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What’s The Big Deal About This Little Blue Light?

It’s HOT! But it’s COOL… It’s SEXY and Bright. It’s ATTRACTIVE to Patients and Profits! It’s showing up EVERYWHERE… But it works BEST when combined with a PROFESSIONAL SYSTEM FOR DENTISTS ONLY!

Welcome to Experts Choice. The PROFESSIONAL DIVISION of BleachBright™ is the EXPERTS’ CHOICE.

Let’s get down to the FACTS:

There’s just no denying the WHITENING BOOM that’s

going on in the marketplace today.

But much of the boom is happening outside the Dentist’s office.

How is that possible?

Because entrepreneurial individuals paying attention know a trend

when they see one, and if they can take advantage of it without any

professional training required…

Well, why not?

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That’s a big part of the problem for consumers and dentists alike.

• Lack of professional training • No formal education • Inferior products • Dissatisfied clients/customers • Pain/discomfort after procedures

And the list goes on…

But Here’s the GOOD NEWS FOR YOU—

This FREE PROFESSIONAL REPORT is designed exclusively for DENTISTS.

In it you’ll find OPPORTUNITY NUMBER ONE for dental professionals in

today’s shifting economic climate.

Make no mistake, COSMETIC WHITENING IS HERE TO STAY! Because the

services are sought out by individuals with DISCRETIONARY INCOME who

are more affluent or are a part of a younger segment of the market

that is ATTRACTED to a more appealing appearance in this


So why are more and more dentists charging LESS AND LESS for their


We think that’s a great question. And knowing what to do about it can

provide the answer for GREATER PROFITS FOR DENTISTS!

If you’re interested…Look at the next page to read what ONE DENTIST

found under the little blue light with EXPERTS CHOICE.

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“After years of searching for an entry level cosmetic teeth whitening

system, I have finally found it. BleachBright products are far superior to

any other over-the-counter product on the market. I am proud to be part

of Experts Choice a cutting edge company delivering a quality system and

business model to dentists and dealers alike.

Now there is finally a company offering a tremendous product, reliable,

affordable equipment, and the credibility that only can come from dentists.

There is no other teeth whitening opportunity like it in the market right now!”

Dr.Christian Yaste

-Ballantyne Center for Dentistry,

Charlotte, NC

Here’s what you’ll find in this report:


2. What Does This Mean FOR YOU?

3. An Introduction to EXPERTS CHOICE: The Professional

Division of BleachBright™

4. Frequently Asked Questions

5. An Invitation to Join Our PROFESSIONAL DIVISION

6. The Special PRO CONSUMER REPORT from BleachBright

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Dear Doctor, This is OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING. Teeth-whitening is a booming business, but is it booming in

YOUR business?

Everywhere you look today people are getting their teeth whitened, from the mall to beauty shops, home parties to Sam’s Clubs. Over the counter products, once

a less credible option, are now dominating the market and teeth whitening is rapidly becoming an “over the counter” cosmetic industry.

A product and service once controlled by dentists is now moving out of dentistry into the hands of laypeople. We as a profession may not be able to stop this but

there is a way we can get back our share of this market, by using our credibility and the credibility of Experts Choice Cosmetic Teeth Whitening.

Experts Choice Cosmetic Teeth Whitening gives dentists an option to offer a

premier entry-level teeth-whitening product to their clients. Most dentists only offer tray whitening and professional light whitening such as Zoom! or BriteSmile.

Both of these product options are financially out of reach for many people,

and most are looking for a less expensive alternative that doesn’t take long and won’t cause “zingers”. BleachBright, Expert’s Choice whitening product, provides

this option and offers an outstanding profit margin and they can show you how to maximize the profits of this product and cross sell more traditional

services while securing new patients!

Experts Choice has researched the market to find the absolute best LED activated

cosmetic teeth whitening product. After looking into many companies, they have aligned with BleachBright. BleachBright has true science behind their product

and is a company with integrity. They were the first in the industry of L.E.D. activated cosmetic teeth whitening, and are constantly looking for ways to

improve their products. BleachBright products are made in the U.S.A., FD&C compliant, and EPA/OSHA compliant. Bleachbright is licensed for cosmetic

purposes, and is currently the only company of its type that stays well within the guidelines of the state and local dental boards.

This system provides a service that will be requested repeatedly by your patients

because it is affordable and fast. It can be utilized in and out of the dental office, whether you are present or not and Experts Choice can teach you to maximize

the profits of teeth whitening within your practice. In addition they can show you

how to leverage this system in other areas that will provide residual income as well as incredible referrals for patients interested in cosmetic dentistry.

The company model was developed by dentists for dentists. The business

plan is simple yet effective and creates a network of “experts”. Experts Choice offers exclusivity to you that will help build your practice and credibility among

your peers and the public.

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Can you afford NOT to be considered/known as

THE “EXPERT” in your local market?

