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END.TIME.THE_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 54-0307A E-39 Now, back in the beginning, when the world first started... Every plant and everything that we have begin in Genesis. Amen. Genesis, the word "Genesis" means "the beginning," (I think that's right, isn't it, brother?), the beginning, when everything began.Then if--if plants begin in Genesis, if man begin in Genesis, then religion begin in Genesis. Is that right? Well, let's go all the way back now to Adam and Eve. 'Course, when they come out of the garden, she bore two sons that we know of first, Cain then Abel, two boys.Now, those boys, after seeing that they had been made mortal and was going to die, they tried to find favor with God. And they both come making a sacrifice.

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END.TIME.THE_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 54-0307A E-40 I'll review a certain thing here I said last night. If God only required religion, if that's all he required, then Cain was justified. Cain come just as--believing just the same as Abel believed. Cain come with a sacrifice just the same as Abel came with a sacrifice.

But Cain's sacrifice was by works. He raised his garden, brought his fruits, the best he could find, by works. But Abel was justified by faith. He come with a lamb.

Watch. You'll see where fanaticism began. You'll see where everyone of these cults begin. You'll see where all this confusion begin. And by God's help, may the Holy Ghost place it in every heart here this afternoon so deeply that it'll never come out.

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END.TIME.THE_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ 54-0307A E-41 Now, then Cain came and knelt down, built an altar. I'd imagine they come to the east side of the gate, for there's where the Angel stood with this flaming sword, guarding the Tree of Life by the way. He was guarding the people away from the Tree of Life.

E-42 …..Then Cain come religiously, built him an altar, a church, knelt down. Now watch these two vines. I'm going to make them vines, like here.

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GREEK LEXICON -- STRONG'S NUMBER 5440Phylactery 2) a preservative or safeguard , an amulet. The Jews used this word to describe small strips of parchment on which were written the following passages of the law of Moses, Ex. 13:1-10, 11-16; Dt. 6:4-9, 11:13-21, and which, enclosed in small cases, they were accustomed when engaged in prayer to wear fastened by a leather strap to the forehead and to the left arm over against the heart, in order that they might thus be solemnly reminded of the duty of keeping the commands of God in the head and in the heart, according to the directions given in Ex. 13:16, Dt. 6:8, 11:18; These scrolls were thought to have the power, like amulets, to avert various evils and to drive away demons. The Pharisees were accustomed to widen, make broad, their phylacteries, that they might render them more conspicuous and show themselves to be more eager than the majority to be reminded of the law of God.

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DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 27 Jesus said so. One day, coming down off the mount, He said to His disciples, "Who do you say I the Son of man am? Or who does people say I am?""And some of them said, well, You're Moses, You're Elias, or one of the prophets."He said, "But who do you say I am?"And Peter made that great statement, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas..." And here's the great argument amongst believers.Now, the Catholic church says that, "There He--He built His church upon Peter, for He said, 'Thou art Peter,' little stone, 'upon this stone, little stone, I'll build My church.'"

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Well, now, the Protestant mostly believe that it was upon Himself that He built, upon Him, the Cornerstone. But, you see, He was the Cornerstone to the building. I believe that what He built the church upon...

DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 33 Not to be different, but (You see?), the question was, "Who does men say I am?"And Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.“

He said, "Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonas; flesh and blood never revealed this to you. You never learned this by going to a seminary. See, you never learned this by some manmade affair. But My Father, which is in heaven, has revealed this to you. See? Upon this Rock I'll build My

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church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against It," the spiritual revelation of Jesus Christ, Who is the Word. Then it'd be the spiritual revealed Truth of the Word is exactly where the church rests.

DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LA.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_ 65-0427 36 I think that's what Abel had at the beginning: a spiritual revelation that it wasn't the fruit of the field, or the works of our hands, or so forth. It was blood. And he offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than--than Cain did.We find in Abraham and Lot, the same thing in a choice, because Lot went down, when the time come, when the spiritual and the--and the natural church come in a clash, because of the herdsmen. They had to separate one for another. And whenever this does, it sets up a jealousy.

