

Interview with Emily Quirion about exams.

1. So, exams are coming up? Nervous?

Not yet, I’m sure I will be in a few days.

2. Do you think that around 10 days of review is enough for exams? If so why? If

not, why? Oh yeah definitely, because you will be able to cover everything in time.

3. How many exams do you have to write?

I have three exams.

4. Which ones?

ECS, French ,and Health and Nutrition.

5. What do you think about having exemptions and being able to take away an

exam if you want?

I think it is very beneficial, it takes away a lot of stress that you don’t need.

6. Do you think there should be an average for exemptions? If so what?

No I think it’s great just as long as you pass your course.

7. Do you find it stressful having to study for 3 exams? Why?

It won’t be too bad because the exams that I have this year aren’t too hard, of

course a little bit of stress but not bad.

8. Also you have other homework to do in other classes? How is that?

I find it kind of annoying to have both things to do, study and do homework in

grade 12. In grade 12 it is harder because there is less studying time.

9. How long does it take you approximately to study for each exam?

Around a few hours for a couple of nights, it’s different for each exam.

10. Do you think you should take more time to study for certain exams? Which


I think the toughest courses should take more time to study for.

11. What do you concentrate on when you are studying? For example memorizing

theory, or just knowing how to do it?

Both, it’s different for each subject like math is knowing how to do it and science

is mostly knowing the theory.

12. How do you like to study for exams? For example, with a group of people, by

yourself, rewriting notes, reading notes over etc.

All of those methods are a good way of studying for the exams.

13. Do you find that way helps you the most or are you thinking of changing ways

to study?

Like I said they all help in a good way I’m just going to stick with doing them all.

14. Where do you find it most “peaceful” to study?

I feel I am more focused in the library but mostly at home.

15. Do you think the percentage of the exam is high enough? Like 30% or should it

be higher?

I think that is definitely enough, definitely only thirty percent.

16. If not what should it be? If so, why?

Because if it was more than it would be a lot more stressful and more pressure.

17. Are you usually busy around exams?

Yes very busy.

18. Is it stressful to be busy with exams and other extra-curricular activities?

Yes, it’s really hard to juggle that many things at one point especially exams.

19. Should the activities wait until after exams to really start up?

Yes, most do but I’m still busy anyways.

20. Have you ever thought that it affects the outcome of your exam? If so why?

No not really because I still make time to study for exams, and the important ones.

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