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Ronald I. McKinnon Huw Pill

Department of Economics Graduate School of Business Administration

Stanford University Harvard University

April 1999Revised July 1999

Forthcoming: Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Abstract: This paper investigates the role of the exchange rate regime in a simpleFisherian model of the overborrowing syndrome. Where domestic banks are subjectto moral hazard, the choice of exchange rate regime may have important implicationsfor the macroeconomic stability of the economy. Banks that enjoy governmentguarantees have an incentive to increase foreign borrowing and incur foreignexchange risks that are underwritten by the deposit insurance system. In the absenceof capital controls, this increases the magnitude of overborrowing and leaves theeconomy both more vulnerable to speculative attack and more exposed to the realeconomic consequences of such an attack.

While “bad” exchange rate pegs will tend to exacerbate the problem ofoverborrowing in emerging markets, it is unclear that flexible exchange rate alwaysdominate fixed exchange rates. A “good fix” – one that is credible and close topurchasing power parity – may reduce the "super risk premium" in domestic interestrates and thereby narrow the margin of temptation for banks to overborrowinternationally. Contrary to the current consensus regarding the lessons that shouldbe drawn from the Asian crisis, a good fix may better stabilise the domestic economywhile limiting moral hazard in the banking system.

JEL Classification: O15, F31, F33.

Keywords: Exchange rate regime, emerging markets, capital flows,overborrowing.

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1. Introduction∗∗

The 1990s have been marked by successive financial crises. Following the financial turmoil in Mexico,

East Asia, Russia and most recently Brazil, commentators have begun to question whether

“globalisation has gone too far” (Rodrik, 1998) or whether the global capital market is a “benefactor or

menace” (Obstfeld, 1998). Should the scope of international financial liberalization be more restricted

by capital controls? How does the nature of the exchange rate regime affect moral hazard in capital

markets and the problem of international overborrowing, or, depending on your perspective,

overlending? These are the questions raised in this paper.

The problem is not new. For economies undertaking economic liberalisations, McKinnon (1973,

1993) identified a phenomenon he labeled the “overborrowing syndrome”. Even if apparently well-

designed macroeconomic, trade and structural policies were being put in place, massive inflows of

foreign capital often created severe macroeconomic imbalances in liberalising economies that

ultimately proved unsustainable, thereby jeopardising the entire reform process. This led McKinnon to

advocate a carefully structured sequencing of reforms -- the “order of economic liberalisation”.

Taking a Fisherian approach to modeling inter-temporal saving and investment decisions,

McKinnon and Pill (1996, 1997 and 1998a) focussed on moral hazard in the domestic banking system

from deposit insurance or other government bailout facilities as the root cause of international

overborrowing. Because of asymmetric information and moral hazard, financial intermediation may

mis-direct real economic resources at the microeconomic level, leading to substantial macroeconomic

imbalances. However, in these papers we took the world “real” interest rate as given to the domestic

economy, thereby abstracting from the complications introduced by monetary considerations, such as

the exchange rate.

∗ This paper was completed while McKinnon was the Houblon-Norman fellow at the Bank of England. The

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In our more recent work, (McKinnon and Pill, 1998b), currency risk was reintroduced into the

model of overborrowing explicitly. The paper considered the implications of allowing borrowing abroad

in either domestic or foreign currency, where foreign exchange positions could be hedged or unhedged

and when moral hazard in the banking sector might be present or absent. Nevertheless, the paper did

not address the issue of exchange rate regime, i.e. whether the choice of a fixed, managed peg, or

freely floating exchange rate affects the propensity to overborrow internationally.

Building on our previous work, this paper analyses the choice of an exchange rate regime and the

possible use of exchange controls over capital flows from the perspective of limiting moral hazard in

international financial markets. The current consensus in the academic literature, endorsed by the IMF

and other international organisations, is that one of the main lessons of recent emerging market

financial crises is the need for more flexible exchange rate arrangements. Stanley Fischer, the Deputy

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, stated the matter thus

“There is a tradeoff between the greater short-run volatility of the real exchange

rate in a flexible rate regime versus the greater probability of a clearly defined

external crisis financial crisis when the exchange rate is pegged. The virulence of the

recent crises is likely to shift the balance towards the choice of more flexible

exchange rate systems, including crawling pegs with wide bands.” (Fischer, 1999)

Our paper explores this view. We argue that, while falling short of introducing currency boards or

otherwise completely ceding national monetary autonomy, well-designed programs of exchange-rate

stabilization can reduce the incidence of overborrowing manias, and thereby reduce the exposure of

emerging markets to sudden reversals of investor sentiment leading to financial panics. Commonly held

exchange rate objectives can even limit financial contagion, i.e., currency attacks spreading from one

country to another, by helping to solve co-ordination problems among small open economies. However,

no exchange rate regime, however well chosen, can obviate the need for prudential regulation of

Bank’s hospitality and financial support are gratefully acknowledged.

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domestic banks against undue risk taking -- regulation which may well cover international flows of

short-term capital.

The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews our Fisherian approach to analyzing

the overborrowing syndrome in the absence of currency risk. Section 3 re-introduces the exchange

rate and the hedging problem. In Section 4, the concept of the “super risk premium” is developed to

analyze the additional foreign exchange incentive for overborrowing. Section 5 draws a distinction

between “good” and “bad” fixes of the exchange rate and the implications for domestic interest rates.

Section 6 shows how credit risk in domestic lending interacts with currency risk to greatly magnify

moral hazard in banks and other financial institutions. Section 7 presents illustrative data on the

evolution of interest rate differentials between the crisis countries and the international capital market

before and after the currency attacks. In Section 8, we discuss when capital controls are desirable to

avoid a bad fix. Section 9 concludes by comparing the desirability of a good fix to a free float in

financially open economies.

