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  • 7/31/2019 eWCDEC


    P wd 2020

    hrough its member organisations, no more than 400 in over120 countries, the Union or nternationa Cancer Contro (UCC)promotes partnerships an internationa coaboration aime atacceerating progress toars achieving the 2020 targets

    iven the huge variabiity in cancer buren an serviceprovision throughout the or, UCC encourages membersto use the wor Cancer decaration as a tempate to eveopregiona or nationa cancer ecarations that can betterrefect oca nees an priorities an ao or more accuratequantication o targets here ata exists

    Targets: by 20201. ustainabe eivery systems i be in pace to ensure

    that eective cancer contro programmes are avaiabein a countries

    2. he measurement o the goba cancer buren anthe impact o cancer contro interventions i haveimprove signicanty

    3. oba tobacco consumption, obesity an acoho intakeeves i have aen signicanty

    4. Popuations in the areas aecte by PV an BV i becovere by universa vaccination programmes

    5. Pubic attitues toars cancer i improve anamaging myths an misconceptions about the iseasei be ispee

    6. Many more cancers i be iagnose hen sti ocaisethrough the provision o screening an eary etectionprogrammes an high eves o pubic an proessionaaareness about important cancer arning signs

    7. ccess to accurate cancer iagnosis, appropriate cancertreatments, supportive care, rehabiitation servicesan paiative care i have improve or a patients


    8. ective pain contro measures i be avaiabeuniversay to a cancer patients in pain

    9. he number o training opportunities avaiabe or heathproessionas in ierent aspects o cancer contro ihave improve signicanty

    10. migration o heath orkers ith speciaist training incancer contro i have reuce ramaticay

    11. here i be major improvements in cancer surviva rates

    in a countries

    TheWorld CancerDeclarationThe World Cancer Declaration is a tool to help

    bring the growing cancer crisis to the attention

    o government leaders and health policy-makers

    in order to signifcantly reduce the global cancerburden by 2020 through 11 key targets.

    It represents a consensus between government

    ofcials, public health experts and cancer

    advocates rom around the world who are

    committed to eliminating cancer as a lie-

    threatening disease or uture generations.

    In one easy step individuals can make a dierence.

    By signing the World Cancer Declaration,

    signatories join a worldwide community calling

    on key decision makers to commit to key actions

    required or a cancer ree world.

    We the global cancer community call on the worldto take immediate steps to reduce the global cancerburden by committing to the 11 Declaration targets

    and providing the resources and political backingneeded to achieve them.

    As the custodian of the Declaration, UICC encourages

    action to achieve the Declarations targets locally,nationally, regionally and globally, and promotes acomprehensive response across the globe.

    Partnership is key within the framework of theWorld Cancer Declaration: By working together,

    we can more easily implement the priorityactions and achieve the 2020 targets.

  • 7/31/2019 eWCDEC


    Priority actionswe beieve that the decaration targets can be achieve, provie that a number o priority actions are impemente:

    Union or nternationa Cancer Contro

    62 oute e Frontenex,1207 eneva,itzeran

    e +41 22 809 1811 Fax +41 22 809 1810 [email protected]

    All reasonable precautions have been taken by UICC to verify the information contained in the World Cancer Declaration. However, the Declaration is distributed without warranty of any kind,

    either expressed or implied. Responsibility for the interpretation and use of the Declaration lies with the reader. In no event shall UICC be liable for damages arising from its use. Declaration

    tools can be accessed online. UICC 2011. All rights reserved.

    l PlC

    Pace cancer on the eveopment agena. ncrease the poitica priority given to cancer by emonstrating that acountrys investment in eaing ith its groing cancer probem is an investment in the economic an socia e-being o the country. rganisations concerne ith cancer contro shou ork ith the goba onor community,eveopment agencies, the private sector an a civi society to invest in cancer contro

    Mobiise stakehoers to ensure that strategies to contro cancer gobay are targete at those ho are most innee. nvove a major stakehoer groups in the eveopment, or upating, o nationa cancer contro poicies

    mpement strategies that have been proven to brige existing cancer surveiance gaps

    ncrease eorts to invove cancer patients in cancer contro panning at a oca an nationa eve

    CC PV d l dC

    ncrease eorts to reuce tobacco consumption by encouraging governments to uy impement an enorce the Frameork

    Convention on obacco Contro (FCC) aise aareness about the nee or cuturay sensitive cancer risk reuction campaigns, aong ith pubic an

    proessiona eucation about cancer arning signs. Push governments to impement poicies that i support risk-reucing strategies at a community eve an enabe iniviuas to make more inorme consumption choices an aoptheathier behaviour

    ncourage governments to impement measures to reuce peopes exposure to environmenta an occupationa carcinogens

    Unertake actions to ensure that vaccines an other strategies that are shon to prevent cancer-causing inections aremae more iey avaiabe

    vocate or the provision o aorabe screening programmes or hich there is evience o ecacy in the popuationin question. Unertake piot projects that are esigne to evauate the easibiity an ecacy in popuations in hich thescreening technoogy has not yet been teste

    CC M

    Promote the eveopment an use o cancer treatment guieines that are reevant to oca nees an resources. nsurethat sucient treatment, rehabiitation an paiative care aciities an e-traine sta are avaiabe to meet thephysica, socia an emotiona nees o patients ith cancer

    ake steps to tacke the many barriers to optima pain contro. work ith governments to aress the over-reguation opain meicines. Cooperate ith internationa organisations, incuing the nternationa arcotics Contro Boar an thewor eath rganization, to ensure that goba impementation o the Us internationa rug contro conventions onot unuy interere ith egitimate eorts to avance access to pain meicines or cancer patients in pain

    work ith the pharmaceutica inustry to increase access to cancer meicines that are aorabe an o assure quaity

    ncrease the number o heath proessionas ith expertise in a aspects o cancer contro by proviing speciaist

    training opportunities an eoships to enabe proessionas to stuy in speciaist settings

    aise aareness about the impact o heath orker emigration on the abiity o countries to provie aequate eveso cancer care an ork coectivey to aress goba an nationa heath orkorce shortages an the resutanteepening o inequity

    ncrease investment in inepenent basic an appie cancer research an acceerate the transation o researchnings into cinica an pubic heath practice

    ncourage cancer research organisations in ierent countries to coaborate, share ata an ene compementaryresearch objectives to optimise the use o the imite uns avaiabe or cancer research an reuce upication o eort

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