




~ ....f -

...-. ",. . - .~- ., -....-

YEAR--N0. 52.



-Success of.Night School ExceedsExpectations--Kind ergarten De-partment Starts WithGoodAttendance.

Heavy enrollment In all d~partments of thepQhllc schools on the opening day last Tue,~layaugured favorably for tile m~t sm~cemful yearIn the history of the Townshlp~ From thekindergarten, where tidy tots esm~ aeeonvpatnled h¥ fond l~rent~ to the night t~hool,where yodng men and women nea~thelrniglortty enrolled, every seetlon started auspi-etom~; and the roll t~ll is increasing daily.Three hundred ttnd thirty.two pupils have en-rolled in all tile delmrtment~ of tile May’sLanding schooi~durtng the flr~ week.

H~. mll~ Township hag always been Jm~tlyproud of its t~rps of teachers, and the per-~nel of the Instructors this year Is one thato~n be depended upon.~ look after the moraland mental wants of the youth in a mannerhighly creditable tff the conmxunlty. The

]teachers, eighteen in-number, are M represen-~mtlve a body of progressive, conscientious|Amexlcan tutors s~cQuld be g~thered together

in the Town~hlp schooL% and the)" will begivel~every potmible m~ishtnve in t~e way.olup-to-date equipment "

One of the mostgmtlfyh*g features of the~

opening wa.~ the large curollmont of pupils Inthe nigltt scl,xd, which is held In tile nmlnroom of tile High l-k.hool building and presidedover by 311&q Helen Feustemnachcr, formerlyan Instructor in-the public stqloois of Reading.Pa. Fifty*two young men and women en-rolled tilLs wt~ek alt.d demonstrated- theirearne~tuess’ by. getting down at once tohard work, .No feutnre of the public school~ha~ ever been intrt~luc~i tlmt will prove moreproductive of g~d than the opening of tlrbdelmrtment. P~v. Father Theodore EL Mcq.’or-mlck~’ who conducted a private night schoolIs*t Winter,.addressed the pupils previous tothe opening, nmny of whom were formerly hisschotar~ and imprem;ed upon them the oppor-.tunity afforch~! for oompleting their educatlonand the m~sslty of application to tiw work onhand. - Yon have but a short time each eyen-in¯," he told in parts "and you must hnproveit to the be~t advantage. You ure old enough,and, I trust, fell the neee~ity for absoluteo~terfine~ In your conduct Your success

jgepends m)lely uIx)n your application to ~udyand your self-discipline. You have a goldenopportun|Lv, and I would lmpret~ upon you

the necessity for working hard and makl~the most’ of this chance to ret~Ive, a uset~leducaUon.’y

Only thirteen pupils were enrolled in thekAndmlarten the first da.y, which IS held in

hall over Bartlm’S store building under.thesupervision of Mira Alice M. ~auders. Theroan has been cheerfully fitted up and mhkesa 0omfortable plate for the little tot~ w.hoeome each morning to learn their letters andplay varlotm educational game. When theobject of this delmrtn~.nt and what It can dofor children IS better realized by parents therODin will .protmbly be filled to its capacity,and day .bY day the number of HtUe ones en-


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- ~. -. ~ .-. ¯ . . - . _ -:" . * ..-_ -.

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c¯ -;.5

MAY’S 5, 1908: WHOLE NUMBER 1621.¯


TOWNSHIP TAX ...... RECENTLY RECOROED, SECUR[[ICEN E,Pax’agrapi~riefly Describing What

ing "ki th; f ~7 .... . .... .~~s, Personal and Other , " - . ’ ._ .

wase, Townships Told In ENTERED AT T~HE COU’N~/ -- Entered of Record at the County sTATE GAME COMMISSION." :-ecurred In the Capitol, oftmty.

rig, Monday.~mber Thunglayevening.picking Is el¢~e at lured.

Has Othe Co

school dstabo~DsIdol 8epFull moot



Many Municipal :ImprovementsMade During Year Fail to Ad-vance Taxpayers’ Expen.~v--.Residents Express Satisfaction.

: N’otwl~ Imle number ofmunl-cipal improvements rustle dnrin~ the preeed-In¯ year, involving an v~ptmditure of a coo.aidemble.sum for the malntensnce of goodmade, publie schools, wa~ter works and otherlabile expenm~ the tax rate for this year, an-nouu~ Tax-Asmmmr Harry Jenkins, will beonly $1.70on the IJ00 vsin~t~n, a decremm of.twenty-three cents under l~t year’s a~ess-

¯ ment, " . -¯ Reaidents are unanimous In ~xpre~dng theirmtisfacUon over the new ta= rate, whleh willreduce taxes throughout the Tow~n~hip m~terlally lnste~l Of sdvancin~ Ihom aa maJn,yantleli~ted. This is good news indeed m thefarmers of the Town~hip and oth~ residentsin the face of the ~present general financialstr~ ;*geocY’ " ¯

STATE Oi U. A. M.SE~qlON.Most Enthu~astic "-~y |n Ten Years

Held at Newark.The sixty:first annual se~lon of the Order

United American Meel’mnlesof the Mtate ofNew Jersey was held in Foresters’ Hall,Newark, We(lnesday hulL. The session openedat ten @clock with 8rate Couneflor Cl~rles A.May, of Haekens~k, .in- the chair ~nd everyofficer at ht~ station. Nearly two hundredrepresentaUve~ of the v~rious Councils of the8late were present and the mm~don wus one ofthe most enthusl~Ue held in the ]mut tenyears. Following the reading of the 8erlpturmand prayer by Chaplain J¯mm Church, andthe trmum~on of usual routine of bmflnes~thirty-five new membet~, were given .the StateCouncil degree and admitted into the body.

The State .l~ouncll was honored ~y thepreaence of Nmlohal Councilor ~ F.~pear, of Boston, Mitre., who dellvere~ u ~t~ring bddrem on the principles of the order andwhat it is acommpllahing in thht country.

While the relmrta showed ~ the fl’atemltyduring the past year hid a ices in member~Ship of $~, the fl~l~ees were ~ Therewere Paid out during the yem’ for’~flek madfu.~ad be, dt~ The ~ -Jmt, ofthe order, Including inv~tmenb~ ~t~

The following oflieers were el~den for the (m.~uing-ymtr: ~ Cocm~/lor, Will ~’ ~-

H~tuma, Treuto,; seemly, M o~m ~,r,New B~mwl~Ik; Treaan~, (k~q~ H. Po~me, Treuto~ ; Nattmml B~msentatlve, Ben~rain F. Hand, ~eWmrar; Inducer, Wllllma D.Sennet~ Wmdbuv~ ; ~,zu~m., ~ EL sat.too, wa~instoQ; t,d~e ~, Wm~m,EL Slekk~ Dover; GOthic Pm/ee/o¢,. Osmmt~ ~enrk. In ~ ~r the Sine ~.~x~stat~ Com~lor n. w. s~.n~ ~te~the rt~ smte Cmm~ Ct~.~wlth ̄ haaemme~ ex~kmnonoe- bml~e tnesco,~don ~~,- mt~a ~

dummttm~tye~. .;-.: ¯ _ ,.

Few Words. : " CLERK’S OFFICE, ~:

w.,,~de"t; tax t~r~mrm~ to ~il i~tee notDe~smrlly for lmbliotUo~ but" aa & gu~rlmteefor the F~lltor.

PLEAaA~Mms Bebeem .~o~

Kshn, of lq~t~leli~l~Dr. snd.Mre, lmlay 81isrP-are

vaeatkm atMorrU~wn, N. J.Mrs. 8llllsa Smith, of

her omml~ Mrs. Arthur Morgan.Mrs. ~ Heart ¯nd Mrs.

tug tenUre8 and f~mds inMu- Julta 8. Ingersoll lm~ been

bet amst~ ~ agnes BUrke, or

HeMClvLtY~lary. E. Rl,,ker . retu~l~pms hom~ ~r

Having spent I~,Mrs. Phoebereturned tol

Mr. and Mrs. Geo~e 8.daughter Or~e have returned to¯ vbdt-at the homeofMr. ,ndsenolL

Mrs. Eliza Lal~ and ~J¯ nd Ion Russell have returtnmdthe home of Mrs,. Charles 8.borG, N. J.

Mr~ William Oxley entertainedfield home on W~YMiller, Miss Dorothy Mmer andM. IngersolL " "

ReD. and Mrs. EL EL. McClellanthe Adirond~l~ for-theirThey wlll~spend some Ume at,LoJ~e Champlain and ’l~0y, N. Y.

SOMERS’Freeholder J¯m~ C"lark IS

a ~evere ~ of sesema.Twelve pupils from thi~ city

Xtmme c~ty mgh ~ tt~Mira Hattie 8teelma~

flying vt~t to her paints he,reMr. and Mes. Curt~ ~

Landing, Vt~ted Mr. andrecently.* Capt v~ ~, of F~

Description of ~e P~0perti~That Have Changed Handsthe Considerations as ~ Shown in

Ml~m~ the Documents of Transfer.

Atlantic vl~dting . B~Me R.Bsbeoek et~’~lr, to ~tmuei Ir~md,

g~025 fit; Fmzt side MontpeHer ave. ~g0 ~ N0rth_’are vbdt- of Falrmount’¯~e. SL,

Wheelaek 0o. to ~muel Ireland, 60x~ ft.West aide 5th,¯ve- $~ it. 8outli of Ave- C.$L

Repub- W. Gordo~ Fox to ~Imnel Ir~snd,-k~/I~ in8 on plan of.lo~, of the Dock a I~n.d

to bet Imp. Oo.$L’ theBum- ,--~T. ux. to Edws~. _O.

20X~0 it. 8outh ~le Llneoin ¯De- ~0 It,htsmother, ~ofIndi~m¯ve-$100. . - :’_

Budd Im~ lSdmwdG. ~ to W. Gordon Fox, ~l~10


W. In-

uel ~;arton¯t

of Glam-

herNorth-Edwin H.

gone tovaettion.


attend the

Clerk’s Office. / EXPLAINS NEW LAW. :

C~ncel~tion Of Morq[age,, Atlantic OlD "" -:Wardens Instructed to.Arrest- Re~- dents of Other States.Who Olm

M~gsret A. ~ el, vln-to Reads-W.Kahn,.~ffil0~ /I. Northtmst corner Vermontand AdrlaUe avee. ~ . "

James D~rraeh el. UX. to Ia~ae Hsel~raeh, Here Without PaYing Fee---NO’~e~ ~t ~tda aloe rouge "~v~ 2m tt Favors to ProPerty Owners. "i~mth of Athmtle ¯De, 1600. %.

J0hn D. Carver 8tttley & tW,lands &e. of John D. Carver, sdtuated in At- Acting on instructions l~n. the 8taie ~ i}antic County, ~e, $1,246.08.. . . and Game Commimloner~ Warden WIRiam

John 8. Hesdiey et~ ux. to 8esathore ~ Leder, of Egg Harbor City, Is maintaining aN~ ~ Knlght~ of Pythlag, 25x17~ P,. East side vlgilant .watch for an non-resldea, ta~ho¯t.l~rlda ave. 200 ft..8outh of-Bal.tle ave. II,2~. tempt to gun In this county wlthout, first-- .Wheelock Co. to" Peter ]8. P~ley,’l~l~ ft. securing a regular hunting Ueeme" from the -

at Interseeb~ West side Grand-~we. an(! County Clerk and paying the usual fee often North slde Ave. EL ~ "and one-half dollars. " :

Yours Very Truly,

and Ontario aves~ 83 l.sxl~O ft. 8outhw~t " Pleasantviile. 8ta~eFI-,handC, ame~-.... Frank ~ to Jesse I~’Risley, lots 280 and Trenton,’--~’. J. " "-= . -

Al|ee Hess to Lou~ M, Morr~ ’2~Sxlm.l~ 281imnmpof.majrvtewPlaee,~124. - " The new law al~ forbk~ne~.’resld~:~ . .~orthest comer krkans~ and Ontario avee,; Je~e ~ Risley to John V~. Hackney, ~ .Ifmm s from carr~yl~ State In ~ae. = ~.

831-SyA00R. 8outhwe~oorner ErleandM~b nlng¯t M~ein’ 8outhwest side of tra~oon- da~voverflfteenblrdsortehrabblt%and ~ -/-¯an ave& SL . "-k.. --- . . = - ’veyed byP. EL Rlaley eL ux. to ~ Graphle are.otherimporinntchangeswithwhlehev~

Edw¯rds Iabnd Co. to CUrtiS It’Idl~g~’85X Pro0ess Co.mld stone belng.~lor~h corner of sportsmanwllldbwelltobecb.meconversm~lk:112.~fl. I001LN~ofM .e.dite~ave-a~! tractoonv~edl~yhelrs.~)fJeela~hP. ]glele~,,de- G~a’al mtisZ~tlon is e.xprem~ by100fL EaztafTe~nem~eave. |I,~." eemled, ~ mid eomim~ay, eontaJ~ing Oupee ~ an(l l~ldmlts.over the ~ ]¯W-lfl~

laid¯ james EL Maaon eL ux. toBeg~minHyman, beglm~ig.¯t 4th corner of above de- qniring all non-r~ddents to]lmY ..¯ 28x’/~ ft. Northwest corner Aretle and Mlehl- serlbed ~ e matalning. 75-.Ie0 acre~ 8outh- reprdlese of theirowner¯kip Of pmpetW.

Hay’s g~n ayes. $6,C00, . east aide of -New, ~ 119 t~ Nm-theast ~ llmltatlon o~ the number of blrdsm~g’~Daniel D. Muffin ek aa. tomiZai~ Hbg~eMsve.; ~eelM~m~00. . that may be ~ken tmm the ~ hi ooeda~J~ / ":.

Wark, 92xl~g~ ft. West aide Mmmachm~tUl John]K. Prle~et. ux.toPlleaam~tvllle~.ntmd ~d~~. provlaion ~’6omwaa ¯ ~0n..~orth of AtlanUe¯v~ $L%e~ ̄ ~.aB..~,o, mmem~’rlpmm U above,;~0.. ~mbe¯detem, nttopm~,a-u~ i&mgh~T, -Harry E. Smith to Rlehe F. h~aK,. (irt~,) .)l~md~ph" Prl~ eL ux. to Pleammtvme ]~i.~b~p~r~lWa~.]~l~to~ e

Robe~ E. Steplumy to Ventnor ~ Under the fl)rmer laW..ngn-~slde~ta whoCo.40xl~0fl. 8outheQtcornerWinehester¯ve- owned property in thls coun~ we~glv~x-¯and HarUbrd T~.~(X~ . /

"permlt to shoot here on payment of ¯ lee ~( ~ -

Harveyp. Gall~er to v~n~m ~ Xsmtte, ~ cent, to ,lhe ~ of !~lde~, but"~0970 ft. Em|t"slde MetropoUtan ave. ~l]0 /t: underthenewl~wowneesh.ipo/’.propertyisno.

excuse. County Clerk ~ reeeived ¯eommu-ft. 8outh aide Mueoin ave--S~ ft. East of In- ~kmth of Orientala,ve, ~0. , ~tlon Monday last ~rom Wslter- H. Fell,- --diana ave. SL - Albion Reed Estate CO. to.Franklin P. Cook, . .

Charles P.. Adams.t~ Harlette H. Ad~ (~} W~t ~lde Rhede .I~dand ave. l~0 ft. seeretsry.oftheeommission, asfollow~: .~

ft. Northem~ eormer A~tie ~nd 8I. 8o~thofOrleatalave,llS,fl00. Hon. EdwardB./.ee," --Landing, N. J:

Johneaves.; (Irreg.) Northwe~ eorner Atlsn- " ---tie and Vlekaburg ¯yes. I-8 In~ $~00. .- " . - -Hamilton -Township. -, .

My Dear Sir: please find a

Charles It, Adams to Laura V. K Mye~ Rebec~Leach et. vir. to Enoeh.L.,John~m,[¯Philadelphia] couee~-- ~:.

33x75 ft. West aide l~lelgh ave- 90 ft. South of e0x2Sl ft. beginning at stone in Main st, ~lng ~ Mr. Lemmfng has been

Winchester ¯De. $1,01~ . eess~r~ to ~reison Norer~ms land,l~00. ~ that the act finder whleh F~,eeholder~ llemM~-. - :-- were granied by the ~Connty Clerk ben bee~ ~ "

W.-Oordon Fox ~o Ma~-y B. Flaher, 125z.tS~ . " Hammonton; .- " repealed and ?,hat ff any sueh.l~m~lm~/effi. East side. Montpelier ave. 127 ft. North ofArcUe v...~.~$1. -

Leve~ Johnson eL ~dr. to People’s liank, of been ironed after April ~ 1908,’they will not I~ " ~ ~

LoOIS M.-’Mor~ ek nx. to WilliAm B, ~ Hammonton, East side Gape s~ ~k~ reds reovgniged by our wardens.. ." " . :"

neIl, 66 2.8x100 /I. North~e~mt corner Arl~n~ 8o~th of. Valley ¯De. containingl acre, ~’ ..

