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    Ezine Excellere 117

    Casa Juillet .

    June 2012.automated translation- I am sorry its not very accurate .


    1. - intelligent Dinosaurids in other planets..... by cREACIONISTA you TALK2. - ufos......... BY FARTHON CLIMBOR.3. - E.T........... BY ANASTASIO TORCUATO.4. - DIFFERS AMONG BENZINE 93 AND 95...... BY ACEL ATOR.5. - EXTRATERRESTRIAL......... BY DR. FARTHON CLIMBOR.




    1. - intelligent Dinosaurs in other planets..... by CREACIONISTA you TALK.

    Could it be that the descendants of the dinosaurs could be governing planets indeep space?Obviously that idea you cannot discard, because here in the planet earth the descendants of the monkeys are governing (and not very well) the planet Earth.Rum Breslow, a professor of chemistry of the University of Columbia USA tells usthat there is an origin of the homoquiralidad in the primitive Earth.Breslow remembers that the scientists measured enantiomricos of the amino acids,starting from 215% S (also well-known as "L - ") that is in several meteoritesthat fell to the Earth in the last 50 years. Next it is shown, using an intelligent combination of the solvatacin energy and reactions autocatalticas, some config

    urations possible prebiticas leaders to the enrichment of a single enantimero sugars and amino acids.

    "An implication of this work is that in the rest of the universe it could not exist forms of life on the base of the amino acids D and L sugars... Such forms oflife could even be advanced versions of the dinosaurs, the mammals.It is commented that serious better not to find those forms of life, since a derived race of beings of the dinosaurs would probably see each other like an amusing class of food.

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    2.-ufos UFOs.............. by doctor Farthon Climbor, Ufologo.

    The unusual air phenomena goes back to the antiquity, but the term flying disc was popularized in 1947, when a North American pilot observed while in flight aformation of several objects flew with form of half moon, and I explain that they ascended and they lowered in the air like a disk revotando in the water.After the investigation, when not being possible to identify those flying objects neither their origin the event he/she registered as sighting UFO.That that at the moment is known as the phenomenon UFO it is fundamentally a modern concept born in the second half of the XX century. However, there is who interpret some passages of the Bible and of other originated traditions of old cultures, as presumed evidences of old sightings UFO.Many sustain that, from the most remote past, the human being tried to adapt what saw to his intellect, relating the different sightings with well-known objects, near to him. Inside some groups ufolgicos and believers in the phenomenon, it also exists who they outline that many of these old references, would be registrations of real observations of supposed ships aliengenas. They also point out that, if these air vehicles were manned, he/she would take place the contact equallywith the eventual extraterrestrial beings who would transmit to the observers d

    iverse teachings. According to this theory, the origin of many of the civilizations of the past (Egypt, Babylon.) it would reside in these primitive contacts. They sustain this way that these supposed ships would have received different denominations in old documents: vehicle of the gods, fire cars, vimanas, solar disks, clouds, fire clouds, the Radiant Borax, clouds with angels, car Pushpaka, maruts (all them in the Hindu Ramayana); and shield that flies, also shines cosmic,luminous pearls, solar disks, igneous arrows, Snake of the Clouds, shield yacente, flying swords, transparent, and other spheres hundred of names received in different cultures that would be clear examples of the different air ships that furrowed the skies.Also the one would be among the supposed tests that contribute, that Pablo Sortino and Fernando Martnez Santos calls it evidences atmospheric. For these parapsicloos the halos of sanctity that appear in the old iconographies, either in the hin

    dusta, Buddhist, and later in the images of the beatified Christian mystics, thisway how in certain engravings of the before Columbus American towns; of which you/they postulate that they won't be more than a certain cultural remembrance and nun of an aesthetic aspect of "divine beings" that would have contained theirfaces literally in capsules, surely to be able to breathe in our Earth.Some indigenous ethnoses, I eat for example in the cultures mapuches of Chile, it is postulated that they know the phenomenon UFO for centuries, in those that have a specific denomination for such events and they relate them with beings that have capacities to become luminous phenomena, such as the legend of the Anchimalln. Similar histories are had among cultures chilotas of the south of Chile that would also include phenomena UFOs associated to OSNIs (I Object Not IdentifiedSubmarine), in the legend of the Caleuche.However, this hypothesis doesn't stop to be an explanation ad hoc, since the clo

