Page 1: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Example Application:3D Scalar Wave Equation

The Cactus Team

Albert Einstein [email protected]

Page 2: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Scalar waves in 3D are solutions of the hyperbolic wave equation

-,tt + ,xx + ,yy + ,zz = 0

This is an initial value problem, if we give data for and its first time derivative at some initial time, the wave equation tells us how it evolves in the future



Scalar Wave Model ProblemScalar Wave Model Problem

Page 3: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Numerical solve by discretising on a grid, using explicit finite differencing (centered, second order)

n+1i,j,k = 2n

i,j,k - n-1i,j,k

+ t2/x2(ni+1,j,k -2 n

i,j,k + ni-1,j,k )

+ t2/y2(ni,j+1,k -2 n

i,j,k + ni,j-1,k )

+ t2/z2(ni,j,k+1 -2 n

i,j,k + ni,j,k-1 )



Numerical MethodNumerical Method

Page 4: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Finite grid, so need to apply outer boundary conditions

Main parameters: grid spacings: t, x, y, z, which coords?, which initial data?

Simple problem, analytic solutions, but contains many features needed for modelling more complex problems

Numerical MethodNumerical Method

Page 5: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

c ==================================== program WaveToyc ====================================c Fortran 77 program for 3D wave equation.c Explicit finite difference method.c ====================================

c Global variables in include file include "WaveToy.h" integer i,j,k


c SET UP COORDINATE SYSTEM AND GRID x_origin = (0.5 - nx/2)*dx y_origin = (0.5 - ny/2)*dy z_origin = (0.5 - nz/2)*dz

do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz

x(i,j,k) = dx*(i-1) + x_origin y(i,j,k) = dy*(j-1) + y_origin z(i,j,k) = dz*(k-1) + z_origin r(i,j,k) = sqrt(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2+z(i,j,k)**2) end do end do end do

c OPEN OUTPUT FILES open(unit=11,file=“out.xl”) open(unit=12,file=“out.yl”) open(unit=13,file=“out.zl”)

c SET UP INITIAL DATA call InitialData call Output

c EVOLVING do iteration = 1, nt call Evolve if (mod(iteration,10).eq.0) call Output end do

stop end

Stand Alone Code: Main.fStand Alone Code: Main.f

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Standalone ProgramStandalone Program

Setting up parameters

Setting up grid and coordinate system Opening output files Setting up initial data Performing iteration 10 Performing iteration 20 Performing iteration 30 Performing iteration 40 Performing iteration 50 Performing iteration 60 Performing iteration 70 Performing iteration 80 Performing iteration 90 Performing iteration 100 Done

Page 7: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Developed as single processor 3D program (~1hr)

Should you use Cactus? Not needed for such a simple program but if you need:

parallelism for more resolution?

to share development with colleagues?

to run on a variety of platforms?

2D/3D output and checkpointing?

to solve an elliptic equation for initial data?

adaptive mesh refinement?, remote monitoring? ….

All can be provided by Cactus

Wave Equation ProgramWave Equation Program

Page 8: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Parameter parser with types, ranges, checking

Scheduling of routines

Make system on many architectures

Dynamic argument lists

Utilities such as program checking test suites

Cactus Flesh ProvidesCactus Flesh Provides

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(Cartesian, various domains with symmetries)

Boundary conditions

(Fixed, flat, radiation,...)


(screen, 0D-3D, IsoSurfaces, Jpeg, streaming, configurable)


(create grid variables, handle storage, communications)

