  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    Conversation started Friday

    1/15, 1:30pm

    Jake Huber

    Josh, so you want to know why the God of Jesus over any other "god". I'd like to preface my answer by

    saying, first, I don't know every supposed god that's been in existence so I'm hoping you'll agree that I can

    narrow my response to the most prominent religions that claim a deity. If there is a religion in particular

    whose god you are curious about as compared to the God of Jesus, let me know and I'll do my best to

    address that in particular.

    I'll start by saying that religions contradict each other so they can't all be true. Both the Jewish and Islamic

    faith recognize Jesus; however, they disagree that he was the messiah (fulfilled prophecies). Unless you

    want me to get into Greek Mythology and comparing Zeus and the like, I'll stick primarily to the Jewish

    and Islamic faiths. Buddhism doesn't claim a deity, just enlightenment. The only other religion to note, in

    my opinion, is Hinduism and it's a more interesting case than even the Jewish or Islamic faith so I'll tackle

    that separately.

    It's important to note that It's not so much comparing one religion's God over another, but rather which

    one has the most supportive evidence and then a comparison between the religions themselves for


    As I already mentioned, Christianity is not compatible with the Jewish or Islamic faith because neither one

    believes in the resurrection of Jesus, Islam even questions the death on the cross. That's problematic forthose religions because if there's evidence to support the death and resurrection of Jesus, which I

    contend there is, that alone places the religion in peril. Some argue that the God of Christianity, Judaism,

    and Islam is one in the same. That's not exactly true. Judaism paints the same picture of the God of

    Christianity to a point, the Old Testament. But, that's only half the picture. Christianity brings us the rest of

    the picture of God through the life of Jesus. The God of Judaism is, therefore, in complete.

    Islam is even worse off because it suggests Mohammed was the last prophet. This presents a big

    problem if you consider Jesus said not only was he a prophet, he was in fact the messiah, God in the

    flesh. Why would God send another prophet after his son to provide contradictory teachings though an

    imperfect man who dies and doesn't rise again? To me, the answer is, he wouldn't.

    In essence, the three religions implore those seeking answers to decide among them. I can't possibly

    present to you all three religions in their entirety, but only one has a messenger that claimed to be God

    and that's Christianity. As I stated in the open forum, I find that a belief in the resurrection of Jesus is the

    biggest, and sometimes only, hurdle to a belief in God. How could one believe that Jesus lived, died, and

    rose again, but not believe in God? I know your question didn't include why I believe in the story of Jesus,

    but I was even surprised myself after doing some serious research to try and determine how stable (or

    shaky) the foundation is for the Christian faith. And, not based on religious dogma, but rather historical
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    accuracy and the reliability of the scriptures. If you're interested in my findings there, I'd be happy to share

    them with you. They include some atheist favorites like Bart Ehrman tongue emoticon

    So, on to Hinduism. I say it's a more interesting case because t's said to predate Christianity (some

    scholars claim Judaism as the oldest and Christianity is the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy) and doesn't

    include a Jesus figure at all. I could easily suggest that a belief in Christianity alone would disallow one

    from believing in Hinduism, but I was a bit more curious about Hinduism so I won't dismiss it so easily.

    The fact that it predates Christianity makes it more interesting to me as well, because this allows for a

    more direct God for God comparison if you will. First, Hinduism doesn't ascribe purpose to the creation of

    the world as we know it like Christianity does. Nor does Hinduism assign holiness and accountability to

    their deity. But, the starkest contrast between the two is in their methods of salvation. Christianity says

    salvation through God. Hinduism says salvation through your own efforts. I know the contrast between

    these two religions probably doesn't satisfy your question of why one over the other. To that, I refer you

    back to Jesus primarily, but there's actually more reason to believe Christianity over Hinduism. One big

    reason is the archeological/historical support Christianity enjoys over Hinduism. It's overwhelming when

    you really look into it.

    I realize my answer isn't all encompassing, but it's in large part why I say Christianity over any other

    religion. Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism. If you don't believe that, you'd have an awful lot to

    contend with when it comes to the archeological/historical facts in the New Testament, namely Jesus

    himself. Islam asks its followers (and I realize there are many) to believe in the word of a sinful man over a

    man that lived a perfect life, claimed to be God, and rose from the dead. That's an extremely succinct way

    of putting it. Of course, there's much more to it than that, but I think you get the point.

    So, let me know your thoughts when you have the time. Again, if there's an important God or religion I left

    out, preferably not something silly like Scientology or the like, I'll do my best to respond to those in

    particular. I must admit, if you're in fact an atheist, I find your question odd to begin with because it really

    does first require one to accept that a God exists. Otherwise, I'm not sure how you could have an opinion

    on anything I've said because your premise would be that no god exists. I'd love to have that discussion

    with you if that is your stance. I've had rather lengthy chats with atheists recently that were fairly

    interesting, but I have to admit, not very intellectually engaging. I'm hoping you can up the ante. tongue


    FriYou accepted Jake's request.

    1/15, 1:38pm

    Josh Gordon

    I am an atheist and do not believe there is a God. My question doesn't require me to believe in the

    existence. It just requires me to be open minded enough to see other people views.
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    With that being said, what archeological or historical evidence is there to support Jesus even existed, let

    alone that he was the Messiah?

