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Expository Texts Before and After These assignments represent several layers of instruction

and formative assessment. After studying expository texts, students considered their own knowledge and interests, then identified publication opportunities that seemed authentic. Students “designed” their texts, created, revised and polished their work. Many students used research, while some students identified minimal research needs. The following slides represent “before” and “after” student work samples.

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Cell phones, Like Us, GROW UP! “ As matter of fact, when compression technology come along, we thought the future in 1996 was

about voice. We got it wrong. It is about voice, video and data and that is what we have today on these cell phones.” Steve Buyers – a former Indiana U.S. representative, made this statement. From the very beginning in the 19940’s we were introduced to the first generation of cell phones. To present day where everywhere you look or listen you see or hear cell phones. This small electronic device consumes most of the human race, without it their lives would crash and burn. Not until the past few years has anyone noticed blackberry’s, Iphones, and Samsung taking over and that’s because with our lives becoming more and more hectic there is a greater need for smarter phones.

Cell phones: The Toddler Stage.

The first cell phones couldn’t be found in the pocket of just anyone in the 1980’s. However, they could be found in the floorboard of cars. Owned by rather rich people. Not until years later did they become actually mobile. Still then they cost hundreds of dollars and were still quiet large. The condition of hearing on them was unbearable due to static and noise interference. Then the 1990’s came and this was a new beginning for cell phones users. The cell phone became smaller, cheaper, faster and quieter. The outcome of this was the second generation of cell phones became more popular. With peoples lives becoming busier they wanted something more to go with that and that’s when they got just that. The third generation of cell phones was introduced in the early 2000’s. According to the company Cloud, inventor of many present cell phones the usage of cell phones went from 34 million to 203 million in just 10 years. Now not only could people only call on them, but also now they could text, email, video chat with others, take pictures and add apps for anything and everything. Once again they became even smaller, even faster, even cheaper, even better.

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The Childhood YearsTwenty-four hours in a day simply isn’t enough time to the people of today. Along with work, people have appointments, meetings, kids, after school activities and so much more. To keep on top of things people keep those smart phones close. Civilians become so caught up with work and their daily lives thus the demand for better phone comes in need. 50 years ago no one was even aware of the term “text message,” today an average of one billion texts are sent. Along with that when cell phones first came about they were used to make emergency phones calls. Today the age group from18-24 spends up to 13 hours a day talking on the phone. Therefore, not only have phones physical appearance changed, but the usage of them has to.

The Adolescent Angst.Cell phone users however maybe in more trouble than just hand cramps and high cell phone bills. According to the National Cancer Institution having, a phone close can emit radio frequency energy that can cause tissue nearest to it to absorb that energy. Thus leading to damage in DNA that can later lead to cancer, tumors and memory loss. A study to help prove this was true was conducted on mice exposed to microwave radiation. Their number of immune cancer cells doubled in them. This suggesting that cell phones can be harm. According to the NCI (National Cancer Institution) cell phones do have harm to them and the more advance they become the more harmful they become as well because people will have their phones closer to them the more advanced they are. To some people the smart phone is their drug and they can’t part with it. Just like drugs being harmful, it’s a possibility phones are too and just like a drug addiction being hard to break going without phone would be to.

Adult Years: All Grown Up.Perhaps cell phones will continue to change as they have from the very beginning. Maybe they will continue to get even faster, even cheaper, even smaller and better enough to satisfy peoples needs. As of today cell phones are in the hands of 4 out of 5 people. We talk, text, check e-mails, video chat and so much more with these devices. The future always brings new electronics. Therefore, it’s a guarantee the future will bring new phones. We will always be in demand for the best phone with the best graphics, camera and quality. This will be the target of billions. We may have started out with brief case size phones in floorboards, but today we have so much more.

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