    uds and fire cars could be metaphors used in the religious stories and there isnot any evidence that this stories should be interpreted more than in a mythicalway. This way, although it is also necessary to point out that neither it exists absolute scientific security that those descriptions are religious metaphors,because neither there is an empiric form of knowing if they happened this way the facts or not; for that that to say that it is extraterrestrial ships it is alone an argument from the ignorance.Before the terms flying plate or UFO were coined, it is perseverance of a seriesof mentions to strange and inidentificados happened air phenomena years ago; which would be no longer associated with beliefs, legends or myths, like one presu

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    mes that it could have happened in the antiquity. These mention they date from half-filled of the XIX century at the beginning of the XX century.This way, the investigators of the phenomenon UFO consider as the first modern documented sighting, the one happened in Chile in 1868. It was published in the newspaper The Constituent, of the city of Copiap and he/she referred to the UFO observed in the same one as to "a volatile one unknown" and, later on, that same year, like to a group of "you shatter filantes" or "racing cars" that crossed thesky. The phenomenon was observed many times in that area during this year, andit is considered by the uflogos like the first wave of which one has perseverance, and the beginning of the registrations that properly such they are related tothe topic UFO.The definitive phase of sightings is later to the Second World War and it beganin the United States with the sighting that the businessman carried out KennethArnold June 24 1947 while it flew with his private airplane near the Mount Rainier, in Washington. He/she informed to have done nine brilliant objects with a similar form to that of a wing delta or a boomerang, flying on a face of the Rainier and going toward the near one Adams Mounts to a "incredible speed" that estimated in, at least, 1930 kilometers per hour, calculating the time that you/theytook in traveling mounts between both. They went swiftly like a squadron and they moved as he/she makes it a disk that bounces in the surface of the water. Thenewspapers distorted Arnold's exact words and they described the objects like plates.Starting from this moment, and due to the error of the press, they began to be described sightings of objects in form of flying plate (flying saucer), so this den

    omination finished rooting in the popular folclore, becoming the habitual one torefer to these objects in the successive years.Later on, other objects with forms (of spindle, triangular) or of pure cigarettethey displaced progressively to the classic sightings.Few days after Arnold's sighting, the acquaintance took place as Incident Roswell, where, supposedly, a ship manned by humanoides smashed in New Mexico, near anAmerican military base. The Government denied any extraterrestrial interventionin the matter, although it was the responsible for the base of Roswell who, ina first moment, he declared to the press that the Army of USA had captured a flying plate with its tripulantes, that that without a doubt, it increased the confusion. The opposing remains were defined like part of secret military experiments and recently it has been added that the supposed bodies aliengenas were not more than puppets used for tests of corporal resistance (as the crash test dummies

    used in the tests of crash of the automobiles).The forms in that the phenomenon UFO has been observed are very varied, many ofthem are also single reports, for what you can verify; while others are some videotapes and pictures, in which the phenomenon is observed, and tests of its falsification and explanation of the phenomenon have not been detected, for what you/they have been classified as UFO. Among the forms that the phenomenon is presented, they highlight: Foo fighters: Phenomenon whose name derives of the English language and it meansin Spanish ghosts combatants. Their origin goes back to the Second World War, since the pilots aviators combatants of both decrees (the powers of the Axis andthe Allies) they observed this phenomenon and its surprise was that the objectswere not detected by the radar. They were observed like small lights, seeminglywith mass, although in some cases the small lights crossed from the exterior to

    the interior of the booths of the pilots, its size, according to the reports varied from the 10 cm up to 5 m, described as incandescent balls. At the present time it is considered that the objects sighted by the pilots were in fact globularrays. Sphere: phenomenon that you/they are observed generally as solid and opaque bodies, although translucent or luminous, rigid or flexible sightings of spheres hasbeen observed. Also well-known as caneplas. Disk: phenomenon that would be observed with a plane form, sometimes taken in the center, luminous or they would present a metallic shine. Cigarro/puro: phenomenon that has been observed as cylindrical or similar forms