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We find out that Abel, be--because God had received him, and He did not receive Cain's beautiful big offering he had toiled so hard for, and was religious, and bowed down and worshipped, and so forth, done everything that Abel did, only he didn't have the revelation of what was the truth. So we find out that when God accepted Abel's revelation and his offering, it made Cain get jealous of Abel. And there was the first murder.

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186 Now, notice these golden candlesticks. This oil poured into these candlesticks. Now, the oil was what was put in the lamp to burn. Now, Aaron was... It was his duty to light these lamps. And these lamps had to be lit. Hold it on now. Look. Keep reverent, and listen. These lamps had to be lit by the fire that God had lit. Aaron's sons went in with some strange fire, and God slew them in the door; that's right, strange fire. The fire that God started...

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ISRAEL.AT.KADESH.BARNEA_ JEFF.IN IC 97-128 SATURDAY_ 53-0328 88 Ten of them... Now, the church came. And it's come now to a place to where we've come down through the Luther age, the Methodist age and the Pentecostal age, and on down to a place, and now some of the full Gospel people turned firmly against Divine healing, believe that it wasn't even in the atonement. Well, it's got to a place, friends, where you... It's getting horrible out here. "Old-time religion," they say, "it's something that's passed long ago, can't have it; it's too much. We're living in a modern day; we've got to get modern ideas. We got to have shuffle boards in the church, ping-pong games, and everything to hold our young people.”

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ISRAEL.AT.KADESH.BARNEA_ JEFF.IN IC 97-128 SATURDAY_ 53-0328 89 Brother or Sister, if it ever gets to a time that I have to have a card party in the church to hold an audience, I'll quit preaching the Gospel, 'cause It's lost Its power. I tell you, brother, what we need today is the old fashion, simple Gospel, Holy Ghost power preached in Its simplicity, then "If I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto Me." Yes, sir.

90 We... Today they say, "Oh, we can't go back and do those things that the apostles did."We're living in the last days, when God has promised He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. Hallelujah. We are here at the end of the road. Thank God for some Calebs and Joshuas that's ready to go over (Hallelujah.), go over

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and bring back the evidence (Hallelujah.), it's a great land. Bringing back two bunches of grapes, and they was walking like this to try to pack it. What a ground, what a place. Thank God for people who's crossed over out of that old formal, shackled-down, ungodly church, moss-back condition (Hallelujah.), got to a place where they stepped over in Canaan land, and eat a lot of good grapes that even make you slobber in the pulpit. Hallelujah. It's all that good old fashion... Drunk on the wine, like Peter drank on the day of Pentecost, when the power of God took over the church. Hallelujah. Kadesh-barnea... We can do it.

92 Fellow said, "Do you mean to tell me we can get the Holy Ghost like they did a long time ago?""Yes, sir.""Now, how do you know?"I said, "I got It. Hallelujah. That's how I know it.”

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ISRAEL.AT.KADESH.BARNEA_ JEFF.IN IC 97-128 SATURDAY_ 53-0328 93 We had a beautiful type last night, when the children of Israel crossed the land, crossed over into the--the pilgrimage, which was a perfect type of our pilgrimage. We come up out of Canaan. I pulled my stake, tents, and left (have you?), leaving the old garlics and hash pots down there, and stink of the world. Pulled up tent, left, crossed over Jordan... Hallelujah. The red sea of the Blood of Jesus Christ drowned every old cigarette, tobacco nast', and filth of the world was drowned, like them taskmasters back there, and they're floating in the sea. Hallelujah. No wonder we shout and dance.

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ISRAEL.AT.KADESH.BARNEA_ JEFF.IN IC 97-128 SATURDAY_ 53-032894 Look what Moses done, raised his hand and sang in the Spirit. And Miriam got a tambourine and begin to dance, and jump up-and-down, and praised God. And the daughters of Israel followed her, dancing, and praising God, and shouting. Hallelujah. They crossed over the sea. All the old taskmasters was back dead there in the sea. They looked back and said, "Boy, you'll never bother me no more." Oh, my. Burnt the bridges all over, ready to go now, journeying on.Now, they say, "Can we take it?""Sure, we can take it.""Why?""God said so."

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