What You’re Reading About is:

A Whitening System and a PROFIT MODEL Developed Specifically for Dentists!

“We generated

over $25,000 in revenues in just over 2 days.

That’s with one promotion, and with no labor cost or increase in overhead.”

—Dr. Joseph Hufanda

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The Real Question: What’s In It For YOU?

Glad You Asked. We Made a List Just For You…How About—


Here’s an additional and desirable service you can offer to your current patients.

One that can easily funnel six figures of profit into your practice each year…

One of our dentists generated over $25,000 of revenue in two and a half days! And best of all, No increase in your overhead or labor cost.

2. ATTRACT NEW CLIENTS who can be converted into New Patients.

Conversion of visiting guests into patients is the hidden “gem” here. How much could a new patient worth to you? And how many new patients

could you attract each and every week with this EMOTIONAL TREND in buying whitening products and services.

3. RAISE (or maintain) YOUR PRICE/PROFITS for Whitening. This marketing system shows you how to charge the professional whitening

fees you need to be profitable! No more lowering your professional whitening prices to “compete” with mall kiosks and salons. YOU ARE THE COMPETITION!

4. EXCLUSIVITY IN YOUR AREA. (While/if Available)

With Expert’s Choice marketing system, you are now seen as the “expert” And the PROFESSIONAL AUTHORITY when it comes to cosmetic teeth

whitening. Call now to find out if your market area is available and we’ll tell you how you can secure your EXCLUSIVITY.

5. AOP…ABSENTEE OWNER PROFITS! The ability to generate revenue in your practice when you are not

there. This one is HUGE and we can show you how easy it is. Because this whitening system is “self administered”, your staff can whiten

teeth and recruit new patients while you are out of the office.


Sources will refer you new clients that are interested in cosmetics because you

are the local “expert” (again, which you can convert into new patients).

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Because the procedure is not cost prohibitive, is fast, and doesn’t cause tooth sensitivity, many of your patients will have it done over and over (repeat

business). When was the last time someone asked to have Zoom! again?


The opportunity to diversify your income and create residual income by leveraging businesses in your local market. i.e. setting up salons, spas,

kiosks, etc. Expert’s Choice can teach you to become the “coaching/authority” plus provide you the systems for doing this (only if you choose…but realize it’s

better to have these kiosks working FOR YOU than competing against you).

9. BE A COMMUNITY HERO. There should be no other reason for

supporting your community than your willingness to GIVE. But know that it

will also create publicity, media coverage, public goodwill, etc. as a by-product of recognizing your generosity/philanthropy.

This system provides a way to give back to local charities, fund raisers,

booster clubs, etc. Offering cosmetic teeth whitening at a price everyone can afford and being able to provide it “off site”. Expert’s Choice has developed a

model that is not only generous, but allows you to make a solid profit as well.


Implementing these systems will align your practice with a sophisticated and trustworthy company, as well as other dentists (there is power in numbers).

By becoming one of the local “Expert’s Choice” members, you will have exclusive access not only to cosmetic whitening products, but other products

and services that will be offered in the future.

11. ONLINE POSITIONING AS WHITENING EXPERT/AUTHORITY. An online presence where you will be featured as the “Expert” in your area

when it comes to cosmetic teeth whitening. By adding a web strategy or increasing your web presence through the Expert’s Choice website, new clients

will find you faster and you will climb your way to the top of the search engines. GOOGLE™ knows EVERYTHING! Except maybe how new patients can

find YOU when they’re making buying decisions online. We can help.

12. WE’VE REMOVED THE RISK. There is absolutely no risk in becoming one of the “experts.”

You may stop using the products or services at any time. There are no contracts or commitments to tie down your practice. If for any reason you are

not satisfied you simply discontinue your relationship with EXPERTS CHOICE.

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There are really TWO QUESTIONS to ask yourself

when considering any NEW IDEA…

1. What Could This IDEA Be Worth To Me/My Practice IF IT REALLY WORKS?

2. Is It MORE OR LESS LIKELY To Work (based on what I know about it)?

Keeping these 2 questions in mind, wouldn’t you want to

take the information you have and at the very least

TEST THIS SYSTEM to see what it could be worth to you?


“What we’ve seen with this system is a way to

attract new clients who can be turned into patients by offering this entry-level service they’re

very attracted to (whitening) and then providing additional dental services

they may need.”

—Dr. Christian Yaste

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In this economy and competitive market there are many forces working

against you and your bottom line.

Why not take a moment to call

Pat Camp at 888-LED-CHOICE

(888-533-2464) and discuss the opportunities Expert’s Choice can bring to your practice?

Be the first in your area to get exclusive rights to this opportunity!

****As a SPECIAL BONUS in your FREE PROFESSIONAL REPORT we’ve also included many of the questions

that have been asked of BleachBrightBleachBrightBleachBrightBleachBright about our little SPECIAL BLUE LIGHT.

