
How did you use new media technologies in the

construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?


In Post production we used programs such as Cubase to create music that would eventually be in our film. This was a great tool for our production team as it allowed us to experiment with different instruments on a virtual level and also use our own ideas to influence the final cut of our film.Another feature that I liked about this software is the speed and ease required to use it, it is also relatively easy to learn how to use which is essential when working to a deadline.

Zoom MicWe used a “Zoom” mic to record the audio for our films radio trailer, we found this new technology hard to use at times but eventually managed to use it effectively in our work. This recording device was very advance compared to previous methods of recording that we have used and greatly improved our final product.To find out how to use the mic to the best of our ability we used YouTube to find a guide as shown here -


Although YouTube was used slightly in our first year I personally made much more use of this tool in the second year in the sense that I researched a large amount of shot types and filming techniques when creating our shot list in pre-production.

Google Docs and other social media

Google Docs was a great tool to have at our disposal for many reasons, one of which being that we could create questionnaires and then receive responses from our target audience. I personally believe by doing this we greatly improved our post production marketing strategy and made our film more sellable.Google Docs was also useful as we could access documents and work from multiple locations rather than having to constantly use the same device.We also used twitter and Facebook to publicise our questionnaire and ask people to fill it in. Dispensing our questions in this way was effective because we could distribute our work easily and to a mass audience.


In my second year I again used a HD1000 but this time around I got the chance some of the more technological features that area available on the camera such as aperture adjustment and also we got chance to experiment with night shooting modes but didn’t put these features into our final film as we found some of the footage to be grainy and sometimes of a low quality which held us back slightly.

Slide Share

Slide Share allowed me to easily embed slideshows such as this one in the evaluation stage of my work, this is a great tool to have as it allows people to view my work without leaving the web page they are currently on.

High Quality Zoom Audio Recorder

We used a Zoom recorder to create the radio trailer for our film and also record some basic sound effects in post production. One of which being the punches and hits in the fight scene. This new technology we had available allowed us to produce high quality work with ease and also record very clean audio with low noise in the high and low frequencies.

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