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THA-IS:161012:(20-OCT-16):Two Years After Operation Protective Edge: Security along the Israeli-Gazan border........................................................................................................................................................... 1

RU-MEG:161011:(20-OCT-16):Why is Russia holding a joint military exercise with Egypt?...........................1ECY-IS-TU:161013:(20-OCT-16):Northern Cyprus Pins Hopes on Gasline.......................................................3MED-ENERGY:161013:(20-OCT-16):The Levant Energy Basin: A Geopolitical Game Changer in the

Eastern Mediterranean?.............................................................................................................................. 3RU-TU:161013:(20-OCT-16):Gazprom to Finance Offshore Part of Turkish Stream........................................4IS-MSA:161011:(20-OCT-16):How Israel can contribute to Saudi's vision 2030...............................................4MYE-US-MIN:161013:(20-OCT-16):U.S. Responds to Missile Strikes from Yemen, Destroys 3 Radar Sites. 5MYE-US-MIN:161013:(20-OCT-16):Iranian Missiles in Houthi Hands Threaten Freedom of Navigation in

Red Sea........................................................................................................................................................ 5IS-CV-UN:161013:(20-OCT-16):Israel turns to Vatican for help at UN...............................................................7IS-MCY-MGE:161012:(20-OCT-16):Construction of the EuroAsia Interconnector to begin in 2017...............8IS-TU:161013:(20-OCT-16):Turkey, Israel to consider building gas pipeline....................................................8IS-UN:161014:(20-OCT-16):UNESCO Votes That Temple Mount Has No Connection to Israel.......................8IS-UN:161014:(20-OCT-16):Editorial: UNESCO on the Temple Mount..............................................................9TU-RU:161011:(20-OCT-16):Turkey will be an energy hub, Putin says...........................................................10RU-US:161015:(20-OCT-16):Resurgent Russia Takes On US Unilateralism With Reclaimed Former Soviet

Bases.......................................................................................................................................................... 10RU-IS:161007:(20-OCT-16):Russia will teach Israel to interoperate properly with the S-300 complexes....11CV-CM:161016:(20-OCT-16):The Vatican Submits to Islam (2006-2016).........................................................12RU-US:161016:(20-OCT-16):Base Bluster: Doubts Cloud Russian Talk Of Far-Flung Military Outposts.....13EEU:161016:(20-OCT-16):Euro 'house of cards' to collapse, warns ECB prophet.........................................14RU-MSY:161014:(20-OCT-16):Putin ratifies deal for Russia to use Syria base indefinitely..........................15UKB-EU-EGE:161018:(20-OCT-16):German car chief prepared to TURN BACK ON UK to save EU despite

job loss fears............................................................................................................................................. 15UK-MEG:161018:(20-OCT-16):Egypt, UK conclude joint naval exercises in Alexandria...............................16RU-MSY:161017:(20-OCT-16):Russia's Syrian Naval Base Offers it 'More Formidable Position' in

Mediterranean............................................................................................................................................ 16CV:161018:(20-OCT-16):New Jesuit leader sees dialogue, work with migrants as priorities.......................17UK:161019:(20-OCT-16):Untapped North Sea oil and gas is 'significant opportunity'..................................17rEEC-IS:161019:(20-OCT-16):Talks on free trade zone between Israel, Eurasian Economic Union will start

in November............................................................................................................................................... 17IS:161019:(20-OCT-16):Zion Oil & Gas Nears Drilling Phase in Northern Israel.............................................18RU-EGE:161018:(20-OCT-16):Specter of Sanctions Hangs Over Russia as Merkel Hosts Putin..................18CV-IS-MPA:161020:(20-OCT-16):Vatican UN envoy regrets movement away from two-state solution for Israel-

Palestine conflict.......................................................................................................................................... 19

Finally caught up with the backlog – thanks for your patience. Don

THA-IS:161012:(20-OCT-16):Two Years After Operation Protective Edge: Security along the Israeli-Gazan borderthe Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center 12-Oct-16To download int 56p PDF click here. Full Document in PDF Format RU-MEG:161011:(20-OCT-16):Why is Russia holding a joint military exercise with Egypt? 11-Oct-16Airborne troops of the two countries will get together in mid-October to practice operations aimed at destroying militants in a desert environment.Russia and Egypt are to hold their first ever joint military exercise in mid-October.Experts believe that training in preparation for an anti-terrorist operation "in a desert environment" is a demonstration of the capabilities of Russia’s rapid-response

forces amid the ongoing conflict in Syria, as well as evidence that Cairo, in case of the deterioration of the situation, is counting not only on Washington, but would also like to enlist the support of Moscow.The paratroopers' joint exercise in Egypt will involve six airfields and 15 aircraft and helicopters for various purposes, as well as 10 combat vehicles, the Defense Ministry has

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announced. In mid-October, Russian airborne troops will be sent to the north of Africa on an Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft.The Russian military will go to Egypt dressed in a new uniform for a hot climate. Sessions on language preparation, tactics and orientation are already being held at training ranges and in classrooms."Special attention is given to the knowledge of the customs and traditions of the Egyptian people", the Defense Ministry said. It will be the first ever joint military exercise of paratroopers from the two countries in Egypt, the department stressed.They will develop a common approach to encircling and destroying illegal armed formations in a desert environment.This scenario is more than relevant for Egypt, said Vladimir Isayev, a professor of the Institute of Asia and Africa at Moscow State University. Part of the territory of Egypt, in the north of the Sinai Peninsula, is no longer controlled by government forces, and Cairo is no longer able to count on Washington's support in this matter, he pointed out.According to Isayev, if the terrorist organizations that are operating in Sinai will try to expand the territory under their control, the army would like to count on Moscow's support."It is unlikely that it is paratroopers that will participate, but as for the Russian Aerospace Forces, it is quite likely," he said.‘There is no political motive here’A year ago, a Russian A321 airliner operated by Kogalymavia exploded in the skies over the Sinai Peninsula on its way from the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. All 224 people on board were killed. Russia's security services classified the incident as a terrorist attack. Almost immediately Moscow completely suspended air traffic between Egypt and Russia. Negotiations about its gradual resumption are now underway.The Foreign Ministry declined to comment on the Russian-Egyptian exercise in this context to, stating that "there is no political motive here."Moscow and Cairo has been recently building a very close and trusting relationship, according to retired Colonel Viktor Murakhovsky. This is evidenced by the purchase by Egypt of France's Mistral helicopter carriers with pre-installed Russian equipment, which were originally destined for the Russian army, he said.In addition, according to experts, Moscow is demonstrating its ability to form expeditionary groups at short notice and transfer them to the desired area."It's worth considering the proximity of Egypt and Syria," said Murakhovsky. "Russia shows that, if necessary, it will be able to deploy a sufficient number of its troops, which are part of the reserve of the Supreme Command and belong to rapid-response forces."How will the U.S. respond?Egypt is the main U.S. ally outside NATO and annually receives hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of weapons from Washington. A total of $1.3 billion has been designated to assist Egypt for 2017.The U.S. provides the Arab republic with Abrams tanks, F-16 fighters, helicopters, and also carry out maintenance of this equipment.

But it is unlikely that Washington would respond to the joint exercise between Moscow and Cairo, said Semyon Bagdasarov, director of the Moscow-based Center for the Study of the Middle East and Central Asia."Egypt is a strategically very important country for the U.S. – America's relationship with Israel and how in general the U.S. will be treated in the Middle East depend on the Egyptians. Plus, control of the Suez Canal," said Bagdasarov.What is more, this is not the first Russian joint exercise with U.S. partners.For example, Russia and Pakistan are currently holding a joint exercise in the Pakistani village of Cherat. It involves about 200 servicemen who will exchange experiences on the destruction of terrorists and armed groups in a mountainous environment.Return to Commonwealth? UK will look for new trade partnerships after BrexitThe Express 12-Oct-16THE UK could commit to greater links with former Commonwealth countries as it seeks new trade deals in the wake of Brexit.After Brexit, the UK will need to secure new trade deals across the worldNegotiations over when and how the UK could leave the European Union have not yet begun, and are likely to take years from the point Article 50 is triggered b the end of next March.But as Britain tries to slowly step away from the bloc, it will be looking elsewhere for new trade partnerships - and the Commonwealth is the likely place to start building new relationships.When the UK joined what used to be known as the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1973, all powers over trade relations with the rest of the world were transferred to Brussels.Ties with former colonies in Africa and the Caribbean were lost - but it could now be time for that to be reversed.Caribbean-EU relations will remain intact until 2020By 2019, the UK will aim to establish what the Minister for Exiting the European Union, David Davis, has described as the basis for a huge new trade zone - a perfect opportunity for the UK to reach out to its former colonies.Nigerian politician Kayode Soyinka said: “The UK would have to start all over again and be able to decide on its own with whom it would like to trade and on what terms; not having to go through the bureaucracies of the EU trading bloc.“In implementing a post-Brexit policy, there are a number of underlying factors that can help to bring the UK and the Commonwealth closer together. Nigerian politician Kayode Soyinka said the Commonwealth was "familiar turf" for the UKCaribbean-EU relations will remain intact until 2020, but assurances are needed on what will happen after the UK has left.If the bloc fails to preserve the trade needs with states in the Caribbean and Africa, it will present an opportunity for them to explore new development paradigms - and consider deals with Britain.

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A report by Errol Humphrey, a top trade consultant and former ambassador of Barbados to the European Union, claims the negotiation of new trade arrangements with the UK will be a priority for the Caribbean.It read: “The Caribbean should see the post-Brexit environment, not as a tragedy, but as an opportunity to bring a new orientation to its longstanding relationship with the UK, while also strengthening its ties with the EU, and exploring possibilities for strategic alliances with other centres of influence. “This new development paradigm would require Caribbean countries, individually and collectively, to focus on and adopt a systematic approach to the attainment of those goals, which they themselves have prioritised.”However not everyone believes the UK leaving the EU will have a beneficial impact on Commonwealth countries - particularly those who receiving developmental funding from the bloc.Dominican Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit described the referendum as “a major shockwave”, and claims repercussions would be felt almost immediately.He said: “The decision to leave the EU is going to have major, major impact to developing economies like ours which rely heavily on development assistance from the EU.

“So the focus now will be within the EU rather than outside the EU and matters relating to the relationship of the EU with the rest of the developing world, Dominica included.”He pointed out that Dominica had two or three outstanding packages of “significant sums” from the EU, with one worth around 8million euros to be used for improving farm access roads.New trade deals could be established between the Caribbean, Africa and the UKHugh Riley, the Caribbean Tourism Organisation’s secretary general, claims even tourism could suffer from the vote to leave after the pound fell to a 31-year low.He said: "Brexit presents a potential risk to Caribbean economies. “The nature of the risk will depend on several factors, including the kind of withdrawal arrangements the UK negotiates with the EU and the impact on the British economy during the period of transition.”The comments come as International Trade Secretary Liam Fox predicted the UK would be a standard-bearer for global free trade and that Brexit represented a "golden opportunity" to forge new links.He claims it would be in other countries' interests to avoid tariffs which he said would "harm the people of Europe".

