Page 1: Exercise on Complex Reasoning: How to Do Critical Thinking, Logically, With Qualitative Data


Complex Reasoning: By Wendy Olsen 2014

P=Premises, the assertions that underpin your argument.

C=Conclusions, the findings that result from the steps in your argument, when they are knit together.

R=Reasoning, the logic or type of synthetic assertion that brings Premises together with either

Evidence or Other (e.g. perhaps with the conclusion of an earlier argument), leading inevitably to the


Supposition (See Alec Fisher, The Logic of Real Arguments, Ch. 8): an assertion which may or may

not be true, and from which we derive a falsifiable statement.

Evidence: empirically noted information, summaries, data tables, quotes, etc.

Page 2: Exercise on Complex Reasoning: How to Do Critical Thinking, Logically, With Qualitative Data


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