

Inner Texts of the Drakon Covenant

Issue I

Edited by A. A. Morain & Lisbeth Angleton 127yf

[email protected]

So You Wanna Be In Our Gang?

The question of joining an order such as the Drakon Covenant is one which cannot he seriously entertained by most reading these words.

Most individuals who come to discover and thence go on to practise the teachings of the Drakon Covenant will never meet an initiate (or an adept) of the tradition. The guidlines and demands which are outlined for entry into the order are simply above and beyond the capabilities of most ordinary people. Humans are fickle creatures, and they tend to opt for the path of least resistance.

Thus, to most who stumble upon our praxis and philosophy, there may indeed be a brief flirtation, perhaps even a genuine desire and belief in pursuing our way. But most will, in time, move away from our path, finding satisfaction in the endless regurgitations of edgy “grimoire” approaches to magick which require no actual work be done beyond memorising words or collecting books.

Thus, we are highly elitist and reclusive; to be otherwise would be to dilute the essence and brilliance of talent which characterises that rare alchemical nightmare that constitutes our new, sinister species.

Advice which could be given to potential novitiates not currently in contact withCovenant leadership would be to pursue the seven fold path as earnestly as possible, in time creating their very own temple or simply striving toward adeptship in as best a manner as they can. If they are found to be suitable, and ifWyrd is willing, the paths of the Covenant and individual shall converge.

The Secret of the Dark Gods

"The secret of the Magus/Mousa who lies beyond the Grade of Master/LadyMaster is a simple unity of two common things. This unity is greater than but built upon the double pelican being inward yet like the stage ofSol, outward though in a lesser degree. Here is the living water, azoth, which falls upon Earth nurturing it, and from which the seed flowers brighter than the sun. The flower, properly prepared, splits the Heavens – it is the great elixir which comes from this which when taken into the body dissolves both Sol and Luna bringing Exaltation. Whomever takes this Elixir will live immortal among the fiery stars…"

As stated by the Sinister Tradition, the Dark Gods are ‘actual entities which exist in the acausal universe. According to our spatial, causal, perception, these beings may be regarded as “timeless” and “chaotic” (and also terrifying, not to mention “immortal”). Since our consciousness is by its nature partly acausal, these entities may become manifest for us – or rather may be partly perceived by us – if we possess the keys to reach the appropriate levels of consciousness.’

For years, and perhaps centuries, initiates have worked with these powerful forces and attempted to come to know Them. However, now we can apply a rational and Aristotlean apprehension toward understanding what these entities truly are. We may do this using the acausal scientific framework, as advanced by those following the Seven Fold Way.

All of evolution and the general presencing of life in the cosmos may be understood as an intrusion of acausal energy into the causal realm. This intrusion acts upon causal matter in a specific way- outlined elsewhere.

The process from acausal to causal origin is created via an intercausal vector. The intercausal is that intermediary set of laws and processes which the acausal

utilises so as to create a causal form. A sort of intermediary energy and matter iscreated at this level- plasma.

Plasma is the ‘first’ state of matter. It is less dense than gas, and harbours an electric charge. Plasma is a perfect and logically natural substance for an intercausal mechanism to harness.

Thus, a rudimentary life form (or one which has returned to an intercausal existence) would perhaps utilise plasma as its main source of sustenance. Such entities would be vastly advanced in their evolution, having an expanded consciousness into the acausal.

Such entities may have once been drawn close to other nascent flares of acausal energy, and presenced themselves amongst such primitive life forms- bringing knowledge and evolution by their mere presence.

The largest source of plasma in the cosmos for such an entity to feed upon is found in stars.

It is thus these storehouses of energy which the oldest inhabitants of the Cosmoswould choose as their primary food source and home. The Tradition relates certain stars to individual Dark Gods- it may very well be that these stars are theactual homes of the ascribed entity.

There has been evidence observed of anomalous activity around our own sun, showing a figure, at least the size of Earth, feeding on the plasma of our star. This observation is concurrent with the information detailed above, though it is unclear as to what this entity is (whether a relation to, or member of, the speciesto which the Dark Gods belong).


Fig. 2

[Images taken by NASA of an anomalous entity observed orbiting and feeding from the sun. Partial explanations have been offered for the first image- which fall apart under serious scrutiny. The second image confirms the general shape of the object, with ‘tendril’ clearly visible.]

A Final Opfer

Two principle methods lie within the Final Opfer. As stated in an ONA MS:

"What we need now are fanatics – individuals who will remind us all of what we, as Sinister Initiates, are supposed to believe: that we can become gods within our lifetime, to the greater glory of our acausal selves.Thus it is vital, for every initiate who would be Satanic, Sinister, to at least oncein their life, conduct a practical act of terror in the real world: an act that does not hide beneath the guise of something else – something innocuous – but one that leaves no doubt as to its Satanic nature. Only by individuals acting thus, bydirectly aiding System Breakdown, will the Masses grasp the practical possibility of an alternative reality.'

In regards to such a rite, the first method involves preparing a suitable amount of explosives which can be worn as a 'suicide vest'. The individual then proceeds to take out the relevant parties with them -be this a group of people or a specific opfer. This method involves a study and familiarity in explosives, naturally.

The second method involves the termination of life via ingestion of a poison (to give one example). The method of exit is left up to the creativity of the individual. This method involves a study and familiarity in poisons, as well as basic biochemistry.