" - [mgued] WXL~’g~ EL ~ See,~; -~. "

Mn~ W. C. 8ooy. ~ Northwest corm~r XUanUe and Newark sve~ Mat¯el L. a it Aamx 0rreg.) centre Of" ~ with them, as no o~e Withoutroy. wun~m M~.~n" ~h=tor of

Chl~h~ Will dll~ver his ¢~rewel| ~ IlL" " " : _~ .t[t~0m Noah’8 ]go~l- to WmdMm~Ite~-]~hmltt~l to gmm oa~ V ~£

Atom It Bslx~k el. ux. to Hower T, ~ Imm.~N0, Bmnme~ - . .._ ~£Jemmes are Issued ~ the_, aMee;.~steller.el, sL ~a~ ft. West aide I~tlevne aw.mSummer 80tLNorthofl[hteifle¯ve.;allrlght, .&e,.$L_d~ Releases-from Mo~eg ....

CountyClerk{andmaybese~’u~lat~’ .

little r~ort Ida G.~to Ida G. Keuda~k ’~i.ltl. ~ to,8~-e~ ~ ~ ¯by ~~on imymeatei" thelk~e.~ ’l~e

Trustees $~xl~ ft. Wests/de Ea,,t,adeRbodeislamd.mommy thus eclleet~.~ fcrward~00unty C~rk to" me

fl. Sonth of ~ ave. together ~ 8euth of Nrlentsl ¯De. ~a~a00. .mud- to~e In roll ~ e~ed o~ m~l ~ lm Nielabls to N~.mthlngtoo T: a o~e~

~ tO be t]~! In enlbr~g the’htw ai~! tal~

Wheelm~ I~Id.c~m,m~t T.Mm=ImU, of¯ram’- .. - - :.of m,rt

Mr;Yrdak.r r and

Ti~u~ee, lot lfi ~blockZ onznm, p of bldJd!!N!m Ventnor ~IW,$L " .

- w. " .~9~ ~ to ~u~ ~u~ co. ma0ft. i~nm-aide Mncoin ¯ve.m ~ ~ of In-diana ave. Sk ’ ’~

~ Woe~w~ to ]K~a~hretl~ JeffrJe~sz~.nT~ ft. soda" ~te ~0atorey ¯re. lee ..w~t of cslmmm~. ¯v~ st...

~. maehnor et v~. t. Jsm~,~ek~dn sq~ S

ave. tl,e00. " ’ " ’ " FREEHOLDERS" TERM$.EXPIHE~- .(¯ ~lereeAreh~to Imse P, Hunt et.~d. 1~d85 .... - ....

~ n ~mo~ and vent,, TW~z-O.o V.~ Mut be ~:sv~,Ir~0~.....- : .,. . " " " " Thls.Fall~. " : :~-.-

I~vld E. 8myth to lame P. Hunt .-el. aL The terms of B,

Natlo~d ~ of Ph,adt4phta. to madg,~adeefalon:of ltor.K~.

taa~ must

Cranberr,jEnroll yo| tr little ones in the kindergarten.The CouW y ofltess will be closed Momlay. ̄Falling lea ,yes begin to in~. eate the app~meh

)f A utnmm "¯ The s~ of the n/ghtscl~ol ex~eeed~ allexpee~Uon~

AutomobOes are eomlnlk over the new r0adthh’k and fl~sk -

Assemor Harry Jenkins was a 8omers’ Pointvisitor Tuesday.

Relmlrs a~ being_ made to the PresbyterianChur~ proper~. ~

Improven~ents have been made to theRamony M~IIS building.

The stde~alka akmg Main street have beenrepaired in ~ny plae~ " " "

Miss Mae ]English, of English Creek1 L~ herea~ the gues~ of MISa Beatrice 8bauer.

Mr. Lloyd Voorhees Is the guest of ReD. andMr& Wllllakn Dtsbrow at the Parsonage.

Miss Mae~Rendall, of Jersey City, is here asthe guest o~..Mr, and Mrs. Charles Godwin.

MlssSamlAbbott has been the guest of MissFlora Allen/in Oe~n City during theweek.

Large crOwds of ~people are still rushingthrough here on their way to the seashore.

The young men are talking of forming a foot-boll team this Fall t0 bottle for the count)"championship.

Mr. Burtbn A. Gaskill will leave for theUniversity 0f Tennesst~ next Thursday to takeup the stndy of law.

Mr. and Mr,. Melvin Morse and children, ofBrt~)klyn, ~. Y., are here a.~ the guests of Mr.and Mr& MelL It. Morse.

The Misse~ Iaturs and Maude Bar~tt andt’lark 8. Barrett left yesterday fl)r a week’svisit in the Catskills, N. Y.

The scason for oysters opened Tuesday andlovers of the luscious bivalve will re)on heableto secure tile mvory mor~el~¯ Townsiflp polities are beginning to warm up

and nomhmtio|ts for the various ofl~c~ thatwill be vacant are being dbmusscd.¯ September IS one of the"m~t delightfulmonths of the year along the Great Egg Haterand on the tanks of beautiful l~ke Lenape.

Mr. and Mrs. Hornblower and childrenMi~ Emily Pennlngton" of jersey City, arehere as the guests of Mr& Ther~ Denmead.

MISs Theresa Rlggin,.of Port Norris, N.J.,returned to her- home yesterday after a twoweek.’ ~journ here as theguest of Mr& Thermat)eanmead.

Deputy-County Clerk Albert C. Abbott re-turned from a va~ttlon at A~hbury Pltrlr~ IW. J.,Monday, where he was the guest of hlam~ele,ReD. William Abbott.

A numbel’ of young people frmn thiswere the guests of Mr. Albert 13, wmtwisle ¯t"The Pines" Wednesday evening, being eOD-veyed to the place in lan .riches. "

Parents who r~l~e the advaiitsge~ofplae.Ing their "children In the k~ndergarten beforesending them to the ~lar ~ehool will lose noUme in enrolling their little ones thercim. -

8uperintendeut Char~ Remmey, of the At.lanUc Brt’ck Minutia-luring . Company,.authority for the-mtement that the.wmlmm[tim comlmn~- will protaM)ly


| -


receive the be~t of eare the firstrudiments of schooling. ’But one se~ion a dayis held,beginning at nine o’clock and endingat twelve.

Those enrolled In the kindergarten thUs farare: Mildred Barrett, Anna ~uder, R~mnrmRobb, L.elnl Hog, m, Eddie Kraus, Edwin"~Huber, Russell ~ht.kepeace, Carl Raczk~ki,Ann¯May Z~ker, Esther Ferrell, EstherFeeney, Corn Barrett, Virginia Hoover, L~RoyPierce, Harry Henry, Walter Leach," OwenJudge, John ~’igg]eswor~h, Mary Henry,Anna 8iw, Adelaide l°dre, John %Vaguer.

The enrollment in the various dep~rtmentsand teachers are a4 follows : First Primary,Miss Rachel Ingers~L 28; Second Primary, MissHelen English, 20; Kindergai~n, Miss AHce

¯ M. ~auder, :~2 ; ~cond Grade, M|ss OGre Ludy,¯ ~] ; Estelvllle avenue Primary, MISs Mary M.Strickhauser, .37; Third Grade, Miss FloraAbbott, 39; Fourth and Fifth Grades, MissAnnie S. Collins, 37 ; Sixth and 8event~ Grades, ’Miss ]&tar)" E. Foltz, .36 ;. G ramnmr, Miss BerthaCramer, 29 ; ~lght School, Miss Helen Fenster-reacher, 52.

Recommends KinderKarten. "F~ditor of The Record. + " .

DgA~ 8;R:--It is dimeu]t to understand whypeople e~nnot in~n~ed~tely r~xlige the full~tgulflance of such an addlUo[~ to our public Jschool system as the kinderg~rten. Only lthirteen children were enrolled the first dayaltl~ough th~ number has since been in.cre~d, showing a hxek of appreciation forone of the Ue~t hnprovemeuls that have beenmade in year~. If lmrents were better ac-quainted with ~ object and work of theschool, the" quarters provided would be in-sufficient to hold the number of children thatwould be bronght~ Children lrom four yearsup to seven are taken in each morulng, and

while allowed considerable liberty are In-structed by means of educational games andtaught to play and conduct themselves In anorderly manner. It fits a child toenter theregular public school and enables him to dobetter work the first year. The room pro-!vided is comfortable, centrally located, wellhestedand lighted, and a kindand experiencedtutor provided to care for the little ones l~omnlne unUl twelve o’clock. It is a useful depart-ment and deserves to succeed.

Ver~- truly, The brldg~P~aZ3rT. Intersection

May’s l~ndlng, N. J~, September 12~_~=_~ _ boulevard b-’*" ~ a creditable

In the Churches. laid, causl~Scrvices will be held at the 8L Vincent de vehicle that

Paul 4L’~tho|ic Church t0-morrow u fqllows:Ma~s at 8 and 10..30 A. M. Sunday School at 2.30Vespers and Benediction at&80 P. M. Rey.Father Theodore EL McCormick, pastor.

Services will be held in the M. E. Church to-,morrow aa follows: Cl~ meeUng at 9.30;Preening at 10.30; 8¯birth School at ~.30;Epworth l.~ague ~ 8eryiee ¯t 7.30 ; Pre~h.lng at 7.45, ReD. William Dtsbrow, ]hmtor.

The Chriztlan I~.nde~vor m~4~g o¢ the Pre~-byterlan Church will be held to-morrow even.-Ins St 6.tl5. Topic, "8ouRs of the heart. A lifelived with God.,, Leader, Robe~ EL AbbotL~This will be the monthly eonseemtim~ m~Ung.ReD. Robert Bramfltt, Pastor. - ¯

Launches Will Soon Disappear.=With the delmrture of Summer visito~ for

their ~ many of whom have launches on tamperiogthe G~at Egg Harlx~ River, motor creA ~lllbe ~ree until next roman. Mome will be take~from’the water here. Others will be taken to and Mr&Phlladeipht~ by their owner~ the trip aro~md the home of;Cape May and up the Delaware River bcing wan spentboth ~U~ ~ exited.- MAnyhowever, wl~se skippers sm permanent re~dents, wilt ee~Unue to dbaurb the waters of willingthe Hver until Jack Frost forb|de. . Mountviliel

@_ ~ wlahe~ ofGooDly O~ceg Dinged M1mm.

Monday, Labor Day, being ¯ ieSsl hoUdlay,the County .~ will be ela~l. When the Besleiee

~’leave at neon to-day they.wm HOt’report

forduty until Tuesday morning°

gremtng rapidly and the ~ ’under Mathands of a large force of Mcklayera,rapidly rising. The floor b~l~s of ~eel werelaid Tuesday. -

Owing to a broken shaft coupling Mr. AlbertB. Entwisle, who was to have returned ].o Phil-sdelphta this week Ju hls la~bl~unch,h~s been obliged to post~rl~e ~l~til

-repairs can be made.Jersey produce is still fl0~lng the market in

large quautltle~ The larger shipments inmany years have been made this Summer hyfarmers lu this secUon of fruit and vegetableproduct Fall frnit promises to be plentiful,

The law requlres every child between theages of ’seven and fourteen to attend the~sessions of school regularly. With the establish-ment of the night school there is no r~8on for :anyone to inegleet the education of their!children. J

MISS ROSe Bartha, who underwent an opera-tlon for appendicitis two week. ago In theAtlantic City Hoapltal, has nearly recovered¯ from the effects of the operation and is recelv-ins the eo~aT~tulaUons of- frlends on herspeedy recovery.¯ There will i be no preachlng services In the

Presbyteria~ Cehureh to-morrow owing, to theabsence of tile pastor, ReD. Robert Bmmfltt,who left Thhrsd~y with Mrs. Bramfitt forevacation" a~g friend~ and retatlv~ inBrtdgetou, ~ J., and Laurel Lake, P~

Miss Glady~ Ro0ilett, a ,later of Mr. VictorRoullet h of ~larktown, has been selects! torepresent th~ daughter of Willlain Penn in theFounders’ week historical ~t in Phll~delphi¯. Mbm-Rouilett is an a~comp!Ishedmusician am I-h~s been a frequent %l~dtor here.

Reed and ~all birds are more seance in thisvicinity than for years; This is partially 9wing

the fact ti~ ~t the former large areM of marshland ar~rapi tly becoming meadows, on whichthe favorite f~3d of these bird~ will not grow.Formerly th~ species of gume abounded in themarshes alo~ the Great Egg Harbor PJver.

~Negottatiolm are under way for thesaleofthe]arge erai iberry bog at Estelvllle owIled byM rs. L. B. Coi ~on to Makepea0e Company~ Whoown the larg~ 1000 acre bog near ~ere- The bog issaid to be-De|ned at $12,000 and unU! MakepeaeeCompany c~ ~tructed their large bog was theprineipal on in this ~Uom A large crop willbe. hf, rvested this FaIL

spanning Baiieoek’s {~reek at theof Main ~treet and the CountyPlea~ntvllle ls in anything but

onditton. A few new planks werean unple~ant bump to every.

er~mes and at either end a deeprut leads to the bridge. It ~tould be entirelyreplanked, slightly and the n~llesding

I In proper condition. There is noexcuse for deplorable condition of the

i bridge, and it hi- dan~ to truffle, bothautomobiles i heavy vehieles.

By of the pest.ofilee luspeetorl~ma~r W. Cmmer ha~ ereeted¯U./~. at the~omrt Home 8t¯UoD~r

8 the .ma~ sttl~ ~ or who wl~h to mill their lette~at that ~ will be made at 8.e0L m. and IX m. All let~m should bestamped tf but otherwlm two e~tsdropped In bo$ with the i~tter will insnre

its delivery. ~ past, e4~e antlaorlt~ ofl~: $10C0

¯ Ol~sbo~ ~ewfleld ¯nd May’s Imuding, andEL W. Shaner was appotuted ~ member of theJudietary t~nml.ttee, Trenton was voted theplace of the next State mmlom

The sixty-second annual semion of theNaMonaJ body will be held In the Convention)Eh~ ~r the Hotel Monticello, Atlantic City,next Wedne~tay. These sessions wiu beginat ten o’elcek gnd. eontinue until evening. ¯ Representatives will be presentfrom nearly every 8late in the Union ~nd it ISexl~cted that fully flye hundred memberewith their wives will invade the elty by the

!sea. Mayor Franklin P. 8toy will welcomethe members of the frato/~ty and flap and

!bunting will be displayed everywhere in’, honor of the vi~dt of the representaUv~ of .theI PatrloUc and .BeneficiAl Order. " - .-

x~ wnmm Hem Northo~Amm~¯v~L¯, :.. ,~;; .,.. ~ ........ ........ , ,:,her brother, Mr, Gm~v -~ qr. Upidne0tt_ eL .UX,.to J~--~ll ave~l~.+!- :: -=-- :- = " . . .-.- :.=.::~

Mmr&ChanmGantne, sve.-u, - = :, ~.:~in or a~t.-to ~e:~t. In N~ ~:but, .....and Fred K.~r, Wi~ the

Hotel ~t Co. to 3am~ E. North KmineltT¯Ve.~;- . "guests of CImrlm Kopf last i " Irreg.) ~mt~deBoston"ave.~flt,~outh. o~ ~Wi’flUmnJ. Kenaed~et.u3i.-toJoa.aehwarl~ tant~,andthere~reput . i

Thepublle~ol~ned ~ e~ u ¯ " inhotel altmded on 8o~thesstcor- --" "~day with a grautyhm auenmua~ ~ r ~r~ puld~.

F~-monnt av~ ~ - . .: ~ " ~: " " l~u~ ~-ome~JLy, on Jan.ars ~, ]~

~hmy improvementz have been in the" if/sty A. S~dth to Ssrah K n~ell~ ~tn~.)M. Naame to Guztmve ~ Veeek, esme s se~nd class counW In law ~tlgasteorner AreUe and ~ulla0asv~; mx/~ W,.~hold~ eu~-~t ainee January lg

high school building. ,~ alto lots 87, ~ 41, 48, 47,51 Ar~e ave.; ~ I~: in preml~ ~t ~orthwmt" eomer were elected to serve k term.of, two yem~ .v~l~,

MngOaroll~l~el~edler "beginning ataem’nercd’-la~ls now-’~’ istoof ’ Sve&kn0wh~’ahamr°ek i~dof~" -" ~i : " - . ¯’is sojourning at the home of Mr

Krauthaus. Mrs. John Im bee~ ExperlencoConover and RenhanaC, Ctintm; --Vtga~, / "

¯ ~.~-4~ .-

spending a ~orth]ght at Idmend ~. j., exceptlo~ SL- " - .... " ’ ~ Mo ~ "Mill~ Dollar Pier. ~ -- " :- :

At the Repubnem ca.e., .t xamm mwoed el ,~rueu el .ffi. ~ x. ,~ s~*,~e~ J. ~ner ~breoht, goo~ September ~.Star~ wrm’me ~ rusa ~::~;Hall on ~turd~y evening last/ Seb~ ~90 it. East side 2~th ave. 170 ft. N0rth ~ ~e. inG~e NO. ave.: vtaitora,¯-large numl~r ofwhom.z~-fia~LBg ~ ,.

