
4H CIM 10

Exploring Citizenship

Unit I

Me, my family

and my friends!

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 2

Table of Contents Introduction

What will I learn in this project? ....................... page 3

What will I do in this project? ........................... page 3

What is good citizenship? ................................ page 4

Part 1- Getting to know myself

My best friend .................................................. page 6

My health ........................................................ page 7

My favorite activities .......................................... page 8

My feelings ......................................................... page 12

Part 1: Things To Do & Project Summary .......... page 14-15 Part 2 - My family: The people I live with

My family ........................................................... page 16

Getting along at home .................................... page 20

Part 2: Things To Do & Project Summary .......... page 24-25

Part 3 – My friends: The other people I like

My friends 26

Friendships 28

Accepting others .......................................... page 29

Part 3: Things To Do & Project Summary .......... page 30-31

This book belongs to:

My name: _____________________________ My address: ___________________________ My phone number: _____________________

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 3


What will I do in this project? Explore things Do Things

Create things Take photos Work with my family

Think and learn

Share with others

What will I learn in this project? What is good citizenship?

More about yourself More about your family

More about your friends

(This is my book to fill out and keep!)

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 4

What is good citizenship?

Hello, I’m _______________________ , (my name)

and I am ready to have some fun and to practice being a good citizen. So let’s get started and explore this thing

called citizenship!

Did you say “What’s citizenship?” Citizenship is how we talk and act toward each other. Also, how we think and feel about each other. It is our relationship with other people.

I will put my photo here!

My Project Goals: List one project activity that you would like to do for yourself: List one project activity that you would like to do to help your family: List one project activity that you would like to do to help my friends:

For project activity ideas, look on pages

14, 24, and 30

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 5

Good citizenship is showing concern for ourselves and others around us. A good citizen treats others as he or she would like to be treated. Ask yourself the following questions.

Yes No Sometimes

Do I think of safety for myself and others before I do something?

� � �

Do I consider other people’s feelings before I say or do something that may hurt them?

� � �

Do I accept other people who are different from me and try to make friends with them?

� � �

(check one box)

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 6

Getting to know myselfGetting to know myself

I am my own best friend! We will be together for the rest of my life, so we should get to know and like each other. Just think, no one in the world is just like me. I am unique (Look it up in the dictionary!)

My birthday is:

Month __________________ Day_____________________ Year____________________

I am __________ years old. My hair is ____________________ .


My eyes are __________________ . (color)

I am _____ feet and _____ inches tall.

(That is _______________ centimeters). (ask for help) I weigh ________ pounds.

(That is __________ kilos.)

I will put my photo here!

That’s me!

[ Insert your photo here]

Use a Little Math to

Describe Your Self!

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

1 pound = .45 kilos

Part 1

Part 1

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 7

My health

Sit down with an adult family member or someone who can answer these questions. Answer these questions by filling in the blanks.

What allergies do I have?

Who is my doctor? ______________________________________

Who is my dentist? _____________________________________

The last time I saw the dentist was: _________________________

Is it time to go to the dentist again? _________

I have these special health needs:

What vaccinations have I had?

Which childhood diseases have I had?

I believe that my health is

� Excellent

� Good

� Fair

� Poor

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 8

My favorite activities Favorite activities:

In my free time I like to

___________________________ and ____________________.

I would really like to make a with my

own hands.

If an older family member would help me, I would like

to .

Favorite places:

Of all the places I have been, I like

___________________________ the best

because _____________________________.

If I could go anywhere in the world I would

go to _________________________ .

Favorite things:

My favorite thing is my


It is my favorite because


Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 9

Favorite movies , TV, and music

_____________________________ is my favorite TV program.

I like this show because _______________________________.

The best movie I have ever seen is ______________________

___________. It was the best because ___________________


My favorite actor is ____________________________________.

My favorite actress is __________________________________.

My two favorite singers are __________________________________ and


My favorite song is _____________________________

by ________________________________. (who sings the song?)