Top of the DocumentECY-IS-TU:161013:(20-OCT-16):Northern Cyprus Pins Hopes on GaslineNatural Gas World 13-Oct-16The Turkish leader of Northern Cyprus has called for serious consideration to be given for a gas pipeline to link Israel, Cyprus and Turkey as a way of helping to bring peace to the divided island of Cyprus. However, in a carefully measured speech to the World Energy Congress in Istanbul, Mustapha Akinci, the president of the self-styled Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, also noted the role that regional welfare also involved Greece and that Israel and Cyprus were also talking to Athens about a pipeline to Greece.The Turkish Cypriot leader focussed on the interconnection between development of gas in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and progress in talks to end the 42-year-old partition of Cyprus.In considering the eastern Mediterranean where Israel is planning to develop the major Leviathan field and Cyprus is hoping to develop the nearby Aphrodite field, Akinci confined his remarks to pipeline development and did not discuss the vexed issue of how Aphrodite, which lies of the Greek Cypriot coast, might be developed.Regarding an export pipeline Akinci said: “This project is planned through Cyprus, Greece and Israel and this a very long-term project.” He then added: “But there is another alternative: Israel, Cyprus and Turkey.” A line between these countries would be shorter and cheaper, he said.

He acknowledged there were political issues impacting on such a project. “A solution in Cyprus would be helpful in this context,” he said. “New horizons can be opened in the energy sector for the benefit of everybody. This could be a peace project for everybody,” he added. Speaking on the same platform, Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the eastern Mediterranean does constitute a new resource and “according to studies, this gas will be transmitted to other places via Turkey in the most profitable fashion.” He did not elaborate.Akinci, who only spoke of “Cyprus” without specific mention of either its predominantly Greek southern section or its predominantly Turkish northern part, stressed that since he was first elected 16 months ago, “I have tried to bring the situation in Cyprus to a positive solution." He added: “In a very short time it is possible for us to reach a solution based on a federation of two sides.”In this context, Akinci argued, “natural gas production will be important, but also an energy corridor.” He spoke of linking Cyprus and Turkey to western Europe, saying that “welfare will be shared”, creating positive results in a region where Greece, Cyprus and Turkey were all situated. “We are redefining concepts of welfare, peace and solidarity,” he added.

Top of the DocumentMED-ENERGY:161013:(20-OCT-16):The Levant Energy Basin: A Geopolitical Game Changer in the Eastern Mediterranean?Natural Gas World 13-Oct-16The Mediterranean Sea has always been considered as a relevant strategic corridor for the energy deliveries, given the domestic demand of the EU southern countries and the

geographical proximity of the North Africa’s gas producers and suppliers to the EU markets.However, the discovery of abundant offshore gas reserves in Israel and Cyprus between 2009 and 2011 have progressively

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highlighted the strategic potential of the Levant Basin, shifting the geopolitical focus from the southern shore to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, the Arab Spring events in 2011 and the following condition of instability have dramatically showed the vulnerability of the traditional North African energy suppliers, which could have some difficulties to ensure regular supply without interruptions. The estimates of the US Geological Survey on the offshore natural gas potential in the Levant Basin have contributed to enhance the ambition of some Eastern Mediterranean countries - Israel, Cyprus and Lebanon - to become energy independent and also energy suppliers exporting natural gas to the regional and international markets. The development of the offshore energy reserves in the Levant Basin will represent an influent “geopolitical game changer” which will give a new energy status to the

Eastern Mediterranean countries, potentially affecting the existent political scenario characterized by traditional rivalries which currently hampers a profitable cooperation to address threats and challenges.The aim of this working paper is to analyze the energy potential of the Levant Basin, mainly focusing on the offshore gas reserves of Israel, Cyprus and Lebanon and the different envisaged export routes to ship the future production to the markets: the strategic decision to privilege regional or international markets, the need to achieve the necessary precondition of a scenario of security and stability to develop the energy potential, the political tensions among regional countries which hinder the realization of an Eastern Mediterranean integrated gas system represent some of the main key topics which will influence the evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean energy chessboard.

Top of the DocumentRU-TU:161013:(20-OCT-16):Gazprom to Finance Offshore Part of Turkish StreamNatural Gas World 13-Oct-16Russian gas giant Gazprom will finance the construction of the offshore part of the Turkish Stream project, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said, according to Interfax news agency. In an interview with Russia 24 TV, he said that the company would start construction of offshore portion of the pipeline to Turkey in 2018.The onshore infrastructure that will supply the Turkish market, will be financed and constructed by Turkey's state owned pipeline company Botas. Two companies could form a joint venture on a parity basis, the report added.Miller also said that Turkish Stream would not compete for European markets with Nord Stream 2, a pipeline project which will supply northern Europe. The energy ministers of Turkey and Russia signed an intergovernmental deal October 10 for Turkish Stream

pipeline, which is now envisaged as a two-strand line, which will ship a total 31.5bn m³/yr gas to Turkey and beyond.Gazprom hopes to reduce its transit of gas through Ukraine to practically zero by the end of this decade. It has argued that it needs direct routes to its customers to make supplies secure and so more valuable. Nord Stream 2, as Nord Stream 1 before it, is also part of that strategy.

Top of the DocumentIS-MSA:161011:(20-OCT-16):How Israel can contribute to Saudi's vision 2030The Hill 11-Oct-16The topic of establishing a relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel raises many theories, assumptions, and emotionally charged arguments. Some of these arguments have merit, while others amount to nothing more than poorly formulated conjecture. These strongly held positions are especially interesting because they are put forward despite the current lack of an existing relationship between the two countries.However, the prevailing political discourse might not only indicate that it is in the interest of both countries to form a collaborative alliance, but in the interest of the greater Middle East and their global allies as well.In fact, there are some opinions suggesting that having a common enemy in Iran will help accelerate any sort of rapprochement between two of the Middle East’s most powerful nations. While that could be partially true, a more solid foundation for establishing deep-rooted ties between the two countries could manifest in the context of a mutually beneficial economic partnership.To illustrate this, history tells us that Arabs and Jews were some of the strongest partners in trade, culture and mutual security, living in relatively peaceful coexistence for

centuries, whether they’re in the Middle East, North Africa or even Spain.When talking about fairly recent history, it is common knowledge that Saudi Arabia and Israel have committed to rational and balanced foreign policies over the past 70 years, never seeking any provocative or hostile actions against each other. It’s also important to note that there are hundreds of Jews hailing from many corners of the world who are currently working in Saudi Arabia, contributing to its financial, infrastructure, and energy projects.As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia is going through its biggest economic transition in its history, of which Israel is the most capable of contributing to. The architect of this transition, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, is also viewed by political observers as a pragmatic and progressive personality, with all indicators showing that he is prepared and willing to develop real, enduring ties with Israel. With the goals of this transition outlined in a recently announced “National Transformation Plan,” one of its most important strategies focuses on diversifying income sources and mining for more natural resources.

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The latter represents a rare, golden opportunity for Israel to participate in and help bolster the Saudi economy. After all, Israel has a reputation as one of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced countries in the field of mining, with a robust, globally recognized diamond industry. Keeping in mind that Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the world without any source of flowing water, Israel is also a world leader in the water engineering industry, which makes it extraordinarily qualified to help Saudi Arabia with its ambitious desalination plans, which are a crucial part of the Deputy Crown Prince’s blueprint for Saudi’s economic reform, “Vision 2030.”Of course, such an economic partnership cannot be established without addressing security concerns, as the trust factor between the two Middle Eastern countries still needs positive reinforcement. However, most of these concerns are mutual, as both countries are facing constant threats from extremist groups that are directly supported by the totalitarian government of Iran, which is classified internationally as a global sponsor of terrorism, providing a safe haven for most of the world’s most dangerous and well-known terrorist organizations.Any form of normalization between the two countries is also an Arabic and Muslim normalization towards Israel, which will undoubtedly promote security and weaken extremism in the region. In fact, there was a time when the United States relied on Saudi Arabia and a pre-Islamic revolution, pro-

Western Iran to be the “twin pillars” of Middle Eastern stability as part of the Nixon Doctrine a few short decades ago.Current and forthcoming U.S. administrations could consider Saudi Arabia and Israel to be uniquely positioned to carry on that mantle and become the new twin pillars of regional stability, which would not only mean less military interventions, but also an easier opportunity for the U.S. to foster an environment in the region that is conducive towards social development and economic growth.Rapid changes require rapid, decisive actions in order to achieve a new political, security and economic strategy that is centered around a win-win policy. Both Saudi Arabia and Israel should recognize that while all these bilateral benefits look strategically and economically attractive on paper, such benefits only have a chance of materializing if they are backed up by a comprehensive plan that fulfills the terms required by both parties.Impeding collaboration in any way would inevitably stifle an historic opportunity for both countries to grow, develop and solidify the mutual goal of not only ensuring the success of this vital relationship, but bringing the Middle East into a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity.Salman Al-Ansari is the Founder & President of the Washington DC-based Saudi American Public Relation Affairs Committee (SAPRAC)

Top of the DocumentMYE-US-MIN:161013:(20-OCT-16):U.S. Responds to Missile Strikes from Yemen, Destroys 3 Radar SitesSUSTG Team13-Oct-16The U.S. military struck three radar sites in Houthi-controlled territory on Yemen’s Red Sea coast, the Pentagon said in a statement. The strikes were aimed at preventing future missiles from being launched toward U.S. warships.“These limited self-defense strikes were conducted to protect our personnel, our ships, and our freedom of navigation in this important maritime passageway,” the Pentagon said. “Initial assessments show the sites were destroyed.”The strikes were authorized by President Obama at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joseph Dunford.It was not immediately known if there were any casualties from the strikes.The United States had recently announced that it would review its support for the Saudi-led coalition fighting in

Yemen following a deadly airstrike by the coalition on a funeral in Yemen’s capital, Sana, which killed over 160 people and injured hundreds.The U.S. strikes on radio sites were limited to protecting its own fleet and a safe maritime passageway for commercial ships, and unlikely indicative of a expanding mission for U.S. forces in Yemen.On Thursday, the Houthis reiterated a denial that they carried out the initial missele launches and said they did not come from areas under their control, a news agency controlled by the group reported a military source as saying, according to Reuters.On Wednesday, Saudi Arabia said it shot down a missile that was fired from inside Yemen aimed at the Kingdom – the second such incident in five days.