2. Modeling the Overborrowing Syndrome

Following the Chilean experience in the late 1970s, policy makers concluded that avoiding

overborrowing was largely a matter of “getting the exchange rate right”. Against this, in our earlier

papers we abstracted from exchange rate issues in order to show that substantial overborrowing and

vulnerability to capital flight could emerge in reforming economies undertaking apparently successful

“real-side” liberalisations in domestic or foreign trade, but where the macroeconomic outcomes of

such reforms were uncertain.

These papers demonstrated how overborrowing often follows a cyclical pattern similar to that

described by Kindleberger (1987). To summarize our basic model, consider just the penultimate stage

of the overborrowing cycle before the onset of financial crisis. In this stage, moral hazard pervades

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domestic banks, and possibly other financial institutions, because they expect the national government

or international organisations to bail them out in the event of crisis. Unless tightly regulated, domestic

banks will borrow excessively from the international capital market and on-lend the proceeds to

speculative domestic investments or consumption.

To model this situation, we adopted a simple two-period Fisherian approach. Such a model retains

the forward-looking optimisation that is central to modern macroeconomics, while abstracting away

from other complications. Two features distinguish our framework from a conventional Fisherian

model. First, the production technology is not continuous (McKinnon, 1973, appendix to Chapter II). A

discrete start-up investment (F) is required in order for firms to be able to produce output according to

the production function ααg(.). Second, all financial flows are intermediated through domestic banks.

Because the emerging market being modeled is small and open to the global economy, we initially

assume that banks can borrow internationally at a given real interest rate.

In this context, banks are “special” for two important reasons:

• On the liabilities side of their balance sheet, bank deposits enjoy a (possibly implicit) government

guarantee. As mentioned above, this 100% deposit insurance may itself be backed by the promise

of a bail out by international organisations, such as the IMF or World Bank.

• On the asset side of the balance sheet, bank lending is special because it is a necessary input to

production. Domestic firms must borrow in order to finance the required start-up investment, and

banks are the only source of such borrowing in this model. Therefore a “credit channel” from

bank lending to real activity exists.

In this financial environment, the government now embarks on a credible program of economic

reform designed to eliminate previous distortions, e.g., to end restrictions on foreign and domestic trade

and / or to close an uncovered fiscal deficit. These reforms increase the productivity of new domestic

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investment. However, the magnitude of this productivity rise depends on the overall macroeconomic

success of the reform program, which is somewhat uncertain ex ante. Let us represent this

“productivity shock” to new investment by the random variable αα .

Assume that the true expectation of the productivity shock, i.e., the unbiased expected payoff to

new investments, is ααFB (where FB stands for first best outcome). In the equilibrium of this simple

model, domestic firm / households will borrow from the international capital market to finance

investment at point xFB, while consuming cFB. These choices are determined by the points of tangency

A and B respectively, which represent the profit and utility maximising decisions when the firm /

household faces the world real interest rate.

However, in assessing investment risks in the reforming economy, banks may suffer from moral

hazard and therefore truncate the lower tail of the probability distribution for αα – corresponding to the

realisations of the macroeconomic productivity shock that result in bankruptcy. Because of deposit

insurance and other government bail out provisions, banks discount the risk of unfavorable collective

outcomes. Consequently, this moral hazard leads them to behave too optimistically regarding the payoff

from new investment. They lend as if expected investment productivity was ααOB, where ααOB > ααFB

(where OB stands for overborrowing). For details of the overborrowing equilibrium, see McKinnon

and Pill, 1996.

<< Chart 1 here >>

Since the domestic banks all have access to the international capital market without currency risk

(i.e., as if there was no distinction between the money circulating at home and that circulating abroad),

domestic real interest rates are constrained to the world level by competition among the domestic

banks. Because of the bank moral hazard in domestic lending, however, the quantity borrowed

internationally is too high. This leads to an excessive expansion of credit relative to the ‘first best’

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outcome, where there is no moral hazard in bank-based international financial intermediation. Through

the “credit channel” discussed above, this excess lending leads to both overinvestment (represented by

V in Chart 1) and overconsumption (represented by W) by domestic residents. The lending is “excess”

in the sense that, ex ante, an unbiased assessment of the macroeconomic outcome of the reform

program would project lower returns to domestic investments than were necessary to repay the

banks—and their external creditors—for the large capital inflows. Only a “lucky draw” -- an

unusually good macro outcome -- could prevent a financial crash. The magnitude of overborrowing is

therefore closely related to the probability and magnitude of a financial crisis.

3. Re-introducing the Exchange Rate

After credible real side reforms, our Fisherian model focused on banks overestimating domestic

investment productivity irrespective of the exchange rate regime. However, from the recent emerging

market crises – especially those in East Asia – banks also took excessive risks in the way they

financed themselves in the foreign exchanges. While it is certainly the case that controlling

overborrowing involves more than simply “getting the exchange rate right”, it is equally true that the

exchange rate cannot be ignored entirely.

Banks enjoying a government guarantee of their liabilities have an incentive to speculate on

exchange rate developments since, as with the credit risks discussed in Section 2, they are protected

from the implications of adverse outcomes. Therefore, moral hazard could lead banks to take

unhedged foreign exchange positions, borrowing in foreign currency to on-lend to domestic residents at

much higher interest rates in domestic currency, while implicitly transferring most of the currency risk

incurred onto the government through the deposit insurance scheme.