    1/15, 1:41pm

    Jake Huber

    Just so I can gauge your level of understanding, are you in the camp that doubts the historicity of Jesus all


    1/15, 1:43pm

    Josh Gordon

    Yes. I have done a great deal of research in an attempt to find substantial proof that Jesus did in fact exist

    and no historian or archaeologist has yet to be able to provide such evidence. If you have that evidence I

    truly would like to see. As would the rest of the world. Because if there were substantial evidence of the

    existence of Jesus and that he was the Messiah there would be no room left to not believe. Which you

    already stated.

    1/15, 1:51pm

    Jake Huber

    Okay. Don't run into too many that outright doubt Jesus existed all together. If you're looking for bones ...

    obviously you won't find those tongue emoticon That would kind of negate the rose again part of the

    Christian faith. But, I have to say I'm kind of surprised that you haven't found any evidence that Jesus

    even existed. There's more than enough evidence to show he existed. No biblical scholar (to include

    skeptics) believe Jesus didn't exist at all. Hell, even Dawkins concedes that. If that alone doesn't convince

    you, I'm not sure how I can tongue emoticon What evidence do you have trouble believing? The bestevidence that Jesus existed is in the scriptures. There's some references outside of that, but most

    skeptics dismiss them outright so I don't try to argue them any more. My approach these days is in

    highlighting the reliability of the scriptures themselves. There's an excellent video on this that I'll send you

    on here once I find it. I'm not sure you you generally follow within the atheist circles, but I'm curious now

    because even the most prominent don't argue that Jesus never existed. They're content to argue he didn't

    rise from the dead because, to them, that's a miracle and the probability of a miracle is too high to fathom.
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    1/15, 1:55pm

    Jake Huber

    So, here's a debate between Dan Wallace and Bart Ehrman that speaks to the reliability of the Bible. It's a

    bit lengthy. Maybe something for you to check out when you have the time. If you're interested in a more

    one sided version, you can look up "Dan Wallace" and "reliability of the bible" on YouTube or Google and

    find plenty ...

    1/15, 1:56pm

    Jake Huber

    But again, even Bart Ehrman doesn't deny Jesus existed. You might like him because he was a long time

    Christian that turned Atheist.

    really smart dude

    1/15, 1:58pm

    Josh Gordon

    Most atheist who has truly done research on different religions will argue that Jesus never existed.

    Although I personally don't doubt that someone named Yahweh did exist who was probably fabled I to

    something he wasn't, there is no evidence of such a person. Oldest remains we have found are 2.3 million

    years old. It's reasonable that remains of Jesus would have been located by now, mainly since so many

    people have spent their entire lives to find them.

    But since you bring scripture into it as your evidence, which bible do you follow?

    1/15, 1:59pm

    Jake Huber

    Name me one mainstream, respected biblical scholar who denies Jesus existed.
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    There's probably a thousand atheists you could rattle off, but i'm talking about biblical scholars. It's unfair

    to say Jesus didn't exist without even having a thorough understanding of what's in the scriptures

    1/15, 2:01pm

    Josh Gordon

    David Fitzgerald

    1/15, 2:01pm

    Jake Huber

    I'm I follow the protestant Bible, but the differences to me between that and the Catholic or any other

    denomination are inconsequential because the core tenets are the same

    that's an atheist activist

    i'd have to research him though

    1/15, 2:02pm

    Josh Gordon

    How does a person who has studied the bible qualify as someone who can prove Jesus existed?

    1/15, 2:02pm

    Jake Huber

    always interested in who folks on the other side are following

    how does someone who hasn't studied the bible qualify as someone who can definitively say jesus didn't

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    1/15, 2:04pm

    Josh Gordon

    Because the two aren't connected.

    An archaeologist doesn't need to be able to quote scripture to search for fossils of Jesus. Just needs to

    know the area.

    1/15, 2:05pm

    Jake Huber

    Sure they are. Inseparably. Would you trust someone who knew nothing of ancient roman antiquity telling

    you Ceasar never existed?

    Jesus rose from the dead ... ergo, no bones

    1/15, 2:05pm

    Josh Gordon

    And how do you know that?

    1/15, 2:06pm

    Jake Huber

    I believe it based on the preponderance of the evidence supporting it

    1/15, 2:06pm
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    Josh Gordon

    What evidence?

    1/15, 2:12pm

    Jake Huber

    Well, I find the explosion of the early Christian church, the eye-witness testimony (to believe this you'd

    have to research the reliability of the scriptures), the reliability of the scriptures themselves with respect to

    historical accuracies (in other words we're to believe some of the Bible because it has provable facts, but

    not others because they don't?), eye-witness accounts of Jesus after dead and buried, the actions of the

    disciples after Jesus death and resurrection .... i could go on, but it sounds to me like you're still stuck

    discrediting the scriptures themselves so I'm not sure it would do any good tongue emoticon

    1/15, 2:13pm

    Jake Huber

    Honestly, I think if you at least watch the video I shared with you, which gives both sides of the story, you

    might have a different perspective

    If you discount the Bible entirely, I'm not sure you believe in history at all because there's plenty of things

    in our history books for which we have less supporting documentation

    What is the Bible if not a collection of writings from antiquity anyway? Folks have such an aversion to it

    when you give it the name Bible and assign a religion to it.

