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Extra, Extra Super Special Update Mon. 18 Oct. 2021

Trust the Plan.

We are at WAR. We are FIGHTING for LIFE and GOOD. Not Everything Will Be Clean Cut. Scare Events were Necessary. Do you TRUST the US Military? Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command? Have FAITH – We are in control. Patriots, You were Chosen for a Reason. You are being provided the highest level of Intel to ever be dropped publicly in the history of the World. Use it to protect and comfort those around you.


God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

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Judy Note:

On Sun. afternoon 17 Oct. a very High Up insider reported that the monies from Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 became liquid on Sat. 16 Oct. and the bonds had been paid out for the Global Currency Reset.

It was felt that the German Bonds and Yellow Dragon Bonds would “be ready” on Mon. 18 Oct.

They also reported that the 800 numbers for Tier 4B to set redemption/ exchange appointments would go out either Sunday night or by 8 am Mon. 18 Oct, though didn’t indicate in which time zone that would occur.

Also on Mon. 18 Oct. GCR Bonds would be liquid, allowing a green light for 26 Master Accounts to release funds to Paymasters.

On Tues. 19 Oct. or Wed. 20 Oct. funds were expected to be available for the lower tiers.

The General Public Tier 5, would follow in about three days, or around Wed. 20 Oct.

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On Sun. 17 Oct. the Cabal’s Bankruptcy was complete. The Federal Reserve, IRS and US taxpayer dollars were no longer under their control and had been returned back to The People.

The Global Currency Reset and Gold Standard for 209 nations, plus NESARA/GESARA Law could now be enforced.

Restored Republic:

“End of the World as We Know It”:

“Q: Return of the King”:

A. Whiplash347:

B. The Storm is almost here. We soon would be in full Global Martial Law, and transitioning from Crown Maritime Law to the basics of

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Common Law of the original 1776 Constitution.

Make sure you have two to three weeks worth of necessities. The Military will also supply food and supplies when needed.

B. Thirty Days of Red Wave Mon. 11 Oct. to Thurs. 11 Nov.:

Expect a Market Crash/ Blackouts/ Revelations/ Military Takeover/ Final Lockdown/ Mass Arrests. Planes & Trains grounded. Lights/Power switched off while changing over to Tesla Free Energy.

WW3 Scare Event:

34 Satanic buildings & dams bombed. Bitcoin Servers turned off. 99.5% of Crypto gone. Nuke Sirens Water Event. Stock Market Crash. Global Martial Law. CASTLE ROCK – Scenario Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.

C. Three Day Event: Wed. 20 Oct. to Sat. 23 Oct.:

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Three Day Event worldwide Blackout. Should be a quick change over to TESLA Free Energy

D. Ten Days of Darkness Sat. 23 Oct. to Mon. 1 Nov.:

Disclosure through eight hours of movies broadcast in many languages in three time zones for 10 days. No Texts, Phone Calls or Internet while Operation Mockingbird was being wiped, [REBOOTED] & Project Odin Starlink Internet coming Online.


E. News Highlights for Sun. 17 Oct:

* Between now and Thurs. 11 Nov. expect a Market Crash, Blackouts, Revelations, a Military Takeover, Lockdown and Mass Arrests.

* White Hats were organizing hundreds of thousands veterans and discharged Military to prepare for war against the Cabal. The Military has been organized across the globe. Troops

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had been called up and were in place ready for action.

* On Sun. 17 Oct. the US Inc. defaulted on it’s debt and therefore the Cabal no longer owned the Federal Reserve, IRS and US taxpayer dollar, which was returned back to The People. This opened the door for a Global Currency Reset and return to gold-backed currencies for the 209 nations participating.

* Fox News Maria Bartiromo reported that Nancy Pelosi may step down soon.

* The World Doctor Alliance announced that COVID was a seasonal flue that was active from Dec. to April for which there was effective treatments. There was no need for lockdowns, masks or isolation. The group, representing hundreds of medical doctors across the globe, called for citizens to remove politicians who were taking away our freedom of speech and right to have control over our own health.

* After a vaccine injection scientists have discovered hatching eggs, parasites birthing and blood clotting that caused death. Some

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countries reported more deaths from the vaccine than from Covid.