" . " ̄ - ~ .. . " . . . ree~tlon- and ~musement:-st; thl~-]polm]~r -’::!iehardt was endorsed as eandid I ~r Mayor. George T.$1"IApptneott eL ux. to Harry ~r. :Fred. Lott and Edward Beun the ---BHIg ~ S~le; ". Gilbert eL ux. ~5x1(]0 ft. East aide ~u- Ba&ley’s, big elrcu~,endorsement as Goun~dmen. .- setts ave- &~0 ft. No~.h of Medl~kve, Clmrl~ 8uenderl~" J~eL ~ to Fred. E.- bill lnthe blgaMmal showinth@

Republican State Convention. HAMMONTON.At the primary election to be Rev. J. H. Payran has

out Atl~ntlc County on Tue~tay, September annual va~tlomthe twenty-eeeond, nln#teen hundred and Mr. Charles 11, 8mlth is vlMUng

eight, delegates will be eheaen for the purp(meof selecting one PresldentlaJ Elector for theSecond Congresalonal District and two Elet~tor~tt.Lar~e for the Btate of New Jersey, atthe Republican 8tale C~)nveution to be held~ptmnber-twenty-flfth, nineteen hundred andelSht, in thaeity of Trento~ N. J.

The various .town, townships, bommgl~ a0dcities of the county will be enUtled to repre-senta~on M follows : .. . "

Dis4riet~ . Vote.Ab~econ, First Ward. ...... ~ ..................... ....... I-4

" Second " ......... ......... . ............... 1-4Atiantie City, First Ward._ ........................ 4

" " Second " ~. ........................... 4" " " Third " " 6" " Fourth " ..... : ...........; ........... 4

Brigantine t~ty, First Ward. ............ ... ........ I-8" " 8eeond " ...................... 1-8

Buen~ VIS~ Township .............................. ¯ 1Egg Harbor city .................. . .............~ ......,. ]Egg Karbor Towndhlp ...................... " ........ 1-4Folsom Borough. ...................................... 1-8Galloway Townahlp, Flrat PreelneL, .......... 1-4¯ " " ~eeond ": _......... 1-4Hamilton T0wnahlIX ........... -.,.. .......’ ........." 1Hammonton, First Precinct. ....................... 1

" 8eoond " ......................... 1reDWood Borough. ....... . ............................... l-sI~ngport, L...... ............................................ 1-8Mullles T0wnshll~ ....................................... 14Northfleld City, First W~rd ...., ............... I-8

z Yor~ Me-returned



relatives in ConnecUeut.Miss Amy JcelTa bus returned

among friends In Boston,Mr. and Mrs. EL Kirk 8pest

from a trip tothe Great LaldesFalls.

large Worms are playinglollage of shade trees, and warisodthe pat. ¯

Omrtm ~eard/-- a formerhas accepted a pcsRion In T re~urYat W~mhington.¯ Dedlc~tlon servlces of the new

will be held e~ly i~ October.nesrly completed.Mr. Arthur Woodwsr~l I from the

8outh recently after an sojourn in :the "Summer land~"

MmXathartne M. yare, ~er sseveral week.’ tour through the Nstates, 18 visiting her parents, M . and Mrs.Thomas W. Vare. -

¯ ¯---~Ri~LEY.1

In Newbfis~ Elizabeth Brim isYork City for An indefinite stay.

Mr. J.-Reg~n and daughten Kath-

erine and Matlptre~¯ "rpent 8~m IaleCit~. .:Road Overseer ~ La~v.s a

of men hawways.

u_~ E~,t medel ha. rem~ ~ Ph~e~

together with right to use water way, $1.

Hamilton Township.Ollb~rt & ~i~imsghan to Mary ~ am, emn on Uneo~ s.e. euem,~xown~dm SL.-

lot No. ~ on plan of ~rm lots of Otlberi & " Geoq~W~q~ht to Edged Doughty. horses,O’Callaghan, tract 85, $150. " - . &e, ~ " --" "-, "" " - - " "!

John M_ Smith et, ux~ to Rebe¢~ L~w.h, Lew~ It. l~rber,ad~, to ~Ada Tshl, b,~dsWest side Longwood ave.- the 8~athem~ eo~ &e. in No. 1~ N’m’th Conneefleut ave. ~a00.Her of land of Robert EL Abbott, contain~g ~-Patrlel~ ELO.Noble, JrotoAdehddeP.~oble¯ - - and on’.premises~0 ,quar e ~et, ~ ..:. ~


Hemmonton, " :8umn Emper et vii-. to WHllam I,. Blaek,

cairo of,~ m~ at m~ m~So~th fron~ intersection of eent~ lin~ of ~d

and lake VIL~w ave. eon ts~ng 5 asH, e¯,

Workil~en’s /~ & K Henriettanogen~ lot ~o. ]m on pt~ or weymouth ~.a A..Co.; aim lot. beglnnlng at stone in .society

8slvatore I~Ottavlo et~ ux. to Jea. S~rrat#eo in novelty csrrlage and ~k Hdi~’l~~while Adgle and-her lions areeL ux. goodsa~ and ev61~ on l~e acres farm Mlle. Carrino and her eight

are merlUng the p6pularity tl~while Dowson’sYonng American¯ re. attracting large an dienem at ~ la~ I :-formanee~ Th~eh~sem’nlVa~eaeh W~k::.!are attended by hundrede of llttte Ibll~’ ....amusement on tills mamm~,‘-plea-Is.well -.~:

"" Mbre "~an:J~nou~h is Too M "U~;:

needs Just emmgh fo0d to relP~., the .w~, and :supply, ene.rgy and body heat.eonm~ption of vnore food[

¯ " "Is Pendong.

wm~m Mor~mweek.~" Jr. and Jseobnet et Jd. farm lot ~k l~n plan ofof land¯ of the Gloucester F. & T. Am.

: " C~celtation of Lis Pendens. ~iJamesT0wnles an~ ~ L T0wn~ey e~ a* trouble~ r~eumatOm~ and d~bmsers ofmekm.

LI~ l~den flied ~une 20, 19M. - neyx...If t

llneatm~ornertothe Bishop fleId,contalning " ’ Judgments, , ¯ . : diet, let re¯an and not appetite . .

~.Sfi acre¯, $1r~0, - - - " ! and Llver Tablets and you will soon beall rlght. :Henry EL Tyler et.:ux~et, aLt0 FIH.ppo CireuttCourt, :.-- :.

Rodom, beginning In mlddle of Matin ~ Marx 8ehwaJ3e vs~ Jeannette Ma~ ~ ’ apJu. For. seJe by Morse~ a~d Co. ": -

lea~Hng from Haminonton to Atslon 2g ehal~ Circuit Court. ’ " - - " - -.East from Northeast eud of Mlddie Rnad, con- Ati~tie City Lumber Co. v~ Dora M. Reed, .Game Laws Ready for-Publlc~ :/ ::.... x~yone ~me ~ i~a~oame:In,ntaining -14..~ acres; ¯lso lotll bloekN;-onas- ~ D~MetCourL . "

~sament m~p~ SL .... :" ’. - ~ & ~ Co. "vs. S~ Paul’, African M. f~" 1~08. ~n h¯ve & copy. by:-~-lar0¯ee~ts m st~mpe to Ga.~Wa/d~- W~amLo-

Eugenle Verner eL Eugene A. Ml~t~ .~. Chumh~.97; D~trl~ Court. der, of Ea Hatter cry. ~ ~ ¢]~ngu/:St point I n Old ~ ~’bOrl]~sd " 17

ft. Northwest of stone standing where_ mlddloof seM mad ero-,es mad lmdlng/~rom Da-Ca~t~ toOld ~monton; 188~58~ ft. begln~~dng &t stake in centre of 8th st. and tn Old

i EU Harbor ~ ,~ ,. Northweat of ~ st; inte~’~eetlon ofeald Old El~s~b0, r RcaAm~d

-Ad¯Taylor vz. MaUlda Gaines, $345.85; take efl~t this Fail ln th~ la,mrwJthwhJeh:=~:_:trier .court.- < -: " : ~e~ sportsman ~o~d ~ e,a,mar, : .Joseph O. Boyd v~. Charles Vale, ~ . - - = .~_ .~ " ,- ~- ~..

trier Court. ....... " . For Chapped Sldn. : ", W;. J. &8. ]g. B.:~. ]~la.lek.J; .M~.y, LYa~pedskhx whether, on ~::~l,0~/.~landecsta; C1zeultCo~rt, : " - -" - may be cured in one nlght.byapplying~ ,i~:~!

:. " : ActiO~8. 7. ¯ " berlain’s~ttve.,

Ch~l~ ~ Pret~n ~ ~ C. ~ nipples, bums, a~ald&. For~b~ M~& .C~:: ~ :, " " 8ecc~! " ....., ........ L. ...... 1-8 phta after a l~w weeks’ visit ¯t the ]tal~ 4-~ a~res, ~ - - " ~. ~:

Ple~mntvllle, First Precinct._....;..; ............ 1 el. sL In Relflevin; Cirm~t Court; Thomlmon .....,, Second - _ ......... -... ....... I mamSteekwenet, u.v. toAn!anlo mni~lnl, ....

l$o~RepublleCRy, FiretWm~L.-. ......... ;._. 1-8North aide B~adw~y ave,4~perehes NOrth- &On~at~.- " ." ~- "fathe~dn-law, Mr. A. 8eideL .:- . : -~-~gl[sh ~i~ ~ i:=. ".’-’-." :;~

Mr. and Mam,-Hsery Mlck ani h

....... necond"., .............. .~.8 rethrued toFhnmmaomam~er.~ the e*-tofv.ue~andmmaw~..¯ve~’S*ermn: ~-ro~mmv~w,J=&~e.s.’c~-In .Tbe~qmm .COpa~ M~~mm~ngU~ :-~8omers’ P0intClty, FirstWsrd. .............. 1-8 8ummerherewlthjmlatlves. "rode,~f~& _ : " " " .... ,itttya.. . " : i " - -/ . = madls~ali°0~~~be:~:,, . ¯ .. ,, . A,urpr~ ~,rtymm.tende~ l : ~ ~on~xeetm~ to.~ mrmn~.rt.~ muadh~~ .m~~y.m~we~=:-:.+

. Second ............... 1-8 man Jam~ ]gqsn ]|~mdayn~ t byanum- lot?ll0onplanof~trnmlaldoiatbyWeymmath JSil~aet~°ImV~J°~Caln~Uet’~: GsPllm ¯ " ¯ -- = ¯ "_~~’~_ ’,:~7 "" " ~:~- :~,?mmth AUanUe City ..... ; ....................; ......."" *-8 berof~r~ndesnde ~ aed by F,4~L CO, lm~. ; . ~ . - . :... *l"ort;~,lmm~Omrt;Boml~k~Soo~,¯t~yL 8~ptember Tld~i~ Athm1~l~. Ivd~;’~-:VentDorClty, ......................................... L. 1-8 ~lwho -.~rUell~1~ L ..

" " "" - ’" " ...... " " " ~: " ~ A~m p.w~-~-.w-~p.~We~month ~owneutIX ............... ~ ..............", ~’~ Mr& John ~,~ w.~-- .~ ~ / ; ~ ’ : i " k~ re:H. Hue~,: -. ~~ :’;................... :. ......:..._..~..-_. ~ ~h~ Mr.: ~ Jes~, i ~ .=4 : ~ ~ et~ to nffi~ ~: ........ ~ ~ ~ u~ g _~_~---¯ D~nu, w. w~m~, danghter, ~ Mm~a, "and ] Mattle ~m~nmid~Pa~kave,a~ l~at.m~smre¢ ~." toyim~ 7Mond!~- .-=.----.~.

CIm~rmm~Repubbe|mOmmtyO0mmittee, Hill and Emmm.8~Ml~ i inAt- loteemvi~y~byI&a~lt~laml~uLtoA4~ ~Uliatlgnelm- =:~..~,.~_:~

AU~t:--~.e, 8,,~u,,m.~. lantteC~ty. .- : ~.~’I~ " i : - ~’ :: ..t: gSl~hdt~ theI~ted Anlp~t II, ll~. ’ Arm O. Dix0~ et, vW. e~. ~L to ~omem Boil~ a~-~ wU dl I0 Thumdmy ---,...=

Why_O~J~e ~tv~L~. ~k mmth~g M~ mm~ ~ml at ..... -; ..... "=’-~Democrat, Orlpmind ~. ~. mmm you

At ¯ meetin~ of the D~aomada of Hmaldltolt. aml ~ t~0mm Ummfor l~Orma~iou ~ to the TownshtpFrtdayeveningo/’Imgwed~oN~a~ ~.lflml,do Imog ~¯

of anq~me breaking Inor mtlo~ ofs olub. m efftmted~ 4~mt~0 ~mdd~e. ~ mm not~"tt~.5ox. . mm~ wees ma4e. J~ lddlqddn ~ immmmol¯ iu~d ~

L~uguecimlr pve Sl~rewell ineindiq three ~ At~l~mtleCH~, No d~e ~llmt~a~~d.W~r, ~ter of Mr.. I~m beeu fixed lee Um new meeting. -¯ h~ ~.~H- cold:Thursday eve~dn~ at ~-------- ~ ~ ti~e~tmeelptlonc~, ~.~ vmy Yun a Dlmekgl~Ith* ’

~d tmm~mmus~ e~a~s, woe~o~m,~m~W,,tmbsen toet~ xt:~tmmmettm’t..--a¢ ~hoetmrhot~m ~br =m~e thaa~t~. Je~e mmm~L¯~t~m~

lm beeue vet# eflt~mtmul ~: -Chamb,~t,tu’, )Pain Balm lure zl~m8he goes to her new home in me gnmt rell~’ flmm ~ .baiek nod dsmumm.taking with her the ~ ~ It is the IIninmmt I ~or ~d.’,

pesnt ....: F--

~ m~a, m0,.=e, mm~r,.~masa~; Mama. ~ -Twenty-foo¢¢

Trnempy, Harry Burley, Win- Aw/d~


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~mghwmt M~

,m~ ofM.~my m~ ~ .

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addr~ ta me. Uuaea ~ ~umut extra ~ ~ddnm mueULuged-,-orom-,-aoaree. : ": ’ .% ¯ L¯ Any mb6criber wh.~ fLIIs to reoe4ve ’*The l~rd regularly canhttVt me ombmtoa pmmpt~ ~by enterll~[, ommpiaint at me

- The Record" win ~ m.ale~ td~lny ~dre~ in t~ Unl~, State~po~agv prelmid, for $1¯~6 per year, strictly In advance. .

Advertising r~tea by r~te c~rd will be IMbed npo~ applie~tiO~oAddr~m all remlttanc~ and other bust~ cotnmunltmtions

"The Record," May’a lamding,-N. J.E. C. SHA~Ea, J~Xlltor and Publisher.

~t~r~ at ~e "~-’. ~. ~. a-. Po.t-om~ ~ So.o~d~ ~att~,.



H. TAFT,Of Ohio.



For Vice-President:¯ JAMES SHERMAN,

Of New York.

New Jersey is fast drifting to Home Rule.. Notthe restricted Local Optiofi of the. reformers,-but a.sane, republican law enabling each and everycom-

" munity to decide for itself those domestic affairs" affecting its welfare~ Home Rule would ta]ce from

the State Legislature the annual burden bf preparingindividuM laws for each municipalitY, that comprisesunder the present law the majority of its work.

Home Rule and personal liberty are synonymous.The fundatflental pri.nciples of the Republic arefounded on- the proposition that e~%ery man has cer-tain inalienable rights, among these being libertyand the pursuit of happiness, and any legislation thatabridges those rights is unconstitutional. The BishopsLaw, so called; has proven unsatisfactory. It hasdemonstrated’ the necessity Of reserving to a com-munity the right of determing i~ own excise matters.

But it is on the statute books and must .be enforcedUntil corrected by remedial legislation. The onlylegislation that can be satisfactorily enforced in thisState is an enactment corlserving to the people ofevery community the absblute right of regulating.their own internal affairs, excise or otherwise.

When the provisions o.f the Township ordinancerequiring peddlers to pay a license fee before vendingtheir wares on the public highways is better under-stood it will be generally commetlded. " It affectsprimarily peddlers of inferior, germ-infeetecl clothingm~le in the c~ty sweat-ghops by diseased workers ofthe slums, who are probably the meansof distribut-ing contagious diseases jn this manner to a greaterextent thgn an3, otl~er one"agent. Tl~e only fault of

the ordinance is that it .does not require a sufficient¯ " license fee tobe prohibitive to peddlers of these" worthle~ goods. "Phe ordinance ~rotects the T own-

~p farmer’s ,market by requiring those outside of

the Township who buy and sell for a profit to pay

for the privilege of ~elling their produce. No farmerwho raises his own produce can be compelled to pay

fo r that pri.vil~ge." The purport and effect of the

measure is. t¢ 0rot~t the interests of the farmer, _themerchat~t anffthe consumer, and as such it should andwill be enforced to the letter by the authorities.