    1/15, 2:15pm

    Josh Gordon

    So the scriptures appear to be your only evidence?

    Which scriptures have been proven to be true? And in what way have they been proven?

    Which version of there bible are you using to obtain these scriptures?

    I will watch the video, although not at this moment.
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    1/15, 2:19pm

    Jake Huber

    I prefer the Protestant Bible, but again, the differences among them, to me, and most biblical scholars, is

    trivial ... it's not a matter of "proving" particular scriptures true. Believe it or not, the Bible speaks about

    historical matters. The cities it references existed (provable). The peoples it references existed (provable).

    Unless you also don't believe Jewish people exist tongue emoticon I mean, it is simply a collection of

    writings. Some strictly historical. Some parables. There's all kinds of literary usage that throws people off

    because some claim it's to be taken literally even though the Bible itself doesn't even say that. There's

    hyperbole and the like. Sometimes I think Christians are their own worst enemy because we don't all have

    the same knowledge base so when you begin to "proselytize" you can really do some damage if you don't

    know what you're talking about.

    1/15, 2:21pm

    Jake Huber

    I'm not sure how I come across to most people, but I'm actually not a deeply spiritual person. I'm just a

    very inquisitive person and I found that once I actually dug into Christianity, it made sense. And, so did a

    lot of other things.

    1/15, 2:26pm

    Josh Gordon

    You're not actually answering my question. You just keep saying there is this evidence, without providing

    any. When I ask what version of the bible I mean which translation? King James, Wycliffe etc...

    The translation makes a huge difference. Each translation has different meaning in several books. Some

    of scriptures that others don't. So it truly is important.

    1/15, 2:27pm
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    Josh Gordon

    Not to mention the knowledge of each scribe on the language their books were translated from and the

    time period for which it was done. Let alone who ordered the translation.

    1/15, 2:29pm

    Jake Huber

    I see. Well, the Catholic Bible actually has more books, that's why i referenced it that way. I suppose I

    prefer the NET translation the most. It provides footnotes when variations on words exists. It seems to

    give the truest translation, but you're wrong in assuming that the differences in translation have any

    impact on the core tenets of Christianity ... or any tents really. The Bible isn't as complicated as you seem

    to be making it out to be. When you watch the video, you'll have a clearer understanding of what I'mtalking about. There's no translation that excludes the life, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

    There's no translation in which God says one thing and another translation in which he says the exact

    opposite. I'm not sure what examination you've done on this outside of hearing other atheists tell you

    these big differences exist and they're a problem. They don't and they're not.

    1/15, 2:30pm

    Jake Huber

    You could always try reading the Bible for yourself wink emoticon

    If you go that route, however, I'd absolutely recommend a companion text that provides the context

    needed to read a book of antiquity such as the Bible

    The problem many folks fall into is thinking the Bible can simply be read by anyone. It certainly can if

    you're not trying to scrutinize, but perhaps only glean some meaning for whatever is ailing you at the

    moment, but reading it from cover to cover is extremely different.

    1/15, 2:34pm

    Josh Gordon
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    I have read the bible. King James and Wycliffe are my favorite. Mainly Wycliffe because it is one of the

    oldest and truest to what historians believe to be the closest translations. My dad is a Reverend. Reading

    and knowing the bible was required.

    There are several chapters in John that are not in king James but they are in Wycliffe. Which is odd.

    There are several rooms of Paul as well.

    1/15, 2:35pm

    Jake Huber

    Well, excellent. Than you at least understand the Bible isn't to be taken literally throughout and you're

    familiar with the historical context and literary stylings used in each section

    Honestly, I think if you check out more from Dan Wallace besides just the video I shared, you'll see whythat is and how inconsequential it is.

    I wonder how your father feels about your new belief system tongue emoticon

    One that suggests he peddles fairytales tongue emoticon

    1/15, 2:45pm

    Jake Huber

    Well, brother, I'm going to hit the hay. I'm actually in Germany. Time's about quarter to 11pm. But, I

    appreciate the engagement. Maybe next time we can discuss some atheist favorites: God of the gaps,

    The moral argument ... skies the limit wink emoticon I would like to hear about some things you do believe

    in instead of just things you don't. As I mentioned in the open forum, I believe in Intelligent Design Theory.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. There's a lot to it and, if nothing else, I hope you at least appreciate

    the fact that it would be impossible to discuss these things on an open FB page. Anyway, enjoy the day.

    Hit me up anytime.

    1/15, 2:53pm

    Josh Gordon

    It's not a new belief. I've been an atheist the majority of my life. My dad is probably the only person who

    has come close to making me actually think about the subject. Other people tend to dance in circles,
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    which no offense, is what happened here. Although I did enjoy the conversation, more answers would've

    been appreciative. And honestly I prefer the open forum. But I have been doing open forum debates for

    years on the subject. I honestly find the bible to just be a collection of made up stories. The similarities of

    some scriptures to factual events or places are merely a close resemblance. None have actually been

    proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

    I think a full fledge trial on the topic of God should be made. I know they have done televised scripted

    versions, but a true trial would be entertaining. As LEO we should hold everything in life to the same

    degree we hold the law to. I strive to at least.

