

Personal Ministries Department.

Personal Ministries Department : TMI TRAINING DOCUMENT

Training Areas

1. TMI Activities2. TMI in Evangelism/Relevance of the church/school to its community3. TMI in every Department4. TMI Assessments5. PMD coordination of TMI6. TMI SSCHOOL

Objectives of TMI Training.

1. Come up with TMI Trainer of trainers (TOTs) for every district and church.2. Put every church member into work.3. Every church become a training school for evangelism.

Work of The Church board and departmental councils in TMI

Facilitating A Discipleship And Nurturing Plan Giving Every Person Something To Do Giving Reports For Assessment

EZC Mission

a. The Mission Statement: To call and prepare people in EZC Territory and beyond to become disciples of Christ ready for His second coming in the context of Rev.14:6-12.

b. Calling is evangelism and preparing is nurturing them and training them to do evangelism. When there is no calling of people ministry has stopped to exist and to be meaningful.

c. All departments are aides to the fulfillment of this mission statement. In ezc it is our missionary charter, we exist from and for it.

d. Efforts, small groups, Bible studies, visitations in all its forms, funeral services, teachings and trainings are the mission context and content of that statement.

e. Small groups is a special feature that has unfailing results.f. Our goals: member visitations and baptisms.


a. The Adamic expectation

b. The Abrahamic callc. The Exodus and sanctuary motifd. The Return of Exiles and Sanctuary motife. The recall of the Jews and the Crucifixionf. The call of the Gentiles and the crucifixion motifg. The Reformation and the Advent motif : Rev.14:6-12.h. The Remnant church and its Gospel Commission

Mission to Cities

Harare for 2019

Statistics indicate that Harare has +4.2million people Chitungwiza has about 3million people ZEUC churches in these cities is 317, 45 districts and membership of 133357 Other denominations without counting their individual churches/parishes is 344. Harare models or shapes the other towns and rural societies way of thinking.

Everyone wishes to do and behave the way Harare thinks and behave. Harare has Zimbabwe’s resources. Money circulates in Harare.

With these figures it is apparent and imperative to focus on Harare at this moment.

The two and half eastern tribes that continued on the mission are the Gadites and Reubenites.

The Church Manual And The Spirit Of Prophecy On Tmi.

Ch. M Pg. 131. Work of the Board ----- 1. Ensure that there is an active, ongoing discipleship plan in place which

includes both spiritual nurture and outreach ministries. 2. Train local church leadership in how to encourage intentional spiritual growth

in themselves and others. 3. The board will study conference recommendations for evangelistic programs

and methods and how they can be implemented locally.

Spirit of Prophecy.

ChS. Pg. 9. A distinct work is assigned to every Christian. Were every one of you a living missionary, the message for this time would

speedily be proclaimed in all countries, to all people and nation and tongue.

Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life.

ChS. 12. The real character of the church is measured, not by the high profession she makes, not by the names enrolled upon the church book, but by the number of her persevering, faithful workers.

ChS. 41. It is a solemn statement that l make to the church, that not one in twenty whose names are registered upon the church books are prepared to close their earthly history and would be verily without God and without hope in the world to come.

ChS.58. The Church a Training Center ..... The need of the hour: That which is needed now for the upbuilding of our churches is the nice work of wise labourers to discern and develop talent in the church ---- talent that can be educated for the Master’s use. ............ It is training, education , that is needed. ....... God expects His church to discipline and fit its members for the work of enlightening the world.

7T. 30. Every one who is added to the ranks by conversion is to be assigned his post of duty. Every one should be willing to be or to do anything in this warfare.

ChS. 87. The world needs missionaries, consecrated home missionaries, and no one will be registered in the books of heaven as a Christian has not a missionary Spirit. R& H, Aug.23, 1892. See Esther 4:12-14.

