Canada evaluating HIV-positive candidates for livertransplantation: HAART is not an absolute prerequisite fortransplanting HIV-positive persons. Therefore, we are not dis-cussing a complete absence of evidence because the balance ofprobabilities leans toward the conclusion that pretransplanta-tion HAART is not a necessary condition for a successful out-come. Furthermore, the ethical argument lends credence tothe fact that although the available evidence is limited, theunderlying value should be to provide access to treatment untilthere is evidence to the contrary.

LimitationsThe major limitation of the present analysis is our assumptionthat the motivation for these eligibility criteria is exclusivelyconcerned with achieving good transplantation outcomes. Theconsequence of this assumption is that other objections to trans-planting HIV-positive patients have not been considered in thepresent paper. For example, some critics may be concernedabout allocating scarce resources to HIV-positive patients. Or asthe following quotation (22) reveals, the undetectable viral loadrequirement may be motivated by health care provider consider-ations rather than transplantation outcomes:

“From the surgical perspective, concerns arise as to therisk to the surgical team in doing complex surgical pro-cedures for patients with known HIV infection. Thereare obvious risks to the surgeons, anesthesiologists, andthe many operating room staff who participate in liverreplacement therapy.”

These types of concerns may be important to discuss, but wehave assumed that they are not what the pretransplantationHAART and undetectable viral load requirements are basedon. If these eligibility criteria are motivated by something otherthan successful transplantation outcomes, then those argu-ments must be made available for scrutiny.

CONCLUSIONWe argue that if HIV-positive patients satisfy all the criteriafor liver transplantation candidacy that non-HIV-infected

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individuals satisfy, then the principle of justice requires thatthese patients be equally eligible for transplantation wait list-ing. The requirement that HIV-positive patients must be suc-cessfully treated on HAART to be accepted to atransplantation waiting list is not scientifically justified and,thus, does not meet the relevant ethical standard. Ultimately,it is unethical to tolerate unnecessary ‘negative conse-quences’. The consequences of these eligibility criteria areboth negative and unnecessary. We therefore propose that

the central issue is the probability of a patient toleratingeffective HAART post-transplantation, and that the requirement of pretransplantation HAART should be aban-doned.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The authors acknowledge the con-tribution of Anne Drummond, Medical Writer, BC Centre forExcellence in HIV/AIDS, for her editorial comments on thepenultimate version of this paper.

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