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Are your finished pieces fit for their intended purpose?My idea behind my work was to show the beauty of our beaches wildlife and the costal wildlife and that our rubbish and littering is damaging their habitats and killing our costal wildlife. The purpose was to get this message across to people so that they can then act on the message being provided and not litter to protect the wildlife and the environment. I kept this purpose throughout the merchandise and the posters and some of my logos involved some wildlife too to try and represent the message. I wanted my logos to be bright and colourful so that it stood out and so it can be easily seen and read and I feel that I have achieved this with the logo designs I created. My main logo was done so I could use it in colour and when it’s faded to a more monochrome tone, it can still be read and seen and I think this is the main purpose of my logo designs. The intended purpose behind my campaign posters was to show in a very forward and emotional way the effect that our litter has on wildlife and their habitats and how it can end up killing them and ruining their lifestyle. I wanted to use really dark and limited colours so that it helped my purpose stand out and so that when the audience looked at the posters, they found them emotional and understood the point that is being made. I did a couple of designs so that different ones can be used when representing the organisation and it also made the intended purpose bolder by using different designs. With my intended purpose being about animals and the wildlife I kept this theme running through all my merchandise as well so that people understood the message I was getting across. I decided to use for the children’s range cartoon wildlife and so this made it more interesting and fun for the children and they were easily led to buying them with the bright and fun colours. I used the phrase ‘Save Your Wildlife’ and the key word in this phrase is ‘your’ as they would look and realise that it’s their wildlife to save and to help so by helping them out your saving the wildlife. I then did a design with the logo and a quote on which fits the intended purpose that surfing is vital for people and it’s a sport that shouldn’t stop because of us damaging the oceans and seas. I then did an adult range, which was not as colourful or as bright as the children’s range, and by making it about litter again it fit the intended purpose perfectly. I used a double exposure effect to make it look as if the animals are deteriorating and not complete and then explained it was because of our rubbish damaging them and their environments and this was the message I wanted to get across.

Do they communicate your message clearly?My message across the whole range was that our rubbish and littering on the beaches is affecting our wildlife and their habitats and places to live. We always think about how the environment looks when people litter but we never see that it actually damages the wildlife’s home that they have looked after to help keep them safe and it also can kill the animals if they get caught or swallow bits of litter. I think that not many people see this side especially on beaches and it is killing of species that people love so I wanted to make sure that in my ranges of merchandise and posters that this message was stated clearly even if it wasn’t a more forward message. I think my posters explain my message really effectively and it’s really obvious what the message is and with minimal writing to explain

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it, the imagery is very emotive and this will capture the emotions and hearts of the nation for this campaign. Without explaining too much on the poster and making it more about the imagery this helps it stand out more and the dark and serious tones throughout shows the serious side to the poster and that it is aimed at an older audience. My merchandise is aimed at both children and adults and I did two separate ranges for them. They also explain in minimal writing the message I want to get across and the imagery again is really powerful to help explain what my message is. The adult range of merchandise has serious imagery and the cuteness of the animals will also show how much we need people to stop littering as it is killing off animals that people love and find cute. The double exposure effect helps link in with the message written on the merchandise and shows that our animals are deteriorating without showing a grim and horrible side. I used a wide range of animals so that they could pick a different animal if they wanted rather than just sticking to one and the children’s range is very similar. I made the children’s range a lot brighter and colourful for them and the message is shown very clearly in their merchandise. It is telling them directly to save their wildlife and it doesn’t say how but with littering being something that shouldn’t happen anyway and that they should get taught about, it shouldn’t be hard for them to understand. By using really cute animals and animals that children love, it makes them more eager to help protect them and not to litter and I think it’s shown really well and clear through the merchandise. I wanted my logo and membership form to be more about the campaign itself rather than the message so these don’t represent the message as such but it represents what the campaign wants to achieve anyway and what their targets are for the campaign too and what goals they are wanting to achieve.