The great outpouring of the Spirit of God, which lightens the whole earth with His glory, will not come until we have an enlightened people, that know by experience what it means to be laborers together with God. When we have entire, wholehearted consecration to the service of Christ, God will recognize the fact by an outpouring of His Spirit without measure; but this will not be while the largest portion of the church are not laborers together with God.—The Review and Herald, July 21, 1896. ChS 253.2

Jesus Method and The Apostolic Church secret of growth :

A sample of the TMI activities

JESUS APOSTOLIC CHURCH Preached to a gathered group * preached to a gathered group Taught from scriptures * taught from scriptures Door to door witnessing * door to door witnessing Bible studies * Bible studies Small groups * small groups Ministered to the sick * ministered to the sick

The special needs * the special needs fed the hungry * fed the hungry the bereaved * the bereaved the affluent * the affluent the single parents * the single parents the rejected * ………………. …………… * the naked prison ministry * prison ministry the demon possessed * the demon possessed the weddings * ……………………… to children * ………………………. disasters, storms * disaster storms baptisms * baptisms prayer visits * prayer visits business opportunities .. fish * business opportunities fellowship meals with non * fellowship meals blessings to people * blessings to people the socially & politically affected * socially & politically affected ploughing and cultivation * …………… sending the 12 disciples * sending the disciples prophecy of the kingdom * prophecy of the kingdom prophecy of the times


whats app chat groups for prayer ministries or question and answer from the Bible. Revelation seminars for a small group or selected families SSAU out reach programs Street music or house song services Chn’s prayer groups or visits Free Lawn mowing Sundays Free car wash Sundays Mobile restaurants for Sabbaths or selected days Funeral services see explanation below A combi for mission; the sick, funerals, immergencies Book distribution days (orto targeted people) in the streets Special revelation series for distribution eg Europe in Bible Prophecy; Return of the

Little Horn; America in Prophecy; 144000; God’s protection in times of trouble; When is the New Heaven; work of angels, how to fight demons etc.

“Public Relations is the management function that helps to nurture relationships between an organization and its stakeholders – groups that can either enhance or constrain the ability of the organization to deliver on its mission. And all of this with the good of society/all in mind.”

• It is the connecting link between the historic message and the new times and needs of the world.

• It is the bridge between outmoded and archaic evangelism and the new "total evangelism" concept of the twentieth century.

• It can serve as the effective interpreter of the eternal certainties of the gospel to a present world society that is totally ignorant of the alien language of the gospel.


• But, do churches really need to manage public relations? Should they care about building relationships with the members and the community where they exist

• The answer is Yes. • The church represents Christ and has the responsibility for making that

representation reflective of who He is. • And, one way to do that is by giving back to the community and maintaining a

positive public image.• n order to have a relationship with your community, your church must be familiar

with their attitudes and concerns in order to establish and maintain cooperative good relationships.

• Get to know your community . Let them get to know you through good public relations

• There is a CONTINUAL NEED FOR MORE OF A SERVICE-ORIENTED emphasis to denominational endeavor.

• In place of making certain demands on the public, the church has certain essential serv ices to offer.

• Nowhere is there greater scope for the development of this theme than in the evangelistic efforts of our church. By relating each topic to some contemporary need or condition of man, the otherwise little-appreciated subject becomes both interesting and personally significant.

• Obviously, the gospel cannot be legislated and accepted by people simply as the result of some ECCLESIASTICAL FIAT.

• Some self-styled pulpit giants may fancy themselves in the role of a demigod summoning mankind to heed the personal ultimatum of salvation, but the true representative of Jesus Christ is the loving ambassador of the One who went about "DOING GOOD."

• Evangelistic sermons can be powerful in their appeal when their timeliness, logic, and relevancy are apparent in their applications to people's current needs and problems.

• We often hear of PR nightmares during times of crisis and, how an organization responds, can have a positive or negative effect on the public perception of the organization.

• A good strategy can help build rapport with members, employees and the general public.

• The goal would be for the ministry to have a good reputation within their community and a plan for responding quickly in the event of a church crisis or emergency.

• For example: a church supported homeless shelter may have a mission to “provide shelter to those who have temporarily lost the ability to provide housing for themselves”.

• This statement helps the organization understand who they are, what they do and who they serve.

• The church should have a goal to create a positive relationship with everyone they interact with.

• This is important because, in the case of a homeless shelter, a positive relationship can potentially increase funding, identify volunteer labor or foster collaboration for joint community projects.

