Page 1: Evalution Question 3

Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?


The feedback from the documentary was generally positive. The people asked thought that the documentary was formal, informative with lots of facts and statistics and was well edited. They thought the presenter and narrator was interesting. They also said that it was quite even with no bias. I think that the documentary is quite biased, siding less with the academic university side of the argument. They thought the music fit well and was consistent but felt that some of the voice overs were a bit loud. Personally, I didn’t think that voiceover was too loud, I thought they fit well and was just the right volume to be heard. To fix this I would turn the music up a bit to match the voice over. Finally, they thought that the brand identity was clear throughout, however I would disagree. I feel that the brand identity is only becomes clear to the viewer at the end of documentary with the last shot and the brand identity tagline “it all starts with you”

Magazine Two Page Spread:

The feedback for the magazine was mostly positive. They found it eye catching due the colour scheme and images used. They thought the image of the face placed into the background image was interesting and was described as a “a photo with a photo” The only negative was that they thought the grab quotes didn’t stand out as much as everything else and needed to be bolder. They suggested that we could’ve added a black outline or shadow to make the quotes stand out amongst the rest of the magazine.

The documentary during the editing process. This shows how much editing was done to the documentary. We used multiple effects such as fade in/out, wipe effects, colour effects (such as making one scene black and white), reverse effects and we used companion software After Effects to create unique typewriter effects

The image of the face is taken from the final scene in our documentary. The screenshots are taken from the interviews and vox pops. The grab quotes are directly taken from the interviews

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Radio Trailer:

The response to the radio trailer was positive. They all thought that the sound levels of the music and audio clips was fine, not too loud or quiet. I thought that some of the audio clips from the vox pops were too loud and drowned out the other audio clips and the music but this didn’t seem to be a problem. Similar to the documentary, they liked the dynamic between the two narrators and thought it worked well. Some of the people asked stated that radio trailer wasn’t that engaging. This may have been due to the fact that the audio clips were only used at the start of the radio trailer. To fix this and make it more engaging, I would add more audio clips in the middle or the end of the trailer. A consequence of this fix could be that the radio trailer would be long and listeners would lose interest. Finally, I felt that the radio trailer conveyed the right information and this was reflected in the audience feedback as they all stated that it was informative.

The radio trailer during the editing process. This shows that the audio clips are only present at the start of the trailer, which led to some people finding the trailer not as engaging.

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