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  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Accessory Nerve = origin= mid 1/3 of posterior SCM m

    descends inferolaterally

    innervates trapezius m

    Adrenal Glands aka Suprarenal Glands = on top of kidneys

    posteriorly rest against the diaphragm

    Adductor Canal aka Hunters Canal = @ distal end of Femoral Triangle

    borders = laterally = vastus medialus m

    posteromedial = adductor longus

    adductor magnus

    anterior = Sartorius

    contains = from anterior to posterior

    1. saphenous n

    2. vastus medialis n

    3. femoral a & v

    Anterior Axillary Line = line in front of arm pit

    Anterior Cutaneous Thoracic Nerves =

    origin = cervical plexus

    innervate = thoracic wall & skin

    run with the superficial thoracic aa

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Anterior deep Muscles of the forearm = flexors

    5 proximal to distal from the elbow

    name origin insertion


    Teres Pronator

    Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

    Flexor Carpi Radialis

    Long Palmar Muscle


    Anterior Tibial Artery= supplies anterior of lower legs

    origin = popliteal artery

    terminus = dorsal pedis artery

    Arch of the Aorta= 1. brachiocephalic artery

    2. left common carotid artery

    3. left subclavian artery

    ASIS = anterior superior iliac spine

    PSIS = posterior superior iliac spine

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    Axillary Artery= divided into 3 parts by pectoralis minor

    1. part proximal to muscle

    2. behind

    3. distal

    3 branches = 1. supreme thoracic a

    2. lateral thoracic a

    3. subscapular a

    subscapular a divides into thoracodorsal a

    scapular circumflex a

    Axillary Nerve = origin = branch of posterior brachial plexus

    innervates = deltoid & teres minor mm

    Biceps Brachii= flexor muscles of the upper arm

    name origin insertion

    Long Head of BB supraglenoid tubercle radial tuberosity

    Short scapula coracoid process ditto

    Anterior Median Line = line thru middle of the sternum

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    Abdominal Aorta = from the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm

    to R & L Common Iliac aa @ L4

    unpaired branches = 1. celiac trunk

    2. superior mesenteric

    3. inferior mesenteric

    4. middle suprarenal

    5. renal

    6. gonadal

    Arcuate Line = divides the ilium fossa from the iliac tuberosity

    dividing line btw the true & false pelvis

    midway btw umbilicus & pubic symphysis

    made up by the thickened rectus sheath thins inferiorly

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    Axillary Fossa = pyramid shaped structure of the armpit

    contains sweat glands ka bromhidrosis

    1. anterior wall is formed by the pectoralis major,

    clavipectoral fascia,

    subclavius and the

    pectoralis minor

    2. posterior wall is formed by the subscapularis,

    teres major, and

    latissmus dorsi muscles

    3. lateral wall is formed by upper medial surface of the humerus,

    (covered by the coracobrachialis muscle)

    4. medial wall is formed by upper ribs and intercostal muscles,

    (covered by serratus anterior muscles

    Apex = a triangular opening bounded by the first rib,

    upper border of the scapula, and

    posterior border of the clavicle

    Base = formed by the axillary fascia and skin

    Azygos Vein = continuation of right ascending lumbar vein

    Arch of Azygos Vein = sup to root of rt lung joins vena cava

    continuation of the right ascending lumbar vein

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    Bare Area of the Testis = posterior area not covered by Tunica Vaginalis

    Basilic Vein = on the medial side of the forearm and hand

    with 2 other veins in the bicipital groove => axillary vein

    origin = dorsal venous arch of the hand

    terminus = anterior of the arm

    runs with the ulnar n profound brachii a brachial a

    Brachial Artery= on superficial anterior surface of humerus

    .. palpatable throughout its course

    pulse point &/or pt to stop bleeding by pressure

    Brachial Plexus: cervicalthoracic nerves of the spinal cord

    1. musculocutaneous

    2. axillary

    3. median

    4. radial

    5. ulnar

    transient points for vagus cardiac phrenic nerves

    also includes 12 pairs of intercostal or thoracic nerves

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    Brachiocephalic Vein = subclavian + internal jugular veins