I like __________________________ music. (what type?)

� I play the __________________________ . (instrument)

� I don’t play a musical instrument.

� I would like to learn to play

___________________________________. (instrument)

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 10

My favorite animal is _______________________.

My second favorite animal is __________________.

� I own one � I own both � I own neither

If I could be an animal I would be



My favorite sport to watch is ___________________________.

My favorite sport to play is _____________________________.

I’m…. � Good � Fair � Not so good My favorite athletes are

____________________________________ and ________________________________.

This is a drawing of my favorite animal!


This is a drawing of me playing my favorite sport!

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 11

Foods I eat like a:

� Bird

� Horse

My favorite food is ______________________________________.

I can’t stand _____________________________________.

My parents think I should like

_____________________________(but I don’t).

My favorite people

My favorite teacher is _______________________________________

because _____________________________.

My favorite relative is__________________

because ______________________________.

My favorite person in the whole world is


because _______________________________.

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 12

My feelings Sometimes I feel scared

� ye s � n o

Sometimes I cry

� yes � no

I’m happy

� all of the time

� most of the time

� never

When I am being teased I feel __________________________.

I feel the saddest when ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________.

When I am feeling blue (or sad), I usually... � go to my room and cry

� call a friend

� watch T.V.

� work on my hobby

� read a book

� ask mom or dad if I can help them

� other __________________________

I get down on myself and feel low

� never

� sometimes

� a lot

� all the time

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 13

Sometimes I get angry at people. � ye s � n o

When a friend is angry at me, I


When I am angry at a friend, I __________________________.

I get the angriest when ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________.

The five things I like most about me are: 1) ________________________________

2) ________________________________

3) ________________________________

4) ________________________________

5) ________________________________

Sometimes there are things about ourselves that we don’t like, but we can’t change it. Maybe it’s our height, or the color of our eyes. We must learn to live with these things we can’t change. Sometimes there are things we CAN change, like how we treat others, or getting more exercise.

Here are some things about myself I would like to change: 1) _________________________________

2) _________________________________

3) _________________________________

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 14

Things to do to complete this part of your Citizenship Project:

Do one or more of the following:

1. Look at the “My favorite activities” on page 8 and make the thing that you said you would like to make. Go ahead and make it, then share it with someone else or make another for them.

2. Make a plan with your family to visit one of your

favorite places. Take pictures of yourself and your family to create a family photo page.

3. How’s your health? Ask your parents if it’s time for you

to go to the doctor or dentist. If so, ask them to help you make an appointment.

4. Name one food you don’t like that you ought to. Try

to learn to like this food by eating small amounts of it when it’s served.

5. If you play a sport or a musical instrument, set up a time

to practice each day and keep a record of how long you practice.

6. If you own a pet, treat it like a friend. Feed it on time

and keep it clean. Do something “extra nice” for it. 7. Choose one of your favorite people and make them a

special card telling them how special they are to you and why.

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 15

What I Did: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ What I Learned: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ A photo or drawing of what I did:

Part 1: About Myself Project Activities:

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 16

My family:

The people I live with !

There are ___________ people in my family. Let’s meet them!

Name Relationship Birthday

I have ________ uncles ____aunts.

My family : Here is my family:

I have _______ sisters. I have ________ cousins.

I have _______ pets.

I have ________ grandparents.

I have ________ brothers.

Part 2

Part 2

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 17

Place a picture of your whole family here!

Place a picture of your most favorite relative here!

Place a picture of your house where you and your family live!

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 18

There are many jobs and responsibilities that make a good home for our family. Some of these jobs are washing the dishes, cutting the grass, and cleaning my room. I asked my family to help me and we made this list of 10 important jobs at our home. We also decided who was responsible for each one.

The job Who is responsible? 1) ________________________ ________________________

2) ________________________ ________________________

3) ________________________ ________________________

4) ________________________ ________________________

5) ________________________ ________________________

6) ________________________ ________________________

7) ________________________ ________________________

8) ________________________ ________________________

9) ________________________ ________________________

10)________________________ ________________________

How many of these jobs are your responsibility? _______ How do you feel about helping your family? Are there other jobs you could do?