• Public Relations Strategy Plan• Developing the public relations strategy and plan is very similar to

establishing church goals and should be done as part of a strategic planning process. • PR goals and objectives should focus on communicating what was learned in the

discovery phase.• For example, think about answering questions like – how does the ministry make the

public aware of the homeless shelter?• How does the church field media calls following a church emergency?• How are church members made aware of church strategy?• proactive .3.Public Relations Policy• PR policy should be written for how to manage communications or respond to any

number of situations or events. • This includes communicating with employees, the news media or a public

announcement regarding a church sponsored event.•• For example, identifying what information gets shared, and how the information is

communicated about a community outreach event is what the policy outlines and clarifies.

4.Public Relations Strategy Plan Implementation• Implementing the plan according to policy requires church budgeting, scheduling

and a process to roll out the plan. • Budgeting and timing of communications can impact the end result.5.Evaluation• Once the plan has been used for a while, it is important to evaluate how well it is

working. • Creating SMART Goals can provide specific measures to track the effectiveness of the

plan over time.• A PR strategy is designed to build positive relationships with members, donors,

employees and the general public. • A positive public image can elicit care and support in times of crisis.• In addition, maintaining a reputation, for positive things such as giving back to the

community, providing a great place to worship, or supporting the social needs within the community, can do more to recruit new members than any other form of Evangelism or advertising .

• Public relations involves, rather, the taking of the soul-strengthening message of the gospel to men everywhere by developing and utilizing every available channel of communication to serve the widest possible number with this message in terms that can be readily understood and more easily accepted.

• True evangelism makes every communicant a communicator of a story that is related to the needs and interests of the many publics each church must serve.

• This is but the beginning of public-relations oriented evangelism.• AS A CHURCH WHAT IS IT THAT IS LACKING?



• Every activity of the church can be cast in a service mold without losing its original purpose. The Dorcas Welfare Society, for example, can put more emphasis on welfare and service by conducting a real program of community welfare assistance instead of merely contenting itself with endless quilting bees or bandage-rolling projects.

• The church's Pathfinder Club might in time be enlarged to admit non-Adventist community youth and in this way open up a new avenue of faith-sharing that could prove to be a most effective contribution to the youth of both the church and the community.

• Effective cooperation with civil defense authorities should always be an accomplished fact with Adventists. We do not have to be trained in rescue procedures by our own teachers.

• Adventist instructors, on the other hand, can volunteer to instruct other groups, thus widening their sphere of influence and witness.

• This association in community service could well be a new adventure in faith, both to Adventists and to pre-Adventists.

• Arrogant exclusivism and good public relations just do not mix. They are irreconcilably incompatible.

• Another area of community service is entered by the pastor who is adequately equipped and trained not only to minister to his own immediate denominational family, but indeed to be a pastor to the community itself, for in the fullest sense his ministerial calling is no narrow parochial summons.

• Let his study become the shrine or sanctuary where those outside his immediate church family can also find comfort, guidance, and direction in the solution of their own very real and pressing problems.

• Let it be known quietly, yet effectively, that the Adventist pastor is a real counselor of people in need of guidance in the affairs of the soul and the spirit. It is in this quiet, friendly, and secluded place that some of his most effectual evangelism can be practiced.

e. Hold the elevator.

f. Share clothing with the needy.

g. Donate your old laptop or other electronics.

h. Donate a used car.

i. Volunteer for a “Health Expo.”

j. Offer to return a shopping cart.

k. Send a card to a shut-in.

l. Preach an evangelistic series.

m. Call your neighbors and ask how they’re doing.

n. Talk to someone at work that you’ve never spoken to before.

o. Develop the habit of praising people.

p. Give someone a book you think they’d like.

q. If someone is crying, give them a tissue.

r. Help someone carry their heavy grocery bags.

s. Pass out GLOW tracts.

t. If someone lives alone, offer to take them to the doctor or pick them up at the hospital.

u. If you’re tempted to make a “not so nice” comment, bite your tongue and say something nice.

v. Show appreciation to the person that has done something nice for you.

w. Invite someone to accept Jesus.

x. Hold a cooking school.

y. Volunteer for a Pathway to Health Project.

z. Do the “28 Literature Project” – Week one, give away one book. Week two, give away two books. Week three, give away 3 books. Continue until you have given away 28 books.

aa. Ask your youth group to do an “enditnow” march.

bb. Help a disabled person.

cc. If a person is having a hard time reaching a higher shelf in the grocery store, help them.

dd. Do some gardening for an elderly person or couple.

ee. Take some food for someone who has lost a loved one.

