Page 1: Exchanged Life Tract (Identity Matters)



Father Of The Term: “Exchanged Life”

"... God made me a new man! God has made me a new man!"

Do you know, I now think that this striving, longing, hoping for better days to come is not the true way to holiness, happiness or usefulness. It is better, no doubt, far better than being satisfied with poor attainments, but not the best

way after all. I have been struck with a passage from a book... entitled “Christ is All” - “The Lord Jesus received is holiness begun; the Lord Jesus cherished is holiness advancing; the Lord Jesus counted upon as never absent would be holiness complete. He is most holy who has most of Christ within, and joys

most fully in the finished work..."

How then to have our faith increased? Only by thinking of all that Jesus is and all He is for us: His life, His death, His work, He Himself as revealed to us in the Word, to be the subject of our constant thoughts. Not a striving to have faith... but a looking off to the Faithful One seems all we need; a resting in the Loved

One entirely, for time and eternity.

... I looked to Jesus, and when I saw -- oh, how joy flowed!

It was resting in Jesus now, and letting Him do the work -- which makes all the difference. Whenever he spoke in meetings after that, a new power

seemed to flow from him, and in the practical things of life a new peace pos-sessed him. Troubles did not worry him as before. He cast everything on God in

a new way, and gave more time to prayer.

It was the exchanged life that had come to me -- the life that is indeed "No

longer I"... It was a blessed reality "Christ liveth in me." And how great the difference! -- instead of bondage, liberty; instead of failure, quiet victories

within; instead of fear and weakness, a restful sense of sufficiency in Another.

-Hudson Taylor

Me Diagram: This illustration reveals an Indwelt Christian who walks after their

own mind, will and emotions—resulting in selfish & fleshly behavior. Christ

maintains His position of staying on the throne in one’s life but the Christian

blocks the flow of the mind of Christ through active rebellion or ignorance.



The Problem: Many of the self-proclaimed “Christians” put their entire Christian

experience in the day of their salvation. Once saved, they continue to function

by making use of their own mind, will and emotions— the result, “me being me

through me.” We call this “Godship.”

Godship: is a simple term to describe what the Word defines as the number one

problem in life—man attempting to function as his/her own god in the lives of

self, others and even God. You might suffer with divorce, suicide, eating prob-

lems, depression or any other common problem with the self-life and most of

the time, it falls under the category of Godship—finding ways to fix the fix that

God has fixed on you to stop fixing life through self-effort. Our ministry has

learned that the act of “playing God” helps us to identify the real problem in

each of the lives we reach out to. We have also learned that the most common

consequence of Godship is that of Rejection. (Gen. 3:5)

Rejection: is withholding love from self, others and God. There are two types of

rejection: overt and covert. Overt rejection is “obvious or known” rejection—

for example, I hate you! Covert rejection is “subtle or unknown” rejection—for

example, smiling on the outside while judging on the inside. Both of these

forms of rejection are consequences of Godship applied, either by self or from

others. Without question we believe that rejection leads to individuals

attempting to find life Externally. (Romans 15:7)

External/Internal: is an individual attempting to gain love, acceptance and

significance from external resources—idolatry. Since Godship sets up “self-

rule,” the individual works to turn negative externals into positive by making

use of self-effort.

When a person works to turn negative eternals into positives without making

use of the Life of Christ from within—it leads to serious problems in their lives.

(Eccl. 2:1-11)

Identification with Christ in His death,

burial, resurrection, and ascension!


Page 2: Exchanged Life Tract (Identity Matters)

Problems: are direct consequences of self-life efforts. God then uses these

problems to bring the believer to the end of their own resources, or self-life, in

order to create a dependence on Christ Life from within. We believe that

suffering is the key component to learning obedience to Christ Jesus who actual-

ly lives in you if you have become born-again. It is these problems that reveal

the person’s flesh. (Heb. 5:8)

My Flesh: are patterns, reactions or sinful actions that reveal the individuals self

-life—trash left behind by the old nature. It is through these fleshly reactions

that lead the believer to Life (Christ) or Death (flesh) decisions. If the believer

continues to choose self-life decisions, we believe God will bring this person to

the end of themselves through consequences formed by their own flesh. This

without question leads the person to Repentance. (Luke 9:23)

Repentance: is the process of confessing one’s sins and turning away from the

self-life and returning to a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ from the inside

out. This cannot be done effectively unless the Holy Spirit brings revelation to

specific areas of the flesh that rise up against Jesus Christ. Once true repent-

ance has occurred, the indwelt Christian can begin to apply their identity in

Christ to all of life’s situations and circumstances. (Psalm 119:59)

Identity Matters: is an experiential embrace and understanding of the believers

identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension—in

daily living. This is what we call the Exchanged Life. When an individual has a

born-again experience by faith, it means the Life of Christ comes and indwells

the believer through the personhood of the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of

Christ Jesus. The reality of this transformation allows for a true exchange of

our old-nature, or Adamic history, for that of the Nature of God through Christ.