Top of the DocumentMYE-US-MIN:161013:(20-OCT-16):Iranian Missiles in Houthi Hands Threaten Freedom of Navigation in Red SeaInstitute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 16, No. 17 13-Oct-16 Since the beginning of October 2016, the Houthi-Yemeni conflict has assumed a new naval and international dimension that could endanger civilian freedom of navigation in the Red Sea’s Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which serves as a gateway for oil tankers headed to Europe through the Suez Canal. The Houthis are backed and armed by Iran; the Yemen army is backed by a Saudi-led Arab coalition. On October 1, 2016, the Houthi-allied Yemeni Republican Guard launched an anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) near the Red Sea port of Mocha in the strategic Bab el-Mandeb

shipping lane. It struck a humanitarian ship in the service of the United Arab Emirates Navy. The United States dispatched three battleships to the area. On October 9, Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired on the USS Mason in the same area; on October 11, they fired two more cruise missiles at the ship. No damages or injuries were reported. In retaliation, the USS Nitze launched Tomahawk cruise missile strikes knocking out three Houthi coastal radar sites “that were active during previous attacks and attempted attacks on ships in the Red Sea.” The strikes, authorized by

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President Barack Obama, represent Washington’s first direct military action against suspected Houthi-controlled targets in Yemen’s conflict. Apparent in Yemen are the absence of the American player and the weakening of its overall policy in the Middle East. Not far from Yemen in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, Iranian fast boats continue to harass and provoke American warships, which operate without any appropriate response. Meanwhile, Iran continues to build its naval and missile power. Playing down the incident will play into Iranian propaganda and bolster Iran’s already overconfident and defiant stance.Iranian-backed Houthi rebels have been waging war against the Yemeni army and the Saudi-led Arab coalition in Yemen for several years. Since the beginning of October 2016, the conflict has assumed a new naval and international dimension that could endanger civilian freedom of navigation in the Red Sea’s Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which serves as a gateway for oil tankers headed to Europe through the Suez Canal.On October 1, the Houthi-allied Yemeni Republican Guard launched what appears to have been a Chinese-made C-802 anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) near the Red Sea port of Mocha in the strategic Bab el-Mandeb shipping lane. Another possibility is that it was a Noor guided missile (the Iranian version of the C-802) that Iran supplied to the Houthi rebels as part of its extensive military and political assistance to them. Iran supports Houthis in their struggle to take control of Yemen, including their firing of missiles at Saudi Arabia.2 The maximum range of the advanced version of the missile is 170 km. (apparently Iran supplied the 120-km. version).Map of YemenMap of Yemen. Note the Bab el Mandeb choke point (CIA)The missile struck an HSV-2 Swift hybrid catamaran belonging to the United Arab Emirates navy operating in the area as part of the Saudi coalition. The ship was carrying a humanitarian cargo as well as people injured in the combat areas of the city of Aden – the temporary capital for the Yemeni government since the Houthi conquest of Sana’a. This is not the first time the Houthis have claimed they are acting against ships of the Saudi-led Arab coalition in the area of Bab el-Mandeb.The UAE Foreign Ministry said in a statement: “The targeting of the civilian ship in an international channel has serious implications for freedom of navigation, and is an act of terror.”3 The United Nations also condemned the act. It is worth noting that, during the Second Lebanon War in 2006, a Noor missile that Iran supplied to Hizbullah struck the Israeli naval vessel INS Hanit and killed four crew members.The Houthi rebels claimed to have fired the missile that destroyed the UAE ship. They also posted videos on social networks that document the surveillance, the launch of the missile, the moment it hit the ship, as well as rocket fire toward rescue boats that came to the area. 4They said the ship was advancing toward Mocha.5 Earlier, on September 26, Houthi forces encamped on the Hanish Islands and fired artillery shells at Eritrean forces at the seaport and the military airport at Assab in Eritrea. The Houthis claimed that the attack was a response to the aid Eritrea is giving to the

Saudi-led Arab coalition by allowing it to use the port, which is very near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. 6After the October 1 incident, the damaged ship was able to reach the port of Assab.A few days after the missile was fired at the UAE ship, the Houthis, under the name Yemeni Navy Coastal Defense, issued a warning to any vessel belonging to the Saudi-led coalition not to take action against Yemen, with a reminder about the strike on the UAE vessel. The vessels were warned not to approach Yemeni territorial waters without permission from the Yemeni authorities. The statement cautioned: “In case of witnessing any uncoordinated movements near Yemen’s territorial waters or trespass of our sea border, the vessels of Saudi Arabia and its allies will be destroyed.”7Houthis Issue Warning against TrespassingFollowing the firing of the missile at the UAE ship, the United States dispatched three naval ships to the area. The ships – the guided-missile destroyers USS Nitze (DDG-94) and USS Mason (DDG-87) and the amphibious transport dock USS Ponce (AFSB (I)-15) – are on station off Yemen near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. Spokesmen of the American fleet said the United States was acting with allies in the region to ensure freedom of navigation and trade. 8It appears the warning was also meant for U.S. Navy vessels operating in the area. On October 9, two presumed cruise missiles, launched within 60 minutes of each other from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen,9 targeted the USS Mason (DDG-87) in the same area; on October 11, Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired two more cruise missiles within a 60-minute window at the USS Mason.10The ship’s crew employed a variety of onboard defensive measures to defend the guided-missile destroyer and nearby USS Ponce. Mason launched two Standard Missile-2s (SM-2s) and a single Enhanced Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM). In addition to the missiles, the ship used its Nulka anti-ship missile decoy. No damage or injuries were reported. The attack marks the first time in recent memory that a U.S. Navy vessel was forced to engage its on-board defense systems.Bryan Clark, a naval analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and former aide to retired former Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert, said following the incident that “It might be the first time the SM-2 was used against an actual threat for which it was designed….It’s definitely the first time ESSM has been used….This is obviously a huge deal.”11In retaliation, the USS Nitze launched Tomahawk cruise missile strikes knocking out three coastal radar sites in areas of Yemen controlled by Iran-aligned Houthi forces “that were active during previous attacks and attempted attacks on ships in the Red Sea,” said an American official. The areas in Yemen where the radars were located were identified near Ras Isa, north of Mukha, and near Khoka.12President Obama Authorized Strikes against Houthi RadarThe strikes, authorized by President Barack Obama, represent Washington’s first direct military action against suspected Houthi-controlled targets in Yemen’s conflict. Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said, “Anybody who takes action, fires against U.S. Navy ships operating in international waters, does so at their own peril….We’re going to find out who did this and we will take action accordingly.” He added that the incident is being reviewed “up and down the chain of

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command” and that military intelligence specialists are tracking the individuals responsible.13On the day the missile was fired at the UAE ship, Iran was holding an annual ceremony for those who have contributed to the resistance. The first place among the resistance movements was taken by Houthi leader Abd al-Malek Houthi. The personal certificate of merit for “Resistance 2016” was given to his assistant by Ali Jafari, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. 14 Arab media saw the award as further evidence of Iran’s growing involvement in the Yemeni conflict. Notably, unlike in the past, Iran is no longer concealing its involvement in Yemen and the aid it is providing to the Shiite Houthi rebels. The firing of guided shore-to-sea missiles at U.S. and UAE ships constitutes an escalation in the Yemeni conflict and could pose a threat to a key international sea lane in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The ability to fire guided missiles, along with their long range (120 km.), endangers not only the coalition’s freedom of action and ability to enforce the Arab embargo but also civilian vessels, including tankers that operate in the area.Iran’s aid to the Houthi rebels has apparently increased beyond Tehran’s ongoing assistance to fighting at the different fronts in Yemen. Iran is prepared to provide tie-breaking weapons that could help the Houthis breach the naval blockade that Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners have imposed on Yemen. In the past, weapons-smuggling ships have been intercepted as Iran was trying to transfer arms to the Houthi rebels. It appears, however, that with the Houthis holding their own in the battles, the embargo is ineffective and Iran has found other lanes for transferring weapons to the Houthis.The ceasefire in Yemen collapsed at the beginning of August. Despite attempts to renew the dialogue (with the involvement of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and the UN envoy to the region) between the Houthis, who are Iran’s proxies, and the Yemeni government headed by Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, which is backed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition, the war is continuing and even expanding. This war constitutes an additional arena for the “Battle of the Titans” between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which is also being waged in other venues including Syria, Iraq, and Bahrain, and is part of the realignment of the Middle East in the aftermath of the Arab Spring.Iran Fills the American VacuumA solution in Yemen appears distant. International interest in the conflict is almost nonexistent, especially in light of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria. The departure from Yemen of most of the American Special Forces left a vacuum; it has been filled by Iran and the terror organizations Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Islamic State, which is active in southern Yemen. From time to time, unmanned American drones fire missiles at these groups, but they remain active in the absence of international concern. Significantly, the UAE is playing a central role in the Arab coalition in Yemen. Along with its forces’ military activity, mainly against AQAP near the port cities of Al-Mukalla and Aden in southern Yemen, the UAE provides extensive humanitarian aid to the residents of the area as part of the struggle against terror. The UAE is also trying to get the tribes in the area to support the Yemeni central government, which is important to shore up.

Also apparent in Yemen are the absence of the American player and the weakening of its overall policy in the Middle East. Not far from Yemen in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, Iranian fast boats continue to harass and provoke American warships, which operate without any appropriate response. Meanwhile, Iran continues to build its naval and missile power, with which it can project force in the Arabian Gulf and beyond to the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea – where Iranian ships are active as part of the war on pirates, but also as a signal to the United States that Iran views these areas as a natural zone of influence.Iran views the maritime domain as an important channel for its influence. It enables it to protect its borders as it develops a special battle doctrine, “swarming,” to confront technologically superior (American) naval forces. It also enables Iran to ship aid to its proxies including the Houthis in Yemen, the Palestinian terror organizations, and Hizbullah.The ongoing war in Yemen serves as a perfect venue for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN), IRGC missile forces, IRGC Quds forces, and Hizbullah to battle-test some of their new weapons against Iran’s enemies – Saudi Arabia and its Arab-coalition and its arch enemy, the “Great Satan,” the United States. Part of a cartoon on Khamenei’s webpage.15 Caption: “Iranian leader conveys a strong message – the Islamic Republic of Iran – unlike in the past when foreign powers exploited its natural resources and humiliated its people – is powerful enough to defend itself and humiliate its enemies.”For Iran, Yemen is a perfect venue for such tests. Iran is preparing for future engagement with the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf where the IRGCN frequently provokes and sometimes humiliates American naval presence in the area. The Americans’ reaction to launching the missiles against its ships may change the dynamics. Playing the incident down will again play into Iranian propaganda and bolster Iran’s already overconfident and defiant stance.* * *Notes1 Tasnim,

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14, Cartoon:

Top of the DocumentIS-CV-UN:161013:(20-OCT-16):Israel turns to Vatican for help at UNArutz Sheva 13-Oct-16Israel asked the Vatican's representative to UNESCO to work to convince nations not to deny Jewish connection to JerusalemThe government of Israel has taken the unusual step of asking the Vatican for help in preventing a UNESCO vote denying any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount or the Western Wall.Though the Vatican only holds observer status at UNESCO, meaning it cannot vote, it still plays a role in the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the organization.Israel's Ambassador to the Vatican, Oren David, contacted Antoine Camilleri, the Vatican's Under-Secretary for Relations with States to ask that the Vatican work to convince UNESCO's member states to vote against a Palestinian initiative which would refer to the Western Wall and Temple Mount by their Arabic names and only use the Hebrew terms for the sites in quotation marks.