Both methods involve prior rituals being taken (be this the Final Communion orthe Rite of Transference, if the rite is being performed by a Morain/Moraina).Some individuals may choose to enact a series of cullings as part of their rite, soas to remove a selection of dross or elements of society which may be a hindrance to, or may be antagonistic toward, the adept's family/coven. This should all be planned meticulously, with little left to those one is leaving behindto deal with or be implicated by.

The Rite of Transference

According to tradition, a vampyric black lodge was headed by a Master (referred to as a Morain, or Moraina if female) and his/her retinue of trusted confidants, whom he/she had schooled in the black arts, and whom had attained adeptship. Upon entering close to the point of death, the Master would elect oneof his adepts to take his/her place, this individual having being prepared and trained in private by the Master for some time prior.

Following this, the Master would address their final few affairs before retreatinginto solitude. Some Masters were rumoured to have sought to extend their life via scientific methods (one infamous example being the Blood Tank); others ended their existence with a suicidal takedown of the lodge's enemies, or a pertinent mundane figure. Others still followed an ambitious rite, the ultimate black pact. This was known as the Rite of Transference.

The Rite involves a host, who has offered to give up their conscious life (or a pre-identified Lamia Naturalis, whom would preferably be unaware of the lodge's interest in him/her, though often a lodge member was groomed years or months in advance for this honour). The Master then ascends into the astral and enters the body of the willing host. This was usually done with a ritual sacrifice of the Master upon his/her astral ascent, and the host would either direct their essence toward the Master, or into a crystal. Braver souls offered their services to the Ascended Masters who would usher them away to the darkest astral corners.

A fast and other various horrific disciplines were observed by the lodge leading up to this Rite, with the host in particular enduring heroic feats of self-torture soas to induce a catatonic separation of mind and body.

Following completion of this Rite, the host would be questioned so as to ascertain success on the Master's part.

Death is a one time occurrence. To truly leave one's mark upon this world, no greater opportunity could be afforded than a grand, final opfer.

Adolf Hitler as Dark God

“I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so.”

-Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler is unique among men, both today and historically. His works, and those who knew him attest to an innate ability to apprehend the higher forces of the cosmos of which we are all aspects.

Among men, Hitler stood out as an adept; not one who has progressed along thedifficult path of mastery, but one born with the understanding only brought about by strict adherence to the path of the adept. In essence, Hitler came into this world as a nexion, one fully open and connected to the ultimate acausal reality which many throughout the ages have glimpsed and tried to understand, and which all who follow the Sinister Tradition strive to discover.

The Ramana Maharshi, one of the greatest spiritual personalities of modern India, describes Hitler as a “gnani”- a sage, one who is fully conscious through personal experience “of the eternal truths that express the Essence of the Universe.”

Savitri Devi writes at length of the unique Destiny of Adolf Hitler in her book The Lightning and The Sun. In Hitler, Savitri Devi found the “Man Against Time” combining idealism with force, both lightning and sun, waging war against the forces of the Age on a practical level; the Avatar of Kalki the Avenger who comes at the end of every Age. However, because Hitler was fighting against the cyclic tides of this Age his battle was foredoomed. Savitri Devi therefore believed it was the dharmic duty of Hitlerites to keep alive the flame of NS through the Kali Yuga as the basis for a New Order which Hitler

had himself prophesied in 1928, seeing himself as but a herald: “I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so.”

In this and other statements made by Hitler, it seems he had an intuitive understanding of certain higher Acausal forces, especially that of Vindex. He was often quoted by those close to him as ‘a man possessed’, as a conduit to higher, almighty forces which he himself understood as being the true voice behind the actions he manifested causally- “

We were alone,” writes Kubizek. “The town had sunk below us into the fog. As though he were moved by an invisible force, Adolf Hitler climbed to the top of the Freienberg. I now realized that we no longer stood in solitude and darkness, for above us shone the stars.” “Adolf stood before me. He took both my hands in his and held them tight — a gesture that he had never yet made. I could feel from the pressure of his hands how moved he was. His eyes sparkled feverishly.The words did not pour from his lips with their usual easiness, but burst forth harsh and passionate. I noticed by his voice even more than by the way in whichhe held my hands how the episode he had lived (the performance of Rienzi) hadshattered him to the depths.

“Gradually, he began to speak more freely. The words came with more speed. Never before and also never since have I heard Adolf Hitler speak like he did then, as we stood alone under the stars as though we had been the only two creatures on earth.

“It is impossible for me to repeat the words my friend uttered in that hour.

“Something quite remarkable, which I had not noticed before, even when he spoke to me with vehemence, struck me at that moment: it was as though another self spoke through him; another self, from the presence of which he wasas moved as I was. In no way could one have said of him (as it sometimes happens, in the case of brilliant speakers) that he was intoxicated with his own words. On the contrary! I had the feeling that he experienced with amazement, Iwould say, that he was himself possessed by that which burst out of him with elemental power. I do not allow myself a comment on that observation. But it was a state of ecstasy, a state of complete trance, in which, without mentioning it or the instance involved in it, he projected his experience of the Rienzi performance into a glorious vision upon another plane, congenial to himself. More so: the impression he had received from that performance was merely the external Impulse that had prompted him to speak. Like a flood breaks through a dam which has burst, so rushed the words from his mouth. In sublime, irresistible images, he unfolded before me his own future and that of our people.