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    to cylinders of great size (commonly bigger to the other described forms), lengthened and luminous, although they have also been described without brightness orshine. Worm: phenomenon that is presented with a form lengthened with tubular appearance, with a seemingly similar movement to that of the worms. Between the uflogos and the criptozoologa, it is known as Rod. It is said that equally they would expelspherical objects in the atmosphere. Triangle or delta: phenomenon in which possible ships have been observed with triangular form, they generally have a light in each vertex. In this last description you discusses their true category like UFO; and most of the investigators attribute their origin like alone experimental or secret, unknown terrestrial airships of character for the civil worldSome indications that would indicate the existence of the phenomenon exist; although they would not demonstrate or they would ratify their nature. Radar. photographic Tests, including pictures, movies and videotapes that he/she has not been explanation, among those that are some the infrared spectrum (strange). *tourists of another world. Consulted June 29 2008. Interferences recorded gravimtricas and magnticas*turistas of another world. Consed June 29 2008.Opinions in favor of extraterrestrial ships

    They are many the sightings of the phenomenon, there are a great quantity of pictures and videotapes that not show flying objects identified, and even documents

    and reports military desclasificados. Cases of commercial airplanes have been given in those that great number of passengers has seen a phenomenon of this typeat the same time, and he/she has not been possible to demonstrate that all these evidences are falsifications or product of hallucinations. The defenders of the extraterrestrial nature of the UFOs are based on this and in the fact that, intheir opinion, many of the postulates of the science also lack the necessary confirmation.The believers of these phenomena equally argue that in the decade of the 50, theAmerican secret services together with those of other nations profiled the concealment strategy that would be made of the phenomenon UFO. They indicate that the methodology of the secret services would be simple in a principle, being limited repeatedly to deny the truthfulness of the testimonies of those who have hadsome sighting type. There is who say that in certain spectacular cases more conv

    incing methods of pressure have been used, be the extortion and the threat to witness as well as the kidnapping and concealment of tests. Also the public ignorance toward the UFOsThe believers of these phenomena argue a Theory conspirativa, in which is indicated that in the decade of the 50, the American secret services together with those of other nations would have profiled the concealment strategy that would be made of the phenomenon UFO. Although the phenomenon was broadly studied by the United States in the Project Blue Book.Equally some of the presented believers speculate the elimination of tests in this theory conspirativa, indicating that the methodology used for it would be limited it repeatedly to deny the truthfulness of the testimonies of those who havehad some sighting type. There is who say that in certain spectacular and evident cases it would have been used more convincing methods of pressure, be the exto

    rtion and the threat to witness as well as the kidnapping and concealment of tests.Opinions against that the UFOs has relationship with extraterrestrial shipsThe sceptic usually use a basic principle of the science that he/she says that "to be able to affirm the existence of extraordinary phenomena conclusive tests they are required." They make stress in that reliable tests have not been contributed that you/they support the hypothesis that the phenomenon UFO has relationship with extraterrestrial ships.The sceptic are not the only ones in qualifying these sightings or any relationship among the UFOs with beings of other worlds, as a mere fraud, also the immens

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    e majority of scientific and fond of the space they discard this possibility.For the Astronomers and scientific in general when not giving consistent tests and not to respect the scientific method, but at the same time to say that theirknowledge are truthful you can qualify to the Ufologa like fake science.Through the history of the call phenomenon UFO many cases of falsifications havebeen verified. Several scientists have affirmed that when the reports of UFOs are studied in depth, most of the cases achieve to be identified with certainty,being that it was frauds, hallucinations, or bad interpretations or pareidoliasof well-known terrestrial phenomena (you make, atmospheric phenomena, satellites, space garbage, airplanes, prototypes of terrestrial ships, lenticular cloud, etc.).In the other cases the phenomenon is as "not identified" what doesn't authorizeto seek that, for the fact of not being achieved with certainty its identification, exist base to sustain that it is extraterrestrial ships. Even in these cases"not identified" it is more acceptable and more logical to affirm him to be similar cases to the identified ones Between 1978 and 1994 had a series of strange sightings in the Cordovan Mountains, of Villa Carlos Peace, a lot of people said that small white triangles appeared at nights. Also in Jujuy, in Humahuaca some strange sightings was observed, the same as in Mendoza and in San Carlos from Bariloche in 1997. September 17 1985 hundred of inhabitants' from Buenos Aires thousands and surroundings witnessed the step of a luminous object during almost 12 hours. The most spectacular was in 1988, in the neighborhood of Villa Urquiza of BuenosAires, when a silver object was seen for more than 7.500 people to full light o