* A newly uncovered Oct. 2019 video showed Anthony Fauci and other HHS officials discussing how a new virus from China could be used to enforce universal vaccination – vaccines now found to have living and growing ingredients that caused blood clots and other major causes of death. Some countries reported more deaths from vaccines than from Covid.

* On Sun. 17 Oct. the US Deputy Treasury Secretary admitted that supply chain problems would only end when everyone was vaccinated.


* With protestors across the globe continuing to fight vaccine mandates, one would wonder if the vaccines were part of the Illuminati plan to reduce the population.

* Cargo ships full of goods remained crowding the seas on both coasts, with

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frustrated sailors reporting, “They still do not allow ships to dock in order to raise prices for consumer goods and create the illusion of a crisis. The government is a criminal organization, a predatory mafia.”

* Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Jeanette Archer has gone public about her severe childhood abuse at Windsor Castle. As a small child she was made to witness and participate in Satanic rites presided over by Queen Elizabeth and other members of the Royal Family. Countless children were molested and murdered during Freemasonic Rituals worshiping Satan.

F. Trust the Plan, the Military was the only way, Q:

Eventually worldwide Military Coups will begin, but first: Martial law. The Military in 32 countries will activate Martial Law against riots, food shortage, gas shortage, Vaccine mandates, forced lockdowns. Citizens of the World will rise against the Deep State Plandemic. The Martial Law will be an excuse by White Hats to bring in Military in all major countries. In those days when people are under Martial Law the Deep

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State Cabal and those who colluded in the scheme of the Pandemic, Bank, pharmaceutical companies and Deep State affair will be arrested. ZERO HOUR + the FALL OF THE CABAL IN ALL COUNTRIES.

G. Whiplash347:

POTUS post about turning off the Christmas Lights and celebrating Halloween At Mar A Lago tells me its all gonna blow up this week. As you know we are also flipping the Calendar back to the Julian Calendar. We would have these days of darkness then flip the Calendar. So October will be a 40 day Month. We were told Christmas is coming early. This also makes me feel that we will then be celebrating Christmas on November 9. Mirror 9/11 – 11/9.

This way of writing the date will be changed too. Day/Month/Year. Jesus was born on September 11. Darkness ends & we will have 4 weeks to get prepared for Christmas & the Victory Celebration/Inauguration/Concert Event on 11.11In the 10 Days of Darkness God Sends down his Angels to help us. Those in the Federal Witness Protection Program will be

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walking out to guide and Unite us all. Many will be performing 11.11

H. The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal By Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter,

Who Is the Cabal?

In This God-Knows-How-Many-Parts-In-Total Series, The Cabal Will Be Fully Exposed. This Sequel Is Not About Q, Nor Trump. It Is About the Cabal. It Will Give You Info That Will Blow You Off Your Socks. Crime, Murder, Money Laundering, Cartels, High Treason, All of Which Under Your Nose.

Part 1 Who Is the Cabal? This Sequel Is Not About Q, Nor Trump. It Is About the Cabal. It Will Give You Info That Will Blow You Off Your Socks. Crime, Murder, Money Laundering, Cartels, High Treason, All of Which Under Your Nose.

Part 2 The Wrath of The Jesuit Council… From Weishaupt and The Creation of The Order of

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The Illuminati to Napoleon and World War 1. Follow Their Trail of Destruction in Order to Know Whom We Are Dealing With.

Part 3 About the Russian Revolution, The Great Depression And WWII. All Instigated by The Cabal. Through Manipulating the Stock Market, By Pushing Cabal Puppets Forward, And by Ruthlessly Killing Millions of People Who Stood in Their Way. With One Goal, And One Goal Alone.

Part 4 The Protocols of Zion.

Part 5 About The Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The UN, And The ‘Peacekeepers.

Part 6 About Henry Kissinger, Population Policy, The UN And Its Many NGOs, The Un Population Fund, Population Control, Forced Abortions & Sterilizations, And Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger.

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Part 7 About The 5500 NGOs, Connected to The UN, Who Do So-called Charity Work. Upon Investigating Their Very Own Financial Papers, We Discovered That NGOs Are Nothing but The Perfect Business Model to Launder Money (Billions of Dollars!), To Avoid Paying Tax, And to Invest in The Cabal’s Main Target: Depopulation and World Dominance. Join Us to Peel Off A Few More Layers of This Onion, To Found Who the Cabal Truly Is!