Are they appropriate for your target audience?My target audience for everything I did was for adults rather than children apart from the children’s range I did in the merchandise. I felt by aiming it at adults I could be more creative and make them more interesting rather than them being aimed at children. My logo is very simple and can be for both males and females as it’s very unisex and it’s aimed at mainly adults for the more creative and interesting side of it and the detail that is used throughout the logo. My campaign posters fit my intended target audience really well as I wanted to aim it at adults and by doing this I wouldn’t use colour in the posters and make them really dull and dark. By using the dark tones throughout the poster it shows the serious side to the message and it becomes more emotive for adults. Whereas it wouldn’t be appropriate for children because of the dark and emotive imagery used and with it not being bright and colourful, they wouldn’t find it interesting. My membership form is aimed at adults as well rather than children and I think this is done well as even though it’s bright and colourful and there is a lot of imagery used, it’s got a lot of writing and more of a formative tone to it so it would be hard for children to understand and they wouldn’t be interested. It’s mainly for adults to read, as it’s more for them to be filling out the form and not really for children anyway. But I think for the design and layout it is very appropriate for my target audience. I did a range of merchandise for both adults and children. I made the children designed merchandise really bright and so the animals looked like cartoons and really colourful so that they will find it interesting and so that it isn’t too complicated and is a simple enough design for them to understand. I

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think that the children’s range of merchandise is really appropriate for them and it works really well as I think it’s bright and easy enough for them to understand and want to buy. The adult range is a little bit less colourful and more serious rather than having a cartoon design it’s actual images of animals and so that it shows that serious side to them. I think that it works really well and it’s aimed appropriately at adults because of the little bit more writing involved in the design and the more serious tones throughout and the more complex design. I also did a design, which was aimed at adults, and this was a more simple design, which was the logo of the campaign, and this is aimed at adults because of the complex design and the more detail that is involved rather than a fun and interactive one for children. I also did a design which involved a quote for surfing and this is aimed at adults too as the quote could be too complex for children to understand and not many kids surf compared to adults and that’s why it would be more appropriate for adults rather then children.

Compare and contrast your original intentions with the outcomes you arrived at.When I first started coming up with ideas for this project, I needed to think of some ideas to then go with and expand on for the campaign and have a key idea to try and use in my final pieces. I came up with 3 main ideas to work with for the campaign in general. One of them was about aiming my poster towards children and it would be about the water quality so it would be more of an educational poster for them. This was an idea I didn’t go with for my outcomes and my posters were actually aimed at adults and didn’t have much of an educational purpose to them and was just showing the reality of what our rubbish does to the costal wildlife. I then thought of another idea of aiming the posters at adults but having it again about water quality instead so it would have been having the same impact as what my posters do now anyway but it would be about water quality rather than litter. Again, I didn’t take this idea forward but I used the dark tones and the powerful message with the poster being aimed at adults instead with a different message. The litter poster being aimed at adults was actually my first idea and I decided that was the one that could work really well as the imagery was already planned in my head from looking at previous posters the SAS have done themselves so I was more positive and confident with taking this idea forward. When I was thinking about my campaign poster and what to do for it, I was thinking about both how it could be aimed at adults and children and what they would look like. I took everything into account so the imagery, the font and the design and this is why I came out with a strong end poser because it was so powerful with every detail taken into account and making sure that I was thinking about how big the writing should be and how the imagery should be and when it was designed I was really happy with the outcome. I thought about the small font and how that would be effective for the poster and why it would work and it does work seeing it in the end result because it doesn’t take up most of the poster and it still stands out by having it white against such a dark background and I think if it was any bigger, it would take that effect away from the imagery which I wanted to be my main focus. For the membership form I had different flat plans for it and wondered how they would work and then when I actually went through with making one I took parts from every flat plan I did and ended up making up a new one and I was really happy with the end result and felt it