84. Visit persons in hospital to encourage them or help them in some way.

85. Read to an elderly person.

86. Visit a children's home and offer your help to the staff.

87. Write a letter or card of encouragement for a soldier away from home.

88. Start a sewing/knitting/crocheting group to make clothes for those in need.

89. Read the Bible for someone who can't see or read.

90. Host a youth night at your home.

91. Have a spa day at your home or church for women in the community.

92. Volunteer at a shelter for abused persons.

93. Donate some books to a children's home or shelter.

94. Offer car rides for those who need to come to church, or go to the supermarket, or a doctor's visit.

95. Take flowers for a nursing home or shelter.

96. Visit a home for elderly people with children from your church and present a program for them.

97. Start a clothes closet at your church to give to those in need.

98. Have a fun day for special needs kids and their families.

99. Have a community clean-up day.

100. Keep adding because there’s no limit – send your ideas to [email protected].

General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904 USA | Ph: 1-301-680-6636

The General Conference is launching a new, bold initiative called Total Member Involvement (TMI encouraging every church member to be involved in God’s last-day message—from speaking the Word to living the Word. Everyone can be a soul- winner and that’s what TMI is all about.

Hebrews 13:16 says, “Do not neglect to do good andto share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

Thousands of people are actively involved in Total Member Involvement. Following are a some suggestions of how you and I can become involved and reach out to others, forming connections and establishing relationships, so that when the opportunity presents itself, we can share God’s Word with them.



a meal for a neighbor/co-worker who has been sick.

• Help your neighbor wash his/her car.

• Invite your neighbor/co-worker to a social gathering.

• Welcome newcomers into the neighborhood.

• Compliment a clerk for a job well done.

• Instead of gossiping about someone, say something nice.

• When someone is going through a discouraging time, write them a card or text them.

• Give some food to a homeless person.

• Thank a janitor for the work they do.

• Donate clothing that you would want donated to you.

• Do laundry for a friend/co-worker who has just had a baby.

• Assist a blind person.

• When traveling, if someone is struggling with their luggage, offer to help them.

• Open a door for someone.

• Visit an elderly person.

• Offer to mow the lawn for an elderly person.

• Offer to give a neighbor without a car a ride to do their shopping.

• Bake some bread and share a loaf with your neighbor.

• Help a person carry their groceries.

• Email or write someone who has made a difference in your life.

• If a meter has expired, put some money in the meter.

• Let someone signaling move into your lane.

• Smile at people. You may be just the encouragement they need.

• If someone is sitting alone at church or a social gathering, be sure and visit with them.

• Help your neighbor rake leaves or help shovel snow.

• Remember the birthday of a neighbor/co- worker.

• Offer your seat on a bus to an elderly or handicapped person, or to a parent with a small child.

• Offer to watch your neighbor’s house when they’re away.

• Help your neighbor/co-worker with their stalled car.

• Help with neighborhood projects.

• Help a mother with her baby stroller.

• Become a big brother or big sister.

33. Let the person behind you check out ahead of you if they have just a few items.

34. If you’re in a group, try to make everyone part of the conversation.

35. Bring a souvenir from a trip for your neighbor.

36. Bring a healthy snack for your co-workers.

37. Compliment parents whose children are well behaved.

38. Offer to stay with a sick or handicapped person while a family member runs an errand.

39. Participate in neighborhood projects.

40. Introduce yourself to a new neighbor by taking them a meal.

41. Offer to take your co-worker or neighbor to the airport.

42. Keep a good relationship with your HOA by keeping up the yard/paint of your house, etc.

43. Buy some extra groceries and donate them to a needy family.

44. If you see a piece of trash, pick it up. 45. Remember to tip.46. Donate your old eyeglasses.47. Give a Bible Study.

48. Give blood.

49. While doing something nice for others remember to thank your parents for all they’ve


50. Call your brother/sister.

51. Give some extra quarters to someone in need at the laundromat.

52. Visit people in nursing homes.

53. Encourage a person who has lost a loved one.

54. Send someone flowers just because you want to tell them “You’re Special.”

55. Write someone a letter and actually mail it. 56. Give some “food” money to a student.

TMI Personal activities.