Family chores

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 19

Most families not only work together but they do some “just for fun” things, too. Some family fun things are done indoors, some are done outdoors. Some activities we like to do ourselves and others we just watch. Here are some things I have done or watched with members of my family.

Outdoor Activities

Indoor Activities What we did: What we watched:

Where we went: What we did: Where we went: What we watched:

Here is a list of favorite activities my family and I enjoy doing together: 1) ______________________________________________________

2) ______________________________________________________

3) ______________________________________________________

4) ______________________________________________________

Family fun

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 20

What are things you can do to not hurt someone’s feelings in your family: What other ways can you show respect to your family members?

Getting along at home

I get along with my family:

� very well

� pretty well

� not too well

� not at all

Sometimes we forget that the other members of our family are real people, too. They have feelings which can get hurt just like ours. We need to understand how they feel before we say or do something that will upset them. If we think about this before we speak or act, we’ll get along with them much better!

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 21

Family word fun I get lots of important things from your family! In the word search below, see how many of these you can find.

All words go across or down.








0 T R U S T T R A I N I N G D C




love toys support

kindness food comfort

help gifts security

money fun protection

rules care home

values trust sharing

clothes training standards

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 22

Here is a checklist for being a good citizen at home. Check your answer for each item and see how well you are doing.

I pick up after myself � � �

I see things that need to be done and I do them.

� � �

I offer to help others with their chores. � � �

I keep my room neat. � � �

I enjoy doing nice things for family members.

� � �

I wait until others are through talking before I speak.

� � �

I try to help others feel better when they are feeling low.

� � �

I help others understand me by explaining how I think and feel.

� � �

I respect others’ ideas even when they are different from mine.

� � �

I like to do things together with my family.

� � �

Yes No Sometimes

Your family check up!

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 23

I find it easy to say what I really feel at home.

� � �

I feel free to disagree with family members and to express my opinion.

� � �

I try to “cool off” and make up after family quarrels.

� � �

I stop teasing family members before they get angry.

� � �

I really try to make our home a happy place.

� � �

How did you do? Did you check “no” or “sometimes” lots of times? If so, what can you do different to be a better family citizen? You can help bring your family even closer together!

Yes No Sometimes

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 24

Do one or more of the following: 1. Ask your family to all join in a “camp in” at

home! Spend a whole day and/or night together without the TV, computer, or other things that might distract you. Just play games, sit around and talk, do things you would do at camp, and enjoy spending time with each other.

2. Complete your family tree and frame it. Hang it up in your house so everyone can enjoy it.

3. Sit down and talk with an elderly person in your family about what life was like when they were your age.

4. Ask your parents to take you to visit the place where they work.

5. Take on a new job around your home that you are willing to be responsible for. Ask your parents for their help in deciding what you’ll do.

6. Ask your parents to help you plan a “just for fun” thing for your family. Take a leading part in carrying out your plan.

FAMILY Things to do to complete this project:

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 25

What I Did: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ What I Learned: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ A photo or drawing of what I did:

Part 2: My Family Project Activities:

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 26

My friends, the other people I like

There are about __________ people whom I call friends.

_____ are girls and ______ are boys.

(how many?)

At home, we develop habits which will help us form warm re-lationships with others. This will lead to real friendships, and we all need real friends, don’t we? So now, let’s learn about friends.

Part 3

Part 3

Place a picture of you and your friends here!

Place a picture of you and your best friend here!

My friends

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 27

Not all my friends are people. Some friends of mine that are not people are:




Place a picture of your favorite friend who is not a person!

My favorite friend who is not a person is ____________________________ because __________________________________________________________.

