  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report



    WinningFormulaE U R O P E A N E Q U I T Y T R A D I N G& T E C H N O L O G Y R E P O R T

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    ‘A true representation

    of the European equity

    market. All the market

    players were there

    in force’Gianluca Minieri,Global Head of Trading,Pioneer Investments

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


     T A B L E O FC O N T E N T S


    P A R T 2Trading Technology Strategies and Investments

    About TradeTech

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  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    I N T R O D U C T I O N :

    L O C A T I O N C L A S S I F I C A T I O N P R O F E S S I O N

    Regulatory change is shaking up the European equity market. Participants

    are on the lookout for how to best ensure limited impact on their business.Concerns around research payments, best execution, and sourcing liquidity,

    amongst others, are bringing to light issues around broker relationships and

    what truly adds value to current partnerships.

    Added pressures have forced trading professionals to up their game to ensure

    they have a competitive advantage. Trading desks need to be more exible and

    cater for multi-asset trades. The need for smarter, more intelligent trading is

    essential in a market that remains volatile and illiquid.

    Conducted in November 2015, this senior level survey was tasked with

    identifying key challenges, opportunities and industry trends related to equity

    trading and technology in Europe. The survey was conducted by telephone

    interview with 150 senior equity trading buy side professionals made up

    primarily of Heads of Trading, CEOs and senior management from leading

    asset management rms and hedge funds.

    UK 50%

    Germany 20%

     France 15%

    Other 15%

    Asset Manager 33%

     Prop Traders 33%

     Hedge Funds 33%

    Global Head, Trading 10% Global Head, Dealing

     Head of Trading/Head Trader 20% Head of Dealing, EMEAHead of Investment, EMEA

     Head, Equities/Equity Trading 50% Head, Multi-Asset Trading

     Head, Trading Technology 10% Head, Front OfceTechnology

     Chief Information Ofcer 10% or CTO Head, IT Trading

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    I S H I G H - T O U C H T R A D I N G A S T R A T E G Y

     T H A T Y O U H A V E T O E N G A G E W I T H

    M O R E T O F I N D L I Q U I D I T Y ?



    23% Yes   No




    Yes   No

    The popularity of high-touch trading has not only been a response to the over electronication of modern

    trading practices, but that it add a human touch. The result nicely mirrors 2015 with a slight increase in the

    number of people feeling that high-touch trading is a strategy that ‘helps’ traders to nd liquidity.

    “This result seems to contradict a few of the earlier responses: most respondents view their

    brokers as overpriced, and 64% think they could develop their in-house trading tools (incl

    Algos?)… You can’t have your cake and eat it too! If clients want high touch services, they

    need to realise that it costs a broker a lot more to maintain human traders (especially for agency

    brokers). If the buy-side really got organised and wanted to disintermediate (i.e make use of

    buyside crossing platforms), they wouldn’t need to engage with high touch services.”

    Alexander Neil, Head of Equity & Derivatives Trading, EFG Bank SA

    “A trusted sales trader who can access liquidity will always be enormously valuable.”

    Richard Balarkas, Chief Executive Officer, Quendon Consulting

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    H O W M U C H O F A N I M P A C T W I L L T H E

    N E W D A R K P O O L T R A D I N G C A P S H A V E

    O N H O W A N D W H E R E Y O U T R A D E ?

    No impact 7%

      Minor impact 60%

      Major impact 15%

      Signicant impact 18%

    “Here I denitely agree with the consensus. The caps have been designed to maintain the overall market

    share of dark order books to the status quo. I don’t think the caps will see a major shift to lit order books,

    and instead, we will have to put more thought about which individual orders we submit to dark order

    books. This will be more of a minor inconvenience than an actual major impact. Sadly, I think some of

    the smaller buy-siders though will be priced out of the dark space, as they might not have the resources

    to design dark-specic pre-trade SOR tools.”

    Alexander Neil, Head of Equity & Derivatives Trading, EFG Bank SA

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    D O Y O U W O R K W I T H

    H F T S / M A R K E T M A K E R S ?