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was the right decision. In my initial ideas I thought about having it A4 size, which is what I went with anyway for my final piece as I felt this was an ideal size and it’s a size you can carry without losing it or it being too big. I wanted to have the form last on the leaflet because it would be the last thing you see after reading everything. In my initial ideas I said that I wanted a bright background and with bright colours and the imagery shows what the campaign wants to achieve. I think that I did everything that I wanted to as the background of my membership form was images from beaches and it made a little collage and I felt this made it a lot brighter as I couldn’t fit the images on for the writing so I used it for the background instead. I used green to highlight the main headings as it was a bright and positive colour and it also made the poster really bright and helped the headings stand out so it was easier to find the section you wanted. In my initial ideas I talked about adding in what the achievements and goals were for the campaign and this was added in right at the start so it was like an introduction to the membership form and it then shows you exactly what they are achieving so you know. For my logo designs, I did quite a few final ones but my very final one, which I also added into my poster, was one of the ideas I actually came up with in my initial ideas. I used the idea of having the broken surfboard and having it stuck in sand with surfers against sewage written on it. I did a few changes to it so that it worked better as I put the writing on the surfboard and you couldn’t really see it from a distance and with it being the name of the campaign, it’s vital that people see it. So I used a wave instead of having it in the sand so that it was sat in water with it all being about surfing and then I put the name of the campaign against the water so that it stands out against the pale blue with a black font. Some of my initial ideas included having the name of the campaign in a bottle that was washed up onto shore and another one was to have the name of the campaign inside a wave, which swirled across with it. I followed this idea through as well but I felt it wasn’t as effective or as detailed as the surfboard logo so I did it but I didn’t keep it as my final logo. For my audience, I wanted a mix of both some things being aimed at children and some being aimed at adults in my initial ideas. I followed this through as I created a range of merchandise for children and for adults but I decided to keep the main audience being adults as I could do a lot more with this audience and create more emotive pieces. But I felt that by having a range of merchandise for children too showed I have flexibility with what I can create and that I could vary with audiences. For my merchandise initial ideas, I wanted to have a design, which could be aimed at a wider audience, and to create different types of merchandise, which I did do with every design I created because I had tablet and phone cases, tops, jumpers, mugs, travel cups and pillows. In my initial ideas I said I would have bright and colourful products aimed at children and then when I aim merchandise at adults, I would make it a lot more detailed and creative. I definitely did this when I aimed my products at both adults and children as the children’s range was really bright and colourful and it also had animals they would find cute and interesting on them and I also made them into cartoons so that it was more child friendly. I then aimed a range at adults and this contained a lot more detail in them as the double exposure effect was a lot more detailed and interesting and it would also appeal to adults and then I had less colours and it wasn’t as bright as this doesn’t really attract adults. As long as it looks good and wearable, it will appeal to them.

