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Journal of Nuclear Materials 361 (2007) 62–68

Evolution of porosity in the high-burnup fuel structure

Antonino Romano a,*, Matthias I. Horvath b, Renato Restani b

a Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behaviour, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen – PSI, Switzerlandb Laboratory for Materials Behavior, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen – PSI, Switzerland

Received 3 August 2006; accepted 13 September 2006


The evolution of the high-burnup structure (HBS) porosity is investigated. Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) andscanning electron microscope (SEM) measurements of UO2 fuel with �105 GWd/tHM rod average burnup show theformation of an ultra-high burnup structure with a local burnup of 300 GWd/tHM in the proximity of the fuel–claddinginterface. Such structure is characterized by gas pores of sizes up to 15 lm. A large population of pores with 3–5 lm poresis also observed in more inner regions of the HBS. An analysis of the pore size distributions indicates predominance of3.5 lm and 7.5 lm pores. A simple model accounting for vacancy diffusion kinetics and coalescence is used to interpretthe observations: the 3.5 lm pores are obtained by growth of 1 lm pores with an initial overpressurization of 50–70 MPa. The extra-large pores with diameters �7–8 lm result by coalescence of the intermediate size pores, assuming that:(1) such pores are only slightly overpressurized and that (2) the coalescence process occurs at constant porosity, asobserved experimentally.� 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 28.41.Ak; 61.18.�j

1. Introduction

The economic advantage of operating fuel atextended burnups has motivated a large scientificeffort devoted to the characterization and modelingof the high-burnup fuel structure (HBS), with thepurpose of understanding the modifications of thefuel thermal–mechanical performance occurringafter restructuring [1–3]. Two key phenomena dom-inate the fuel behavior at high burnups: (1) the for-

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* Corresponding author. Present address: ENUSA IndustriasAvanzadas, S.A., C. Santiago Rusinol 12, 28040 Madrid, Spain.Tel.: +34 913 474 456; fax: +34 913 474 421.

E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Romano).

mation of sub-micron grains and (2) the presence ofmicrometer porosity [1]. While the mechanisms offormation of such microstructures are still open todebate [4,5], theoretical consensus and experimentalevidence exist on their evolution under irradiation.In particular, the porosity is observed to increasewith burnup and the presence of ‘extra-large’ pores(with sizes of 4–10 lm or more) in very high burnupsamples has been detected [6]. Understanding theevolution of porosity during irradiation is of para-mount importance since the porosity directly affectsthe thermal conductivity and the mechanicalstrength of the fuel [7,8].

In this paper, experimental and theoretical anal-yses are presented that investigate the evolution of


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micrometer porosity in UO2. EPMA and SEMobservations performed at the Paul Scherrer Institut(PSI) on fuel with very high burnup (�105 GWd/tHM) yield information on the distribution andmorphology of the porosity as well as measurementsof local burnups. Specifically, an ‘ultra-high bur-nup’ structure is observed to form featuring extra-large pores with sizes of �7.5 lm in the very rimregion. Moreover, pores of sizes �3.5 lm are alsoobserved in more internal regions of the high-bur-nup structure. To describe the evolution of suchporosity in the fuel, a simple model of high burnupporosity is developed, which includes kinetic mech-anisms of pore growth due to vacancy diffusion anda simple pore coalescence equation.

This paper is organized as follows: the nextsection provides information on the experimentaltechnique used to characterize the high-burnup fuel.Then, results are presented starting from a discus-sion of the main outcomes of the measurements,followed by the analytical model, which is intro-duced to interpret the observations. Finally, themain findings of this study are summarized in theconclusions.

2. Experimental technique

Experimental observations of high burnup fuelporosity were performed by a shielded electronprobe microanalysis (EPMA) of CAMECACAMEBAX SXR SX-50 with wave length disper-sive spectrometers. Furthermore, scanning electronmicroscope (SEM) images of the high-burnup fuelwere taken with this system. Table 1 reports detailson the technical specifications of the probingapparatus.