Part 8 Exposure of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Their So-called Philanthropy in India and Africa in The Form of Mass-vaccinations, One of The Most Favorite Tools of The Cabal to Roll Out the Protocols of Zion and Agenda 21 And 2030.

Part 9 Further Exposure of Bill Gates, His Obsession with Genetically Modifying Everything He Can Lay His Hands On, And His Secret Ties to The US Army. Also Exposing the Corruption of Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus, Current Director General of the WHO.

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Part 10 Further Exposure of Bill Gates, Buying Shares in Companies Active in The Area of Control, Manipulation, Censorship, Human Trafficking, And Adrenochrome. About Gates’ Multiple Visits to Epstein Island and His Foolish Denial, His Investments in Monsanto, And His Vaccination Fetish.

Part 11 Further Exposure of Bill Gates, Being Involved in Some of The Most Polluting Companies in The World. Exposing His Money Fraud and Redefining Philanthropy.

Part 12 The Ultimate Weapon of Bill Gates: Gene Drive Technology / Synthetic Biology. A Curse or A Blessing?

Part 13 Final Exposure of Bill Gates. His Last Evil Schemes in The Lime-lights.

Part 14 The Era of Depopulation… What Does That Look Like in Our Daily Lives? About Wars, (Natural?) Disasters, Famine & Drought, Plagues &

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Diseases. The True Story Behind HIV/AIDS And the Spanish Flu.

Part 15 The Era of Depopulation… About Our Poisoned Food, Water, And Care Products, About GMOs And Family Planning. The True Story Behind Sex Education and The LGBTQ Movement.

Part 16 The Era of Depopulation… The Truth Behind Chemtrails and Electrosmog.

Part 17 The Era of Depopulation… The Truth Behind Vaccines.

Part 18 Part 1 Of Multiple Episodes About the Biggest Medical Scam of All Times.

I. Food, Fuel, Goods Shortages Crisis:

U.S. Costs of heating fuel, eggs, meat, fish, peanut butter and baby food were all skyrocketing.

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Italy: Ports of Genoa and Trieste blocked all weekend as workers strike against Covid mandates, the working week resumes tomorrow, hopefully bosses cave and freedom wins.

US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue “until EVERYONE was jabbed.” Some sailors on ships that jammed both coasts waiting to unload claimed the holdup was deliberately perpetrated by the US government Biden Administration which wanted to up the cost of goods.

BIDEN’S ECONOMY: “Retailers are warning of price hikes and shortages over the holiday season. Products are not just harder to get, but more expensive.”

Italy is blocked from north to south.”Remember Solidarity: the protests of the Gdansk dockers led to the fall of the communist regime in Poland. Is history repeating itself? The regime of banker Mario Draghi, the neo-communist dictatorship of capitalist financiers, of which he is a worthy representative, is facing mass protests from the north to the south of the peninsula. The port of

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Trieste launched an attack on the Green Pass, the port of Ancona responded, in addition, it was joined by the ports of Liguria, including the great port of Genoa and others, such as Gioia Tauro and Civitavecchia at the gates of Rome: the blockade of ports, of course, causes failures in logistics, trucks can neither enter nor leave, nor load or unload. Dockers aren’t the only ones on the warpath. Powerful protests are also taking place in Turin near factories. Truck drivers, other employees, ordinary citizens and many students joined the demonstrations everywhere: in Florence, in Turin, in Milan in front of the courthouse, the university and the headquarters of the state TV channel RAI, in small towns and in the capital Rome at the Circus Maximus.”

Selling Cars in the Era of the Chip Shortage:

Online Chats and No More Haggling:

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Pandemonium looms for the world as the ‘Everything Shortage’ meets a ‘Dark Winter’ thanks to collapsing global supply chains By Dr. Mathew Maavak, a Malaysian expert on risk foresight and governance.

The coming years will be marked by extreme socio-economic turbulence. The world is reportedly facing an “everything shortage” where essential goods are getting harder, farther, and more time-consuming to find.