    1/15, 3:03pm

    Jake Huber

    Hey man, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink tongue emoticon I like that fact that

    you at least appear curious though. Keep an open mind when you watch that video. I'm nothing if not fair

    so I gave you one that ardently argues both sides of the issue. I think you didn't see answers in what I

    provided because you don't quite know what you're looking for. You seem to be, like most atheists I've

    engaged with, looking for some magic revelation that makes things click for you. That doesn't exist. What

    we've got is what we've got. You either believe it or you don't, but hopefully you don't come to a lack of

    belief based on ignorance. I find most atheists don't spend as much time trying to understand something

    as much as they do trying to dismantle it. So, it's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's all about

    perspective. I hope you keep asking questions though. I grew up in the church, but at one time all it took

    was the idea of dinosaurs to shake my belief in God tongue emoticon I like to think I've matured since

    then and given Christianity the respect it deserves. I used to be just as dismissive as many atheists Iencounter, although I would never consider myself an atheist. More agnostic I suppose. But, after the

    research I've done, I'm firmly in the Christian camp. And, I base that on a number of things outside the

    Bible. If you're interested in continuing this discussion, I'd be glad to share those things with you. I agree

    with your suggestion that we hold everything in life to a certain standard, beyond a reasonable doubt

    perhaps the most apropos for LEOs. By that standard, I think if God were on trial he'd be proven innocent

    of a mass hoax wink emoticon By the way, if you would like more answers, ask more questions. You might

    not find everything I say satisfactory, but, again, I think it has more to do with your expectations than it

    does my responses. Cheers!

    1/15, 3:18pm

    Josh Gordon

    You can believe anything if you're looking to believe in it. But if you show up to a domestic violence case

    and you have the woman saying one thing and the man saying another, you need evidence. We don't take
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    the word of the "victim" as the truth based solely on their word. The same logic applies here. I asked

    several basic questions in which you only provided scripture as the answer. Not a specific scripture, just in

    general. As I've said, I have spent most of my life studying both sides. The logic prevails. Once someone

    can provide substantial evidence of the existence of a God, I will believe. Until then I won't. Just like I

    won't believe a "victim" without evidence. But I'll continue to search for that evidence myself just like I

    would for that victim. Being skeptical is actually a good thing believe it or not. It makes you much moreopen minded. Good luck.



    Jake Huber

    I would agree with you that SOME can believe anything if they're looking for it, but it would require

    tremendous stretches of the imagination to, say, believe in unicorns, or something of that nature. So, just

    because you are looking for something or want to believe in it, doesn't mean you can twist ANYTHING

    into proof for that thing. People come to a belief in Christianity in many different ways and I think that

    bothers atheists who largely consider themselves "thinkers" or more "open-minded" as you've stated.

    What's odd about that is that atheists close the door on the notion of a God (read: close-minded) just as

    they think Christians leave that door open. Open-mindedness is highly prized in the atheist community,

    but I've always wondered why and what exactly it is they think they're open-minded about that Christians

    can't be. I lean towards science for literally everything outside of how it all began. I think science explains

    God, not explains away God. It helps us understand his creations better, but I simply don't believe we'll

    ever reach a point where we can explain away the need for a creator. The more we have tried, the furtherwe have gotten.

    You did ask me several basic questions and I gave you several basic answers. I could tell from the

    beginning that your question about why Christianity over any other religion was simply an icebreaker. You

    seemed far more interested in proof that Jesus existed. The problem you have is that you, perhaps long

    ago, dismissed the scriptures as if they're anything but the collected writings of SEVERAL individuals, all

    of whom tell the story of Jesus. I get the feeling you expected me to turn you on to some other ancient text

    that's far less reliable as proof. There are other writings about Jesus. Folks often reference Tacitus,

    Josephus, and a host of other folks or writings in ancient times, but those are looked upon as less reliable

    and certainly less descriptive. What I don't understand is the desire to pursue "proof" outside of the most

    reliable and obvious: the Bible.

    The Bible, as we know it today, wasn't generated by one person at once. Again, I feel like a broken record,

    but it's a collection of writings. What are the odds that several different people would pass along such

    similar stories (not identical, which is important because that speaks to a lack of collusion) about the

    same man, all of which was fabricated? It's been my experience that atheists who deny Jesus even

    existed are simply trying to make their job easier because if he didn't exist then they don't have to tackle

    the challenge of arguing away what he's said to have done (miracles, rise from the dead, etc.). From what
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    you've stated to me so far, I'd have to say you've wasted a good portion of your life if you haven't even

    heard of folks like Dan Wallace, William Lane Craig, John Lennox, or a litany of other folks who dedicate

    their lives to this topic. I'm certainly familiar with the heavy hitters on the atheist side: Dawkins, Hitchens,

    Ehrman, Delahunty, and the list goes on and on. I find it important to hear what both sides have to say

    and I've truly done the research and heard the arguments. I find the atheist side lacking in key areas.

    They can make strong arguments at times, but none of them injure the core tenants of the Christian faithor explain away God.