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How effective are the techniques you have used?For my whole campaign I wanted it to be persuasive and I felt that using imagery as my main focal point to persuade people into helping the campaign and understanding the message. For my posters I used the imagery as the main point of focus and they were made so that it was so emotive and showed the real and harsh side of what happens when we litter and so it supports my message fully. I feel that this technique will be more emotive than writing about the wildlife as it adds more of an effect to it and it also makes the poster more approachable and appealing. When the audience see it, having a big poster with an image taking up the ratio of it makes it a lot more appealing and when they see the effect visually of what happens to the wildlife, they are then more likely to donate. I also used really negative imagery so that it was more shocking and showed the reality of what the campaign want to try and avoid so that the audience understand fully on what they are doing for the environment and costal wildlife. I decided to do this because it’s aimed at an older audience so when they see the posters and see the reality and the dead animals on the poster, it will become a shock to them and will persuade them to donate to the campaign. I didn’t really write much on the poster as I wanted the image to do the talking and show the visual impact of what we are doing to the animals it will also focus the audience a lot more rather than reading a lot. I left it simple and very realistic so that it showed the harsh impact of what the campaign want to avoid. For the adult range of merchandise, I wanted to use a little quote that would stick in the minds of the audience so I went with ‘Our wildlife is deteriorating because of your rubbish’ and I used ‘your’ so that it made it more direct to the audience and more personal when they are reading it and I also used ‘our’ to show that not only is it just wildlife, it’s our wildlife for everyone to see so it made it about everyone as well. By using positive imagery of really cute and interesting animals it will make the hearts melt of the audience but then using an effect over it to then turn it into a more negative image will persuade them to donate to the charity and people will then feel sorry for them and understand that it’s damaging the wildlife. It also links in with the writing so it connects everything together and doesn’t look odd. For the children’s range I wanted the audience to have a different impact to the adult range as it’s for people who are a lot younger so making sure there isn’t anything on the merchandise to scare or upset them was the key point I needed to remember. I made sure that they were bright and colourful and that the imagery was positive and showed animals that were happy so that they felt happy when looking at it. I decided to just have a little bit of writing which also had the word ‘your’ in it so that it aimed the product at the audience by making it personal and more direct towards them it’s a key technique that is vital when trying to be persuasive. When making the membership form, I wanted to try and be persuasive in the form too as it’s trying to persuade someone to be a member so to do this I decided to add a section which mentioned the perks of being a member. It went through all the different things you can have when you become a member and this can really change someone’s mind and can entice them to be a member so I felt it was a key point to talk about in the form.

Is the content effective?

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When I designed my posters, I wanted to make sure that I made it really emotive and showed the reality of what dropping litter on beaches does to the wildlife so I made sure that my content was going to be emotive. I used images of different wildlife that you would get on the beach and I darkened the contrast and the tones in the image so that they were really dark and that they were giving off really negative feelings so that the audience knew how much of a serious matter it is. I then added the logo onto the posters so that the audience understands who the campaigners are and recognise it when they see it on other things. I then didn’t want too much writing on the posters as I felt that this wouldn’t make the poster as effective so I felt that minimal writing would help the image do the job and persuade the public to help the campaign. I had a couple of sentences at the bottom of the poster in a reasonable sized font and made it white so that it stood out boldly against the black and dark poster. This makes the writing more readable too and I felt that explaining what the image was about slightly would help give the image a definition and then by adding the petition onto it helps people jot down the protest website and then follow it up later. I feel that the image and writing ratio is really effective as it helps the image do the talking and with it being such a powerful image, too much writing would ruin it. The up close and powerful images really do have such an impact on the poster and because they are aimed at an older audience it fits in really well with this audience and so the design of the posters are really effective and I think they will help the campaign out a lot. I also faded out my logo so that it was monochrome and that it fitted in with the theme of the posters in general and I think that this works really well and also helps having minimal colour, as it doesn’t draw the attention away from the main focal point. For my logo, I wanted to design something that would represent the campaign and would also link to the name of the campaign rather than what the campaign is trying to achieve. I went with a few ideas and decided to have my main logo as a surfboard with ‘Surfers Against Sewage’ written on the wave that is at the bottom of the broken surfboard. I wanted to use only a broken surfboard not a full board because it then showed the seriousness of the campaign. It also showed that they are trying to fix things such as to help people surf even when it becomes a possibility that without the campaign people may not be able to surf because of the damaged environment. This makes the content very effective because it shows the meaning behind my logo and why it’s been designed in that way. I then did the merchandise so it fit in with what I was campaigning for and I made sure that they came across as effective so then people buy them and spread the word of the campaign. The children’s range was a lot more colourful and more interesting for children and I used animals that they would find cute and love so by using them it will persuade the audience to then buy the merchandise because they will want to save the animals. I also didn’t want to write too much as it’s for children so by just putting ‘Save Your Wildlife’ it is enough for them to understand what is meant by it and what to do to achieve this without writing too much and them finding it boring. They need to find it interesting and so I think by using cartoon animals that they love it automatically becomes effective because after seeing it they will want to help and buy the merchandise. For the adult range I did something different and decided to link the words and the imagery together by showing the deterioration of the animals by the rubbish by using a double exposure effect and cutting parts of the animals off to make it more effective. I also turned the animals into