While most anyone today might have access to




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The Pro Consumer Report

An Investigation into Cosmetic Tooth Whitening

This exclusive FREE Report on the Cosmetic Tooth Whitening industry

was put together by the leading experts in the industry and the developers

of our product, "Bleach Bright".

In this Report Bleach Bright LLC, responds to some very important


Questions that should be answered before you decide which company you

will partner with.

By the time you are finished reading this report you will have a better

understanding of why our company, Experts Choice, chose to align

with BleachBright to grow and support a true network of dentists through

the ONLY PROFESSIONAL DIVISION of whitening systems and

strategies anywhere.

Thank you for your interest in one of the most rewarding business

opportunities available to entrepreneurs today!

Pat Camp -Managing Partner of Experts Choice LLC


“This pro-consumer report has the industry standing on end, trying to figure out how to keep this information out of your hands…

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Most people in this industry are absolutely clueless as to the true working nature of this business…Although they know nothing about the tooth whitening industry; they will try to get you invested for their greed.

These overly anxious and disingenuous people try to make you believe they are experts and have personally stumbled upon the absolute best product that money can buy. By the way, not only have they stumbled upon the best, it happens to be the cheapest. Now you are going to get the opportunity to join them in this windfall…Bull!”

C.W. Baudot -CEO BleachBright LLC Most companies only copy a protocol or a product from another entity without taking the time to research the industry. These companies are not knowledgeable about the product they are selling. They have absolutely no understanding of which governing bodies exist or which detailed rules, regulations and laws they must follow. With companies popping up every day and being totally clueless, it is up to you to work through the disingenuous statements and unknown facts. Everybody is the best, even those with less then 12 months in this industry. Beware of these “experts”. Don’t get me wrong….other hard working and other honest people exist out there who do care about the industry, but they are few and far between. We are not here to pick on all the new comers or the tiny dealers who will not be able to stand the test of time. We are only here to share information that will help you protect your investment.

By answering the many questions that cross our desk each day, we have almost by accident developed a Consumers Buying Guide. And now we’re making it available to DENTISTS through this PRO REPORT and our PROFESSIONAL DIVISION called EXPERTS CHOICE.

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NOT READING this could cost you thousands plus more than just your money if

you do not have a multimillion dollar product, equipment and general liability

insurance policy from your distributor and/or manufacturer! (make sure you see


If you are considering an investment in this ground floor opportunity, you owe it to yourself to investigate thoroughly.

BleachBright™, LLC has put this report together for your educational assistance in making a wise and safe business investment. You will experience some repetition if you are a person who reads these pages thoroughly. This is by design, not accident. We have found through experience that salient points are difficult to over-emphasize.

Not a week goes by that someone doesn’t call wanting

our help since the company they invested with was

unsuccessful or just oblivious to the real facts. Their supplies

and/or suppliers cannot be found, the equipment is not functioning properly, the light is not activating, thereby only dehydrating the teeth, and sometimes their distributor has closed down. Their wholesaler is not sure of the nM or Mw. There are many other important questions. What is the wattage of your light source? What are the approved limits of H2002 (Hydrogen Peroxide), and why use KNO3 (Potassium Nitrate)? Do you take trade-ins? Do you offer product and equipment liability, how about general liability? What about this? What about that?

The list of questions and the complaints about other

companies we hear are unending. It is almost as if some consumers

investigate the purchase of a household appliance more thoroughly than they search for the best business model, products, insurances, equipment, protocol and company to support their investment. Some dealers will even be so foolish as to buy the cheapest products, expect the best results, and then wonder why the referrals are not coming.

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Q.What does LED stand for? A. Light-Emitting Diode (LED) is a semiconductor diode that emits incoherent narrow-spectrum light when electrically biased in the forward direction of the p-n junction, as in the common LED circuit. This effect is a form of electroluminescence. The BleachBright™ light source is a true commercial and professional blue light LED. It produces the optimum and precise light spectrum for the BleachBright™ whitening process, and is perhaps the most advanced and most powerful, yet safest light source on the market. Featuring 12 watts of power, 488 nM and 2400 cm2 Mw of power, it is the only commercial

LED light system that qualifies to carry a multi-million dollar product liability for your

protection. The BB Cool Plus 2009 model is an exclusive design for BleachBright.

Note: To unveil the true essence of a smile relies on the best product and equipment,

not to be confused with the cheapest product and equipment on the market. Referrals

are the true core of a flourishing business and if you have not purchased the best,

don’t expect it. Being a leader in this industry did not happen by accident. Experts

Choice pledges our dealers and affiliates the very best of both worlds as your success

is our success.

Q. My friend is a dental hygienist and her advice to me was that the hygienists as a

professional board are beginning to circle the wagons around the tooth whitening

industry. Since the dentist seems passive at this particular point due to the self

administration I was wondering, does my friend’s statement have any merit? What is

going to happen? Joyce L.

