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During the research and planning, construction and evaluation stages. as the title says it, there was a lot of research and planning that had to be done in order for me to have the best ideas, techniques and plans to ensure my trailer was most unique and on a different level. To find all this material and then present it in a suitable and professional manner, media technologies were imperative and had to be utilised to ensure my quality of work and grades would be of a very high standard.

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Slideshare played a massive part in the research and planning period of my courswork. I used this a lot because I found it an effective way of presenting the information and it was simple to understand and use. All I had to do was go on to slideshare, create an account, upload and just browse for the file you want to make into a slideshare. The steps to then embed the slideshare powerpoint into Wordpress was just as simple. All you had to do after that was view the slideshare powerpoint, click on embed, then copy the embed code which is clearly visible on the screen and then paste that code into the text part of the wordpress post. I also used it because it is a popular way of presenting the information and is used by many people, it also shows that my presentation of work is media rich as I am a media student, this makes sense. Slideshare is an internet based program which allows you to produce work in more interesting ways. Slideshare consists of uploading presentations you have put together and then including the presentation for example in Word Press. Uploading the Slideshare and embedding the Slideshare into Wordpress is a simple process and I had no issues with this at all. This allowed me to make my work look more interesting and instead of typing up pages of work whether it be on Wordpress or Microsoft Word. It also allows my work be more easier to read, understood and also to make sure my work looks interesting and visually stimulating and share my ideas creatively. I have tried to use these sites to show my work within research, construction, ancillary and evaluation.

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Prezi was another way of presenting my work and I found this just as effective as Slideshare. I found Prezi slightly better as it involves user interaction and if needed the readers can zoom in and out of the prezi to help better their understanding and knowledge of what the information is conveying. Creating a prezi was also very simple, there was no challenges or difficulties I faced when creating the number of prezi’s I did. It is a very effective way of presenting information and it is more visually stimulating and interesting than the norms of presenting information, such as Microsoft Word etc. If I was to approach this project again in the future, I would definitely feel inclined to use Prezi to present the information. Prezi like Slideshare is an internet based program which allows the user to make their work more interesting and articulative to the readers. Again Prezi also allows my work be more easier to read, understood and also to make sure my work looks interesting and visually stimulating and share my ideas creatively. I have tried to use these sites to show my work within research, construction, ancillary and evaluation. I have tried to use these sites to show my work within research, construction, ancillary and evaluation.

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YouTube was another program which I used to present my work. However it was compulsory because the trailer itself and tasks such as the editing and cutted clips had to be uploaded via Youtube. I found presenting the videos and information via Youtube very effective because firstly it shows that my blog is media rich and being a media student my work has to use different forms of media. Secondly, the videos being visual, it will interest the target audience and will appeal more to them. So the target audience will feel more attracted and inclined to watch the videos as well. I would definitely use YouTube in the future to present my work as it is effective and enriches my blog as it is a different form of media being used to present my work

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Wordpress was a software I have used throughout the creation of the trailer and the whole A2 Media coursework. It is a free blogging website in which everyone is allowed to use to present anything they want. I also used this in AS Media and have continued to do so because I find it very effective and very easy to use and understand. There are no complications to Wordpress and I have had no problems when using it. Wordpress is also effective as it allows the users to save drafts of their work and it does not need saving elsewhere and will stay as a draft when you open it up. The work will stay the same just as you left it. Whereas, if the work was to be paperbased there would be more chances of the work getting lost and the paper might get creased or ripped etc and it is not like computer where you can save as you go alog or have different copies. I would definitely use Wordpress again in the future if I approached similar tasks and projects like this and would definitely recommend it to others to use.

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Adobe Photoshop was another program I used during the course of the project. I used it mainly when creating the poster and magazine which advertise my media trailer. This program was so helpful and effective for the creation of the poster and magazine because it had tools and facilities which I used extensively to really enhance the quality of both of the media products. The program allows you to crop, resize and effects to pictures which improve the overall look and professionalism of the poster and magazine. I would definitely use this program in the future if I was to approach this task or similar tasks in the future due to the quality of the program and the facilities available on it. I would also recommend this program to others as well for use.

