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Evangelism News

Sabbatical— Over the last 6 months my main objective has been to recover from work stress but I also wanted to

take this opportunity to learn Te Reo Māori. This has been a desire I have had since I was young. The course has

been amazing. Some of the great things about doing this course is its focus on Christ. During class we sing songs

that are Christ centred, we pray throughout and we have the chance to address Christ when we speak to the

class. There is a real liberty to talk about faith in Christ as Māori culture is very holistic and the spiritual is just as

important as the physical.

r ea ch th e lost — m a ke a diffe renc e i n s o me o ne ’s l ife to day!

Mat 9:37 Then He said to His disciples, The har-

vest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are


A u g u s t 2 0 1 5

H a w k e s B a y

W e l c o m e t o a n o t h e r i n s i g h t i n t h e l i f e a n d m i n i s t r y o f t h e D e m p s e y ’ s

Read on and see what God can do through ordinary people.

Tēnā koutou Whānau

Well my 6 month sabbatical is finished but with all the things that have been happening in our lives, with

Dylan’s health and other family issues, it has been really hard to get into work routine. Thank you for all

your prayers and support over this time without them I don’t know if we would have been able to cope as

well as we have over the last few months.

Jeremy and Dylan performing a drama at the Rally Prizegiving

Page 2: Evangelism News

A u g u s t 2 0 1 5 H a w k e s B a y

Evangelism News

Prayer and Praise requests

*Prep for 2016 SOE in NZ

* Mum’s health and salvation

* Restructure of OAC would go smoothly

* My new role will be a blessing to OAC and

the church

* Prep for Fiji would be straight forward

* The Lord’s sustaining strength and wisdom

* Complete recovery for Dylan

At the moment OAC is going through some

restructuring to help us become more

efficient and effective at impacting this nation

for Christ. We are seeking to streamline our

admin so it frees our evangelists up to better

do the work. We are trying to create better

support and encouragment structures to help

eliminate the feeling of isolation that some

evangelists feel and instead have more of a

one team focus. So one of the major changes

is my role within OAC. I now have the title of

National Field Director which means I work in

conjunction with the National Director to

provide support, encouragment,

accountability to our ministry co-ordinators/

directors around the country. I will help

provide upskilling for staff and training for

new recruits. I will still be involved in the

work in Fiji as well as outreach and training in

the Bay as I’m based here. I am really looking

forward to the challenge of mentoring and

leading leaders.

If you are interested or know someone who is interest-

ed in being part of a team to evangelise communities

around Hawkes Bay, please contact me.

Jeremy Dempsey

021 1225672\06 8788527

Trials Trials Trials This year has been a year of great testing so far. Inspite of

this we thank the Lord for his strength and grace that has sus-

tained us.

In May my Uncle passed

away of a heart attack at

the age of 43. The day be-

fore my birthday my Nana

passed away. At the begin-

ning of June Dylan, our

son, developed a sharp pain

in the side of his head and

within a couple of weeks

had lost the ability to walk

unaided. After many hospital visits and a trip to Starship hos-

pital in Auckland the doctors determined that it was the result

of a virus. He has begun rehab to learn to walk again and af-

ter 2 months is doing really well.

The school has been amazing and

has provided a wheel chair for

him to use while he needs it.

Finally, last week, my mother had

a heart attack. She is stable at

present but needs open heart sur-

gery. Please pray for her, that she

comes through the surgery and

makes a full recovery but also

that she will come to Christ.

Upcoming Events 11 Sep.—10 October - School of Evangelism in Fiji

26 Sept—Wedding Aniversary—17 Years

16-18 October - Lecturing at Bible College on Evangelism

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