  1. 1. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product? I have leant a lot more than I originally expect about technologies from my product, I learned about making blogs, and using the website blogger and all its features. I also have learnt to use editing suits such as movie maker to there full potential, I have learnt a lot about the power of camera angles and how they can emphasize the seen as well as making it look more appealing to the viewer and how important it is to look into choosing the correct setting for shooting. I did learn a small about editing photos, as I tried to edit a title, but im still not very good at using such software.
  2. 2. Looking back at your preliminary task, what d you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? I feel that I have learnt lot in the time between filming my preliminary and my final film, I have learnt about the importance of camera angles and choosing a location which is best for my situation. Also, I made my preliminary project in windows moviemaker, and I can see a large difference in the spitting capabilities of the 2, and generally in the splitting capabilities of the 2, and generally the features of pinnacle are far better. I have also learnt a lot about the general conventions of films, as I looked at many types of film during my planning, so I had to look into things like suspense in horror, and fast cuts in action films.

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