Cactus Thorns ProvideCactus Thorns Provide

Page 10: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

c ==================================== program WaveToyc ====================================c Fortran 77 program for 3D wave equation.c Explicit finite difference method.c ====================================

c Global variables in include file include "WaveToy.h" integer i,j,k


c SET UP COORDINATE SYSTEM AND GRID x_origin = (0.5 - nx/2)*dx y_origin = (0.5 - ny/2)*dy z_origin = (0.5 - nz/2)*dz

do i=1,nx do j=1,ny do k=1,nz

x(i,j,k) = dx*(i-1) + x_origin y(i,j,k) = dy*(j-1) + y_origin z(i,j,k) = dz*(k-1) + z_origin r(i,j,k) = sqrt(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2+z(i,j,k)**2) end do end do end do

c OPEN OUTPUT FILES open(unit=11,file=“out.xl”) open(unit=12,file=“out.yl”) open(unit=13,file=“out.zl”)

c SET UP INITIAL DATA call InitialData call Output

c EVOLVING do iteration = 1, nt call Evolve if (mod(iteration,10).eq.0) call Output end do

stop end

Stand Alone Code: Main.fStand Alone Code: Main.f

Output from



Configuation files

You write these!!

Page 11: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Decide on arrangement/thorn structure Write thorn configuration files

param.ccl, interface.ccl, schedule.ccl

Add Cactus “stuff” to source code Add source code filenames to make.code.defn Compile and debug ... Write a parameter file Run and debug … Create a test suite to be sure it keeps working If you want, make your thorns available to

friends/colleagues/the world

Converting Your Code ...Converting Your Code ...

Page 12: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Could just write one thorn containing all the routines

Better to split the code in different thorns

IDScalarWave (Initial data)

WaveToyF77 (Evolving routines)

Make use of Toolkit thorns for Coordinates, Boundaries, IO.

Why separate thorns?

Easier to develop and share

Better code planning - modularity

Splitting Into ThornsSplitting Into Thorns

Page 13: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Checkout Cactus, and in the Cactus home directory type

gmake newthorn

Follow instructions to create a new thorns “WaveToyF77” and “IDScalarWave” in an arrangement e.g. “Tutorial”

This gives you the thorn structure and the basic files needed

Create New ThornsCreate New Thorns

Page 14: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

schedule.cclparam.cclinterface.cclREADM E m ake.code.defn

W aveToy.F77InitSym Bound.F77

src doc par test

W aveToyF77

Thorn StructureThorn Structure

Page 15: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Thorn Configuration FilesThorn Configuration Files

Need to decide:

What are the grid variables:

– interface.ccl

What are the parameters:

– param.ccl

In which order should the routines be scheduled:

– schedule.ccl

Do I use grid variables, parameters or scheduling from other thorns?

These configuration files are parsed (Perl) during compilation, generating code for argument lists, parameters, program flow, etc.

Page 16: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Parameters: set in a parameter file read and verified at run time.

Example: How many grid points? What initial data? What to output?


data type (real, integer, keyword, boolean, string)

range (nx>0, initial_data is “gaussian wave” or “plane wave”)


visability to other thorns (private, restricted, global)

default value

parameters used from other thorns

Thorn Configuration: param.cclThorn Configuration: param.ccl

Page 17: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

# Parameter definitions for thorn WaveToyF77


KEYWORD bound "Type of boundary condition to use"


"none” :: "No boundary condition"

"flat" :: "Flat boundary condition"

"radiation" :: "Radiation boundary condition"

"zero" :: "Zero boundary condition"

} "none"

WaveToyF77: param.cclWaveToyF77: param.ccl

Only the evolver needs to know about the boundary condition

Page 18: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

# Parameter definitions for thorn IDScalarWave

shares: gridUSES KEYWORD type

restricted:KEYWORD initial_data "Type of initial data"{ "plane" :: "Plane wave" "gaussian" :: "Gaussian wave" "box" :: "Box wave"} "gaussian"

private:REAL radius "The radius of the gaussian wave"{ 0:* :: “Radius must be positive”} 0.0

IDScalarWave: param.cclIDScalarWave: param.ccl

IDScalarWave uses the parameter type from CartGrid3D

Other thorns can use or extend initial_data

Only for IDScalarWave to use

Page 19: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Object orientated concepts:

Implementation, Inherits, Friends

Grid variables

group name (many flesh functions act on groups)

group type (grid array, grid function, grid scalar)

variable type (real, int, complex)



visability to other thorns (private, protected, public)

Thorn configuration: interface.cclThorn configuration: interface.ccl

Page 20: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

WaveToyF77: interface.cclWaveToyF77: interface.ccl

# Interface definition for WaveToyF77

implements: wavetoy


cctk_real scalarevolve type = GF timelevels=3

{ phi} "The evolved scalar field"

Implements: describes what this thorn “does”, WaveToyF77 can be replaced by any other thorn which “does” the same thing and has the same public interface.