1. Witnessing and Bible studies i. Lk.8:1-2 Acts 17:1-2, 11ii. The FORT method. F= family ….. ask the name and welfare of the family. O= occupation … ask what they do in life to fend for the family. R= religion … ask about their religion if they have it. T= testimony … give your short testimony of what you feel about God and Christ.iii. Question and Answer method Some people say there is a heaven where it is all milk and honey, others say it’s a

myth, what do you say and what does the Bible say? Some people say the dead are happy with God in heaven, others say they are in

hades waiting judgment, what do you say, what does the Bible say? iv. Use of social media

2. Small Groups And Preparation Of Multisites Of friends, age mates, or staying in the same locality. Small group activities are : pray; study; fellowship together or to meet each other’s

needs. Recruit more non-members for their small group activities Preparation of a site eg small group as a site. Identifying the site through TMI activities eg prayer visit, ministry to the sick, the

bereaved etc. Preparing the site by buying enough electricity, paying water bills, candles, literature,

cleaning the area, toiletries, chairs. Preparing the hosts : orienting them the program


you assess the church through the church board. Use the assessment form to check activities Check the departmental tmi activities Check the no of members who participate in tmi activities Check the no of adherents Check the no of non-members participating or benefiting from the program. Get the recommendations and potential of the church board to meet its tmi

Expectation Submit to the district assessment chairperson of the district District chair submit a copy to the Pastor and conference

3. Children’s ministries : they go to certain homes for a prayer visit where they recite

verses, sing a song and pray, or do some Bible verse games with the children of that family, and invite the whole family and their children to church.

4. Disaster alleviation ministries5. ministry to the sick and the bereaved : have a sick and funerals service committee at

your church which looks around in the community for TMI activities like providing food, transport, chairs, fire hood to the bereaved.

6. ministry to the affluent: visit male spouses who don’t attend church in their farms or their parents etc, open business opportunities for someone.

7. schools and clinics : repairs and maintenance services … furniture, plumbing, electricals, painting etc.

8. elders visitation programs : when elders visit they should also request to visit neighbours of church members and pray for them.

9. congresses and camp meetings : invite and prepare people to a congress, youth camp or camp meeting.

10. TMI in SSAU : our action units should pick from the many TMI activities and do them during SS Study time eg a prayer visit, a visit to the sick at home, book distribution, a lesson to an appointment pre-arranged, a music program to a family, a childrens’ group prayer visit etc.

11. Hospitality division of the SS : hospitality to visitors, to people around the church, food, drink, clothes, followup appreciation messages after church, transport provision etc.

12. Felt needs ministries13. TMI IN SCHOOLSa. An Adventist school is a mission station, existing to do mission.b. Our mission field is three fold : our own Adventist teachers and children, non

Adventist teachers non-Adventist children and the community around my school.c. As school heads you report to God, the Responsible authority and the Ministry of

education.d. To God then pertains salvivic areas : to continue the salvation story as you lay its

foundation in our children and minister to every one within that school and reach out to community around.

i. Statistics : how many Adventists in my school? How many non-Adventists within this school? How many non Adventist schools around me.

ii. things to do ; Academics and Salvationiii. Tmi as said is every one in mission, participation of every one.iv. worship time all and everyone TMI.v. worship in the classroomvi. sacred hours or weeks for spiritual focusvii. Total participation of all concerned.


a. People are different and have different talents and spiritual gifts.b. Working with chaplin, local church elders and or district pastor to place every one on

his/her post of duty eg teachers lead in worship services.c. Enable showing of different gifts in music, prayer, preaching, teaching, leadership,

hospitality, handwork, d. Ministering felt needs to certain children or community members through clothes,

food, house repairs and maintenance, fieldwork.e. SSAU in the community (now issues to do with clearances from ministry so need for

order and planning)f. Disaster alleviationg. Connecting baptized children to the new church at home working with pastors and

local church education secretaries.h. Small groups within schools i. Knowledge of children’s backgrounds.

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