    junction ka Venous Angle = post to

    sternoclavicular joint

    L + R Brachiocephalic vv => Superior Vena Cava

    Buccal Fat Pad = anterior to messeter muscle & on its superficial surface

    Deep Peroneal Nerve = origin branch of Common Peroneal Nerve

    innervates anterior muscles of the lower leg

    terminus = cutaneous n btw big & 2nd


    injury to it > inability to dorsiflex foot or

    extend toes

    Diaphragm = origin = xiphoid process

    costal margins of 11th

    & 12th


    lumbar vert

    insertion = central tendon

    3 openings = 1. hiatus of Inferior Vena Cava

    2. Esophagus

    3. Aorta

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    Calvaria or skull cap = made up of 1. galea aponeurotic

    epicranius muscles

    2. loose connective tissue

    3. pericranium

    Campers Fascia = superficial fascia of the anterior & medial thigh

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : ligament = transverse carpal ligament

    nerve = median nerve

    Carotid Triangle = anterior neck

    beneath the SCM m & above the omohyoid m

    contents beneath the hyoid bone =

    1. internal jugular vein

    2. com carotid artery

    3. ext

    4. vagus nerve

    Celiac Trunk= 3 branches one of which is the Proper Hepatic Artery

    another the Left Gastric Artery

    another the Splenic Artery

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    Cephalic vein = on the lateral side of the forearm and hand

    origin = dorsal venous arch of the hand

    terminus = anterior of the arm

    runs with the radial a & n

    Cervical Plexus = cervical nerves of the spinal cord

    1. lesser occipital

    2. greater auricular

    3. transverse cervical

    4. supraclavicular

    5. phrenic

    Cisterna Chyli= formed by union of R & L Lumbar Lymphatic Trunks

    location = deep and medial to the crus m @ L2

    beginning of the thoracic duct

    Clavicular Notch = on @ side of jugular notch

    articulates with the medial end of the clavicle

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    Colon = distinguished from the small intestine by 3 features

    1. Taenia Coli = 3 narrow longitudinal smooth muscle bands

    run entire length of the cecum & colon

    converge at the appendix

    dont cover it or the rectum or anal canal

    2. Epiploic Appendages = fat filled outpouches of visceral

    peritoneum dont cover ditto

    3. Haustra = sacculations created by taenia coli

    semilunar mucosal folds on colonic surface

    Clavipectoral Fascia = lie btw clavicle & upper pectoralis minor

    pierced by thoracoacrimonial artery supplying acromion

    m&m pectoralis mm

    Common Hepatic Artery= distally becomes the Gastroduodenal Artery

    Common Hepatic Duct= lies in the free margin of the Lesser Omentum

    comm. hep duct + cystic duct = comm. bile duct

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    Cubital Fossa Triangle = in front of the elbow joint

    3 boundaries = 1. biceps brachii @ medial

    2. brachioradialis & @ inferolateral

    extensor carpi radialis longus

    3. pronator teres @ inferomedial

    flexoris carpi

    contents = cephalic vein

    basilica vein veins

    median cubital vein

    ulnar artery arteries

    brachial artery

    median nerve nerve

    humerus bone

    Cut Branches of Cervical Plexus = posterior border of the SCM m

    1. great auricular nerve

    2. transverse cervical nerve

    3. lesser occipital nerve

    4. supraclavicular nerve

    Dartos Tunic= extension of Campers fascia

    smooth tunic muscles raise & lower penile scrotum in line w/ temp

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    Deep Fascia of Penis = envelops the penile body

    anteriorly = corona of the glans penis

    posteriorly = inf fascia of urogenital diaphragm

    Ductus Deferens = most posterior structure in spermatic cord

    hard cord like

    Fascia Lata = profound fascia of the thigh & gluteal region

    continuation of scarpas fascia

    Fascia Septa = passes from the palmar aponeurosis to the 1st

    & 5th

    metacarpal bones

    Femoral Cutaneous Nerve = innervates hamstring m

    tibialis anterior m

    Fascial Nerves emerging from parotid gland capsule =

    1. cervical

    2. mandibular

    3. buccal

    4. zygomatic

    5. temporal

    separating the flexor tendons from the thenar & hypothenar m

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Femoral Artery= continuation of the Ext Iliac a