In Section 2, we assumed real interest rates were equalized internationally. However, real interest

parity (RIP) for borrowing in domestic currency requires both uncovered interest parity (UIP) and

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relative purchasing power parity (PPP) to hold continuously (Frankel, 1992). The empirical evidence in

support of such propositions – even for small, open economies such as the emerging markets in

question – is weak. Consequently, in this section we re-introduce the exchange rate into our simple

Fisherian model of overborrowing by relaxing the assumption that RIP holds.

To do so, it is useful to recall a number of identities that decompose cross-country real interest rate

differentials. As a benchmark, consider the world real interest rate r* that can be related to the world

nominal interest rate i* and the expected world inflation rate Eππ*. To avoid complications associated

with Balassa-Samuelson effects in consumer price indices (Pill, 1995), define ππ and ππ* to be rates of

inflation in broad tradable goods price indices, i.e., as approximated by wholesale price indices.

r* = i* - Eππ*

r = i - Eππ

( 1 )

In Section 2, it was simply assumed that the domestic real interest rate r was equal to the world

real interest rate, i.e., that r = r*, because of RIP. However, when reintroducing the exchange rate

into the model, a number of other considerations have to be entertained. First, consider the covered

interest parity (CIP) condition, relating nominal interest rate differential, i − i*, on bank deposits of the

same term to maturity to the forward exchange rate premium f. In the absence of controls over

foreign capital flows or domestic interest rates, we have

i = i* + f ( 2 )

When there are no barriers to international financial flows, covered interest parity, as defined by

Equation 2, must hold in portfolio equilibrium.1 Otherwise, banks and other financial institutions, acting

as covered interest arbitrageurs, could make unbounded profits while avoiding risk altogether.

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Collectively, covered interest arbitrage by all banks is what makes the forward foreign exchange

market in the course of determining f. For any one bank, CIP also implies that borrowing in foreign

currency while hedging the position in the forward market is equivalent to borrowing in domestic


For example, suppose that, as is normally the case in an emerging market economy, the deposit

rate in domestic currency in, say, Thailand, is greater than if the same Thai bank accepted dollar

deposits. That is, f > 0, and i > i*. If a Thai bank were to accept cheaper dollar deposits, say, 30

days duration, but hedged the transaction by buying dollars 30 days forward, the cost in baht of buying

the dollars forward would be just f percent greater than buying them spot. The lower interest paid on

the dollar deposits spot would just be offset by the higher cost of the forward cover. Consequently,

when CIP holds, and banks are forced to hedge all their foreign exchange borrowing in the forward

market, the incentive for additional exchange-rate-related overborrowing is eliminated. The analysis

collapses straightforwardly back to the simple model of Section 2.

However, in many, if not most, emerging market countries, the regulatory and supervisory

institutions are too weak to impose and enforce 100 percent hedging requirements on domestic banks.

Consequently, banks with moral hazard have an incentive to borrow unhedged in foreign exchange at a

lower interest rate, transferring the resulting foreign exchange risk to the government through the

deposit insurance scheme. This will lead to (further) overborrowing for the country as a whole. To

best characterize the margin of temptation for banks to borrow unhedged in foreign currencies, Section

4 develops the concept of the super risk premium.

4. The Super Risk Premium

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What determines the nominal interest differential between baht and dollar deposits? This can be

expressed using the uncovered interest parity relationship between the expected nominal depreciation

Eê and the interest differential, i.e.

i − i* = Eê + ρρ currency ( 3 )

This is not an arbitrage relationship like CIP because nominal exchange rate developments are

uncertain and introduce risk into the relationship. This is captured by the currency risk premium,

ρρ currency. The currency risk premium represents the extra return required by investors to hold domestic

rather than foreign currency assets. It reflects the correlations between returns on financial assets and

other shocks to the income and consumption streams of wealth holders. In emerging markets, interest

rates and price levels are typically more volatile than those in industrialised countries. Consequently,

wealth holders demand more compensation to holding emerging market assets and the interest rates on

assets denominated in emerging market currencies have to be higher to maintain international portfolio


The existence of a risk premium also reflects the inherent asymmetry between national monies at

the center and on the “periphery”. In Latin America, Asia, and much of Africa, the dollar is the

international standard of value for invoicing goods and services in foreign trade, and for denominating

most of international capital flows (McKinnon, 1999). The dollar is also the “safe-haven” currency into

which nationals in emerging markets fly in the face of a domestic financial crisis. Thus, to measure

ρρ currency at different terms to maturity, interest rates on US dollar assets are the natural standard of

reference as the “risk-free” return in the international system. Moreover, for many emerging markets,

the international price level in dollar terms is the main determinant of the domestic price level, given the

exposure and openness of the formal sectors of the economy. (The European Union now provides a

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large, stable monetary safe harbor of its own, within which the dollar’s asymmetrical role is less


Equation (3) can be interpreted from this dollar-standard perspective. The greater the volatility in

Thailand’s interest rates and price levels relative to the United States, the higher will be ρρ currency in

Thailand. This is close to saying that the greater the volatility of the baht’s exchange rate against the

dollar, the greater will be the currency risk premium in Thai interest rates. Conversely, the more that

Thailand succeeds in integrating its monetary policy with that of the United States so that its dollar

exchange rate is naturally stable and price level is aligned with the American, the lower will be ρρ currency

and the closer will be the Thai and American nominal interest rates.