The sample analyzed in this work came from arod of a commercial Swiss PWR, which had accu-mulated a peak discharge burnup of �105 GWd/tHM and had an initial enrichment of 3.5 wt%.The sample preparation consisted of cutting a thin

Table 1Operating parameters of the shielded CAMECA SX-50 EPMA instrum

High voltage electron beam 20 kVBeam current 150 nA (±0.5 nA, measured aBeam diameter 0.5 lmLateral resolution for X-rays 2 lmScanned area (preselected, stepwise) 11 · 7 lm2 typically for each p

scans: 1 · 1 lm2 or 1.5 · 1.5 lX-ray mappings 50 · 50 lm2 with beam scann

Acquisition time: 30 min for

segment of �2 mm thickness, which was embeddedwith epoxy resin in a steel sample holder and pol-ished to a surface smoothness of 0.25 lm. The mea-surements were performed on three positions in therim: two adverse points came from a quantitativeline scan over the whole fuel diameter and the thirdpoint was perpendicular to the preceding twopoints. The EPMA measurements yielded informa-tion on the elemental distribution of the samplewithin a depth of 1.0–1.5 lm from the surface. Fur-thermore, quantitative analyses and SEM pictureswere obtained on the same rim locations. Thus,information was obtained on the local concentra-tion of plutonium (Pu) and fission products, suchas barium (Ba), cesium (Cs) and neodymium (Nd).To quantify the elemental distributions, the datawere calibrated and normalized using the SAMxsoftware [9]. Moreover, care was taken in the mea-surements in order to avoid disturbances by measur-ing pores or bubbles in which the elementalconcentrations cannot be determined.

3. EPMA and SEM observations

In this section, we present the results of theEPMA and SEM measurements. Fig. 1(a) shows aSEM picture taken from one of three perpendicularpositions in the rim of the very high-burnup fuelconsidered in the analysis. At the fuel–claddinginterface, which has a thickness of about 15–25 lm, the fuel is bonded to the cladding and theporosity is relatively low as only a small numberof pores with sizes up to �5 lm is recorded. Theobserved finger-like structure of the bonded regioncould be due to the build-up of contact pressurebetween fuel and cladding caused by fuel swelling,which is also responsible for gap closure. Insidethe fuel, we observed the formation of a region withvery large pores starting 5–15 lm from the fuel–cladding interface. These pores have diametersranging from 5 lm up to 15 lm. Moreover, the local


fter each point)

oint of direction 1, in the rim zone even less. Point analyses in linem2

ing (256 · 256 pixels)each element couple

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Fig. 1. (a) SEM image of the rim zone and (b) elemental distribution as a function of the distance from the fuel–cladding interface. Theelemental analysis was performed along the horizontal dashed line of the SEM snapshot.

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porosity is about 22%. Such fuel region, which wecall ‘ultra-high burnup structure’ (UHBS) extendsinto the fuel for 50–70 lm and is characterized bya strongly reduced pore number density comparedto the classical HBS. Moreover, the burnup in thisregion is up to three times higher than the rod bur-nup and it decreases rapidly to a level slightly abovethe pellet average burnup over a few tenths ofmicrometers. After the UHBS, the standard HBSis observed, which is characterized by a thicknessof �1 mm and by a local porosity comparable tothat of the UHBS. A transition zone is also visibleafter the HBS up to 2 mm inside the fuel. Finally,in the inner locations, the fuel is not-restructured(these last two regions are not shown in Fig. 1(a)).

The quantitative measurements related to thispart of the HBS are reported in Fig. 1(b) and giveflat Nd and Pu distributions over much of the fuelradial positions except in the last 200–300 lmtowards the fuel rim. In this region, the Nd concen-tration increases from 1.2 wt% up to 3.1 wt% andthe Pu concentration from 1.3 wt% to 4.3 wt%.These values correlate with an estimated local bur-nup of �120 GWd/tHM in the inner flat regionand to a burnup of �300 GWd/tHM near thefuel–cladding interface. As expected, we observe asharp drop of these isotopes concentration in thebonded region, where the concentration of zirco-nium atoms starts to rise. In fact, such region ischaracterized by a mixture of zirconium oxide, fuel

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Fig. 3. Histograms of the class B and C pore size distributionstaken from several high-burnup fuel regions.