    chief a of the lower limbs

    enters midpt of inguinal canal

    passes thru femoral triangle

    adductor canal

    terminus = becomes popliteal artery

    anterior tibial a

    dorsal pedis a

    Femoral Nerve = origin = L2, L3, L4 of spinal cord

    lies in the groove btw the Psoas Major m & Iliacus m

    innervates 1. Quadriceps Femoris m

    2. Sartorius m

    3. Pectineus m

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    Femoral Triangle = in the medial thigh

    borders = Adductor Longus m = medial border

    Inguinal Ligament = superior

    Sartorius m = lateral

    contains = femoral nerve & branches



    sheath = 3 compartments

    artery in lateral compartment

    vein middle

    medial sheath ka femoral canal

    deep inguinal lymph nodes

    connective & adipose tissue

    opening ka Femoral Ring

    First Rib = attached to the sternum at the manubrium just below the

    jugular or suprasternal notch

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    Fissures of the Liver= 3

    1. Right Sagittal Fissure = 1. posteriorly = inf vena cava

    2. anteriorly = gall bladder

    2. Left Sagittal Fissure = 1. posteriorly = ligamentum teres

    2. anteriorly = ligamentum venosum

    3. Transverse Fissure = aka Porta Hepatis

    1. R&L hepatic a

    2. common hepatic duct

    3. portal vein

    Ganglions of the spinal cord= 3 superior to inferior

    Celiac Ganglion = innervates all gastrointestinal organs & kidney

    Superior Mesenteric Ganglion = innervates small intestines

    colon xpt descending

    Inferior Mesenteric Ganglion = innervates descending colon

    urogenital including ureters

    Gastric Artery= left and right eventually anastomose

    Right = branch of the proper hepatic artery

    lying along the lesser curvature of the stomach

    Left = originates directly from the Celiac Trunk

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    Gastroepiploic Artery= lies along the Gtr Curvature of the stomach

    Left = originates from the splenic artery

    Right = branch of the gastroduodenal artery

    anastomose at the stomach

    Greater Omentum = peritoneal reflection btw stomach & transverse colon

    contains Gastrocolic Ligament = connects trans colon to

    stomach & upper duodenum

    Hemiazygos Vein = continuation of left ascending lumbar vein

    drains blood from lower left intercostals spaces

    joins the azygos vein above the 9th

    thoracic vert

    Accessory Hemiazygos Vein = branch draining rest of intercostal sp

    joins azygos vein @ 8th

    thoracic vert

    Hepatorenal Recess = space btw the liver & kidneys

    aka Morrisons Pouch

    Iliohypogastric Nerve & Ilioinguinal Nerve =

    emerge from lateral border of Psoas Major m

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    Inferior Lumbar Triangle = one of the triangles of the back

    borders = 1. latissimus dorsi m

    2. external oblique m

    3. iliac crest

    Inferior Thyroid Artery= loops superiorly from the thyroidcervical trunk

    downward to inferior pole of thyroid gland on

    posterior lateral surface

    Inferior Vena Cava = formed by R & L Common Iliac Vein @ L5 vert

    Infraorbital Foramen: contents = infraorbital blood vessels & nerves on

    anterior of the face

    continuation of the infraorbital canal

    anaesthetic will numb the infraorbital nerve

    Inguinal Ligament= in females = round ligament of the uterus

    in males btw the ASIS & Pubic Tubercule

    thickening & crimping of the aponeurosis

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    Inguinal Canal= oblique cylindrical shaped space @ lowest pt in abd wall