A. Joyce, I am choosing this question first because it is by far the most urgent, important and serious to our future. This issue will be the downfall of many companies that don’t change their product and protocol. The result could be that dealers will be closed in many states. I heard about these looming actions from several extremely reliable sources approximately four months ago. Very grave concerns were aroused upon our initial investigation. Different states do have different laws. As of July 1st we released our new product which is totally and completely free of any required personal assistance by our employees. Our new product line is presented in a retail box with 5 illustrated directions on the rear, which you can verbally review with your customers as they make use of this self administered personal care product. This is a totally pre-readied and pre-packed treatment, even to the extent that the customer opens their box and attaches their personal Velcro bib. The customer opens the CE hermetically sealed sanitized pouch, removes and inserts the pre-impregnated mouthpiece.

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Our commercial light has two guides and a targeting system; therefore the customer can place the light precisely and push the on button; everything is already pre-set. No longer employing technicians acting out the role of a hygienist, we have achieved what the dental industry wants. Our legal staff and board strategist have concluded that we are now acting as if we are clerks in a Walgreen or CVC. This is now a true customer self readied treatment and self administrated treatment with you acting as a clerk. This is big. We are pleased to announce: The new BleachBright™ whitening system is a consolidated pre-filled mouthpiece. We do not participate and/or make ready the preparations for treatment. This is a cosmetic self-administered and pre-prepared treatment with approved protocols. You will not be practicing the art of a dental hygienist since you will not be using syringes, making molds, or taking impressions. Absolutely NO gels will be used, and no hands on assistance and/or preparations will be required.

Q.When and how did BleachBright™ becomes involved in this

industry, and what did you do before? I think this is critical to

my decision making? Markus Laboarde Jr. N.Y.NY.

A. Markus, this is a two part question, but a great one that everyone should ask their future partner about their personal background. BleachBright™ is a pioneer in this industry. We recognized the potential of over-the-counter tooth whitening in mid 2006 while doing FDA clinical studies that consisted of training and certifying medical professionals in the safety and use of laser light source. (We have maintained this FDA approved training institute under

Our esteemed knowledge in light wave technology, safety,

and our relationship in the industry created a perfect fit for a

focus on the 11 billion dollar a year business of cosmetic

tooth whitening. We spent months of intense investigation and tens of

thousands of dollars before we teamed up with a three decade old dental company which allowed us to bring this professional and safe product to marketplace. Since that time we have in excess of 450 dealers and scores of dentists whom we now distribute to. By the way, we are in the process of renaming our company BleachBrightWorld Wide, LLC since we are gaining explosive exposure in many foreign countries. Presently we operate in eight foreign countries, and trust me when I say that we come under microscopic scrutiny before we are allowed to export.

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Q. Can you give us a list of your competition so I can investigate them? Joseph and Ashley Stein, Boston

A. Since our launch in 2006, we have seen companies such as: White-Brite, Bleach-Brite, BeWhite, Laserlight Bright, I’m Brite, Smile Brite, StayWhite, Black MagicWhite, Spa and SaloonWhite, Light Spa Whitening, ZipWhite, ZapperWhite, ZoomingWhite,Win Smile,Wow White, What-a-Smile, Tooth Smile USA, Glitter Smile, Glitzing Smile, BeamWhite, You Smile, Your Smile, EyeWhite, Our Smile, this list goes on. Joseph, we honestly can’t keep track; it is unbelievable how fast these companies

come and how fast they go. We’ve tried to chart the competition but the list

keeps changing; therefore, we gave up. This would be an almost

humorous chain of events if people weren’t getting hurt, money being

lost, inferior products being sold, and a mass of other issues

occurring daily including, but not limited to…

No knowledge of products, Zero equipment knowledge, no protocols,

governing bodies, boards, directives, legalities, proper mixture of

solutions, how to direct investor with professional guidance,

shipping problems, insurances, CDC advice, OSHA, Center for

Infectious Disease, blood pathogens, or Health and Hospitals

directives. Some don’t even know about proper germicide protocol

to sterilize from one customer to another and use alcohol swaps;

believe me this list goes on. Many investors are losing their hard earned money. As a warning to you, the consumer, we have found that some dealers will buy the cheapest product and equipment they can find and then call us looking for insurance or asking questions about why they are not getting repeat business. BleachBright receives an absolute onslaught of referral business, which is our mainstay. Please be aware that we must all put our customer first and deliver safety and quality. Repeat business will come to those who convey these essential values. We owe our customers the best that money can buy. This is what they expect. When you exceed expectations, you become the buzz of the town.