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monochrome because without the colour it doesn’t feel complete and feels slightly dull and not as bright so this also links with the message and I feel that this is really effective too the way it’s been designed. The membership form is really bright and has a lot of colour and imagery with it as I want it to be really enticing and for people to see it and feel as if it’s a welcoming and interesting campaign. I added information about the campaign and added information about the goals and what I want to achieve and what the perks are of being a member with the campaign. This will then get people interested in the campaign and by seeing the perks of the campaign they can see what they are gaining from being a member.

What impact do you think your advertising campaign will have on the public?The message I am trying to get across for my campaign is that we need to stop littering to help protect the wildlife and their habitats or us littering is going to kill of species and damage their homes. I wanted to make sure that this was a bold statement throughout my work, as I wanted to advertise this message effectively so that the audience would be able to act upon this and make a change to how we litter on the beaches. I think that I have made the point and message really clear throughout my work and I think that my campaign posters are the most effective. I feel that they are really emotive and the dark tones throughout the posters automatically become really effective. When the public see the posters I feel that it will catch their eye automatically because of how dark and in a way depressing the posters are and I think once they read the writing and see the poster they will think about what littering is actually doing to the wildlife on beaches on their habitats and I think that because the posters are so emotive, it will make them think twice and will have an impact on them so that they remember the posters constantly when thinking about littering on beaches. The merchandise is really powerful too and I think that people will buy them to also advertise the fact that littering on beaches is bad for the environment and the wildlife and it will then stop other people from doing the same. It will also make people more involved with the campaign and sign up for memberships with the campaign as they will be interested in the work that we do and the reasons to why we are campaigning and I think because of the dramatic effect of the adult range of merchandise, it will really persuade people to buy it. I wanted people to understand the message clearly and make sure they understand the message and I felt that using imagery would be the most powerful way of doing this so by making sure that I’m using effective and emotive images, it will help broadcast the message and get people involved. I think that when people start buying merchandise and looking at the membership form and reading the work that the campaign does it will get more people aware of the campaign and I think that it will have a massive impact on the public. The logo helps advertise the campaign and what they are originally there to do and I think when the public see the logo a few times they will be able to recognise the campaign and what they are here for and by using effective advertising that is different from other campaigns, it will help ours stand out a lot more. I want people to be able to recognise the work we do and for people to see merchandise on other people or the logo on leaflets and remember who we are and what we do so then it has a nice positive

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effect on the campaign as people end up helping out and remember not to drop litter as they remember the effect it has on the wildlife and on their homes.