    2 openings = 1. superficial anterior ring = entrance

    2. profound posterior ring = exit

    superficial inguinal ring = opening in medial end of above

    borders = 1. aponeurosis of the ext oblique

    2. int oblique

    3. inguinal ligament

    4. internal oblique m

    transverse abdominal m

    5. tranverse fascia

    falx inguinalis

    Intercostal Muscles = External & Internal form a two tiered X

    External Intercostal Muscles = 1st

    tier (superficial)

    travel frm lateral downward to medial

    its intercostal membranes are anterior

    Internal Intercostal Muscles = 2nd

    tier (profound)

    travel frm lateral upward to medial

    its intercostal membranes are posterior

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    Internal Thoracic Artery* = contained in post cervical triangle

    aka Internal Mammary Artery

    arises from the subclavian artery opp thyrocervical trunk

    crossed by phrenic n

    Jugular Notch aka Suprasternal Notch = concave superior border of the


    Kidneys = bean shaped @ T12 vert right lower than left bec/ of stomach


    supplied by 3 sets of arteries

    1. superior suprarenal a = br of inferior phrenic a

    2. middle = directly from aorta

    3. inferior = from renal a

    Renal Hilum = anterior to posterior

    1. renal vein

    2. renal artery

    3. nerves


    renal pelvis

    Perirenal Fat surrounds kidneys & adrenal glands

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    Laryngeal Prominence aka Adams Apple = formed by thyroid cart angle

    Lat Cut Nerve of Forearm = continuation of musculocutaneous nerve

    innervates forearm lateral skin

    Lat Femoral Cut Nerve =

    lies lateral & inferior to iliohypogastric & ilioinguinal

    Lesser Omentum = peritoneal reflection extending from

    1. abdominal esophagus

    2. lesser curvature of the stomach

    3. first part of the duodenum

    4. porta hepatis = inf visceral surface of liver

    left border = Hepatogastric Ligament

    contains = L & R gastric a & v

    stomach nerves

    lymph nodes

    right border = Hepatoduodenal Ligament

    contains = proper hepatic artery

    hepatic portal vein

    common bile duct

    lymph nodes & vessels


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    Linea Alba = broad flat aponeurosis of 3 abd m

    rom Xiphoid Process to Pubic Symphysis

    1. Ext Oblique m

    2. Int Oblique m

    3. Transverse Abdominal m

    Lower Leg Anterior Muscles = insert distally

    function = movement of ankle & toes

    Peroneus Brevis origin = lateral fibula

    insertion = 5th

    metatarsal bone

    Longus origin = lateral fibula

    insertion = cuneiform & 1st

    metatarsal bone

    Lower Leg Posterior Muscles

    name origin insertion

    Gluteus Maximus iliac crest sacrum coccyx lesser trochanter of fe

    Gluteus Med & Min ilium ditto

    Piriformis anterior of sacrum greater trochanter

    Gracilis ramus of pubis medial surface of tibia

    Sartorius ASIS ditto

    Obturator Internus


    inner surf obt foramen


    Gtr Trochanter

    below Gtr Trochanter

    Quadratus Femoris ischial tuberosity posterior femur

    Adductor Magnuspubic ramis

    ischial tuberositylinea aspera of femur



    biceps femoris


    ischial tuberosity tibial condyles

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    Linea Semilunaris = line lateral to the abdominal rectus m

    Lumbar Plexus = lumbar nerves of the spinal cord

    nerves of the abdominal cavity

    1. iliohypogastric

    2. ilioinguinal

    3. genitofemoral

    4. lat femoral cut

    5. femoral

    6. obturator

    Lungs : right lung lower than left Cardiac Notch on left lung

    structurally = 1. apex

    2. base aka diaphragmatic surface

    3. 2 surfaces

    4. 3 borders

    right lung has 2 fissures = horiz & oblique dividing it into 3 lobes

    left has 1 = oblique dividing it into 2 lobes

    Root of Lung & Pulmonary Ligamentattach them to mediastinum

    Hilum of Lung = Right Lung has 5 openings

    2 for upper & lower main bronchii

    2 for pulmonary veins ( O2 carrying)

    1 for pulmonary artery (non O2 )

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    Left Lung has 4 openings

    1 for upper & lower main bronchii

    2 for pulmonary veins ( O2 carrying)

    1 for pulmonary artery (non O2 )