    Yes   No




    Yes   No

    “I think this was a tricky question for people to answer, because I think buy side client order ow

    interacts with HFT liquidity more than most people realise. I think HFT gets a lot of bad press and that

    the contribution to lit order book quality is underestimated. If the buy side really wants to limit their

    chances of getting ‘gamed’, they have the tools to insulate themselves to a certain extent.”

    Alexander Neil, Head of Equity & Derivatives Trading, EFG Bank SA

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    H O W A R E Y O U M O N I T O R I N G H F T

    A C T I V I T Y A N D W H E T H E R T H E

    B E H A V I O U R I S D E T R I M E N T A L T O Y O U R T R A D E ?


    I rely on my broker for 26% 

    this information

      I am investing in 74% 

    analytics to evaluate

    potential front running


    I rely on my broker for 86% 

    this information

      I am investing in 14% 

    analytics to evaluate

    potential front running

    “I’m personally surprised by the apparent high number of buyside rms actually

    investing in toxicity detection. It is not an easy or cheap exercise! And if you think

    about it on balance, it seems dreadfully inefcient for every buyside rm to do this

    quality control exercise individually. In an ideal world, this is something that an

    impartial party, or the regulator could be doing for everyone”

    Alexander Neil, Head of Equity & Derivatives Trading, EFG Bank SA

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    H O W M U C H O F T H E B U D G E T G O E S

    I N T O N E W T R A D I N G T E C H N O L O G Y

    I N V E S T M E N T S P E R Y E A R ?


    None- we are not 2% investing at present


  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    A R E Y O U I N V E S T I N G I N S O R

    F O R B E S T E X E C U T I O N ?

    Smart order routing was previously a technology that only applied to the sell side community, however

    as more investment managers invest in these technologies they are able to gain a clearer picture over

    where brokers are routing their trades. 48% of respondents still rely on their brokers for this information.

    However there is an increase with 31% of respondents looking to replace their current systems - a clearsign that SOR for the buy side is becoming increasingly attractive in the light of market transparency,

    the monitoring of trade execution and overcoming conicts of interest.

    N   o   , I    a  m  

     h  a   p   p   y   w  i   t  h   

    t  h  e   s   y  s  t  e  m   I    h  a  v  e   i   n   

     p  l   a  c  e  

    Y   e  s   , I    a  m   l   o  o  k  i   n   g   t  o   

    r  e   p  l   a  

    c  e   m   y   c  u  r  r  e  n  t   

    S   O  R   s   y  s  t  e  m  

     I    r  e  l    y   o  n   m   y   b  r  o  k  e  r   

    f   o  r   t  h  i   s   a  n  a  l    y  s  i   s  

    35% 46% 19%21% 48% 31%


  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    I N W H A T T Y P E O F A N A LY S I S A R E

    Y O U P R I O R I T I S I N G I N V E S T M E N T ?

    In order to make smarter trading decisions, and indeed, to be able to understand and evaluate the market,

    traders need more transparency. In addition, increased investment in trade analysis demonstrates the

    growing need for real time information.

    P   r  e   t  r  a  d   e   a  n  a  

    l    y  s  i   s  

    T   r  a  d   e   a  n  a  l    y  s  i   s  

    P   o  s  t   t  r  a  d   e   a  n  a  l    y  s  i   s  

     A  l   l    o  f    t  h  e   a  b  o  v  e  

    8% 15% 21% 56%7% 33% 15% 44%


  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    A R E Y O U I N V E S T I N G

    I N O M S A N D E M S ?

    Historically speaking OMS and EMS are systems that are only used by the sell side. However, mirroring

    last year, 69% of respondents state they are investing in both order and execution management systems.

    The FCA’s best execution review forced the buy side to detail how and why trades are executed,

    demonstrating why the majority are investing in both systems.

    O  n  l    y   O  M   


     I    a  m   i   n  v  e  s  t  i   n   g   

    i   n   b  o  t  h  

     O  n  l    y   E   M   


    14% 14% 73%8% 23% 69%


  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    A R E Y O U H A P P Y W I T H Y O U R

    C U R R E N T T C A A N A LY S I S ?