These shortages affect the entire gamut of the social pyramid structure. The typical production to delivery cycle is repeatedly hammered by a macabre musical chair of woes in tune with Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”

J. International Child Sex Trafficking: Storm Rider:

A Chimera is Human × Alien × Animal & also can be robotic. These are Hybrids that can

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stand 12 feet tall or higher. There is footage out there of US soldiers taking some of these out. Do you understand Children have been down in these Tunnels Miles/Kilometres deep for years held in Cages etc. Rods Of God Earthquakes 10km deep. DUMBS being destroyed once they have removed whatever needs to be.

I believe the med beds are already in use, helping those they bring up from the tunnels Dark To Light. As you know too those MedBed companies POTUS announced are being loaded on Lobst[R]. All part of the new QUANTUM World.

Vincent Fuska: Some of the 40,000 children brought out of the tunnels actually had malformed eyes and ears from being isolated in the dark so long.

Scotland Tunnel Children: Claire: They were using these tents to bring up victims some of which had never seen the light of day. Worldwide rescue by DJT and the white hats. God Bless them all. I aligned with the cries of pain and tears of those trapped here in Scotland dumbs. I continue to pray for them all. The so called Coronavirus pop up tent hospitals

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had nothing to do with overflow and everything to do with the soldiers who had been training since 2015 to rescue those trapped souls and no not all human either. So when people mock these amazing warrior angels from God and dismiss this actually happened, it is beyond evil to do that.

Australia Tunnel Children: Alice’s Floor, Tunnels below Tunnels. Australia Pine Gap – Northern Territory- South Australia – Victoria. CIA Human-Alien- Animal Experiments – Chimera’s Some Twelve Feet Tall. All the missing children.

New York, California Coasts USNS Comfort and Mercy: POTUS says.”We converted the USNS Comfort for Car Accidents because we thought there would be, but in the end there were no Car Accidents because there was no Cars on the Road” Interpretation: Car Accidents = CHILD ABDUCTEES. They found no live children in the tunnels to treat on the USNS Comfort, although the ships Comfort & Mercy were loaded with Bassinets, Cots, all children things. Army Medic tells you about the Operation that meant a lot to her, made her very emotional. April 4, 2020: Hospital

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Corpsman 3rd Class Alexandria Agudelo checks in from aboard the Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort Hospital:

Tunnels in Australia:‘COVID’ found in the sewerage in Shepparton, Victoria. So when they say the Covid Positive in the Sewerage it means Children Dead or Alive are coming up. Remember 8million Children Worldwide per year go missing.

Australia: Covid found in Sewers in Sydney. So just after April last yr Melbourne went into its first major lockdown.Those same white tents were put up that they had in New York City at the same time as Comfort & Mercy were there. There were people driving at night taking videos of the explosions/booms they were hearing(Tunnels getting hit with Tesla Rods Of God). They discovered a 1500km tunnel system used for trafficking. Australia has major DUMBS aka Deep Underground Military Bases that Intelligence Operatives use for Trafficking. A Victorian MP shared the truth on her Instagram. She showed an Entry to one of the tunnels and said something else is really going on.

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Covid just found in Sewers in Ireland. Ireland Investigates Alleged Discovery of 800 Babies in Sewer Tank. The alleged discovery by a local historian of 800 dead babies has prompted condemnation by officials and religious leaders.

Judy Note:

What the news didn’t report about the Ireland babies was that it was nuns from a Catholic orphanage who buried the babies and they were decapitated with organs missing – signs of Satanic child sacrifice ceremonies according to Kevin Annette of the ITCCS.

A Rabbi telling you they sell Human/Children Meat to Fast Food outlets & McDonalds is the number 1 Buyer.

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The Khazarians are the ones behind Mcdonalds. Now go find the TerraMar Project. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. That is where they collect the Jewels off the bottom of the Ocean.All those Children Tortured, Raped, Murdered & Eaten getting ground up & put inside the Jewels. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. Thats right Childrens Remains. See Cemex & Heinz too.

SOS EMERGENCY Help Us Save The Children NOW! Watch Rescue Music Video by Melanie Yelle + White House Tim Ballard speech with Trump.


Page 23: Extra, Extra Super Special Update Mon. 18 Oct. 2021 Thanks to Tim Ballard.