    Bronchiopulmonary Segment= pyramidal shaped structure

    with apex facing hilum

    base at surface of lung

    contain: 1. segmental bronchi

    2. mass of lung tissue

    3. segmental artery

    4. vein

    5. bronchial air channels

    NOTE: if a segmental bronchus blocked

    others below it also interrupted

    Costodiaphragmatic Recess = potential space btw

    ribs & diaphragm

    Pleura = thin, smooth, semitransparent serous membrane

    parietal pleura attach eg lung to the thoracic wall

    visceral envelops the gland eg lung

    Pleura Cavity= potential space

    pressure diff in pleura cav surrounding

    lungs drives gas exchange in alveolis

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    Pleura Fluid = lubricant to permit lung movement

    Mammary Glands = in females lies in the superficial fascia

    Suspensory Lig = fibrous strands connecting nipples & skin

    aka Cowpers Lig to deeper superficial fascia

    important markers for breast cancer as tumours cause these

    ligaments to contract & shorten giving the skin over

    them a puckered orange peel appearance

    Marginal Artery= supplies the internal margins of the cecum

    formed by the 1. ileocolic a

    2. right middle & left colic aa

    3. sigmoidal a

    Medial Bicipital Groove structures =

    median nerve

    brachial artery

    axillary vein

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    Mediastinum = 3 parts Sup Mid Inf

    Superior Mediastinum contains trachea

    brachiocephalic a & v

    sup vena cava & aortic arch

    Middle phrenic nerves

    mediastinal pleura

    heart & cardiovascular parts

    includg pericardium

    Inferior 3 parts

    1. Anterior containing struct in front of pericardium

    2. Middle heart & cardiovascular parts

    includg pericardium

    3. Posterior struct behind pericardium

    Mental Foramen = below the root of the 2nd


    @ midpoint of the line separating the sup & inf mandible

    continuation of the mandibular canal

    conduit for mental blood vessels & nerves

    anaesthetic numbs the mental nerve

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    Mesenteric Arteries = superior & inferior

    Superior Mesenteric Artery= embedded in extraperitoneal fat

    origin = abdominal aorta @ L1 vert

    just below Celiac Trunk

    branches = 1. pancreatic duodenal a

    2. middle colic a

    3. right colic a

    4. iliocolic

    terminus = 5. appendicular a

    6. anterior cecal a

    7. posterior cecal a

    terminal aa supply jejunum & ilieum

    Inferior Mesenteric Arteries = origin = anterior abd aorta @ L3 vert

    Mesorchium of Penis = visceral layer of Tunica Vaginalis

    conduit for blood vessels, ducts & nerves

    Pectoralis Minor Muscle = origin = ext surf of 3rd

    to 5th


    insertion = medial border of scapula

    function = pull scapula lifts ribs

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    Penis = cross section = 1. urethra surrounded by Corpus Spongiosum

    2. two corpora cavernosa

    separated by Tunica Albuginea

    Arteries = 1. spermatic cord aka deferential a

    2. testicular a

    Vein = 3. Pampiniform Venous Plexus forming single v

    Innervation = genitofemoral nerve (esp for cremaster m)

    ilioinguinal nerve

    Perforating Branches of the Thoracic Nerves

    display 2 structural forms = 1. segmental

    2. overlapping

    segmental used in surgery to id anaesthetized skin segments

    overlapping allows protection against injury to one set of nerves

    as injury to 2 sets of nerves needed for loss of sensation

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    Superior Mesenteric Artery= embedded in extraperitoneal fat

    origin = abdominal aorta @ L1 vert

    just below Celiac Trunk

    branches = 1. pancreatic duodenal a

    2. middle colic a

    3. right colic a

    4. iliocolic

    terminus = 5. appendicular a

    6. anterior cecal a

    7. posterior cecal a

    terminal aa supply jejunum & ilieum

    Midaxillary Line = line thru mid armpit

    Midclavicular Line = line thru midpoint of the clavicle

    Musculocutaneous Nerve = lies on the brachioradialis muscle

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    Obturator Nerve = origin = L2, L3, L4 Lumbar Plexus