Parents are prone to overlook school matters

great extent, when they should be taking. ~ctivei ¯ ’" f th .eix0~ring and assist-

f -- o. - ¯ - " ¯ . " ¯

mental and .moral needs of a growing boy or girl.’,That t~acher can do best who has the sympathy of t~parent; and who works hand in hand therewith’for

the advancement of the child. It is too often thepractice to leave, the care of the chiId’s educationsolely .with the school. The latter has control of thepupil but a few hoursof the day, while the parents,if they will: can exert their influence throughout theday both in and out of school. Every parent should take

¯ an indiv~u~ interest in the progress ofhis children,---encourage arid assist the teacher by in~lligent co-

operation, and support every moment for better educa-tional facilities when their need becomes apparent.

¯ k The State Fish and Game Commission has anti-fied~’the County Clerk that persons owning propertyin.thiS County who are not residents of this State areanti’titled to gun hbre unless they pay the usual¯ x.~- .

,non-rbstdent license. Formerly the Board of Free-, hglderS issued licenses for a nominal fee to those who

were property holders, but under the new" law all

who are not actual residents must secure a license.This is one of a number of. laws pa~ed at the lastLegislative session calculated to’ preserve the game

and protect the interests of the home sportsman¯ Itwill be well for every non,resident gunner to becomethoroughly conversant with the new.gmne laws beforehunting this year, for the wardens have been in-str, ucted to carry out its provisions withour fear orfavor. There ai-e also many changes with .w.hlch itwill be well for homesportsmen tO become familiar.

The general public will still be far from satisfiedwith the protection afforded from .the deadly electrl-fled third raiI under the law @hich took effectrecently, compelling the railroad to cover the railseventy-five feet each side of every grade’erossing.The company has obeyed that law, but no (urthea’.It has made no effort to .afford better protection atthe long stretches of track between crossings. It istrue that anyone using the Tight of way without tt

stand tar! the ~f~t~tfl:of the Bishop:law l~[tladone result that eve~ firm s’tand for one!s convmtions-is ~dh.,to p~oduce: it has made other~men.consideri seriously, the same question.: The people of the Statehave tak~l; tl~e.liquor~qu~0~ ::tO heart, and outof.the !multitude of opln|b.!J[~:~d’~eontention iof, various,conflicting interests.thexe:wiU come-a final settlementof the excise law tl~:~ay be more than State-wide inits effect.. New Jer~y b~, its disposition of this ~burn-[ng: question maypoi~lt the ~-~y. to other States insolving the most ve~ng probletn that has confrontedthe people of this country in years. It is a matterthat requires ~0ng, serious, deliberate considerationbefore the die ~ cast. -

Reports from the seashore resorts indicatethe’ Summer ha~ been an eXcel~ti0nally good .one.Despite dullness Of business elsewhere Atlantic eityhas been’ well-patronized at all times, and her hotelsand places of amusement are in a prosperous e0nd, i-tion. Cape May does not seem to have fared so well,three large hotels having closed’owing-to lack of

patronage.’ Ocean City. is growing into prominencerapidly, not only as a summer resort but as a homecity.. The new trolley route across the. bay, givingthe resort frequent train service to Philadelphia, hasbeen one of the prime factors in furthering its growthand induc’ng coting .ers-t0 build.

~- ~..

Foreman salus, of the last Grand Jury, causedmore than State-wide remark-by his contention thatinn man; however clothed, with authority,¯ is era-!powered tO impugn or question the motives and

deliberations of the Grand Jury. It, is a questionthat has stirred Considerable interest among lawyersand officials, inasmuch as it affects the authority Ofa body of men snpP0sed to be, as S alus contended,

supreme in the last analysis, and not amenable toofficial censure, dictation or. investigi~tion. Judiciallight on the question will be welcomed.

Eyery gc~xt road is Tts.-dwn justification, -butthere" are many other reasons why the completion ofthe new May’s Landing-Downstown highway shouldbe Welcomed by the people of the County, as well asresident~ of this place. There are already indicationsof a heavy automobile travel over the neW road,-andthe highways of the municipality should be kept in

good repair and every .inducement 0ffered: to thei autoists to come this way.

Good w~l;k il being done by the New JerseyChildren’s Home Society. During the last year ithas aided direetly~j! bettering the conditions of 547children, most. of whom were without homes~or inwant. The money for the work has been donated, bythe people Of the State,. who have thus indirectlyassisted in leading these children away front sur-rounding"a that would eventually induce a largenumber to become eriininals. "

"All things come round in time," perhaps, butnevertheless: railroad imtrons can’t help.wishing thecompany would~ "get a move o~a’’ in the matter oferecting" d station on the-South~bound track of theelectric rai-lroad.,~~ , ,~i~ ,~[ ~ i ~ I~ !dangerous grade crossings - ~ " "

Political camtmigns rarely warm up untilweather, but in’ the pre~nt instahce there are nfany

pr-emoffitory signs that intimate a keen interest inthe comin eo-.. " .g -. ~htest in this County. Slight interest,howe~er, xs d ~" ~played ov~.S.tate and National issues.

STATE PRESS that ever exist~ has realized to a greater degree, or

. cl~rnem than this, not only the im .pgrmnce of faming asan 0eeup~tlon, but the lmporta~oe of the farmer s.s a cltlgen~ and

"during recent years at l~a~t, no other country ha~ exhibited a greaterappreciation of the skillful tiller.of the soiL ) ." 0 Long before the fertt/d lands in-any of our state~ or territorie~

gave evlde.nce of revolting agalm~t uzmeientifle cultivation, and even ata time when we were opening to the plow the richest ian(L~ within ourbordet~, the neceuity of educating our agricuiturist~ so that theywould be able to.eo~erve natured resouree~ while Increasing the pro-duet became mtmlfe~t to our pubBe men.

"Aa a result, agricultural colleges sprang up In every state. Out ofthese have grown the great experiment stations which have praetiemllyre~=otutlonlzed the art of farming in this country. Gmdtmlly national !lnt0test became aroused. The department of agriculture Wasand thLs In turn has become the lmrent of burtmus which combine telmake It to-day the most effective delmrtment of Its kind in the world.

"Neither labor.nor ex-pen~e has been ~q3ared by the state or nationto place the results of scientific lnve~tlg~Uoa and experiment withinthe reach of the ordinary Indlvid~l A’mert~m farmer. All he is to ask for help, tmd~lt is fdrthcomlng, whether It t~k~Ahe

’form of educutlon, advice in emergency, or seed. Heneed notXofarastray if he will 0nly¯ take the trouble to seek guidance and Lsof ~u~lclent intelligence to make g~ use of it. " .

¯ "What state aid and government aid have ~alled to do privateenterprise has aeeompFtshed for him. The telepi~one operate~ ~!de byside with the rural free delivery mall box, and the lnterurlmn {rolley

~- E.P.~BO~r,, ’" " _, . counieUor-qt-I~w,...~ ___21~t~t~r in unsnarl’.

Oftl0esi--Mi~’¯.£a~dlng, N.J. .

LBEBT" C~ ABBOT/, .. Attorn¢7-abLaw,. ¯! HoBeltor and Muter in Chancery,

. ~y’s I~nding, N.J. __~

J~L~ ~ ’ Counsellor-~t-~ , NOmmt Phone ¯ tg~ H~"tmr City, ~ ¯ J,

~oHOMPSON~-cOLE, " ¯¯ Otmn~t~t-I~w.

ma 14 ̄ 16 Real Estate ~nd Law Bulldil~g,Atlantic City, ~.J.

ROBERT EL INGEPd~OLL,¯ O&urmellor~-Iatw.Office :--Cfurrie Bulldlng~ L~rner A.t/~nUe ~nd

8outh ~roline Avenues, "Atlanuc City, ~, ~.

~LI H. CHANDLER, - " ¯Coun~llor-at-I~w. -

I to4 ]/liaek~tone Bulldhig, Jkti~n£1eCl~, N. J.


s. w~cx~rr, " ""Attorney~bJJaw.

Bartlett Building, Atlantl~ City, N, J,

ou~mv, om a sooY.Counaellors-~t-Law.

in New Jemey, Phll~lelphia andUnited 8tat~ District tmdcircuit Court&

ReM E~tate and I~w Building,Atlantic City, N. J.

I-’~%I)F~Y- ~ GoDFREY,Itloileltor~ in Chancery ana ~omrm~ t’uonc;

in all Ilabraneh~; I/,e~l ~tate; l~mn~ I~egotlated; Collections

specialty. "~oms 315-316-~17 Bartlett Building, Corner

~orth (~roli n~ and Atlantic Avenue~ -Atlantic City, ~N’. J. :

T~EBRY & 8TOKE~, "it- " . Counsellors-~blmw.

Solicitors, Masters and Examiners In Chan-cery ; Practices i n the United 8tate~ and Cir-cuit Courts.

Office :--Currie Building, Corner Atlantic and8outn (?aroR~m Avenue~, Atlantic City, 1’¢. d..

REPETrO & REPETTO, - .Attorney~t-Law,

Masters In Chaheery.Room 87 Real }~mte and Law Building, ,

Bell phone 190 A. " Atl’mtie Clky, N. J.Philadelphia Office:--717 W~l~ut ~L .

MARTINE. KEFFER, "A ttorney-el~Law,Rooms 544-8 Bartlett Buildln" Atlantic CRy, *~. J. .

IjAM P. HEDt/I~,Attorney-at-haw, .Union Bank Bulidl~g~ l:~oolx~ ]1.-12,

"- ... Atlantic City, N.J. "

EDMUND c. GASKILL, JR.,A ltorney-~t-Law,~.Rooms 400-7-8-9, Bartlett Bulldinl~,

Both Phones. . Atlanue t~aty, ~. J,

JA3fF~ H. HAYF,~, JR.,¯ Law OBle~

" 1.T21 Atlantic A-~-et~ue, Atlantic City, 2,/. J:C(m~t Phone 728. Bell Phone 17"20. -

HARRYWOOTTON, " "Counselior~teLaw/

¯ Rooms 408-74)-9 Bartlett Bullding~Atlantic City, N. J.

"YOHN-C. REED,~ Coum, ellor~t-I~w, ," lg~ll Atlantic Avenue, Atlant~ City, N. J.

"rvENRY W. LE~VIB,: "¯ .[1 - A ttorney-at-Law,- "A~nUc ~ty, ~. a.

FBANKSMATHER~, ..Counsellor-at.Law, - "

Master Court of CImneery,¯ Room 15 Real F~tate & Law Building, .

Atlantic CRy, N.J. "

HIGBEE& COULOMB,Counsellor~-~bLaw, N. ):Union Bank Building, Athmtle CRy,

-yOHN RXUFFE~BABT,~.~ ’ .Attorney-at-Law, -

15~I Atlantlo Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J.CAmel Phone I? .... Ben Ph~o~ 750,

¢$ - " I~w orri - - _Room ~i~ Bartl~’ttce~l’lllld~, J

Ootmt Phone llSt~-~. Atlsmtie Cl~’, N..

¯ " .Cmln~ellor-at-Law~ " .. :. " Unlon.NaUamal Bmndlt Bulldlnff, - . ." Atlantic


ttodm~ 5m. ,a~, 515,Bell Plmue MI.D, AUemt~

Cmmt Phone 1142-

& A LBERTSON,t’oun~ellor~a~Law,, ~eal Kstate and Law Bnqding,.Atlantic City, ~.J.

U .~ BE~O, : -LaWomces, ̄

tg, 40. ReM ]~atate & L~w Bullding~Atlantic City, N. J.

W. ~HIMPF,¯ " . Conn~ellor~toLaW,. ~¯ Roonm 547-8 Bartlett Building,

Both l~one~/__ Atlantic CRy, N.J.

oLIVER T. ROGEHS, .Cou nseIlor-~t-I.~w,1:]28 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, ~. J.Both Phones.

GEORGE W..~TONE, ’ ¯At torne~y.4tg-Law, .

64~ Bartlett Building,Telephones.. Atlantic CltT, ~. J._____ Branch- O~eeat Hgmmonton, N. ~.

ALLF~ ~. E.~DmoTr, Jr.,, .~,ttorney-abLaw, - -Room No. 2 Union National Bank Building,

Bell Phone I , Atlantic City, N. J.

TSAAC J~L ~NU~ER, -"JL,12 Union Bank Building, Atlantic City, ~.J,

¯ Cc~st Phone 1004.

8T}: N OG I’t~PHYo -

L OU’I~ D. CH.L~aPION,"- 8tenograi,hy and Typewr~ng, : "

¯ commissioner of Deeds,Bell Phone 1717-A Notary Public_

Room 29 }~e~! Estate and Law Building,¯ Atlantic City, N. J.

C~- W; ~YP..OSE, . " " "~)e I%Ibi Ic 8tenogra pher, .646.647 Bartlett Building, Atlantic City, N. a.Official 8ten0grapher - Both Phones.

First Judiehfl DL~trlet of,Mew Jersey.has wiped out dlst~nt~ to the county seat and the market town Inthoumands of agricultural neighborhoods, _ _ . " _.k]~CHITECT.

"8octal life and lmuitary t~ndltlons have Improved marvelously ~ " i~L1Zl~()~ ~’AUGHbr, : ........on the American farm during the last ten years, and these improve- ~, krehltect,ments are not going to eetme."--Trento~t ~ Gazette.

" " Atlantic City, N.J.

¯ ~*The onslaught upon Athmtlc City, over its Iibern[Sunday ideas,Is haZy-hug the effect of lining up the liberal sentiment of the state In aproposed attack upon the Bishops’ law. It may be wiped out. SenatorColby,of Essex County, has come out In fitvor of a liberal Sunday andwill wage a tmmimgu in Newt~rlk .C~ty on this line.. He declares that hefavors the repeal of the Blshol~’ law. Ft Is reported that Ht~d~County, the next populous eoumty of the state to Emex, learns to theIlberttl BuBbly ldm, and nil throuKh the s~ate the tmttle which AtlanticCity ~.ts engaged In fighting, has I~ovoked dilution. Hud~n andE~e~t countle*, together with the shore counties, could very nearlyeont~’ol the Houa~lf the delesatiolS voted solidly. How the [Senate

would ~3and on a qut~tton of an Open Sunday Ismoreofa problem.But that some changes In the Sunday laws are coming aa the outcome MKDIC -A:L, :of the flgl~t is now expetd~L What they will be no One can my, but ........ H.~M~.,, nulthe ~entlment o¢ the re~orta ainu8 the eoaat being unanimoua for ~ome 10 M.i i to andetm~e in regard to the Bl~aOlm gnd 6ther excise law, and the fact thatpractically ever onehas.beenopenly violating the law, I~ tohavesmighty Influence in shaping new exetm ieg~l~tion the c0mlng Winterin which It le expeet~ 0onom~lon~ will be m~le to tim eletn~t whichdemanda more freedom on ~unday than lure been extended in tl~lm~tNewi~lersey Ima ̄ great iumet In Its e~at, which tt wantellned wRhprO~r l!erou~ eltle~ and the Letq~tture can be eXimeted to enact ~uehlaws ~re within reamn oa the exeke q ue~k~ when ~g~ ]aWl wllJ .t~ldto promote the development of tl~ ecmst."--A~ L3~ Retnk.w. -¯ ~ . _ =-~ . ~. . .- ~.

" "Jq apl~ Of all efforts to prevent It, the liquor quatlon thre~tew tobe~ ¯ kmdi~’~e I0 thB State durhiffme ~ cmmim~ Itwa~ ~.pee ti~t me kppoJ,tment of an ~ Comml~m to lnvetU-gate the ~bjeet and report to the next Le~ture would quiet the

: ~tmU~:~od xeep"the qnmem m the tme~a,mmm.tmn~denn~te in ~e thtpe ~ new ~taou mum be ~. But it was.a vnlh hope. The oolldP,~-dilelotmd by t~ eC~l~’, pt’~eoq~l~! wlth the flai~nt @,t~lard of the exel~e lsws, h~ve ~e~d tobring the Imue lute greater prominence than ev~, In fact, the liquorque~on Is pmlmbly m0re-talked about hi;thl~ 8tale at the premnttime than any o~er topic.. All to what the resulf will be no one elm

H000~28OWARD A. STOUT, :¯ Architect, - .]~q, rtlett Building, Aristotle City, ~. J.


RANx mVDL O , ¯ . "7Surveyor and Re~ F_at~te~Kxaminer, "Hoon~~ Bartlett Bullalng, Ot~rzm~2¢orth

Carolina and Atlantic Avenue, )-Atlantic City, N.J.

b:.RioItT,MI~i~ : - "E. ¯ Civil Engineer and Surveyor,.B~-tlett Building, Atlantic CRy, N. J.

special permit from the company or legal excuse is a tell, but unk~ great enre ~. exerelsed In dealintt wlth the matter meretrespasser, b/If nevertheless it seems only right that ar~n~fyt, l,e,ome~#~,tenrtm,~",~,a,r.,m~.~"~,

when a company is allowed tp run such a flangerous " ,,That the ~ar~t primary law has L tenae~ to Interim tmmyl/~opl~ tn am.Ira .pOtltleal, ts lndi~Red by thenumberofcm~dldatmwhoaffair through a community every precaution should i are pk~entlng themselvm for plae~ on the tleke~ thin I~IL There wnl

! be .~ lar~. namber of |hme who ieel.thenmelvm qtmfffledtO be taken ~0~ saf~lmrd the public.: The rail: should be i dat~ iand they are dr~mlaUng p~tUo~ ~ be aled wttb the pr~r am-

protected at every point, and, it is to be devoutly etffi~Tw~ u~ prtmar~ ~ hem, t~. ~ wm h~Ve ~rV~[ o/’ lm/nf upon the mmlidataimmlvott~ a~r ttmse whowished that our leglslators will pass a law/to tlm.t [ I to tae tnatvidmd Wter. ~h~,m,~,mmto~e s ~tattveeffect next Winter. " " . ~ .~ ,~ :’~.~"-~a¢~ ~’aue* .a~-i :. .... - :

- :’?- 17

.M.Ofltce:--Main 8trt~h May’s Landing, N. J.