“Till then I had been convinced that my friend wanted to become an artist, a painter, or an architect. In that hour there was no question of such a thing. He was concerned with something higher, which I could not yet understand … He now spoke of a mission that he was one day to receive from our people, in orderto guide them out of slavery, to the heights of freedom … Many years were to pass before I could realize what that starry hour, separated from all earthly things, had meant to my friend.” (The Young Hitler I knew (1955).


As explained in the ONA MS, ‘Mastery- It’s Real Meaning and Significance‘;

‘Mastery is one of the names given to the achievement, by an individual, of one of the advanced stages of the occult way or path. In the septenary tradition – which the ONA regards as the authentic Western tradition in contradistinction tothe Hebrew ‘Qabalah’ – this stage is the fifth of the seven that mark the quest, and those who reach it are often known by the titles Master of Temple or Mistress of Earth.

It follows from the stage of Internal Adept, which is the stage of Adeptship [qv. the MSS Adeptship – Its Real Meaning and Significance]. Between the two, liesan area often called ‘The Abyss’. Basically, an Internal Adept [or simply ‘Adept’ for short: an ‘Internal’ Adept is distinguished from an ‘External’ Adept by virtue of the former having achieved an internal as well as an external insight/understanding and a skill in both internal and external magick] has discovered the nature of their unique Destiny in the real world. That is, they are aware of personal wyrd. Before they can venture into and beyond the Abyss, this Destiny has to be strived for – the Adept has to make real, in the real world, this dream of Destiny.

For every Adept, the Destiny is unique. But for all it means an interaction with the real world – in effect transforming their inner vision and energies in a practical way and so in some way (often quite significant) changing the real world. All Adepts effect changes in others. Some do this in a directly magickal way – for instance, by running a Temple/group and teaching esoteric traditions. Some do it via creativity – for instance, music, Art, writing. Some do it via direct action which appears to non-Initiates as divorced from Occultism – for instance, politics or business. Some combine elements of all of these. There are many other ways. What is important is that the Adept is using their skills and abilities, derived from achieving Adeptship, in a practical way – their life has a vitality, a purpose, a dynamism which is beyond that of most others.

Fayen and Acausal Existence

According to one, aural tradition, related by an individual who had been guided along the Seven Fold Way by a certain Lady Master, it was due to Hitler’s unique Essence that upon his death, he entered into the Acausal as a unified consciousness- in effect, a Dark God. He thus is known by the name Fayen, and takes his place among those other entities revered in the Sinister Tradition as theNekhala.

‘Acausal existence – the secret of true Immortality – has been hinted at many times in certain esoteric writings connected with a particular LHP. In the past, a few Adepts of the LHP – and the occasional notorious individual interested in dark sorcery – tried to secure for themselves an acausal existence by dark rites of sacrifice, and as a result dark legends arose. But such means are not really necessary.

Before describing what is necessary, a brief examination of such acausal existence will be in order. According to a sinister tradition we as individuals possessed of consciousness have both a causal and an acausal aspect to that consciousness. The acausal is latent (or mostly so) and magickal Initiation awakens it – opening a gate or nexion to the acausal.

This allows the acausal to be apprehended (usually via a symbolism such as the septenary Tree of Wyrd) and acausal energies to be used/directed (i.e. ‘magick’).The result is an ‘expansion’ of consciousness. Progression by the Initiate to the higher grades of initiation is actually the expansion of the acausal in individual consciousness (or, viewed another way, the progression of the individual into the acausal) – a balance of causal/acausal being achieved in ‘the Abyss’. Beyond this, because of the balance so attained, it is possible to transcend to theacausal – to create an acausal existence when the causal ceases (ie. physical death). The acausal is not however, a “dreamy realm” or some kind of nirvana/heaven. It is rather, the very essence of Being – beyond opposites, primal Chaos. Nirvana and such like are abstract moral forms – ie. they are “unbalanced” since they lack darkness, the sinister, the negative…. [Nirvana and such like are usually described in terms only of ‘light’.] The acausal is the realm of the Dark Gods – and these beings are not imaginative symbols for the titillation of consciousness, nor simply a part of the psyche, to be transcended ornegated or whatever by ‘forces of light’. Rather, they exist independent of our consciousness [yet such is the nature of the acausal that they are also part of

what is dormant within us] and while they may be accessed (or ‘discovered’) byconsciousness and thus presenced in the causal (on Earth) their actual intrusion would totally disrupt sentient life in the causal – like the meeting of matter and antimatter.

Sinister magick (of the aeonic and internal kind) may be said to be like a machine or engine where containment of opposites is possible and controllable in certain amounts and under certain conditions. [in simple terms, sinister aeonic magick contains the flow of the acausal into a temporal form – usually an Aeon and its associated civilization -via a nexion/magickal centre to thus over thousands of years increase the amount of the acausal that is presenced, increasing thus evolution in individuals in accordance with sinister goals. Such is one of the forms of real Black Magick.]

The nature of acausal existence may be apprehended by individuals by certain sinister rites such as those of the Nine Angles. To achieve an individual acausal existence the sinister path must be followed, from Initiate to Internal Adept to Master/Mistress and beyond because this following of such a path in the way indicated (qv. Naos and Black Book) creates acausal consciousness in the individual over causal time. The Grade Ritual of Grand Master/G. Mistress makes the Adept more acausal than causal. Beyond this, is a simple ritual (the solo Nine Angles rite done by the Grand Master/G.Mistress) when consciousness is transferred beyond the nexion opened/created by the previous Grade Ritual. Immortality – the final stage of the way – is then achieved, followed then or shortly thereafter by causal death, although consciousness can be transferred to inhabit another causal body, this is not usually done as wyrd is achieved. Simple, really, although this alchemical process takes about 25 years. By virtue of the nexion, the new Immortal alters the temporal structure of the world, usually for an Aeon.