The other component of the interest differential -- the expected depreciation of the domestic

currency, Eê – can be decomposed into two parts. First, within a managed exchange rate regime with

a crawling or constant peg (typical of South East Asian countries, Mexico, Brazil, and most emerging-

market economies), the exchange rate might change predictably and smoothly according to

government’s policy announcements and commitments—such as the downward crawl in the

Indonesian rupiah before the 1997 crash. Second, is the small probability of a “regime change”: a

large, sudden devaluation whose timing is unpredictable.

Eê ≡ Eêpredictable + Eêregime change ( 4 )

Although both types of expected change in the exchange rate in (4) widen the nominal interest

differential in (3), it is plausible that Eêregime change is part of the margin of temptation for banks with

moral hazard to overborrow, while Eêpredictable is not. If the exchange rate was expected to depreciate

smoothly through time, even banks with very short time horizons will account for the higher domestic

currency costs of repaying short-term foreign currency deposits. Therefore, we exclude Eêpredictable

from our measure of the super risk premium:

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ρρ super = ρρ currency + Eêregime change = i − i* − Eêpredictable (5)

The super risk premium, ρρ super , represents the margin of temptation for banks to overborrow in

foreign exchange. It has two components: the currency risk premium, as defined above; and the part

of the interest differential arising from the small probability that the regime could change through a

discrete devaluation.

The latter source of upward pressure on the interest rate on assets denominated in the domestic

currency is sometimes called “the peso problem”. By borrowing unhedged in foreign currency, the

domestic banks with deposit insurance and other government guarantees ignore downside bankruptcy

risks implied by large devaluations whose timing is uncertain. In setting domestic nominal lending rates,

the banks will only cover the “predictable” component of the expected depreciation within the

currency regime.2 In the special case where the nominal exchange rate is fixed, unhedged banks on

lend at the international nominal interest rate plus a normal profit margin. For ease of macroeconomic

exposition in this paper, this profit margin between deposits and loans is simply set at zero.3

In expression (5), i represents the nominal interest rate that would be charged by a domestic bank

that was borrowing in foreign currency but fully hedging its foreign exchange exposure. In contrast, a

bank exploiting a government guarantee by borrowing unhedged in the international capital market will

(in a competitive environment where bank profits are competed away) charge a lower rate (î = i* +

Eêpredictable) that does not incorporate the super risk premium.

This highlights our first regulatory dilemma. If the super risk premium is high and the ability of the

regulatory authorities to enforce hedging rules is imperfect, then there will be large differences in the

perceived cost of capital to different financial agents and firms in the domestic market. Those that the

authorities succeed in policing will face a much higher cost of capital than those that gamble and

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borrow unhedged. A declining market share could undermine the resolve of even conservative banks

to hedge their foreign exchange positions.

5. “Good” versus “Bad” Fixes and the Real Interest Rate

To match these results with our two-period model of real borrowing and lending outlined in Section

2, we convert these nominal interest rates into real rates. The domestic real lending rate charged by a

“well-behaved” fully hedged bank will be:

rhedged = r* + (Eππ* − Eππ + Eêpredictable) + ρρ super ( 6 )

In contrast, the domestic real lending rate charged by a bank exploiting its government guarantee and

therefore not hedging its foreign exchange exposure will be:

runhedged = r* + (Eππ* − Eππ + Eêpredictable) ( 7 )

A banking sector with moral hazard will charge a lower domestic real interest rate (7) than one

which is regulated to be fully hedged—as per (6).

Can domestic real interest rates differ from those prevailing on world markets? Suppose that

relative purchasing power parity, defined with respect to the predictable component in the movement

of the exchange rate, holds: the domestic (Indonesian) price level rises relative to the foreign

(American) only by the amount of the ongoing smooth depreciation of the rupiah. Whether an

unchanging peg or a downward crawl, let us call such PPP exchange rate regimes good fixes.

Because the exchange rate regime seems secure enough, the small probability of a regime change and

discrete devaluation is not incorporated into ongoing domestic inflation. Before the 1997 currency

attacks, the Asian crisis economies—Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand—and other

non-crisis economies—such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan—had good fixes with sound

macroeconomic fundamentals (McKinnon, 1999). Among other things, a good fix implies:

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Eππ = Eππ* + Eêpredictable

⇒⇒ rhedged = r* + ρρ super

runhedged = r* (8)

The unhedged real borrowing rate is equal to the world, i.e., center country’s, real interest rate; and

the hedged borrowing rate exceeds this by exactly the super risk premium, ρρ super.

However with a bad fix , the domestic price level drifts up by more than the then the controlled

rate of depreciation: Eππ > Eππ* + Eêpredictable. Bad fixes have been common in Latin America—as in

Chile 1978-81, Mexico in 1992-94, and Brazil in 1996-98 before their currencies were attacked. With

unhedged borrowing and in the presence of a bad fix, the domestic real interest rate unambiguously

falls below the world rate—as per equation (9).

Eππ > Eππ* + Eêpredictable

⇒⇒ runhedged < r* (9)

With hedged borrowing, however, equation (6) shows that the domestic real interest rate could be

higher or lower than the corresponding “risk-free” world rate. The excessive rise in the domestic price

level unambiguously reduces the real rate, but the super risk premium could itself increase and more

than offset this effect because the expectation of a “regime change” in the exchange rate is likely to

rise as the current rate drifts further and further from the rate consistent with PPP. Thus, under a bad

fix, the domestic real interest rate seen by hedged borrowers could not only be higher than the world

rate, but could be higher than if there had been a good fix.

Indeed, a bad fix is precisely when the super risk premium is a maximum. First, Eêregime change is high

because it is less likely that the fixed exchange rate can last. Second, ρρcurrency is also high because of

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domestic price level and interest rate instability. Thus regulatory discrimination through enforced

hedging on some, but not all borrowers, may become unsustainable.