    passes thru obturator canal

    lies on medial side of the Psoas Major m

    posterior innervates obturator internus m

    adductor magnus

    anterior innervates thigh muscles

    hip joints


    Occipital Triangle: borders = SCM m

    Trapezius m

    Inferior Omohyoid m

    contents = accessory nerve

    brachial plexus

    supraclavicular nerve

    ext jugular vein

    Omohyoid Muscle* = divides deep cervical lymph nodes into sup & inf

    Palmar Aponeurosis = extension of Palmaris Longus muscle

    Parasternal Line = line mid way thru sterna & midclavicular lines

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    Parathyroid Glands = superior & inferior

    located on the posterior & medial surface of thyroid

    located w/in 1 cm of the X btw Inf Thyroid Art

    Recurr Laryngeal N

    Paravertebral Line = line thru ends of transverse processes of vert column

    Perineum Triangle = really 2 triangles 1. Urogenital Triangle

    2. Anal Triangle

    borders = Anterior = inferior margin of pubic symphysis

    Anterolateral = ischiopubic rami

    Posterior = coccyx

    Postlateral = gluteus max & sacrotuberous lig

    Lateral = 2 ischial tuberosities

    Peritoneum = 2 types 1. visceral = covers organ surfaces

    2. parietal = covers abd wall & pelvic cavities

    folds &/or reflections create anchors & conduits for v a n l

    Messenteric Ligaments = attach organs to abd wall

    Peritoneal = attach organs to @ other

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    Retroperitoneal= partially or not covered by peritoneum

    duodenum descending & horiz

    rectum lower part




    Intraperitoneal= completely covered

    everything else other than above

    Phrenic Nerve = right & left

    Left Phrenic Nerve = enters thorax btw subclavian a & v

    crosses aortic arch & runs ant to lung root

    on left side of pericardial sac

    pierces diaphragm w/ left pericardiophrenic a & v

    Right Phrenic Nerve = passes along rt mediastinal border

    & anterior to root of the lung

    piercing diaphragm @ opening

    of infer vena cava

    Posterior Axillary Line = line thru midpoint of armpit

    Posterior Humeral Circumflex Artery= 1 of 3 branches of axillary a

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    Posterior Muscles of the forearm = extensors

    Triceps Brachii = 3 heads = 1. long

    2. medial

    3. lateral

    insertion = olecranon of the ulna

    Posterior Shoulder Triangular & Quadrangular Spaces

    two adjacent spaces formed at the surgical neck of the humerus

    by the teres minor & major mm = medial to laterally

    & the long & lateral heads of the triceps brachii sup to infer

    triangular space = medial

    conduit for circumflex scapular a

    quadrangular space = lateral

    conduit for axillary n

    posterior humeral circumflex a

    Pterion = 4 cm above the midpt of the zygomatic arch

    H shaped weak area of the lateral skull

    Xing junct of 1. frontal

    2. occipital

    3. temporal

    4. saphenous (Gtr Wing) bones

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    Parotid Duct= pierces the messeter m on its anterior border & enters the

    oral cavity opp the 2nd

    upper premolars

    Pisiform Bone = medial to the ulnar artery & nerve

    Platysma muscle = tissue paper thin subcut m covering the v & n of neck

    Popliteal Fossa = diamond shaped area on posterior of knee

    borders = lateral = semitendinosus

    medial = semimembraneous

    inferior = medial & lateral heads of gastrocnemius

    contains = the popliteal a & v

    Posterior Cervical Triangle : borders = 1. SCM m

    2. Clavicle bone

    3. Trapezius m

    contents = accessory nerve

    phrenic nerve

    vertebral artery*

    thyrocervical trunk

    internal thoracic artery*

    interscalene triangle

    anterior scalene m



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    Proper Hepatic Artery= left & anterior to the Portal Vein of the liver

