Page 1: Evaluation Q2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?


Page 2: Evaluation Q2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Boss Middle Class

When creating the character of the boss I attempted to depict him as a well dressed, classy man, by dressing him in a suit which show his wealth and encourages a feeling of respect for him. by giving him glasses he is seen to be educated and more intelligent. This paired with his obvious power and control throughout the film creates the idea that the boss is of a higher class and social status. While brainstorming for this character I modelled him on the mafia boss from the movie ‘Unleashed’

Page 3: Evaluation Q2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Working class womanIn my film I chose to depict the female character as an inferior character with little to no power in the situation she finds herself in. she is shown as a lower class than the boss through the way she dresses the way she talks very little through the film. further more the fact that her name is not mentioned throughout suggests that the boss does not see her important enough to call her by her name

Page 4: Evaluation Q2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Conclusion In conclusion I have attempted to

represent people of the middle class and working class and the separations between the two, through doing so I have also shown the difference between the genders and the stereotypical difference in control in situations.

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