    f the day. The Aeroparque Jorge Newbery, informed that a very speedy object appeared in its radars to the address of the Villa General Peace that same day.Triangular formations of Lenticular UFOs, they were registered in Buenos Aires,starting from the year 1999 and during four serial years the abnormal phenomenonyou reiterates. The analyses made to the obtained images of these extraordinaryevents were positive, they were carried out by foundations of international fame and also for serious and experienced investigators of the phenomenon UFO.The important of the strangers appearances, is that in two of these four eventsthey registered severe electric power courts in the areas of the city for wherethe displacement of the strangers triangulations was observed of lenticular. Thebest obtained registration in these halfway formations, perhaps be that of theyear 2001 that it happened to the evening of December 26 and it was emitted later by national television one week. It is possible that these manifestations have

    relationship with a specific time of the year, and a certain lunar position, since the four registrations were obtained with phases of growing moon and with the elliptic ones higher than they register a year. This is fairly this way amongOctober and until December.One of the most important is the supposed discovery of an extraterrestrial shipin the region of The Mamora, Tarija, May 6 1978. It is thought that an extraterrestrial ship fell to earth in the hillside west of the hill The Zaire (Argentina) in the mentioned region.One has registration that that afternoon a smoky object descended quickly for the sky and that the explosion of the impact could be felt to 60 km of distance. When the authorities found out, they began a search of the object indicating thatit would have been a satellite. A team of American scientists went to verify the fact and the reports mention that they were taken an object to United States,

    after that the search concluded without giving any information on if the objecthad been opposing or nr.In 1977 he/she took place the incident acquaintance UFO of Colares, in the homonymous island of the state of Par.Case Valds, Putre 1977. A cold and dark night of May of 1977, a group of militaryof the Regiment Huamachuco patrolled the Chilean highland, in the proximities of Putre (pampas Lluscuma). The patrol car was commanded by the end Armando Valds.Approximately at 4:00 o'clock AM is indicated that one of the guards would havesighted and alerted their partners of a fluorescent light that it would have descended from the starry sky and hidden behind a hill to a kilometer of distance.

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    Then, when he/she would have enrolled in their horses go to see that happened,it is said that a second light appeared, to only 500 meters that it faced them.The patrol car would have been frightened and confused he/she would have met andtreaty of being protected. In that moment it is mentioned that the end Valds advanced toward the light and he screamed: "In the name of God, identify you"; those that would have been their last words before being indicated that later on itwould have disappeared per minutes and then he/she would have fallen put to bed,with the grown beard, eyes desorbitados, the clock early five days and repeating the sentence you don't know who are, neither of where we come." In the 2003 the media Colombian Channel RCN, Channel Snail, Channel 1 and Telepacfico as well as the newspapers as The Country and the Time, they published a video of an UFO flying over the Tower of Cali, (Santiago from Cali) consecutively in hours of the morning, but this matter was even this way never completely clarified then it was as UFO.Ten days later after the sighting there was a tremorIn Spain numerous cases of documented UFOs exist. The Spanish Armed forces investigate them through the confidential instruction IG-40-5, of the State bigger than the General Barracks of the Army of the Air. The first well-known case in Spain that can associate to the phenomenon UFO happened February 14 1826 in Field of Criptana, in the county of Real City. March 6,the Newspaper of Cdiz related the news. The description given by the newspaper coincides perfectly with that of a celestial racing car. Years later, in 1851, in the population from Madrid of Villaviciosa of Odn, during the night of May 16, it is observed in the sky a luminous cross that disappear

    s after several minutes of splendor before the astonishment of numerous people that you/they sighted it. This incident was also picked up in documents of the time. The most commendable explanation is that it was an effect optic quite well-known call lunar halo. The first case of sighting of a flying plate took place during the first days ofJuly of 1947 in the district of Balazote, in Albacete, where numerous neighborswere witness of the step of a dark object that crossed the sky albaceteo at seven in the afternoon. June 22 1976 took place the famous incident UFO of the Islands Canaries that lasted more than 40 minutes, in this case it was clear that were missiles Poseidn rushed from a submarine of USA in a ballistic test. The same as in the other sightings of similar characteristic that took place from 1974 to 1979. November 11 1979 took place the incident UFO of Manises or Case Manises: A Super

