



• The scenario in Malaysia• Ethnic Relations: Melaka Era until post-

Independence.• Challenges of inter-intra ethnic in Malaysia• Integration and National Unity• Vision 2020 and its challenges• 1 Malaysia concept

The scenario in Malaysia

• The ups and downs of ethnic relationsGood : Melaka era, Independence era, New Economic PolicyUncertainties: Japanese era, 13 May

• 13 May Tragedy (1969)- communalism exploited by various groups for their own interests

• The role of every citizen to avoid such 13 May incidence

Ethnic Relations: Malaccan Era until post-Independence

• Before colonialism, vibrant inter-cultural relations in the Malay world.

• Based on the concepts of permeable ethnicity & canopy ethnicity (Robert Heffner, 2001).

• Different but live under one umbrella of Malay ethnic & Malay world(language, culture, religion).


• Economy : shared interesst among economic elites, active as global players.

• Politics : stable; various ethnics/races shared power & form government.

• Sosial system : of different groups, but united.• Opposed to extremism & violence.


• After the arrival of the colonialists

• Banton (1983), ethnicity was categorised according to race & enclosed racism (blood relations, superior race & racism).

• Social system rearranged, the Whites on top, while the Chinese, Indian, Malay & Bumiputra below them.


• Economic structure changed, with• Whites – in commerce, tin & rubber.• Chinese – as labourers in tin industry &

business • Indian – labourers in the public sector,

building & infrastructure, road & railway, telecommunication, and as rubber tappers.

• Malay – lower administrative ranks, as farmers & fishermen in the villages.


• Political system based on divide-and–rule policy.

• Changed the ethnic relations patterns which had evolved earlier (in the Malay world).


• Politics : MIC, MCA & UMNO united to demand for Independence from the British.

• After 10 years of independence, the ethnic Chinese & Indian had easy access to citizenship.

• Towards the end of 1960s, there was strained ethnic relationship which culminated in May 13 1969 ethnic incidence.

• Debates on ideology and national identity started..

…sambungan• 2 major policies were introduced after 1969:– New Economic Policy (NEP)– Rukunegara (national principles)

• “Social contract” (pakatan murni) was redeveloped/redesigned through Rukun Negara & life principles.• National Cultural Policy was introduced

after 1970• Rukun Tetangga (a program of

neighbourhood security system) launched in 1975.


• Inter-ethnic relations : the relationship between one ethnic and the other ethnic(s).

• Became an issue in the process of creating a Bangsa Malaysia which internalize national values & identity, love the country, patriotic, and prepared to defend the nation.


• Intra-ethnic relations: relationship among people of the same ethnic.

• Intra-ethnic challenges :– Politics– Economy – Social– Education– Culture

i. Politics (challenges)

• To create a stable political system• To develop the country (in various

aspects/fields).• To develop leadership of integrity

(accountability, dynamic & just) in administration.

• To develop cooperation between the political parties.

ii. Economy

• There exists a gap between the ethnic groups, (e.g. the Malays in agriculture; the Chinese in commerce & trade)

• New Econ Policy (NEP) launched in 1970• NEP targeted 30% equity shares for the

Bumiputera (Malays + indigenous people).• How to develop the economy that is free from

ethnic considerations?


• To create joint ventures & cooperation between the Bumiputera and non-Bumiputeras.

• Restructuring the pattern of labour utilization between the ethnics.

• The imbalance between urban industrial sector & rural sector.

iii. Social

• The entry of many Chinese & Indian labour in the 19th century

• Physical separation – part of policy of “divide & rule”.

• There were stereotyping, ethnocentrism, prejudice, discrimination between the ethnics.

• A separate education system for the ethnics.

iv. Education

• The education system left by the British created polarisation.

• The British provided schooling for all ethnics under separate systems (vernacular system/education) partly to deny integration among the people.


• Education – an important mechanism in developing human capital with the moral, ethical, tolerant, and accomodating characteristics.

• Polarisation is also reflected in secondary schools & institutions of higher learning (among the students)

v. Culture

• The way of thinking, behaviour, and lifestyles emulating the West..

• A pattern of liberal and free living developing especially among the youngsters

• The influence of ideology, hedonistic culture, and negative values...

vi. Religion

• Different religions among the ethnics.• Freedom for the individuals to practice own

religion is guaranteed under the Constitution (Perkara 3(1)).


• To form an integrated society based on the principle of unity in diversity.

• Unity : a process of uniting the people in all aspects of life.

• National Integration : a dynamic process to form one Bangsa Malaysia with own identity based on the Constitution and Rukun Negara.


• Understanding national identity- strengthening integration bridge- sowing the spirit of integration among the ethnics- social interaction & long-term inter-ethnic relationship.

Are the majority of Malaysian people understand the identities of the ethnics?

…sambungan• Vision School

- a strategy to harmonise the multi-ethnic society.- to close the gaps, and to have an open mind (as opposed to a “closed mindset”). - sharing school facilities.

• Spirit of Patriotism- love the people & country - proud to be citizens of Malaysia - spirit of togetherness - contribute & be productive- aware and sensitive to current issues and development


• PLKN (National Service Training Program) • Rukun Negara• Formation of National Front (BN)• Setting up of Pakatan Rakyat (PR)• 1 Malaysia concept

Objectives of Rukun Negara• To develop a just society – the resources ofe the country to be

shared justly by the people, and every member has the same opportunity to benefit from the richness of the country

• To protect the democratic way of life, the Constitution guarantees freedom of basic rights of the people and freedom of political activities as long as they do not violate the laws

• To achieve stronger unity all people should uphold the spirit to develop one people and one nation where everyone regards him/herself as citizen of Malaysia irrespective of ethnicity and religion/system of belief

• To develop a liberal attitude toward the rich cultural traditions of the people , free to practice own religion, custom and culture in accordance with the objective of national unity.

• To build a society that is progressive that uses science and modern technology. To create a society that achieves progress in science & technology in line with the current technological development in the world in this era of glabalisation.

Challenges to improve Ethnic Relations

• The uniting of political parties (which are based on ethnic).

• Inculcate the spirit of patriotism.• Increase the level of ethnic awareness &

sensitivity.• Rational attitude & fairness in ethnic

demands.• Readiness to cooperate sincerely.



to create a bangsa Malaysia that is united, progressive, prosperous, and increase the people’s resilience and competitiveness.


1. To create a united country.2. To create a society of free spirit, peaceful and

advanced with self-confidence.3. To create a mature democracy that is examplary.4. To create a moral and ethical society.


6. To create a mature society which is liberal and tolerant. The people are free to practice own culture and religion.

7. To develop a scientific & progressive society, a society which is also creative and visionary.

8. To develop a caring society.9. To develop a prosperous society whose economy is

competitive, resilient and dynamic.


• Introduced by Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Abd Razak, 6th PM.

• ‘1 Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan’ (the people first, achievement prioritised).

• Main principles: Unity, harmony, equality. • 4 aspects underlined : Integrity, ability,

loyalty, commitment.






Thrusts of Unity

Acceptance Principles of Nationhood

Social Justice



Humbleness (Tawadhuk)Moderation Etiquette Berbudi-bahasa

Strong willpower


Knowledge cultureWisdom

Innovative culture Time conscious

High performance culture

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