  • 8/12/2019 Experiment3_kcl & Kvl



    (Kirch-hoffs Current & Voltage La!


    AIM: Verification of Kirch-hoffs Crrent !a" #KC!$ % Kirch-hoffs Vo&ta'e !a"


    IN(TR)MENT( RE*)IRE+:S. No. Name Range Qty

    1. "egulate# $oer su$$l% 0 -30V

    ' "heostat )00 oh*+ a*$

    3 "heostat ,) oh*+ ) a*$

    , "heostat ) oh*+) a*$ '

    ) A**eter 0- a*$ '

    A**eter 0-' a*$

    . Volt*eter 0-)0V

    Volt*eter 0-30V

    T,EOR:Kirch-hoffs Current Law (KCL):

    Kirch-hoffs current law states that the algebraic sum of the all branch

    current leaving a node is zero at all instants of time.

    This la is a conseuence of conser1ation of charge2 hich enters the no#e2

    *ust lea1e the no#e since it cannot e store# there Since the algeraic su* of the

    charge is 4ero So its ti*e #eri1ati1e shoul# also e 4ero

    A node in a network is the point at which more than two branches are meeting



    I/I 1 I3/I2

    Kirch-hoffs o!tage Law (KL):

    Kirch-hoffs voltage law state that the algebraic sum of the all branch voltage

    around any closed lop a network is zero at all instants of time.

    This la is a conseuence of the la of conser1ation of energ%2 1oltage eingthe energ% $er unit charge An increase in energ% hile going fro* one ranch to

    another is ter*e# as a 1oltage rise hile a #ecrease in energ% is ter*e# as a 1oltage


    Alternatel%2 the Kirch-hoffs 1oltage la *a% e e6$resse# in ter*s of #ro$ &

    rise of 1oltage as7Around any closed loop at any instant of time, the sum of voltage

    drop must be equal to the sum of voltage rise.


    e..f. / IR 1 0

    V 1 IR/ IR3V1 V/ V3

    8age of 3

  • 8/12/2019 Experiment3_kcl & Kvl



    (Kirch-hoffs Current & Voltage La!


    PROCE+)RE:": Kirch-hoffs Current Law:

    Connect the circuit as $er the fig

    ' A#9ust the $osition of all the rheostats in the circuits so that each of these offers

    *a6i*u* resistance in the eginning

    3 Sitch on the #c su$$l%

    , :ote #on the rea#ings of all the a**eters in the circuit

    ) Change the 1alue of resistances in the ranches to get #ifferent set of rea#ings

    ;hile ta

  • 8/12/2019 Experiment3_kcl & Kvl



    (Kirch-hoffs Current & Voltage La!


    ": Kirch-hoffs Current Law:

    S. No. "$$!ie% &o!tage ' '1 ' '1 '


    #: Kirch-hoffs o!tage Law:

    S. No. "$$!ie% &o!tage 1 1


    RE()!T: Since the current entering the netor< = is eual to the su**ation of the

    current lea1ing the netor< ie => ='2 therefore the Kirch-hoffs Current La

    is 1erifie#

    ' Since the algeraic su* of all 1oltages ie V& V'aroun# a close# loo$ is

    eual to V Thus Kirch-hoffs Voltage La is 1erifie#



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