16t~-11 ~e <Avenue, -.Both Phoned AUanfle CRy, N. J.

. ~d]l~ ~, ~V" -Exchanged,

I I sod Avenue,Aff’LA~T~ OPt’Y, N.,r.

Fl0wers and Plants.

r Artlstt¢ Floral Emb~:.~or-Ftmerals" " Arr~sed af~rt;N~ce, :

Evw^a .Ds : " :! H,~a~ -t07

- " -,.~:-:7’-__ "’~ ,~-:-: :" ." . .’- ,


, .fi £ Jdl gR" 5, 1 .’ KIS.~l. % " " " "

. f

inN~C~.L. = : ~INAXCL~L. I

National Bank--OF--


Every merchant and pro- :~ust Have A Search Does Notman ~&ould

’a Bank Account and A ~... ~R~"~-’n~n~-.Always Prater-.

Ms bilLS with checks.. His ~ A eertttleate flint the.rec°rds of

l-among ~ men Do not. postpone the opening of a" ~ Atlantic County have been examined

¯ there i~ no dangerTime Account ~lmply ~ct~use of ~he~ and that tl~e title ms shown by t’ho~

, smallnem of your first deposlL All records L~ gtxxl, ls not the equivalentIo~ing money, and every things, you kno.w, intmt have their .~ of un h~umnce that the t/fie IUmlf is

Is a receipt for the - beginning. T~e big thlng~ of toMay~ good.

made.- werethe]lttiethlng’~ofyd~terthty. . . Tllae~ to real estate in Atianti~Three Per Cent lnterest allowed ~

County may de and oPwn are serio.mdyIn ~ar Interest Department on Aeeoun~ subject to cheer after utrectea by reeor~ other than th~e ofpay you 3 per cent. Interest two weeks’ notice. ~-, " - ~ Athmtle County.

your savings, . ~’

As little as one doUar to CAPIT/~L ProD I~ $600,000,00. Capital and Surplus $300,000

start with. - " S RPLUS $260.000.00. . West JerseyLet u~ start you fight with " :"

Y°ur Bank’¯Account’ " " " -fluarantee Trust Co., T’tle nmdp2 ?runty

. MAKEPEACE, P~esident. "~ " BAnTLh’TT BVILDIX", " "

~y.~ North Carolina & Atlantic Avenues, ~ _’~orth Carolina & Atlantie Avenues,M,..R. MORSE, CaViler,

~’" ¯. AtlanUeClt.y,. " " " "~’J" " ’] " ~ " "" " " "" " e "




Atlantic City, X.J.- . -.." "L Td " FR~.y .Bond and ~[ort~aoe,

.- MAY’S LANDING,ING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, ~,~lj.e..~rg.-~-~rt..~~[.~.~-.~l,~.~R~~~

RALPH S. VANNAMAN,l:~ecretatr.J’.

of New Jersey," JERSEY CITY.

Do. you ~mt,,to accum-ulate money}~ If youdo, we will bring ourbank to you by mail.

WHte for our booklet0,0w 4,,o Is safely earned."

Banking Function.

i ¯ " ".7.-"

(greatest l Un b rOf people_ don’t give snfficient attention’to t~he. . . "

important matter of selecting an :Executor: TheAtlantic Safe Deposit and Trust Co. is orgahized

" under th6~ law. If any of its Officers die, they are ¯ ̄ -- -- --succeeded by men equally as .capable. Ther.efore,When they are yore" Executor, -there Js no cha.nce : ...... .of loss or mismanagement through the-deathof the party acting in this capacity. Wedraw ~ -:~wills free when app0inted Executors. ¯

SAFE DEPOSIT BOXE~ FOR R1~.NT, ~5.00 UP. . " - ...../

¯ Capital and Profits $460,000.00. ~ ~f..Dep0slts, $1,600,000.00. - ¯ ,.

The Atlantic afe Dell sR & Trust C,o!, iii i -":N.E. Cor. Atlantic & N%w Y~k Ayes4 At~mtic City, N.J. ~ = --City National

IvidedProflta ............. [[[[ " " . ." - " E~t~b]i-shed IB73 / " " . :" ¯t .:.: rL::

’ R C .rode mfe iDepoz E & Trust Go.,Joseph EL BartOn, Vl¢~..Pre~dent, - ~ ]l~"8. D. Hoffman, ~eeono v~ce.premuent,Elwoo Bart " [i[[ .i.: STRF. T, a.. " . _: ......... - -..

:i%L’vax~ Jose~hH. Borton, I!11- .: Oapltal,...:-i ....... : ....::-$!00,000100 .. " -Cimm m, Dr. Thos. K. Reed, "=upp up. Ho.m. n, " : Surplus, ..,.:. ........... $700,000.00" : ’ .......

. ~on~Au~ l~[ .... Assets,:.. .... -.:..:...::-.. $6,779,000.00 - -.... , . . | ¯

"*Vaults.Dep~ft Boxes. . For Rent in Burglar.~-II’il ¯ " - . _.TDavs.u.....---i"t~-~f: - . ;" ~ . - . :,> = ....

- L~SUR~’~’C~-.~’. " [[~ . 2 per cenL ~’ ] 3 l~r cent.

Ill ~imlanoeofll~0tm~over, t towimuraw. "~,~-~- ~.~t7~-~-’7 ~ Ill .ubJeet to cheek wlmpUtnotiee, on aver-ton d~.p~ttA subject to 14 d~ notl~

[[~U~~’][~ ’ Ill " Banking by mail can be done red’ely and ~ .tlsfaetorlly.- W~te for~k.. _

.Part d AtlanUc County..jjI . . - . " .L Trust De rtment .:-, .’ . -.Redtmtion of 10 PerCent, on I11 . Acts aa l~teeUtor, AdimlnistmtOr’Trumee, Gnardlan? nL Wills¯ May’sLandlng Pmpe.rtiem. I~ keptwlthoutcharg~. Writeforbook/elatingt0wUisam.u~nuxeusunjeem" . :.

R ea I E s t a t e.: - Safe-deposit boxes " "

Idmding, N.J, in fire.proof and burgla~proof vaults(for valuable and-Important impera, I~ and CRAMEK. May’0- upwards a y~r. " ALEXANDER C. WOOD, President.-- -

¯ . GEI~rS~ FURNISHING ~. B~..’~IJAMIN C. REEVE, Vlee-P~dent and Trust Om~r.. -~cltor:::, .aosm,- Ln~CO’~., ~,ma~,----~- eEOmmX¯ . .o .-


_- O

To the


men who care¯

. . ... -.. 7:-]: ’ ..... ... ~_( :-,..¯,:e’-’~~a.


At an¢ c CoUnCyEllect icEgg Harbor City. blay’sLand|ng, " i

Flat Rate---Per light per inonth for lighis burning from dusk till 10 P.M.. ":_ :.: .-$I.00for November, December, January - - _- .~-

February-and March ’ - - : .....April May, June, July, August .- - " --September and October ..... _ - -. .-.

Meter Rate---Per 10o0 Watts - .......The mlfiimum charge will be 75 ~~n~ per month after March. l~t.

DiscotmLv--Fr0m meter and flat rates:5 per cent¯ on bills of $4.00 or over -

........ 800 .....10 per cent.15 per 0ent. :’ 15.00 - "’20 per cent¯ ’ ..... 20.00 ....

. ,~ . .

10 per cent. additional dirw, ount on all bills paid by-the 5th of each month! :- "::". : .. ’.~7In Egg Harbor City oi by the 8th of each month in May’s Landing. _= ¯ -- .

g, 16 und 3~ c. p. Lomps ..~newed ~fee.. . ’: -’ .. _-(,ROBERT 01~’qMEI88, President. T.T. MXTB~P~ Superintendent~ -.

Telephone, 4"1413.. -- - = ~. - . . . -~ == --~



vendue,’on ¯


.. " DRED AND EIGHT, ..... :~D EIGHT, ’ . OFi

~at two o’clock-in the agternoon of sold dl~V, at "at two’o~eioek in the afternoon of ~ d.

Kuehnle’s Hotel, corner Atlantic ema Kuehnle’s Hotel, corner A t~0o and lekmth at two o’clock in tlle sflerno0n ofs~dd day, at .Kuehnte’s Hotel, corner Atlantic and South at two o’ctoel~ in the|

Otl’b~S Avenues, In the city of :~tl~ant| Oai~lll~tConnty of Atlantic and Mtate of.,~e~" aer ! Knehnl@s Hotel~

All me following described tract orilt] I ortaad andpremis~ situate~ lying ann o~ . .. premim~ hereinaftertheattyofAtlantk . CltT~mthe county ~ At- situate.In the¯ lanUe and State Of New Jer~y: . ¯ . .. .

~rd Terrace ra~

~’ to me directed andof- Chancery, in .a eer-

H. Robb el. am. areWo 8under el.

I~ told at public

DAYHU.~r- "

~of 8curb (lamllms and

avenues ahd runningme East line of Illino~

t~t and twentY-distant one h~ ~ a foot; thence (2) - Tract Nu mb~~

N0rthWar01y fn~ln tl~e Northerly line of vent- twenty-five Went of Ohio ~venue~ meuse argue ~nd’ou the dl- erly line o¢ Max~nor avenue and running thence (1) F~t~.twarllly. extending (1) Northwa .rdly lmral~[ with parallel with V.eutnor avenue oNn~ort~Unoreo avenueo~ehundredemu twofeet toal mn~ tel ten hundred annimd thlrty-mx ree~4 thence (z) . o.r~warmy wlde-alle~, (2) .Westw~_ly ..paxauel." ~m and the dlv~ton line between "fromtheSoutherll~rallei with Hartford Te~.:mx,~_ leer; Adriatic avenue along s~td auey Seve~.tY-~il ~ all In mid block three bU] and fifty ~ thet~e~ 0).]g

, thenoe (~) .~’estwarmy Im.m.nel wlm_ ~elamor ~-nlne hundredths feet to tile .~o[qm- feet to the West line of Ke~ a~ ,null fie avenue a u~ave~ne~mehundredandthtrty-mx ~eet-to toe

"Uneof lots frontingon toe ,wes.tL~el~"

Nolq.h along the said mtn~eof thirtyl~vet to th~8late~ ~veaue~ tlEasterly Hne of Terrac~ tne.n~ (4). h~e~mhore JL,~I~ t~omp~y s r~gut_m avenue one. hundred and ~L~ feetHne of Unlted~t~mthwarGly along the said .E~terrrr~ line oi Eouthe~tw~rdly pedrdllei with t~. hundmdtlm of a ~0ot to the

Hl~rtfor~ Terrace nixty feet to the. place o~ ~- of wayand dit~ant one nungren spa ] avenue being the corner forty feet; thenceginning, belog lot Number20 ano.tne e;outneru Northeastwardl.y at right, a~le~ ~orner of M~qlelhm and Pacific avenue u

oflot number It; In mock six on eigbl -andse.y. enty-~lx, nm~- [4) West alongthe feet to theof the%’etduor Dredging feet. to alVlSiOn" lille

and, ~veuue mree hun-lant~e (~ty, N. J. and others, .... :ween Iand~ of deed and , feet the ntace of beginning:oefloe oil.the (’turk o¢ .Atlantic t~unzy at may’s ~eed~ (4) ~o ~vlng m eeptl ’ theret~m all streets anaLanding~ .New Jemey,-and being the mine tud five ininut~ alleya, b~ ors i )4,9to1~ and lg to e’l in-pnmnises conveyed unto themdd l,’h~rence M. mr~llel with.Ohio avenuc~lot] ~Id dlvislou clu$lve, e dtillonaniapor.pla~0f the lot~

" Martin by Slnlth R Johnsolk Sherl fl of tile hie fo~y-elghJ[anu J hurt o.ul~iee! of the 1~o moo Land Comim~],.I’i-munty ofAtlantic, by- deed bearing.da~ the o the ~orth fine or %~armuc aven.u~ I~J ~_..t- NOTI :--The above described property w I

sixteenth &iy of May, nineteen uunureo anu vainly, mong .s~19 - nne ol A armUe avenue be sold subject to taxe~ for the year~ of 1908 toJill, and duly recorded In the Clerk s Office oi wenty-twoan~ mlr~y-nve, nunureetns [eel to I~0~ inelmdve. " , - " "Atlantic County at blay’s Landing, New Jet- he place or uel~nnlnt[. - ¯ - - ¯ 8el~u~d as the property of Irene Moore, eL a=l._sey, in book No. ~ of d~ds. lmtge 266, &c~ All ~ the auove ae~crll~.d premium. ~eing and taken lu execution at the suit of Albert M.~oq~:--Property will besoldsubJ.ecttotaxe~ ~hown upon a map.or pml),on me m..tne Jordan, Trusteesmd tube sold byfor the year l~q amoutlug to ~70.:t~ and-11.~7 Clerk,s .Ol~.t~. Of. Atlanuc .~ounty, .en~e~ SMITH ~k JOHNSON,. .amounting to ~9.14, together with lu~ere~us ~nmp olouuu~nglot~ m~.u~le~n AtlaUUC ~.-~’, - . . . 8her~ff.and costs [~ercom ... .... ~. J., belonglng to. Henry ~moore eu ~t.~sur~- ~eiled as the property of F)orence~L*~mrunJ~eysandmap..madeoy~hm~ ~

DatedAugus129,1906. ~ - "

el- aL and taken in execuuot~ bat me suit o~ C. Ws- anu oemg ~ot 2~o. t~ ann aojolnlng ELI H. CHA~BLlCtt, Solicitor. !- David F. Vaughn and to be solU y __ I tt~ngu~r piece in block 18, b~etng a po-t~n of

6L PPs fee, $10.40,’. ~4~IlTH I~ J().~’~O~sq, [tbe .me prenli-- which were ¯ ~,-eyeql unto :~T~-~

. . " - ~3horJff. I the ~tld Charles .A~ (3admpDeli by d e~l of 113-Dated Augu.~t~ 190~ . . denture~-om HenryD, M’~ore and wqf~bear- By virtueofawrlt of ~ert fi~ela&tgn~di2"GODFREY ,~ (~ODVREY, .,-~dl¢.ltor~ { InK date t.~.~n~uer ’2~h, A, D., t~ ~na re-6l- " Pr’s fee, $1~.50. ! ~)rded In the Clerk’s Office of Atl anUe County Chancery,retted’ lssuedwlilOUtbe ~oldof meat public~’~ew aerSeYvendue,UoUrton oz- : ..... In book No. 283 of deeds, on tinge 1~, etc.

