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Exercise and depression DONE BY: EMAN AL-ZAWWAD

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What is depression

medical illness

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major mood disorders Other factors

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According to the WHO suicide occurs in close to one million cases every year making it one of the 20 most common causes of death.

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The Prevalence According to WHO depression is ranked fourth in Disability Adjusted Life Years

(DALYs) , and it’s expected to reach second rank by the year 2030. The National Institute of Mental Health2

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An article published in JAMA Psychiatry (August 2013 ) showed that depression affects 30.6% of men and 33.3% of women, which is not a statistically significant difference.

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)3 estimates that in the United Kingdom 21 in every 1,000 16-to-65 year olds live with major depression.

In Australia only 1 in every five people with clinical depression is accurately diagnosed.

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Famous people

Princess Diana

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John Claude Van Damme

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Buzz Aldrin one of America’s most famous astronauts, flew to the moon in

1969, but later suffered from depression and alcoholism. He worked his way through, and even served as chairman of the National Mental Health Association.

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Joanne Rowling (J. K. Rowling) Depression hit author J.K. Rowling after her first marriage broke

down after just two years. She credits writing her first Harry Potter novel with helping her overcome the depression.

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Other famous people,

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Type of depreesion clinical depression Dysthymic disorder (dysthymia) Psychotic depression SAD (seasonal affective disorder) Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness)  

Abraham Lincoln suffered from "melancholy", known today as clinical depression

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Postpartum depression (postnatal depression).;vie


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Causes of depression

Unknown Genes. biochemical environment. personal experience and psychological factors. A study published in Archives of Psychiatry found that MRI (magnetic

resonance imaging) scans showed patients with clinical depression had less brain volume in several regions, including the frontal lobe, basal ganglia and hippocampus. They also found that after treatment the hippocampus returned to normal size.

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The Stanford School of Medicine says that genes do play a role in causing depression. By studying cases of major depression among identical twins (whose genes are 100% identical) and non-identical twins (whose genes are 50% identical) they found that heritability is a major contributory factor in the risk of developing depression.

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Signs and symptoms

the most common symptoms:

Psychological signs and symptoms

Physical signs and symptoms

Social signs and symptoms

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Psychological signs and symptoms:

Persistent sadness or low mood Thoughts and feelings of worthlessness Feelings of self hatred A feeling of hopelessness A feeling of helplessness Feeling like crying A feeling of guilt Irritability - even trivial things become annoying Angry outbursts Intolerance towards others Persistent doubting - finding it very hard to decide on things Finding it impossible to enjoy life Thoughts of self harm Thoughts of suicide Persistent worry Persistent anxiety.

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Physical signs and symptoms

Body movements. Problems with focusing. Speech. Eating patterns change, appetite changes. Low sex drive. Lack of energy, fatigue, tiredness. The woman's menstrual cycle. Restlessness. Unexplained aches and pains, such as headache, backache or digestive

problems. Sleeping disturbances ( insomnia or Hypersomnia).

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Social signs and symptoms

Underperforming at work Not doing well at school Avoiding keeping in touch with friends Abandoning interests and hobbies Having family/home problems. video about sign &symptoms

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How do I know if I am depressed?

More than two weeks. Self-test. Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale: - was designed by Duke university in North Carolina .-  by Psychiatrist William W.K. Zung to assess the level

of depression for patients diagnosed with depressive disorder

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Treatment options

Medication for depression - Antidepressants1- SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) - are the newest antidepressants; they are also the most popular. Prozac (fluoxetine), Celexa (citalopram), and Zoloft (sertraline) are all SSRIs.2- SNRIs (norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) - are similar to SSRIs. Effexor (venlafaxine) and Cymbalta (duloxetine) are SNRIs.

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Cont. treatment

Psychotherapy Two main types of psychotherapy:1- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) - helps the patient alter his negative way of thinking and behaving. These negative styles may be contributing to the depression. 2- Interpersonal therapy (IPT) - helps the patient through uneasy personal relationships that could be exacerbating the depression.

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Electroconvulsive therapy

It is used for some patients who do not improve with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both.

ECT has improved greatly over the years and does provide significant benefits for some patients. Side effects, such as memory loss, confusion and disorientation generally go away not long after treatment is administered.

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It has a beneficial role in treating depression. There are many evidences that supporting this idea.

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Key article

Tiltel: Systematic Review(Physical exercise and depression). Authors: Sebastian Eriksson and Gunvor Gard.

Objectives: to review studies that used physical exercise as an intervention to treat major depression, focusing on methodology, mechanisms of action, types of physical exercise and treatment outcomes.

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Methods: - review of the literature in the databases PsycINFO, PubMed, Psyc ARTILCES and PsycCRITIQUES From 2000–2010. - Search terms were ‘major depression’, ‘exercise’, ‘outcome’,

‘physical activity’ and ‘aerobic training’. - Sample size ranged from 30-202. - The inclusion criteria were: RCT (randomizing controlled trial)

treating depression with physical exercise - Participants were from any age and gender.- No limitation on medication status.- Sedentary life style participants.

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Exclusion criteria were: 1- studies that used combination of exercise and nutrition counselling. 2- studies that used subjects with other common co-morbidities of depression. 3- postpartum depressive disorders.

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Results: Eight studies fulfilled their inclusion criteria . 1- Seven of the eight studies showed significant improvement in

mood and decrease in depression. 2-Physical exercise had the same positive effect as anti-

depressant ( sertraline) in two studies. 3- physical exercise and sertraline which were given together in

one of two studies had a positive effect. 4-Three studies measured an increase in aerobic capacity, two

with correlated mood improvements. One showed a correlation between increased muscle strength and reduced feelings of depression.

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Conclusion: Physical exercise is an effective treatment against depression. Furthers studies are needed ,and must focus on the knowledge about mechanisms of action, type of exercise, intensity and frequency.

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Other evedince

In the United States, the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)

In 2010, a Journal of Family Practice article In the state of Victoria in Australia

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What Are the Psychological Benefits of Exercise With Depression?

Endorphins Receptors Brain Neurotransmitters

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Health benefits of exercise

Reduce stress Ward off anxiety and feelings of depression, Boost self-esteem Improve sleep It strengthens your heart. It increases energy levels. It lowers blood pressure. It improves muscle tone and strength. It helps reduce body fat. It makes you look fit and healthy Improve cognative performance, creativity, and imagination. (brain).

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Type of exercise that are better for depression

Biking –Dancing –Gardening -Golf (walking instead of using the cart) Housework, especially sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming Jogging at a moderate pace , Low-impact aerobics Playing tennis, Swimming, Walking Yard work, especially mowing or raking. Yoga. Because strong social support is important for those with

depression, joining a group exercise class may be beneficial. Or you can exercise with a close friend or your partner. In doing so, you will benefit from the physical activity and emotional comfort, knowing that others are supportive of you

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Exercise activity!

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How Often Should I Exercise to Ease Depression?

Web-med, at least 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week.

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What Are Some Tips for Getting Started Exercising?

Choose an activity you enjoy.

Put your exercise routine into your schedule

Variety of exercise.

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Eriksson, S., & Gard, G. (2011). Physical exercise and depression. Physical Therapy Reviews, 16(4), 261-268. doi: 10.1179/1743288X11Y.0000000026

Online article retrieved from Online article retrieved from Online article retrieved from;view=1up;seq=1 Online article retrieved from http


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