Slide 1
Session Objective - To introduce the audience to the denition and i!"ortance o#
$E%ecti&e Ti!e Mana'e!ent’ (hence#orth ter!ed as $ETM’) in their "ro#essional
li&es* As the charts and acti&ities are "ointin' to+ards +or,in' "ro#essionals rather
than da to da student act&ities*
What is to be done .
1 /e'in +ith the acco!"anin' "o+er "oint on ETM and conduct Tas, 1
0Arran'e the cards and su2se3uentl de 2rie#* 4 Carr on +ith the ""t* 5ules6disci"line to 2e #ollo+ed in the class can 2e
announced 2e#ore closin' the session*
Faculty guidance for conducting ETM’s Task 1 (Slide ! "#rrange the
Overvie% &
 This Fun acti&it +ill hel" ou "ro&e to our class "artici"ants the i!"ortance o#
"lannin' and dele'atin' tas,s in 2ein' a2le to "ro"erl !ana'e ti!e * This #un
 Tools6Ite!s re3uired8
Several decks of 'laying cards (a dec, o# cards #or each 'rou" de"endin' on the
nu!2er o# 'rou"s and the si7e o# our class): Sto" +atch to record the ti!e*
Set u" 8
1* S'lit the class into eual grou's of ) to * 'ersons 'er grou' : 'i&e each
'rou" a dec, o# "lain' cards*
4* Tell the 'rou"s that the 'ur'ose o# this e+ercise is to %ork as e,ectively as
'ossible in our tea!s to co!"lete the #ollo+in' tas, (See rules 2elo+) and that
each tea! is co!"etin' +ith other tea!s and the %inning tea- is the one that
can .nish the task in the shortest 'ossible ti-e *
;* The #acult needs to sho% slide 4 so that the cards are laid out as "er the 'i&en
 You need to la out the cards e<actl as sho+n in the ""t* All cards !ust 2e in neat
tid ro+s +ith no cards touchin'* The ai! is to co!"lete this tas, in the #astest
"ossi2le ti!e . ou are directl in co!"etition +ith the other tea!s in the roo!=
 You ha&e 0 -inutes to 're'are our strate' and underta,e an "ractice runs*
 You !a use an resources in the roo! to assist ou in our tas,* At the end o# 9
!inutes ou +ill 2e as,ed to su2!it an esti-ate ti-e in %hich you %ill
co-'lete the tas,* You +ill then 2e as,ed to co!"lete the tas, a'ainst the cloc,*
Good Luc,==
 There +ill 2e rounds to the 'a!e: the idea is that each tea! i!"ro&es their ti!e
throu'hout the successi&e rounds o# the 'a!e*
Faculty guidance for conducting the E2S tasks (slide ! on de.ning
Slide 4 Slide ;
Slide 4 is sel# e<"lanator and +ill #acilitate the #acult #or !o&in' to slide ; that
denes ETM*
Facult 'uidance #or conductin' ETM tas, ; (Slide 19)8 >ele'ation S,ill "ractice
Slide 10
Con'ratulations= You nall 'ot the assistant ou al+as +anted* To start o% this
dele'ation e<ercise tell "artici"ants to i!a'ine that nall !ana'e!ent in our
co!"an reali7ed ho+ hard ou are +or,in' and decided to a""oint an assistant #or
ou: It?s 'reat ne+s #or ou 2ut it !eans ou ha&e to start dele'atin' so!e o# our
 Tools6Ite!s re3uired8
As, each "artici"ant to thin, o# the one tas, the hate the !ost in their actual da
to da @o2s 2ecause nall the +ill 'et the chance to dele'ate this tas, to their
ne+l a""ointed "ersonal assistant*
 or, in 'rou"s o# three to "ractice dele'atin'*
 Three di%erent roles
Note: the observer will use the observer sheet below to give feedback at
the end of the exercise
 Each round8
 ractice dele'ation (D !inutes)
 Three rounds8
/ound 1   /ound
>ele'ation o2ser&er +or,sheet
>id the dele'ator e<"lain the i!"ortance o# the tas,
Co!!ents 8
>id the dele'ator e<"lain ho+ to do the tas,
Co!!ents 8
 Yes No
>id the dele'ator "resent the e<"ected results in a SMA5T 'oal
Co!!ents 8
 Yes No
>id the dele'ator 'i&e the e!"loee the authorit to do the tas,
 Yes No
 Yes No
>id the dele'ator as, the e!"loee to su!!ari7e the tas,
>id the dele'ator encoura'e the e!"loee to as, 3uestions
. Is not our stren'th and so!eone else has !ore s,ill
. 5e3uires a lo+er le&el o# e<"ertise
. ill ta,e !ore ti!e that ou ha&e and so!eone else has the ti!e
. ould 2e a 'ood trainin' o""ortunit
 To dele'ate e%ecti&el ou ha&e to #ollo+ a "ro"er dele'ation "rocess: rst o# all
ou need to clearl %rite do+n the #ollo+in'
6efore 4elegating -ake sure you&
1* Identi# the tas,

4elegation Ste's
a) Ho+ does it t +ith the tea! 'oals
2) Ho+ does it contri2ute to Voda#one’s success
4* >escri2e ho+ to do the tas, and +hat is needed in ter!s o# results*
a) In&est ti!e and +rite the results do+n*
2) rite the results as a SMA5T 'oal*
;* Gi&e the "erson the authorit the need to do the @o2*
a) Allo+ the! to contri2ute their o+n ideas on ho+ to "roceed*
2) Ma,e sure others ,no+ the "erson has the authorit to co!"lete this tas,*
* Indicate +hen the @o2 needs to 2e co!"leted and 'et a'ree!ent*
9* Chec, #or understandin' 2 as,in' the other "erson to8
a) Su!!ari7e their understandin' o# the tas,: e<"ected results: chec,"oints and
#fter 4elegating&
4* Gi&e "ositi&e and constructi&e #eed2ac,*
;* Ma,e oursel# a&aila2le*
* Acce"t ris,a&oid "er#ectionis!*
9* Li!it standards to +hat is acce"ta2le and e<"ect a learnin' cur&e*
4elegation 're'aration #ctivity
In the previous exercise: ou identied e!"loees +ho +ould 2enet #ro!