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 28

Here’s a list of activities my friends and I do together:

Can you think of two songs about friends? 1) _________________________________________

2) _________________________________________

Can you list two movies about friends? 1) _______________________________________________________

2) _______________________________________________________


Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 29

Not all my friends are the same. They are young and old; they are boys and girls. Here is a list of my different friends.

Friends younger than me: A boy: ________________________ A girl: ______________________

Friends my age: A boy:______________________ A girl: ____________________ Friends older than me: Teenagers: Adults:

The most important things I can give my friends are:

I like my friends for these reasons:

Friends are people whom you like and trust.

Accepting others

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 30

Do one or more of the following:

1. Make a new friend. 2. Plan to do something with one or more of

your friends. 3. Do something nice for an elderly friend. 4. Make up your own song about a friend or

friends. 5. Draw a picture of something you like to do

with one of your best friends.

FRIEND Things to do to complete this project:

Unit I: Me, my family and my friends Page 31

What I Did: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ What I Learned: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ A photo or drawing of what I did:

Part 3: My Friends Project Activities:

The 4-H Pledge is an outline for the 4-H Citizenship Project. Citizenship education through 4-H should provide three-fold learning - knowing, feeling, acting.

I Pledge

My Head to clearer thinking Understanding- using our heads for clearer thinking, getting information and understanding issues.

My Heart to greater loyalty Attitudes -using our hearts to appreciate our rights and feel our responsibilities.

My Hands to larger service, and My Health to better living for my Club, my Community, my Country, and my World.

Action - using our hands and healthy bodies and minds to put into practice what we understand and feel we should do.

This document is 4HCIM10 (DLN 4H 015) one of a series of the 4-H Youth Development Program, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural

Sciences, University of Florida. Please visit the Florida 4-H web site at: htpp://

John Rutledge, Professor Emeritus, Joy C. Jordan, Associate Professor, Dale Pracht, Assistant Professor Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, in co l laborat ion wi th the Li fe Ski l ls Ci t izenship Act ion Team: Germaine Pointer, South RSA, Karen Henry, 4-H Agent I, Osceola County, Kay D. Brown, Agent IV, Escambia County, and Vickie B. Mullins, Agent IV, Santa Rosa County, University of Florida, IFAS Extension, Gainesville, 32611. Revised, December 2009.

COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, Millie Ferrer-Chancy, Interim Director, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture, publishes this information to further the purpose of the May 8 and June 30, 1914 Acts of Congress; and is authorized to provide research, educational information, and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without dis-crimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions, or affiliations. Sin-gle copies of extension publications (excluding 4-H and youth publications) are available free to Florida residents from county extension offices. Information about alternate formats is available from IFAS Information and Communication Services, University of Florida, PO Box 110810, Gainesville, FL 32611-0810. This information was published October 1979 as 4H CIM 10, Florida Cooperative Extension Service. Revised December, 2009.

Additional Citizenship Units

Good citizenship involves more than understanding and participating in government. Good

citizenship is important in relationships with your family, friends, and neighbors. Good citizenship is important to your 4-H Club and other organizations you belong to. It means understanding and appreciating yourself and your heritage, and having the same respect for other people and their heri-tages. The citizenship project is made up of a series of seven units. You have probably used some of these units in previous years and you may take the other units in the future. The citizenship project con-sists of the following units:

Unit 1 Me, My Family and My Friends Unit 2 My Neighborhood Unit 3 My Clubs and Groups Unit 4 My Community Unit 5 My Heritage Unit 6 My Government Unit 7 My World

Publication History 

This material was originally prepared by Maurice Spencer, 4‐H Youth Development Leader, University of Georgia,  and the Southern Regional 4‐H Citizenship Literature Committee: Norma Roberts, Louisiana (Chairman); Treva Sawatski, Arkansas; Ruth Milton, Florida; Maurice Spencer, Georgia; Robert Soileau, Louisiana; and Ben Powell, Tennessee, through a grant from the Coca‐Cola Company. This document was published as one of a series of the 4‐H Youth Development Program, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. June 1985 

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