Israel has tried to make the point that such a resolution would harm Christian interests in Jerusalem as well as Jewish interests.Much like other UN organizations, UNESCO has an automatic anti-Israel majority.Israel and the US have both worked against the resolution. Yesterday, a group of US Congressmen signed a letter to UNESCO urging the organization not to attempt to rewrite history.Israeli President Reuven Rivlin used the upcoming Jewish holiday of Sukkot to criticize the resolution Thursday, saying "There is no festival more connected to Jerusalem than Sukkot. The festivals of Israel all highlight the inextricable bond between our people and our land, and no forum or body in the world can come and deny the connection between the Jewish people, the Land of Israel and Jerusalem—and any such body that does so simply embarrasses itself."

Top of the DocumentIS-MCY-MGE:161012:(20-OCT-16):Construction of the EuroAsia Interconnector to begin in 2017CNA News Service Cyprus 12-Oct-16Construction of the EuroAsia Interconnector to begin in 2017The official operator of the EuroAsia Interconnector electricity connection, a project approved and supported by the European Commission, announced Wednesday that the technical and economic studies have successfully concluded and work on the 1,520km ‘electricity highway’ that will secure international energy supply will begin in 2017.Construction work will begin with completion of the first section (Cyprus-Israel) in 2019, the second section (Crete-Attica) in 2020 and the final section of Cyprus-Crete in 2022.The EuroAsia Interconnector will establish the first electricity corridor between the eastern Mediterranean and the European Union, ending the energy isolation of Cyprus, as well as Crete and Israel, and will vastly contribute to energy supply and security in the region.The Technical Studies carried out by CESI S.p.A. of Italy, as well as the Reconnaissance Survey executed by GAS S.r.l. of Italy, have concluded that:– the electricity networks’ interconnection between Israel, Cyprus, Crete and Attica is technically feasible;– all four surveyed locations have been considered technically and environmentally suitable;– the submarine cables can be manufactured with a higher voltage level up to 500 kV and with improved technical characteristics which allow for the cables to be laid at depths of up to 3,000 metres; and,– based on the route survey performed by the Italian flag R/V Odin Finder, a feasible corridor has been designed that allows the 1,000 MW cable to be laid at depths of up to 3,000 metres.The environmental etudies are now in their final stage to determine the ideal locations for both the overland and undersea sections where the converter stations will be located, as well as all other necessary infrastructure facilities.

The operator of the interconnector, considered a European Union project of Common Interest (PCI), has also conducted a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) that has indicted significant social and economic benefits to all the economies and communities involved, reaching an estimated €10bn.

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Top of the DocumentIS-TU:161013:(20-OCT-16):Turkey, Israel to consider building gas pipelineThe Associated Press 13-Oct-16Israel and Turkey will consider building a pipeline that would carry Israeli natural gas to Turkey and onward to European markets, Israel's energy minister said Thursday, during a first visit by an Israeli minister since the countries ended a six-year rift this summer. Israel and Turkey will consider building a pipeline that would carry Israeli natural gas to Turkey and onward to European markets, Israel's energy minister said Thursday, during a first visit by an Israeli minister since the countries ended a six-year rift this summer.Yuval Steinitz told reporters after talks with his Turkish counterpart, Berat Albayrak, that the two sides also discussed the issue of Turkey supplying electricity and other forms of energy to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank."Israel is welcoming any involvement of Turkey in improving the lives of ordinary people in Gaza," Steinitz said. "We will do our best in order to enable this."Turkey and Israel reached an agreement in June to normalize ties and end acrimony caused by an Israeli naval raid on a

Turkish aid ship trying to breach Israel's blockade of Gaza in 2010. Ten Turkish activists were killed in the raid.Under the reconciliation deal, Israel agreed to compensate the families of the victims while Turkey agreed not to hold Israeli nationals criminally liable for the incident.Steinitz said the two countries "agreed to establish immediately a dialogue to examine the possibility and the feasibility" of the natural gas pipeline project. He said Israel was considering other pipeline projects but said the "Turkish option" was an "important" one.The Israeli minister said his country would also welcome the participation of Turkish businesses in the exploration of future gas fields.Steinitz added that he was a strong proponent of the normalization of ties between the two countries who once were close allies, saying improved relations would benefit both the Turkish and Israeli people.

Top of the DocumentIS-UN:161014:(20-OCT-16):UNESCO Votes That Temple Mount Has No Connection to IsraelInt. Chr. Emb. Jerusalem 14-Oct-16Analysts weigh in on risks and highlightsThe 58-member Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted on Thursday to approve a resolution tabled by the Palestinian Authority declaring the Temple Mount and Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City has no historic ties to Judaism. The vote passed with 24 nations voting yes and 6 voting no, while a nearly unprecedented 26 countries abstained from voting, leaving diplomatic analysts saying the vote was actually a hollow victory for the PA and not a catastrophe for Israel.Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to events by declaring “The theater of the absurd continues at the UN. Today UNESCO adopted its second decision this year denying the Jewish people’s connection to the Temple Mount, our holiest site for more than 3,000 years. What’s next? A UNESCO decision denying the connection between peanut butter and jelly? Batman and Robin? Rock ‘n’ roll?”Senior officials in the US government also spoke out against the vote. The six countries that voted in support of Israel were the United States, Great Britain, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Germany and Estonia.In related news, Foreign Ministry Director General Dore Gold resigned on Thursday, quipping that the UNESCO vote a “going away present” from the body which has been unremittingly hostile to the Jewish State for many years. He added that several countries which often vote against Israel in UN forums voted to abstain in this case.

“What this indicates is that things are shifting for Israel,” Gold said. “You are not going to get a total re-definition about how states are going to vote in the UN system in a matter of a few months, but a new trend is clear, which I hope Israel can build upon in the months and years ahead.”He also pointed out that the vote is symbolic and not binding, adding that UNESCO director-general Irina Bokova declared that she won’t implement it since there is no consensus.Meanwhile, the PA’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying, “We regret that few countries succumbed to the PR bullying orchestrated by Israel, which shifted the focus from Israel's illegal and colonial actions in occupied East Jerusalem to issues irrelevant to the content and objectives of the resolutions, which aims to put an end to Israel's dangerous and illegal actions against holy sites in Jerusalem and Palestinian rights, including the right to worship. Palestine will continue to defend the rights of our people through all available legal and diplomatic avenues, including UN organizations. Our peaceful agenda will not be derailed by propaganda, nor will our tolerance and adherence to international law be altered by fallacies and cynical spin,”“Soon, UNESCO will say that the Emperor Titus engaged in Zionist propaganda,” Netanyahu said in response. “To say that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall is like saying that China has no connection to the Great Wall of China or that Egypt has no connection to the pyramids. By this absurd decision, UNESCO has lost what little legitimacy it had left,” Netanyahu added.

Top of the DocumentIS-UN:161014:(20-OCT-16):Editorial: UNESCO on the Temple MountJerusalem Post 14-Oct-16Palestinians’ preoccupation with ancient history has little to do with culture or science and everything to do with politics.The sun rotates around the world. The world is flat.There was never a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount.

When people make foolish declarations with conviction they are usually motivated by a political agenda or religion or both.

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The ongoing Palestinian campaign to erase Jewish ties to the holy places of Jerusalem falls under this category. Last October, the Palestinian Authority failed in its attempt to garner enough support in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for a resolution that ignores Jewish ties to the Temple Mount and that mentions only Muslim ties to the site.This October it will try again.In April, UNESCO’s 58-member Executive Board met in Paris and adopted a resolution that spoke solely of Muslim ties to the Temple Mount.The 21-members of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee had been poised to vote on the matter as it wrapped up its 40th session in Istanbul.A botched coup attempt against the Erdogan government postponed the vote, which is slated to take place later this month in Paris at the World Heritage Committee’s headquarters.The resolution had been initially submitted by Jordan and the PA as part of the bureaucratic process by which the World Heritage Committee reaffirmed the placement of Jerusalem and its Old City ramparts on its World Heritage in Danger list.As part of the confirmation process Palestinians and Jordan introduced a text attacking Israeli actions, including archeological digs within Jerusalem’s Old City which continue to unearth proof of Jewish ties to the area. But although the Temple Mount is Judaism’s holiest site, it is referred to solely by its Muslim name of al-Haram a-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary).Palestinians’ preoccupation with ancient history has little to do with culture or science and everything to do with politics. The underlying assumption behind Palestinian activism in UNESCO seems to be that if Jews’ ties to Jerusalem and to the Temple can be denied or questioned, it serves the cause of Muslims who stake a claim to the place. Conversely, admitting the simple historical truth that there was a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount is, according to this mode of

thinking, a way of weakening Palestinian and Muslim claims to Jerusalem. Or at the very least it calls into question Palestinian claims that they are the indigenous population and the Jews are trespassers.Muslims’ interest in Jerusalem has ebbed and flowed in concert with historical developments. During the Crusades, Muslims emphasized the importance of the city.Jerusalem’s importance in the eyes of Muslim increased considerably after the Six Day War, when control of the city fell into the hands of Israel. A concerted attempt was launched to reject Jewish ties to Jerusalem. At other times in history, Muslims were more willing to admit the centrality of Jerusalem for Jews. For instance, in a guide to al-Haram a-Sharif published in 1930 by an organization called the Supreme Muslim Council, the authors admitted “its identity with Solomon’s Temple is beyond dispute.”All of this is, however, beside the point. Jews’ claims to sovereignty in Israel should not be based on the veracity of archeological finds or the willingness of international forums to recognize Jewish ties to the Land of Israel. No other nation’s sovereignty hinges on the findings at an archeological dig.Israelis and Palestinians are engaged in a territorial dispute.But referencing ancient history does not clarify the conflict, it only complicates it further by engaging in a game of who was here first when the question at hand is how can we live together now.No one with intellectual honesty seriously doubts that the Jewish people has religious, cultural and historical ties to the Land of Israel. Any attempt to deny these ties is a perversion of science. That UNESCO is lending its hand to such perversion is a tragic testimony to the sorrowful state of UN institutions.But all of this is irrelevant and counterproductive to the real issue: finding a way in which Israelis and Palestinians can coexist peacefully on a tiny slab of land that happens to be endowed with a rich, resonant history.

Top of the DocumentTU-RU:161011:(20-OCT-16):Turkey will be an energy hub, Putin saysUPI 11-Oct-16European partners view Turkey as a bridge to gas reserves in Azerbaijan.Turkey will become a major energy hub for the European market with assistance from the Russian government, President Vladimir Putin said.Putin met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a special session of the 23rd World Energy Congress. Alongside geopolitical issues related to the civil war in Syria, where both sides have varying allegiances, the two leaders discussed new life for the Turkish Stream pipeline, a revision to a much larger project meant to carry Russian natural gas to Europe.Turkey's geographic position makes it desirable as a bridge to transport energy resources from Central Asian suppliers to the European market."Please note that we are moving towards the implementation of the Turkish president's plans to establish a large energy hub in the country," Putin said during joint statements with the press.