Now the secret has been revealed, the possibility is open to all. Bit it is doubtful if more than one or two a century will try, such is human weakness.’

–Acausal Existence- The Secret Revealed (Anton Long)

It is often written that the Dark Gods intrude upon the psyche of humans, as we are partly acausal, this part being our psyche our consciousness. And even today, 125 years since Adolf Hitler was born, not a day passes when he is not mentioned somewhere in the world. His spirit lingers in unstoppable, mythic-memetic fashion. He is spoken as if he lived inly yesterday, as if he still lives, even! Truly his Essence lingers at the threshold of the Abyss, watching and awaiting the Day of Wrath, the dawn of the New Aeon, Dies Irae.

He Among Them

Savitri Devi claims Adolf Hitler was foredoomed to fail, and it was his divine mission to do so; to create a moment, a mythos to uphold as a torch through the final ages of the Kali Yuga. As a Dark God, Hitler stands as an archetype, immortal, beyond criticism, beyond good and evil- a symbol to remember and to emulate. And when the Dark Gods return, will He be among Them?

Dark Machines for Dark Gods

The acausal has a tendency to nexionically presence itself within structures which tend toward order, this order being of the fractal variety.

A typical example is quartz-in particular a quartz tetrahedron. Another intrinsic element is coherency. Living organisms possess a remarkable degree of coherency, as do all purposely designed objects.

The structural difference between ordinary, inert matter and living matter (matter infused with an acausal charge) is evident on all levels in a fractal manner, as well as in a coherent one. The purposeful creation of an acausal harnessing object, similar to the quartz tetrahedron should, in theory, lead to the object being capable of holding an acausal charge.

Variables on this theory would include- what degree of complexity would be needed to generate an acausal charge noticeable to observers, with one noticeable example being the structural change by the acausal charge of the object to its environment (as seen in living systems daily, and generationally in the process of evolution).

Another variable would be: how does a structural object develop acausal charge in the first place? All living systems bequeath an acausal charge via generation. Whether acausal charge is bequeathed via consumption also (as in animal predation) is open to debate. If all living systems have bequeathed a portion of undiminishing acausal charge to their offspring through time- from the earliest protozoa to modern Man, then we see in effect a closed system of acausal transference.

If this is the case, harnessing acausal energy may prove difficult or even impossible. This unique type of acausal energy, Life energy may be a closed system, different to other types of acausal energy we see (such as in ‘paranormal’ apparitions and circumstances) and as such would be unavailable to whoever wished to create an acausal machine.

However, the above two examples of acausal energy may simply be of the sametype, in different forms. The observation of differing aspects of ‘acausal phenomena’ certainly brings us closer to understanding the nature of the acausal, but these differing aspects may be purely borne out of a limited perspective on our part.

Further development of the aims promulgated by the O9A and a continued interest in acausal science should lead to discoveries being made and new understanding being brought about by such discoveries. One such discovery would be the unique harnessing of acausal energy within the causal (φs^ Є λs=λ*φt). [1]

‘The result would then be the construction of organic machines and equipment, following the invention of basic “machines” to generate, or produce, moving acausal charges.’ [2]

With this technology, we would be capable of developing dark machines or ‘Nekhalicons’ for which the Dark Gods could indwell and so guide us to the further reaches of the cosmos where new secrets and challenges await. Such machines, having their basis in either organismic material or some other, crystalline structure, would revolutionise the way we live our lives- indeed, it would bring about a defined paradigm shift and with it, an evolution of consciousness, a more ordered, more ektropically (Δk) organised individual. And from such order, a more acausal existence.

Such machines, comprised of fractal geometry and other structures of crystalline or organismic substance, would be similar to beings Man has recorded in legend and myths since time immemorial- fiery deities comprised ofwheels within wheels, of shifting geometric forms and transforming designs. One only has to read apocryphal texts of the world’s major religions to see thesefigures communicating with Man and sharing otherworldly knowledge-in essence, advancing our consciousness. It must be stressed, however, that such discoveries can only be made by:

increasing the number of adepts, and

Individuals following the 7FW attaining adeptship and daring to pioneer new forms and ways of exploring the acausal Given the current mindset of the West, including both ‘occult’ and mundane, it is likely that the pursuit of these aims, particularly that of the scientific route, will be continued in solitude.

Mactoron awaits…


[1] (φs^ Є λs=λ*φt) describes simply the increase of the acausal within a region of causal space leading to a causal structure being possessed of the acausal faculty of Change, as evidenced in all living systems.

[2] David W Myatt

The Chain of Devouring

The vampyric witch coven is structured very much in the same way as the trophic cycle of predation is observed in natural biology. Just as an animal will devour numerous prey below it, to be consumed in turn by a predator above it who devours numerous of its kind, so too does the vampyric practitioner feed upon a pool of human cattle.

