
How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary texts?

Evaluation Question Two

Created by Rebekah using Adobe Photoshop CS3

Promotional Film Poster

This is the poster that I created, when designing it I took use of synergy into consideration by using an image that was also used on the magazine cover but cropping it down to just one face. Also, one of the photos layered underneath the face image is of one of the rooms we filmed in, even though none of the footage from that room is included in the final cut of the trailer we had the thought of linking it there. I also included a quote from Empire magazine on the poster, to show how the two would be linked if this were a real movie promotion. One thing that seems to be different and is the most obvious difference is the fact that the magazine cover is very bright and then poster is quite dark and gloomy, however with the bright strip of light that we created by using slow exposure when taking the photo, it adds the element to the poster too.

Empire Magazine Cover

When Cami created the magazine cover, one thing she made sure of is that the font she used matched the font used for the credits in the trailer. This showed a link between the two. There is use of the same image which is clearer on the poster but would be recognised if you had seen the poster. You can see handheld cameras in the image, which can link back to the trailer as there are parts that have been obviously filmed with one and also one of the scenes towards the end includes a handheld camera in the shot. As I said on the previous slide, the brightness of the magazine cover is echoed in the bright strip across the middle of the poster. There’s a definite link between the two and I think it’s good that they’re not too similar but with essences of the same gloominess and horror feel in both.

Created by Cami using Adobe InDesign CS3

The Trailer

Link to After Hours trailer. There are a lot of links in our three texts. We tried to create the same sense of eeriness found in the trailer with the poster and magazine cover and I think we pulled it off. Here’s some examples of the brightness and darker tones that we used across all the texts.

Overall I think the combination of our three texts is effective, there are a few

things we could change here and there but as I said before, I think the fact that they’re not too similar works well. If this was a real film promotion I

think it would be successful.

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