    I'm not sure your domestic violence case is a fair comparison. This isn't a God said, man said case. Sure,

    prominent atheists have made it their mission to discredit the Bible. In other words, they've tried to

    discredit the eye-witness accounts there in, but even folks like Ehrman admit they don't have direct access

    because it's a historical document. You can't exactly cross-examine someone who has long been

    deceased. All you can do is try and understand things from their perspective and that means putting

    things in their proper context. I don't know about you, but I don't claim to be nearly smart enough on

    writings of antiquity to be able to understand them on my own. That's why I defer to experts. I don't simply

    try and use my own brand of "logic" like many atheists do. They believe they can out-think the Bible or

    other relevant facts. I know this because I'm constantly told things like "It just doesn't make sense" or"That's not logical to me" by atheists. Do you have any idea how many things science has proven seem

    counterintuitive upon first glance or seem at odds with our "common sense"? That's why I rely on the facts

    and evidence.

    You can't very well keep asking for "substantial evidence" for the existence of a God and not define what

    you consider substantial evidence. With no definition, you have the freedom to shoot down ANYTHING

    that someone presents to you as not meeting the criteria. What is that criteria?

    I think approach is important too. One atheist who I debated for several weeks was all over the place. He

    had similar questions, but once we began scratching the surface of one, he was moving on to another. It

    was one of the more manic debates I've been involved with tongue emoticon This one has a similar feel in

    that I get the feeling your approach is to cast a wide net and expect someone to answer every question it

    gathers. As I stated in the beginning, the biggest hurdle is the story of Jesus. If you can truly research that

    and come to a true understanding, then you've got a chance. If you look at ever single argument any

    atheist has ever made as one huge argument against Christianity or the existence of a God, you'll get lost

    immediately. I try to tackle one issue at a time and there are many convincing arguments if you actually

    look into it.

    Read, my friend. There are some excellent books out there that aren't incredibly "preachy" ... something

    I've noticed atheists have an oddly strong aversion to tongue emoticon One that I enjoy in particular is

    William Lane Craig's Reasonable Faith. It dispels many of the most common atheist myths, which I find

    are largely emotional pleas rather than fact based analysis.

    As a side note, I'm not sure exactly what your job is in policing. I'm actually a Special Agent for the U.S.

    Army Criminal Investigation Division. I've worked with nearly every other 3-letter Federal Agency and

    dozens of local PDs. Your comment about not believing a victim without evidence struck me. You even felt

    the need to put victim in quotations. Although I've worked everything from Murder to Drugs to Fraud, the

    bulk of my experience is in Sexual Assaults. If you had that attitude working a rape investigation, you'd get

    eaten alive by my organization. That's a common attitude I've observed in many local PDs, but it's one

    that most experienced in such cases shed long ago. It's not a matter of convicting someone on the word

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    of one other person. That I don't believe in. But, we always start by believing unless there are obvious

    signs that we should give that a second thought.

    Anyway, skeptical can be a good thing. But, as with anything in life, decisions need to be made. I might be

    skeptical about what I want for lunch, but eventually I'm going to eat something because I value living.

    Same applies with decisions about eternity. You might be skeptical for a time, as was I, but that led me to

    earnestly research the matter for the sake of my eternity. I also have a family to raise and I know when I

    began questioning things in my teen years, I didn't really get satisfactory answers from my folks who took

    a lot more on faith than I do. I hope to be able to answer my son's questions as he gets older. In fact, I

    invite them. Blind faith works for some people. Not for me. But, I value convictions over "open-

    mindedness". That's simply a clever creation to me, not a mantra worth investing my eternity into. I'm

    open-minded about a great number of things, but I don't hope to remain so. That's like saying I hope to

    straddle the fence forever. I highly doubt you take the same approach to your job. If you did, you'd never

    make a decision and stick with it.

    I hope to continue this conversation. There's a lot more out there than you think. Don't let bias and

    emotion prevent you from seeking real answers. You know, the last atheist I had a lengthy discussion with

    invited me to watch The Atheist Experience, a call in show. It was eye-opening in that it highlighted the

    emotional as opposed to fact-based arguments. They pull the same strings that Donald Trump is pulling

    now and folks fall for it hook, line, and sinker. To me, it's cheap pandering. I like facts and once you've

    started feeding yourself with facts, the cheap emotional pandering doesn't taste as good.

    I wish you the same luck in your pursuit of answers. As I said, I hope to continue the conversation.


    Jake Huber

    Here's an excellent video on the resurrection of Jesus that really hits on the reliability of the scriptures as

    well ...

    It's one I found very convincing so I hope you'll give it a fair shake

    1/16, 3:38am

    Jake Huber

    It's from 2012, but they're making new discoveries pertaining to the scriptures still today. That's where

    folks like Dan Wallace fit in for me. He has a bunch of other videos that discuss new information in great

    detail. All, of course, to the point of the reliability of the Bible.
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    Josh Gordon

    The sole reason I specifically stated the entire open minded thing was because you repeatedly made

    comments implying I was not. Which is just annoying. You're premise this entire conversation has been

    that I am not as educated on the subject as you. That I only listen to mainstream atheist on the subject. As

    I have stated, this is untrue. Actually I seldom listen or watch the mainstream atheist. I was raised being

    forced to believe. Although it didn't work too well. I have read multiple Dan Wallace books. Craig has

    stated that without faith there is no religion, so I don't read much of his work as it is unreliable.

    If you do continue the rhetoric of just trying to prove you are smarter than I am on the subject I will just

    walk away. That is just an argumentum ad hominem and it is useless.