Timelevels: finite difference method is a 3 time level scheme, phi_n, phi, phi_p. Time levels are rotated at each iteration.

Scope: grid variables can be public, protected or private.

Page 21: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

IDScalarWave: interface.cclIDScalarWave: interface.ccl

# Interface definition for IDScalarWave

implements: idscalarwave

inherits: wavetoy grid

Inherits: what IDScalar wave takes from other thorns (implementations)

Needs phi from WaveToyF77 (wavetoy) to fill in initial data

Needs coordinate grid functions and parameters from CartGrid3D (grid)

Page 22: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Schedules when the thorn routines are run, and when storage (and communications) for variables are activated

WaveToyF77 has one base routine, WaveToyF77_Evol when should it be run?

should it be BEFORE or AFTER any other routine?

what language (Fortran or C) is it written in?

is variable storage or communication needed?

is the variable storage needed just for the routine, or for the whole run?

Thorn Configuration: schedule.cclThorn Configuration: schedule.ccl

Page 23: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Example Scheduling TreeExample Scheduling Tree Startup routines Cactus: Register banner for Cactus CartGrid3D: Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry CartGrid3D: Register coordinates for the Cartesian grid IOASCII: Startup routine IOBasic: Startup routine IOUtil: IOUtil startup routine PUGH: Startup routine. WaveToyC: Register banner

Parameter checking routines CartGrid3D: Check coordinates for CartGrid3D IDScalarWave: Check parameters

Initialisation CartGrid3D: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH PUGH: Report on PUGH set up Time: Set timestep based on speed one Courant condition WaveToyC: Schedule symmetries IDScalarWave: Initial data for 3D wave equation

do loop over timesteps WaveToyC: Evolution of 3D wave equation t = t+dt if (analysis) endif enddo





Page 24: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

# Schedule definitions for thorn WaveToy77

STORAGE: scalarevolve

schedule WaveToyF77_Evolution as WaveToy_Evolution at EVOL


LANG: Fortran

SYNC: scalarevolve

} "Evolution of 3D wave equation”

schedule WaveToyF77_Boundaries as WaveToy_Boundaries at EVOL

AFTER WaveToy_Evolution


LANG: Fortran

} "Boundaries of 3D wave equation"

WaveToyF77: schedule.cclWaveToyF77: schedule.ccl

Function alias

Synchronize group on exit

Storage always assigned

Page 25: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

# Schedule definitions for thorn IDScalarWave

schedule IDScalarWave_CheckParameters at CCTK_PARAMCHECK


LANG: Fortran

} "Check parameters"

schedule IDScalarWave_InitialData at CCTK_INITIAL


STORAGE: wavetoy::scalarevolve

LANG: Fortran

} "Initial data for 3D wave equation"

IDScalarWave: schedule.cclIDScalarWave: schedule.ccl

Should already be on, but make sure

Page 26: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute


#include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h”#include "cctk_Arguments.h"

subroutine WaveToyF77_Evolution(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)

implicit none

c Declare variables in argument list DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS

INTEGER i,j,k,ierr CCTK_REAL dx,dy,dz,dt CCTK_REAL dx2,dy2,dz2,dt2 CCTK_REAL dx2i,dy2i,dz2i CCTK_REAL factor

c Set up shorthandsc ----------------- dx = CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(1) dy = CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(2) dz = CCTK_DELTA_SPACE(3) dt = CCTK_DELTA_TIME

dx2 = dx*dx dy2 = dy*dy dz2 = dz*dz dt2 = dt*dt

dx2i = 1.0/dx2 dy2i = 1.0/dy2 dz2i = 1.0/dz2 factor = 2*(1-(dt2)*(dx2i+dy2i+dz2i))

c Do the evolutionc ---------------- do k = 2, cctk_lsh(3)-1 do j = 2, cctk_lsh(2)-1 do i = 2, cctk_lsh(1)-1 phi_n(i,j,k) = factor*phi(i,j,k) -& phi_p(i,j,k) + (dt2) * & ((phi(i+1,j,k)+phi(i-1,j,k))*dx2i& +(phi(i,j+1,k)+phi(i,j-1,k))*dy2i& +(phi(i,j,k+1)+phi(i,j,k-1))*dz2i)

end do end do end do

return end

Page 27: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

WaveToy.F77 (2)WaveToy.F77 (2)

c Apply the outer boundary conditions if (CCTK_EQUALS(bound,"flat")) then call BndFlatVN(ir,cctkGH,sw,"wavetoy::phi") else if (CCTK_EQUALS(bound,"zero")) then call BndScalarVN(ir,cctkGH,zero,sw, & "wavetoy::phi") else if (CCTK_Equals(bound,"radiation").eq.1) then call BndRadiativeVN(ir,cctkGH,sw,zero,one, & "wavetoy::phi”,"wavetoy::phi") end if

if (ierr < 0) then call CCTK_WARN(0,”BCs not applied!!"); end if

return end

subroutine & WaveToyF77_Boundaries(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)

implicit none


c Local declarations CCTK_REAL zero,one integer ir integer sw(3)

ierr = -1 zero = 0.0 one = 1.0

c Set the stencil width sw(1)=1 sw(2)=1 sw(3)=1

c Apply the symmetry boundary conditions call & CartSymGN(ir,cctkGH,"wavetoy::scalarevolve")

Page 28: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Get hold of the additional Cactus thorns needed

CactusBase/CartGrid3D (sets up the Cartesian grid) CactusBase/Boundary (provides standard boundary conditions) CactusBase/Time (set the timestep) CactusPUGH/PUGHSlab (extract hyperslabs of data from grid arrays) CactusPUGH/PUGHReduce (reduction operations) CactusPUGH/PUGH (the driver, always needed) CactusBase/IOASCII (output in 1D ASCII format) CactusBase/IOBasic (output scalars (inc. reductions) and to screen) CactusBase/IOUtil (all the Cactus IO thorns need this


Compiling WaveToy ApplicationCompiling WaveToy Application

Page 29: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Set up a configuration by typing

gmake wave (or gmake wave-config)

Compile the code using

gmake wave

If successful you’ll create exe/cactus_wave

Compiling WaveToy ApplicationCompiling WaveToy Application

Page 30: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Cactus runs from a parameter file

> exe/cactus_wave wavetoy.par

All thorns you need must be activated using the ActiveThorns parameter

Parameters must be qualified with the implementation or thorn name, depending on their type

ActiveThorns = "idscalarwave time wavetoyf77 pugh pughreduce cartgrid3d pughslab ioutil ioascii"

time::dtfac = 0.5

idscalarwave::initial_data = "gaussian"idscalarwave::sigma = 2.8idscalarwave::radius = 0

wavetoyf77::bound = "zero"

grid::type = "BySpacing"grid::dxyz = 0.6

driver::global_nx = 30driver::global_ny = 30driver::global_nz = 30

cctk_itlast = 100

IOASCII::out1D_every = 10IOASCII::out1D_vars = "wavetoy::phi "IOASCII::outinfo_every = 10IOASCII::outinfo_vars = "wavetoy::phi"IO::outdir = "StandAlone"

Running ExecutableRunning Executable

Page 31: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Run Time OutputRun Time Output> mpirun -np 2 exe/cactus_wave wavetoy.par----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 1 0101 ************************ 01 1010 10 The Cactus Code V4.0 1010 1101 011 1001 100101 ************************ 00010101 100011 (c) Copyright The Authors 0100 GNU Licensed. No Warranty 0101