The super risk premium, i.e., the financing “penalty” imposed on hedged borrowers, is

endogenously determined by monetary and fiscal considerations (not modeled in this paper) as well as

by regulatory ones. To the extent that the economy (currency area) as a whole accumulates unhedged

foreign exchange liabilities, ρρ super increases—and so does the penalty on hedged borrowers.

Strengthening the government’s regulatory mechanism to enforce hedging against exchange risk can

be likened to a public good. It limits adverse spillover effects from agents that have moral hazard to

those that don’t, as well as limiting overborrowing.

6. The Interaction between Credit and Currency Risk

To isolate the effect of domestic credit risk on overborrowing in Section 2, the “world” real

interest rate was given as if the same currency circulated at home and abroad, i.e., as if currency risk

was absent. Without moral hazard in domestic banks, borrowing at r* yielded the “first-best” solution,

i.e., the socially optimal use of inflows of foreign capital—as per Chart 1.

With a separate domestic currency, however, this first-best solution must be suitably risk- adjusted.

Now the appropriate domestic cost of foreign capital is r* + ρρ super, i.e., that seen by fully hedged

borrowers under a “good fix” (the issue of exchange rate flexibility is discussed below). The first best

solution involves firm / households borrowing, either in domestic currency or fully hedged in foreign

currency, at the interest rate r* + ρρ super. This leads to a tangency solution with the undistorted

investment function ααFBg(.). With this risk adjustment and no domestic investment distortion, there is

no overborrowing. The first best solution in Chart 1 is replicated, albeit with the domestic real interest

rate adjusted for foreign exchange risk by the super risk premium.

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However, even if foreign borrowing is fully hedged under a good fix, domestic credit risk could still

elicit moral hazard in domestic banks leading them to behave too optimistically, i.e., as if the investment

function was ααOBg(.). In Chart 2, the tangency solution with r* + ρρ super lead to overborrowing –

points C and D in Chart 2 correspond to points C and D in Chart 1, again with the domestic real

interest rate adjusted for currency risks.

Consider a scenario where this (distorted) expected domestic investment function ααOBg(.) remains

unchanged, but foreign borrowing by domestic banks is unhedged. In these circumstances, the real

interest rate falls to r*. Chart 2 demonstrates how the lower level of domestic real interest rates leads

to still more overinvestment (represented by V’ in Chart2) and overconsumption (represented by W’).

<< Chart 2 about here >>

Furthermore, the two risks now faced by the domestic banking sector – credit risk associated with

the uncertainty about the productivity implications of real economic reform and currency risk resulting

from the unhedged foreign currency denominated borrowing – may be inter-related. The inter-

relationships may dramatically raise the magnitude and riskiness of the overborrowing taking place.

Consider the situation where credit risk and currency risk are positively related. The most dramatic

manifestation of this is when the cumulative bad loan positions of domestic banks induce a run off in

deposits. Because many of these deposits are in foreign currency, this forces a devaluation as the

domestic banks bid for foreign exchange. In the event of an adverse productivity shock, the losses

incurred by banks are now greater than they would have been in the pure real-side model discussed in

Section 2. Not only does the bank suffer defaults by its borrowers that erode the bank’s capital, but the

associated devaluation of the currency imposes even larger capital losses because the bank’s foreign

exchange exposure is unhedged. Consequently, the probability of bankruptcy is increased and, by

implication, the lower tail of the distribution for the productivity shock αα that leads to bankruptcy is

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enlarged. Therefore a bank that enjoys government guarantees of its liabilities and, by implication,

suffers moral hazard will truncate a greater proportion of the distribution of the productivity shock,

leading to a value of αα even greater than ααOB.

In Chart 2, we show banks behaving (after this truncation) as if the investment payoff function

was exaggerated to ααCRg(.). The tangency of this function with r*, the non risk-adjusted world interest

rate, defines an equilibrium where there is massive overborrowing -- an additional V” of

overinvestment and W” of overconsumption, beyond that which was observed in the scenario where

banks did not exploit the correlations between productivity shocks and the exchange rate. Clearly, if

the domestic regulators allow banks and other financial institutions to assume both credit and foreign

exchange risks simultaneously, the regime is unlikely to survive (a proposition supported by the

evidence presented by Kaminsky and Reinhart, 1996).

In many emerging markets (e.g. Korea and Thailand, where the crisis was triggered by a small

number of high profile bankruptcies), failures by bank borrowers appear to trigger the devastating

currency devaluations that impose enormous capital losses on banks with unhedged foreign exchange

exposures. Moreover, it is precisely the adverse realisation of productivity shocks (and consequent

bankruptcies) that is likely to trigger the collapse of foreign investor confidence that is characteristic of

the sudden, dramatic and apparently irresistible currency crises of recent years. Therefore the

confidence channel provides a behavioural justification for assuming that productivity shocks and

exchange rate developments are likely to be positively related.

7. Interest rate differentials in overborrowing countries

How will the real interest rate differential evolve as overborrowing occurs? Contrary to the

discussion in Section 5, the conventional wisdom assumes a “bad fix” where a real appreciation of the

domestic currency occurs. Real appreciation results in growing overvaluation of the emerging market’s

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currency. Ultimately the real overvaluation becomes unsustainable as the country’s exports become

uncompetitive on international goods markets. As real appreciation progresses, the super risk premium

rises since the expectation of a sudden devaluation of the exchange rate required to maintain goods

market competitiveness increases. Using expression (6) above, the domestic real interest rate

associated with fully hedged borrowing in such a scenario would rise over time as the super risk

premium rises, causing a divergence of the domestic and international real rates. This is illustrated

heuristically in Chart 3.