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and fission products. Therefore, the interaction withcladding material leads to a dilution of the pluto-nium and fission products concentrations.

Fig. 2 shows another SEM picture of the fuel rimregion taken at a different position from thatreported in Fig. 1(a). Three classes of pore sizescan be identified: standard pores of �1 lm (classA) distributed over the entire restructured region,but primarily in the HBS, pores of intermediate size�3–5 lm (class B) and extra-large pores (class C)with diameters up to 15 lm located predominantlyin the UHBS. The last two pore classes have beenmore closely analyzed in order to derive histogramsyielding the number of pores as a function of theirsize.

Several pictures taken from different locations inthe rim region have been analyzed to count thenumber of pores of different size classes producedin the HBS, in order to generate distributions ofpore sizes. These are shown in Fig. 3. We notice thatthe intermediate pore size distribution ranges from2 lm to 6 lm and peaks at about 3.5 lm. The extralarge pores are much less numerous and are charac-terized by a wider size distribution peaked at around7.5 lm and extending to diameters up to �15 lm.Furthermore, the average ratio of class C to classB pores estimated from Fig. 3 is about 15%. Anintegration of the two histograms gives that theporosity does not change appreciably between thetwo HBS regions characterized by these pore clas-

Fig. 2. Pore distribution in the high-burnup structure: SEMpicture showing formation of three classes (A, B and C) of poresizes ranging from �1 lm to �15 lm.

ses. The observed constant porosity suggests thatthe class C pores may be formed by coalescence pro-cesses. Such conclusion is further discussed in thenext section.

4. Interpretation of the measurements

A simple analytical model is developed to inter-pret the observations. First, we summarize themajor results from the EPMA and SEM measure-ments:

(1) The HBS is characterized by populations ofstandard 1 lm pores and by families of lessnumerous pores with sizes distributed around�3–4 lm and �7–8 lm (class B and C pores).

(2) The spreading of the large and extra-largepore distributions is wider than that of thestandard HBS pores (class A pores).

(3) The extra large pores are located in the veryfuel rim, while the intermediate size pores areconcentrated in more internal parts of theHBS.

(4) The porosities of the HBS and of the UHBSare comparable.

4.1. Formation of the intermediate size pores

The formation of the intermediate pores (class B)can be modeled as resulting from relaxation of classA pores, which have an initial overpressurizationDpi. Therefore, a growth mechanism driven byvacancy diffusion is considered to be sufficient torelax the excess gas free energy accumulated in such

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overpressurized pores. Thus, the following poregrowth kinetics equations can be written as

oRot¼ X


� �ðDvCv�DiCiÞ 1� exp �XDp


� �� �; ð1Þ

Dp¼ p�2cR; ð2Þ

p¼ nkBTV �nX

: ð3Þ

Eq. (1) describes growth as driven by vacancy andinterstitial diffusion, for a pore with an excesspressure Dp. Values for the vacancy and interstitialconcentrations, Cv and Ci, and for the diffusioncoefficients, Dv and Di, are taken from Ref. [4], aswell as the vacancy volume, X, which is8.5E6 pm3/atom. The value of the surface tensionc is taken as 1 J/m2. Moreover, we use the Van-der-Waals model for the pore gas equation of state(Eq. (3)): in this equation, the temperature T is setto 750 K. Furthermore, once the pore pressure is as-signed, the number of gas atoms per pore, n, can bedirectly inferred.