Where We Go One We Go All!

K. COVID/Vax Hoax Crisis:

Pentagon now facing MAJOR CLASS-ACTION LAWSUIT Over Vaccine Mandates on Military, Federal Employees and Contractors.

Unheard Concerns: Ten Thousand blame COVID-19 vaccine for hearing problems. Truly fascinating to see this ABC15 Arizona news segment somehow slip by the Trusted News Initiative’s censorship wall. And, how ironic, that the piece is entitled “Unheard Concerns” while talking about the 10,000 Americans that have reported tinnitus to the CDC VAERS database from the COVID vaccines. Now, do the 798,634 other “Unheard Concerns”, including the 24,805 permanently disabled, and the 16,766 deaths that have also been reported to the CDC from these vaccines.

Scientists Discover The UNTHINKABLE After Vaccine Injection – Hatching Eggs, Parasites Birthing. The mainstream media

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has been working overtime to try and make it look like the COVID-19 vaccines are completely safe, but:

Do glyphosates increase the severity of Covid-19?

Stephanie Seneff: The Troubling Role of Glyphosate in COVID-19

The governors of Oklahoma and Florida – Kevin Stitt and Ron DeSantis are going to sue Biden over his mandatory vaccination mandates.

Texas Covid Patient Made to Wear Plastic Bag:

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Graphene Oxide Detox Protocols:

US National Exercise Program: National security laws may suggest that COVID-19 is a falsified pandemic ‘exercise’. A suspicious amendment just before COVID may be one of the clearest suggestions that US officials were trying to cover themselves legally before a planned pandemic. One of the approaches used to determine whether COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic is to observe the legal actions, plans, and strategies leading up to and during COVID-19 in any way relevant to emerging infectious diseases, vaccinations, or pandemics. Previous articles discussed several of those legal actions, plans, and strategies which suggest that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic “exercise,” “operational exercise,” “exercise program,” or something similar. “Hoax” would also accurately describe a falsified pandemic, but the

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aforementioned terminology appears to be what is used in U.S. federal law, policy, strategies, and other documents. Possibly one of the most significant indications that COVID-19 may be a falsified pandemic “exercise” or “exercise program” is discovered in a law that was enacted on October 9, 2019 – only a few months before the reported outbreak of COVID-19. Most of the law is in regard to a specific national exercise to test preparedness for terrorism. But within the law is an odd update to the overall U.S. national program which tests or “exercises” preparedness for national security threats. This program is named the National Exercise Program and is developed, led, and conducted by the Department of Homeland Security and other federal bureaus and departments.

L. Global Financial Crisis:

Global public debt hits record high of $88 TRILLION – IMF The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Wednesday that global government debt is estimated at 97.8% of the world’s gross domestic product in 2021.That is 0.8 percentage points lower than a year before but still at record-high levels as a result of the

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massive fiscal responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. Globally, public debt now amounts to $88 trillion, according to the IMF, but is expected to decline by about 1 percentage point of the world’s GDP per year in 2021 and 2022 before stabilizing at about 97% of GDP. In the coming years debt is “expected to remain persistently higher than the levels projected before the pandemic – in advanced economies it is projected to be almost 20 percentage points higher through 2026,” the IMF said in its report.

China: Evergrande has $300 billion (€259 billion euros) in liabilities and missed a $83.5 million dollars (€71,98 million euros) interest payment last month, shaking markets worldwide.

M. 2020 Election Fraud:

138 Legislators from 38 States wrote a letter to the American People calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification where appropriate, and possible convening of the US House of Representatives.

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Judge Issues Ruling on Ballot Review Case for Fulton County, Georgia. The lawsuit sought a review of roughly 147,000 absentee ballots.

“President” Joe Biden:

Obama Takes an Active Role as Biden Faces Multiple Crises

N. Durham Investigation:

Fox News Maria Bartiromo is reporting that Nancy Pelosi may step down soon. Now that’s very interesting since we know Durham is getter closer. Forced resignation?

O. The Real News for Sun. 17 Oct. 2021:

White Hats organizing hundreds of thousands veterans, discharged Military to prepare for war:

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Catholic Church: Archbishop Vigano Claims That the Pope Is A “Zealous Cooperator” In The “Great Reset,” Who Pursues The “Demolition of The Church” In Order to Replace It with An Organization Of “Masonic Inspiration.”

