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5- How did you attract/address your audience?

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Most rock magazine use the colour red, pink, black and white and therefore I chose to use this convention and incorporate it into my magazine. I tried to use pink as much as possible and red. It looks professional and the colours work well together. It appealed to my target audience and it immediately gains a reaction.

I included a solo artist and the image conveyed the genre of music I was focusing on, through the props and the other music names on the cover lines. It used the features NME used and I made the magazine suit the needs and wants of my audience with the interacting images and text.

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Front Cover The masthead will gain a reaction and lure in readers as it is bold and exclusive. The image incorporated with the text will emphasise the effectiveness of the name.

The direct mode of address lures in readers and the shot of the image make the artist seem confident and serious.

The box-out will make the reader feel as if they are missing out on gossip if they do not purchase the magazine.

The title headline is bold and creates a ‘edgy’ look but also it is bound to attract my audience as it is alike to magazines like NME.

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Contents Page

The font is effective as it stands out from the masthead as it is a different type of typography.

The main story image is highlighted and again direct mode of address to maintain the interest of the reader.

A brief insight into the headline story is inserted beneath the image to entice the reader and continue the engagement with the story.

This attracts the reader as it is in red and they are likely to want to turn over and find out more about the incentive the magazine is providing.

The reader is able to contact and subscribe if they want as it is a exclusive offer for them to save money on future purchase and this is a feature magazine like NME use to help create a loyal customer base.

The band index is a new feature and it seems unique and makes it easier for the reader to access their areas of interest.

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Double Page Spread The illuminated letter grasps the attention as it is larger and entices the reader right before they begin reading.

The text is crafted into columns and questions are highlighted in red to make it more attractive, but also the layout is in a interview style.

The female model uses direct mode of address which is continued throughout the media production to help lure in readers but to also engage them with the image and ask questions and find out more information.

The box-out at the end of the story highlights the importance of the ability to purchase the album now.

The images are tilted and it makes it informal but also a pleasant experience to read the article.

Many rock genre based music magazines are primarily aimed at males and sex appeal tends to appeal to them and therefore I used a female model. The USP of my magazine is the use of direct mode of address from a female to attract the aimed target audience being men.

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