    2015 2016

    Yes 83%

      No 17%

    Yes 50%

      No 50%

    The need for real time TCA is increasing due to an environment of dynamic algorithms, fragmentation,

    dark pools and SORs. Last year respondents were evenly split, however, with a plethora of new TCA

    providers, and many providers improving their data quality and multi-asset capabilities, the majority of

    respondents are now happy with their TCA analysis.

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


     T H E T O P R E A S O N S F O R

    U N H A P P I N E S S W I T H T C A

    A N A L Y S I S

    2015 2016

    Does not provide real 12%

    time data  Not good value for money 46%

      Can not provide analysis 15% 

    for the asset classes

    I work with

      Too expensive 35%

      We do our analysis

    with in house tools 46%

      Can’t deal with the

    amount of data 27%

      Bad interface 4%

    Does not provide real 24%

    time data  Not good value for money 20%

      Can not provide analysis 32% 

    for the asset classes

    I work with

      Too expensive 28%

      We do our analysis

    with in house tools 20%

      Can’t deal with the

    amount of data 24%

      Bad interface 28%

    For those who are not satised with their TCA provider the biggest downfall is value for money.

    This provides colour to fact that close to 50% of respondents are developing TCA analysis

    capabilities in house.

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report


    W H A T O T H E R T E C H N O L O G Y A R E A S

    A R E Y O U L O O K I N G T O I N V E S T I N ?

    Cloud services 52%

      Social media data analysis 41%

      Algo development 35%

      Infrastructure 33%

      Data analytics 25%

      Automation 24%

    It is apparent that cloud services are the hottest area for technological investment. The cloud can help

    capture alpha from data sources anywhere. Trading and asset management business functions centre

    on data, and the need for improved cloud computing and big data capabilities for security, data transfer

    compliance and regulation is growing. Investments have increased in light of these improvements to cloudsecurity and with the market becoming increasingly cost conscious.

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report

    A B O U T T R A D E T E C H

    TradeTech is the world’s largest annual conference for over 1,000 senior equity

    trading and technology professionals. Since its launch in 2001, TradeTech has

    become the industry’s prime source for strategies, information and networking

    and is the most comprehensive industry get together in the world. It is an

    event created “for the industry by the industry” where all the key issues

    are uncovered, discussed and resolved. TradeTech is fully supported by the

    large investment banks, as well as dozens of solution providers, MTFs, stockexchanges and technology innovation companies and industry media.

    Earlier this year TradeTech returned to Paris and this was very well received

    by the 1,000+ senior equity trading professionals who attended. Now in it’s

    15th year TradeTech will be returning to the Palais des Congrès de Paris, April

    12th – 13th and some of the market’s most pressing issues to be discussed over

    the 2 days include:

    The impact of the new regulations on commission payments,best execution and the impact of MiFID II

    Market structure and the buy side – sell side relationship

    Next generation trading strategies

    New tools for monitoring best execution: TCA, EMS/OMS and SOR

    Trading opportunities in developed and emerging markets

    TradeTech Europe brings together all market participants in the equities

    markets, allowing those essential discussions to take place to inuence the

    future of equity trading. Do not miss out on hearing from leading market

    experts from the buy side, sell side, exchange and technology community to

    understand how this is happening.

  • 8/17/2019 European Trading Survey


    The Winning FormulaEuropean Equity Trading & Technology Report

    A B O U T W B R D I G I T A L

    At WBR Digital we design and execute bespoke content marketing campaigns

    all year round, delivering our clients unparalleled access to the wider WBR

    event audience.

    We believe in creating rich content that engages and inspires. We conductin-depth industry research, then add analysis and a double-shot of creativity,

    before marketing it for you, to targeted audiences of your choosing.

    It’s industry research, it’s thought leadership, it’s quality content – it’s the

    perfect opportunity to generate qualied sales-ready leads.

    Contact us to nd out how your business could benet from:

    Lead generation campaigns that t your priorities

    Bespoke webinars, benchmarking reports and whitepapers

    In-depth research on current fast-moving issues and future trends

    The opportunity to position your company as a thought leader


    Tanyel Crossley

    Head of Digital PublishingTel: +44 (0)20 7368 9708

    Email: [email protected]

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