Turkish Stream, which mirrors the route for the now-abandoned South Stream project, would run under the Black Sea to Turkey and then to the European market. South Stream was scrapped because of concerns about Russian business practices expressed by some European countries.Putin said during the signing ceremony that advanced Turkish Stream that Ankara would get an unspecified discount for natural gas. Erdogan, for his part, said the agreement meant the project would be accelerated.The project's forward momentum was thwarted several times because of simmering acrimony between both countries. Turkey is a member of NATO and Russia's stance on the conflict in Syria has at times been at odds with the Western military alliance.Turkey is also slated to host pipeline networks from Azerbaijan that are meant to break the Russian grip on the European energy sector are planned through Turkey.Russian energy company Gazprom in the past has shut off gas through Ukraine, its traditional gas host, because of

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disputes over contracts and debt. That left European nations in the cold and both Europe and Russia are looking to advance new routes that avoid geopolitical tensions.

Top of the DocumentRU-US:161015:(20-OCT-16):Resurgent Russia Takes On US Unilateralism With Reclaimed Former Soviet BasesRIA Novosti 15-Oct-16Russia's move to restore former Soviet military bases abroad is in line with the country's new Maritime Doctrine and aims "to increase the autonomy of Russia's naval presence in the World Ocean," according to RIA Novosti political analyst Alexander Khrolenko.RIA Novosti political analyst Alexander Khrolenko believes that Russia's foreign military bases are in sync with the country's Maritime Doctrine and help "boost the autonomy of the Russian naval presence in the World Ocean."His remarks came after Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov said on Monday that Moscow will establish a permanent naval base in the Syrian port city of Tartus, home to a Russian Navy maintenance and support facility which was established by the Soviet Union in 1977. Pankov also said that the Russian Defense Ministry was looking into reestablishing Russian bases in Cuba and Vietnam.In addition, media reports cited Russia's plans to return to a former Soviet air force base in the Egyptian city of Sidi Barrani. Referring to Russia, Khrolenko explained that the naval bases abroad ensure the safety of the country's major sea lanes and increase the navy's combat capability by bringing missiles closer to the strategic areas of the potential enemy. According to him, the naval bases add to the more effective deployment of warships across the World Ocean, helping to focus on "potentially dangerous areas and crisis regions.""The foreign naval bases do not only indicate the status of the country, but also contribute to its sustainable economic growth and the safe development of ocean resources.These bases can be called a military and diplomatic instrument to strengthen national and international security," he pointed out.Khrolenko recalled that since the end of the last century, Russia has pursued peaceful policies.Meanwhile, a significant proportion of US and NATO military operations were conducted without the UN's approval, including operations in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. "Obviously, Russia should rely on its navy and aerospace forces rather than the West's

favor when it comes to the struggle for a brighter future," Khrolenko said.In addition, the permanent presence of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean is something that is endorsed by Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen, according to him. "In the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Russia is successfully strengthening its military cooperation with the naval forces of India and China," he added.Khrolenko specifically drew attention to the fact that the navy remains the basis of Russia's maritime potential and that naval activity is related to the top state priorities."Russia's new Maritime Doctrine underscores the importance of the country's adequate and permanent naval presence in the World Ocean. In this sense, the naval bases increase the autonomy of such a presence," he pointed out.In an interview with Sputnik earlier this month, editor-in-chief of National Defense Magazine Igor Korotchenko described Russia's decision to establish a full-scale base in Tartus as a "powerful move." He said that first and foremost, the base will help to protect Russia's national interests and improve the country's geopolitical standing in the Middle East. He also said that the base in Tartus will provide a "reliable support area" to the Russian naval forces deployed to the region."A full-scale base will help to improve logistical and technical support for our naval assets," he explained.Along with the Hmeymim airbase in nearby Latakia, Syria, the base in Tartus "will enhance Russia's foreign and defense policies," Korotchenko said, adding that they will also help to "neutralize any threats."Russian introduced its new naval doctrine in June 2015. According to the document, Crimea, the Arctic and the Atlantic and as well as cooperation between Russia and China in the Pacific are becoming key priorities for Russia. According to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, the main reasons for adopting amendments to Russia's maritime doctrine of 2001 are "the changes of international affairs" and the consolidation of Russia as a maritime power.

Top of the DocumentRU-IS:161007:(20-OCT-16):Russia will teach Israel to interoperate properly with the S-300 complexesIzvestia 07-Oct-16 [NB a Google translation! Don]Moscow and Tel Aviv negotiate additional protocols to prevent incidents in the skies over SyriaThe Israeli military has asked the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with a request to agree on additional protocols and interoperability rules in connection with the strengthening of Russian air defense groups in Syria and redeployment to anti-aircraft missile system "Antey-2500" (C-300V4). This was reported by "Izvestia " informed military-diplomatic source. Israeli experts believe that additional security measures are required, but based on the fact that the actions of the Russian Federation - is primarily a warning for the United States.

- Within the framework of the existing hotline Israeli side has sent us a request to agree on new protocols and rules of engagement, to supplement existing mechanisms, concerted military departments of the two countries after the start of operation of the Military Space Forces in Syria, - says the source of "Izvestia" -. The need for such a step they explain the emergence of more Syria air defense forces. We are currently preparing a response that will be sent in accordance with all agreed procedures.Information about the transfer to the Syrian port of Tartus Division SAM "Antey-2500" has appeared a few days earlier and was interpreted by the expert community as Moscow's

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response to Washington's decision to stop the dialogue on Syria.Head of the program "The military balance in the Middle East" in the Tel Aviv Institute for the Study of National Security (INSS) Yiftah Shapir told "Izvestia" that Israel can not ignore the appearance near its border such a serious system, as "Antey-2500".- We need to ensure that the errors will not be - emphasizes Israeli expert -. Israel is interested in maintaining good relations with Russia and its additional protocols are necessary because " Antey " will be placed close to our territory and will be able to hit targets, including over northern Israel.According to Shapira, Israel is also interested to be able to operate in the airspace of Syria in the event of threats to its security.- Since 2011, Israel has at least several times been forced to operate in the airspace of Syria, to prevent the transfer of sophisticated weapons to the Lebanese movement "Hezbollah" - explains the analyst -. These systems may violate the freedom of the Israeli Air Force, and therefore must be negotiated in advance.However, according to Shapiro, wary of Russian air defense systems is not so much to Israel, how many other countries.- It looks like a US political signal that they did not try to interfere in the Syrian conflict on someone's side, - says researcher -. Strengthening of Russian air defense grouping

is easy to explain - even in the most advanced system operating range is limited. Probably, there was a need to cover a large area.Russian experts argue that the emergence of a new air defense systems will increase the possibility of the Russian group in Syria.- Battalions of S-400 is already on Hmeymim based in Latakia, but one division of the whole of Syria not prikroesh - says military expert Mikhail Khodarenok -. The radius of the interception of cruise missiles flying at extremely low altitude, he has only 15-40 km, depending on the terrain. If we want to cover the port of Tartus, you have to throw more complex. Performance characteristics in the C-400 and " Antey " similar, but the latter was created for the needs of air defense of ground forces and differs from object air defense (ie guarding stationary objects -. "Izvestiya"), which organizes S-300P and S-400 . "Antey" is built on a crawler, it is like a tank. The complex is characterized by high mobility and can move together with the troops.Regarding potential targets for " Antey " the expert noted that the complex is particularly good at tasks TMD and intercept cruise missiles.- The complex "Antey-2500" two types of missiles - said Khodarenok -. Heavy 9A82 designed to defeat the purposes of aeroballistic - warheads of tactical and operational-tactical missile systems. Lighter 9A83 intended primarily for destruction of aerodynamic purposes.

Top of the DocumentCV-CM:161016:(20-OCT-16):The Vatican Submits to Islam (2006-2016)Gatestone Institute 16-Oct-16 "[Pope Benedict XVI] has doubted publicly that it can be accommodated in a pluralistic society... and tempered his support for a programme of inter-religious dialogue run by Franciscan monks at Assisi. He has embraced the view of Italian moderates and conservatives that the guiding principle of inter-religious dialogue must be reciprocità. That is, he finds it naive to permit the building of a Saudi-funded mosque, Europe's largest, in Rome, while Muslim countries forbid the construction of churches and missions." — Christopher Caldwell, Financial Times. In that lecture, Benedict did what in the Islamic world is forbidden: freely discussing faith. He said that God is different from Allah. Since then, apologies to the Islamic world have become the official Vatican policy. Pope Francis denied that Islam itself is violent and claimed that the potential for violence lies within every religion, including Catholicism. Previously, Pope Francis said there is "a world war" but denied that Islam has any role in it. "It is clear that Muslims have an ultimate goal: conquering the world...But we find it hard to recognize this reality and to respond by defending the Christian faith (...) I have heard several times an Islamic idea: 'what we failed to do with the weapons in the past we are doing today with the birth rate and immigration'. The population is changing. If this keeps up, in countries like Italy, the majority will be Muslim (...) And what is the most important achievement? Rome." — Monsignor Raymond Burke, US Catholic leader.

If 9/11 was the declaration of jihad against the West, 9/12 will be remembered as one of the most dramatic knee-bends of the Western cultural submission to Islam.On September 12th 2006, Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) landed in Bavaria, Germany, where he was born and first taught theology. He was expected to deliver a lecture in front of the academic community at the University of Regensburg. That lesson would go down to history as the most controversial papal speech of the last half-century.On this, the 10th anniversary of the speech, the Western world and the Islamic world both owe Benedict an apology, but unfortunately, the opposite happened: the Vatican has apologized to the Muslims.In his lecture, Pope Benedict clarified the internal contradictions of contemporary Islam, but he also offered a terrain of dialogue with Christianity and Western culture. The Pope spoke of the Jewish, Greek and Christian roots of Europe's faith, explaining why these are different from Islamic monotheism. His talk contained a quote from the Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologus: "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman".This keg of dynamite was softened by a quotation from a Koranic sura of Mohammed's youth, Benedict noted, "when Mohammed was still powerless and under threat", and which says: "There is no compulsion in religion."Pope Benedict's talk was not a surprise. "It is no secret that the Pope worried about Islam", Christopher Caldwell noted in the Financial Times.

