Page 1: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna

Facebook Ads: strategy and performance



Federico Oliveri

Marketing, Communication and New Media

Page 3: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Grow & Active Model

Content Strategy

In – depth: How To Create a Content Marketing Strategy

The digital presence (website + social media) and the Content Strategy (editorial plan + campaigns) are assets thanks to which are tracked and aggregated (over time) proprietary business audience

The audience grow dynamically with the advance of the Content Strategy and can be activated if necessary

Page 4: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance



In – depth: 11 Examples of Facebook Ads That Actually Work (And Why)

Define your


Competitor analysis &

benchmarking Choose

the right Format

and Content

Define your KPIs

Fine -Tuning

Integrate the adv Creativity with the overall Content Strategy

Understand your Audience

Page 5: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Facebook Marketing Funnel: actions and goals

Demand Generation

Demand Fulfillment

Connections Management



Build Relationship



Lead Generation Awareness


Loyalty and


Audience Building/CRM

Audience Building/CRM

Audience Building/CRM

In – depth: 3 Steps to Build a Social Media Marketing Sales Funnel

Page 6: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Facebook Ads Structure

Each ad set can feature multiple ads featuring different images, CTA

buttons, links or video for A/B testing. You can also

segment bidding for each of your ads

You can set a budget for each ad set and organize each set

by audience segment. Furthermore you can define

the adv placement

Each campaign corresponds to a single adv objective, as website conversion or offer



Ad Set

Ad 1 Ad 2

Ad Set

Ad 1 Ad 2

In – depth: Ad Campaign Structure

Page 8: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Advertising Objectives and KPIs

Ad 2

In – depth: A Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Advertising

Send people to your website

Increase conversions on your website

Page post engagement

Promote your Page and get Page likes

Get installs of your app

Increase engagement in your app

Raise attendance at your event

Create offers for people to redeem in your store

Create ads that get more people to view a video

and Facebook Ads Guide

Website Clicks, CTR, CPC, Avg. Session Duration, Page Views

Checkouts, Registrations, Leads, Key Web Page Views, Ads To Cart

Likes, Shares, Commments, Clicks

Page Likes, Cost Per Page Likes

App Installs, Adds To Cart or Wishlist

Content Views, Ratings, Credit Spends

Event Responses, Cost per Event Response

Offer Claims, Sales In Store

Reach, Video Views, Average View Duration, Clicks To Play

Local awareness Impressions, CPM, Reach

Page 9: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Ads Placement

Ad 2

In – depth: Facebook Ads Placement: A Battle Royale

[Case Study]

Page 10: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Main Guidelines

Ad 2

In – depth: Facebook Advertising Policies

Landing pages


•Ads may not include images with text that covers more than 20% of the image’s area

Mentioning "Facebook" in ads

•Write “Facebook” with a capital “F”

•Use the correct logo

•Ads that imply Facebook endorsement of a product or service or that wrongly imply a partnership are not permitted

•Ads my not contain ‘before and after’ images or images of unlikely results

•Health and fitness products must be targeted to people 18 and over

• Products and services promoted in the ad copy must match those promoted on the landing page

Health and Fitness

Page 11: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Ad Targeting

Ad 2

In – depth: Ad Targeting Tutorial

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


Location: country, state/province,

city and post code

Demographics: age, gender,

relationship status, education,

workplace, life events and more

Custom and LookAlike


Interests: interests, hobbies

and page likes

Behaviours: digital activities,

device usage, seasonal events,

travel habits

and Finding your audience on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Page 12: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Custom and LookAlike Audiences

Ad 2

In – depth: Custom Audiences From Your Website [Tutorial] and LookAlike Targeting [How to]

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


Standard Custom Audience: upload a list of emails, phone numbers or Facebook user ids you want to target and Facebook will match them with

its users

Website Custom Audience: insert the Facebook tracking code on your website and you’ll be able to

target your ads for all users that have visited a specific page during a set time period

LookAlike: once you’ve created a Custom Audience, you can ask Facebook to create a broader Lookalike Audience to target your ads towards similar users.