Q. How long do you see this business lasting, and what rules might change? Lawrence of L.A.

A. At BleachBright™, we have branded our product and have the staying power to be your partner, bringing innovation and evolving technology to the table for the long

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haul. Our constant changes stay ahead of this newly developing

industry that continues invoke new laws, rules and regulations. With BleachBright™ you have a company that has learned to command all the rules and regulations with our products, equipment and more particularly, our protocol. Our products are truly light speed ahead of all competitors in research and development and will remain so. We have legal professionals, board strategists, chemists, dentists, Health and Hospital advisors, and a complete team of other professionals who will assure our strategies for longevity. This is the professional support you get through our (PROFESSIONAL DIVISION) as a BleachBright™ dealer. This is a ground floor opportunity as mentioned in our feature article in Opportunity World Magazine this month. We have also been mentioned on NBC’s The Today Show, and next month we will appear in Entrepreneur Magazine. Check out our feature articles in American Spa in October and NailWorld in November.

It is also known that BleachBright will be named as one of the top 20

business models and opportunities in America for 2009 by; Small

Business Opportunity. We can also boast that BleachBright is a strong

candidate for the prestigious award of Best Business Models from

The Association of Entrepreneurs for 2009. This is the kind of company

that anyone likes to be associated with. These stories did not come

without an absolute and full investigation of the BleachBright model. We provide you with product rights unequalled in this industry.

Q. I found an LED that is 1/2 the cost of yours, what’s up? Joe M. Jersey.

A. Joe M., there is nothing like getting to the point. This is a short question that could take pages to answer with professionalism and detailed knowledge of our state-of the-art commercial light source and unsurpassable products, but allow me to appeal to your common sense. To sacrifice quality for price is not a desirable solution when serving the public. You have to consider your reputation. Remember the old saying, “If it sounds too good to be true…”, and how about “…you get your money’s worth”?

I would advise you that these other companies know how

much their light system is worth and what it is capable of

doing. Is cheap really better when you conduct business that

deals with the public and referrals are so very important?

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If a veterinarian, who is a doctor, offers to perform your heart surgery at a much lower price than your surgeon, would this be an intelligent savings to take advantage of? Consider that an LED light source can be used in different forms from a flashlight to headlights on your car. What do you and your family needs to see when you drive home at night?

Joe, seriously, it is unwise to pay too much but worse to pay too little. If you pay too

much, you sometimes lose a little money, that’s all. When you pay too little, you can

lose everything because the product you purchase is not capable of doing its intended

job. If you choose to purchase the cheapest, you are well-advised to put some money

aside for your losses, which could be disproportionate to what you “saved”. Quality

is priceless, especially in today’s world. Referrals are the building blocks of success

for our dealers and this industry. As a special note, consider your customer’s desire

for safety and a treatment that is beyond their expectations…

We want to join hands with people who care deeply about these values and

understand the importance of conducting what we call “good business”.

Q. Can you please provide me with some insight? I have an LED light that I purchased from another company that has only been in business since this year, and the light is not providing me with satisfactory results. I only paid $1,000.00 for the light and $10.00 per syringe treatment. Jean A. Dallas,Tx

A. Jean, Jean, Jean, how did you miss that one new guy on the internet who sells you a light and a beach chair for only $1,000.00? It seems as if you were budget shopping and the decision you made is now costly. I cannot answer your question, as you did not tell me the mW, nM, and most importantly, the watts and/or brand name of your LED. I could guess that your problem is with the product, but given the price you paid for your LED, I would think that both are your likely culprits. All of these questions repeat themselves more frequently than you can imagine, which is what prompted me to write this for consumers. It seems in this new and burgeoning business that everybody who buys a blue light and a syringe from e-bay is now an expert. We also experience solicitations for syringes and pre-molded mouth pieces ranging from what we would kindly define as less then desirable to downright scandalous. Uneducated vendors have offered to sell us products with solutions that exceed the ADA rules and current regulations. We used to research these with great interest only to find that nothing of consistent quality exists in the marketplace that we are able to attach our good name to.

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Experts Choice pledges not to sacrifice our good name or safety

benchmarks. I think our relationship with the FDA, for whom we

provide training for clinical trials, has helped keep us focused and

unwavering in our commitment to our three cornerstones; Safety,

Safety, and Safety.

BleachBright pledges the highest and safest degree of whitening, not

a dehydration process wherein your teeth will relapse to the same

color in a short time. This practice is rampant in the industry, and you could unwittingly fall prey to it if you are not researching product, equipment, solutions and protocol. I am sure no one likes to admit this, but it goes without saying that there is a direct correlation between some of these prices and the quality you can expect as a consumer. Great is the disappointment when you pay a little and expect a lot. Remember that repeat customers and referrals are the mainstay of this industry and you need results that exceed expectations to achieve the best business practices. When budget shopping, you can save a little but lose a lot. This is an extremely common issue if dealing with the wrong company. This loss will initiate with the mainstay of our business model, the consumer, and grow from there.

BleachBright™ provides the absolute best products, practices and commercial

equipment in the industry. We will not use foreign imitations or cheap duplications.