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"He has doubted publicly that it can be accommodated in a pluralistic society. He has demoted one of John Paul II's leading advisers on the Islamic world and tempered his support for a programme of inter-religious dialogue run by Franciscan monks at Assisi. He has embraced the view of Italian moderates and conservatives that the guiding principle of inter-religious dialogue must be reciprocità. That is, he finds it naive to permit the building of a Saudi-funded mosque, Europe's largest, in Rome, while Muslim countries forbid the construction of churches and missions".In Regensburg, Benedict staged the drama of our time and for the first time in the Catholic Church's history -- a Pope talked about Islam without recycling platitudes. In that lecture, the Pope did what in the Islamic world is forbidden: freely discussing faith. He said that God is different from Allah. We never heard that again.The quotation of Manuel II Palaeologus bounced around the world, shaking the Muslim umma [community], which reacted violently. Even the international press was unanimous in a chorus of condemnation of the "Pope's aggression on Islam."The reaction to Pope's speech proved that he was right. From Muslim leaders to the New York Times, everybody demanded the Pope's apologies and submission. The mainstream media turned him into an incendiary proponent of Samuel Huntington's "clash of civilizations." In the Palestinian Authority area, Christian churches were burned and Christians targeted. British Islamists called to "kill" the Pope, but Benedict defied them.At the same time, in Somalia, an Italian nun was shot. In Iraq, a Syrian Orthodox priest was beheaded by al-Qaeda and mutilated after the terrorists demanded that the Catholic Church to apologize for the speech. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood pledged retaliations against the Pope. A Pakistani leader, Shahid Shamsi, accused the Vatican of supporting "the Zionist entity." Salih Kapusuz, number two in the party of the Turkey's then Prime Minister (now President) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, compared Pope Benedict XVI to Hitler and Mussolini. The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, insisted that the words of the Pope belong to "the chain of US-Israeli conspiracy," and accused Benedict of being part of the "Crusader conspiracy."Security around Pope Benedict was soon massively increased. Two years later, the Pope had been barred from speaking at Rome's most important university, La Sapienza. After the Regensburg affair, Benedict would not be the same anymore. Islamists and Western appeasers had been able to close his mouth.A few days after the lecture, exhausted and frightened, Pope Benedict apologized. I am deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address ... which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims," the Pope told pilgrims at his Castelgandolfo summer residence. The quote did not "in any way express my personal thoughts. I hope this serves to appease hearts."The Pope may have said that to stop further violence. But since then, apologies to the Islamic world have become the official Vatican policy."The default positions vis-à-vis militant Islam are now unhappily reminiscent of Vatican diplomacy's default positions vis-à-vis communism during the last 25 years of the

Cold War," wrote George Weigel, a US leading scholar. The Vatican's new agenda seeks "to reach political accommodations with Islamic states and foreswear forceful public condemnation of Islamist and jihadist ideology."Ten years since the Regensburg lecture, relevant as ever after ISIS's attacks on European soil, another Pope, Francis I, has tried in many ways to separate Muslims and violence and always avoided mentioning that forbidden word: Islam. As Sandro Magister, one of Italy's most important journalists on Catholic issues, wrote: "In the face of the offensive of radical Islam, Francis's idea is that 'we must soothe the conflict'. And forget Regensburg."The entire Vatican's diplomatic body today carefully avoids the words "Islam" and "Muslims," and instead embraces a denial that a clash of civilization exists. Returning from World Youth Day in Poland last August, Pope Francis denied that Islam itself is violent and claimed that the potential for violence lies within every religion, including Catholicism. Previously, Pope Francis said there is "a world war," but denied that Islam has any role in it.In 2006, Pope Benedict XVI (left) said what no Pope had ever dared to say -- that there is a link between violence and Islam. Ten years later, Pope Francis (right) never calls those responsible for anti-Christian violence by name and never mentions the word "Islam." (Image source: Benedict: Flickr/Catholic Church of England | Francis: Wikimedia Commons/ May, Pope Francis explained that the "idea of conquest" is integral to Islam as a religion, but he quickly added that some might interpret Christianity, the religion of turning the other cheek, in the same way. "Authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence," the Pope claimed in 2013. A year later, Francis declared that "Islam is a religion of peace, one which is compatible with respect for human rights and peaceful coexistence." He claimed that it is the ills of global economy, and not Islam, that inspire terrorism. And a few days ago, the Pope said that "people who call themselves Christians but do not want refugees at their door are hypocrites."Pope Francis's pontificate has been marked by this moral equivalence between Christianity and Islam, which also obfuscates the crimes of Muslims against their own people, Eastern Christians and the West.But there are brave cardinals who still speak the truth. One is the US Catholic leader Raymond Burke, who is featured in a recent interview with the Italian media, in which he said: "It is clear that Muslims have an ultimate goal: conquering the world. Islam, through the sharia, their law, wants to rule the world and allows violence against the infidels, such as Christians. But we find it hard to recognize this reality and to respond by defending the Christian faith (...) I have heard several times an Islamic idea: 'what we failed to do with the weapons in the past we are doing today with the birth rate and immigration'. The population is changing. If this keeps up, in countries like Italy, the majority will be Muslim (...) Islam realizes itself in the conquest. And what is the most important achievement? Rome."Unfortunately, Rome's first bishop, Pope Francis, seems deaf and blind to these important truths. It took five days for Benedict XVI to apologize for his brave lecture. But he

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opened a decade-long season of the Vatican's excuses for Islamic terrorism.Pope Francis is still awaited for a visit at the church of St.-Étienne-du-Rouvray, where Father Jacques Hamel was murdered by Islamists this summer. That killing, ten years

after the Regensburg lecture, is the most tragic proof that Benedict was right and Francis wrong. Giulio Meotti, Cultural Editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and author.

Top of the DocumentRU-US:161016:(20-OCT-16):Base Bluster: Doubts Cloud Russian Talk Of Far-Flung Military OutpostsRadioFreeEurope 16-Oct-16As ties between Moscow and Washington plunge to new lows over the conflict in Syria, official rhetoric and Russian media reports suggest the Kremlin is busily working behind the scenes to ramp up its global reach with military bases from the Caribbean to Southeast Asia.On October 7, Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov told parliament that Moscow is “calmly” taking a new look at its decision to close Soviet-era bases in Vietnam and Cuba in 2002.“As far as our presence in distant areas is concerned, we are dealing with this,” he said.On October 10, citing unnamed Russian sources, the pro-Kremlin daily Izvestia reported that Moscow and Cairo are in secret talks for Russia to reclaim a Soviet-era air base at Sidi-Barrani by 2019 -- a move that would give the Russian military a permanent presence in North Africa.The statements and reports came as parliament was ratifying legislation supporting an open-ended military deployment in Syria, where Russia has established an air base to aid its role backing President Bashar al-Assad in a brutal civil war and is planning to bolster its existing naval facility at Tartus.Moves to expand Russia’s global military footprint would be in keeping with President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to portray the country as a resurgent power. Putin restarted long-distance voyages by Russian warships several years ago, and opening bases in Cuba, Vietnam, and Egypt would be a giant step to reverse the post-Soviet retreat of its military.It would also be a big challenge to the United States, whose military has been dominant since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. It was Putin who decided to shut the bases in 2002 -- pragmatic moves that he is widely believed to have made in part to please Washington during his first term, at a time when relations were much warmer than they are now.But analysts doubt that the expansive talk presages the actual establishment of major bases, particularly in Vietnam and Cuba, seeing the rhetoric instead as a salvo in mutual recriminations and warning signals between Washington and Moscow.“I think it’s all talk,” says Fyodor Lukyanov, a Moscow-based foreign policy expert and editor in chief of the journal Russia In Global Affairs. "We are back to confrontation mode. Both sides. And now everyone will say a lot of interesting things just to, so to say, impress the other side."‘Harmless Exotica’He and others said that in regions that are not crucial to current Kremlin foreign policy, ambitions for foreign bases will be restrained by the recession that has gripped Russia for nearly two years, prompting the Finance Ministry to aim to cut military spending by 6 percent over the next three years.

Syria is outside this calculus, analysts said, because Russia is using bases there rent-free -- and because the Middle Eastern nation is a key component of the Kremlin’s foreign policy agenda and a central battleground in its confrontation with the West.But in a column published by the news site, Russian foreign policy analyst Vladimir Frolov described plans to reestablish bases in Cuba and Vietnam -- thousands of kilometers from foreign policy focuses Syria and Ukraine -- as “harmless exotica.”The Soviet Union established a major listening post around 250 kilometers from the U.S. coast at Lourdes in Cuba in 1962 -- the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis -- and the base remained there until Putin shut it in 2002.There have been numerous rumors of Russian plans to return to the Caribbean as relations with the United States have worsened. In February 2014, as ties frayed badly amid Ukraine’s Euromaidan protests against a Moscow-backed president, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Russia was actively seeking to expand its military presence and named Cuba, among others, as a possible venue.In Havana a few months later, however, Putin seemed to dismiss the plans by saying that Russia is “capable of resolving tasks in the area of defense without this component."Later that year, Washington and Havana embarked on a major thaw that has seen Washington ease trade restrictions on Cuba and open an embassy in the communist country after decades of distrust. Analysts doubt that Cuba would risk forsaking this normalization of relations -- and huge potential trade revenue -- by offering the Kremlin a major base on its territory.“I am skeptical about Cuba,” Frolov tells RFE/RL. “There has been talk about this intelligence base, relaunching the base. Perhaps there might be some modest installations and some resupply point for the Russian Navy and Russian Air Force. But not anything on the scale that the Soviets had in Cuba.”Despite the rising strategic importance of the Indian and Pacific oceans, analysts express doubt that Russia would try to stage a return to its naval base in Vietnam -- in part because such a move would be opposed by China.The Soviet Union obtained its naval base at Cam Ranh Bay in 1979, after the brief Sino-Vietnamese War, when it was seen in Vietnam as helping to contain China. The base was downsized after the Soviet collapse, and Moscow withdrew entirely in 2002. Since late 2013, Russia has signed several agreements with Vietnam allowing Russian ships and submarines to refuel, resupply, and carry out maintenance at the site.

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EEU:161016:(20-OCT-16):Euro 'house of cards' to collapse, warns ECB prophetDaily Telegraph 16-Oct-16The European Central Bank is becoming dangerously over-extended and the whole euro project is unworkable in its current form, the founding architect of the monetary union has warned."One day, the house of cards will collapse,” said Professor Otmar Issing, the ECB's first chief economist and a towering figure in the construction of the single currency.Prof Issing said the euro has been betrayed by politics, lamenting that the experiment went wrong from the beginning and has since degenerated into a fiscal free-for-all that once again masks the festering pathologies. “Realistically, it will be a case of muddling through, struggling from one crisis to the next. It is difficult to forecast how long this will continue for, but it cannot go on endlessly," he told the journal Central Banking in a remarkable deconstruction of the project.The comments are a reminder that the eurozone has not overcome its structural incoherence. A beguiling combination of cheap oil, a cheap euro, quantitative easing and less fiscal austerity have disguised this, but the short-term effects are already fading.The regime is almost certain to be tested again in the next global downturn, this time starting with higher levels of debt and unemployment, and greater political fatigue.Prof Issing lambasted the European Commission as a creature of political forces that has given up trying to enforce the rules in any meaningful way. "The moral hazard is overwhelming," he said. "The ECB is now buying corporate bonds that are close to junk, and the haircuts can barely deal with a one-notch credit downgrade"The European Central Bank is on a "slippery slope" and has in his view fatally compromised the system by bailing out bankrupt states in palpable violation of the treaties."The Stability and Growth Pact has more or less failed. Market discipline is done away with by ECB interventions. So there is no fiscal control mechanism from markets or politics. This has all the elements to bring disaster for monetary union."The no bailout clause is violated every day," he said, dismissing the European Court's approval for bailout measures as simple-minded and ideological.The ECB has "crossed the Rubicon" and is now in an untenable position, trying to reconcile conflicting roles as banking regulator, Troika enforcer in rescue missions and agent of monetary policy. Its own financial integrity is increasingly in jeopardy.The central bank already holds over €1 trillion of bonds bought at "artificially low" or negative yields, implying huge paper losses once interest rates rise again. "An exit from the QE policy is more and more difficult, as the consequences potentially could be disastrous," he said."The decline in the quality of eligible collateral is a grave problem. The ECB is now buying corporate bonds that are close to junk, and the haircuts can barely deal with a one-notch credit downgrade. The reputational risk of such actions by a central bank would have been unthinkable in the past," he said.

