
How a case management system can help you practice ethically and competently

History with the LSBC

• Assembled a small firm task-force to examine issues and forces contributing to frequent breaches of Professional Conduct Rules (PCR)

• Identified that pervasive under-adoption of available practice/case management tools were a frequent contributor to PCR related breaches and complaints

• Sought to reduce incidences of malpractice and ethical misconduct by proactively searching for a turnkey solution which could be enlisted to assist their membership

Case Management 101



Tasks/Reminders Documents


Time Tracking

All lawyers need to manage:

A good system integrates these functions seamlessly

The ContendersMany excellent traditional systems are available:

Great for robust, feature-rich and desktop integrated case management

The ContendersWeb-based newcomers also provide compelling solutions

Great for ease-of-use, accessibility, passive information security and redundancy

Ethics & Case Management

“(Case management) helps you avoid malpractice claims/conflicts”

David Bilinsky, LLB – Practice Management Advisor, LSBC

“A good case management system makes it easy to practice ethically and stay out of trouble.”

Kensi Gounden, LLB – Manager of Practice Standards, LSBC

Ethics & Case Management

Case Management systems aid in the ethical practice of law in the following ways:

1. Tracking and keeping critical appointments with a complete calendaring system

– Keeping engagements with clients

– Ensuring punctuality and maintenance of professional commitments

– Avoiding scheduling conflicts and overlap

Ethics & Case Management

Case Management systems aid in the ethical practice of law in the following ways:

2. Diarizing important deadlines using a date sensitive “To Do” list or bring-forward system

– Provides reminder system to prevent passage of deadline without engaging in required steps or follow-up

– Reminds the attorney when and how often to update the client regarding important events or developments

Ethics & Case Management

Case Management systems aid in the ethical practice of law in the following ways:

3. Facilitates timely follow-up and correspondence with clients using integrated message management

– Identifies and assigns client correspondence (emails, letters & telephone messages) for response within a reasonable timeframe

– Ensures that client inquiries are not forgotten or left unattended

– Permits integrated archiving of important matter/client correspondence for future reference

Ethics & Case Management

Case Management systems aid in the ethical practice of law in the following ways:

4. Maintaining accurate records and documentation regarding case events and progression

– Enables complete and accurate reporting to client on details of case and event chronology

– Allows attorney to fulfill requirement to provide candid advice and information on matter position

Ethics & Case Management

Case Management systems aid in the ethical practice of law in the following ways:

5. Avoid conflicts of interest with integrated and comprehensive practice search capacity

– Mitigates risk from information “siloing”

– Enables attorney to pledge undivided loyalty in good conscience

– Identify and avoid conflicts before they happen

Ethics & Case Management

Case Management systems aid in the ethical practice of law in the following ways:

6. Maintain accurate records of time and disbursements to avoid unnecessary and unseemly wrangling over fees

– Time tracking system keeps an accurate history of time accrual including dates, amounts and work completed

– Expense and disbursement tracking enables attorneys to document and justify any out-of-pocket expenses or additional costs of services incurred

Ethics & Case Management

Case Management systems aid in the ethical practice of law in the following ways:

7. Enables accurate recording and reporting of client moneys or Trust property using a system of ledgers

– Fulfills jurisdictional Trust reporting requirements– Prevents inextricable co-mingling of client or attorney

funds– Permits viewing of client ledger indicating balances for

trust funds, pre-payments, retainers and unearned fees– Prohibits negative client balances

Ethics & Case Management

Case Management systems aid in the ethical practice of law in the following ways:

8. Ensure the privacy and safekeeping of a client’s confidential information

– Guards client data against passive & active information compromise

– Takes reasonable measures to protect against catastrophic data loss using information storage best practices

Ethics of the Web

Data Availability & Redundancy

• Performing secured backups of data at regular intervals (ideally at least once per day)

• Ensuring geographical distribution of backup data through simple off-site storage or otherwise

• Involving third-party data escrow providers in the long-term, independent protection of data

Ethics of the Web

Improved Data SecurityData communications are encrypted with 128 or 256-bit bank-grade SSL encryption

Daily security audits performed by trusted authorities in data integrity

Adherence to strict privacy guidelines and best-practices

Ethics of the Web

Data Availability & Redundancy

• Performing secured backups of data at regular intervals (ideally at least once per day)

• Ensuring geographical distribution of backup data through simple off-site storage or otherwise

• Involving third-party data escrow providers in the long-term, independent protection of data

Other Advantages

Provides Freedom and Mobility

Other Advantages

High degree of accessibility and platform neutrality

Other AdvantagesManages documents, knowledge assets and

other intellectual property

Other AdvantagesAllows monitoring of practice health and

reporting of critical information

Other Advantages

Provides a simple ROI proposition

• Saves time spent on non-billable, or other administrative tasks

• Saves money by mitigating administrative overhead, and (in some cases) entitling you to reductions in practice insurance premiums

• A good case management system should just work – don’t find yourself regretting your purchase, or on the IT support treadmill

• Find one that makes sense in the context of your practice workflow and level of technical sophistication – request a free trial before committing


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