    I originally asked the question because it was an icebreaker. That is exactly right. It provides a startingpoint. I can argue all areas of religion, but it is insane to just throw a net as you suggested. I am not sure

    how you feel I threw a net in this instance since we literally were on one subject which led to a second.

    The second was specifically connected to the first.

    When I say substantial evidence I am referring to any evidence which can be duplicated and proven. For

    instance, gravity can be duplicated and proven. Unicorns cannot. I will assert that you have no evidence

    which meets this criteria which would prove either Jesus existed or that he was the Messiah.

    The reason I don't allow the Bible or the scripture to be used as evidence is because you cannot say just

    because this book says it happened it must have happened. Especially when the book is unreliable.

    Which I am very well versed in the many many translations of the bible and the dead languages they were

    translated from. Which alone is enough for me not to trust it. Feel free to provide any other evidence on

    the subject though if you have it. I'd be interested in reading it.

    You keep telling me to go watch videos. I am not having a discussion with the people in the videos and I

    find it insulting to bring them into it. I am having a discussion with you and the reasons we each believe

    the way we do. If we have good reasons for our believes we should be able to defend them our believes

    without the help of videos made by other people. With that being said I will watch them.


    Josh Gordon

    I am 15 minutes into that video. I am still listening to it. However I am already skeptical because he is

    under the assumption that Jesus did exist to begin with. He then states he can prove the resurrection

    without the bible, then he uses the bible. His defense is that if he doesn't use the bible the skeptics will.

    That makes no sense.
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    1/16, 3:53am

    Jake Huber

    Brother, I have a great deal of humility. But, I'm also a straight shooter. If I've offended your sensibilities, it

    wasn't intentional, but I do believe I've researched this matter more than you. I don't say that to "annoy"

    you, but base it simply off of what you've stated. I don't know to what degree the disparity is, but I wouldn't

    get upset if someone more educated than myself stated as much. That's why I say atheists tend to be far

    too emotional in their arguments. I don't want things to devolve into ad hominem so I'll leave it at that. I

    provided the videos and names of relevant experts because that's who I rely upon. If you consider me an

    expert, fine. But, I assure you I'm not. I'm just a curious person who has become fairly well-read on the

    topic as a result of that curiosity. I could rattle off a number of scientific theory's that one can't duplicate,

    but are the prevailing notions in legitimate scientific communities. I think you miss the point of Christianity

    if you're looking for solid proof that can be duplicated. This gets into the free-will argument. We can gothere if you'd like. You're arguing that the Bible is unreliable, but you've offered nothing to say why. Do you

    make the same arguments for ALL ancient writings? If so, does that shake your belief in all things of

    antiquity? There's scholarship for things like this. I'm not a scholar. Neither are you. I find the thoughts and

    opinions of those far more educated than myself valuable. I haven't been given any further insight than

    they have. Neither have you on the atheist side, unless you're suggesting you have some evidence not

    available to Dawkins or the like. You say you're having a discussion with me about why we believe the way

    we do, but then you get upset that I offer you those reasons (read: provide you the experts and videos that

    convince me). Do you think I just came to the conclusions I've come to on my own simply through my own

    thought? Not at all. Again, I'm not trying to offend you in anyway. I'm simply a straight shooter. I realize I

    probably do come across as pompous or arrogant at times. That's, perhaps, a flaw of mine. You'll have to

    forgive me, but I rarely encounter anyone willing to discuss the topic from the atheist perspective who has

    done nearly as much research and argues in logic. It's almost exclusively in emotion. I'm not saying that's

    the case here, but you seem to be opening that door. I've given you things to chew on, but I haven't really

    received anything in return. That's why I'm left with assumptions. You haven't stated what your beliefs are,

    simply what they are not. As I've mentioned previously, that's a common theme I've noticed among

    atheists. It's not so much that they believe something other than that they can tear down someone else's


    1/16, 3:56am

    Jake Huber

    LOL, see. Gary Habermas = uneducated speaker of nonsense in your mind already. I assure you he's a

    pretty smart dude. Check his credentials. I know that's not everything, but he's no charlatan. It's hard to

    address your thoughts without accusing you of being uneducated yourself. I don't mean to do that, but I
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    would be humble if I were listening to someone talk about advanced calculus or some other topic for

    which I have no strong educational background. I wouldn't immediately think they're a quack because I

    don't quite yet understand what they're talking about.

    1/16, 3:57am

    Jake Huber

    I know atheists prefer to believe they, the individual, can figure all things out on their own, but there's a

    reason folks dedicate their lives to studying certain topics. I defer to their knowledge, not simply my own.

    1/16, 4:06am

    Jake Huber

    You can take everything I've given you thus far with a grain of salt. I'm simply trying to share with you the

    other side. If you've never even heard of Gary Habermas or Dan Wallace, I'd have to ask what you've

    been doing for all those years of researching the topic.

    Aside from seeking answers that confirm your already held beliefs tongue emoticon

    That was a joke by the way


    Josh Gordon

    I personally feel I am much more educated on the topic than you are. Mainly because I am working on my

    Masters in religious studies. But also because I have spent the majority of my life being forced to defend

    my lack of belief. I just did not feel it necessary to bring up because it has no true burden on whether I am

    right or you are. I can assure you I do not solely use my own thought process to come to the conclusions Ihave, but I find the in general the true reasons people believe or do not believe has a large part to do with

    their ability to process information in a logical manner. If you cannot immediately spot fallacies or

    inconsistencies with arguments than I would suggest working on that.