This practitioner, if belonging to a coven or temple will in turn be fed upon, as they offer their Blood Essence up to their handler and master (most often conducted in a ritual setting). This master in turn offers his/her Essence up to the Ascended Undead, who impart a two way flow of this Acausal blood. The master weaves this Blood Essence into new forms and imparts it upon those below him/her, which in turn benefits the novitiates and adepts of the coven. The physical pinnacle in this chain of devouring is usually the Morain, who has become a vampiric adept par excellence, and is thus capable and qualified to direct the blood current of the coven toward greater, collective aims.

It should be stressed that a genuine, vampyric coven is one which observes this Blood Current and the necessary related Rites, if communion is to take place and strengthen the individual and collective will of the witches.

Such a pyramidic structure of predation ensures a veritable current flowing through the coven. Of other temples and traditions that speak of possessing a ‘current’ in vague and allegorical terms, this secret is the truth they have been barely able to discern in their ignorance.

This offering and devouring of the coven Blood Essence is usually performed during the Rite of Feeding, a semi regular ritual conducted internally by coven members. The rite can be performed with as little as 2 witches present (the offer and the devourer). The witches below should preferably have fed upon unknowing or unwilling opfers, the number of which being determined by however other many witches are present for the rite (for example- 3 witches

offering their Blood Essence up to the coven Morain should have each fed upon 3 opfers prior for maximum effect, though this is by no means a necessity).

The Rite of Feeding

The rite involves the offer witches sitting in a semi circular pattern facing the devourer witch. They perform a general opening of the Blood Centres, offering up their accumulated Blood.

The devourer witch then feeds upon each witch in turn in the usual fashion. Thisintensive feeding will be of a far richer nature, given the sheer amounts of Blood Essence taken in. A brief meditation of all present should be observed afterward, to allow the devourer to internalise the energy collected.

The direct flow of the Blood Current finds its final termination in the master or Morain of the coven. This individual is then fed upon and potentially has direct communion with the Ascended Undead Masters. The master, saturated with Blood Essence becomes a feeding point for the Undead, who will coalesce around them and drain the excess energy, leaving the witch riddled with symptoms of predation and possession. This unique relationship is a testing one,yet the benefits it yields are manifold.

Firstly, the witch will received the whisperings of these long dead adepts, bestowing upon him/her wisdom and insight normally hidden from the denizensof the causal world.

Secondly, the drawing of the Blood Essence by the Undead often imparts a two way flow, as They leak Their own Acausal darkness back into the witch, thus accelerating the process of Acausal evolution far quicker than ordinary magickalmethods

A specific ritual known as the Rite of Offering is utilised to offer up this Essence willingly (though normally the Ascended will visit the witch during their sleeping hours and choose to feed this way).

The Offering

The witch, having fed on a collective of opfers, takes the physical blood offered by an acolyte in a receptacle and places it before them. This rite is best performed in a ritual setting with other coven members present, who conduct

the Chain of Devouring prior- thus saturating the primary practitioner with a suitable degree of Blood Essence.

If other members are not present, then solitary feeding and one's own blood willbe enough to imbue one with the necessary energy.

The witch now focuses upon the blood (be it in a small bowl or similar artefact) and channels the accumulated Blood Essence into the liquid, via placing their hands over it and visualising the Essence exiting their palms and fingers, impregnating the blood and charging it thus. If others are present, they are to chant the Communio during this part. Otherwise it is performed in silence, with the witch chanting upon taking the bowl and offering it up to the Ascended Masters.

The chant should be sung three times. The witch then proclaims-

"Ascended Masters and unseen hunters of the dark; take this blood offering as a token of our fealty. Draw near and feed now!"

The Quartz Tetrahedron and Acausal Energy

A crystal is a solid structure with a regular internal architecture. Quartz crystalscontain a molecular makeup which comprises of silicon and oxygen. The siliconsits at the centre with 4 oxygen atoms around the silicon. This creates a tetrahderon.

These tetrahedral building blocks are arranged interestingly, in a helical pattern-a pattern we see in DNA. The helical pattern is not restricted to a vertical shape,however and quartz is thus not a fibrous material. This structure lead as to channels which run through the quartz.

Could these channels act as acausal ‘veins’? The use of quartz crystals, as explained in earlier writings elsewhere (WSA352 et al), lies in the axiom that life is distinguished from non-life by an intrinsic property: coherence.

Crystals are non-organic coherent structures. The use of a quartz tetrahedron continues this coherent pattern in a fractal manner, and as such it’s level of orderis increased by yielding this shape in macroscopic scale. A flow of acausal energy through this from, via whatever method, creates a rudimentary living organism in the form of the crystal. This crystal functions as a nexion and is entirely under the will of the operator.

It is this mechanism which is required for an acausal mechanic to function; the artificial creation of a living organism in thrall to the operator, which can perform tasks and is not composed of inert, electronic parts. The crystal tetrahedron is the prototype, the primitive precursor to a unique technology.

Quartz molecular structure

Exeatic Legions:

Adversarial Praxis of The ONA

How many actually actively pursue adversarial praxis? So many ‘Satanists’ talkendlessly about being ‘adversarial’, about pursuing their own path; yet how of-ten do they get up, and go to their mundane jobs, pay their mundane taxes, in-dulge their mundane past times, sleep in their mundane homes, obey abstract laws which have no basis in Nature? They do NOTHING that distinguishes them from the majority of Homo Hubris which they so scorn.