What are the technical and aesthetic qualities of your work?When I designed my main logo, I wanted to make it aesthetically pleasing and so it could also be aimed at both adults mainly but also could have been aimed at children by the way it has been designed. For the whole design of the surfboard logo I used an image from Google of a surfboard but I changed the colours and the design by using the Magic Wand Tool in Photoshop to select certain parts of the image and did a colour overlay so it made the design my own. I then got a separate image of a wave coming into shore and placed it at the bottom of the surfboard and then did the same with the Magic Wand Tool. I placed text over the wave to then make it stand out against the white and it also frames the surfboard. I think that this technique makes the surfboard image look arty and quite like a drawing and the outlines of different shapes don’t exactly look perfect and are quite out of place because of the pixilation but it doesn’t make it a bad thing as again it adds to the arty effect of the logo design. I think that it looks presentable and will stand out on products and on posters. The only thing I could have done to improve was to make the font a little bigger and bolder because when you zoom out it can be still hard to see so making it bolder will help it stand out a lot more. For the logo with the wave I did this by again using the Magic Wand Tool in Photoshop to give it that watercolour effect as I didn’t want every colour and detail to be in place as it makes it look very arty and so I added limited colour and shades of blue like the original image. I then placed the text in the formation of the wave by placing the text and using the Warp Tool in Photoshop to then warp the text into the wave formation. I could have improved this logo by not making it into a box as it looks quite boring and could have used a circle to frame the logo as this would look better on products. For the animal logo I used an image of an octopus and I used the Polygonal Lasso Tool to cut round the octopus and it’s features and then I used the colour overlay to add the colour to them. I then added the name of the campaign at the bottom and used the placement tool to try and get it so it looked as if the octopus was holding it. I think the font and the size of it works in this logo better than my main logo but I find the octopus is really grainy from the image I used so it ruins the logo a little bit and could be better to maybe have created my own octopus to not then get the pixilation with it. When I was designing my campaign posters, I created two that were very similar and so it was more of a range rather than creating odd ones as I felt this would be stronger for the campaign. It wasn’t really that technical to design as I didn’t want to start making it look busy and for it to be too technical as I felt this would then lose the emotive and spacious aspect to the poster. I got images of both a dead bird and fishes that were really bright and colourful and I wanted the complete opposite. So I used Photoshop and turned the brightness right down so it was quite dark and I turned the contrast up as this then made the details from the animals stand out. I then used the Burn Tool to go round the edge and create a dark frosting around the edge of the image so that the main focal point would be the animal in the middle of the poster. I then added my logo at the top but I changed it so that it was monochrome and not colour so that it went with the tones of the image and I added the text at the bottom. I think that for an older audience it looks really aesthetically pleasing

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and it works really well as it shows the seriousness of the campaign and the effect of the rubbish we leave on beaches and with it being so emotive it really does persuade the audience to donate to the campaign. When I was designing my membership form, my first thing to do was to add all my rulers onto the form and make sure I know what is going where so I could line it all up properly with the rulers. After this I then added the collage of images into the background and started adding text and creating boxes for ticks and lines for writing so that it looked like a realistic membership form. I think that the design of my membership form makes it look so realistic because of the little logos and features, e.g. line for cutting page, boxes, the small print and the lines for writing on. This all makes it look so aesthetically pleasing and I think the whole layout works really well with the highlighted areas and the different font sizes. The whole idea for my membership form has evolved and worked so well. I did two main ranges of merchandise (one for children and one for adults). For my children’s range, I did a couple of designs within it and it was very similar apart from the animal changes. To do the animals, I got an image of a cartoon animal and then made shapes and warped them to then fit around different features on the animals and to create the main outline of the animals. This was a more complex way to design the animals and it was done really well without parts looking odd or out of place. I then added the text at the bottom to then support the image as well. It is bright and colourful and it stands out so this is what will drive more sales when aiming it at children. The white background as well helps it stand out and become a lot more vibrant and I think this works really well. For the adult range, I did a few different designs within the audience to broaden my designs. I did one design, which was just my logo, and I think to advertise the campaign at it’s fullest; this design is the one to use, as it is a really complex and interesting design. I then did a design, which was a quote about surfing, and I used the Clipping Mask Tool in Photoshop to then add an image of a beach into the text. This shows I am capable of making imagery and text look different. This makes it work really well because it fades from a bright blue to then a darker colour and then fades out to a pale sand colour. To improve this design I could have added a stroke around the text to help it stand out against the black background as it then wouldn’t have looked too pale at the bottom and would have made it easier to read. The last design was one that had different animals within it to make more of a range. For this design, I had the text around the image and then I placed the image of animals that I had got off Google but then edited to get rid of the background by cutting out the animals using the Polygonal Lasso Tool. I then changed the image to monochrome so it was duller and not as bright and I then decided to add a double exposure effect to the images. To do this I used images of trees I had taken myself as this gave me the best effect and I then changed this image to monochrome too and I used the multiply tool so that it then merged the two images together so showed parts missing from the animals so that it physically showed the deterioration. I think to improve this design I could have done different colours for different animals or changed the font each time, just something a little different to each one to make it more of an independent part of the range.

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