Don’t look for a “blue light special”. BleachBright™ has an exclusive patented light

system: The BB Cool Plus 2009. This commercial light source offers the ultimate in

teeth whitening and safety and its performance can’t be surpassed. The BleachBright

Cool Plus 2009 is complete with all safety features, adjustable modes, a tracing system

for precision placement and a spacing mode for exactness. To our knowledge, it is the

only light source that has been dissected by insurance underwriters and it now carries

a multimillion dollar insurance policy to protect our dealers.

Q. Presently our company sells another treatment but we have seen yours and it seems to be of better quality, can we buy these directly from you? Jerry Romig Mich.

A. Jerry, we get this question weekly. I am sorry to advise you that if your LED does not produce the desired mW,nM or wattage, you will not achieve the same results that our dealers get. I suggest you give us a call and we can talk. The perfect wattage is 12 watts, the perfect milliwatts are 2400cm2, and your nanometers need to be set at 488. If you have that equipment, we can provide you with the treatments you’re missing that will take you up to the next level you’re looking for.

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Q. Can someone please help me, I am so confused and I’m getting the run around. I have a couple of companies that are offering me 10%, 35%, and one 44%solutions of Hydrogen Peroxide. Which in your opinion should I use as both are a little less expensive for what your percentages are. Peter Langhouser PA.

A. Peter, you did not tell me if these were loaded syringes, which I assume is what you are talking about. Hydrogen Peroxide can cause soft tissue burns and other sorts of serious damage. The ADA considers anything over 10% H2002 to be practicing the art of dentistry. You must stay under those percentages to avoid legal issues. That’s your number one concern. Next, you have to pay great attention to what other ingredients are used in the solutions. We use Potassium Nitrate for soft tissue and other sensitivity. We also use a menthol nonirritant for the safety and comfort of your customer, as this always needs to take priority. Carbopol is used as a thickening agent and will contribute to a whiter smile due to its anaerobic reaction inside the tooth. The bleaching of the dentin must be considered the absolute true essence of a smile. Believe us and our research team when we tell you we do not pander just any old products. This is an outstanding business, but one that is exceptionally complicated. Certainly there are companies preying with pure greed on the lack of knowledge of its investors. We hope we are beginning to get the message across.

Q. I am SO SOLD on BleachBright products, the equipment, the treatments, and the Keep Bright pens. After I wasted a week of my time on research I am your number one fan. What is the agenda for your R & D department to keep BleachBright as a leader in the industry?

Mike Oninski Calif.

A. Mike, this is a great question and one I really want to hit on. We are

extremely excited about our new commercial grade 2400cm2

mW/12 watt bleaching light just approved to market on July

1st. 2008. The BB Cool 2009 is an unsurpassable landmark

product. It is exclusively owned and funded by BleachBright

LLC, and has no competition in the USA. Waiting on our BleachBright

CE- approval (CE-approval is International approval of product, thus having been tested

and approved by outsides sources for effectiveness and efficiency for the purpose of

international acceptance) was not for the weak of heart. Approval is not automatic nor does it come cheaply. You can’t beat the prestige of having this acceptance, however, and we got it.

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Q. Dear BleachBright, I have a friend who works with a governing body who says I should ask if we need any special certifications because he heard that something might be imposed on us as an industry. Allen C. Ark.

A. Allen, I heard this in yet another rumor mill, but don’t worry, BleachBright pledges to stay ahead of any curves coming our way. That’s exactly why we retain so many professionals to observe and advise us about potential problems and their solutions. It’s another one of those “just in case” attitudes we have adopted. BleachBright has already located recognized, accredited universities and put them on standby to issue the following certifications after online testing if certification becomes an issue.

The total cost on our group plan would be less than $250.00 per dealer.

��CDC Certified—Center for Disease and Control

��Certification for Infectious Disease studies

��ToothWhitening Accreditation Certification

��OSHA Safety Certification

��CPR Certification

��First Aid Certification

��LightWavelength Source and Safety Certification

Q. Thank you for the new equipment and I can honestly say I am excited about this industry again. I wanted to mention the quality and the personality of your shipping department. Before, with_______ (another company name deleted) I could not get an order right. Your new found friend, Big John.

A. Big John thanks for bringing this to my attention. I am so used to our shipping department being so rock solid, I never give it a thought. Just to let you know, did hire two UPS supervisors to oversee my shipping department as soon as I saw the business taking off. I guess I take these people a little for granted as our shipping department runs like a fine watch. We just never have problems. What a blessing you’ve reminded me about. I do need to show them my appreciation and I thank you again for reminding me.

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Q. You state you have eight foreign countries, 450 national dealers and 100 dentists carrying your product. How long would it take me to get a $100,000.00 order? A. I wish you had given me a contact name or number because your order would be on the way by now via your choice of three day ground or overnight. We pride ourselves in keeping an abundance of inventory in stock. Although that may seem commendable, that IS our business, to make sure you have supplies at anytime, anywhere. We are pleased to advise that our business has grown to the degree that we now have three outsourcing plants and can’t see ever having a supply problem. Also, we carry in excess of $500,000 in product and equipment on the floor at all times. Order up!