New York: ‘Defund the media’ – Anti-mandates protesters chant at NYC rally

Germany: Troop movements throughout Germany. American and Alliance units are in position. There has been a report that the army is occupying hospitals throughout Germany for a short time, along with firefighters and police. People who ordered vaccinations, and those who gave people the lethal injection are being arrested en masse. Cologne nurse reports arrests via army of doctors and nurses…. Corona is over dear ones:

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The arrests are confirmed, from t hospital in Cologne

Red October in full swing. Military is the only way. Q

Haiti: A group of 17 U.S. missionaries including children was kidnapped by a gang in Haiti on Saturday, according to a voice message sent to various religious missions by an organization with direct knowledge of the incident. The missionaries were on their way home.

Washington State: Boeing Workers Shout ‘F**k Joe Biden!’ While Protesting Company’s Mandate in Washington State:

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France: Hundreds of protesters, including members of the Yellow Vest movement, took to the streets of Paris on Saturday to protest the recent health mandates and against increasing fuel prices.

Australia: “FREE VICTORIA” – Anti-vaccine mandate protesters marched through Brisbane, Australia on Saturday.

South Africa: The International Constitutional Tribunal for World Peace have embarked on a legal process to charge and bring to Justice the illegitimate government entity that is running South Africa, namely the Corporation called the Republic of South Africa which is registered with CIK number. The ongoing process had led to the President his Cabinet, SARS, SARB and their affiliates receiving a notice to vacate their offices within 10 days as of the 4th October 2021. This notice has expired on the 15th October 2021 and imminent arrests will be carried out as of the 18th October 2021. We invite all South Africans to witness the fulfillment of these warrants. Join us on the 18th October at Union Buildings at 11 am. This is the biggest case in the world right now. Not only are the People of South Africa seeking

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a ruling to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflected by the Globalist’s Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.

P. NEWS/Quick reads by QTSR

_Now organ transplants are being cancelled because the DONOR isn’t vaccinated… all organs must be pre-“spiked” with spike protein toxic nanoparticles _SUBWAY GAS ATTACKS to be staged by DHS/Feds in NYC at over 120 locations, including transit buses, airports, subway tunnels between October 18th – 29th _If people being killed by spike protein vaccines in the name of “science” is deemed GOOD, then why is there so much opposition to prescription opioid deaths? _Exclusive: 60% of TSA Employees Refusing COVID Injection, Says Insider Source

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_William Shatner Tells the World to Prepare for Mass Death _Delta Airlines CEO Announces Company Will Reject Biden’s ‘Divisive’ Vaccine Mandate _COVID-19 news update: “living organisms” in Moderna, J&J shots; graphene oxide and Merck’s new anti-viral pills _NBA Update: Andrew Wiggins caves to social pressure, Brandon Goodwin suffers post-injection blood clots, while Kyrie Irving, et al. stand their ground _National security laws may suggest that COVID-19 is a falsified pandemic ‘exercise’ – LifeSite _Mark Zuckerberg ‘bought’ 2020 election for Biden with ‘staggering’ funding, new analysis suggests – _A CONTAGION of COURAGE is spreading across America as pilots, police, firefighters and other workers say, “Take this JAB and SHOVE it!” _“We have no idea how they did this,” – China reportedly tested a NUCLEAR CAPABLE hypersonic glide missile that CIRCLED THE GLOBE through low-orbit space speeding towards a target! _Seventeen American Christian missionaires & families KIDNAPPED in Haiti – NYT reports

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_Global public debt hits record high of $88 TRILLION – IMF _France: Hundreds march against health pass mandate and increasing fuel prices in Paris _THOUSANDS of Puerto Ricans turned out Friday to protest an ongoing POWER CRISIS. _Medieval-style siege, clashes in central Berlin: German police evict iconic left-wing Kopi trailer camp – _France: Tear gas deployed against health pass protesters in Vannes _”FREE VICTORIA” – Anti-vaccine mandate protesters marched through Brisbane, Australia on Saturday _German state allows ALL businesses to ban unvaxxed customers, even for groceries & other essentials _US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until EVERYONE is jabbed.