Cloaking it all is obfuscation, political mendacity and endemic denial. Leaders of the heavily indebted states have misled their voters with soothing bromides, falsely suggesting that some form of fiscal union or debt mutualisation is just around the corner.Yet there is no chance of political union or the creation of an EU treasury in the forseeable future, which would in any case require a sweeping change to the German constitution - an impossible proposition in the current political climate. The European project must therefore function as a union of sovereign states, or fail."The Greeks should have been offered generous support, but only after it had restored exchange rate viability by returning to the drachma"Prof Issing slammed the first Greek rescue in 2010 as little more than a bailout for German and French banks, insisting that it would have been far better to eject Greece from the euro as a salutary lesson for all. The Greeks should have been offered generous support, but only after it had restored exchange rate viability by returning to the drachma.His critique will exasperate those at the ECB and the International Monetary Fund who inherited the crisis, and had to deal with a fast-moving and terrifying situation.The fear was a chain-reaction reaching Spain and Italy, detonating an uncontrollable financial collapse. This nearly happened on two occasions, and remained a risk until Berlin switched tack and agreed to let the ECB shore up the Spanish and Italian debt markets in 2012.Many would say the crisis mushroomed precisely because the ECB was unable to act as a lender-of-last resort. Prof Issing and others from the Bundesbank were chiefly responsible for this design flaw.Jacques Delors, the euro's "political" founding father, issued his own candid post-mortem last month on the failings of EMU but disagrees starkly with Prof Issing about the nature of the problem.His foundation calls for a supranational economic government with debt pooling and an EU treasury, as well as expansionary policies to break out of the "vicious circle" and prevent a second Lost Decade."It is essential and urgent: at some point in the future, Europe will be hit by a new economic crisis. We do not know whether this will be in six weeks, six months or six years. But in its current set-up the euro is unlikely to survive that coming crisis," said the Delors report.Prof Issing is not a German nationalist. He is open to the idea of a genuine United States of Europe built on proper foundations, but has warned repeatedly against trying to force the pace of integration, or to achieve federalism "by the back door"."Such a system would erode the budgetary sovereignty of the member states and violate the principle of no taxation without representation"He decries the latest EU plan for a "fiscal entity" in the Five Presidents' Report, fearing that such move would lead to a rogue plenipotentiary with unbridled powers over sensitive issues of national life, beyond democratic accountability.

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Such a system would erode the budgetary sovereignty of the member states and violate the principle of no taxation without representation, forgetting the lessons of the English Civil War and the American Revolution.Prof Issing said the venture began to go off the rails immediately, though the structural damage was disguised by the financial boom. "There was no speed-up of convergence after 1999 – rather, the opposite. From day one, quite a number of countries started working in the wrong direction."A string of states let rip with wage rises, brushing aside warnings that this would prove fatal in an irrevocable currency union. "During the first eight years, unit labour costs in Portugal rose by 30pc versus Germany. In the past,

the escudo would have devalued by 30pc, and things more or less would be back to where they were.""Quite a few countries – including Ireland, Italy and Greece – behaved as though they could still devalue their currencies," he said.The elemental problem is that once a high-debt state has lost 30pc in competitiveness within a fixed exchange system, it is almost impossible to claw back the ground in the sort of deflationary world we face today.It has become a trap. The whole eurozone structure has acquired a contractionary bias. The deflation is now self-fulling. Prof Issing's purist German ideology has no compelling answer to this.

Top of the DocumentRU-MSY:161014:(20-OCT-16):Putin ratifies deal for Russia to use Syria base indefinitelyReuters 14-Oct-16Russian President Vladimir Putin has ratified an agreement with the Syrian government that allows Russia to use the Hmeimim air base in Syria indefinitely, the Kremlin said on Friday.Russia's air force has launched air strikes in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from the Hmeimim base.

Russia also this week announced plans to build a permanent naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus.The Kremlin said costs associated with the agreement ratified by Putin will fall within normal defense spending in each year's federal budget.

Top of the DocumentUKB-EU-EGE:161018:(20-OCT-16):German car chief prepared to TURN BACK ON UK to save EU despite job loss fearsThe Express 18-Oct-16THE head of the German car industry today effectively admitted the European superstate dream must trump his own members' jobs as he vowed to back Angela Merkel over Brexit.Angela Merkel has convinced German business to back her over BrexitBrazen lobbyist Matthias Wissmann also claimed Britain would lose ITS factories after Brexit.He said keeping the European Union (EU) together must be his country's "priority" even if it costs hundreds of thousands of ordinary Germans their livelihoods. His remarks are a major U-turn from his initial reaction to Britain's decision to leave the bloc, when he warned Mrs Merkel to ensure tariff free access to the UK market no matter what. But since then the German leader has been on a concerted campaign to bring the country's top industrialists around to her way of thinking, insisting they should prioritise Brussels' future over their own. Britain is the second biggest market for German cars in the worldAnd today her efforts bore their first fruit, as Mr Wissmann indicated he would be happy to cut off Germany's biggest export market for cars in order to keep the rest of the EU together.

In a thinly-veiled attack, the lobbyist compared the future facing the UK industry to that of automobile makers in Italy, whose production has shrunk to just a quarter of its former size in recent years. He said: "The UK is an important market for us but the EU market is much more important. If the EU were to fall apart, that would be a lot worse for our industry." Insisting Germany's priority must be "to keep the EU27 together", he added: "If the UK doesn't want to suffer the same fate as Italy's car industry, it must be concerned to retain full access to the single market." Official figures show in 2014 Germany sold 14 per cent of the cars it made to the UK, with a value of £21.1billion (€23.3bn), making Britain by far its biggest export market in Europe, and its second biggest in the world. In contrast, it exported around £45billion (€50bn) worth of cars to the whole of the rest of the EU in the same period. But despite Europe’s shrinking economic growth and the chaotic and uncertain future of the euro currency, Mr Wissmann insisted manufacturers would still rather base themselves in the EU rather than Britain after Brexit. He said: "If there's a 'hard Brexit' then we will see a shift to central and south-eastern Europe. "The longer the period of uncertainty lasts, the longer people will be reluctant to invest."

Top of the DocumentUK-MEG:161018:(20-OCT-16):Egypt, UK conclude joint naval exercises in AlexandriaAhram Online 18-Oct-16The UK flagship arrived in Alexandria on 15 October for the two-day exercise; this is the first time such a UK flagship visited Alexandria in eight yearsEgypt and the United Kingdom concluded on Tuesday a joint naval exercise in Alexandria as part of the two countries’

“wider defence partnership,” a UK embassy in Cairo’s statement read.The UK flagship arrived in Alexandria on 15 October for the two-day exercise—the first UK flagship to visit Alexandria in eight years.

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The exercises were attended by Egyptian military representatives, the British Ambassador to Egypt John Casson, the Embassy's Defence Attache and Deputy Defence Attache.The programme of events included a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Sailor, a joint UK-Egypt dive, a capability demonstration at sea and a series of joint exercises and training, the statement added.The joint exercises comes following a recent visit by UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon to Cairo, in which the two countries decided to pursue deeper military cooperation.

“This week Britain and Egypt open a new page in the long and proud history of the two great navies. Events ebb and flow, but our shared interests are permanent and they demand constant partnership,” UK ambassador Casson said in a press conference in Alexandria.Britain exports millions of dollars worth of arms to Egypt annually, with a large increase in export licences for weapons reported in 2015.Britain is also the largest foreign, non-Arab investor in Egypt at $26 billion.

Top of the DocumentRU-MSY:161017:(20-OCT-16):Russia's Syrian Naval Base Offers it 'More Formidable Position' in MediterraneanSputnik 17-Oct-16Russia's expansion of the Soviet-era naval facility in Tartus on Syria's coast into a full base is a major step, which will enhance the Russian navy's clout in the Mediterranean, political analyst Andranik Migrayan told Sputnik.In an interview with Sputnik, political analyst Andranik Migrayan of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations praised Russia's decision to create a naval base in Tartus, which he said will help the Russian navy expand its clout in the Mediterranean. The interview came after Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov said early last week that Moscow will establish a permanent naval base in the Syrian port city of Tartus, home to a naval maintenance and support facility which was established by the Soviet Union in 1977. Also last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin ratified an agreement with the Syrian government that allows Russia to use the Hmeymim air base in Syria indefinitely.The agreement, which was signed between Moscow and Damascus on August 26, 2015, had been previously approved by both chambers of Russia's parliament. The document regulates the terms of deployment of Russia's air group in Syria. Among other things, it notes that the Russian air group is stationed at the Hmeymim airfield in Latakia province free of charge at the request of Syria. Speaking to Sputnik, Andranik Migrayan specifically underscored the importance of the Russian Aerospace Forces' base in Hmeymim obtaining permanent status.He said that "the Syrians saw it for themselves that the Russian Aerospace Forces proved to be very effective in Syria, where they made a decisive contribution to fighting terrorists.""But the Syrian army has yet to regain control of the country's entire territory, which is why having a permanent Russian base in Hmeymin is of paramount importance to the Syrians," he said.

As for the creation of a Russian naval base in Tartus, it will significantly strengthen the position of the Russian navy in the Mediterranean, according to Migrayan. "It can be called a drastic change because we have never had a full-scale naval base in the Mediterranean. Creating such a base in Tartus can qualitatively change the situation, and we will have a much more formidable position in the Southern Mediterranean," he said. He also suggested that the news about the Russian bases in Syria will irritate Washington and could provoke hysterics. "President Obama will be blamed for turning a blind eye to Russia expanding its clout in the region, from where Moscow may influence neighboring Gulf countries which are of importance to the United States and Europe as suppliers of energy," Migrayan said. He added that Washington, which saw Russia as a weak nation in the 1990s, currently reacts angrily to the Russian President's drive to determine the interests of his own country and defend its interests. In an interview with Sputnik earlier this month, editor-in-chief of The National Defense Igor Korotchenko described Russia's decision to establish a full-scale base in Tartus as a "powerful move."He said that first and foremost, the base will help to protect Russia's national interests and improve the country's geopolitical standing in the Middle East. He also said that the base in Tartus will provide a "reliable support area" to the Russian naval forces deployed to the region."A full-scale base will help to improve logistical and technical support for our naval assets," he explained. Along with the Hmeymim airbase in nearby Latakia, Syria, the base in Tartus "will enhance Russia's foreign and defense policies," Korotchenko said, adding that they will also help to "neutralize any threats."