In knowing this, we become partakers of all that is true about Christ through

His death, burial, resurrection and ascension. Now the believer is in a position

to appropriate their true identity in Christ and begin to live out that they are

literally the Righteousness of Christ. (Galatians 2:20)

Righteousness: is an indwelt believers expression, function and life-style of

releasing the Life of Christ from within. Once a born-again believer begins to

appropriate their position in Christ, their condition is soon to change, simply by

watching the evidence of His Life be manifested through their mind, will and

emotions. That means when life’s circumstances are put before them, they

can choose to release the Life of Christ to do the doing through them and this

is a perfect set-up for learning how to Extend Forgiveness to others. (2 Corin-

thians 5:21)

Extending Forgiveness: is extending forgiveness before God, in prayer, to

anyone who has hurt you. Once an indwelt believer gets to this point, they are

usually quick to release all anger and pain before God, extend forgiveness to

those that initially hurt them and in many cases ready to Seek Forgiveness

form others they have hurt. (Matt. 5:22-24)

Seeking Forgiveness: is the process of going to an individual that you have

offended by action or reaction, seek their forgiveness and restore the relation-

ship when possible. Once the believer has extended forgiveness before God

on how they were hurt, they usually are released to go and seek the for-

giveness for their part in the offense. It is in this process that we detail out for

the indwelt believer on just how to do this. We find that when a believer

reaches this stage of discipleship, they begin to Rest, Abide and Walk in the

Spirit in the truest sense.


Christ Diagram: This illustration reveals an Indwelt Christian who walks after the

Spirit from within. As a result, their mind, will and emotions—result in Christ’s

behavior operating through them. Christ maintains His position of staying on

the throne in one’s life AND the Christian continues to release the flow of the

mind of Christ through active decisions of obedience.

Rest, Abide & Walk: is the result of appropriating true forgiveness in all areas

of life. It is living in the present through the releasing of the Life of Christ in

you to be obedient to His Father through your mind, will & emotions. We an

indwelt believer gets to this point of their growth, they are able to confront

the self-centered view of life and embrace the challenge of shifting to releas-

ing the mind of Christ from within. Resting in Christ is a perfect place to be in

showing the Love Life of Jesus. (Matt. 11:28)

Love Life: is the pinnacle of the Christian Life. Once the appropriation of the

above eleven steps, the indwelt believer begins to reveal the two primary

commandments Christ spoke of: love the Lord with your whole heart and

second, love your neighbor as yourself. The result is when we obey, we have

no condemnation and when we have no condemnation, we have confidence

toward God—then whatever we ask through Christ, we receive. (John 3:21-


Consider Praying: I hereby surrender everything that I am, and have, and ever will

be. I take my hands off of my life and release every relationship to You: every habit, every

goal, my health, my wealth, and everything that means anything. I surrender it ALL to

You. By faith I take my place at the Cross, believing that when the Lord Jesus was cruci-

fied, according to Your Word, I was crucified with Him; when He was buried, I was buried;

when He was raised from the dead, I was raised with Him. I deny myself the right to rule

and reign in my own life and I take up the Cross believing that I was raised from the dead

and seated at Your right hand.

I thank You for saving me from my sins and myself. From this moment on I am trusting

You to live Your life in me and through me, instead of me, to do what I can't do, quit what

I can't quit, start what I can't start, and--most of all--to be what I can't be. I am trusting

you to renew my mind and heal damaged emotions in Your time. I thank You now by faith

for accepting me in the Lord Jesus, for giving me Your grace, Your freedom, Your joy, Your

victory and Your righteousness as my inheritance. Even if I don't feel anything, I know

that Your Word is true; I am counting on Your Spirit to do what Your Word says-- to set

me free from myself, that Your resurrection life may be lived out through me, and that

You may receive all the glory. I thank You and praise You for victory right now in Jesus'

name, Amen.

IOM AMERICA The Institute of Ministry

P.O. Box 71

112 Broadway Sterling, KS 67579


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