_Turkey’s Nightmare Week in Syria continues. Assad’s Army attacked the main base of Erdogan-backed militants in Idlib, 5km from the Turkish border.

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Turkish Military intelligent officers are among those killed in the strike.@auraxchan _Israel has allegedly assassinated Midhat Saleh, an ex-member of Syrian parliament, according to reports in Syria. _Russia military vessels chased away a US naval destroyer that attempted to violate Russian territorial waters during Russian-Chinese naval drills in the Sea of Japan _Lebanon in the middle of Beirut, a metropolis of millions, opposing militias are fighting street battles, using firearms and grenade launchers. So far 5 dead and 30 injured. _Turkey is preparing for a new military operation against the Kurds in Syria. _ISRAEL – Over the next few weeks, the air forces of Germany America UK Greece France Israel India Italy will take to the skies in Israel _URGENT – Chinese state media Global Times writes:”The PLA will maintain HIGH ALERT and is ready to fight any time. It will resolutely defeat all external interference and “Taiwan independence” separatist acts, safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” _Meanwhile on the southeastern flank of the NATO, where Serbia and Russia already begun their annual Slavic Shield-2021 exercise in

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Serbia. A Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and cannon system destroyed an unmanned helicopter during the exercise. _Kosovo border tension still on high ALART as SERBIA Mil. Forces do Exercise nearby _Sudan protest calls for military coup as political crisis deepens _USAF HC-130J, E-3C supports Combat Search and Rescue Training in South Korea – _Japanese warship arrives in Singapore from Sri Lanka _U.S. destroyer attempted to violate the state border of the Russian Federation in the Sea of Japan and refused to turn around – Russia deployed the huge “Admiral Tributz” and Americans turned around when the Russian navy approached “60 metres close” _India-US soldiers participate in friendly matches amid joint military exercise Yudh Abhya _The military are striking in Italy….Great news!!!!! The military aviation union calls for its first strike ever in protest against the Green Pass for work effective as of 15th October. _North Korea’s Kim Jong Un vows to build an ‘invincible’ military as he accuses the U.S. of creating tensions

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_2 Navy SEALs, 16 other troops suing Biden, DOD over vaccine mandate | American Military _A combined force of CNA, CDF- Hakha and CNDF has carried out a joint strike against Myanmar military junta’s forces who are stuck between the main highway of Hakha city and Falam in Chin State. The attack results in 7 military vehicles destroyed, many soldiers dead and injured. _MPT telephone line has been cut off in Hakha city and Falam Town following lots of explosions in Hakha city, Chin State.

Q. Med Beds:

Tesla BioHealing. Having More Medbed Generators = More Tesla Lifeforce and better healing! Tesla BioHealing™ MedBed Generators™ | Recharge and Repair Your Cellular Health with Life Force Energy

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I just spoke to a Doctor friend of mine who works for the RFDS. Royal Flying Doctor Service. And boy oh boy he is clued up on all the med beds coming. He knows about it all.

R. Whiplash347:

The last 6 months of Obama Presidency. He sold Syria 8 × M28/M388 Davy Crocketts Nuclear Mortars. Syria let one go. It killed 20 Russian Soldiers. US Nukes killing Russians..Not so good. The other 7 were stolen by General Qassam Soleimani of Iran who was working for the CIA. They were letting him into the US to take Uranium & other weapons back to Iran. Vlad started moving Russians out of Russia. He was preparing for WW3. On the Eve of the Election I decided to go to Church. It was there I started talking to a group of 6 middle aged Women. They were Mothers of Australian Soldiers on deployment in Afghanistan. Our Australian Army had just been briefed that if Hillary won she was going to surround Russia with Nuclear Rockets imminently & start WW3.

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S. Restored Republic:

Past: GEORGE = John. On July 4 2019 Vice President Pence flew out on AF2. Something happened. The plane changed call sign too Sam239/329. From there GEORGE was sworn in secretly as the New Vice President. In the Shadows shall we say. Right after that GEORGE “Official” White House twitter page appeared.

He would share POTUS schedules at 3am for the following day & many other things. GEORGE was aboard AF1 last January when they flew too Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum.