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Premier Pro was a vital component in the creation of my trailer and despite facing faced technical difficulties with the software and computer at the beginning, Premier Pro has been an easy, effective and ultimately the best programme to use. PremierPro has provided me with all the tools I needed to add the effects and edit my trailer in the ways I wanted. Personally this was the best program to use as it allowed me to do everything that I possibly wanted to through the tools and facilities it had available on there.

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I used Google on a daily basis throughout this project as I continuously needed information and confirmation on whatever I was doing and this helped me enormously as it always does. Google is a massive asset to have and utilise and will always help people when researching things or whatever. Google does not need recommendation as it is already popular and well known.

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I have used both computer and laptops to create and present my work within the research, construction,ancillary and evaluation stages. The laptops have allowed me to do work in my own time out of school hours. The laptops have been important in getting work done when deadlines have been approaching fast or when access to school computers are unavailable or limited. I have used standard classroom computers to work on my blog and trailer, but also used the Apple macs a lot to produce my trailer. This was due to software and hardware issues, which compelled us to use the Apple macs because our trailers were the most important aspect of the media coursework. The computer have been essential during class time as all my work is computer based. For example, to upload work, transfer work, create and edit my trailer, research and planning, construction and evaluation, laptops and computers were essential in order for me to complete the work in hand. Computer and Laptops have allowed me to be more independent and interactive and without the use of a computer or laptop I would not have been able to produce the trailer or work I have done. There were very few issues with computers or the laptops I have used. The school computer have been difficult to use at times because of the slow server and internet connections or issues with software e.g. Premier Pro. Premier Pro was a real pain because of a number of issues. Firstly it was working extremely slow, secondly it would not render the files, which in turn made the quality of the trailer really rubbish and finally it would not allow sound to be imported for some reason. Thankfully the Apple Macs were available which allowed us to produce the work and mainly the trailer a lot quick and easier than using the classroom computers. I was able to finish my trailer quickly and add anything that I was not able to do on the other computers. Overall the computers and laptops and assisted me to create and upload my work successfully.

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The Cameras I used to shoot my whole trailer was Canon 500D. This This camera was my own and it has a 15x optical zoom and was a 14 mega pixel camera as well. In general this was an excellent camera to use for my trailer. It recorded extremely good quality shots and had a range of tools and facilities on it which I used to good effect. I had experience with this camera prior to this as I used this camera to take pictures within AS Media as well. The camera I used to take shots for my poster and magazine was the Canon 500D as well. This camera I used again because as mentioned above it is a 14 mega pixel camera with 15x optical zoom, this was more than enough to take camera shots with a lot of features which are appropriate to help take the perfect shots for my magazine and poster. I had no serious problems when using this camera and no technical issues. I already had used it before therefore knew what to do and how to set it up correctly. The Canon 500D produced good quality images and videos for my trailer work and ancillary tasks. Although one downfall with the Canon 500D was the ability to pick up sound. I thought the camera would be good enough to pick up the sounds of my characters. Although during the editing stage on premier pro I found that because I filmed outside the sounds of the wind can be heard, also other noises which can be heard that I would not want to be in the trailer. However this was not much of a problem because I had sound in my trailer which was music over all the scenes and clips.

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I used a standard USB memory stick and a SanDisk SDHC 16GB memory card. Memory sticks and cards were very important in transporting my work and backing up the work onto external devices. For example, I used several memory cards from the cameras I used. One for the pictures I had taken during filming which were used within my ancillary tasks and another memory card for the shooting of appropriate material for my trailer. I then backed up all files to a memory stick and also to the computers and laptops. This was important as it made sure I did not lose any of my shots or pictures that I was going to include within my trailer and Wordpress. Memory sticks and memory cards allowed me to quickly transfer files and work. I had completed the work on memory card/USB then exporting the files to my laptop and com[uter. For example, when we first began to create the trailer we were resigned to using standard classroom computers. Even though we were lucky enough to be able to use Apple Mac computer later, we had to still backup files and also then had to back the files up once more so we can use them on the Apple Macs without having to use them directly. Overall I faced no problems when using my memory sticks and cards. Luckily they were effective enough in ensuring I lost no work.

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