    As for Habermas, I did not once state he was uneducated. I did not say he was not intelligent. I simply

    stated his manner of proving his belief was instantly flawed. Which it is.
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    I do not believe in a God. The bible is unreliable because it was translated from a dialect no one spoke for

    over 1000 years. Scribes who were partially versed in Greek were able to assume the text meant one

    thing while it could have easily meant another. I do question ancient books as you should as well. As you

    mentioned they are now questioning if Caesar existed. That should be questioned. Everything should be.

    if you blindly follow something just because it comes from an old book, you are a fool. Without the bible

    there is no christianity. Therefore no reason to believe. This is only one reason I do not believe.

    The burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. It has been said a million times. If you claim

    something to be true, you must be able to explain why it is and prove it.

    I am not getting emotional in any way. I just do not appreciate the constant belittling when you do not

    know me at all. If you want to have a real discussion without attacking the intelligence of each other than I

    welcome that. If you do not know how to do that than I suggest you go find someone else who is not

    educated on the topic and belittle them.


    Jake Huber

    Richard Dawkins admits Jesus existed

    Oxford Museum of Natural History hosts a lively debate between two Oxford professors, namely Richard Dawkins and

    John Lennox. John Lennox was able to straigh...

    1/16, 4:18am

    Jake Huber
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    Just listen to that quack tongue emoticon

    And, I'm sorry, you lose me when you actually start suggesting all of antiquity needs to be re-evaluated. I

    assure you Ceaser also existed.

    Not sure where you're getting your Masters, but hopefully they aren't teaching you he didn't.

    And, by the way, religious studies isn't biblical scholarship ... I'm certain you know the difference

    Without the Bible, you're right, Christianity may not exist, but I'm not sure what your point is. That's like

    saying if Obama didn't have an autobiography, a thousand years from now we could question if he existed

    tongue emoticon


    Josh Gordon

    Dude.... they aren't it is specifically a point where I have come to a conclusion where there is very little

    proof of his existence. However I will freely move past that and concede that sure he existed.

    Now explain how you know he is the Messiah.

    Once again you are acting as if I am unintelligent in an attempt too make you appear smarter. It is a poor

    excuse for a discussion. Do you or do you not want to actually have this discussion?


    Josh Gordon

    I can post videos too it makes no difference.

    Christopher Hitchens - jesus is a Myth
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    Christopher Hitchens explains the fact that jesus was only a fabricated Myth at the 2008 Freedom Fest.


    1/16, 4:26am

    Jake Huber

    Oh God, don't feed me Hitchens. I've watched this and other debates of his ad nauseam. William Lane

    Craig tears him apart in one of my favs. If you'd like, I'll re-watch this and give you my thoughts.


    Josh Gordon

    I want to know how you know jesus was the Messiah. That is all

    1/16, 4:29am

    Jake Huber

    I've already given you that evidence. The resurrection story. You might not find it satisfying. No atheist

    ever has tongue emoticon I think another large hurdle for atheists is understanding what free-will really is.

    As I've told countless atheists, if God were to come down and prove his existence to you personally, that

    would affect your free-will. And, it would do nothing for the billions of others on the planet. One atheist

    suggested God come down and do a video taped miracle tongue emoticon Can you imagine a thousand

    years later folks simply claiming movie magic like the David Blaine's of today? There is no real way to

    satisfy that kind of demand nor should there be.

    1/16, 4:29am
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    Jake Huber

    But, I think your focus would be best placed in further research on the resurrection story

    Perhaps you could do your dissertation on it wink emoticon

    If the resurrection story is demonstrably false, your job should be quite easy


    Josh Gordon

    I should add my masters is actually in the theological studies in history of christianity. I have done a lot of

    research on the Resurrection. You have not provided ANY evidence for jesus being the Messiah. All you

    have said is that the bible says so. that is all you have said, you just used more words. You continue towant to change the topic. I am assuming it is because you are better versed on free will. We can get to

    that. However, I would like to actually finish this topic. rather than just throwing a ton of things out in no

    apparent order.

    No one has ever been dead for three days and then suddenly rose from the dead. That is how we can say

    it is not plausible. An extraordinary claim such as that must be able to be proven with extraordinary


    I do not need you to tell me where I should research. I am doing just fine in that department. I am asking

    you for your answers. Not where I can find answers.

    1/16, 4:41am

    Jake Huber

    Wow, well then all I can say is you have a lot of catching up to do tongue emoticon The reason I respect

    folks like Ehrman (in one of the videos I shared) is that they are at least honest on the facts. They might

    disagree with the interpretation of some evidence and I find some of his premises flawed (highlighted by

    folks much smarter than myself), but I don't think he's a fool or lacking in depth.

    1/16, 4:41am

    Jake Huber
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    You're asking me for answers, not where you can find answers? What does that mean? You want me to

    tell you why I believe something, but not cite my work?

    What research on the resurrection have you done? You may want to share it with the biblical scholarship

    community because there's still heated debate. And, most that are against the resurrection don't even

    deny Jesus' existence as you do.

    I'm not better versed on the topic of free-will, but I suspect that hasn't even been part of your

    consideration. It should be.