Q.What if I have legal problems, how is BleachBright going to protect my investment? Jeff Hampton, Orange County.

A. Jeff, we are going to take every step possible to protect you and your investment. We belong to an organization named CCTW, which stands for Council for Cosmetic Teeth Whitening. This is a collective of tooth whitening companies that have united to retain counsel to fight any and all disputes and/ or legal misunderstandings in the tooth whitening industry. At BleachBright, we pride ourselves in taking this one step further. We will automatically retain our council attorney for you. In addition, we will resource an attorney local to your area. They will be more familiar with the state specific laws where you may experience problems. BleachBright pledges to take these extra steps for our exclusive dealers. We also receive a monthly newsletter about any new and/ or upcoming rules, regulations or concerns that might affect us. These are more reasons we are able to stay light speed ahead of the curve in this newly evolving industry. These are more mega advantages of doing business with a company that cares about your longevity in our business and industry.

Q. I am as very confused as everyone says they are the best and most of the web-sites look to be the same. Some people scream about how cheap their product is and that too frighten me, where can I get information on this industry? I need support, how will I know when I am speaking to a professional? Karren. N.J.

A. Karen. This is exactly why I am publishing this report, to help clear up some questions or should I say disingenuous statements. It is said that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. If that is the case, we have had enough flattery.

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Recently, we retained an internet attorney to begin to pull

some sites down, stop other companies from using our good

name, and stop misleading the public about having products

just like us. There are always companies that scream, “my

product is cheaper”, like this is a bragging point. It seems as

fast as we can get these sites down, another one appears.

We will not compromise our customers needs, we owe that to them. I am ashamed to see what this industry has brought to market as of late. Some lights don’t have the power to activate their own glow. One company advertises and represents itself as a true dental supply. He (yes, he is the company) works from home and redirects his sales to whatever wholesaler will allow him to post images. Some companies even advertise how small they are and somehow tie that to savings for you. I guess they never heard of bulk purchases and never had to retain professional counsel, staff, or R&D personnel to assure you stay in conformance and growth mode. With BleachBright, you remain exclusive. Take, for example, our new BB Cool 2009. Another company duplicated our exterior housing and states that it is just like BleachBright, it is NOT! This is exactly why we have spent mega dollars to have our exclusive commercial whitening light built for professional results, one that is truly unsurpassable in the industry. You will not see us compromise our product for price, popularity, or a quick buck. One part of your question catches my eye, how will you know if you are working with a professional company? I would say if they have to talk about other companies and cannot focus on their own accomplishments, you might use that as litmus to flush that culprit. You would be surprised how many times people call to tell us horrid thing they have been told about our company. I guess if you don’t have selling points other than cheap prices, you are stuck with using cheap tactics.

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Q. Can you briefly tell me about your BB Cool 2009 and your treatment solutions? The BB Cool 2009model:

��The BleachBright Light system is CE approved and of commercial design, produced

to deliver maximum power in the tooth whitening industry. (We also sell to the dental industry)

��12 watts of power produce 734,400 joules during one single treatment session.

��2400cm 2 mW offers a safe but professional outlay of wattage, unmatched in the

industry (you will find most with 1200 to 1500 mW). This is very much unlike the small LED lights you will find for sale that feature 1200 to 1300 mW and 4 to 6 watts of power. Most don’t even tell the joule output. More LED lights don’t equal more effectiveness. Outcome depends solely on the intensity and the focus of the lights. Our special arc shape head design and four each by 3Watt each LED lights will provide you with 12 watts of whitening power to ensure the greatest light source focus, wide bleaching scope, and overall superior performance.

��We use a commercial system with a 15 month warranty and 5 year light warranty.

��Our BB Cool 2009 model is exclusively available to BleachBright and their dealers

FYI: An LED generates incoherent light. This does not pose a photo biological hazard at any setting under 1000nM. Even with direct viewing, your exposure is at a maximum of 488nM. True, it is known that 700nM is the wavelength used to do corrective eye surgery. The BB Cool 2009 model is a class 1 LED which is considered safe for eyes and skin. A class 2 LED would do damage only after long term viewing exposure. If you were using a class 3 LED, it could be potentially hazardous if viewed directly. The reason we use protective eyewear during treatments is solely for photosensitive purposes. A small percentage of the population may have seizure issues if they don’t wear the goggles. Our informed consent that every customer fills out prior to a treatment addresses this issue. It may sound like excessive measures, but remember our unwavering commitment to safety first!

