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Expository Essay

Saisreekar Singam

Period: 4 Neidig

Culture. What is culture? Culture is a way of life of a group of people or an individual--

the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that he/she or they accept, generally without thinking

about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to

the next. Culture impacts everyone’s lives in many ways. It plays a huge role in every person’s

every day. The world would be a completely different society and place without culture. Culture

plays a huge and important role in contemporary society.

Culture plays a huge and important role in contemporary society. Culture plays a huge

and important role in contemporary society because everyone today has their own culture they

believe in. It is a huge part of their lives. People have their own sets of values, beliefs, and

religion that they believe is correct and everything else is just wrong or not valid enough. Every

day, people will do things according to the type of culture they believe, which impacts

everything they do all the time in their lives.

Culture plays a huge and important role in contemporary society. Culture also plays a

huge and important role in contemporary culture because every person has their own type of

culture they believe in. They have different opinions about good or wrong, what good table

manners are, how valuable education is, what religion or beliefs they have about a higher being

or if there isn’t one. This different opinions is what forms culture, making it a huge part of

people’s lives. Culture can be used for this purpose, and also can be used for other purposes.

Culture plays a huge and important role in contemporary society. Culture plays a huge

and important role in contemporary culture because it is what separates one person from another

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person and makes each person in the world unique. If we did not have culture, every person

would be the same in every single way and the world would be an uncreative, boring world as a

result of everyone having the same thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and values among other things. The

world would be a much more different place without culture playing a huge and important role in

contemporary culture. We would have such an advanced and civilized world without culture

playing a huge and important role in contemporary culture and having a cause to make us do

something new every day.

Culture plays a huge and important role in contemporary society. Culture plays a huge

and important role in contemporary society because people get inspiration from culture. People

get inspired to do new things every day as a result of culture being around them. Culture can help

people achieve anything they want to do in life. It directly influences people’s lives in many

ways. Examples of this are if a person wants to be an engineer or doctor when they grow up, they

need to value their education(component of culture) in order to achieve that type of dream they

have for their future.

Another example of culture playing a huge and important role in contemporary society is

a person’s religion. A person could be any type of religion (component of culture) and all that

depends on the type of culture that person believes. Culture impacts religion in this way because

a person relies on his values and beliefs for his religion and all of that is just a part of that

person’s culture. Culture will impact anything a person does in “visible” ways and “non-visible”

ways. The visible ways are the surface components of culture that can be seen easily by anybody

without any effort, while the non-visible ways can’t be seen easily and do take some effort to be

seen because they are the much more complex components of culture than you have to put effort

into and think over about to truly understand how the non-visible ways(below the surface/more

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complex components of culture) impacts people’s lives along how culture plays a huge and

important role in contemporary society.

Contemporary society is impacted by culture in many ways, some that can easily be seen

by people and some that people have to put effort into and think over about to understand these

ways. Overall, Culture plays a huge and important role in contemporary society in a lot of ways

and has impacted people’s lives in many ways today. Culture is one of the most important things

in the world and in people’s lives. Without culture, contemporary society would not be where it

is today. Contemporary society just needs one main thing to move on and get more advanced in

the future, and that one thing is culture. Culture is what people need to pass on to future

generations, to help them and make the world a better place to live in the future.

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