<< Chart 3 about here >>

However, as also illustrated in Chart 3, the real interest rate differential would behave quite

differently in the event of such a “bad fix” should moral hazard exist in the domestic banking system.

As is shown by expression (7) above, where there is moral hazard, domestic banks exclude the super

risk premium when setting interest rates since the risks implied are transferred to the government

through the guarantee of insured deposits. Through time, this would imply that the domestic real

interest rate converges to the world real interest rate, as previously “conservative” domestic banks

(that have been hedging their foreign currency exposures) are forced by competitive pressures to

pursue the riskier unhedged strategy.

The empirical validity of some of these assertions can be assessed, albeit in a simple manner, by

investigating the interest differentials observed between the international capital market and domestic

interest rates in the emerging market economies that have recently suffered from currency and

financial crises at the culmination of the overborrowing syndrome. If the exchange rate risk is an

important cause of overborrowing, the analysis presented above would suggest that, as the crisis

approached, domestic nominal interest rates (on loans denominated in domestic currency) tended to

converge towards international nominal interest rates (on loans denominated in US dollars), once the

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correction for a differential associated with any predictable pre-announced “crawl” of the nominal

exchange rate has been made. Where such a convergence took place, one would anticipate a large

inflow of foreign capital (equivalently, a large current account deficit) and rapid growth of domestic

investment and consumption. At this stage, no attempt is made to measure inflation expectations, so

the results can be at best suggestive since they focus on nominal rather than real rates.

In contrast, if exchange rate risk is not an important cause of overborrowing because most of

foreign borrowing is hedged, the spread between domestic and international rates should widen and the

inflow of foreign capital should slow as the crisis approaches. As overvaluation grows, the super risk

premium increases since the probability of a sharp depreciation of the exchange rate rises.

To illustrate these points, we compare domestic interest rate data for Thailand, Malaysia,

Indonesia, and Korea with the US dollar interest rate (measured as LIBOR). These East Asian

examples are then compared with Russia and Brazil – two countries that could more easily be

identified within the “bad fix” group. To focus attention on the short-term “hot money” capital flows

that are at the heart of analysis of the overborrowing syndrome, we choose to investigate three-month

rates. Analysis of other maturities and of the relationship with other currencies (especially the

Japanese yen in the East Asian context, as in McKinnon, 1999) would offer useful extensions, but this

is left to future work.

The time series are shown in Charts 4 through 9. These charts cover the period form the beginning

of May 1995 to the end of April 1999. The upper panel of each of the charts shows the development in

the exchange rate against the US dollar. As is clear from these charts, a predictable rate of crawl

(generally very low) was typical of the East Asian countries’ US dollar exchange rates (this is shown

by the dashed line). This modest expected depreciation of the exchange rate accounts for some of the

remaining spread between the US dollar 3m LIBOR and the domestic rate in Korea, Thailand,

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Malaysia and Indonesia. Nevertheless, the nominal interest rate observed spreads are quite narrow

and there is some suggestion (e.g. in Indonesia) that they narrowed during the period approaching the

currency crisis.

Comparing the East Asian countries with Russia and Brazil reveals a very dramatic difference. In

both Russia and Brazil, the nominal interest rate differential against the US dollar narrowed very

appreciably in the period preceding the currency and financial crisis. This is consistent with the

analysis presented above, suggesting that in countries with a “bad peg” of the nominal exchange rate,

banks exploited the moral hazard offered by government guarantees and lack of regulation of foreign

exchange positions to avoid paying the “super risk premium”. The speculative currency positions

adopted by these banks drove domestic interest rates down and thereby exacerbated the magnitude

and riskiness of borrowing from abroad to finance the ongoing current account deficit.

Overall, this simple empirical exercise does not discriminate fully between the two hypotheses

concerning the role exchange rate risk plays in the overborrowing syndrome.

8. “Bad Fixes” and the Case for Capital Controls

What light does our analysis shed on the question posed in the introduction, namely, what is the

appropriate exchange rate regime for an emerging market? Because domestic supervision and

regulation is assumed to be insufficient to fully curtail moral hazard in banks, our policy proposals are

inherently second-best. The best solution would be to implement regulatory reforms for directly limiting

domestic credit risks and open positions in foreign exchange. Then, the choice of exchange rate regime

– at least on the dimensions discussed below – would be of secondary importance.

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However, even in our second-best world, a “bad fix” looks unambigously bad in aggravating the

moral hazard problem. Domestic banks accepting unhedged foreign exchange deposits see the upward

drift in the real exchange rate reducing their real interest rate below even the “risk free” world interest

rate. In addition, as Eêregime change rises sharply, so does the super risk premium measuring the greater

cost of capital (interest rates in domestic currency) seen by hedged borrowers compared to those with

unhedged foreign exchange liabilities. Faced with having their economic positions completely

undermined, normally conservative banks and firms would also begin to gamble by borrowing

unhedged in world markets. Public morale for enforcing prudential regulations could crumble

altogether—as in the Russian debacle in the summer of 1998.4

When potential moral hazard is extreme both in deposited-insured banks and in government-

sponsored corporations, capital controls that prevent agents from taking net positions in foreign

exchange may well supplement domestic prudential regulations. In the order of economic liberalization,

capital controls should be liberalized only after everything else—including macroeconomic stabilization

and prudential bank regulation and control—is securely in place [McKinnon, 1973; 1993].