learnin' ne+ tas,s throu'h dele'ation* Select one o# the e!"loees ou identied
and "re"are to "ractice dele'atin' the ne+ tas,* Use the s"ace 2elo+ to "re"are #or
our "ractice session*
;* hat authorit or !aterials +ill the "erson need to co!"lete the tas,
What7s the 'oint fro- this activity8&
 The !ain learnin' "oint #ro! this acti&it is to !a,e the "artici"ants "ractice and
e<"erience the i!"ortance o# "lannin' and dele'atin'6di&idin' +or, a!on' the!
to "ro"erl !ana'e their ti!e and achie&e the re3uired tas, in the shortest ti!e
4iscussion 9 4ebrief&
hat usuall ha""ens +hen runnin' this acti&it is that "artici"ants don?t usuall
co!e u" +ith a 'ood strate' durin' the rst "ractice runs so the end u" ta,in' a
&er lon' ti!e to 'et the tas, done* /ut +hat ha""ens on the #ollo+in' runs is that
once the start !a,in' a 'ood strate' and di&ide the +or, a!on' the!sel&es:
each 'rou"?s ti!in' si'nicantl i!"ro&es on the ne<t run and the !ore the
i!"ro&e their strate' and their "lan the 2etter ti!e the !a,e on each o# the
#ollo+in' runs*
And this is the !ain ta,e a+a #ro! this #un acti&it that once +e ha&e a 'ood "lan
in ad&ance: +e +ill 2e a2le to 'et the re3uired tas,s in the shortest "ossi2le ti!e
&ersus ha&in' no "lan at all and endin' u" con#used and "ut a lot o# unnecessar
e%ort and ti!e in a tas, that should ha&e ta,en !uch less e%ort and ti!e i# +e had
a 'ood "lan in ad&ance*
Facult 'uidance #or e<"lainin' slides 1: 1K and 1D on $ill rocrastination’
Slide 1 Slide 1K
Slide 1D
indl clic, one at a ti!e on slides 1: 1K and 1D as each i!a'e is to 2e e<"lained
+ith the "oints 2elo+8
• Get started - 2e'innin' is usuall the hardest "art* Bnce ou ha&e #or!ed
the ;-da ha2it ou’re destined to succeed*
• /rea, the tas, do+n into !ana'ea2le chun,s - I# the "ro2le! see!s to 2e a
2i' one and ou don’t ,no+ +here to 2e'in: start +ith the easiest chun, to
'i&e ou condence: then ta,e it one 2ite at a ti!e*
• Use our $ti!e 'a"s’ - e&en in &e !inutes ou can acco!"lish a lot* You can
o#ten !a,e our C tas,s disa""ear durin' these 3uieter !o!ents*
• I!"ortant tas,s rst - routine see!s eas - so +e +aste ti!e on it 2 tac,lin'
it rst* Schedule the dicult tas,s rst and then $re+ard’ oursel# +ith the
eas tas,s*
• 5e+ard oursel# - i# ou reall don’t +ant to do it: 'i&e oursel# so!ethin' to
loo, #or+ard to* hen I’&e done this: I +ill ha&e a co%ee 6 'o #or a +al,*
• Start in the !iddle - I# the rst ste" see!s the hardest: tr startin' in the
!iddle and +or, our +a out+ards*
• Gi&e oursel# !ore ti!e - Set our alar! cloc, 19 !inutes earlier*
• Si!"li# it - As, oursel# i# ou could do it di%erentl* Ma2e ou are !a,in'
it !ore co!"licated than it needs to 2e*
• 4o nothing: - Tell oursel# that #or #teen !inutes ou are 'oin' to sit +ith
the tas,s and not do anthin'* Generall "eo"le 2eco!e 2ored and start*
  4elegate it;
• <nvolve so-eone else = Tell the! +hat ou intend to do: and as, the! to
chec, on our "ro'ress=
• >se your leisure ti-e for leisure = I# ou sto" "rocrastinatin' then our
leisure ti!e +ill 2e $'uilt #ree’*

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