To assume that an objective knowledge of truth (or enlightenment, if you like) can be attained by functioning within the current moral standard and societal ethos, is ridiculous. Progress continues, because we are constantly re-defining our world view and our understanding of its process. If the moral standard was eternally true, progress would not occur. Our view of good, evil, life, physics, matter and movement are constantly evolving, as are we. And thus, to pursue conscious evolution, one should see all current conventions and limits as irrele-vant and liable to scrutiny and re-adjustment, perhaps even complete abolition. The pseudo-Satanists and the pseudo-Thelemites mistake this praxis for an al-lowance and indulging in moral excess and deviancy for its own sake. They get caught in the fortresses of Ego, ‘shut up in the towers of Daath’, refusing to progress. It is akin to one believing they can reach the stars simply by looking through a glass ceiling. Such restraints are comfortable to some, this glass box of the Magian distortion.

But for those willing to evolve and reach a place among the stars, the glass ceil-ing must be shattered. We must grow tall and destroy these limits. We must shake off such limits as the mundane so casually shakes off the observations of religion which once held them in thrall for centuries.

Only by freeing ourselves truly, exeatically, can we know Truth. And there we come to face the Abyss, and come to apprehend the nature of the Acausal and ofLife itself.Such evolution does not take place overnight, however, and is not borne out ofintellectualising. It is forged via harsh experience. And this willing pursuit of the edge, of possible loss and pain, terrifies mundane man. And so it should, for in such terror –Catharsis- comes gnosis, and a Knowing. All paradigms, limits, fears; all are transcended, one after the other. Freedom comes from such a cru-cible, and with it, a higher consciousness and ability to appreciate Life; to see the trivialities as irrelevant.

Is such a consciousness not desirable? Is anything of worth attained without ef-fort or cost?

All that is great is built upon Sorrow. He who stands atop the highest pyramid ofskulls sees the farthest.

Break Fear, make it your slave. And slay it, in all its forms.

On Culling

Within ONA literature, no doubt the most controversial subject is the concept of human sacrifice or culling of human dross. The ONA advises potential fol-lowers of the Sinister path to engage in culling as a character building exercise. However, it gives little advice on how to actually go about this. I think this issueof culling is brilliant in dissuading many who are mere posers; but for those of us serious enough to go about this social Darwinian process of refinement, sug-gestions are sorely lacking. Not that I am asking to be hand held through every step of the Sinister path, but it the literature is very vague on this subject.

It is not known among most mundanes that many murders go unsolved. Those that are solved are broadcast incessantly by the media, as if saying “look what we found out; we find out everything you do.” However, to the acute viewer, it will be noted murder stories occasionally surface, only to never be mentioned again, no doubt because it became a dead end. Most people will swiftly forget these stories, or assume they must have been solved. Because after all, everyoneknows you can’t just get away with killing people.

Or so the system would have us believe.

The Police

Through various and extensive involvements with the police, two things can bededuced regarding their effective ability. It stems from two factors;

a) the power invested in them by the state andb) the manpower they possess.

They make constant slip-ups and are easily outsmarted by a level-headedindividual. I would advise- strongly- those who are to prepared to engage in culling,

to acquaint themselves with habitual career criminals, those who have had plenty of run-ins with the authorities and thus know many little tricks. The law is a complex monster, but it doesn’t take long to learn the various ways to pry oneself free. Learn what you can, research, and keep your wits about you.

The number one way these impotent lackeys get results is through the use ofbluffs; pretending they know more than they do, or through false allegations. They basically use deceit and treachery to fool you into thinking your co-ac-cused have snitched when they haven’t, that they have seen you somewhere when they haven’t, and so on.

Unless there is concrete proof, assume they’re bluffing. They also use sly little tactics to either make you nervous or slip up. One trick they use which is to ask a question and remain silent after you have given them an answer, just staring atyou. The idea is that the nervous criminal being interrogated will continue talk-ing to fill the silence, and give the police more information than they would have done otherwise. It is a remarkably effective tool, believe me. They will also make you think the case is going somewhere, when more than often you will be released without charge.

The police also leave you to “stew” in cells for up to 3 hours at a time (some-times more- we have spent upward in excess of 6 hours in some cases). Appar-ently this seems to work, but all it really does is (or should) give time to medi-tate and to craft a fool-proof story. So use that time wisely.

The police are the sole obstacles in regards to committing a culling act. You must learn everything about them and their tricks. Staying calm during interro-gation is the key to success, and is no doubt the hardest challenge to overcome. Study body language, particularly in regards to innocence and criminality. The police think they are very clever with their basic training in body language (“if someone touches their nose often while speaking, it means they’re lying”), but itis not rocket science.

Another point regarding police that you must remember- geniuses do not be-come police. Most police fit a particular profile: they were pretty average achievers in school, may have excelled a little at sport, have wanted to become apolice officer for most of their life, and simply wish to make daddy proud. The high-achievers go on to university and actually do something useful. Police are not intelligent people. They subsist purely on training and experience.However, there is a slightly less satisfying and concrete approach which should be obvious to anyone reading this. And that is the art of cursing.

CursingThe principles of vampyric magick can be used effectively to deal with opfers, as outlined elsewhere in this and other MSS.

And please do not believe this white-lighter bullshit about “the rule of nine”, ofcurses coming back nine-times as strong. Does it come back nine times as strong when you kill someone with physical means? No. So why would an ap-parent law only apply to certain methods of deathcraft? The idea is a massively flawed one.