We consider a HBS pore of 1 lm size with over-pressurizations ranging from 30 MPa to 200 MPa.Eqs. (1)–(3) are then applied to determine the newdimensions of the pore as a result of the equilibra-tion process. Fig. 4 shows the evolution of the poreoverpressurization as a function of pore size duringthe relaxation process. When the initial excesspressure is set around 50–70 MPa, growth of theoriginal 1 lm pore is activated producing pores atequilibrium with sizes of 3–4 lm, such as those

Fig. 4. Pore overpressurization as a function of the diameter for1 lm pores undergoing growth and characterized by differentvalues of the initial pressure.

observed in the EPMA and SEM snapshots. Westress here, that values from 50 MPa to 70 MPaare reasonable estimations for the pressure of poresin the high-burnup fuel [10,11]. In fact, the gas con-centration in the matrix is �0.2 wt%, while the gasproduced in the HBS can be estimated as 1.5 wt%.Therefore, assuming that �1.3 wt% gas is in the1 lm pores and using the Van-der-Waals equationof state for T = 750 K and a porosity of �10%,one obtains a pore pressure of �60 MPa, in goodagreement with our assumption. Moreover, Fig. 4shows that in order to produce extra large poreswith diameters of 7–8 lm exclusively by vacancy-assisted growth of the original HBS pores, a veryhigh initial overpressurization (>200 MPa) wouldbe needed. However, the direct growth would notexplain the observed reduction of the number ofpores in the UHBS. Therefore, direct creation ofthe class C pores by growth is considered improba-ble without the assist of pore coalescence processes.

Fig. 5 shows the distribution of pores obtainedafter applying the growth model to an initial popu-lation whose size is normally distributed around1 lm. Two initial overpressures are considered:Dp = 60 MPa and Dp = 200 MPa. The pore growthequations yield final distributions with larger vari-ances than the original one. The variances of thedistributions increase with the initial pore pressure.Note that the full width at half maximum of the dis-tribution centered around Dp � 3.5 lm is calculatedto be about 2 lm in fair agreement with the valueinferred from Fig. 3.

Fig. 5. Final pore size distributions obtained after growth of aGaussian pore population of �1 lm size for two initial over-pressurizations: Dp = 60 MPa and Dp = 200 MPa.

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Fig. 6. Locus plots of the fractional number of pores as afunction of the pore diameter (expressed in dimensionless units asDpDp/4c) for different initial overpressurizations.

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4.2. Formation of the extra large pores

The EPMA and SEM observations indicate thatthe porosity of the UHBS region is comparable tothat of the more internal HBS, which is character-ized by both the intermediate size and the originalpores. Such result can be used to formulate a poros-ity conservation condition giving the time evolutionof the number of interacting pores. Thus, thefollowing equations can be written:

oðN pV pÞot

¼ 0; ð4Þ

oN p

ot¼ � Ap

V p

� �oRot

� �; ð5Þ

where Np is the number of neighbor pores, i.e.pores, which are able to interact by, for example,coalescence, and Ap and Vp are, respectively, thesurface and volume of the pores (note that Eq. (5)assumes spherical pores). The time derivative ofthe pore radius in Eq. (5) is given by Eq. (1). There-fore, the pore evolution is considered to bedriven by both vacancy induced growth and porecoalescence.

We assume that after an initial stage of growthleading to an increase of porosity, pore coalescenceprocesses take place, which reduce the total popula-tion of pores, while increasing the pore size due tothe assisting effect of pore growth driven by vacancydiffusion. Therefore, we consider slightly overpres-surized class B pores undergoing coalescence viaEqs. (1)–(5). We assume that such pores are charac-terized by initial pressures ranging between 2 MPaand 6 MPa. Such initial overpressurization can bedue to the continuous flow of gas atoms into thepores by fission, which is partly counterbalancedby the vacancy flux. Alternatively, one could imag-ine that during the growth stage, interacting inter-mediate size pores, which have not yet exhaustedtheir original excess pressure, start to coalesce dueto their proximity [12]. Examples of pores undergo-ing coalescence can be seen in the SEM snapshotreported in Fig. 2 (specifically, the pores markedwith an asterisk).

