
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

Setting and location

We used two different locations in the whole of our opening scene. This was in keeping with our genre, as psychological horrors don’t have many different locations in general.

The first location we wanted to be quite isolate and have the feeling that the character was truly on her own and desperate.

As well as that we wanted the home location to be quite dark and eerie. To again give the impression that the girl is on her own and no one is at home.

Was it easy to find the location?

Very luckily I live next to a wide and open field and my house is situated in a rather desolate housing estate. Therefore it was very easy to use these locations when we wanted and use them to their full effectiveness.


As a group we carried out different research into different titles and ideas that worked well and were conventional to that genre. We looked at lots of other films in that genre, like 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Woman In Black', which both linked to the conventions of the Supernatural genre, adding both mystery and clues to the contents of the film. We liked the idea of using a name which would lead to suspense and would make our consumers/ audience unaware and curious of the contents. I noticed how the majority of the titles used for well-known films in that genre, were formal and long. Therefore to follow this convention and trend, we also made our film title long and with a dual meaning. We wanted to make the title to have more than one meaning, to keep the audience guessing and intrigue them to watch the film.

Costume and props

We wanted to keep our props and costume within the stereotype of psychological horror, therefore we wanted the protagonist being as normal as possible, with stereotypical teen clothing, with the jeans and the brightly coloured headband to make her stand out from other people.

The antagonist we wanted to be like a business woman, with the secretarial dress and blond hair. However we can tell she is not as in keeping with her business stereotype, because her makeup is all over her face and her hair is frizzy and everywhere. However the makeup and hair don’t fit in with the business stereotype, it does fit in with the stereotype of an antagonist.

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