Top of the DocumentCV:161018:(20-OCT-16):New Jesuit leader sees dialogue, work with migrants as prioritiesCatholic World News 18-Oct-16The newly elected leader of the world’s Jesuits sees inter-religious dialogue and work with migrants as top priorities.Father Arturo Sosa, the Venezuelan priest who was elected on October 14 as the 31st superior general of the Society of Jesus, reminded reporters that the general congregation that elected him was still discussing the proper priorities for future work. But he referred back to the last general

congregation, in 2008, which had listed dialogue, work with migrants, and the fight against poverty as top items on the Jesuit agenda.Father Sosa said that the current crisis in his native Venezuela is an example of the need for dialogue, saying that the government says failed “to build bridges” to unify the country.

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Top of the DocumentUK:161019:(20-OCT-16):Untapped North Sea oil and gas is 'significant opportunity'BBC News 19-Oct-16The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has published research drawing attention to the potential of "small pools" of oil and gas in UK waters.It described the estimate of more than three billion barrels of oil untapped underneath the UK continental shelf as a "very significant opportunity".The OGA said the North Sea could have a new lease of life if the small pools are successfully tapped.It warned, however, that new technologies may be required. If the subsea industry can rise to the challenge of economically tapping into these pools, the North Sea could have a whole new lease of life Dr Gordon Drummond, NSRIOGA head of technology Carlo Procaccini said: "We recognise the challenges operators are facing to develop these marginal oil and gas accumulations. Small pools represent a very significant opportunity to maximise economic recovery from the UK continental shelf."Technology has an important role to play to reduce the cost of development wells, design optimised subsea infrastructure to existing host facilities and develop efficient standalone concepts."We are committed to working together with the industry, the Technology Leadership Board and the new Oil and Gas

Technology Centre (OGTC) which has dedicated one of their Solution Centres to unlock the small pools potential."Unlocking potentialThe new publication from the OGA follows a series of events it held last year focussing on "small pool" reserves of oil.These were led by the National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI).NSRI project director Dr Gordon Drummond said: "Small pools have a national importance in terms of maximising economic recovery and they must be considered as an industry asset if they are to be capitalised upon."Following an extensive mapping exercise, we now know exactly where these small pools are located and what is required to unlock their potential."If the subsea industry can rise to the challenge of economically tapping into these pools, the North Sea could have a whole new lease of life."Dr Drummond added: "Technology is only part of the solution, the industry must be much more receptive to innovation - there must be a willingness to work more collaboratively on multi-field applications and on access to infrastructure."

Top of the DocumentrEEC-IS:161019:(20-OCT-16):Talks on free trade zone between Israel, Eurasian Economic Union will start in NovemberTASS 19-Oct-16The Russian embassy also confirmed the planned visit of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to Israel on November 10The talks on formation of a free trade zone between Israel and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) will start in November in Kaliningrad, according to a report released by the Russian embassy in Tel Aviv.

"The first round of talks on creation of a free trade zone between the Eurasian Economic Union and Israel is scheduled for November in Kaliningrad," the report said.The embassy also confirmed the planned visit of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to Israel on November 10. "Preparations are underway for the visit of Dmitry Medvedev to Israel planned for November 10, which will see detailed discussions on ways to step up cooperation in various areas with the focus on economic and humanitarian spheres as well as the development of new promising areas," the report said.

Top of the DocumentIS:161019:(20-OCT-16):Zion Oil & Gas Nears Drilling Phase in Northern IsraelGlobeNewswire 19-Oct-16Zion Oil & Gas, Inc. (NASDAQ:ZN) announced today that it has met and complied with two key conditions set by Israel's Petroleum Commissioner, enabling it to move toward drilling its next deep oil well, about 40 kilometers (~25 miles) south of the Sea of Galilee, where the Jordan and Jezreel Valleys meet.The State of Israel produces only a few thousand barrels of oil a day, which means it relies on the global market for more than 99 percent of its consumption. Zion Oil & Gas is committed to discovering a domestic supply of oil, which is a vitally important resource to ensure Israel's strategic and financial security, and in so doing to bless the nation."We are excited to have successfully negotiated a drilling contract with DAFORA S.R.L. as well as completing and submitting our drilling engineering plan," says Victor G.

Carrillo, Zion's CEO. "Reaching these two milestones, combined with signing agreements with both Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu on whose property the drill pad will be situated, and the Israel Land Authority (ILA) to access and utilize the drill site, allows us to start drill pad construction soon."Zion's oil well drilling contract is with S.C. Daflog S.R.L., the Israeli-registered entity of and related party of DAFORA, a Romanian company."Given that DAFORA has drilled over 1,000 wells in Romania, Eastern Europe and East Africa, we are confident they are the right partner for our Megiddo-Jezreel #1 well in Israel," Zion's President, Dustin Guinn, said. "Zion will use DAFORA's F-400 drilling rig, currently stored in Israel, to drill to about 4,500 meters (~15,000 feet)."

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"We plan to award the drill site construction contract as soon as our outside engineering firm finalizes our site plan to accommodate DAFORA's F-400 rig," said Mr. Carrillo. "Assuming no further weather or regulatory delays, drill site construction should begin in November and take no longer than about 60 days to finish."In preparation to drill, Zion has spent almost $1,000,000 on necessary well drilling equipment, including well casing, and long lead time items. The Company's final step before spudding the well is to submit the drill site plan along with its application to drill to the government for final approval.This all depends, however, on raising significant additional capital. Zion is currently offering a public bond program with a 12% annual return for 12 years, in addition to their ongoing Direct Stock Purchase Program (DSPP).

"We think this program offers a unique opportunity for interested investors to both move our drilling operations forward while also benefitting from a generous return," Mr. Guinn describes. "We are facing a final date of October 31, 2016, for this current Bond Offering for those wanting to participate."Zion is dedicated to exploring for oil and gas onshore in Israel. We are 100% focused on our Megiddo-Jezreel License, a large area of about 99,000 acres south of the Sea of Galilee. Zion has been granted the exclusive right to explore in an area that appears to possess the key geologic ingredients of an active petroleum system with significant onshore exploration potential. We intend to start drilling our deep exploratory well, the Megiddo-Jezreel #1, as soon as possible, assuming sufficient capital is raised.

Top of the DocumentRU-EGE:161018:(20-OCT-16):Specter of Sanctions Hangs Over Russia as Merkel Hosts PutinBloomberg18-Oct-16President Vladimir Putin’s hastily-announced visit to Berlin comes on the heels of a temporary moratorium on Russia’s bombing of Aleppo as its military actions in Syria invite more punitive action from the West.Announced after days of diplomatic jockeying, Putin’s visit will be his first to the German capital since Russia annexed Crimea and fighting between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces began in 2014. It came on the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Western leader he has the most affinity with. Russian relations with Europe and the U.S. have been at their lowest since the collapse of the Berlin Wall.Putin decided to go so he would “not to be accused of unwillingness to have dialogue,” said Alexei Chesnakov, a former Kremlin aide, in an interview. He added that he sees little to no chance of diplomatic progress on either Syria or a truce in eastern Ukraine, the chief topic at a four-way summit with French President Francois Hollande and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.Any high-level encounter with Putin is significant these days given the critical role he’s occupied in the heated U.S. election campaign where he’s accused of -- and has denied -- trying to influence the outcome in favor of Republican nominee Donald Trump with a string of hacks. Syria has eclipsed Ukraine as a diplomatic priority because the carnage there has sent waves of refugees into Europe, stoking populism.Merkel said sanctions against Russia for bombing Aleppo are an option, adding Syria to the agenda of the meeting on Wednesday evening in Berlin. For her, the face-to-face with Putin -- he speaks German, and her Russian is proficient -- is a means to talk about how Russian air strikes have made the suffering in Syria “even more disastrous.”

“In my view, one can’t take any option off the table, including sanctions,” Merkel told reporters in Berlin on Tuesday.The German leader “has a key role in relations with Russia,” Horst Teltschik, Germany’s national security adviser under former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, said in an interview with broadcaster Deutschlandradio. Putin, meanwhile, “has an incentive to reduce burdens” on Russia, including the cost of supporting the separatists in eastern Ukraine, Teltschik said.Western allies have flagged the prospect of punitive measures against Russia if the bombing of Aleppo continues, but there isn’t any agreement on how to move forward. Italy opposes further sanctions while the U.K. wants to add pressure. Any specific action will probably have to wait until a new U.S. president is sworn in.Election FactorUnder Hillary Clinton, favored by polls to be the next commander in chief, the U.S. may opt for a more interventionist stance than the Obama administration. In her second debate with Trump, the Democratic nominee said: “I’ve stood up to Russia. I’ve taken on Putin and others, and I would do that as president.”An hour before the statement from Merkel’s chancellery, Russia announced a temporary suspension of the bombing of Aleppo, calling for civilians and rebels to leave the besieged former commercial capital. Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, called it “an absolute act of good will” that’s not directly related to the talks.Merkel is not under any illusions. Russia has refused to stop its campaign to capture Aleppo and this month vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that demanded an immediate halt to the air strikes.She warned: Expect no “miracles” in Berlin.

Top of the DocumentCV-IS-MPA:161020:(20-OCT-16):Vatican UN envoy regrets movement away from two-state solution for Israel-Palestine conflictCatholic World News 20-Oct-16Speaking at a UN discussion of the Middle East, the Vatican’s representative lamented the “gradual movement away from the two-state solution” that was proposed in 1947 and that the Holy See has consistently supported.

Archbishop Bernardito Auza said that the failure of Israeli-Palestinian peace talk has “led to negative unilateral actions and acts of violence.” He urged the resumption of negotiations, with a focus on implementing the two-state solution.

Page 20: Euractiv - Bible Truth &…  · Web view20/10/2016  · But despite Europe’s shrinking economic growth and the chaotic

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11-20 Oct 2016 Milestones Snippets1 1



Speaking more generally of the bloodshed in the region, the archbbishop said that in “the cradle of civilizations and the birthplace of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the Middle East has become the theater of incredible brutality. The utter disregard of international humanitarian law has reached alarming levels of inhumanity. Schools, hospitals,

humanitarian convoys, humanitarian workers and journalists, and entire villages and cities are no longer “collateral damage”: They themselves have become targets of indiscriminate attacks. The corpses under the ruins and the wandering refugees are a clear witness to this cynical contempt and trampling of international humanitarian law.”

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