    And, I'm not changing the topic. It's germane to the topic.

    The only thing you've offered in response to my belief in the resurrection story is "Not it's not" tongue


    That's not an argument, that's a denial

    1/16, 4:46am

    Jake Huber

    I believe the eye-witness accounts in the Bible are reliable. I believe portions of the Bible are

    demonstrably true. I believe the actions of the disciples after seeing Jesus rose from the dead are telling. I

    believe the growth of the early church is telling. Are these smoking guns? No. But, again, a smoking gun

    would affect free-will. That's why it's germane.

    1/16, 4:47am

    Jake Huber

    I may not be pursuing a Master's Degree on this topic, but I'm no idiot either.


    Josh Gordon

    You can cite your work, but you should at the very least provide your answers. Again, all you have said is I

    believe because the bible says so. You haven't stated why you feel the bible is reliable or how you know it

    is true.
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    I have done some research into free will, although not as much as I have into the actual history of where

    christianity came from. Because it is absurd to quote a book as the reason for why we have free will or

    don't based solely on a book that is unreliable.

    as for my response to the resurrection story. You are asking me to disprove something that is not plausible

    and has no evidence to support it. This is like me telling you to prove that flying unicorns do not exist.

    1/16, 4:49am

    Jake Huber

    If I'm not allowed to believe in the Bible, what am I allowed to believe in according to you?

    You keep saying I can't cite the Bible. Why not? I find it reliable as do most who study it.

    Why do you insist on an outside source as if the Bible is some tainted document. It's a collection of

    writings, not a book from start to finish.


    Josh Gordon

    You can believe int he bible all you want. You can believe in whatever you want. You cannot cite it

    because it is not reliable. UNLESS you can provide evidence for it to be considered reliable. I stated this

    earlier and even asked how you know it is reliable. you stated basically because you do.

    1/16, 4:50am

    Jake Huber

    I'm troubled by the fact that, like most atheist, you seek less reliable proof to inform your beliefs.

    Tell me something you do believe in. Then, I'll ask you why. You'll cite some person or writing. I'll tell you

    that person or writing is unreliable with absolutely nothing to show that. Then where are we? ... Here.

    That's where we are tongue emoticon

    The work of Biblical scholars is the evidence for the reliability of the Bible. It's the methodical work they do

    an ALL texts of antiquity that allows us to rely upon them. If not for that, yes, I'd agree we could question

    everything that's ever been in our history books.
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    1/16, 4:54am

    Jake Huber

    Come on, man. You're not honestly trying to tell me that nearly every theologian that's ever lived got it all

    wrong about Jesus are you? I know you've sort of already conceded Jesus existed. If you really have had

    a change of heart on that, then why do you keep attacking the Bible as unreliable?

    1/16, 4:56am

    Jake Huber

    I get you have problems believing in miracles, which the resurrection would be, but do you really believe

    the folks that say they witnessed it simply made it up? For what purpose? Is that the only thing they made

    up? What evidence do you have that they fabricated the story? We have an offense called False Official

    Statement under UCMJ, but we have to prove it in order to charge someone with it. We can't simply say

    they're lying because their story doesn't make sense.


    Josh Gordon

    This conversation has gone exactly like every discussion does with theist who think they have done all this

    research on the topic when in retrospect they only read the bible and listened to what other people said

    about the bible being true. It doesn't make for a good discussion. it just shows lack of education on the

    subject. which is disappointing. I recommend you do more research on the earlier translations of the bible.

    you might be surprised at how they were translated and why.

    I do not know if Jesus existed. I never stated he didn't. I simply stated there is lack of evidence that he did.

    It is plausible that he did. However it is not plausible he is the Messiah. The likelyhood of the bible being a

    collection of fables created to teach people something. Just as greek mythology is.

    1/16, 4:58am
  • 7/25/2019 Facebook Religious Discussion 2016


    Jake Huber

    You might ask yourself why the conversations always go the same way. And, do so with some humility.

    What education on the subject have you provided here?

    Go back and read our entire conversation. You've offered a big goose egg, my friend.

    And, while you're re-reading our conversation, notice the several times you denied Jesus existed outright.

    I worry for our education system if at your level you still look at the Bible as a collection of fables. It

    highlights a deep lack of understanding about the writings within the Bible.

    It's as if you believe the writers of the books all got together and said, "Hey, let's make up a religion that

    will be scrutinized for thousands of years."

    I hope you at least realize the impossibility of that.


    Josh Gordon

    Eye witness testimony is useless and as an investigator you should know that. It is unreliable. ask 10

    people at a crime scene what happened and you will get 10 stories.

    Now if you get called somewhere and are told that a crime has been committed, do you not look for

    evidence that a crime was committed? if no evidence existed do you take the word of the RP?

    I stated there is a lack of evidence to say jesus did exist. that is not the same as saying he did not.

    You once again have provided nothing short of faith as to why you believe. I seriously doubt you have

    done any real research into any religious studies and have probably gathered the majority of your

    information from church and youtube. I am finished with this conversation now, mainly because it is not

    going anywhere because you only have faith and nothing else. If you do actual research and come to the

    realization of actual evidence to support any claim you have made, feel free to contact me again.

    Otherwise good luck and stay safe.

    Jake is typing...

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