    Carabelle of the company TAE direction flew Tenerife from Majorca with 109 passengers on board. Soon after of 23:00 o'clock, the Dull commandant of having Tiled contacted with the radar of Barcelona to request information on some lights that you go for his left to some 4 or 5 miles (about 9 or 10 km). Control tower responds negatively. The commandant decides to ascend to draw the obstacle, however the UFO ascends much quicker that him. In a moment the object ends up being tohalf mile (1 KM) of the airplane. Fearing for their security decides to make anemergency landing in the airport of Manises (Valencia). Later on, tower of control of Barcelona calls to defense and it takes off a Mirage hunts F1 from the base The Plains (Albacete) in scranble mission (to intercept). To the controls thecaptain went Fernando Camera. The hunt sighted the object in the vicinity of Valencia and it began to follow it, flying in occasions in supersonic, without coming closer in any moment. After almost an hour and a half the hunt had to return

    to the base for lack of fuel, while, the object appeared intermittently in theradars of Torrejn. The incident caused a parliamentary interpellation for Enrrique Mugica Herzog to the Ministry of Defense, demanding a satisfactory explanationto the fact that three traffics of unknown origin remain four hours in the Spanish air space. One of the most recent explanations in the facts affirms that thelights seen by the company of the airplane the hunt and the radars were in factthe blazes of the towers of combustion of the refinery of Escombreras, next toCartage

    In the vicinities of the gigantic antennas that the NASA and the INTA have insta

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    lled in Grove of Chavela, they have been numerous the UFOs sightings that one has come happening along the aos,especialmente in the years seventy and at the beginning of the eighty. Equally, from this space station you retransmiti, in 1969, the historical arrival of the man to the Moon. A rumor of reach World cup diffused the history that the Apollo's astronauts 11 saw a series of gigantic humanoides and of space ships around craters when arriving to the satellite. According tothis myth, referred in occasions to the Apollo 11 or to the Apollo 16, it was requested to all the journalists that were in this station that you/they left thecontrol room during some minutes. The exit of the journalists was confirmed bysome of them that were there, among them Jos Antonio Silva, speaker for the timeof Spanish Television and pilot aeronutico.10 11In the programs of parapsicologa of Iker Jimnez, Millennium 3, and in the old Midnight, of Antonio Jos Als, both of the Chain to Be been has frequently talked aboutthis topic.However, the one for that time responsible for the NASA in Spain and director ofthe station of pursuit of Fresnedillas, Luis Ruiz of Gopegui, gave a differentand prosaic version: the astronaut John Young of the Apollo 16 had stomach nuisances during the mission, and the astronauts could have private conversations with the doctors if they wanted this way it. When he/she talked with the doctor about their symptoms, it asked that the conversation was deprived, so in the pursuit stations it was requested to the journalists that left so that the comunicacin.12 didn't hear The presumed tests that the astronauts of the program Apollo sawUFOs in the Moon they have been rebutted by some especialistas.13 The main testit consisted on a sign of audio fictitious carried out in jest by actors for a d

    ocumentary of British television, June of 1977, 20 call Alternative 3. In the moment of the Apollo's lunar walk 11, the images were being retransmitidas to everybody for the other two antennas of the Net of the Deep Space (Goldstone and Camberra), not for the antenna of Grove of Chavela, for that that difficultly the exit of the journalists had to do with supposed UFOs. The Apollo's lunar walk 11can it turns entire in Internet, in the web of the Lunar Apollo Surface Journal.However, the detractors adduce that this lunar walk that one can visionar has been manipulated and censored in good part of its footage (sees you falsificationAccusations in the alunizajes of the Program Apollo).