    1 of three major branches of the Celiac Trunk

    Psoas Major Muscle = origin = Iliacus + Iliopsoas muscles

    insertion = trochanter of the femur

    Quadratus Lumborum Muscle = origin = iliac crest

    insertion = Lumber vert & 12th


    Radial Artery= runs deep with the radial nerve into the brachioradialis m

    branches = superficial palmar artery

    primary pollicis artery

    radial indicis artery

    Radial Sulcus aka Spiral Groove = adjacent to deltoid tuberosity

    groove for

    1. radial n

    2. profound brachii a

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    Rami of the spinal cord= connect thoracic sympathetic ganglia to spinal n

    white = carry preganglionic fibers


    grey = postganglionic

    Rectovesical Pouch = space btw rectum & urinary bladder

    Rectouterine Pouch = space btw rectum & uterus in females

    Rectus Abdominus Muscles = 3 columns of muscle in the mid abdomen

    divided into 4 segments by 3 tendinous intersections

    Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve = right & left

    branch of the vagus nerve

    located in tracheaesophageal groove

    important in thyroid surgery as close to artery

    Rugae of Mucosa = mucosal folds more numerous in the pyloric antrium

    than in fundus

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    Sacs of the Abdominal Cavity

    Greater Sac aka General Cavity = contains all the organs

    Lesser Sac aka Omental Bursa

    borders = Anteriorly = 1. post surf of stomach

    2. lesser omentum

    3. gastrocolic lig of Gt


    Posterioly = 1. post abd peritoneum

    Epiploic Foramen = opening btw Gtr & Lesser Sacs

    aka Winslow Foramen

    borders = Superior = caudate lobe of liver

    Anterior = hepatoduodenal lig

    Inferior = 1st

    part of duodenum

    Posterior = Inf V Cava peritoneum

    Saphenous Nerve = branch of femoral nerve

    travels with femoral a & v thru adductor hiatus

    innervates adductor magnus m

    sartorius m

    gracilis m

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    Saphenous Vein =

    Great Saph V enters medial thigh via Saphenous hiatus in Fascia Lata

    runs down the medial thigh

    gives off Accessory Saph v & Perforating vv

    Sciatic Nerve = lie midway btw ischial tuberosity & Gtr Trochanter

    innervates piriformis m

    2 branches 1. common peroneal n

    2. tibial n

    Serratus Anterior Muscle: origin = upper 8 or 9 ribs of thoracic cage

    insertion = medial border of scapula

    closes thoracic cage rotates scapula laterally

    innervated by the Long Thoracic Nerve

    Scapular Line = line thru the midpoint of inferior angle of scapula

    Scrotum of Penis = pouch of skin formed from perineum & ant abd wall

    structures = 1. raphe scrotum = mid line

    2. Median Scrotal Septum = divides it

    into 2 compartments

    thick devoid of fat adheres to underlying tissues

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Small Intestines = jejunum = upper 2/5ths

    ilieum = lower 3/5ths

    Pilicae Circularis = folds of internal surface of jejunum& ilieum

    more in proximal jejunum than ilieum

    Peyers Patches = lymphatic folds in distal ilieum

    increase in # from ilieum > cecum

    not found in jejunum !!!

    Small Saphenous Vein aka Lesser Saph Vein

    ascends up mid line of posterior lower leg

    runs with sural nerve

    Spermatic Cord = 3 layers = 1. external spermatic fascia

    2. cremaster m

    3. internal spermatic fascia

    formed from ant abd wall

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Splanchnic Nerves

    Greater = convey preganglionic sympathetic fibers frm symp trunk

    arise from T5 to T9 vert

    innervate abdominal viscera

    Lesser = also carry preganglionic fibers

    arise from T10 to T11 vert

    Spleen = 2 surfaces 1. diaphragmatic 2. visceral

    notch in anterior border distinguishes it from other dx organs

    Splenic Artery= arises from the Celiac Trunk

    supplies pancreatic body & tail on its route to spleen

    splits in spleen into 4 branches 1. 4 splenic

    2. left gastroepiploic

    3. short gastric

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Sternal Angle aka Angle of Louis = transverse ridge on anterior of



    landmark for 4th

    Vert or 2nd


    ascending aorta aortic arch

    Carina = bifurcation of trachea

    thoracic duct turns left here

    Sternal Line = line thru the lateral border of the sternum (widest point)

