Page 1: Evidence based practics and diff materials


I think or feel: My partner thinks or feels: I am

confused. This is cool. I am bored.

I agree. I want to learn more.

Other: ____________

I feel this way because: I didn’t understand everything being said. I love this topic. This is not a topic I am interested in. I understood what was discussed. I enjoyed learning something new. Other: __________________________________

I am confused.

This is cool. I am bored.

I agree. I want to learn more.

Other: ____________

I feel this way because: I didn’t understand everything being said. I love this topic. This is not a topic I am interested in. I understood what was discussed. I enjoyed learning something new. Other: __________________________________

Listen to the discussion.

Fill out Topic. Circle how I think or

feel. Tell my partner

how I feel. Ask my partner:

“What do you think about the topic?”

Circle how my partner thinks or feels.

Page 2: Evidence based practics and diff materials
Page 3: Evidence based practics and diff materials
Page 4: Evidence based practics and diff materials

Matching Sets of Coins: Beginning Understanding of Counting Money

Page 5: Evidence based practics and diff materials

Name: Molly

I did a great job Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Using Kind Words

Keeping my hands to myself

Asking for a break

Staying in my area

When I earn __20__ tokens, my reward will be:


Page 6: Evidence based practics and diff materials

My Feelings

Worried Silly Happy Calm Relaxed Bored Tired Frustrated Mad

I can have many different feelings during the day. I can feel relaxed and calm when I wake up, but then if something goes wrong, I can start to feel worried, frustrated or even mad! When I am having a good time, I can even feel silly!

Feelings are a bit like all the colors on a color spectrum. I may feel various shades of feelings throughout the day. It is important to know that all feelings are completely normal and part of everyone’s lives every single day. It is normal and fine to feel frustrated or mad. It is normal to feel tired or worried. It is also normal to feel relaxed and happy. Feelings can come and go quickly or they can stay around for a long time.

My body can often give me clues about how I am feeling. Learning to pay attention to how my body feels is important because once I know how I am feeling, I can take steps to get myself back to a calm, relaxed place. Different people use different strategies to calm themselves down, so I need to do some detective work to figure out the things that calm me down most quickly so that I can practice them. That way, I will be ready to use them when I need to!

It is good to practice checking in with myself during the day. That way I can notice how I am feeling and what types of strategies I might have to use throughout the day. I need to remember that the strategies I should use are the ones that get me back to a calm place most quickly. I cannot control how I feel, only how to calm myself down. As I learn these calming strategies, I will learn to better control my reactions to my feelings and to others.

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