Ever since July 4 2019 you have seen a different Mike Pence. Sam 239 we will call him.


Trump, reinstated as 19th President, calls up a new Vice President JFK Junior – as everything from 1871 was illegal and unconstitutional. [Justice Thomas only Supreme Court Justice remaining] Trump will step down. John will become President like he would of if it wasn’t for Killary plotting to kill him.

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He will then call up General Flynn as his Vice. Trump will become 1 of the 7 new Kings. Most likely the King Of Kings. 7 Trumpets. 7 Presidential Msgs to all phones on EARTH. 7 Kingdoms.

T. Unplugging from the Matrix starts here.

1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too UK Royals (Khazarians) 1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones(Khazarians) 1870 – 1930 – BIG PHARMA (Khazarian) 1871 – Act of England(Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarian’s 1912 – Titanic/Olympic Sinking (Who was onboard, what really happened) Those who opposed the Federal Reserve killed. 1913 – Federal Reserve 1917 – The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government 1917 during the first world war (ROTHSCHILD’s/Khazarian’s) 1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution 1940 McDonald’s – Khazarian’s

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1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird. – Khazarian’s 1948 – Israel Formed(Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt) 1947 – CIA Formed – Khazarian’s 1949 – Mossad Formed – Khazarian’s 1963 – JFK – “I will splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces and scatter it into the winds” 1967 – Operation Mockingbird Exposed.

U. Zim Redemption and/or Currency Exchange Appointment:

The following was in my opinion only and could easily change by your appointment time. Official instructions would come with publication of the Secured Website.

In order to redeem Bonds and/or exchange foreign currencies at the higher rates you must go to a Redemption Center within the days allotted for such exchanges/ redemptions.

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If you go to a bank they would give you the lower rates as shown on the Forex for that day.

Notification to set appointments at Redemption Centers would come out by way of letters to your email account. Those emails would contain a link to a Secured Website. That Secured Website link would also be published on various Dinar websites as well as be in a Restored Republic via a GCR Update.

To access an appointment at a Redemption Center, go into the Secured Website where it would ask you to verify that you are you, after which you would be given an individual 800 number to call to set your redemption/ exchange appointment.

While you could send the Secured Website link to anyone you wished, your individualized 800 number could only be used by you and only once to set your appointment.

Currency Rates: No one has knowledge of the currency exchange rates for Tier 4B as they would be set just prior to notification.

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Zim Rate: We don’t know what the Zim rate was. The UST listed the Zim at a 1:1 for countries other than the US.

The US requires a project for the Zim redemption at the higher rates.

If you had Zim and don’t have a project you could take a “default rate.” No one knows what the “default rate” would be.

If you had a project the rate for your ZIM would be on a sliding scale of from below $.01 to $1.00 depending on the needs of your project, your project presentation and how many years you wished for your payout.

80% of that payout would go to your project and 20% would be for yourself. You would also earn interest on money left at the bank during your payout period, which could be substantial.

If you don’t have projects, and you don’t have Zim, you could ask for Contract Rates on your currency.

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Except for seniors over 65, all Zim redemption would be on a payout in the number of years of your choice up to 50 years.

You would be paid interest on your money left at the bank during your payout period for as much as 7% to 8% a year depending on how many years you decided for your payout.

The Dinar and Dong exchange could be used for your project.

You could invest in the International projects and would benefit from that commitment. If you elected to go with International Projects, your team would take it and run with it and you would be hands off.

A Trust Account owns the project(s). Your Exchange/ Redemption Team would be available to help you manage your project. There may be oversight during the first couple of years to determine that you’re actually delivering on your commitment to Humanitarian Work, infrastructure and philanthropy. The TRUST still owns everything.

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Presenting a Project: Have around three type-written pages with details of your project(s), describing your intentions, your ability to perform and the amounts you would allocate to it. They are looking at the longevity of your project and how many jobs it would create.

Your currency exchange was a non taxable event. The Zim redemption might have an Estate, Capital Gains and/or Earned Interest Tax. It was advised with the ZIM that you set aside an amount to cover possible taxes.

The UST was going to charge a fee to exchange and to redeem. We don’t know exactly what that would be until we get to the delivery.

A bank fee of $.025 was possibly negotiable.

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