    Stomach = 1. cardia

    2. fundus

    3. body

    4. pyloric antrium

    5. pylorus

    Superficial Infrahyoid muscles = elev hyoid bone oral cav floor & tongue

    from medial to lateral

    1. sternohyoid

    2. omohyoid*

    3. stylohyoid

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes = in superficial fascia below inguinal lig

    arranged like T

    drain everything below umbilicus

    Superficial Palmar Arch = inside the palm

    joining of radial & ulnar arteries

    4 digital branches (note: thumb separate)

    Superficial Temporal Artery= in the superficial musculoaponeurotic sys

    above the zygomatic bone

    Superior Intercostal Veins = left and right @ drains its side

    Superior Laryngeal Nerve = branch of the vagus nerve

    innervates cricothyroid &

    inf pharyngeal constrictor m

    damage results in changes to voice quality

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Superior Lumbar Triangle = one of 3 triangles of the back

    located beneath the latissimus dorsi & 12th


    borders = 1. Serratus Posterior

    2. Erector Spinae

    3. Internal Oblique

    Superior Thyroid Artery= branch of Ext Carotid Artery

    origin = front of above

    ending = superior pole of the thyroid gland

    Supraclavicular Triangle = posterior neck

    borders = triangular muscle

    subclavius muscle

    pectoralis major

    contents = axillary vein


    brachial plexus

    pectoralis minor

    Sural Nerve = formed by union of of medial & lateral sural nerves

    medial = branch of the tibial n

    lateral = branch of common peroneal n

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Suspensory Ligament of Duodenum aka Treitz Lig =

    anchors the 1st

    part of duodenum to peritoneum

    Tendons of the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis = all innervated by median



    Pollicis Longus

    Thoracic Duct aka Left Lymphatic Duct= begins at the Cisterna Chyli

    enters the post mediastinum frm abd cav thru aortic hiatus

    emerges from behind esophagus turning left in sup mediastinum

    arches deeply around the internal jugular vein

    lies btw azygos v & descending aorta ( 2 g + d)

    before joining the inf vena cava

    Thyroid Artery= runs with the laryngeal nerve

    Thyroid Gland = located in the anterior neck

    H shaped atop the trachea & below hyoid bone

    fixed posteriorly to cricoid & tracheal cartilage

    covered by fascia & a capsule

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Reviewa


    Triangle of Ausculation aka Triangle of Parascapula

    located in the Spatium Intermusculare = 6th

    intercostals space

    borders = 1. medial border of scapula

    rhomboid major m

    2. trapezius m

    3. latissimus dorsi m

    when the muscles flex triangle increases in size opening the 6th

    intercostals space and allowing breathing to be monitored

    using a stethoscope

    Triangles of the Back= 1. Triangle of Ausculation

    2. Superior Lumbar Triangle

    3. Inferior Lumbar Triangle

    Triangle of Calot= inferior surface of the liver

    borders = 1. common hepatic duct

    2. cystic duct

    3. cystic artery

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    Triangles of the Neck: Anterior = Muscular triangle

    Submandibular triangle

    Submental triangle

    Carotid triangle

    Posterior = Supraclavicular


    Tunica Vaginalis = serous membrane derived from abdominal peritoneum

    covering @ testis & forming a closed sac w/ a cavity

    Ulnar Artery= runs deep downward from cubital fossa to the profound

    head of the teres pronator on the medial side of the wrist

    superficial to the flexor retinaculum

    has many branches eg. interosseous artery

    lateral to pisiform bone gives off

    small branch running w/ ulnar n

    Vagus Nerve = left

    enters thorax btw Left Com Carotid & Subclavian AA

    crosses aortic arch giving off Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve

    which passes beneath arch & post to lig arteriosum

    vagus nerve itself continues post to root of lung

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    Vertebral Artery* = contained in post cervical triangle

    originates from the 6th

    Cervical Vert

    Zygomatic Arch = horizontal union above mandibular notch of the

    temporal process of the zygomatic bone

    zygomatic temporal

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