~HERIFF’.’~ sALF~ [ ,~3elzed as theproperty of Jame~ ~ntltb, b|~ SATURDAY, THETHIRD DAY OF OC’~O.k~ - . heirs ek al. and ~ken in execution at the suit

B)" Tlrtuc of a writ bf fleri fac|~% to me dl. of Clnarles .L Campbell a~3d to be sold by - BER, NIN~YPEEN HUNDREDrt~’t¢q’~, l.~.,ttn~l out of the New Jersey Cou?t of : SMITH E. JOH.’~O~ON,Chancery, will be sold at publ|c-veodue, on ¯ Sheriff. " A_ND EIGHT,¯

Dated August 15, 19~ ¯ ~t Lwo o’cl~ in the afternoon of said day, atSATL:RDAY, THE T~VEI2FTH DAY oF OLlvEa T. P~OgR~, Solicitor. Kuehnle’s and South twenty-five andsEPTEMBER, NINETEEN tlUN- OL Pr’s fee, $14,70. Carolina aveuue~ v of-Atlantic thence (4)

DRED AND EIGHT~ . ~HHRiFF’~.~-I~L .... c,.mty of Allan con-- troy-nineO " " " , ~kll that cer~in tract or of

at two o’~.lo~.k in tile aftcrn~)n of ~tid day, atBy. ~-lrtue of a writ of fiori facia~ to me ...... ,_ ,h~ ~lt ~ of ~1Kueh,,lc’, tlotel, ,~trner Atmnilc ~ndi:~:h¯ N w . . d~of ..,,,--premix°’,....~her~lnafter~ .

rt~rollua Avenut% In the.eltyofAI n y, rected~ l~ued outof the . e Jerse3. Court ,~.~ntvntAtt~ntiaand~ ~’harfor m;¯ " UUe on ...............oountv of Atlantk" alid State of .N’ew Jersey. ChanceD’, will be. sold at public ¯ en , Beg]’n~nl~ at the East corner that

All the following described tract or part.el of ~-,-~x~ q-~. N~-¢~-r~t’~q’H DAY oF avenueana Arago street: thence fronting uponlaud and vreml.,~, situate, lying and being In ......... Northeesterty along the ~outheast side of described as follows :the city of’Atlantlc City, in the t~)unty of At- i SEPTEMBER, ~]NETHEN HUN- avenue forty feet; thence (~) Southeasterly. ~Beginning .at a pointInn-tic and State of New Jersey : "- Beginning ¯at a point In the ~’~)uth line of * DRED AND EIGHT, . ~longalineata rlghtangle-with the saldav~ teen feet~%’ortnwardly f

¯ hue one hundred and fifty feet to the North- Mediterra~canCa~pian avenue one hundrt~l and~lnet~.’-flve at two o’elock in rhea/turn,on of~ld day. at w~t sdde of~13~ck street; thence (S) South- I.lnndredths feetfeet and Wn in~-hes ’~Ve~t of" the V* este. ely_raze or KDt.hnle’s Hotel, corner of Atlautl~.and ,’~?,uth westerly along the said side of said I~ek street fine of Rl~ode Ish~dTenn~aee avenue running theot~ % e~twardly t~rolina Avenue& In the city .OXNAe ~nuc City, forty feet~ thence (4) Northwesterly along thealong ~ld ,~uth line of t~pl~n a~-en~e twenty county oY Atlantic and State ~. ew a.erse..y. . Northeast side of said Arago street to the pointfeet and ten Inchts to .a ~nnt; auU mence AIltlmt cer~.ln trat.t, anp. of beginning, containing six tho .ti~pd sq .t~reSouth~ardly between parallel, llnes.of thl~

preml~,,, he-re_mal~ef, lm_rlAcularl~..oescg t~e } feet, strict me~ure, known ana ~etli~natert. onfour

width and pnntllel with Tennessee avenue one slUmte m the rownsmpor linens_ v~.sta, m e.I the plan of the division of the lan as oi me , from thehundred feet ~o the ~ orth line of a twelve and county of Atlanuc ann ~taW ox i~ew ~ers~y. [ Gloucester l~rm and Town .~socmuon,. a q~nean avenue andone-half foot wide alley, beln~ a p~rt of the Beginnll~g at the intersection of me centrei conY of which ts flied in the Clerk’s Office of hundredths feet W~.~.tme premieres .conveyed to FrankT. Beltby llne~ofCedarandBuenaVist~_.avenn~re~_u3enee|~fd Atlantic Countyaa lot ~o. 1, block ~o. erly ~ of ~thodeEll H. Cllandler el ux. by deed bearing date Northwesterly along centre ot linens v tufa.ave- 1 317 merits being made atthe -- d~y of --,A. D., nineteen i~undred and -- hue six hundred and fifty (6~0) .fee tin a .~int~ J ~elzed I~ the property of.Charlotte Kowaiski afore~irLand recorded In the Clerk’s Orlh~ of Atlanth. thence Soutnwestwaroly at. rl~t e~ . [ el ala and taken In execution at. the suit oz 8aidCounty, New Jersey, in book ,No. -- of deeds, Buena Vista avenue six bunareo ann seventy l Louisa Rice and to be sold bv. " " of the mta~paKe -- &c. " L67D) feet~ thence Sontheast~ly l~rall2el with . . SMITH ~ JOH~8ON, mina W, 8oude~- ~NoTE=--Pr~perty will be sold subject to t~xes

for the year 190tl amounting to ~11.:t8 and 1907~Buena Vista avenue to the centr~ o! ue~tr " " [Sheriff.avenue; .thence by the .c~ .r~_ .thereof N.o.rth- Dated August 29, 1908. , " Eva-MAIter

amounting to ~11,18, together with Inter~s~ ann ea~twaroiy to plae~ o[ pe~pnn .ms, eont~nm~ Hsaot~ ~. H~JALTO~, |:k)ltcttor.c-o~ts thereon. . " more or less, uemg me same tang ¯ 6t, Pr’s fee, $0.96.~1~1 a~ the property of F rs.nk T. Belt eL aL which the Ktehis~d Improve- ....... ~ .....and taken In execution at the suit of Guaran- deed even date ~DMINI~TRATOR’I~ SAL~ "tee Trnst COmlmtny and m be sold by

$311TH E. JOHNSON,Sheriff.

and conveyed and Intended to be By virtue of an order made by the O rp~ms. ’ Tell per cent. or-gre, nted und conveyeo unto the said Court of Atlantic County ma~e on~n~ ~t~n~ lmqu~¢~wheq~the

I)~ted August 8, 1908. Ornbb in fee, this mort~e being I teenm dayof Augu~ nineteen hun ~ a~ mrd; the ~ t~GODF.RE’t’~ GODFREY, Solicitors. seeureapurtofthepureha~emoney. "- eL eight, in ]~he matter of.-th~late.of 11@... deliveredfmmedl~tely

6t. Pr’s fee, $10.80. - ~lelzedas the.propertyof Joseph Grunt, IA~n~rma~ deceused, I si~ll sell a~ phone ttonofthe~tle. -aL dud taken In execution at the suit of Mill- vendn(e on ¯ -- - "sHERIFF’S ~ALE. ~ql|e Improvement COmlmnY and to be mid-by

SMITH E. JOHNSON, " SATURDAY, THE THIKD DAY OF Union ~/ational Bgl. 8herlfl~By virtue of a Writ of fleri facla~ to me di- - N.J.

rected, Issued out of the New Jersey court-of Lh~ted August 15, lgO~. , ~ OGTOBER, NINE~r~[~IEN HUNDREDChancery, will be s~ld at public venaue, on.


sHERIFF,S i 8ALE. | , .

at two o’eloek "in the a/~rnoon ol ~a]d day, at By virtue Ot a writ of fled l~ti~ m ma dl-Kuehule’~ Hotel, corner Atlantic and ~uth reeled, I~ued out of the New Je~OourgmC~rollna Avenue~ in the city of Atlantic C~lty, Chancery, will bezold at pubUc vendue, onCounty of Atlantic and State of~eW J.ers~y.. SATURDAY, THE .TWE~,I~H DAY OF

All that 6ertain tract or lmK’el of lanu anui SFH~rEMBER, NINE’~EEN HUN-premises, hereinafter i~rticulayly describe,,

situate in the Townshi pof Egg rtar~or, m me " " DRED AND EI,4~HT. . feetof Atl~nticandState of New Jersey : ’ " "

in the Easterly line of ~Newpori at two o’clock ~n the aftern~on of mild da~, atbundred and twelve feet corner At~lantie and" 8Gum

line of Mort- Avenues Arctic’- _mouth

~. - twelve feet~wMy along .m,

avenue for~’-~LX feet; thence ¯(2) the¯ parallel with Monmouth avenue one ~ti~and forty feet to the Westero" line oz a twenty g at the J~uthesmt and In the

. feet wide alley; thence (3) Northwardly along fa " hUeS and running thence ~ st) and parallel

the Vresterly line ofsald twenty feet widealley ’ ale ~g the Hne of said Pacific ave- avenue twenty.five feet to the placeforty-sLx ft~el tO-lhe. Southerly line of said 4q~ et; thence (2rid)t~outhwardly ginning, betng the same premises that Mln~.J.

twelve feet wide ~llev and thence (4) West- hT. xasavenue one bi~ndred (100} Fre~ oouvbyed In fee toSallle F. L ingerman feet

wardly along said ~utherly liqe of said thence ($rd) Westwardly and parallel by Deed, dafedNovember25,180’&anuofreeordtwelve feet wide alley one hundred Pacific avenue forty feet (40) to the Eaat. in .the Clerlk’s ..Office of Atlantic CmmtY, at wardly and l~rallel

aud forty feet to the place of beg~l~ning, Une of ~ld Texas avenue~ thence (4th). Mars Landing, N.J., in book 167 of deeds, 0"ne hundred a~tto an

betug lot No. 17 In .~x.tion ~N’0~. 28 on pl~3 zwardly along said line of Texas avenue folio ~9, &e. . -JOgW~PH ~ LZNGF.B~,

of Ventnor, situate near Atlantic City, on~ ~undred (100) feet to the place of begin: ¯ - " Administrator..N’ew Jersey, property of tho "’Camden and At- ning, being part of a large tract of land ann

¯ . ¯ premises heretofore conveyed by J ullus Qot~ Dated August 26, 1908. - - .’

~!,~tt~d C~btp~I~;Ofdo~~r~and wife to the said George W, Crosby byaeeo ,.~IAItL~S C. BABCOCX, Proctor. . tothe

dattql October first, eighteen hundred and St,. Pr’s fee, $8.85. linetheneeofand t’lara R. I)unn el als~ and taken in execu, ninfty.flve and of record in the County Clerk’stlon at the suLt of Guarantee Tru.~t and Safe OffiCiO.of Atlantic Count]’ at May’s Landing,Deposit Company, Fxecutor 6f the estate of New Jersey in b,~3k ~N~x 194 of dee~% folio .~" "-- -- ’ ’~ -’By virtueof a writ.of field facialto n~e dl-Abraham-)l. Freebie, decea.~d, an0 to be sold 4.56, etc.

¯ by . . .’~lzed as the property of George V¢. Cr~by reefed, issued out of the Atlantic County C’lr-.~MITH E. JOHNSON. and aL~ and taken In execuuon at the suit of cult Courl, will be sold at public vendue, on

Sherl~ Trustees of presbyterian Church at May~ SATURDAY, THE THIRD DAY OF OC~O-Dated AugtL~t 1, 19~, Lanfllng, &c. and to be sold by -~’. V. D.’JoLI~E, Solicitor. SMITH E. JOHNSON, BER, 2ql~I~EEN HUNDRED . J.

Sheriff. A.N’D EIGHT, dated ~ovember6t. . Pr’~ tee, $1L4~.

H~:RI~F’S sALF__ . _ ~- ____~ D~ted August 8,190~ ~ t ninety-five and

S l-1 I~ COULOM n, Solicitor. ¯ - at two o’clock in the afternoon of said day; a Clerk of above61.’ - " PPs fee, $10.40. Kuehnle’s Hotel, corner Atlantle and l~_uth 197 of deed& folh

Byvlrtue of awrit of fleri f~ela~, to medl- ;ounty ofAtlantlcaudSt~teof~ ew Jersey. andais, andtakree~,l.~u~ oul of the~ew Jersey court of ORI’ X.tiS’ cou~TC r°ilnaavenu’l" thee"y¯°r, NAtlantie City,l~eizedasthep

chancery, will be sold at publie-vendu~, on 2~ ¯ OCTOBXX TERM, 1808. All those certain lois oi’ l~trceis of ]ana and F_.mll Ro~enberg

¯ ’~ATURDAY, THE NINETEE.~TH DAY OFOn appUc~Uon for rule to show cause, &c. premises,.situate, lying anffb~ng partly in theHerman C. Kayser, Administrator of the city of Absecon and partly’in the township of

¯ ~EPTEMBER, NINETEEN HU~N- estate of Jonathan ’Hand, deceased, having Galloway, in the county of Atlantic and 8rate Dated August 22,’1908.DItED AND EIGHT, exhibited to this Court, under oath, a Just and of New Jersey, more partleUlaHy described ~s HARRY ~ C, OULOMB,~OI

at two o’clock In the afternoon of~aid day, at true’~eeount of the personal estate of the s~dd follows: . -" " UL . _ ̄ .Kuehnle’s ¯Hotel, corner Atlantic and South decetmed, whereby it appears that the personal Being lot number fourteen (14) in blockCarolina Avenues, In the c}ty of Atlantic estate of said Janothkn H~nd is in~uffi~, uumber thtrty.~Ix (.~)as shown, on amapm{.’lty, county of Atlantic and State of .N’ew elent to pay his debts, and i~equested the aldof lots entitled "Map of building’tots, sltuateinJersey. - - theCourtin the premises; It isordered thatal] AtmecOn City, ~. J.," acopyof wh)eb map~ Byvirtueof awrit of

All thaf certain tract or panel of land and persons interested in the.lands, tenements and filed in the Clerk’s Office of Atlantic County, rected, Issued out of the.premlse~, situate In the Town of Hammouton, real estate of said decedent, appear before the at May a Landtug, N. J’.

" " DeChancery’, will be sok~ at

in the county of AthmUc and ~tate of New CoUrts at the Court HouseIn May’s L~ndlng, Seized a~ the property of Ro~ert E. lane)"Jersey, and hounded and desertbed as follows : on ~l’uesday the thirteenth, day Of October, and taken in execution at the suit of 8tale o~ SATURDAY, THE

Begtnnlngon the West side of l~llroad ave- next, at I0 A. M. to show cause why so much New Jersey and to besotd by- BER,nue at t)ae Easterly corner of Whiffens’ land of the said land~ tenements, heredltaments SMITH F_~ JOHNSON,and extending thence theasterly and .real estate of the said decedent should not Sheriff,the side of said be s01d as will be sufficient to pay his debta or Dated August ’29, 1908. at two o’clock in the

the i, esldue thereof as thectme may-require. By NELSON B. GA~SKILL, .~sistant Attorney Ge/a- Kuehnle’sthence (2)at right anglesavenue .~uthwe~terly one hundred and the Court, E. U, ~HANER. erai. Carolina avenues

Surroga~, el. Pr’s fee, 18.00. ofseventy feet to a,point; thence 0) along thedivision line of lot~ Northwesterly .~lxty fet~ to I)ated Augtmt L, 1908. . ....... tract orthe Southerly corner of Whlffen~’ land; thence " ~ " Pr’s fee. $4.80, premhu~,

situate In thecit~4) along the line of ,said Whlffeu’s led3d onelr ~Est~te of Enoch B. ~leuU, d~.hundr~dand ~venty f~t to the place-of be- N~UEI.~N~iT.Y-O~NEW-J~Eq--- NoTwE TO CP~EDITOR~.

glnnlng, being the ~l~3e premlse~ which 1 the order of Em~nuel C. tShaner, ngLeweLlyfl RIchards eL ux. by deed dated the To William M. 8heahan: l~urrog~te of the 12ounty of Atlantic, th.ia day avenuesfllIeenth day o( ~’~,eptember~ nineteen hundred By virtue of anorder of the Court of Chau- made on the applleaUon of the undermgnm, Widened- toand four, and of re~)rd In the Clerk’s -Oll]ce of ceryof New Jersey, made on the day of the Executrices of 1he said decedent, notice Isthe cqmnty of Atlantic, to wit’ at Msy’S Imnd- date hereof, in a certain cause wherein tteg3na hereby given tothe creditors of the ~ald de- r

~ &t ran k~llng, In b~ok 307 of deeds, pttge ~ ¯ g _ Sheahan Is the petitioner and you, William M. eedeni, to exhibit to the subseribera, under thence (2) Northwardl¯ and con~-eyed unto the said William C. Jones. Sbeahan, are the defendant, you are required ~th Or affirmation, their elaima and demanus avenue ninety-five feet

NOT~:--The above described property will be to a~pcar and plead, answer or demur to the against the estate of the said dec~lent, wlth- a twenty feet wide alley; !~Im31d subject to aflrst mortgngeof$1500,00, and petltJouer’spetlflononorbeforetfieeighthday innfn~ mouth~ from this date, ortneywlll be al0ngthe J~outherly llne~

loxes for J~07,a~nodnUng to ~40.4~ of O~tober, netrt, or in defltnlt t.hereof, such de- forever b~rred from p~utlng or recovering wlth Venthor avenue oeneSeized as the. property of William C. Jones cree .will be taken against you M tl3e Chancel- the same against the m3bserlbers. - Westerly line of

el. ais. and taken .in execution at the suit lot shall think equitable and Just. . . ABIGAIL D. [~ULL, l~r~-.’,tPt,~m 8outhwardly alongWilllamH. Hurlbu[t. and FrederickB.~ ThleobJectofthls sultt~to obtainaaeereeo! " HATT/igC.~ULL, ........... avenuebutt’ Imrtners, tmmng as. H. 0, Hurlbur divorce dissolving the marriage between you May’~Landlng, N. J., July 8~ I90~. ~ "Son~ and to be sold by . and the said Imtltloner. . . rrs zee, $4.6~.

