Page 1: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

Facepage Builder

sss–g ldt. software factory switzerland

shs – g software factory

shs – g software factory

Page 2: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

Facepage Builder is a easy-to-

use online tool with which

businesses and Facebook Page

owners with ease can use to

custom design and build their

own Facebook pages, without

any technical or graphics skills

and instantly publish it to

Facebook Nobody need to be a

Web-developer anymore.

Facepage Builder is a 100% free

service and allows users to add

pictures, embed videos, change

the colors, type in a text, and

more. The tool’s are ready-made

templates make it a cinch to

install on your Facebook page.

Facepage Builder Software as a

Service is founded by Markus

Bauer owner of a web-developer

Advertising Agency. Try our FPO

for your self click the Get Started

button or choose one of the

newest templates below!

The Facepage Builder templates

at are very easy to use. After

selecting the layout you would

like to use.


About Facepage Builder…

Page 3: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

Design speed impact with Facepage Builder easy-to-use Facebook fan page templates. Load

images and text onto your new Facebook page with ease. Our Facepage Builder templates look

great and project just the professional image your business needs. Our Facebook Facepage

Builder templates really works and you have to the right place. Your job is only click "Customize"


First impressions counts Facepage Builder templates!...

Page 4: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

Facepage Builder video template site for a cool and interactive feel.

Create instant impact with one of Facepage Builder easy-to-use Facebook fan page templates. Add images

and text with ease. Our page templates look great and project just the professional image your business

needs. For Facebook templates that really work, you’ve come to the right place. Have a go now by clicking

the Customize button

Interactive – the Megatrend

Facepage Builder is the pro-

fessionally fan pages designed

and fully customized if you want

or if you decide with action

scripts, FBJS, contact forms, lead

generators, video channel

integration, scrolling image

galleries, social commenting and

suggestion boxes, mini sites and

landing page optimization. That’s

what you want. Take the

templates or ask for help.

Facebook fan page video embedding for a slick-looking interactive feel …

Page 5: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

Benefits of the program…

IFrame is the new technologie Facepage Builder’s great-looking


Make a great first impression with Facepage Builder an attractive and easy-

to-deploy branded splash templates on Facebook that welcomes new

visitors, builds brand loyality and drives fans to desired destinations.

Facepage Builder lets you work on your own image and upload it to

Facebook. Design you prefer your own picture create in your own program

upload it with ease as a Facebook page using Facepage Builder No

Facebook static fbml skills, Facebook html or API knowledge is required.

Custom-create your own Facebook page for maximum impact and style

Page 6: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

What does the Facebook Page Builder - we will provide additional options are available …

Your professional online store

with the Facebook Page


With a series of processes, most

varied styles show your friends

and Inter ducks that your online

shop can be different. The

contribu-Without leaving the

Facebook fan page allows you to

showcase the wide variety of pets

offers or services on your Face-

book shop now. Let's show

products in your bandwidth on

your new Facebook fan page for

the best. Whether product

description, or a discount on new

trends, commanded, everything

show you what is important. All

individually tailored to your

company's true. With the

templates of Facepage Builder no

problem and everything is 1-2-3

"Do it your self" is created.

Page 7: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

To retain customers to your product with our Reveal Tab function.

To welcome new customers a highly professional manner on the first page to see their

new fans. Binding sites that welcome customers and end-all its own fan page. The layout

is professionally designed and has a creative and fresh. Simply choose your color

palette, the color and even your page appears in the right look. What could be easier to

create your own customized Facebook landing page. As the first provider, we offer you to

easily handle a drag and drop solution for the generation of the templates.

Brief overview of how easy it is to make a face Facepage Store Page.

The easiest way is to know the Face Page Builder Store Page to use it. Simply upload

the latest products, enter text and see how easy it is. 1-2-3 is the principle of the shop

page for facebook page builder.

Page 8: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

Facepage Builder ShopTab includes…

Your Facepage Builder is

showcase through Shop-Tab for

as little as €10/month. Available in

over 30 currencies worldwide.

easy to use - add and edit

products individual or in bulk

through an easy data feed. Use

categories and prize range.

Create your own data feed.

Customer share products with

their friends on Facebook. Use

Facepage Builder Shop-Tab in

your language.

Page 9: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

Affliate Marketing Facebook Facepage Builder (FPB):

A lucrative offer for our customers FCB. FCB is a start-up

Facebook pages in custom online design. The re-sale

opportunities are huge and the commission is fantastic

because FCB a variety of marketing materials for resellers is

available! The demand for custom Facebook pages is

growing every day! So you should not miss the chance to

not let this stand still in its infancy business to earn with. We

pay for every customer referred 40% commission. Simply

log on and explore new business opportunities with

Facebook Facepage Builder. Whether it concerns the pure

template marketing or Facepage Builder Store tab.

Banner Advertising:

By subscribing to our Affiliate Program available

automatically to any advertising medium is your personal

resellers generated code of course, attached to the same

advertising media urls. To earn without expecting any great

effort on every customer you bring to the purchases and a

product from us. And the commissions run as long as the

customer uses the Facepage Builder. No matter where you

face Facepage Builder advertise on blogs or website.

Affliate Marketing Facebook Facepage Builder (FPB) - Earn with!…

Page 10: Facepage Builder sss-g Ldt

shs – g software factory

Programming Consulting Project Management Software & Internet Development Design Support Training

shs – g software factory

sss - g ldt. Sarmenstorferstrasse 3

CH- 5615 Fahrwangen

t. +41 (0)44 552 07 70

t. +41 (0)44 552 07 71

mail: [email protected]

mail: [email protected]

shs – g software factory

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