For example, China’s commercial banks have had festering bad loan problems for many years, and

many of her state-owned enterprises are loss makers. Wisely, the government has contained the moral

hazard by ringing the country with capital controls so that corporate short-term indebtedness in foreign

currencies is negligible. Together with more stable macroeconomic policies leading to a good fix for

the yuan/dollar exchange rate, this regulatory prudence has been rewarded with a negligible super risk

premium. From 1997 into 1999, interest rates on yuan-denominated assets in China were virtually the

same as those on dollar denominated assets in the U.S.

In incompletely reformed economies, the case for capital controls as an extension of prudential

regulations over the domestic financial system can hardly be faulted—even if difficult to implement in

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economies that are already highly dollarized as in much of Latin America. But where successfully

implemented, as in China or Malaysia at the present time, then “floating the exchange rate” is simply

not an option. By definition, banks and other important market-making institutions are restrained from

taking open positions in foreign exchange. Thus, the exchange rate cannot float freely. The

government must make the foreign exchange market because private agents are now prohibited from

doing so by the existence of controls. What sort of managed exchange rate regime should the

government aim for?

First, the authorities must recognize that a forward market in foreign exchange cannot exist with

capital controls in place. The natural market makers, banks, are prohibited from covered interest

arbitrage, which otherwise would make a forward market possible—as per equation (2) above. But

domestic importers and exporters need some kind of official forward signal as to what their future

foreign exchange earnings and costs in terms of the domestic currency are likely to be. (The need of

banks and other financial institutions for forward cover is obviated if the controls themselves succeed

in preventing them from having net foreign exchange exposure.) A “good fix” to the dollar, the

effective international standard of value for most emerging market economies other than Eastern

Europe, is an appropriate benchmark on which importers and exporters can base their decisions.

Ideally, a stable dollar exchange rate could also provide an effective nominal anchor for the domestic

price level—as was true throughout the high-growth East Asian emerging market economies before

the currency attacks of 1997 (McKinnon 1999).

With more erratic domestic inflation, however, a managed downward crawl—perhaps with a band

around it—can help stabilize the real exchange rate seen by importers and exporters by making

movements in the nominal exchange rate more predictable. With capital controls in place from the mid-

1980s to the mid-1990s, both Chile and Israel successfully managed downward crawls without

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overborrowing. In inflationary economies, some such exchange rate system combining a crawling peg

with capital controls dominates a “bad fix” without capital controls.

9. Good Fixes versus Free Floats in Financially Open Economies

Now suppose our prototype emerging market economy is financially open, i.e., there are no capital

controls. Hedging against currency risk is now possible because forward markets exist. However it is

likely to remain difficult to enforce hedging requirements on domestic banks because of the weakness

of financial supervision and regulation. In this context, floating the exchange rate is an option. If the

macro fundamentals are sound (in the sense that there is fiscal balance and no need to resort to the

inflation tax), a good fix of the exchange rate is also an option. McKinnon (1999) shows that, before

1997, the East Asian economies—both those that were subsequently attacked and those that were

not—had “good fixes” for the exchange rates. From our fairly narrow perspective of minimizing moral

hazard in international capital flows and mitigating the tendency towards overborrowing, how should

the government choose between a good fix and a free float?

Referring back to equation (5), this boils down to the question of which exchange rate regime

minimizes the super risk premium, the margin of temptation for domestic banks to accept unhedged

deposits in foreign exchange. Would ρρ super be greater under a good fix or a free float? Under a good

fix, PPP holds but, unlike a permanent fix such as under a currency board, the regime could change. In

determining the size of the differential between deposit interest rates in domestic and foreign currency,

the term Eêregime change is a significant component. But so is ρρ currency, the penalty for having ongoing

volatility in domestic prices and interest rates greater than the center country’s.

Suppose an emerging market economy had succeeded in integrating its monetary policy with that

of the center country so that its nominal exchange rate—as well as its internal price-level and interest

rates—have been quite stable. Under such a good fix, both Eêregime change and ρρ currency would be quite

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moderate. For example, Malaysia’s nominal interest rates were less than two percentage points higher

than American before the 1997 attacks. Then ask the question, if the authorities (had) decided to

“float” the exchange rate, would this interest differential have narrowed further?

True, Eêregime change could decline under floating as the danger of a discrete devaluation seemed

more remote. But as the exchange rate begins to move randomly, which is one way of defining a free

float, surely ρρ currency would rise. As the economy lost its nominal anchor, domestic price-level and

interest rate volatility would increase—and so would the currency risk premium.

To express this in another way, it has been argued (McKinnon, 1999) that in financially open

emerging market economies that are fully integrated into the world trading system, such as Thailand or

Korea, the domestic price level needs to be aligned towards the international price level expressed in

US dollars. A “good fix” to the US dollar achieves this objective. Allowing the domestic currency to

float against the dollar from this starting point simply introduces “noise” into the domestic price level

associated with “portfolio shocks” in the international capital market. Within the framework we have

described above, this “noise” is a pure cost. Not only does it make the domestic price level less stable

directly, it also reduce macroeconomic stability by introducing a risky margin on which banks enjoying

government guarantees can speculate. This can lead to overborrowing and the type of crisis that has

been common of late.

We conclude that that floating need not succeed in reducing ρρ super, and thus need not succeed in

reducing the temptation to borrow unhedged in foreign exchange. Indeed, with inadequate domestic

prudential controls over foreign exchange exposure and domestic credit risk, a floating rate could be

suddenly attacked much like a fixed one.