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The Approved BleachBright Treatment package:

��30%Carbamide Peroxide Bleaching (maximum allowance to be in

accordance with ADA laws)

��20%Potassium Nitrate for sensitivity (used at 7% in Sensodyne tooth paste to

defer sensitivity)

��_*_% Carbopol- Stabilizer and recognized as an added whitening


��_*_%Menthol-uses as an anesthetic and counterirritant

��_*_% Triethanolamine-TEA- Increases penetration, assists in lightening of the

dentin (the dentin is the substance behind the enamel and to whiten ones dentin is the true essence of a smile. True bleaching is not just dehydration wherein the teeth return to their original color in a short period of time. This commonly occurs if not dealing with a reputable company.

��* The omitted percentage amounts of some ingredients are intentional; these

numbers are absent to protect our proprietary formulas.

��Note—In our never ending quest further improve our formula, BleachBright has

added a surfactant. This addition has nothing to do with the whitening process, but acts preventatively as a plaque inhibitor. This ingredient should help prevent the initial adherence of bacteria to the teeth.

Q. How large is BleachBright and when did you start your business? A. BleachBright is a multi-million dollar company based close to the port of New Orleans. We feel we are the largest and most recognized name in the industry. We carry that banner proudly, and with our R&D and strong commitment to this industry, we show no signs and have no intention of falling behind any other company on the rise. As mentioned before, we started our involvement working under Laser Therapy USA doing clinical research and professional training of physicians with the FDA. Once we set our sights on the tooth whitening industry, we spent months creating BleachBright. Starting with the benchmarks of safety, safety, safety, we developed effective products and equipment, and then worked out our business plan.

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We were not about to launch our business until we knew we had the safest, most successful products, equipment and support in the market. We made sure that every product including the commercial whitening light could be insured under our multimillion dollar commercial policy that we could past to our dealers for product, equipment and general liability. (see our insurance page)

Q. Have you had any product or equipment problems since you have been in this business? Howard G. Minn.

A. Howard, as an honest answer, we recently changed our formula to fit our new protocol. The new protocol dealt with concerns about employees being seen as technicians. During this change, the formula was misread and we had to recall $35,000 in product. We did this without a penny lost to any of our dealers. Although it was embarrassing, unforeseen things happen from time to time in business. We did the right thing at our expense as soon as this was identified. This is yet another reason to make sure you deal with a financially sound company.

We hope this Q. & A. have been helpful to you and have

provided valuable information for your decision making.

It is our desire that you choose BleachBright products and

equipment. If you care about the safety aspect of this industry, the

insurances we provide and truly care about the customer getting the

most for their money, then you will be a welcome asset to the

BleachBright team. We look forward to hearing from you soon. C.W. Baudot -CEO BleachBright LLC

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“After years of searching for an entry level cosmetic teeth whitening

system, I have finally found it. BleachBright products are far superior to

any other over-the-counter product on the market. I am proud to be part

of Experts Choice a cutting edge company delivering a quality system and

business model to dentists and dealers alike.

Now there is finally a company offering a tremendous product, reliable,

affordable equipment, and the credibility that only can come from dentists.

There is no other teeth whitening opportunity like it in the market right now!”

Dr.Christian Yaste

-Ballantyne Center for Dentistry,

Charlotte, NC


THESE ATTACHED PUBLISHED STUDIES… A. Insist that your LED light source is properly pre-set and calibrated at the nanometer range for tooth whitening which is precisely 488 nanometers. (Laser and Light Amplification in Dentistry. Authored by Dr. Grace Sun DDS, ( B. The in-vitro study by Zwathen et al, page 37, reports that using an LED light source adjusted to 488 nM wavelengths improves absorbance and causes less temperature increases, thereby eliminating pulpal damage. This study proclaimed, "You can not address the true ability of light production for the sole purpose of whitening of teeth when you do not have a proven clinical and steady wave length of 488nm." The mw of the equipment should equate to no fewer than 700,000 joules per treatment. C. Bowles and Thomas have shown that the free radical approach immediately targets that with which it is to purposefully react using 2400mW. Free radicals are produced in this manner as needed to bolster oxygen to accomplish this immediate goal. This is why BleachBright has developed a patented oxygen impregnated mouthpiece. Our mouthpiece acts as a lens to focus the 488 nM light wave to our mouthpiece while using a 2400mWsetting. This in turn releases the oxygen and the patented solution for immediate activation.

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D. Bleaching agent studies by Bowles and Thomas have shown that solutions containing potassium nitrate and carbopol will produce better and longer lasting results. The potassium nitrate is introduced to our BleachBright formula in such a way that it all but eliminates any sensitivity to the teeth and gums. The carbopol is a longer and deeper bleaching process that enters the pores of the teeth and bleaches to the dentin, which can add an additional½to 1 full shade within 24 hours, if the customer is given follow up instructions. This is the kind of product and responsible research BleachBright takes pride in offering to the public. BleachBright, LLC C.W. Baudot, CEO

OK…That’s IT!

If you’ve read this far (man, you gotta’ lotta’ time

on your hands) you might as well make the call.

Join the fastest growing segment of the market

when it comes to adding new patients and BIG

PROFITS to your dental practice.


of the whitening LEADER,



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