SMITH F~ JOH.NSON, WILLIAM ~. ~L~eVENggR,¯ " " Sheriff.. - 8ollcitor for PetlUoner, XT TO CREDITOE~. " the 27thI~ted August 15, 1908. . . P. (L Box 75, Atlantic City, N, J, ~ OTICE . in the

BOLTE .& ALnZRTSO~, Sollcltor~. " Dated.August 7, 1908. " ¯ Estate of Obed -W. Short, d~ .61. ¯ PPs fee, $11.~D. ~ " Pr*s fee, J~35. Pursuant to the order of FAna~pel C,t~l~ner,¯ sur. te or the County :or m.ts ,

~------ ~ ~made application or ~ un~erm~L~d and taken In i ,~b~tuledAdminlstmt,’ixe. l.a. of-~d~ Nattonal Bmak of I ,

- Byvlrtue of awritof, fleri ratios, to med~ ~te0ft~muelE. Clalr, deeeaue~ decedent, notleeis het~. ~gtvel~..~ tl~.e . &nd to be mld by~ rreeled, issued out of the New Jersey Courtc Pursuant to the order of Emanuel C. Shgmer, torsofthe~d de0edent ~o e~hlmtlotnesuo

/ I.~ancery, will be sold at-public re,due, on Surregate of the County of AthmUe~ this daF sertber, under cam or al~rmatJon.melr elallmmad0 on the application of me undendgned, anfl demands against the e~tate ot ~ .~sdd de Dated August .~ 1908. "

SATU P, DAY, THE TENTH DAY OF OCT~ Admlnistr~trtx of the said decedent, notlee hi ~e~t~t, within hint months ft~m mm e~.~e, m O~amsos & Vob~ta. ~BElt, NI~qETF..E~’q HUNDRED hereby given to the ereditor~ of the mtid de- uteywfllbe foreverharred from-prese~ungoz--nt to exh,b,, th. su...,...m--vering.--.. ;¯ A~D EIGHT, or afflrmatlon,-their claims-and deaiumdsat two o’clock in me afternoon of mid day, ~t against theestate of the4ald decedent, with

8ub~titutedAdml~x¯~T’A* "~.isetmDynamie ]Kue .l.~nle’s Hotel, corner AtlanUe~ and South nine months ~ this da~ or theF will I ~ty’s __I~gn~g, N. J., &ulDlst 8, I~S.uaroun~ avenues, In the city of Atlantic City, forever b~rred flmm prose~tJng or reeoverh lx~g]gi’ wooTro~¢, Pr6etor, . - :County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey. the same againat the subecHl~’. - - .. - . PPs ~.. $4.80. "" A~I th~ followlq deocribed tract or l[mrcel of ~ i[A~ItY W. ~A~O~f~CH Y, --~~m, n~anuprem~ sltuat~ lying and being In - Admln~trlx.metory of Atlantic City , tn the Oouhty of At- _~hty’s Landing, N. J.,-July 2~ ~ Notlea iamnlleimdSt~teofNewJerse~, "rHgd. W, ScliiMpF, ProetOr,¯ : F~tateofl~mC. ][]olee, deeewlt~ ment~ at Uze

B~ql~ing in the ~terly fine Of Tennemee ~ " x.- ~_l~s fee, ~4.81kpnrummt tothaot~leroflem*mueiC

avenue in a point di~mt |wo hundred twelve " ofand one-half ~et Northwardly from theit[orth- -- s~T. " - -elqy.line of|&e~tlte~ ave~ueand rnnnlng O~lnlmOY, athence (1) Northwardly in and along the a~Id f~ tile R of ave ]EMterIy line of Tenuemee avenue thlrty-sevenand o~4~tlf _feet; thence (2) Eutwardly I~-allel with Medlterranean’wvenue one hundred

l~ance offeet ~uthward~Lqc ’enue and

i ralh t, lth Pact..! ! ~ hundred trod

l r line of .United! c z~ a~ rard In laid

avenue a dlstanoe

line of Maryland’ In sald line of

feet to theand to thethat hou~


line withthe other a distance of not le~than thirty.two-feet I line of UnitedSta~tm avenue aud or width of


samemid lot shall be used

house or other like

I r in the Westpoi at d J~mt

four hundred ~ ~0] lhw &rallyfrom the North II at avmue;thence in s ae of I ~odeIshmd flv: t ~em e (2)

~e-~ ,f Gardener’s Basinas shown upon a plan mt~ t! ed ~p showingbudding lots situate in ~thmtle Ity, N, J., be-longing to

y, Insaid map,ths feet;

the secondfeet

e:xtendlngrharves or piers to the

hundred and fir-the North Hne of

¯nd eighty-ninefrom the West, measurementsh said avenues,6rthwestwar01y~ths feet to aand "forty feetUne of Meal/tee-rue and seven-from the W’&no


sold free and cleardower of Wll~el-



Be bb Resolved (,the House of As-sembly concurring), That the foll~w-ing mnendments ~o the constitution of~hls State be amd the came are herebyproposed, and when the same shal~ beagreed ,m by a majority of the memobars elected to .the f~m.te and Hous~of A~eml~y, the mJd amendmentsshaM be ~mtez~=d on their Journals,~tth the yeas ar, d n~s thereon, andre~erred to the Legislature ne~t tobe chosen, :and pu~blished for threemonths prior to the first Tuesday afterthe first Monday of November next,in at toast one newspaper, of e~ch~unt~. to be d~lgnated by the Presi-dt~ o-f the S~mah% the ~/~alter ofthe House of Assembly and the Secre-tory of Sta~e:

1. Strike out Imragraph 3 of secUon

I. -Article IV. and insert., in pl~cether.eo4" tho fO]lowl~;"

3. IFA+ctJona for ~bers of ,theSenate and General Assembly shot.1 beheld every two years on the firstT~esday a~ter the first Monday In ~ No-veml~er, beglnn}ng anne dom~nl one,:hotu~and ndr~ hundr~ t~nd ten, andevery secbnd year thereafter; :and thetwo Houses shall, mee~. separately onthe .~0nd- Tuesday in January inench 3~e~ar. at which ttnve of meeUngthe legislative year sh~ll commence.

2¯ Strike out .paragraph 1, of see.tion II. ArticLe IV’, a.0d Insert In placethereof ,vhe followLu~g:

1. The Senn~ shall be composed Senator from each county in’ theState, elected by ~he .~egal .voters ofthe cour~ties respecth~ly, for four.vt--~ re.

3. Strike out paragraph 2 of sectionJl. Article YV. and Insert in place¯ :hereof the following:

2. As-soon as,the Senate shall meet,afber the flrnt elect’Ion to be h~ld inpursuance of ,thls con~bitutlon theysh~l be divide d b)" the Senate a.~equally as may be into two cla..~e~.

.The seats of ,t~ e ~enabors of the firste)a~s shall be vacated ak the explra~tion o¢ the second ~e~r: of ~h~ ~ee~nde~.~. at the expiration of the fourthyear. so that one e]a~ may~ ~lectedov~ry second year and if vae.maeleshappen, by resignation, or otherwise,the persons eleot~ to supply smch va-canele.~ shall be elected for .the unexo~Lred t~,’ms only: provided. qh~t theF,e~nators l~vtng the longest pearled, ofrime’still to ~’ve at the time of maX.ln~ said division sh~ll be er~tlfled t~|h# long~r terms.

4. S~rlke out pa#agm~h I of sectionUII, ar~ticle IV, and Insert in placetho~-eof th~ following:

1. The Gem.~ral A~ee~r~bly shall beef*m~osed-of members elected by the1~1 voters of thef count, r~c-ttvely, every se~-~nd year, b~fflu-nl~g-on the .~i~s~ "lX~e~]a$. after thefir~. Monday in November, anno do-mini one thousand n~ hun~ andten, who sh~.]l be apportioned among

-’he said countl~ as nearly a~ may beaccording to the number of their ln-h,~bitants~ The Legislature shaH, .in: " ~ ~-~ ’~m~a~d nine hundred and’~n nnd at lt.Q flr.~t .~esslon after ea~chUnited States decenr~.l census here-¯ ~ft~r. and not oftener, divide and ~r-range each county of this State lnt~ adl~rict or dlstriot~ for the election



bly diatrlcta of ~the counties of thlsState for the purpose of determln.}~gwh~-ther such arrangement and dlovi.~lnn, or an:," part thereof, is in ae-cordar~ce or in conflict with this. sec-tion. and if in conflict heq~w.lCh, toadJudg-e the saxne, or .~uch part there-c~f as may be In conflict herewith, n~alland void. In oa.-~e said court shall de-:’~rmine ~¢h a-rrange.ment and dl-vl.,~ion, or any part thereof, to be nuUand v~jd)th~ ~egislature shall pro-eee, d ~.o make a n~w arrangement end~l~-LMon, entire or partial, ~s the ac-tint} of .the count m~y requlrd.

5. Strike out 3 of ArticleV and insert in place thereof Che fol-lowing:

3. The Governor shah l%oid his officefor four years. 4o commence at twelveo’clock noon o11 the third Tuesday ofJaouary ne~t ensulr~g ~he election, forGovernor by ~he people, ~ to ~Idat-twe’ve o’clock noon on" th~ thirdTuem~3. of January four yeaxs there.after: and he sha:].l b~ Inc’~pable of

sary laws to arm=ngelthe qern~ ofI office of all statutory elective offioer~[so th~vt sam terms may be in harmony"[with -these arnend.~er~t~: and to c~-ry

I lrrto effect the provislo~. ,h~reof@[ The~e aarn~ ,!~ adopted, shal![~ake effect ~nd go into. operation onr the first day .of Febru~,, in the year

county ofl~ers a~ h~r~nbef0re -pro-. essi@mmen& . " -vMed, ~ow or hereafter necemary to 4, Fou r J~tloe8 ~l~a~l .be necessary~e chose~ by the electors of any" bay to -co~itute a quorum On theborough, ~own, ~wn~hip, vlUa~e or bearinf o~any cattle in the Appealssubd~vMon thereof, or any mun~cll~. Division, t the St~p.rom~ Court maylty of this ~ except coun~l~s, shall provide byrule for the making of In-be held every second Year on. the fimt terloc~tory orders by a lesser num-"/’uesd~y a~ter tl~v first Monday in No- ber of Jurdc~s, or by o~e Jttstice; suchvember, beg~nmln~ an~o di~/flni one ordm’~ ¢o be subject to re~ by th~th~L~d ~ hundaned and ~even. ~-Dl~’~lo~ _.,. 14. Except am hereln provided with " On th e -l~eL-In4~-of a catme In therel~tl0n to ~he office of Senator~ all A~pea~ Di~ ~no Justice who h~officers filling arty elective office at hhe aireD, a Judtcl~ ~plnion In the ca~etbne the~ ~&nents t~k¢ effect in f~vor of or ~g~ln~t the Jud~shall continue In the .exercise of the ord~ or dlecree m~ler review shall 8Itdu~iee t~ ~.~vord~g to ’their re- at the hem-ln~ .to revJew such JudM-spectlve emnmtsstons or ~ernm of ment, order or decree, l~ut theoffice, and unUI ¢1~4r successors may ~or~ for such opinion shall be assignedbe e~ted and qtmlffled under the to the Court in writing.provisions of these a~endment~ and 5.. A maJorRy" of all the mere’oarsall offic~m whose terms of office .wOuld of ~ Sugm~Wne .Court, to be presidedexpJ~-e ad’be~ ~he~e amendmen~ ~ke over by <:llo,CllJef Justice, ~all con-e~t ~ prior to t~t~e el~ct~n and 8tf~te e, quorum ~or the a~l~lle~tquallflc~tlan of .thelr successors in

of_Justices, and for the appoinWae~t ofoffice, ~ the election for the respecojomoe~, a~d thee~t offices fl~:st held under the prO-is 8, The Buprem~ Court shta~l appo~atx-isions of these amendments, ~’Xa.lI[ ne -or ~nore reporter& not ex?eedl~Econtinue In office .un~ their sucoes-~three, ~o rep0~ the decis~ns of th~sore can. be elected and’qualified, at [Court,_ anti, shall by rule define h~ orthe electk~ for such Office or offices[melt du¢l es~d ~awers. The reportereto be held next after ~ese a~nend-|shall hold utile ~r five yearg~, suh-rne~ts take effect, aceor~llng to the "Joel ,h,ow~-er, to removal at th’a dis-provisions hereof¯ " :

cretk~ of ~e Court,Th,~ I.x~,l~lature shall, pa~ all neces’-

SECTION V.I. "Phe Appea~ Division shall have

and exercise the al~pelkabe 2urlsdictlo~ihe~’etofo~ ,Possessed by the Cour~ ofErrors ~ A~ppe~Is, the Jurisdictionhe~tofore po~e88ed by ~ SuDr~meCour~.~r~ wrlt of error, and the Jurts*

of our Lord one trousand nine hun-dr-ed and t.~n. t




IShATURE OF 1~08. :



-- /



therein of a member or members ofthe Genera/ .%,u,~embly. Each ~o ,t~h ctl°n %qIof Article IV, ~ changeblv dl.~trict so constitutx~d shall cSn," I ne numt~rs of the foll0wt~g pars,.rain. as ne~]rly as pra~eicable, an equal I graphs to correspond. :number of tnhabRants, and shall con- / Se,~or~d----Change Paragraph 10 ofr~t of e~nvenient and corRiguous tar-[Article "V s,o a~ to read. as:folloWs:r~:orv in a compact form, but no~. :10: "/~e Governor or person adra~-c~untr, or part thereof, shaH be Join- |tamr~r~g the g~ve~t, anal fourod with any- other county, or peat cltlzen~ of theSt~.te appoih~ed by,hethereof, In any such dlatwtct: provided, Governor, by and with the advice andthat each count), al~a.ll, ~ aM times, be conse.r~t of the Senate, sh~ll con~tttme, ~tPt+d to a,t ~t one member, and the. B<raxd of Pardons. ’l~d ~rs*b~ whole n,um,ber of members to be of said :Board, or any .tKre~ of them,chasen shall never exceed sixty, of W~m the Governor or:l>er~on adl

The Court of Lm~ R~ort, by what- ministering cbe-govornmem shall beever name kno~-n, is"hereby inves~d on, e, m~y remit flr~s ahd forfeitures,with exclusive original Ju~isdletton and and grant r, aprleve~, CO~mut~tions,

With full power¯ under-such procedure I ,D~d.°.ns and paroles, ~ convictionas it may by rules ~rescrlbe. to re-I’ m a~t ca~es ~eept Im~achmen4. Theview an3- dl~sion and arrangement[ rout me~nbers ~peclally ~, appo~tedrr~te by t.h~./~gL~ls~re ir~o Assam- [sh.~lt hold office. ~’or 4tee ye-’A~S, and’re-

ice|re for .their services a eoml:l~n~--non w, hlch ~ha.ll not be ~diminiffhed

ho~dtn~ ~hat office for four y~a~,w his term of service shall h~veexpired; and no a4)poin4ment or nomi-nation to office sh~ll be made by rchO

Governo~ dtwing the last week of hl~enid ter~.

$. Strike out paxagraph $ of sectionlI. Article ~:II, amd ln~e~rt in placethereof 4%e fd~lowin~:

~. Olerks ~tbd surrogatee of coun-ties shall be lelected by. the pe~p~ of the A.ppee~ Dlvis~n, the ~Lgw DI-Cbelr reapectlve~ count, s ~t the elec- v~on, ~nd the Cha~c~,F Dl~’~on, Ittions for ~nect~er~ of the Oener~ As-

sha,D comet of a Pma4dimg C tttgh~ of~embly¯ ~hcy t~haU hold their offioeg styled, the Chlet JtmUcs, ~for six yeare. . the A4~eals Dtvi~on, who ~ shall be

7. stria out pare~rr~ph 7 of ~c, tton ~u~¢U~ of the I~w I~on, _~l)ol’I, .4~etlc~e VTL and tnse~ in pl~oe De 8~$~._. the ~ JOMtl~,t~ereo$ the f~lowl~:" ~ .J~resldl~ JusUee of tl~ ~eoe~

7¯ 8heWtffj an~ eor~ shall be Dl~l~,a~. "~h0 mhMl be. ~L~Ielected by ¢~ people Of their respee. Chancellor, -and. ~hteentire eour~t~ a¢ the eleetlon~ for mem- ~ustioe~ which ,numtmr n~ be In-ber~ of |the~l ~bty, ~d crem~ed by !~.

[shall hold-their o~.e~ for four years, 2."/Ih~ APi~a~ D/vision. ~ail con-re’tee which four ~ must el~.l~e slst of the Chrk~f ~ ~ ~-Ix otherbefore 4hey caa be gga~l c~.Da~le of Jtmtte~ of th~-Supreme Codrt te be

~ctMn ~eretofore possessed by the 2, The ~v~nor, by and with CBePrerog~tive Count on appeal, and by advice and consent of the Senate, shal~the Oi’dlnary’~n appeal, and such fttr- al~l~lnt bn~ Judge- of the Countythor appell~be lurid, lotion as may .be Court in e~ch c~unly, an~ such addl-conferred upon It by ~v, together ¢lOm~l C~nty Judge or JudEe~ in:with such origin~ Jurisdiction u may any county ~s may be authorized bybe-imclden~ to the complete d~l- law. The ~6un.ty. J~14ge8 may holdrmUon, af any cause onreview, savi~g, court tn ~’W county subject to.the con’-however, the right of ~ by Jury. trol of the Supreme Court. The Coun-

2. ~he Jurbdlotion her~ofore DOS- ty Judge~ slu~ll not be leas than ¯ thirtysassed by the Strpr~n~ Court and the years of a~e, -and shall have beenJ~ thereof ~ hereby conferred prar2telng a~torr~eyn In th~ ~tatc foron the Appeals Division, ~nd the Jut- a~ lea~t fi~’e ye~n,. They shall holdlsdio’don hereto~one Po~em~ hy the office for the term of five years; shallCircuit Cour~ ar~ the Judges ~her~f, at sta~d Mes receive for thel.e ~erv-and such ~urther orls~aJ Jurh~dletlon Ices such co~q~mm~Qon, which, shalrnot of a~ equl4~>le nature, and sueh not be dlmI~ished dlurl~ their ~¢mfurth~ a4ppella~e JurJ~llctloK from of office, as ~e Legislature 1~ }ts-d!s-Inferior court, as. may be eonfenned Men shrill fix for each county, and

.~vvh~. Sheriffs sh~l annually re-new Lheir bond~.