From the broader perspective of monetary policy, however, giving up on a good fix loses the price-

level anchor -- which the smaller East Asian economies had used quite effectively in their “miracle”

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growth phases. By all pegging to the same monetary standard before 1997, they also had mutual

protection from competitive devaluations. In assessing what went wrong in the Asian crisis economies,

we would implicate the breakdown in domestic prudential bank regulations—including the premature

elimination of capital controls; but we would not fault their “good-fix” exchange rate regimes.

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Dooley, M. and P. Isard (1980). “Capital controls, political risk and deviations from interest parity”,

Journal of Political Economy, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 370-384.

Dornbusch, R. and A. Werner (1994). “Mexico: Stabilisation, reform and no growth”, Brookings

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Frankel, J. (1992). “Measuring international capital mobility: A review”, American Economic Review,

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Kaminsky, G. and C. Reinhart (1996). “The Twin Crises: Balance of payments and banking crises in

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McKinnon, R.I., (1999). “The East Asian dollar standard, life after death?”, World Bank Workshop on

Rethinking the East Asian Miracle , July.

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McKinnon, R.I. (1993). The order of economic liberalisation: Financial control in the transition to a

market economy, 2nd edition, Johns Hopkins University Press

McKinnon, R.I. (1973). Money and capital in economic development, The Brookings Institution.

McKinnon, R.I. and H. Pill (1998a). “The overborrowing syndrome: Are East Asian economies

different?” In ed. R. Glick Exchange rates and capital flows in the Pacific Basin, Cambridge

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McKinnon, R.I. and H. Pill (1998b). “International overborrowing: A decomposition of credit and

currency risk”. World Development, vol. , no. 7, pp.1267-82.

McKinnon, R.I. and H. Pill, (1997) “Credible economic liberalizations and overborrowing”, American

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McKinnon, R.I. and H. Pill (1996). “Credible liberalisations and international capital flows: The

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Slope = -(1 + r*)







Chart 1 International overborrowing with domestic credit risk

αα FB g(.)

αα OB g(.)

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Slope = -(1 + r* + ρρ super)




Chart 2 International overborrowing with credit and currency risks

αα OB g(.)


Slope = -(1 + r*)


αα CR g(.) H



V’ V” W’ W”

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i - i*

Chart 3 Evolution of the super risk premium under a “bad fix”

ρρsuper (under good fix)

ρρsuper (under free float)

if hedged borrowing predominates ρρsuper rises as Eêregime shift increases

with increasing overvaluation

if unhedged borrowing predominates, ρρsuper falls as even “conservative banks”

switch to open FX positions

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Chart 4: KOREA

Exchange Rate

Korean won per US dollar

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995






Interest Rates% per annum

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995






Korean 3m interbank

Euro$ 3m interbank

Korean 3m Comm paper

Page 32: EXCHANGE RATE REGIMES FOR EMERGING …not address the issue of exchange rate regime, i.e. whether the choice of a fixed, managed peg, or freely floating exchange rate affects the propensity



Exchange Rate

Thai baht per US dollar

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995






Interest Rates% per annum

90125 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995





Euro$ 3m rate

Thai 3m rate

Page 33: EXCHANGE RATE REGIMES FOR EMERGING …not address the issue of exchange rate regime, i.e. whether the choice of a fixed, managed peg, or freely floating exchange rate affects the propensity



Exchange Rate

Malaysian ringitt per US dollar

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995






Interest Rates% per annum

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995










Euro$ 3m rate

Malayisan 3m rate

Page 34: EXCHANGE RATE REGIMES FOR EMERGING …not address the issue of exchange rate regime, i.e. whether the choice of a fixed, managed peg, or freely floating exchange rate affects the propensity



Exchange Rate

Indonesian rupiah per US dollar

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Feb 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995










Interest Rates% per annum

12 Oct 199815 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995








Indonesian SBI rate

Euro$ 3m rate

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Chart 8: RUSSIA

Exchange Rate

Russian rubles per US dollar

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995










Interest Rates% per annum








012 Oct 1998

25 May 19985 Jan 1998

18 Aug 199731 March 1997

11 Nov 199624 June 1996

5 Feb 199618 Sept 1995

Euro$ 3m rate

Russian 3m rate

Page 36: EXCHANGE RATE REGIMES FOR EMERGING …not address the issue of exchange rate regime, i.e. whether the choice of a fixed, managed peg, or freely floating exchange rate affects the propensity


Chart 9: BRAZIL

Exchange Rate

Brazilian reais per US dollar

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

14 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995






Interest Rates% per annum

12 Oct 199825 May 1998

5 Jan 199818 Aug 1997

31 March 199711 Nov 1996

24 June 19965 Feb 1996

18 Sept 1995








Euro$ 3m rate

Brailian CDL rate

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1 However, a country risk premium could be introduced if there were expectations that effective capital controls

(that were able to prevent exploitation of this arbitrage opportunity through administrative restrictions) were

to be imposed (Dooley and Isard, 1980).

2 This “predictable” component will be covered in order for the bank to operate as an on-going business as it

would otherwise not be able to cover its foreign currency liabilities while the initial “boom” phase of the

overborrowing syndrome was in progress and therefore enjoy the profits created for the banking sector

during this period.

3 But the determinants of this margin of bank profitability in hedged and unhedged settings are worthy of

separate investigation.

4 This paper focuses on international overborrowing on the liabilities side of banks’ balance sheets without

looking at the parallel shift by households and firms of their non-interest bearing domestic money into foreign

exchange. Under a bad fix with ongoing inflation, this two-way flow of capital—with some entities deposit

abroad while others overborrow—has been analyzed in McKinnon 1993, Chapter 9.

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