    In UruguayThe day April 20 1995 according to files desclasificados for the minister Otonelli, they were sighted in a well-known Uruguayan area as The Pinegrove, some flyi

    ng objects not identified. According to the wallet secretary, Egar Savio, the ships had a method of non conventional flight, what was verified by Ismael AguirreViejt, former employee of the residing in NASA Uruguay. The most impressive caseis that of the city of Cardona, Soriano. Certain technicians say that the underground fluvial currents attract the extraterrestrial creatures. Although the Uruguayan government denies it, the UN affirms that there are already more than 20missing people after having had near encounters with UFOS.

    The Area 51 are an appellative given for a military base that is in a southern portion of the state of Nevada, to the west of United States, to some 170 kms ofthe city of Las Vegas. Located in the center, in the south bank of Groom Lake, is a vast military aerodrome of high secret. The main purpose of the base is the

    one of to support the development of systems of weapons and to carry out tests with experimental airships.The base is inside the extensive Field of Tests and of Training of Nevada of theAir force. Although the facilities of the shot polygon are negotiated by the Squadron 99 (better acquaintance as 99th Air Wing Bases) of the Base of the Air force of Nellis, the installation of Groom Lake seems to be being executed next tothe Center of Tests of Flight of the Air force, of English, Air Forced Flight Test Center (AFFTC) in the Base of the Air force of Edwards in the Desert of Mojave, to about 300 kms to the Southwest of Groom Lake, and as such, the base is known as Center of Tests of Flight of the Air force (Posse 3) or Air Forced Flight

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    Test Center (Detachment 3).The Area 51 are an appellative given for a military base that is in a southern portion of the state of Nevada, to the west of United States, to some 170 kms ofthe city of Las Vegas. Located in the center, in the south bank of Groom Lake, is a vast military aerodrome of high secret. The main purpose of the base is theone of to support the development of systems of weapons and to carry out tests with experimental airships.The base is inside the extensive Field of Tests and of Training of Nevada of theAir force. Although the facilities of the shot polygon are negotiated by the Squadron 99 (better acquaintance as 99th Air Wing Bases) of the Base of the Air force of Nellis, the installation of Groom Lake seems to be being executed next tothe Center of Tests of Flight of the Air force, of English, Air Forced Flight Test Center (AFFTC) in the Base of the Air force of Edwards in the Desert of Mojave, to about 300 kms to the Southwest of Groom Lake, and as such, the base is known as Center of Tests of Flight of the Air force (Posse 3) or Air Forced FlightTest Center (Detachment 3).There are several names to designate to the installation like: Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Bases, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake and Homey Airport. The regionis part of the Area of Military Operations of Nellis and the air space restricted around the area it is denominated (R-4808N), known by the military pilots as "The Box" or "The Box."The name Area 51 come from a division in areas that he/she made the American government for the administration of services with the intention of designating a portion of the desert of Arizona. The military base in question, seems to have be

    en an installation of the CIA from which you/they left flights spy in address tothe USSR. The secret that surrounds to the base and the contradictory politicsof the government from the United States admitting that such a base doesn't exist, has ended up becoming the main topic of the conspiracy theories and the Phenomenon UFO.This base has the hint of bigger landing of the world, he/she is considered thatit measures between 8 and 10 kilometers, according to sources of the recently thrown program of air simulation, the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2007 or FSX andeven scenario of Addons of the Flight Simulator 2004. To the being the longest hint in the world, in a future Guinness could enter in the book of the Record. Due to this long hint, it could allow landings of ships with enormous landing trains, of the diameter until of 2 or 4 tires of a common or equivalent vehicle of the tire of an agricultural tractor or of construction.

    This appearance in a computer program, era one of the most surprising stars thatappeared and Microsoft threw Light Simulator 2007 or FSX, together with the very famous airline that arrives to that air base supersecreta.That of the Groom Lake is not a conventional base, the front units are not usually deployed there. Instead of that, it seems to be that the base and their unitsare used during the development, and the test phases for new airships. Once these ships are approved by the Air force of the United States (USAF), the operation of these airships is generally taken to a normal base of the air force.

    15:27 18-06-2012

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