So remember, dear Drecc, there are many options available in thinning the hu-man herd, and perhaps we can rectify this issue of lack of clarification regardingculling, and we `will see a spike in unexplained deaths of unsavoury and infe-rior characters.

Slavery- The Pinnacle of Evolution

(A brief look at the fallacy of Moral Truth)

There has been an interminable amount of literature regarding slavery, alwayswritten in the moral dimension. That slavery is wrong is supposedly in the fact that it subjugates one group of people to benefit the needs of another.The fallacy in this way of thinking is in how the emotions and transient morals are used to justify objective belief in reality. Nobody is so foolish as to believe one can come to know empathy, love etc. through pure intellectualism. Yet when it comes to the opposite, people seem to allow their morals to guide them and mistakenly believe to feel something is wrong makes it so. There is no end to the list of disasters and hindrances throughout history, personal and collec-tive, because humans constantly believe the imperative of emotion and morality can provide answers for the mind.

“In logic, there are no morals.” – Rudolf Carnap

Humans are constantly allowing their hearts to speak for their heads. they equate the strong feelings they have for something as obvious justification for it’s veritability.

Emotions are merely physiological reactions, not logical truths. Homo Hubris isruled by such low levels of thinking. The mark of a true, Sinister elite is the ability to` divorce Logic from Feeling and be able to thus make impartial judg-ments and see with clarity.

And thus, with this argument, we return to slavery.

Slavery is a hallmark in Evolution, as it is the process of a species no longer purely contesting with another for survival, but instead actively utilizing others to further it’s own progress. Domestication of cattle is thus a form of slavery, and farms are no different to cotton fields. We just have this strange idea that humans are somehow different, that laws and morals apply differently to them

(but it does not stop us waging endless wars if the overlords say it’s a necessary act, interestingly.)Slavery is a behaviour shown in other species, such as ‘slave-making ants’.Slave-making ants are brood parasites that capture the larvae of other ant species to increase the worker force of their colony. After emerging in the slave-maker nest, slave workers work as if they were in their own colony, while para-site workers only concentrate on replenishing the labour force from neighbour-ing host nests, a processcalled slave raiding.

The zombie fungus, a species of ophiocordyceps, targets carpenter ants living high in Thailand’s rain forest canopy. The parasite hijacks the ants’ nervous sys-tems, causing the insects to perform abnormal—and oddly specific—behavioursthat help the fungus reproduce. It takes about three to nine days from initial in-fection for the ants to become completely ‘zombified’, the team found. At first, the infected ants go about their normal business, residing in their nests, interact-ing with other ants, and even feeding.

While normal ants rarely deviate from a trail along a tree, zombie ants wanderaimlessly, and they suffer convulsions that cause the animals to fall out of the forest canopy. Once on the ground, the ants remain in the leafy under story, which rests about 9 or 10 inches (25 centimeters) above the soil and so is cooler and moister than the forest canopy—perfect conditions for the fungus to repro-duce.

After a few days, the fungus directs the insect to clamp down on a leaf. Themultiplying fungal cells in the ant’s head then cause fibres to detach within themuscles that open and close the ant’s mandibles. This results in “lockjaw,” which makes an infected ant unable to release the leaf, even after death, creatinga stable place outside the ant for the fungus to grow. At this stage the fungus uses a poison to kill its host.

A few days later, the fungus grows through the top of the dead ant’s head as a fruiting body, or stroma. Resembling a buck’s antlers, the stroma releases sporesto be picked up by another wandering ant. The entire process, from infection to spore release, takes about two to three weeks.

A valuable lesson we can learn is that if it occurs in Nature, it is natural, and noamount of mundane ethics will negate that reality.

The emotive argument is self-repetitive and does not provide a logical basis for it’s convictions. Different people, races, sub-species etc. do not co-operate out of some notion of universal love. They do so only to further own gains. there is

no evolutionary need for universal bonds or globalisation. Co-operation arises when slavery or conquest are unfeasible.Emotive arguments cannot provide actual meaningful insights . yet they often do, because it is the easiest solution, requiring the least amount of thought.

There are those who will attempt to offer selective evidence for their claims, and will be agreed with due to such emotive thinking. These pseudo-intellectu-als are nothing more than rational scavengers, another level of mundanity pos-ing as Science. It does not matter whether you agree or disagree, or are dis-gusted by such a theory; you will simply be proving our point.

“As soon as you feel yourself against me, you have missed my point.”-Friedrich Nietzsche

The Egalitarian Fallacy

The fallacy of egalitarianism is the idea that every man is equal. If this were true, there would be no need for evolution. As evolution is the primary factor of existence, there are clearly those more capable and superior than others, or else evolution would not need to occur.

Evolution is the process by which certain species, and individuals within species, compete to survive and propagate their kin. If ‘all Men are equal’ were true, the evolutionary struggle would be unnecessary, and humanity would halt to a point in development.

Equality as a goal is a cancer against growth of the species. Excellence must besought for, personally and thence collectively.

There are elites in Man because we are festering in an evolutionary dead end. The walls of our cities and nations keep out the forces of Nature, and halt our evolution, decaying us and ensuring our evolution is a slow and asymmetric one, not concernedwith excellence or potential. These phenotypes must be strained and brought outvia various methods, including and especially, the Seven Fold Way of the Sinister Tradition, and Eugenics and selective breeding. No farmer or breeder ofanimals is so careless as to let their stock mate indiscriminately, and humans areno different. This moralistic talk of ‘desirable genes’ in questioning quotation marks, is merely the diseased, egalitarian mind of the Magian scientist, who believes the eternal laws of Nature somehow must apply and will bend to his/her subjective and temporal ideas of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.