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Activating thorn Cactus...Success -> active implementation CactusActivating thorn iobasic...Success -> active implementation IOBasicActivating thorn idscalarwave...Success -> active implementation idscalarwaveActivating thorn time...Success -> active implementation timeActivating thorn wavetoyf77...Success -> active implementation wavetoyActivating thorn pugh...Success -> active implementation driverActivating thorn pughreduce …Success -> active implementation pughreduceActivating thorn cartgrid3d...Success -> active implementation gridActivating thorn ioutil...Success -> active implementation IOActivating thorn ioascii...Success -> active implementation IOASCII-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Page 32: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Run Time Output (2)Run Time Output (2)Startup routines CartGrid3D: Register GH Extension for GridSymmetry CartGrid3D: Register coordinates for the Cartesian grid PUGH: Startup routine PUGHReduce: Startup routine IOUtil: Startup routine IOASCII: Startup routine IOBasic: Startup routine WaveToyF77: Register banner

Parameter checking routines CartGrid3D: Check coordinates for CartGrid3D IDScalarWave: Check parameters

Initialisation CartGrid3D: Set up spatial 3D Cartesian coordinates on the GH IOASCII: Choose 1D output lines IOASCII: Choose 2D output planes PUGH: Report on PUGH set up Time: Set timestep based on Courant condition WaveToyF77: Schedule symmetries IDScalarWave: Initial data for 3D wave equation

Page 33: Example Application: 3D Scalar Wave Equation The Cactus Team Albert Einstein Institute

Run Time Output (3)Run Time Output (3)do loop over timesteps WaveToyF77: Evolution of 3D wave equation WaveToyF77: Boundaries of 3D wave equation t = t+dt if (analysis) endif enddo Termination routines PUGH: Termination routine Shutdown routines----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Driver provided by PUGH-----------------------------------------------------------------------------WaveToyF77: Evolutions of a Scalar Field-----------------------------------------------------------------------------INFO (CartGrid3D): dx=>3.0000000e-01 dy=>3.0000000e-01 dz=>3.0000000e-01 INFO (CartGrid3D): x=>[-0.150, 8.550] y=>[-0.150, 8.550] z=>[-0.150, 8.550] INFO (PUGH): MPI Evolution on 4 processorsINFO (PUGH): 3-dimensional grid functionsINFO (PUGH): Size: 30 30 30INFO (PUGH): Processor topology: 1 x 2 x 2INFO (PUGH): Local load: 7680 [30 x 16 x 16]INFO (PUGH): Maximum load skew: 0.000000

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Run Time Output (4)Run Time Output (4)-------------------------------------------- it | | phi | | t | Min Max |-------------------------------------------- 0 | 0.000| 0.00000000 | 0.99142726 | 10 | 1.500| -0.14944313 | 0.00005206 | 20 | 3.000| -1.16992203 | 0.00000000 | 30 | 4.500| -0.72347868 | -0.00000002 | 40 | 6.000| -0.41127922 | -0.00000094 | 50 | 7.500| -0.29834817 | -0.00002427 | 60 | 9.000| -0.23577373 | -0.00035044 | 70 | 10.500| -0.19532474 | 0.00000311 | 80 | 12.000| -0.16688911 | 0.00010812 | 90 | 13.500| -0.14582895 | 0.00022987 | 100 | 15.000| -0.12957000 | 0.00033802 | 110 | 16.500| -0.11631732 | 0.00025752 | 120 | 18.000| -0.06945640 | 0.00019346 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Done.

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If it Doesn’t Work ...If it Doesn’t Work ... Read the Thorn Writers chapter in the documentation Remember that the Fortran code is preprocessed, to see the

postprocessed code that is actually compiled, look in <config>/build/<thorn> (wave/build/WaveToyF77)

Run with a high warning level and read all the warning messages

Review the parameters for the thorns you are using, they often have some debugging features (PUGH, enable_all_storage)

Submit bug reports via Join the relevant mailing lists via Contact [email protected]

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