Facebook will look for characteristics your users have in common and create a much bigger list of very similar


Page 13: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Audience Activation: examples

In – depth: Audiences Activation [Case Study]

Website Visitors

Interested in Competitors

Users from proprietary databases

Local Targets

Customers and potential ones

community of interests and behaviours

For all this audiences you can activate their friends and similar users

Page 14: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Conversion Tracking

Ad 2

In – depth: Conversion Tracking – Thomas Cook [Case Study]

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


- Checkouts, Registrations, Leads, Page Views, Adds To Cart, Other Conversions

- Set the conversion value

Create Your Pixel

You can track every objective. However, if your goal isn’t a Website Conversion, Facebook won’t optimize for that action

Create Your AD

Select the KPIs Website Actions, CPA, Value. Recall that you can also break down performance by things like age, gender, country and placement

Monitor Your Conversions

Page 15: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Custom Audiences Pixel

Ad 2

In – depth: 8 Effective Website Custom Audience Strategies

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


•All potential customers

•People who viewed a specific product or category

• People who started purchasing

•People who completed purchasing

•People interested in deals

•All pages on your website

•Product details page

•Add to cart page

•Confirmation page

•Deals page

Page 16: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Targeting Optimization

Ad 2

In – depth: How To Use Facebook Audience Insights

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


Test different copy and creative

Experiment with audience targeting



Information about

people on

Facebook, people

connected to your

page, people in

custom audience

you’ve already




Data about the

interactions with

your page





allows you to

measure the

return on

investment on

advert spend



and Graph Search as Marketing Tool

Page 17: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance



Ad 2

In – depth:

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


You pay for You should know

CPC Clicks - The better your CTR is, the lower your CPC will be

- You pay for every kind of click

CPM The amount you’re bidding is the maximum you want to pay to deliver 1,000 impressions

- Your target should be as relevant as possible - Don’t bid too low

CPA (cost per action: app installs, offer claims, page likes and link clicks)

Bidding for the maximum amount you’d like to pay every time a specific action is completed by a user

You cannot use CPA to promote external website conversions

OCPM The delivery of your ads will be optimized to display ads only to those users likely to complete the desired action

You pay more to display your ads but the overall cost per conversion will be (on average) much cheaper

Facebook Ads Bidding Guide

Page 18: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance



Ad 2

In – depth: Ads Manager Reports [Tutorial]

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


Ads Report

• Identify and understand the metrics you care

• Customize and organize adv reports

• Break down performance by things like age, gender, country, placement and conversion device


• Performance: Frequency, Actions, Reach, Impressions, Total Conversion Value

• Engagement, Videos, Website, Apps, Events, Clicks, Settings

Best Practices

• The report includes several metrics…Avoid distractions! Create concise reports that are focused on a clear objective

• Extrapolate which creativity has performed better in relationship with your target

• Compare the main KPIs of old ads for fine-tuning a new similar campaign

Page 19: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Banana Republic: Case Study

Ad 2

Location: country,

state/province, city and post



- Increase online and in – store sales during the holiday season

- Expand the customer base to new (younger) demographics

- Custom and lookalike audiences

- - Users from proprietary databases

- ROI on ad spend: + 4% - New (younger) customer acquisiton

- 60% higher CTR

The customer base has been segmented into 5 clusters: lapsed,

prospects, top tier, women who liked fashion and travel, similar to top tier

(but younger). The retailer presented each of its Custom Audiences with tailored


Page 20: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


iTrueMart: Case Study

Ad 2

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


- Boost online sales

- Increase sales of specific products

- Drive more traffic to the website

- Custom audiences

- Conversion tracking

- ROAS: + 44% - 6 million people reached

1. Ran targeted link ads to drive people to the website and

placed a conversion tracking pixel on its ‘Add to Basket’ and

‘Thank You’ pages. 2. Remarketing: website visitors,

specific product pages visitors, people who added something to

their basket, buyers

Page 21: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Vichy: Case Study

Ad 2

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


- Boost in -store sales

- Brand awareness

- Custom audiences - Audience insights

- Video ads

- ROAS: + 22% - brand recall: + 7 point

1. Video campaign showed the product benefits and invited people to take

an online test to understand what kind of hair loss they are suffering and

then give them advice on the best

product for their needs. 2. two targets: - Men and women aged 30 – 50,

interested in hair loss products - Online test visitors and test takers

Page 22: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Salesforce: Case Study

Ad 2

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


- Lead generation

- Business prospects

- Custom audiences

- Audience Insights

- Cost per lead: - 55% - + 3.500 high ‘quality’ lead

1. The test offer featured a free demo and was

targeted to people interested in CRM, Cloud Computing, Small

Business, Business Software and Data Management.

2. Custom targeting clusters to align with core target audiences, which

included Sales, Small Business Owners, IT Decision Makers, etc

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Ad 2

Location: country,

state/province, city and post


Facebook For

Business: news, case

studies, tutorials

Jon Loomer


advanced resources

for Facebook marketers

Social Media


how to articles

Blueprint: training (free) modules

AdEspresso: free e-books and webinars

Page 25: Facebook Ads: strategy and performance


Location: country,

state/province, city and post


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