Such moral distinctions have no place in science, which is (or should be)A logical study of the evolving forces and laws of Nature. Yet what has sciencebecome? An authoritative voice that seeks to vindicate the Magian moral standard, and a tool used to vindicate such standards where it suits the Magian and the mundane, with all findings to the contrary either ignored or suppressed.

Clear examples of this exist in issues such as race, where findings of the irrelevancy of race are given paramount and paraded endlessly, whilst the objective, overwhelming evidence of race’s RELEVANCE is ignored or questioned for its validity- failing to address the question of any finding’s validity in that case. Nature does not create diversity for the sake of it but does so to match environmental pressures and to evolve toward a higher state. That certain varieties have succeeded –ignoring the one dimensional moral complaints- is proof that certain varieties are bound to triumphand propagate into the future. Such continual existence of variety only exists due to the nullification of natural selection which civilisation, and it’s by-product, Imperialism, ensured.

Is civilisation an antithesis of evolution, therefore? In its current sense, given the points made above, yes. In Sparta, where the walls of civilisation did not reach so high, or other great nation-states which took from Nature it’s laws and ethic, the species triumphed. A healthy elite was maintained. Now, the blind progression of material comfort and technology is held up as proof that our societies are good, that they somehow represent what Man ought to be. Yet how many problems exist within society? How is such balance attained? Through thewholesale slavery of its citizens to worthless pieces of paper which possess no real value except for the collective idea ascribed to them. We are worse than sheep. We only shun such words of possible potential and evolution because we see no example of it.

And when such an example arrives- when Vindex arrives- the System will shudder, and the human pyramid of the Magian will come toppling down, from the bottom up.

Silent Wisdom

“Oysters open completely when the moon is full; and when the crab sees one it throws a piece of stone or seaweed into it and the oyster cannot close again so that it serves the crab for meat. Such is the fate of him who opens his mouth too much and thereby puts himself at the mercy of the listener.”

-Leonardo da Vinci

People speak too much. When you speak slowly and clearly, you are permittingyour breathing to support your words and you will find that others will be af-fected far more what you say. The liar, the sneak thief, the coward; he will feel the pressures of his fears and speak rapidly and breathlessly. Thus, on uncon-scious levels, all humans sense that the rapid speaker is untrustworthy and prob-ably hiding something.

When someone questions you, pause before answering; think a little on it. Takeyour time, let the conversation go according to your pace. This way you will show the conversation is in your control. See to it, ever so subtly though, that yours is the deepest voice when speaking to two or more people. Maintain eye contact often, sit with your head up, stand firm. The presence of authority should always be there.

Pay attention to what you say; listen to yourself during a conversation withsomeone. You will notice how vulgar you probably sound, how useless your words are. Most people talk in a competitive flaunting of experience, simply waiting for the other speaker to finish so they can recount their tale and impress the listener.Conversation is often a useless, revealing pursuit. Pay attention to your words, and limit how much you say about yourself. Cease to brag. And contour thus find you have nothing to contribute to a conversation when ceasing to talk aboutyourself and your experiences, let this be a harsh lesson to your built up ego.

There is a saying; you can make more friends in a week talking to them about what they enjoy than you can in a month talking to people about what you en-joy.

People wear their hearts on their sleeves. They devote no amount of time to selfinsight, self-honesty. Thus, you should use this to benefit yourself. All flaws ofothers can be turned into uses for yourself.

You should be a figure of mystery to people; in time, they will fill the gaps of si-lence with rumours, fables, on who or what you are. These tales will spread and the right sort of person will thus come to you, seeking to know if it is true.

Your enemies will talk incessantly about you, thinking this besmirches yourcharacter; all it does is lend glamour to your fable. Let them talk about you, do not rise to it. They are your greatest assets, these parrots.

Learn to watch these people and become everything they are not. Most people never stop to think how they are presenting themselves to others, or how they are expressing themselves. They verbally vomit their opinions and assume otherpeople will piece together what they mean correctly. Other people will not. They will piece together what they want to see and hear. This is how the great-est mistakes have been made.

And remember: appearance is everything.

The Rite of the Shield

[The following is a meditation upon the unique sigil known as the Shield of Drakon, written by an associate based in the United States]

Set up outdoors shrine with a purple candle, quartz crystal, and Sunwheel drawn in the dirt. Sit within the Sunwheel, holding the crystal in your hands.

Open by crying out "Aperiatur Stella, et germinet Vindex!" nine times, ringing your bell after each repetition. Let some blood and offer it as a sacrifice to Falcifer, who shall bring forth the Chosen One, Vindex.

Then, chant the Diabolus three times, followed by the Agios Vindex once. Beginvibrating 'Chaos' as you visualize the shield of Drakon--as it begins to solidify and materialize in your mind, begin to transfer yourself into and thus beyond theshield, pushing open the nexion further and further, wider and wider. Continue this for however long empathy inclines.

When the time has come to wrap up the ritual--and you will know this intuitively- put down the crystal, stand up and hold your arms out to the heavens, crying out "Ad Satanas qui laetificat juventutem meam!".

Now meditate on the Void for 15 minutes, feeling the acausal energy buzzing within and about you, then depart.

Forsworcennes Issue I, 127 year of Fayen (2016)

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