8. ~ Add to section 2 of smUcle VI~,three par84wa~lm ~ be known as.~phs 15~1| ~ ~[4.

-I~ A2 - ~/~Ion~ for Oovernm-,IMml~ o~ the ~a~t~ sad

Be It Resoh%~d, (~he S~naAe concur.ring), That the fo~lowln~ amendme~l~t~o the Constl4utMn ofl~ this State be-and the same ~ hereby proposed, and-when the s~rne shall ,be ~d tO by

~aJority ofthe meJnl~-~ elected bo-the Senate az~d’4o the Hotme of As-Sembly, ¢.he said armen~h~I~ml shall been~xs’ed on their JoU~1s, with theyees and nays b~ktm ~be~eon, and re-ferred to the I.KWL~a~r~ n~xt to -be

chin, and p~bl~hedL~O,r threeraft. nt.ha.prevlou~ .to ~be ~ Tuesdayafter the fir_~t Monday Of. November

t)e.x-t, In v¢ k~est or~ n~a~vspaPer ofeaen courdy ¢o be designated by the of practice and procedur~ preseri]mdPresidem of the Se~ate, ~.he Speaker] by stattrte, .or, in. ~e ab~nce of ~-

l~ct~. House of A~nblY and ~[tute, by tl~ St~pre~e Court, bu4 the[ rotary of State, pay~nen ~ for such J Justices of that D~ar~ shall be un-I.publl.eattor~ to be made by the Trea~-[ der such cor~tro!.e~ad supervision by

[~er on ~he war.rant of the Comptrol° [the Chanceidur as sha/l be provided[by the Supreme C~ur~¯ ’ "

[ First---Strike out Para4~ra~h 10 of t 4. ’I~rms of.the Supreme Co~r~ pro.¯

.~Id~-~1 o~r ~y a 8ingle Su~ee of the

du,rir,g the ~e~rn of their appointmen~."Third---Change Section 1 of Article

:VI. so as to reed as follow~s:

SECTION I¯The Judicial power shz~l; be vested

in a Court for th~t-~rial of impeach-~tnenda., a Supreme Cou~..~ Coun4TCourt~ and .’~ch other Courts, ln~ferior-¢o the Supreme Court. as maybe establlshed by law, whlc~i inferior

Courts the Legislature may alter orabolish aa the public good: shah re-quire.

Fourth---~rlkeout R)l of SectionsII, IV, V, VI ~md VII, of Article V/,change the number of Section III ofArticle VI to SeCtion II, knd Inse~-~he- following seoUJo~ i~ Article VI:

SECTION HI.A.r~y Judge of any of the Courts of

the ~ may be rmn~ved for d~il-lty continuing for one year, or forrefusa~ ~o per~or~ the duUea of hisoffice, by a robe of two-th~rds ~f all~ernbers of the ~enate ~ of tw~-thirds of all c-he members of the

aH~ of Assembly voting ~par~ely,er e hmelng betore ~oth-Hou~u

in ~oln~ seml6n.

SE~ON IV.1. ~ ~preme Court sh~il-be or-

ffanlsed In three dlv~s/on~,~ nmme~:

lor, and suc~ further orlgh~tl eqnRyJurtmtlction as may be conferred lr~statute, m~ ~ueh ~urth~ original Jur.~.a~ t~ now co~errable 6a thep~*erogaUv~ Court-~im,II be exerek~) the Chancery Dlvl~on ~1 by thoChancetlor ~nd Che several ~-~u~tice~ ofs~td DIvi~on in accord~m~ with rules

by ~te, shall be emercised by theI~w Divl~}on of the Supreme C~vtand by the sev~re~ Justiee~ thereof,In a~eord~nc~ with ~ of practiceand" procedure @~rll:~ll hy Stgt~te,or In the. ab/~enee of ~tute, by tho~reme Court

~. The Jurt~lictlon heretofore pos-ed by the ~0~ive Court-andthe Ordinary, not hereby conferredon the Appeals lMvl~m~ and th~4~r-~dlctton l~zetofore ~ by theC~trt of Chancery. end the Chn~ee~-

I.~m Dlvi~o~ for the trial of Is~ue~.Jo~ed in.or brought ~o the Law of the Supr~me Court shall beheld-in the several counties at timesfixed by the Sul~reme Court.. Untilso fixed, such tt*ial terms shaB be held,-’.t the places and times now fixed by.l~w for the holdlnw of the Cour~ ufCommon. Pleas In the never~l eou’~t}e~

5. The S~preame Court may provideby’ rni~-for th0 transfer, of any cause

~ssigr~ed by the Governor." A Ju~eof the ~pr~ne Court ~gn, by theGov~n0r to the Appee~ slmM~rve In ~ Dlvt~on until the endOf hi~ term, -

TI~ r~aalaiag Ju~k~e~ be M.a~med I~ ~e kl.mme to ~e

they shall hold no. other offiee und£r~1~ Governmen~ of ~he :St~te- or Ofthe United 8tab~ ~nd Shall not en-gage In praeUoe of the Is.w in thecourt~ of the county where they holdeourt (turln~ the&" term.of o~e~. ’DheJudses of the Common ]Pleas, in o~cewhen .Ehls ~mendl~en~ ~s~es effectslmaM be ~ Judge8 of the CountyCourts .u~l} the ezplraUo~ of theirprese.n£ terms. -:

3. Thl~: ~.m¢~dmlt~[: Shall take el-

prov~ot~ of- thenlnendme~ thereof.. " "


o~ ~w ~ ~ THE ~.I~T~ATUKE OF I~8.




or issue from the IAW Division fo ~ae :Be I~ Received (~e Senate ~oneur-Chancery Division, or from the Chart- ring), That ,the fol.krwin~ amendmenteery Division ~o the L~w Dl~’tslon of to the constitu~lon at thh~ Sta.~-be4he Supreme Cou~t, ~ from the and the sa~ne Is hereby proposed, and

Counly .Court;to the Law Division or whe~ the s~n~e shall be-agreed to by.the Chancery Division of 1~he Suprem~ a ~a~orltY of .~ members elected ~oCourt, and for (he giving of complete ~ ~en~te and. H~ of Assembly

" the said aznendmen t slmll-be, entered¯ l~-~al and -equitable reIl~f tn alnycause i~ the COurt or Division wh~it may be Dendlng.

6. ,Nothing. herein, contained sh~llpre~t" 4~he eJteraUon, by law, of anystatutory power or Jurisdiction con-ferred upon s.ny Co4]rt or Judge sincethe adoption of th~ CormtRutlon rnthe )~ex one thousand eight hundredand ~or~y-faur, and’ nothing hereincontained sb.a~l .prevent -~’h~-Leg~la-

ture ~rmn eor~ferr~g, upon any Infer-ior Court which ~y heree~r be es-.tablished. such power or ~ur~c. tlonas was ex~’eim~d by or wl~ch m~y nowbe conferred upen the in,crier Court~mentioned" in Section I of Article VI’,of the Con~ltution of 1844..

SEC~O~ W,The County Court~ shall have aa~d

exerelee, ~ alt ca~s w~v, the eoun.ty, such original eomzaor~ law Jur~s-dlet]a~l eonvurrent With th~ SupremeCourt." and ~h oth~. ~urisdlctionheretofore exercised by cott~s inferiorto the Supreme court ~md the Prero-gative Court as may ~e provided by~.w. ~ ~ ~ud~,m~tn ofCour~y Courts m~,y be brought forreview before Che Supreme Court" lathe Appea.~ Dtvision. Until otherw4sol~’ovld~l, the Jurt~Uetion heretoforeex~ercl~d by the Courts of. CommonPlea& Orphans’ Cotwt& Courts ofOyer and Termlner, Cour~ o~: Qua’-

~me~Iment ¢0 Che Conmitu¢ton-~t ~ the ~Jtement of any

suit or‘ .~q~eding pending wh~ Rtakes ~ .~ ~t~ supreme Court, shall~a~ ¯ ~uehi~ .~fl ~! ~t,~

on tl~eir~o~rnals, wRh the ayes andnays taken thereon, and referred tothe" Legislature, next to be chosen,and @ublished for three mon~ priorto ~h~ first Tuesday aTter ~he flrs~Monday ~f ~ovember new in at lea~tone newspapt~/ of e~ch county, to bedeslgr~ted by ~he "~Pre~dent "of the~te, the Speaker of. th e ~:~ouse ofA~m~nbly axed 4he Seene4axy of Stere:

¯ Amend by strikln~ "ot~t ImragraphsexWm, ~tton four, article fotrr, andInser~ in place thereof the following:

7. Members of the Semate shall x~e-ceive, ~.nnually, ,the ~ of one thou-sar~d dollars, aad members of theGeneral A~se~nbly shall receive, an-finally, the sum of ten hundred dol-4m, s during the tL-n~ for which ~yshall have been elected nnd ~hlle ~heyshal% :hold their office," e~d no otheratlowance or emolum~mt, ~k, ectl~ ~>rIndlr~etly, for mnO" .purpo~ whoever.The Preslddrrt of the ~n~te, and theSpeaker. of the .G~er~1 AssemblyshaU/ in virtue uf their offices, re-eelv~ an additlon~ oom.perm~on.equal to one-third of .their all6waneeas members.

~vERIFF’~. .~8ALF_~

Irtue ot a writ ~t’ liedIssued c~t of the New

Chancery, will be ~qld ~t

SATURDAY, M TE,~I’H DAY OF OCTO-ter de,miens, ~r by. ~ JudEe~ thereof, BER, NINWr]~’N HUNDRED

" AND HIGHT,sh~l he ~’elsed by tl~ County ~/two o’clock inCOUP. lmrmm~ ¢o ruhm pneserlbed by"th~ 8~pre~ne COUrt. ¯ The Jtl~ces Of Csro]iDa; avenue~_hiUl~.e~tyofAthmt~.M. Clty,the ~ ~ ..~f_ the 8wpreme Court uoun[y of Atlant~ snd ~ of ~lew be sx-effielo Jud!l~. ~ the Corm- An Umt ee~t~l, tmet mr Imreel of Imud and

J~ds~, or m~ff~r~ wRl~ Ju.r~d4b~oa ~apma~ot.otthe~aadOmvell~’/or ~o .the Co0rt0 in 4hts ~Uon lem~ssflledlntho~,sOfll~oftlmeo~nt~,

chm~.ioned, -a~d not au~erceded by oewith tl~d~dot~l~ MymmAt~m~ mm¯m~te=tmrtocmmmmimom.~_ h~ ~,,.~n contmu~ ¢o be e~- to.~mM~L~Um mm .tm a ~mrt ~¢ ttmeretned b j, gueh Oourf, Judge or nlag- _pr~n. b~m~deed.

8etsed u the I~m~erWot Arthur H. Cmumr. ~ ~h~ ]r.A-~ltzlgture nh~ll ~ ~ snd t~k~i~ In execution at the suit ~r~t~erwlse lwovide. ~emeR.Otvileeramttobemldby - .. :.-

-. et .- . - ;" Pr,sa~.~.~.

.-. Luml~r~md Mill Work,"..- "


. . . - " ..:

/ 33 11-3¢. on̄ The Dollar.¯ ¯:| ] The -Greate.~. Sale ever kn.own In,,.Atlantic G!ty. Everyone who hasI Inspecte~i the goods, sdy:’ raow aoes ne ao it? While Other merchants count the[. stock and await large profits, ,~e are satisfied with selling out quickly and tdrnlng the

I money over, enabling you to havethe benefit of qulck sales: and small profits. . :

| We wII! give free with every-Suif or Overcoat, from $9.75 up, a pair-of our

-fine stylish-made Trousers, cholce 0f one-hundred styles.

-,. Special. NO. LM~:s and Young Men’s Sty]’IshSuits,

¯ made to sellfor .$15-; while "they. last $5.7S

Other firms in Atlantic City selling-same~at SlY-and $10:t

Special No. 2.. " "Men’s andYoung Men’~ hobby made

Suits, made to sell for $18;while they last.::. ....... i. ........ i ..... .$6.75

Other firms in At]antlc City are sellingsame suits for $18.and $20.

Special No. 3..Men’s and Young Men’s high:grade

Suits, made to sell for ~ $’20;Our price .............................. .$6.7~


0ther-firms In Atlantic City are sellingsame Suits at $18 and $20.

Special No. 4.Men’s ~md Young Men’s Up-to-date

Stylish Garments, including new browns ando|lve ~olors made to sell at $22 ; ..Our price while they last ..... . ......

SFecia!. No. 5." :Men’s and Young Men"s Fin~ Tailored

Garments inc. "u~ing fine black-dress Sults, .all wool, mad-~, to sel] for $20;Our price ....... ........ :--~. ......... ~..$8.75

Special No: 6. "Mefi’s and Young.Men’s Fine Hand-

Tailored browns, serges, smoke .colorstylish- suits ; ~’cgular $28 klnd;Our price.

......................... - ...... :$9.75--Z~_

Special No. 7:Men’s and Young Men’s Hand=made all

wool Stylish Garments, all the new colorings--and blues,and black; regular ~ "price $30; Our price ......... .>.$10.75-

Special No. 8.Men’s & Boys’ Pants, talloredb~, hand;

dish cut,. including stripe worsteds, bluesand blacks, made to sell from$.3 to $6 ;: Our pdCe~ from :..98¢:. to $2.98:

: Special:No. 9. -Men’s & Young. Men’s fine Cravenette

Coats~ made to sell for $25j and $30; npw at .......... :.$8.75 to $14.75...$7.75 ] Guaranteed-for two seasons. :~


=- . :-

. ..-

_ -- <~

c -.

-- -.


, This is the greatest Chance the people of thls vlclnlty ever had:to buy high-gr~d--e :~stylish flttlnggarments like these at prices below cost. "

" . Railrpad fare remitted to County patronswho purchase goods to a~ount of. $10.00.i

7 --’"


. "

1126 ¯Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, N,

o .

- 1,UlUwIsmmes. ! ’Gmrrs, Fvmcmmm, es.__ .... ~:~m


and . "- .you. aro bequired to appear, "-- - --.- - "-" "-: -~ -~:::~

a~er or .demur to ~ mM bUl .._._0fw -=- = ...... _r beforethe R~rthdsyof .- r: =

r of Atlantic in -".whleh Jceeph ]

FMk Noble, are made - "Is alleged in told blll that you - " - " - " - " " "

Intere~t In~ of the sold.mid property.joseph Parker,°ne All Stilts:and Pantaloons at positively. One-half Prlce. ....until!, i.- ~,,~ ¯ ~,n,.~,. September 15th to make room for our new line of

- ¯ 8olicitorN- - - :316 Bartlett Building, Atlantic CRy, N.J. " - _ .... .

s, tsted September, I~08. PPs fee, g LS0"_ Fallll : and Overcoats


by the best. makers--,Guaranteed "We quote no: p~ices asi.

¯ we alwayS sell goods fiS" represented, so whatever they are: " " -(egularly marked you buy .for half,-and the best brands of-i ~ :

r-W JERSEY. - "Clothlng In the County .... . =

" - " - - -- C -~ -

~here the invigorating Fall Line of Suits, Pantaioons,:Hats, etc,, now coming in.i ~ -salt breezes of the the latest ~n Brown and Green. - i ¯ :-::Atlantic meet ahd .... : ,

nlngle wlt]~ the healthful You are. Cordially_ Invited to Inspect our Lind-of Goods.___; --:’,

)zone of the---- N®ndel, ¯,e,se.. n,nes;.,

q0 more healthful: SPOt o " i

lnthe East. High, dry and -001. Excellent fishing: At]]arilt c Avert.e, iI

~oating, canoeing and.siting on beautiful Lake

)e and Great EggRiver. An Ideal


Summer ¯geSites.

twenty mlnutes bycars from Atlan-

Citf. All of the ad-0f the seashorewith the qulet

comfort of country

of Trade,


Physicians all bver"thecountry send patlenis_ .toAtlantic City. .The windblows all the time thereeither from the land or sea,of course. -If it lsfr0m thew~tter ~lde it Is full ofozoneand lnv~orating.. If it comesfrom the land .It sweeps ..through man)’miles of pinewoods bd0re It reaches the

grand oceanwalk̄ and alsoIs beneflcal.. :A week atAtlantic ~ty does any on~

he-takes It:eas~,.

Atlantic City, N. J,GROCERIRS, ¯ .

py~ - :John Truem :--=tsueee~r~ to D:W. ~).: =- -

ZK, a/er# i~t ~ . :-

Fancy and-Staple:/ Hardware, Paints, Baled :- .-i =~

Hay, Feed, Etc., = :~ ? ::= . ’:. i. ..~



BaH-Phone. ~’s I~r~me. N.~; .....

M:F_.DICA.I~ "


De. :Kin

n J.



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