Fig. 6 shows locus plots of the number of pores,normalized to the initial value, as a function of theevolving pore diameter Dp, which is expressed in adimensionless form using the initial pore overpres-sure, Dp and the surface tension, c. A parameteriza-tion with respect to the initial excess pore pressure isalso displayed. As expected, the final pore diame-

ters, Dfp, reached after application of Eqs. (4) and

(5) and the vacancy diffusion model for bubblegrowth are larger the higher the initial pore pres-sure. For Dp � 5–6 MPa the final pore diameter isof the order of 6–8 lm, a size typical of the extralarge pores of the UHBS. Moreover, for this case,the ratio Np=N 0

p ranges between 0.05 and 0.15. Suchresult compares reasonably well with the valuesderived from Fig. 3 for the ratio of the class Cand class B pores (this is about 15%). Moreover, ifthe simple porosity conservation model is appliedto a distribution of pore sizes centered around aninitial diameter of 3.5 lm, a distribution of poresranging from �4 lm to �16 lm is obtained.

In summary, our simple model interprets the evo-lution of the porosity in the high-burnup structuresample analyzed at PSI as the result of (1) a growthprocess, responsible for the formation of 3–4 lmpores, followed by (2) a phase where coalescenceof pores can lead to the formation of the extra largepores. In this process vacancy diffusion plays a fun-damental role and the pore overpressurization is themain driving force for their evolution. It must beremarked that because the diffusion of vacancies isstrongly dependent on temperature and stoichiome-try, we expect that such parameters would influencethe kinetics of formation of the HBS pores. Specif-ically, fuel stoichiometry increases towards the fuelrim, due to the larger values of the burnup, mayaccelerate the pore growth by enhancing thevacancy diffusion rate. Furthermore, the flux ofvacancies into the pores depends on their local con-centration Cv. We acknowledge that, for simplicity,all these parameters have been taken as constant in

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our simple approach since this study focused pri-marily on capturing the qualitative features of thepore population observed experimentally. However,future work should be devoted to better understandthe role of temperature, stoichiometry and vacancypopulation in driving the evolution of the fuelporosity in the high-burnup structure.

5. Conclusions

In this study the HBS porosity is investigatedusing both experimental and analytical approaches.Measurements of very high-burnup fuel (�105GWd/tHM) samples have been conducted, usingEPMA and SEM techniques. Moreover, quantita-tive methods have been applied to determine theradial distribution of sensitive isotopes in the high-burnup structure. These observations indicateformation of extra-large gas pores of diameters upto 15 lm in the very rim region yielding local poros-ities of about 22%. Intermediate pores of 3–5 lmsize are also obtained, which extend towards moreinternal regions of the HBS. Furthermore, the tradi-tional HBS and a transition region develop up to2 mm inside the fuel. A quantitative elemental con-centration analysis indicates that the local burnupcan reach values up to 300 GWd/tHM in correspon-dence to the ultra-high burnup region, which fea-tures extra large pores. Finally, the pore sizedistribution for intermediate and large pores isderived: pores of diameters �3.5 lm and 7.5 lmoccur with higher frequencies than others.

A simple model of porosity evolution has beenintroduced to interpret the observations. Suchmodel includes equations for vacancy assistedgrowth and pore coalescence processes, which con-serve the porosity. The intermediate size pores areobtained by pure growth of overpressurized poresdriven by vacancy flow. In this growth stage thenumber of pores does not change but the porosityincreases until a new population of pores with a

larger diameter is generated. The qualitative resultsof the measurements are reproduced by the model ifthe initial pore pressure is set to be in the range 50–70 MPa. A second stage is then considered, whichprescribes coalescence of the pores under the condi-tion that the total porosity be preserved. In thisstage, the model yields formation of a less numerouspopulation of extra large pores. The size of the finalpores depends on the pore overpressurization atwhich the coalescence process starts. The modelyields that pore pressures of only 5–6 MPa aresufficient to yield the 7.5 lm pores observed theUHBS.


The authors are thankful to Grigori Khvostov,Christian Hellwig and Martin Zimmermann forfruitful discussions. M. Horvath and R. Restaniacknowledge the sample preparation work of A.Walchli and H. Schweikert.


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